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01x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/21/24 10:00
by bunniefuu
I will find the gold. I'll do
whatever it takes to find it.

- There may be some irregularities.
- Embezzlement in the colony?

Do not underestimate my husband,
he has an enquiring mind.

Tell that wife of yours
to tame her ambitions.

I have a gift for you.

I do like my stone.

You are from Banbury, in Oxfordshire,
aren't you, Mistress Castell?

He treats you as if
he's still your master.

It's a fool who stands
against Massinger.

I have never met a woman quite like you.

Davie McDurran, you were
reported dead four year ago.

You do love Alice Kett with
all your living soul, don't you?

Why would someone
dig up De La Warr's body?

Why? We know why.

The map. It was never discovered.

There were only ever rumours
such a map existed.

And that De La Warr had it.

Whoever was digging here
believed there was such a map.

What did you see, Dr Priestley?

No more than a shape.

- He ran off when he heard me coming.
- And what were you doing out here?

I couldn't sleep.

I was simply walking
about to pass the night away.

You knew the man, Governor.

Did De La Warr ever speak
to you about purchasing

a map from the Portuguese as to
where the gold mines were located?


But that does not mean he didn't
have it, as I'm sure you're aware.

Michaelmas, when De La Warr's
body arrived here,

where did it lie?

Well, he had been dead
at sea for some time.

His body was laid
to rest with some haste.

But it lay overnight in the church?

The doctor's apothecary.

The question, gentlemen, is not why?

The question is - who among
us would choose this moment to

undertake such a perilous and
treacherous business as digging up

a man's body that he might
discover the Portuguese gold map?

De La Warr was
returning here as Governor?

- But he died at sea.
- Do I understand correctly?

If gold were to be found,
then it would belong to the Company?

If it were discovered by a man employed

or tenured to the Company, then yes.

Why was De La Warr's body not
searched before it was buried?

Jocelyn, you do seem rather
exercised by the map.

Do I?

Well, I might say that you do
not seem exercised enough, Samuel.

Isn't that why every man is here,
to make his fortune?

Word of the map's existence did
not emerge until after

De La Warr was buried.

And Secretary Farlow insisted that
De La Warr be buried with all haste.

Farlow? Did he?

Then once he was laid to rest,
Reverend Whitaker, of course,

forbade any disturbance of the grave.

Did he?

Didn't I say we should take
a troop into the mountains?

Why did I let you prevent me, Farlow?

Would you hunt for gold without
a map, in those mountains,

like every other clay-brained
failure has?

To hell with the map.

Gold is for fools.

You show me one man rich
in this country from gold.

Huh! Land!

Land is how fortunes are gonna be
made here.

Land and tobacco.

Henry Sharrow was given all the land
a man might wish for.

Yet, on his first day
of freedom, what did he do?

He went upriver.

How could Henry Sharrow
get his hands on the map?

Could he not have procured it from
the sailor who travelled

on the same ship where
De La Warr's body lay?

Perhaps he waited till any treasure that

he might collect would be his alone.
If he had gone after it earlier,

it would have been yours,
Master Massinger.

My life's cursed with Sharrows.

It in't land no more.

It's a farm.

It's not A farm.

It's our farm.

In't it time you two were to be married?

It is, Pepper.

It surely is.

I'd like to congratulate
Silas and Alice Sharrow,

on behalf of myself and my wife,
on behalf of the Virginia Company.

You are what this colony needs most -


families and marriage.

Jocelyn, I was walking last night
because I can't understand

myself at the moment.

I failed to tell Samuel
that I visited you in the night.

But our encounter was innocent.

Wasn't it?

Yes, that's true, of course,
but still...'s too late to tell him now.

Then it is our secret.

She oozes sex. Her every word
is tainted with trouble.

Do you suppose they're dabbling?

The man is damned with devotion for her.

If we ruin her, we ruin her husband.

The Recorder would not concern
himself with what might lie

in the Company's accounts

if he has more craven matters
to worry himself with.

Accusations don't make a man crack.

But evidence will.

