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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 01/21/24 10:11
by bunniefuu
I only ever wished to offer you comfort.

Comfort was not worth it.

Temperance Yeardley told me
I must remarry. And quickly.

'Every instinct makes me fight
against such a confinement.'

I am sick

of the likes of you vermin!

You said I was...

I've heard tell of men, Master Massinger,

made blind with rage.

Tell the governor that you
found the secretary on his knees.

It will make no difference.
He already possesses me.

And that is why he refuses to
suspect you as the Spanish spy.

No, he already knows who that is.

Does it say if Governor
Yeardley's cargo was also lost?

No, it doesn't say that.

Ours is stolen, but his is
safe. In't that suspicious?

If Yeardley believes he's seen
the last of the Sharrows' anger,

he will need new eyes.

Every working man in the town

that cares about his
livelihood, gather round!

A whole year's work! Robbed from us!

Privateers, we're told. Now,
if our tobacco can go missing,

then any man's can.


You dare to fire off your musket
in this settlement, Sharrow?

We want to know why our
tobacco was stolen out at sea,

- but our governor's was not.
- Yes.


Is that right?

The proper place for matters such
as this is the house of burgesses.

Everyone knows how Yeardley
resents our prospering.

The Spanish are coming.

Philip the Papist has sent a
fleet of warships to attack us.

They might be off our coast any day now.

People of Jamestown, we
will soon be under siege!

Every man amongst you
must prepare for battle.

The marshal will order you into
readiness to defend our settlement.

Our purpose here is holy.

We fight with God on our side!


Farmers from the farms close by
must gather inside the fortifications

and remain here to make
ready to defend our colony.


Subtitles by explosiveskull

How the world doth darkle.

A dispatch from God, Lady Yeardley.

To warn us that menace draws near

and that we must be ready to fight it.

Don't it suit the
governor to have such news,

when there is an uprising
on his own doorstep?

- What shall we do now, Henry?
- Silas. I know what this means.

I've seen it before, back
at my home in England.

Some terrible spirit is coming here.


Governor, why is it the Spanish
should choose to invade us now?

Because they have always
coveted our colony.

Surely it is because they have a spy.

I do not understand why you
stand back from denouncing...

We might soon be facing Spanish cannons.

I do not need you snapping
at my heels, madam!

Who is it? Keep away! You keep away!

It's Mercy Myrtle, sir, Widow
Castell's maid, and no one else.

Mr Massinger. You can't see anything.

The world's as black as hell.

Sir, will you take my hand?

Why will you help me?

Why, sir? Because you need help.

- To the blacksmith!
- Keep your eyes open, lads!

We'll need swords, Read. And daggers.

A call will go out for
anything that might be smelted,

- and made into weapons or amm*nit*on.
- I can forge swords, sir.

But it'll be quicker to make halberds,

and easier to use for
them that aren't skilled.

Why do you look so contented, Master Read?

Oh, something like this gives
a man a chance to prove himself.

Prove himself to a king who
hasn't as much as set foot here,

or to a governor who had you
whipped and hanged by your neck?

You mean display your courage to a woman.

Your filthy face cannot
hide your chivalrous heart.

Suppose a woman has no call for chivalry?

When I asked you to promise
me you wouldn't love me,

it was not because you're a blacksmith.

It's because you're a man.


The black sun was a sign.

Do you see anything strange about?

Hell's teeth, woman. It's all strange.

There's to be a w*r, and
here we are, fetchin' food.

Ugh, look at them.

Strutting cocks, the lot of them.

Well, I want to be in.
Amongst the fighting.

Verity, you can't. Did you
ever hear of Mary Ambree?

♪ Come, all ye, to hear
of the Battle of Ghent

♪ A captain courageous
that death could not daunt ♪

♪ Come all ye, come all
ye, by two and by three

♪ First into battle was Mary Ambree

In Congo, I was the best
warrior with a sword.

Everybody knew it. The Spanish will see it.

I have heard tales of the
Spaniards' fighting men.

Ruthless. Merciless.

Vile torturers.

Aah. I hope they will come soon.

Close up the gates!

Hold hard!

What has become of him?

