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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 01/21/24 10:03
by bunniefuu
You are the most glittering,
daring women I have set my eyes upon.

She's written to her cousin.

I must gain the pity
of Temperance Yardley.

There'll be trouble in this town,
trouble and blood.

Did De La Warr ever speak to you
about purchasing a map?

I'm unaware of which map you refer to.

Gold will make me man they reckon with.

Now it's our time.

Henry Sharrow is still alive.

Be careful of what he'll do
when he learns that we're wed.

Don't you care to find out
what happened to him.

Just leave me be.

Silas. Silas.

I must go find him, Alice.

I must be the brother to him now
that I failed to be.

You'll see that I'm right.

I love you. I'll be back.

The boy's dead, Verity.

The cause of it is
the cause of all our ills.

It's them in charge.

So just leave it be, yeah?

And I'm ready for my breakfast.

Come on.

Pick it up.

You see it there,

it pleases me that
you should pick it up.

Obedience delayed is
as insolent as defiance.

I will let it pass this time.

Henry was out there

whether I discovered that news or not.

Doesn't matter that you know it,

it's that I done you a service.

Is that what you tell yourself?

Is that what helps you to sleep
at night, James Read?

Oh, I sleep fine.

It weren't me who left
my brother out there for dead.

If you believe that anyone

sees you as a man of justice,

you are mistaken.

Your jealousy's cut across your face

like a scar for all the world to see.

Do you not know true devotion

when it's stood looking at you?

Why can't you see it?

All I want is for you to admit

one time

that I stand before you
as a respectable man.

Hasn't Silas chosen
his brother over you?

Mistress Rutter.

Lady Yeardley.

I witnessed your encounter
with the secretary.

God is close beside us
when we act with humility.

That's why it brings us such peace.

I did benefit from my bout
with Master Farlow, ma'am.

Verity, this is the most wondrous
portion of the year.

In the Christian calendar St John's
Eve is a time of celebration

and an opportunity to see that our
Holy Father wishes only joy for us.

Do you mean the summer solstice, ma'am?

That is a pagan festival, Verity.
Ours is godly.

Bonfires, feasting and merrymaking.

Do you care for country dancing, Verity?

I do, your ladyship.

I never dance but I do love it
more than anything, anything.

Well, I surely do appreciate
life's unexpected profits.

Perhaps you would care to help me
with the preparations?

Thank you,

I would be proud to.

I ain't never been so happy, never.

Dancing, feasting,

in this world, so kind.

Today is the most heavenly
day ever there was.

Bread and beer and cheeses
and leaping over bonfires.

- What are you babbling about?
- Boys, ma'am.

I meant to say boys
leaping over bonfires.

I'm just so excited.

- The cheeses.
- I see.

St John's summer solstice Eve, ma'am.

Is there anything more humdrum

than hedge borne lads
leaping over bonfires?

Lady Yardley is making such plans
and she's gathering volunteers.


I shall dance a country dance
until my legs fall off.

I have a gift for you.


A ruff.


Where did you find such as them?

Do you like them?

A gentleman's things.

The aren't too many gentlemen about
here. Where did you get them from?

Did you thieve them?

Ain't you a rare cheese dressed up
all fine, Meredith Rutter.

Why should only the precious-born
beautify themselves?

If I show my face outside this door
wearing the stolen ruff

I will be hanged that same day.

They're Secretary Farlow's.

Listen to me, woman, listen to me.

No more thieving.

Do you hear me?

No more thieving.

I hear you.

Verity, what if it's Henry comes
down that river, not Silas?

There's a thought to rob you of sleep.

It's on me the whole day.

I might lift my head and he's there.

You need a w*apon.

What do you mean?

I mean,

if he ever comes close to you,

you k*ll him.




Dear Lady Yardley, would you
permit me to be of assistance?

I do so relish the gaieties
of St John's Eve.

Boys leaping over bonfires, heavenly.

Here, let me put my newly
acquired stitching skills to good use.

What a delight.

I feel such a tender
spirit about me today.

I've been so lonely here I believe
it's affected my nature.

My husband is so very fond of Samuel.

Yes. It pleases me so.

