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01x04 - Phobia

Posted: 10/23/14 10:50
by bunniefuu
[Car doors shut]

[Woman sighs]

Uh, well, uh, thank you for dinner.

Yeah. It was fun.


Ooh! Ok.

Zack, Zack. I'm sorry.

Um, I just, um... I didn't feel a connection.

Thought we had a great time.

It was fun.

Just, uh, no sparks for me anyway.

I'm really sorry.

Well, how do you know for sure?

How about we go inside and see what happens, huh?

I don't... I don't think so.

But it was really great to meet you, and, um, you, uh... you take care, ok?

Seriously? This is it?

Yeah. Sorry. Good night, Zack.

Woman: Leave a message.

Hey, girl. It's me.

You are officially banned from ever setting me up again.

I'd rather do it online if that's the best you can come up with.

The guy was a total loser.

Call me back. Bye.

[Flips light switch]


[Switch clicking]

[Switch clicking]

[Smacks flashlight]

Who's there?

Lights out.


Ohh! What are you doing?



It's just the dark.

Oh, oh! Aah!

Where's the...

Unh! Aah! Unh!

No! No!

Help me, please! Help me!

Beth: If you find yourself alone with an attacker, unfortunately if we're being realistic, we're not as strong as they are.

So what we want to do is we want to be able to learn how to use their movement, their momentum, and their body strength against them.

[Cell phone rings]


I'm on my way.

[Beep beep]

What do we got?

Kristin patterson, 32, single, lives alone, att*cked last night by an intruder.

Came home to find all her lights tampered with.

Guy had night vision goggles.

No sexual as*ault?

No. She told the responding officer she thought she was being stalked but never filed a report.

He put the hood on my head and dragged me down the hallway.

I thought he was gonna r*pe me and then k*ll me.

I was terrified.

The drapes were closed, and he'd moved the furniture, so I was tripping and falling all over the place.

He rearranged the furniture?

I was lost in my own house.

It's ok.

Please take your time.


Um... he started taunting me, saying it was just the dark, but it was pitch black.

I was so scared.

I know it was dark, but did anything stand out?

I saw a small red light.

He was filming you.

In your statement, you said someone's been stalking you.

Uh, yes. Um, for the past couple of months, I've sensed eyes on me.

I thought I glimpsed a man or a figure.

I know that sounds, crazy, but...

Was it more like intuition?

Exactly, and I came home one night, and my bathroom window was open, and another time, the front door was unlocked.

Why didn't you report it?

Well, nothing was missing, but a few days ago, I did notice my underwear drawer was all messed up.

The clothes had been, moved rearranged.

I tried to convince myself it was the cleaning lady.

Most victims are stalked by people they know.

Is there anyone you can think of?

I did have a date last night.

It didn't end well.

What happened?

He drove me home, made a move, and I told him I didn't feel a connection, but he tried to come inside anyway.

He was pretty peeved about it.

Name, please.

Uh, Zack thomas.

From now on, you don't let any strangers drive you home.

My friend set us. He wasn't a total stranger.

So you'd met him before?

Well, no, but we know so many of the same people.

He'd seen me, and he really wanted to go out.

Seen you? Where?

On my friend's Facebook page.

She said he'd been begging her to set us up for a while, that he was really into me.

Are you afraid of the dark?

Yes, I'm terrified.

Is that common knowledge?

Well, I suppose so.

I always have been. Why?

Means your stalker knows you.

Zack thomas has a record for drunk driving, public intoxication, and resisting arrest.

Well, obviously, the friend that set them up didn't know his history.

Probably let it slip that Kristin's terrified of the dark.

"What she like? Tell me all about her."

He's M.I.A. didn't show up for work, no one's heard from him.

Ben, put out an APB and get a warrant to ping his cell phone.

I'll do it.

No. I got it.

So was he supposed to get my job? Is that it?

No. He's level one, you're level two.

He knows the pecking order.

He just doesn't like it.

Or me.

Whose fault is that?

Let's go check out the crime scene.

Jack: Any prints?

No. He was careful not to leave anything behind.

He bleached out his semen.

She escapes before he can r*pe her, so he masturbates instead?

No. You don't hang out to masturbate after your victim escapes.

It's too risky.

He sat here while he was filming her.