We need a spy in her household.


if Farlow has the map,
is it not your duty to discover it?

- Why would you believe he has it?
- Well, look at him. The malt worm.

He insisted that De La Warr was buried
before anyone else could find it.

Considered it safe under the ground
until such a time as he might use it.

- Jocelyn, isn't this rather?..
- Good day.

Now Yeardley is here
and Farlow's position is powerless,

so he feels he must retrieve it.

Really, my dear, please.

You must search for it.

As the Recorder, you regularly go
into Farlow's home

and the Governor has already asked
you to monitor him.

Do you not appreciate yet
how dangerous these men are?

I will not do such a thing.

Drunkenness is a virtue!

It heats the liver.

Hot liver makes a man a man.

In't that so, Silas?

If you ask any woman what they want,

"Do you want a man with a hot liver
or a fellow with cold hands?"

Now, where's my hot-livered man?

Bloody hell!

Find the map, my sweet.

Good luck.

Mistress Castell, just the person.

Do you no longer possess the ability
to knock on a door, Castell?

Secretary, I have made ready
the records of the new

land boundaries for you
to inspect and sign.


Would a convivial afternoon
of embroidery not introduce

a welcome touch of female civility
to the settlement?

Perhaps you would
like to join us, Mrs Castell?

You've stirred my imagination with
such a proposal, Lady Yeardley.

Stump work!

Could there possibly be a better way
for a woman to dispose of a day?

Well, I thought together
we might depict the planting

of the very first cross in Virginia.

I am tottering with excitement,
Lady Yeardley, excuse me.

Well, my dear?..

Farlow was scribbling away
intently as I walked in on him,

but when I looked,
the page was utterly blank.

He must have been using
artichoke ink or something similar.

What is artichoke ink?

It appears invisible, unless you
hold a flame beneath the paper.

Jocelyn, how do you know such things?

You must obtain the paper, Samuel.

How I am to get it?

Dearest, you take it.

You pick it up and you steal it.

These papers, my dear,
might lead us to the map.

How's that brew, for you, lover?

Strong enough?

When a man needs to drink, as mine does,

a good woman should take a care to
always have a strong ale at hand.

"Needs to drink." Do you hear that?

Did you hear that, boys?

What use is a man with
a toothache when he's got a wench?

I would say that any
harping cock who prefers ale

to some female pleasures
is a man who needs drink.

- What do you say, lads?
- I could stop if I wanted.

I just don't want to.

Oh, and which one of you
men believes him? Huh!

There. The beer is down.

That's not stopping. That is pausing.

You think I can't stop?

- How long?
- A month.

I'll prove you wrong, woman.

Swear it.

You swear off for one month.

I, Meredith Rutter,
herby avow and attest...

Not one drop.

...that I shall not touch one drop
for the whole of a month.

Then you won't be needing this!

Shut up!

There was an Englishman
came this way last year.

Jacob Breerling.

He forced himself on a girl.

They peeled the skin from
his body with oyster shells

as he burned alive.

The women do it.

It took three days for him to die.

I've lived without
a woman most of my life.

I can do it again.

That same man told me De La Warr
returned to Jamestown a year ago.

He had a map obtained
from the Portuguese

with two gold mines pricked down on it.

Do you suppose I have the map, Davie?

You're headed for the mountains.

No intention of turning back.

Suppose that same man, Breerling,

suppose he took the map.

Suppose that's why he were here.

Suppose that's why he were k*lled.

If I had a map,
would I be sitting here now?

I ain't arguing with you, Davie.

I'm just taking it in.

But you ain't believing me, neither.

This world taught me one thing -

there ain't no benefit in believing
any man alive.

What a great blemish
it is upon our settlement,

such a fate should
become of a man's grave.

It is, Mistress Castell, it is.

What kind of a horned beast would do
such a thing to Lord De La Warr?

He was a friend of mine.

I served him as the Master of Arms.

Governor, might I ask,

if the foul worm
that did this is caught,

will he be hanged?

He surely will.

Governor, if there is gold to be
found, should we not seek it out?