As the sky went black, sir, there he were,

cursin' and roarin'
and strikin' at nothin'.

I ain't never seen nothin' so pitiful.

Pitiable. Pitying.



Bring him to my apothecary, Mercy.

Pedro, I have such frail blood,
cowardice is my only religion.

I fear, as men die about
me, I will run like a cur.

Pedro. You are a man of rare pluck.

Where might I find the same?

Shake your beard, Meredith Rutter!

Huh? You're dying already

from the creeping and
crawling around your own soul!

Give death a slap, my friend.


But how?

Which men amongst you will
take the first night watch?

I will, Marshal! I have the
best eyes in all of Virginia.

And so will Master Rutter!

My brave companion wishes
to show to Jamestown

that he is a fearless warrior.

If you are to be the watch,
Rutter, then you will be sober.

Marshal. Did you ever hear
of Captain Mary Ambree?

She fought boldly against the Spanish.

Me ma sang me the ballad of it at her knee.

I wish to fight like her. Sir.

You couldn't so much as lift a sword.

I'll have no woman's
warm cake in my militia.


It seems, sir, that the vital
spirits of your body have...

boiled up like an earthquake
and att*cked your every part.

That is what has reached your
eyes and taken your sight away.

I must have my eyes back.

We'll try with a tincture
of mistletoe and peony.

If that fails, Master Massinger,

we must let blood from your head.

I will pray for you, sir,
with all my living soul.

Sir, I might pray better
if I had my hand free.

If a ship comes, Rutter,

it will advance from the
river, not from the woods.

Yes, Secretary, but them Spaniards,
sir, they're known to be devious.

Devious, Rutter.

Not miraculous.

Did you see him, Meredith?

I saw something.

Was it a man?

He passed amongst the graves there below.

Silas. Silas, come and see.

Look, there on the floor.

Maggots. Maggots are a
sign of the walking dead.



I smell perfume. Is it the widow?

Mercy, take Master Massinger
outside for some air.

Yes, ma'am.

Here we go.

Christopher, when I left my
wedding ring here with you,

- what did you do with it?
- I placed it here.

In this box.

- It was beside me on the pillow.
- A trick.

Someone attempting to torment you.

Samuel has risen from the grave.

Mistress Castell, there
is wild talk about the town

that you witnessed a ghost abroad.

Mercy saw the apparition
at the window. She said...

She told me it was Samuel.

Your maid spends half her life
in a state of fright or fantasy.

There is no domain
between Earth and Heaven.

It is a trick by Papists

to herd the fearful into
their malicious embrace.

I will not allow any
talk of spirits and demons

as men prepare for battle.

There'll be no mention of this.
Do you understand, Jocelyn?

I fear it is too late for that, Governor.

Others saw it too.

Hands! They att*cked me by the throat.

Claws, they were! Drizzling blood!

I had to fight 'em off.

Yeah, I saw no claws drizzling blood.

That part of the affair Pedro did
not witness, for he looked away.

What's this talk of spirits
walking amongst us, Rutter?

Know this, Marshal.

It weren't human. That's what.

- Eyes like shrieks from Hell.
- I'll have none of it!

You make the tale taller
with every telling, Rutter.

My own mother's ghost lay
beside me, beneath my bedsheets,

her hand upon my cheek,
every night for a month.

That is why I came to the
other side of the globe.

Men dream up spectres before their eyes

when their senses are assailed
with fears and terrors.

- Who will volunteer for the night watch?
- I will, Marshal.

And my brave friend, Master Rutter.

You're keen to boast you're not shaken

by the fright of the dark, Rutter?

You'll do.

- What was it that you saw, Pedro?
- Oh, I was not afraid.

But what did you see?

Ma'am, I cannot trust what
my eyes told me in the dark.

Well, you have the best eyes in
Virginia, Pedro, I heard you say.

I saw Master Castell.

But it was not him.

It was only the dead corpse of the man.



We had to rework swords and
armoury to make farm tools,

cos the talk was all of land and peace.

Show me how to make a sword, James Read.

The fire, the billet,
the hammer and the anvil.


We Sharrows are loyal Virginia men.

