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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/21/24 10:01
by bunniefuu
- Perhaps you might write a letter?
- I have.

Now, I will be a good wife to you,

but you will be a good husband to me.

- Who is this boy?
- Bailey. He's in the militia.

Why don't the Indians go after the gold?

They believe there's demons
in the caves.

Whoever was digging here
believed there was such a map.

Who would do this to us?!


You slit the throat of the only
beast I own, didn't you?

How soon a man forgets his place
in this world.

- Answer me.
- I don't have to answer

to the likes of you, Sharrow.


- Oh, go on.
- Silas!

- Do you dare?
- Silas!

Do you dare?

Come on.

What makes you so sure it were
me what k*lled your beast, eh?

Aren't there other men hereabouts
who want to see you suffer?


I know it's not for me
to dally with such matters,

but I've been preoccupied with what
might have happened to the map.

The gold map.

I'm well aware which map
you refer to, Mistress Castell.

I have a rather fanciful notion
of what might have happened of it.

If you will excuse us, Mistress Castell?

Doesn't Governor Yeardley usually
take the opportunity of church

to pass greetings with the townfolk?

He do, ma'am. He once said hello to me.

I see it clearly, right here
before me, like it was yesterday.

It was yesterday.

He seemed distracted to me.

The way his wife
steered him away so urgently.

Yes, she did, like he were in pain.

Were he in pain, Ma'am?

Mistress Castell!

I saw your husband falter.

My tender consideration
got the better of me.

What a shame your good heart

so persuasively hides itself
from your face.


I suffered a moment
of discomfort, nothing more.

But it is not good for my neighbours
to see me weak or ill-disposed.

Yes, of course.

My wife has made... biscuits.
Please join us.

Lady Yeardley's biscuits.

That is a reason to hurry home
from church for.

Mistress Sharrow?

I wish to say how sorry I am.

If you'll be willing to hear my regrets

for all the harm that
I've caused you and Silas?

- Sorry?
- For what I've done.

James, it was you who k*lled our beast?

Could you believe such a thing of me?

But didn't you just tell me that...?

I meant fighting with Silas.

For hounding you
when you didn't want me to.

Oh, I... I see. Um...

You decided it was me, didn't you?

Before now?

In your mind, it was me who did it!

It's a cruelty, marking a man as a devil

when his only crime is a broken heart!

- James, I'm sorry. I'm sorry!
- What do I have to do to convince you

that I am not the true villain?!

I'll show you!

I will find a way, and you will see.

I didn't notice anything wrong with him.

Because he is attempting to keep
his sickness hidden.

He appeared to me to be in great pain.

Samuel, if the governor succumbs
to some sort of affliction,

then what will become of the colony?

Someone must step forward.

There are days, Jocelyn, when I can't
even keep up with your thinking.

Most days, in truth.

We don't even know what it might be
that ails him.

♪ Who in defence of his king will fight ♪

♪ For to maintain his country's right? ♪

♪ Inviting all his fellow peers ♪

♪ To lift themselves for volunteers ♪


Where's your smile gone?

That was the ballad.
I heard it on the street.

It mesmerised me with glory.

Before I knew any better, I'd joined up.

I was a soldier, shipped out here.

What kind of man is that?

Throw his life away
for the sake of a ballad?

- A man who wants for bread.
- Ah!

And tell me, was it sung by
a pretty lass,

one you might wish to impress
with your courage to take up arms?

You don't need to fight
to get a girl, Bailey,

your sweet face will do that for you.

To come into the wilds as you did,
on your own,

that's a risk no man should take.

Not when he has a brother
could come with him.

I can't get it.
Why would you leave Silas behind?

Nine year ago,

Yeardley left the uplands
beyond the falls without any gold.

Now he's come back.

- Why?
- Because he knows where to look.

He has a map.

That is why I must go now.

If Silas had been with you,
he might've saved you.

Tomorrow, we start to climb.

Indians could be right,

there might be demons up there.

You ready for that?

Why fear evil spirits when men's
the ones will see you burn alive?

I've been a servant too long.


Yeah, gold will make me a man
they all must reckon with.

Master Massinger has held
a grievance against me

from the day I was given my own land.