Don't let these matters disturb
your dainty mind, Jocelyn.

There have been expeditions?

Oh, yes.

A ship carrying precious dirt,

that was sure to yield
a high percentage of gold,

was sent back to England
by Captain Christopher Newport.

It was analysed by London's best
assayers and in testing it

turned to vapour, no gold.

Farming, Jocelyn, is our best hope.

But gold is so much more thrilling,
don't you think?


Woo her.

Woo her?

Woo her.

Ain't you the prettiest thing.

I can't keep my eyes off you.


Better than pretty.


I have water.

So I see.

I must take the water back.

Let me carry it for you.

I ain't never been beautiful before.

Your brother, there's...

this talk he might have had the map.

Well, if he did, sir, I didn't see it.

Your field's coming along.

It is, sir.

You've planted more than I expected.

Because we've worked the day long.

If Henry did have the map then
it died with him.

He might have been the stronger brother,

but you've turns out to be the
wiser, Silas.

I mean this here, this here...

This is better than any gold.

And you know it

and I know it.

Is that why Henry was in
a hurry to go upriver?

He believed that Governor Yeardley
had come back for the gold.

He was sure of it.

Burning with the idea of it.

That's what drove him up there.

This shoe is loose, Read.

Fitted it well enough.

I think if you look,
you'll see that the shoe is loose.

I know what a loose shoe looks like.

Mind your tongue, Read.

I'm a free man.

And I am the Governor.

You would do well to value my favour.

Why should I?

You favour some better than others.

When Henry Sharrow died,
I had a fair claim on that maid,

but you favoured Silas.

What's got into you, man?

I have no use for authority

if authority chooses to spit on me.

I will have you lashed.

All my life I had a master.

Now I have a mistress.

I do like it.

What's she like then?

Oh, you can see how clever
a God is when a woman is

so beautiful as Mistress Castell.

A maid must hear all kinds of things.

Er, I hear noises at night.

Your tongue is in my mouth.

Don't you feel no desire?

Don't you like it?

My own tongue is in there.

Don't tell your mistress about
us - understand?

The doctor he do seem fond of her.

Er, he do. Everyone, everyone do.

- Is she fond of him?
- They have a secret.

What's that then?

I don't know cos it is a secret.

Do they meet?

He came to see her in the night.

Look. There's Pepper.

I do like Pepper.

He gave me a stone.

I do like my stone.

It was like kissing a fish,

a dead fish.

I would rather kiss a dead fish.

You're a handsome dog, Bailey.

You can stir the lass to life.

It is not enough for us to know

that the doctor went to
visit Mistress Castell at night,

we need to know
when they plan to meet up again.

Where's your usual bravado today,

My poison headache hurts
worse than my throat,

and my throat has a greater
torment than my guts.

My guts are screaming that I might die.

And all of them, ain't nothing to
the affliction in my soul.

The world

is a place made of the sharpest claws,

sir, for a sober man.

You're a thief and a liar,

stealing into a man's home.

You have known me these years, sir.

I have never been
a man of fierce temper.

I am a man who's possessed by jealousy,

because I was denied my desire to
marry the maid, Mistress Kett.

That is not the matter at hand here.
You struck the Governor.

Yeah, but wasn't it you who
encouraged me, Marshall?

Wasn't it Secretary Farlow who gave
me reason to believe my plea

for the woman might be recognised?

You were not invited to speak on
these affairs.

You laid blows onto the
head of our colony.

That is an offence
punishable by hanging.

Now mark this.

James Read, you stand convicted,

so be taken to the gallows
this day and by the rope

around your neck your life
will be taken from you.

God have mercy upon his soul.

The law doesn't know mercy,

the law knows only justice.

Sir? Sir?

Won't you spare the man?

Ain't he been alone
here all these years.

Any man might...

Idiots, the rope is too long.

Just leave him he will die soon enough!

Governor Yeardley, sir,

since I played my part in
James Read's troubles.

It is too late for appeasing words,
the man struck me.

But, Governor, who will shoe your
horse when the blacksmith is hanged?