But after this business
with the Spanish is done,

we will be asking our governor

what happened to our shipment
that went missing at sea.

Do you doubt me, Sharrow?
Do you dare thr*aten me?

Perhaps you will prefer to tell us, sir,

why our tobacco was lost, and not yours.

I see why you might
arrive at such a suspicion,

but the explanation
might not be as convenient

as you so clearly hope for.

Life without eyes in this place.

I wouldn't wish that on
any man, not even Massinger.

Sure you would.

Didn't Massinger tell me he
would do anything in his power

to stop the Sharrows from prospering?

Now, wouldn't that make sense of it?

Massinger arranged with the
captain of the Royal Moon

for our cargo of tobacco to be lost.

That man said many times
how he wants to destroy you.

Don't mean it was him
who had your cargo stolen.

Confirmation of it might
come from the man himself.

Mistress Castell, Pedro said it was
your husband he saw by the graves.

Mercy witnessed the
same through the window.

Alice, he left our
wedding ring on the pillow.

What does it mean?

I lived on a farm in the most
far-off corner of nowhere.

Trees that shrouded the house in darkness.

Night owls calling low.

My father said that when I was a child,

I was touched by a sense of things beyond.

I heard such creaks and moans.

I told him there was a spirit
attempting to come into our house.

But then, such strange
apparitions came about

as pots and pans would move
when no one touched them.

When we saw the ghost, my uncle wept.

Told us he recognised him.

He admitted he'd stolen a purse
from a dying man by the roadside.

He took some coins from it, burned
the love letter that was inside.

And the next morning,
we found my uncle dead,

his own knife in his eye
and his own hand upon it.

This is a story of vengeance, Alice.

That is why Samuel has returned.

Because my toying with romance has
angered him from beyond the grave.


Men try to possess me even
from beyond this world.

What must I do, Alice?

I've seen what such evil spirits can do.

I will not let that happen again.

We must banish the ghost.
Prevent him from returning.


It's a foul business, ma'am,
but I will help you do it.

We must ask James Read
to make us metal spikes

with the sharpest points upon them.

What do food taste of to a blind man, sir?

- Food, huh?
- Hm.

When I take this blade out of your mouth,

you will tell me the dealings you've had

with the captain of the Royal Moon.

The arrangement that you made with him

for our tobacco never to reach England.

You speak, Master Massinger.

While you still have
a tongue to speak with.

Cut out me tongue. If you dare.

What is this?

Governor, we believe that
this man made corrupt dealings

with a ship's captain
to steal away our profit.

First you blame me, then
you accuse Master Massinger.

Marshal, take him to the garrison.

Do not make me prove to you
what kind of fighting man I am.

Leave this business to me
to resolve as I see fit.

He will not leave his
grave while they are there.

You must do it with me, ma'am.

He must know that you refuse him returning.

Why won't God let my master rest?

You know what that is, Pedro?


In the darkness, there
is terror, that's what.

You told me you wanted to
find your courage, Meredith.

Yeah, and I want to lose it again.

Don't you volunteer me no more.

I mean, I might be bold enough if
I had a glass or two, but sober...

Even the word of it is ugly.

Sober. Sober.


How is it that men like you, Pedro,

or like James Read and the Sharrows,

you can forego the drink,

and the world is not made
of filth and fear to you?




Is someone there?

Who is it?


It is Maria.

Maria, what are you doing about?

Mistress Sharrow, what are you doing about?

Maria, I do admire your defiance.

The spirit is about.

The phantom will call
to Widow Castell's house.

Why would you do such a thing, George?

It does not say attack!

It is only that the
Spanish are out to get here.

It is only angry talk,
as it has been for years.

Why has the whole town been put
into a state of fear and worry?

Fields left untended. Families
huddled, afraid, at night.

Since you have returned this time, my dear,

you have possessed a
new boldness about you.

I plead with you, as a
devoted, obedient wife.

See what is about you!

The sun turned black!

A man struck blind!

Did we offend God?

Sh, sh, sh, sh, my pet. Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.

Your difficulty does not lie in the letter.

It is your wish to read it that
has brought you to such a condition.

I saw something in your face
as you made your pronouncement.