He was getting off on her fear.

He let her go because he already got what he needed.

We have a sadistic stalker who inflicts psychological v*olence to control his victims with fear?

His M.O. isn't to k*ll.

It's to terrify.

Think he hangs on to the videos, gets off on them later?


She took off her shoes, turns on the light, walks past the dark living room into the bedroom.

Clicks on the light.


All is good.

While she showers, our stalker tampers with her lights.

She comes back into the bedroom, hits the switch, nothing.

She tries the lamps, no bulbs, so she goes to grab a flashlight.

Let there be light.

She thought she was safe until she saw the bulbs and the batteries in the drawer.

And when she got home, all the lights worked, so he gave her a false sense of security.

Did his homework, too.

House next door has a for sale sign, overgrown grass, it's vacant.

No one can hear her screams.

How does she know her attacker?

Is it a co-worker, a friend, ex?

What are you afraid of? Sorry?

What's the one most thing you're afraid of, and who knows about it?

What's your point?

I don't know. I'm just curious.

Keep it that way.

My point is guarded people keep things to themselves.

Very few people truly get to know them.

Does Kristin strike you as secretive, or her personality more forthcoming?

Most people are guarded about their fears and phobias, and stop fishing. Yeah?

Ben on cell phone: We have a location for Zack thomas' cell phone.

It's in the vacant house next door to the victim's.

He's waiting for her to come home.

Backup is en route.

[Beep beep]


[Zack coughing]

You ok? Yeah.

Get an ambulance.


And after Kristin went inside, what happened?

I heard something from the side yard, so I went to check it out.

And you saw someone?

I saw a guy by the window.

Did you see his face?

No. It was dark, and when he saw me, he ran behind the house, so I went after him, but he att*cked me from behind.

Poked me in the neck with a needle.

Did he say anything to you?

Yeah. That I wasn't gonna ruin his night, and I backed out. **** next thing I know, I'm waking up in the trunk of my own car.

When you and Kristin were at dinner, did you notice anyone staring at you guys, anyone follow you out to the valet?

A lot of guys were checking Kristin out.

She's a pretty girl, but no one... no one really stood out.

You think of anything else, call me.

Thanks for your time.

Is Kristin ok?


That's good.

I hope you get him.

We will.

Our stalker att*cks Zack and dr*gs him, puts him in the trunk, pulls his car into the neighbor's garage, then att*cks Kristin.

And left the keys exposed so Zack would be found.

Janice: Zack was in his way. He didn't want to k*ll him, but he was already in a state of arousal, and he couldn't let Zack ruin his plans with Kristin.

We've spoken to all their friends and family available.

No one knows or fits who we're looking for.

We should speak to our victim Kristin again, see if she can point us in a new direction and let her know her stalker's still out there.

Ben: I get it. As a kid, I was always afraid of the dark.

I still am. What happened to that girl would freak me out.

You're afraid of the dark? Oh, yeah.

The lights are on at my place.

Well, market fluctuations are caused by a number of things.

That's why I've been analinthe data.*** heh heh.

Well, I ran the numbers on your private equity fund.

Just doesn't make sense to where your portfolio's performing.


I just think we need to keep looking.

Zack almost died because of me.

It could have turned out worst, trust me, I know.

I'm a good person. I'm a teacher.

I ke difference.** why is this happening to me?

Well, we're trying to figure it out, but we need your help.

Is there anyone else you can think of?

What grade you teach?


So you spend a lot of time with your students, right?

Uh, yeah. Almost 6 hours a day.

So you're a role model by default.

That must be stressful.

What does my job got to do with this?

Your reputation at school is very important to you, and that's why you're not telling us the truth.

Ok. I have no idea what you're talking about.

You're squirming in your chair because you're uncomfortable with my questions.

Your arms are folded.

You're protecting yourself from something.

You're not the role model those kids think you are, are you?

Beth: Shame is powerful. I get it, but if you're not honest with us, more people are going to get hurt.

I'm around children all day long, and it's really hard to meet a nice guy in L.A.

I got lonely, and I signed on to a dating web site.

Which one?

It's not exactly dating.

It's more casual sex.

You still on it?

No. I went on some bad dates, met some weirdoes, so I shut down my account.

How long ago?

A couple of months.

Around the time you started being stalked?