Hold, hold fast.

James Read,

God has seen fit to give
you a second chance.

If you are willing to show
contrition and obedience you

may be spared.


I am truly sorry, for all the harm
that I have caused you

and the Company and our Glorious King.

Take him down.

Come with me, James.
I will put some balm on your neck, man.

I love you.


what is desire?

Is it, is it what I hear at night?

Mercy, there are times that you
forget your place.

You must not talk to your
mistress in this way.

But why do you ask?

Has a young man caught your eye?

Was it the boy that gave you the stone?

Oh, no, ma'am.

It's the boy who kissed me
but I didn't feel no desire.

Well, I'm glad to hear that you
were not tempted.

Who is this boy?

Er, Bailey, ma'am. He's in the militia.

He's handsome, but I think he's ugly.

Oh, I wasn't supposed to tell
you about him.

I forget what I am to say and
what I'm not to say.

Boys will always want to keep
your liaisons concealed

if their intentions are indecent.

Well, he said it was our secret.

Like your secret with the doctor.

This boy said that your secret
was like my secret?

Yes, ma'am.

Mercy, what makes him
believe that I have such a secret?

I told him.

This measel of a boy, Bailey,

asked you questions about
me and you told him?

Yes, ma'am.

Did he say why he wanted this
intelligence - who it was for?

Did he mention Secretary Farlow?
Marshall Redwick?

I can't remember, ma'am.

I was thinking about his
tongue in my mouth.

You do realise, girl,
that to give information -

private information -
you have put me in danger.

I only said that the doctor come to
see you at night, is all.

Get out of my house!

Now. Will you never stop with
your bibble babble?

You will not remain in my home
a moment longer.

Do you hear me? Get out of my house!

Inside there, swords are clashing.

100 men screaming, thousands,
there's cannons.

Bang! Muskets.

What is a man to do when his own
skull is full of w*r?

How long has it been?

Two days.

The pain of it will pass!

Oh, yeah, then what will I be left with?

Come on to bed.


I shall wander the night.

I've come to ask for my stone back.

You wouldn't have searched through
my belongings if you had the map.

You don't have it either.
I know that much.

You might've believed
me when I told you.

Better I find out for myself.

You do have precious rocks.

They were given to me.

You must know where you're headed.

I could k*ll you, Davie,

and I'd just take your boat.

Then why don't you?

I want to know where them
rocks are from.

The girl is crying on the street.

Mercy's been with
me since I arrived here.

The child offended me.

- I will not have her anywhere near me.
- What has she done?

A dalliance.

What will the neighbour's think

if my maid is keeping company
with a young man?

I will put a stop to it.
She loves you, Jocelyn.

Give her a chance. Let her come back in.

We will not find another maid out here.

We will have to have one
sent over from England

and that could take months.

Mercy, you must never
see this boy again.

Do you understand?

- Let me hear you say it.
- I will never see him again.

If he's on the street,
I shall close my eyes.

Just don't speak with him or
walk alone with him.

I am sorry, ma'am.

I am truly sorry, ma'am.

I am sorry with all of my heart, ma'am.

Oh, for goodness sakes, girl,
get out of my sight.


these papers... Did you?..

Please tell me you didn't?

I had a wife and child,

died in England.

Our neighbours were searching for me

so that I might see them
before they passed from this world.

They never found me...

...because I
spent the whole of the night

drunk beyond my senses,
singing in a tavern.

Don't the morning look good
shining through the trees?

Is it always like that?

It is.


your young man asked you when
I might be seeing Doctor Priestly?

He did, ma'am. But I didn't tell him.

Because I didn't know.
And I still don't know.

I can't see him anyway if I did know.

I want you to take one more
walk with him.

But I am forbidden.

But I am instructing you to see him.

This is what I want you to tell him.

She is with the doctor right now.
At her house.

Well done, lad. Farlow,
let's away to Castell's house.

Wouldn't it be better if we took
the Recorder with us?

We cannot waste time searching for him.

We might be too late,
and we'll miss our prize.