Some delicate telltale sign of deceit.

Then let me show you

how you might know relief
from such anxieties.

Never see such things in my face

ever again.

Someone's pulled them from the grave.

Did you see anyone out
there last night, Pedro?

Uh... No, Mistress Sharrow.

I saw Maria about. You didn't notice her?

Hold hard! Hold hard!

When a man... a good man...

dies a long way from
home, as a true Englishman,

like Samuel Castell did,

it is not unknown for a man's soul
to become susceptible to demons.

The poor spirit might rail around
in the night, to plead for our aid.

And I, for one, will not deny him.

We will implore God for the
deliverance of our trusted recorder.

And I know that all you true Christians

will want to offer prayer.

Led by my wife.

We pray and beseech You, O Lord,

as many as are here
present, with humble voice.

You raise the dead to life in the spirit.

O Lord, have mercy upon
us miserable offenders.

Deliver unto Heaven, O God,

them that have lost their way.

Restore them to Thy grace.

In Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Jesus have mercy.

I myself will join the night watch.

Let no man fear nor
doubt shades of the dark

when our mettle is needed
to save this glorious colony.

Take up your duties!

We'll fight with every
last drop of Albion blood!

Maria. Did you take the
spikes from the ground?



Why do you believe me so easily,
when I know you saw me in the night?

Because you are Maria.

It was the widow took the
spikes from the ground,

because I told her it was a suffering

for a spirit to be quiet
when he needs to speak.



I couldn't help but see that when
James Read comforted you last night,

the apparition's attack stopped.

I do not believe the spirit's
anger is aimed at you.

It seems he wants to shake you.

Samuel was k*lled, but the true
cause of it is yet to be named.

Our faith forbids any living soul
from speaking with a ghost, but...

it seems we must do it.

Ah, this sword is such a beauty, James.

Might it be mine for the keeping?

Will you teach me how to use it?

I don't care what the marshal says.

I ain't afraid of dying.

And I ain't afraid of killin' any
would seek to trample us underfoot.

Come here.

All right. Grip the
sword in your strong hand,

your other hand underneath it.

Hold the sword here so the
pommel's away from your body.

Then s*ab at the sky,

left hand... left hand
past your eye, and then...

down onto your foe.

So, use the right hand to guide the blade

and the left hand to set the force into it.

Go on.

- Uh-huh.
- Have you k*lled many men, James Read?

It ain't the number that matters, Verity.

It's the cry of a man put to the sword.

That haunts you.

It in't a sound I wish you to know.

But if you want to fight, that's the price.

What did you say, man?

If a man's manitou is here,

it is because his life is not finished.

There are deeds yet to
do, matters he must see.

He cannot move away to the spirit world

until his business is done.

Is it likely, Governor,

that the recorder wants
his k*ller to be named?

When the frog tries to swallow the sun,

it is a sign of things to come.

He means, sirs, the eclipse is
a message of the ghost coming.

My wife said the same thing.

Here is the very reason we
must not sink to superstitions.

It is pagan blasphemy.

An eclipse is no more
than a shadow on the sun.

Maggots mean maggots and nothing more.

A broken window's a common occurrence.

Fearful minds will see
walking shades in every shadow.

When you are seen speaking
Pamunkey in the village,

it brings suspicion upon you, Silas.

Suspicion is not guilt.

Tell that to the hangman.

If he appears, I will address him.

He must understand that we will help him,

but he cannot remain here.

Perhaps the master won't come.

I don't believe he will come.

Don't the fire crackle
with a ghostly crick-crack?

- It never crackled like that before.
- Hush, child.

I'm only saying, ma'am, that I
don't think the spirit will return,

because that's what I hope,

and sometimes it is best
to believe what you hope,

because, ma'am, there he is at the window.

It is James Read.

I shall send him away.

He likely wants to serve as our guardian.

I wanted only to say
that if this is my doing,

if what happened between us is the reason

that your husband has
returned to torment you,

then I will face any demon.

Sometimes I look at you

and I want to take your hand and
lead you into the night again.

But you can't,

- cos you are to marry the doctor.
- I intend to live as a widow.

I think you'll find that the
governor has other ideas on that.