He wishes to destroy us,
he's made that clear.

Silas Sharrow, with his own cattle,

was a sign of progress,
so he k*lled the beast.

It's a serious charge to make against
a man of high reputation, Sharrow.


I came here to ask for justice.

Will you question Master Massinger
on this matter?

Did you see Master Massinger
k*ll the beast?

It was done by dark, sir,

- and when we woke...
- Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Did you even see him on your land?

- As I said, sir, it was...
- The charge is dismissed.

- Sir, I would like...
- The charge is dismissed!

My husband fears that if word gets
to the company that he is sick,

they will recall him.

Has there been sickness?

Pain when you pass water?

He has been passing blood every day.

The pain stops me from thinking clearly.

I can't work. I can barely speak.

If you please?

I'm sure you all share my grave
concerns for our governor's welfare.

Rest assured that while he is laid low,

I will offer my services
to take charge of the colony.

We cannot be without authority.

Not for one day.

You have a stone... in your kidney.

I will have to remove it.

You mean to cut me?

- Yes.
- Have you done it before?

I'm a physician.

I'm not a surgeon, sir, I'm not skilled.

What will happen if you do not
remove the stone?

They sometimes pass.

But I have known men taken by such
fever and pain that they perish.

So either way, I-I might...?

I did not come here
to take my last breath!

I will give you my decision
tomorrow, Dr Priestly.

I've been looking at how
this place goes on and on.

Wonders as far my eyes can see.

It's always restored me to see it,

and to know what it means
to build a new world.

Me and you, Alice...

...we'll have children.

Lots of children.

And they'll have children.

And the world will change.

Where are you headed, James?

Somebody will have to find out what
happened to your brother.

Militia man don't sound
so grand as being a soldier...

but it's the same thing.

We don't have a uniform no more,
we work as farm hands,

but when we're called upon,

we are the army.

Hey! Get off!

Jeez, Fletcher, you're like
a slubbering cock-dog.

We shall have to tame you, boy.

Now, Bailey...

Now, there's a boy who need
only flash his honeyed smile.

Your powder horn should be ready...
Pour it down the barrel?

Why she touch your face?

You think you're so gallant?
You're a slubbering cock-dog, Fletcher.


I will tell the Marshall it was
a misfortune.

I witnessed it all, Marshall.

It was no more than young
men's jostling.

Fletcher came after Bailey and
the p*stol fired.

He never intended to harm him.

Thank you, Mistress Rutter.

My friend,

I am sure you will understand
why I put myself forward

to take charge of affairs in a way
that may have perhaps seemed hasty.

Not hasty, Nicholas. Eager.

I did it to give us, both of us,

best advantage.

The Company have already refused
your petition once.

We must not make the same mistake.

What they wish for now
is civil governance.

Yeardley is stricken before our eyes.

Let us use this moment carefully.

We are in this together, Thomas.


Bailey, you know well enough what
becomes of a man who kills another.

Suppose there was a way that
you might be spared the noose...

how'd you care for that?

James Read won't find anything.
What can he discover?

James Read isn't looking up
that river, Alice...

he's looking into me.

He sees me, Alice.

He sees my failure.

You're at your most handsome
when you're troubled.


We are here, now.

James Read can
chase us all that he wants.

I only know this.


I only know love.

The Indians said there was women.

A ship full of 'em came to Jamestown.

Did you not get yourself
a wife from amongst them, Henry?

Must you talk all day long?

If I was a man in Jamestown,
all them years, I'd want a maid.

What man wouldn't?

What about Silas,
did he get himself a woman?

I've asked you kindly to stop talking.

Now stop.

The thought of a woman's body,
the taste of flesh.

I have a wife.

I ain't married her yet.

- But she's mine.
- What's her name?

- Alice.
- She beautiful?

She is.

So your good brother will be caring
for her till you return...


no man has seen the worst

of what's in here.

It in't death you should fear,

my friend.

So, let's speak about the Indians,

speak about the gold,

the demons in the caves...

But no more words about my brother.

Or Alice.

Mistress Rutter, she kept telling us

"Come on, boys,
drink up, drink some more..."