Ok. I'm gonna need your account number and the names of those bad dates I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier.

I... I was embarrassed.

You were lonely. You made a mistake.

Learn from that.

Beth: Her profile name's bad teacher.

Where were teachers like that when I was in school?

Dude, you did not just say that.

It's called having a sense of humor.

You should try it sometime.

I've narrowed it down to 3pects.

She had a one-night stand with this guy, thenn't respond to his follow-up messages** for another booty call.

How many did he send?

30. She had a threesome with this guy.

Afterwards, he sent her hate messages about getting left out on the action.

Guy looks like a whack job.

She met this guy at a hotel but bailed on him because was into bondage.

He sent her some threatening messages, and she blocked him from her account.

Bondage fits the sadistic profile.

Yeah. I ran all their names, but none of them came up in our arrest records.

All right. Keep digging.

Call me if you get something.

I'll call Beth.

[Music playing]

Tracy: His name is bdy***** and he's a struggling artist.

Mixed media, very avant garde, so, but I haven't seen anything.

He's so cute and sexy and young and...

How young?

22. Don't judge.

Oh, my gosh.

Well, I can't because it's my fault.

It is your f.*** you told me to have fun, and so I'm having f, lots of fun.****

OK then.

Seriously though, it's gonna sound weird, the's a freedom to this guy.

You know, it's casual and chilled.

There's no heaviness, and just after what I've been thug- it's just nice to feel something light.


How is he in bed?

[Mumbling] I don't know.

Ha ha ha!

You just failed your polygraph.

It's hot.

It's definitely a selling point.

Sounds nice.

Then you should give it a go.

We both deserve this.

You deserve to have more.

Of course, and I will one day, and yes, I'm deflecting because I don't want to talk about I and because tonight is about you and your cradle-robbing ways.

Cheers to that.


Woman: You should see these guys I got matched up with.

It will really make you look in the mirror.

Different woman: What about that guy in san diego?


The tennis coach? I don't know.

Something about that just disturbs me.

Ok. You're weird.

That was apparent years ago.


What is it?


What's happening?

Nothing. Heh.

Maybe it was just a truck outside.


No. The point is, why san diego?

I mean, why can't I meet someone here?

No. I get it.

I'm not whining about this tonight.

I'll talk to you manana.

Ok. Talk to you later. Bye.


No! Oh, my god!

No, no.

Oh, god!

Oh, my god.




Oh, my god! Aah!

Oh, my god!

[Helicopter flying]

[Police radio chatter]


You interview the victim?

No. She's still pretty upset.

Medics are stabilizing her blood pressure.

Any snake bites?

No, and the guy from animal control said they weren't venomous.

How many snakes were there?

32 so far. We found a pillow case.

That's how he carried them in.

Same M.O. as the first attack... terrify, not k*ll.

That woman was so scared, she passed out.

She didn't even see a face.

He came prepared. S.I.D. found traces of bleach.

He scrubbed out another DNA deposit.

He made entry through the window?

And exit. We found a grease stain on the windowsill.

He's getting sloppy.

Maybe, but he's been watching her for a while.

He knew her exact routine, time she went to sleep, everything.

A sadistic serial stalker.

Bad combo.

He's going to be outdoing himself from one victim to the next for a bigger thrill.

Thisevelof terror stalking**** is more in line with the acceleration process of a serial k*ller.

He satiates his fixation with one victim, the moves on to a new obsession.

Each attack was premeditated, one day apart.

He probably has his next victim all picked out.

He knows exactly what he's gonna do to her.

Beth: Miss fleming.

I'm lieutenant Beth Davis.

Can we talk?

Why didn't you guys help me before?

I filed a report with a cop a couple weeks ago.

I know you did. Strange man was following you.

He broke into my house.

Nothing was missing but moved around.

The officer who took that report thought it was just a break-in, so the threat wasn't assessed properly.

Yeah. Well, if someone would have helped me in the first place, I wouldn't be sitting here right now.

You're right. I am so sorry this happened to you, and I'd be scared and mad, too, but I'm here to make it right.

Did you see a face?


Can you tell me what happened?

I had just started to fall asleep.

I felt something under the covers.

It was a snake. I freaked.

I fell out of my bed.

There were snakes all over.