Our greatest hope was that
you would bring a man of such

endearing merit the contentment
that he deserves.

It is my wish too.

Being such a young wife,
Mistress Castell,

perhaps you might allow me to offer
you some guidance on these matters.

I'd be most grateful.


and amenability are the greatest
gifts that God affords a woman.


If we are agreed, then we might
begin with a morning Bible reading.

I'd like that.

I start at five o'clock.

I know no better gratification
than to witness God's dawn.



I knew it.

My God, I always knew it.

We must dig up what we
can set back with us.

We're rich men.

There is work to do yet, Davey.

You know what will become of me
when Henry Sharrow returns.

You did that to me.

I ain't afraid of Henry Sharrow.

And what about when I'm alone at night?

You owe me a debt, James Read.

Make me a dagger.

I can't do that. If I

make you a w*apon,

you might slay Henry Sharrow
as soon as he walks through those gates.

They'd hang you
and I'd be the cause of it.

Then not another word
will pass from me towards you

until you forge for me

the sharpest blade ever
came from your hands.

Those are marshal's.

Why would you risk
your life for thieving?



So early.

No woman should ever witness
any hour that comes before dawn.

Such times are fit only

for the flea-bitten shepherd
and damn hooting owls.

In like manner also that women
adorn themselves in modest apparel

with shamefacedness, and sobriety,

not with braided hair, nor gold,
nor pearls, nor costly array,

but which becometh women professing
godliness with good works.

Let the woman learn
in silence with all subjection.

Silent and subjection.

Mistress Castell, let me ask you,

how will you conduct this God-given day?

- How will I?
- You will seek every opportunity

to serve and obey your dear husband.

You will meet his every wish,
submit to his every word.

Is that not so?

It is so.

I feel God has brought you
to me at this time

so that you might find the light by
which to live your life.

To steal once is madness.

To steal more than once
is more than madness.

A man can't lose a ruff.

Yes, I lashed my servant but
he promised he had not mislaid it.

I have a brooch and a sash both missing.

No-one here would dare steal.

When you first came here I warned you,

if you take what is not yours

I will report you to the Marshall.

I'm sorry, lover.

To steal the like of things
that we don't want, that we can't sell.

That ain't no use to us.

What is that?

When my father would come home

with the terrible cruelty on him...

...I used to sneak out of the house
as quick as me feet could carry me.

And if I could just pick someone's
pocket or rob a halfpenny,

a farthing or two from an alehouse...

...then the world didn't
seem so fearsome.

Come with me.

Mistress Sharrow,
it's true what you said.

It was me who brought
this burden on you.

But even if they don't hang you,

to k*ll a man,

to plunge a blade into him,

that is a horror that
will haunt your mind.

Speak to the Marshall about Henry.

Speak to the governor,
tell him what happened.

Please, I am doing this for you.

I will face Henry Sharrow
and I will tell him.


You are the most pure-hearted
woman that I have ever known.

Do not let this place do to you
what it has done to us men.


What did they say?

They want to know
if you are a man or a fish.

I have to go. I have to find my brother.


Do you not like our food?

On a day such as today
I feel a sense of our community,

what is possible here.

Good folk living together.

It is such a blessing,
don't you think so, my sweet?


It's moments like this that...

...I wish I could bring
our own child into the world.


She's different, that's what.

If I am to prescribe
for your wife, Rutter,

then I need to know what it is

- that is altered about her.
- Thinking.

I still can't grasp
what her condition is.

She smiles when she should not.

She's silent,

I don't like it when she is silent.

Make a potion that will restore her.

Shout me, kick me, anything but this.

I fear there is something
you've failed to tell me.

Perhaps you might explain, Verity.

Ain't this place just shining
with treasures?

Glass bottles and the like.

Silver measures and the like.

We have to go now, sir.

James Read.


Why did you go searching
for Henry Sharrow

when his brother had reported him dead?

I wanted to find out how he died.

Did you ever speak of gold?

- He did.
- What's did he say?

It wasn't me he spoke to.

Meredith Rutter has a rock sometimes,

two of them would sit
and just look at it.

Meredith Rutter.