And she was saying sweet things to me,

Marshall, sitting on my lap...

- Hey, that isn't true.
- Rutter!

- There was no sitting on no laps.
- Hold your tongue!

Fletch kept trying to pull
Mistress Rutter to him,

and she would run her hand
across his face,

put her finger to his lips,

then she would dart away, sir.

I forgot to mention, Marshall,

she kissed me.

So that every man might see,

even her husband.

Reeky, shit-livered lies.

- Rutter!
- You're a maggot pie, Bailey!

When it was getting late,

Mistress Rutter whispered that
I should meet her, outside sir...

When we left the tavern,

I could see Fletcher
was standing on his heels, sir.

So I told him I was going
to meet the tavern keeper's wife.

He flew into a rage, sir.

We were both so drunk.

Fletcher said that she...

Mistress Rutter,
had fixed to meet with him,

the same as me.

Ain't I been a comfort to you?

Go on, Bailey.

She set one against the other,
as far as I can see...

Bailey, you were duped with drink into

a black folly at the hands
of the tavern keeper's wife.

You are free to go.


A dead bat would
not shit on a man like you. Eh!

You ain't fit to tug on the skirt of
a woman with my wife's virtue.

Come away, lover.


I understand you blaming me,
if it saved your life.

But you could tell the truth now,
can't you?

You can tell me you're sorry.

I never know you had it in you.

Why didn't the Marshall not bring
a charge against you, huh?

The door was open,

I had to see whether
our dear Governor was stricken.

It is as I feared.

Your sympathy is appreciated,
Mistress Castell,

but my husband needs sleep.

Yes, of course. May I?

- Governor, Farlow has taken charge.
- Mistress Castell.

Sir, if your sickness does not improve,
forgive me for saying it,

I dearly pray it is not so.

I implore you to consider
what it will mean...

Think of whose hands
this place will fall into.

- Mistress Castell, now is not the time.
- Oh, but it is.


Should you not nominate
a man you trust to carry your voice,

your purpose, a man of integrity,
such as Samuel...

My husband is suffering.

Can you see nothing in it
but your own benefit?

What I see, Lady Yeardley,
is that a simpering rag

to the Governor's brow
might swell your woman's heart,

but it will make a gift of the
colony to your husband's enemies.

You are from Banbury, aren't you,
Mistress Castell?

In Oxfordshire?

Not far from Banbury.

Then you must know my cousin.
Elizabeth Margham.

Margham. Yes. Of course...

I am certain that Elizabeth
will know who you are.

Indeed I have written to ask her.

Who is it that looks out for you men?

Do my bidding and we will all benefit.

♪ I spent it in good company... ♪

I knew, that being the only doctor here,

I would have to perform surgery.

But it still...

I have never yet saved a life.

Each time I fail, I blame myself.

Bailey shot the man with a p*stol.

It's not your...

Why would you destroy

the tavern that gives you drink
and song, man?

Stop this... what do you think
you are doing? Do you hear me?

Bailey? Bailey!

Why are you doing this to us?

We're here because you are the cause
of Fletcher's death.

No, Temperance. It is for you.

I have decided to let the doctor
remove the stone.

- If God should take me,
- He won't.

give the box to Samuel.

Do not look inside of it,

it could cost you your life.

I will return this to you when
you are recovered.

That boy was told to blame me.

What purpose is there for them to
come here like a wild mob?

You know, the governor is sick...

so the Marshall is plotting something.

If I am to offer legitimate
authority here, Thomas,

it does not aid my cause to have
young hedge cocks running amok.

These men, Secretary,
were once soldiers.

Proud men at arms.

They risked their lives to carve
out what we have now.

But you will speak to them, Thomas?

Tell them that, at this time
especially, what we require

is a calm and peaceable settlement.

See here is our difficulty, Secretary...

these are the men who enforce order.

Politics will only ever hold control

when men at arms give it permission to.

Oh. Christopher.

I have picked out some belladonna
so that you might furnish

me with it on your return.

Tell me what it is
that troubles you, Jocelyn.

Um, there is a burning in my

I will give you no belladonna today,

nor any other day.


tell me what it is you are afraid of.

I have a pain in my fingers.