It was awful, and then I saw him filming me.

The camera was in front of his face.

Do you know who it could have been?

I don't know.

Whoever it was knew that I was afraid of snakes.

You're his second victim.

The other girl looked like you.

He surprised her in her home, too.

We think that she met him on a site... norulesdating.

Are you on that, too?

I'm on

Ok. I'm gonna need your account info.

What if he comes back?

We don't think that he will.

He got what he needed from you.

Janice: Forensics report says the stain on the windowsill was motorcycle chain grease.

Our guy has a bike or maybe works on them.

I cross-referenced both victim's accounts, and neitheof em are receiving e-mails**** on the same IP address.

The women look alike, but they have different phobias.

Laura's phobia was posted in her profile, and Kristin chatted about her fear of the dark with some guys online.

It's all about spiders for me.

Buried alive.

And clowns.


Buried alive is original?

It could happen.

Beth: There has to be some twisted reason why he's targeting blonds and getting off on their fear.

Rejection could have triggered his need for power over them.

Let's cross-reference their reject lists, see who they didn't go out with.

That was amazing.

Yeah. Very.

Really, really amazing, but I have to go into the restaurant.


You feeling bad?

Bad? No. I feel great...


And really guilty for blowing off work.

That I understand.


Ok. Explain.

Who's this guy?

That's mickey, my brother.

Total brat growing up, but we like him now.

And, uh, the woman?

That's Beth, friend of mine.

She looks nice.

She is and a good friend.

How long you known her?

Met her when I first moved to L.A.

She helped me out of a jam.

What kind of jam?

You are so nosy.

You don't get to know all my secrets.




Now you have to tell me.

I had a little trouble with a guy I was seeing.



We were supposed to get married, and something didn't feel right about him, so I broke it off, and he couldn't handle the rejection.

He went a little crazy.

What'd he do?

Tried to k*ll me.

You serious?

Yes, but he didn't, thanks to one badass cop.

Where is he now?

She sent him away.

We've been best friends ever since.

I like her already.

She'd been through something similar, actually a lot worse than me.

She's helped a lot.

She still does, her friendship.

She sounds special.


I cross-referenced the victims' reject lists.

There was a linguistics commonality in the e-mails sent from this guy.

Both women rejected him when he asked them out on dates.

Chris Powell? How'd you find him.

Ben: His e-mails were sent from public libraries.

Alpr database has images of him leaving*** the libraries on a motorcycle.

No license plate, but the dealership name was on the plate frame.

His bike was a special order.

They faxed over a copy of his driver's license.

What's his story?

4 years ago, he was arrested for r*pe, but the D.A. didn't file.


Ben: Meghan stewart, blond pretty just like the other girls.

It's possible she's the genesis victim, the one who started it all.

Get a ramey warrant for his arrest and send units to his address.

I'm on it.

Is he registered on any other dating sites?

Yeah, but he's using a different alias on each site.

They're all taken from different angles.

Hard to tell if it's the same guy.

It is. Fbi did us a favor and ran their facial recognition software.

These women have no idea they're being hunted.

Like I said, he escalating.

We need to get to the next victim before he does.


I've got to come clean.

My name's not brad.

It's Chris, and your profile pic doesn't do you justice.


Chris Powell's home was vacant when the unis arrived.

We put out an APB in case he tries to skip town.

He won't leave the city.

It's where his obsession with the genesis victim started.

We did some digging.

After the as*ault, the gv legally changed*** her name to Angela darrow.

She's hiding out. She's scared of him.

She's local. Lives in some highrise downtown.

The genesis victim is like a drug to his psyche.

We have to talk to her.

[knock on door]


Badge and I.D., please.

Lieutenant Beth Davis, detective Jack Larsen.

[Lock clicks]

Miss darrow?

We need to talk to you about Chris Powell.

He could have followed you here.

He's been terrorizing other women.

He's a sick person.

Can you tell us about your relationship?

It's hard for me to talk about.

I know, but other women are being att*cked, and we really need your help.


I started dating Chris 5 years ago.

He kept pressuring me to have sex, but I was a virgin and scared.

A neighbor molested me when I was a kid.

Doctors called it genophobia.

Chris didn't get it, so I broke up with him.

After that, he became obsessed.

He started stalking you?