How is that possible?

We were in the same room as you.

Don't you like them?

Oh, Lord.

You had your jolly, now you must stop.

Do you hear me? That is the end of it.

Isn't this a good life we have?

Ain't I giving you a chance to
put all that trouble behind you?


Go on, then.

Go on, then. Promise you husband.

I can't do that.

Then you shall not step outside

until your senses are your own again.

You won't want a life
in an Indian village

now that you have such a plenty.

I have a wife.

Are you returning to Jamestown?

He was sleeping in the boat.

There was a fire.

I watched him die but now I'm told
he did not leave this world.

What were you doing on the river, Silas?

My brother wanted to search
for a shiny mineral... the far-off mountains.

- Your tavern's closed up, Rutter.
- Yes, sir.

No. No, sir.

You know Henry Sharrow well.

I knew him before he were Henry Sharrow.

I knew him when he were
a man like other men.

He used to trade with the Indians.

- Gold, I'm told.
- No more than trinkets, sir.

And Henry never asked what
the Indians might have told you?

When the gold is concerned,

they'd bite their own tongues off
rather than give such precious

information to the likes of us.

So Sharrow got nothing from you.

Only ale, sir, and fine talk.

This will be our marker.

We must make a pact, Henry.

You tell no-one where
the silver is to be found.

Who am I going to tell?

So they might rob me of the riches
I've waited all these years for.

Neither of us can return
without the other.

Isn't the joy in such a discovery,
the sharing of it?



A plague will destroy
the whole crop in a week.

What are we going to do?
There are so many.

Pepper, go into town and get help.




- Samuel.
- Lady Yardley.

I can't help but feel
such a sense of wonder

when I see wives on the street
here in Jamestown.

Wouldn't you agree, dear Samuel?

It is as I'd hoped, Lady Yardley.

- True beginnings of the colony.
- My belief exactly.

And yet, I feel God's purpose
is not yet fulfilled,

not until we hear the gift of
children's voices in our settlement.

- Do you not agree?
- Yes, of course, yes.

That is why wives have been given to
the men, is it not, Mistress Castel?

I'm sure you long to see the gratitude
in your dear husband's eyes

when you tell him that you are
to observe your duty to him

and bear him his first-born.

It happens we were discussing
this topic yesterday.

My wife is as enthused as I am
by the prospect of children.

Then I feel certain
you will have news for us soon.

Is that so, Jocelyn?

I'm sure we will discover what
the true riches of Virginia prove to be.

Not gold, not tobacco,
but the next generation.

The Indians call it bloodlines.

They know why it matters.


when I write again
to my cousin in Oxfordshire

I will send her news
of pregnancies and births.

She knows you a little.
She would be enchanted

to hear you are so contented
in our far-away world

that all thoughts of England
are forgotten.

Yes, I believe you're right,
Lady Yardley.

Ain't it all just so heavenly?

Excuse me.

Oh, it is here. And you are here.

The master's house, not somewhere else.

Were you wishing to see Mistress Castel?

- No.
- Oh, the master, then?


And you'll not tell them I was
in their house, do you understand?

Then why are you...

Because... show me what you have

that you didn't have to
grab for yourself.

Why, everything.


Like skipping.

- Skipping?
- Skipping.

That's not...

Skipping's not

gold or riches or plenty, is it?


When I wake I am amazed,

for while I was asleep,
God made another day.

Verity. Verity.

Show me.

Show me what it is this time, go on.
What is it this time?




We must start at the bottom of the field
and work our way back.

Do not miss a plant.
Do not miss a single tobacco leaf.

There is to be bonfires.

Boys will jump over them.

Will you jump?

I will.

I think you'll be the best at jumping.

I thank you, James Read,
with all my heart.

It's nice to hear your voice again.

I decided to make you that dagger.

Thank you.

I see now,


...woman should ever
have to live in fear of any man.

So you will speak to me, then?

I will.


When's the last time you saw the dawn?

Marshall, sir. Is it dawn, sir?

You spoke with the governor.

Yes, I did, sir.

Did he ask you about a map?

Do you mean De La Warr's map, sir?