Since I was a child it's afflicted me.

I've been watching you, Jocelyn,
since you came here.

You are the most glittering,

daring woman I have set my eyes upon.

But something haunts you...

You will hate me if I tell you.

How could I ever hate you?

I was not always the woman you see now.

I was a girl...

giddy with the thought of romance.

I wish only to love and please a man.

A husband of my own and then,
there he was.

15 years older than me.

He wooed me with a tender,

delicate, precious promise.

I was robbed of sleep
with the thought of marriage.

And so, one day I let him...

walk me into the woods
without a chaperone.

Every day after that I wished only
to find the time

to be alone with him.

My own sister told me,

I cannot bear to speak his name,

he was to be married.

But not to me.

I was merely a wager

that he had taken on,

that he could seduce me.

We were not alone in the woods.

His friends were watching us.

For a week after I found out,
I could not breathe.

And I knew only one thought, one need,

that he should not breathe.

So I poured poison into his wine

and I waited...

my eyes on his,

until he knew what I had done to him...

And I watched him die.

Now do you hate me?

I do not hate you, Jocelyn.

I love you.

Tell your husband, Mistress Castell,

that I would be delighted
to join you both for dinner.

Why are you helping me?

If you were taken by the slip of a foot,

a misfortune...

when I could stop it,

I'd feel defeated.

I don't like feeling defeated.

Is it not unwise to be alone
with another man's wife, Doctor?

Her fingers trouble her.

She asked for a remedy.

Her fingers...

Yes, I can see how
you might be desirous to give

your attention to them.

Should the Governor die
under your knife, Doctor Priestly,

no-one would blame you.

Indeed, whoever should take charge
of the colony will know

that you only wished
to serve your masters.

I trust you will do your duty.

There isn't a more beautiful woman
in this whole colony.

This whole country. I swear it.

There in't a more fair skin,
comely eyes, shining hair.

There isn't a more true soul...



Forgive me. Please.

I do, Ma'am.

I surely do.

I ain't never known a sweeter mistress.

Nor kinder. Nor more tender.

Hold him!

We're closed.

I feel sick that I stood there and
gave the blame of it all to you.

I regret what I did to this place.

There ain't no sense in kicking
a tavern to hell.

Did the Marshall put you up to it?

The Marshall's the only man who
knows what it means to be a soldier.

He's the only man who stood up for us.

Without no soldiers
there isn't no law, no order.

- Even the Governor...
- What about the Governor?

Get away from here.
There's to be a mutiny.

There will be trouble in this town.
Trouble and blood.

What are you going to do, Bailey?

Nothing will be the same...

The Governor will survive?

I am hopeful of it, sir.

Then that is a blessing.

An unexpected blessing.

I once witnessed a woman

punished for the mortal sin of adultery.

It was quite a spectacle.

The offender stood in full view of
the congregation

during the Sunday service.

She wore a white sheet to represent
the shroud,

was bare-headed and bare-footed...

she confessed her fault
and expressed her true regret.

But her penance was deemed insufficient,

and she was deprived of the association
of any members of the town.

Sir, I resent the suggestion that...

I do believe that you love
Mistress Castell.

I refuse to listen to such
cruel slander.

You, of course, will remain
unblemished and untouched

by reprimand and correction.

Make your accusation, sir.
With any proof you can muster,

or leave me in peace.

The woman I spoke of, she was my mother.

I was the witness to the crime.

I was 12 years old.

What do you want from me?

For now, it is enough that you have
lost the peace that you had.

The varlot has taken it from you.

- Henry Sharrow is still alive.
- No, impossible.

I saw my brother,

he was bound in flames...
no man could live through that.

Well, I spoke to the Appomattuck.

And they found him,
took him in till he recovered.

Then why has he not come back to us?

The Indians told me that Henry's
gone to the uplands past the falls.

Why does it take the blacksmith to
discover your brother is

still living, Sharrow?

I saw a dead man.

You've had his land though
ain't, yeah, eh?

And his land and his woman.

Was this truly an accident,
Silas Sharrow, eh?

If Henry was here
he would tell you as much himself.

Then, if you are to clear your name,
shouldn't you seek to find him?