Broke into my house, threatened new guys I was dating, and then one night, he kidnapped me.

Where'd he take you.

To some abandoned office building his dad owned.

He r*ped me.

No one could hear me scream.

I'm so sorry.

Bastard said he was doing it to help me conquer my fear.

I had him arrested, but he had a lot of family money, he hired a fancy lawyer who knew all the loopholes.

He walked.

I was terrified he was gonna hurt me again, so I quit my job, changed my name, dyed my hair, and moved.

When was the last time you had contact with him?

He found me 4 months ago.

I came home and found dead roses in a vase in my bedroom.

He's scared of heights, so I moved into this highrise.

I feel safer up here.

Angela, I know you feel the system let you down.

If you help me, maybe we can make this right.

I might know where he is.

He finally finds her, and she disappears into her tower, which triggers the other att*cks.

He could have her, so he went after other women.

His sick mind was helping Angela conquer her fear by raping her, but with the new victims, it's about exposing them to their fears so he can re-create the high he felt when he r*ped Angela.

She's the genesis victim, his first.

She'll always be special.

I think he's still at that abandoned building, reliving it over and over again.

Angela thinks so, and I'm inclined to believe her.

Call ben. See if the address is in the old case file.

A third victim?

Fear of drowning.

He weighted her down.

This one's a live feed.

We have to find her location.

See the padding on the walls?

He soundproofed the room.

So no one could hear her scream.

Coffee's warm. Here's here.

We need to lock down the building now.

You're welcome.

Any luck on our last victim's location?

I can't get a trace on it.

He uploaded the feed to bounce through a bunch of servers.

Right now, it's in bosnia.

Eventually, I'll get it, but we don't have enough time.

Well, how much time do we have.

I'm looking at the footage.

The water's up to her chin.

Based on the seconds per drip of the faucet, we've got about 45 minutes.

Well, then he'll have to tell us where she is.

Something wrong, lieutenant?

I've got you on breaking and entering, as*ault with a deadly w*apon on a police officer, and attempted m*rder on that guy you strangled.

We're talking life in prison, no parole.

On top of that, she'll never make it.

That water is dripping from that faucet in half-ounce drops.

In 45 minutes, she's gone.

Where is she?

The first stage of drowning is delicious.

She understands the danger and panics.

She's frightened.

Her pulse spikes, and her pupils dilate.

The water rises and slaps her in the face.

It trickles into her mouth.

She chokes on it and swallows.

Let's take a little walk.


Where you going?

We tried it your way. Now it's my turn.

What are you doing? What are you doing?

Stop! No!

Come on.

Ohh! Aah!


No! Please!

Ohh! Ohh! Please. Please stop!

I'll just tell everyone you were despondent and jumped.

Works every time.

Please no!

Sucks being scared, don't it?

Where is she? Where is she?

Where is she?!

Ok, ok.

She's at 302 allen avenue.


Ben: Get her. Go fast.

There you go.

Lightly, lightly, lightly.

No pulse.

Come on.

Come on.

Yeah. Ok. Yeah.


It's ok. You're ok.


[Knock knock]

Team drinks?

No, thanks. I can't.

Phobia of fun, fear of letting your co-workers see you after a couple of sh*ts of tequila?

That's not it.

Then what is it?

What are you afraid of?

You first, tough guy.

Yeah. You keep prying. My turn.

What are you afraid of?

Oh, you want to get real?

You got it.

I'm afraid that I'm gonna keep making the same mistakes.

Which ones, Jack?

Your turn, tough girl.

I'm afraid of people really knowing me, and I don't want to have this conversation, and this is as far as it goes.

What happened to you?

Sorry, Jack. That's all you're getting.

It's a start.

[Music playing]


Good day.

Yeah. Good day.

[Elevator dings]

You want to go for a drink?

Last time, you said, "drinks are never just drinks."

[Knock on door]

What is it?

We just made things right.

I just need to clean up.

I've seen a guy's dump before.

I haven't had a chance to, uh, furnish the place.

Where do you sleep?

I have a bed.



Man (on phone): Hey. Your homegirl Beth Davis didn't exist until she went to the academy 12 years ago.

No birth records?

Nope. I got nothing in cyberspace.

Keep looking. I'm good for the money.

You just keep digging.

[Music continues]