Perhaps it will be slake enough
for us to catch the harpy

in the arms of her lover.

A man can have a small beer.

Who says he can't?

I proved it that I don't need it.

I like it, that's all.

What kind of woman's world is it

when a man can't have
a small ale when it suits him?

Yeah. One beer.


Do you wish to join us?

We're making the most wondrous tapestry.

The first cross to be
planted on our colony.

Why don't the Indians go after the gold?

They have a legend. Passed down.

They believe there's demons in the caves
will curse a man with seven deaths.

Creatures will pull a man into
a hellish world of chaos.

Well, then that's to our favour.

We don't know that yet.

You believe there's demons up there?

I don't doubt it.

If we find gold,
demons are sure to appear.

Did they tell you where the caves were?

Why don't you tell
me where you're headed?

When Newport set out for the mountains,

he took with him two goldsmiths,

two refiners, and a jeweller.

When that jeweller was sick I kept
him alive for nine days,

fed him,

carried him out of the settlement.

He drew me a map of where they'd
been, in the dirt.

As best as he could remember.

That's cast in my mind now.

Then you and I, my friend,
we're on our way to meet the demons.

How soon until it's dark?

Not soon enough.

Oh, er, ma'am,

I wasn't expecting...

God look at me...
Let me at least wash my face.

Oh, no, no, dear, Alice.

I just came to see how you
were progressing.

It's rather lovely, isn't it?
All the plants in their rows.

And the field. And your cow.

And the plants.

Well, it's hard work
from dawn till dusk, ma'am.

It's inspiring to see, Alice,

when the best part of town is

exercised about the silly map
and talk of gold.

Ah, it does seem to have bewitch people.

I trust you and Silas would not
trouble yourself with such folly?

No, ma'am.

But Silas's brother
was under the same spell.

Oh. Truly?

Well, that's why
he went upriver in such a hurry.

Cos Governor Yeardley had returned.

But why would the Governor's arrival
make him do such a thing?

Well, he was convinced Sir George
had come back to seize

whatever gold there was to be found.

He knew him, it seems, from when
he was here some years ago.

Oh, I see.

Governor Yeardley.

Blessed are the dead who die in the
Lord from henceforth.

Yea, saith the Spirit,

that they may rest from labours
and their deeds do follow them.

I made a terrible mistake.

I should have told Samuel
I came to see you after dark.

They're watching us. Stop this.

- We've done nothing wrong.
- In my heart, I have.

In my soul I betrayed Samuel the
first day that I spoke to you.

Because I love you.

Mistress Castell, you seem to have
captivated the doctor's attention.

If you did not make such heroic
endeavours, Lady Yeardley,

to be so famously meek
and meely-mouthed,

men might notice that you exist.

Mistress Castell, God is our
witness here today.

We are here to consecrate
Lord De La Warr's body.

Please, restrain your tongue.

The Bible tells us that a woman is
"the weaker vessel" - physically,

intellectually, morally and even
spiritually inferior to a man.

That is why God has given man the
right to dominate us.

Then I am certain

that you serve as God's greatest example
of fobbing womanhood, Lady Yeardley.

I am grateful that Jesus teaches us
forgiveness, Reverend.

He does. And we must.

I do wonder why she came here.

Why a woman such as her

might choose to leave behind
the ferment of England.

Perhaps we could enquire?

I have a cousin who is well
connected in Oxfordshire

close to where Mistress Castell
comes from.

Perhaps you might write a letter?


I have.

Where's your smiles gone, woman?

Can your husband not have
a beer without you wearing

a face like a chicken's arse?

Seems I have
me a man prefers drink to love.

What, you think I can't have
a drink and still delight you?

There ain't much delight in dog's
breath and a sorry cock.

I will show you sorry.

I will be a good wife to you.

But you will be a good husband to me.



Who did this? Who would do this to us?


You have a stone in your kidney.

James Read isn't looking up
that river, Alice.

He's looking into me.

There will be trouble in this town.
Trouble and blood.

Is there a better way for a man to die

than at the hands of men-at-arms?