If it was my brother,
that's what I'd do.

No, no. No, Silas, you cannot go.

Henry Sharrow is out there, alone.

Don't you care to find out what
has happened to him?

Sorry. When have any of you men

ever been concerned for the Sharrows?

Why should you suddenly
tell my husband what he must do?

Now you leave us alone. All of you.

What can they claim against you?

They want you to go off into the wilds
and search the whole of Virginia?

You have a plantation to care for now.

You have a wife to care for now

and people will know that
it makes no sense.

You should just leave it be,
Silas, you should just leave it be.

Stop it, stop it, stop it.

Just leave me be.

Leave me be.

You're married to Silas now, Alice.
What can Henry do?

I fear for what he'll do to Silas
when he learns that we're wed.

Ma'am, What is it?

- Temperance Yeardley knows.
- What does she know?

That I poisoned a man.

Ma'am, I promise, I did not say
one word. I would not.

She's written to her cousin
in Oxfordshire,

she told me as much,

so she can seek out information
about my life there.

Well, surely that means
she does not know?

She suspects.

When that ship comes in,
I must get that letter.

And until then I must do something,
I don't know what...

...something to gain the pity
of Temperance Yeardley.

Ma'am, the militia men,
I fear what they might do.

Verity! Come here.

Who told you this?

Sir, I'm only here to warn you.

You were both kind to me on the ship.

Trouble and blood,

the militia are intent on mutiny
is what I was told.

Was it Bailey?

The man who fired his p*stol in town?

- Sir, he's little more than a boy.
- Thank you, Verity.

Sir, I fear it is you they
intend to turn against.

You ain't no rebel, Bailey.

It isn't in you.

So why are you so intent on this?

My name will be remembered,

marked on this town,

on this world.

Is that what you believe?

Nathan Bailey... something of a man,

with a musket in his hand.

Don't be about after darkness falls.

You ain't nothing but a sweet,

shy boy.

I pass my hand across your head

fondly as a sister might...

your face flushes.

Bailey, did you ever love a girl?

'Cause a lover's true kiss

is worth living for.

There's women coming here, Bailey.

Plenty of them.

Beautiful girls wanting kisses

off handsome men like you.

It's too late.

How is it? Bailey!

How's it too late?

Because I heard a ballad once...

...and it made a soldier of me.

I won't wait for them to come to me.

I'll go and meet them.

Sir, if you exert yourself too
soon you will open up the wound.

There are soldiers, with weapons.

I know only too well what
can become of this.

I will use what works
best with such men.


Soldiers respect nothing
more than a military man.

Is there a better way for a man to die

than at the hand of men-at-arms?

I am a fighting man like you.

I saw battle against the Spanish in
the Netherlands as a foot soldier.

It is a wound from that time

that has stopped me
from talking to you until now...

So we are the same, are we not?

I am one of you.

I wore the uniform to serve
God and country.

And now, I am the Governor
of the Colony of Virginia,

knighted and trusted by our King,

and I have this office because
I showed obedience and loyalty.

And you...

...good men,

every one of you.






I was like you,

a boy soldier in a foreign land,

no way to see how I might prosper.

Until a good Captain saw in
me what I see in you.

Suppose I was to offer you
a position of authority?

The Governor of Virginia's
Personal Guard.

A fine uniform.

Recognition. Advancement.

Would you like that?

I would, sir.

Come here.


what has brought you to this?

That man is a traitor.

He's the ring leader here.

He tried to get close to you,
Governor, so that he might k*ll you.

It is true.

Every one of you,

it's over, get back to work.

We will have order here.

Oh, Bailey, you sweet boy.
What have they done to you?

Thank you, Marshall.

I'll be a good wife to you, Samuel.

You are a good wife to me.


No. I'm selfish...

and quarrelsome

and over zealous for your position.

Will you forgive me?

There is nothing for me to forgive.

We made it, Davie.

Now is our time.

Synced & corrected by kinglouisxx

We are rich men!

If he ever comes close
to you, you k*ll him.

No more thieving. Do you hear me?

No more thieving.

St John's Eve is a time of celebrations.

I know what is in the box, Temperance,

and I know what it means.