Let me tell you what I know about that,

there is no such a diagram.

How do I know? Because if there was,

how come it remained
hidden all these years?

The map is a fable, sir.

There is nowt men
like better than fables.

Did you tell Yardley this?

- No, sir.
- Why not?

Well, because he never asked
about no map, sir.

What is it that I don't like
about you, Rutter, huh?

Perhaps it's me breath, sir.

My wife says it is like a plague of pus.

I could spend hours just thinking
of ways to bring you harm.

Farewell, Marshall.

Ma'am, why did Mistress Rutter come
in to be master's house?

Did she come into our house?

- I found her.
- She said not to tell you.

Did she?

She dropped the thing
she had in her hands.

Did she?

It came to me
in my prayers this morning.

The ship coming from England
with a letter from my cousin,

a letter concerning you.

This gift has been given to us

by our dear Lord
so that I might influence you,

teach you the bliss and the blessing

it is for a woman to know
her place in this world.

And to accept it.

I just pray
that Silas comes home first...

...and you never have to use it.

Let us pray that Silas comes home.

We hope to see you dancing
at the celebrations, Mistress Rutter.

I will surely dance, sir.

Governor, I've put together
a party of ten militia

to search for Henry Sharrow.

If I'd wanted you to set out
I'd have spoken to you, Marshall.

Perhaps it is possible Sharrow
has De La Warr's map.

Maybe that concerns you.


What are you doing, Verity?

It's a lovely thing.

I'm looking at it.

Verity, did you intend to take the box?

Why would I do such a thing as that?

Verity, please tell me the truth.

God is our witness here today.

And was God our witness when my pa

beat the last breath from me ma's
mouth with his mortal fists?

Perhaps God brought me here now

so that I might spare you
from the gallows.

Consider that, Verity.


There's quite some nuggets
and hot cockles and...

and a seesaw.

Lady Yeardley.

Alice, do you know where
I might find Mistress Rutter?

I don't know, ma'am. What is it, ma'am?

Lady Yardley.

That is not acceptable.

Where is your wife, Mr Rutter?

My husband knows
that the box is missing.

He will realise you have taken it.

Verity, you will not even
make it to the gallows.

He'll put a sword through you
before you can even speak.

I plead with you, I will return it.

Where is it?

You must tell me you did not
look inside of the box.

The box is locked

but I'm sure Verity could open it.

Shall we open it?

I suggest you ask someone else.


Our governor, Sir George Yeardley,

will now bless this occasion
and remind us all

of the holy purpose of this day.

Thank you.

The feast of St John the Baptist

is a day for us to celebrate that man

who foretold the coming of Christ,

the man who baptised Jesus.

I know what's in the box, Temperance.

I do know what it means.

After the festivities we are going
to have the most cordial discussion

concerning the ship
arriving from England. Is that so?

It is so.

Give back the box, Verity.

We make this day a holy day.

Pick herbs tonight that they might
be seethed with powers of healing.

Light fires that we might declare

to God in heaven that we are here

to worship and let us rejoice

in our loyalty to God,

to the king and to one another.

So, Sir George.


be merry.

Thank you.

My dear, forgive me.

I intended to tell you but
it has been such an abundant day.

Your box, I moved it, for safety's sake.

Just as soon as he was well enough
Henry set out for the uplands.

Silas. Is your brother a wise man?

In his own way, yes.

The uplands are beyond the influence.

An Englishman might be
taken by our enemies.

Do you think that would stop Henry?

No. I don't.

- We were told you went with him.
- I did, yes.

But I came back.

We had a fight so I left him out there.

Can you tell us which direction he took?

He's headed high up into the mountains.





I will come with you, Silas.

But why would you do that?

I would prefer
that you did not die alone

in the distant mountains
searching for your brother.

My brother's gone back to Jamestown.

You're not worth the blood
that runs in your veins.

Silver, plenty more where I found that.

The governor took this
from a dead man's coffin.

Are you the devil?

Henry Sharrow followed me down
to the water's edge and r*ped me.

Why do you accuse him now?

Because Sharrow is now
a man of great wealth.

Supposing Silas never comes back.

- Help.
- Mercy!