Hey, Governor.

I see nothing, Pedro.

♪ Cold the wind blows

♪ Still falls the rain

♪ I saw a man in the greenwood slain

♪ His ghost did rise up

♪ Rise up and speak

♪ "Until I know vengeance

♪ "I will not sleep..." ♪

Sing all you like, Yeardley.

It's your own conscience at you scratching.

The captain of the Royal Moon
is known as the corruptible kind.

When I saw you enjoying his company,

I asked Recorder Castell
to keep a watch on you both.

- He did not live to make that report.
- Even a blind man can see...

- you have no evidence.
- Did you arrange with the captain

to have the Sharrows' tobacco lost at sea?

♪ Cold the wind blows ♪

And was it in exchange for
you offering some favours

to that Spanish adder,
the Count of Gondomar?

I have no eyes, Governor.

Come closer.

Come closer...

that I might bite off your face.

I'm waiting for the captain's return,

so that I might ply him with rum,

put a blade to his throat,

and have him speak your name.

♪ I saw a man

♪ In the greenwood slain

I came to implore you.

It is only spirits of evil who
create the illusion of ghosts.

You must, I beg you, by no
means communicate with the shade.

Whether or not the demon speaks
for God or the devil, I know this.

He will return each and every night

until such time as his call is heard

and his slayer is named.

There is a means by which
we can have Samuel himself

tell us who it was that took his life.



The ceremony of touching
the dead man's body.

What is this cruentation, Alice?

Because the soul speaks through the blood,

if the m*rder*r lays his hand
upon the corpse of his victim,

that body will bleed.

And so God's verdict is declared.


Lay your hand upon the
body, Master Massinger.

There is no blood.

Governor, are we to let this
declare Massinger is innocent?

Let the widow do the same.

Let us see if she is as
free of guilt as I am.

Will she dare?

Mistress Castell?

The Spanish are upon us!

Hold fast! Hold your fire, you damn fools!

It looks like the Royal Moon.

It flies an English flag.

An ensign cannot always be trusted, sir.

One ship alone is not a Catholic attack.

Lay down your arms. A friendly ship.

This letter contains welcome news.

Escort the good captain
to the assembly hall.

Stand down the militia!
The Spanish threat is ended.

Was there ever truly a
Spanish threat, Governor?

Men have had their arms broken
for saying less than that, Sharrow.

We have business to conclude.

Mercy, you must fetch
something for me. Quickly.

It will only bleed if the hand
that k*lled him touches it.

That is so.

I see no blood.

Master Massinger,

we would have you place your
hand on the corpse once more.

- What trick is this?
- The whole town is here to witness

that no false claim be
made against you, sir.

You must do as the governor
bids, Master Massinger.

You failed to prove any
guilt upon me once already.

What have I to fear?



Damn you!

You vile widow!

Damn you, Yeardley.

Pox butcher of Virginia.


I cut the throat of your primping recorder.

And I fed him to the birds.

Arrest the captain of the Royal Moon!

Massinger's cohort in this rotten business.

Be still!

Was it you had our cargo stolen, Massinger?

Tell us, man, before you die.

That is my final curse on you Sharrows,

that you should never know if it is true.

The captain of the Royal Moon will tell us.

- Thank you, child.
- Oh...

I know that you know, Jocelyn,
that the bleeding from his nose

was caused by his collar.

Not by God, nor a ghost
pointing to his guilt.

Do you suppose I have
magical gifts, Christopher?

How might I make a man's nose bleed?

I will wait for you in Hell, Yeardley.

Bury him.

What will become of
Massinger's land, Governor?

The man is not yet in the ground.

Have at least the pretence
of dignity about you, Sharrow.


The deed is done. We must open up the tap.

Will you let the man have
a moment's pity over him?

Even Massinger deserves that.

Let me be! Let me be, let me be!

It is like the cry of an owl.

You Sharrows are known as masterly hunters.

You will track the n*gro down if
you wish me to favour your petition.

What have you beneath
those blankets, James Read?

We have a chance to get
back what we have lost.

I will not give Maria up.

The more they seek to shame me,

the more I refuse to be tamed.