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03x06 - Final Transmission

Posted: 01/21/24 09:23
by bunniefuu
At what point do we worry
that no one else is back yet?

We got swallowed by a giant assmouth.
Who knows what they had to deal with?

What was that?


Oh, thank God!

Sorry, the door was jammed shut.

- So the, uh, the robot had to, uh...
- No, I'm just glad it's you.


What happened here?

Looks like everything is covered in snot.

No, it's saliva. Maybe bile.

We were swallowed
by a subterranean alien organism.

- Oh.
- Okay, how long until we launch?

Uh, we have a few more repairs to make
before we're flight-worthy.

How long until the four-armed nightmare
machines figure out where we are?

Well, the longer we're ghosts,
the better our odds, so we run cold.

No power. The first time those robots
know where we are

better be the moment
we punch a hole in the sky.

Okay. Everyone, flight assignments,
for hopefully the last time. Penny...

I know, I know.

You replace the OGS filters,
which are probably clogged

- with something disgusting.
- And toxic.

Don't touch it with your hands.
I have gloves for us.

Us? You mean I don't have to do the most
disgusting job on the ship by myself?

Well, no. Robinsons stick together.


Do they?

Smith, I need help in the garage.

We need to restore airflow
to the ventilation system

if you wanna breathe
when we get back into space.

Happy to help. I love breathing.

Robot. I need you
to seal the hub roof panels.

Can you do that?

Hey, Will, let's get up top.
See if we can get eyes on Don.


We're gonna make it.


Yeah... together.

We need to swap out
the rest of the coils.

Make sure there's no residue
on the burners. Pliers.

Judy told me what you did.

How you saved her life.
Kept your nose clean.

Became a teacher.
I had no idea you spoke French.

A little bit.

My kids, well, all our kids,
survived a year on their own,

and you were a part of that,
so I guess I should be grateful.

They took care of me too.
We took care of each other.


I feel like I missed so much during
that year that we were apart, and I...

I mean, I know that they wouldn't tell us
everything anyway,

but I... I thought maybe, um...

Maybe what?

Well, maybe you'd know.

If there were any developments

or... or firsts
that a... a mother should know about.

Penny's first love triangle.

Don't worry. It was tame.

Vijay and this tall kid, Liam.

Nice guy. Kind of a show-off.
A bit obvious if you ask me.

Judy must have had
some opinions about that.

From what I could tell, Judy was focused
on trying to be a good captain.

And discovering that only by stepping out
of the shadow of her parents

was there room enough for her
to fulfill her own true potential.

Ah, but you're more curious about
how she was with Grant Kelly.

Did they, uh... get along?

What were you hoping for, Maureen?
That they did or didn't?

I... That has nothing to do with it.

Okay, then. Well, yes, they got along.

And what about Will?

He seems, I don't know,
kind of more serious.

He has a lot on his mind.

Like what?


learning how to control his body.

You've seen him.
He's all arms and legs now.

All right.

Okay. I think that's it.

Thank you for your help.

All I did was hand you the tools.

Come on.

There's more to do.

Hey, is that a new haircut?
I like it.

Thanks. Judy did it.

Yeah? And, uh, did I see
something on your chin? A shadow?

You started shaving?

There was one hair,
yeah, but it got long. Like, really long.

Penny gave it a name
before she plucked it.

- What did she call it?
- Carl.

Hey, Will.

Listen, uh...

when we first got lost,

I made you a promise that I would
never split the family up again.

And a year ago,
that's exactly what happened.

- You didn't have a choice.
- I know, I know. But I...

missed a lot, again.

Hell, I never even got to meet Carl.

So, when we finally get to Alpha Centauri,

I promise you,

we're gonna do
some regular father-son things.

No more running for our lives
or fighting alien robots.

Yeah. That'd be nice.

Just do normal, everyday things

like embarrassing you
in front of your friends, hmm?

Or giving you
an unreasonably early curfew.

Or how about docking my allowance
whenever I forget to do my chores?


Kid saves us a couple of times,

and, uh... suddenly he thinks
he deserves an allowance?

How else am I gonna support
my huge gambling problem?

Hey, gambling is only a problem
if you lose.

I'll teach you a few things. Hmm?

See? This is why
you need your old man around.

How about we start with something small,

like... teaching me how to use a razor?

I'd like that.

Me too.

Now, if I was Don West, where would I be?


- Got him.
- Yeah?

900 meters out.

Any sign of SAR and his friends?

Not yet, but it's only a matter of time
before they figure out where we are.

Hey, I need to talk with you for a second.

Look, I've been thinking,
and if we can get out of here safely,

there's really no reason I can think of
why we have to fight SAR today

or even tomorrow.

Look, my family has to get
to Alpha Centauri.

That's more important to me
than anything right now.

Help family.

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
Help them get there.

And then, if we have to, later on,
we can come up with a new plan.



Yeah, good.



Uh, anything I can do
to help move things a little faster?

It's a one-person job,

and I can only go as fast
as this thing can process the data.

Together again.

All of us.

It's been a while
since we've been parents.

I don't think
you ever stop being a parent.

We were just... unemployed for a year.

It's a good job.

Yeah, it is.


Last one.

Two more minutes.

While that's processing, I want you
to take a look at something Penny found.

I pulled all the hard drives
from the Fortuna.

And strange thing is,

they were all scrubbed.

- That's odd.
- Yeah.

All nav data, flight reports...

The only proof of life was the CC cams.

- Is that...
- Grant Kelly. Yeah.

He doesn't try to hurt him.

- What's he doing?
- I don't know.

Some kind of scan or... reading.

Checking for vitals.

- When was this recorded?
- Uh...

Time stamp's kinda hard to...
What is that, a 12?

12... 12.21.44.

- 12.21.44.
- Yeah.

What is that? That's five...
five and a half years ago.

Anyone have an extra left boot?


I'll take a sneaker,
but I'd prefer a boot for symmetry.

Is that Don? Don?

- Hey!
- Hey!

- Hey, guys!
- Hey, Don!

- Hey, Penny.
- Oh! Sweaty. It's okay, actually.

- Hey, Debbie!
- Hi!

We've been through
a lot.

Be careful how tight
you hold that bird, Don.

You don't wanna choke your chicken.

Relax, she's makin' a joke.
We don't listen to the crazy lady.

Go wash up, okay?

Hey! Don! What took you so long?

For starters, I had to battle
this slimy, sucking ground monster

that ate my left boot.

This thing was huge,
like, six or seven feet across

with a death grip like Sister Louise,
who, by the way, in her late eighties,

still a freakishly strong woman.

Mm. Six or seven feet.
That's... that's big.

Yeah! But that's not
the strangest thing that happened.

I crossed paths with one of these robots.

You did? What happened?

There was nowhere to run!

I saw my beautiful life
flash before my eyes.

But before I was toast, he didn't k*ll me.

He did this weird thing
with his claws, like...

like, scanning me with a red light.

As if he was trying to guess my price
at a supermarket.

And by the way, if anyone's curious,

sexy astronaut mechanics,
on sale for 2.99.

The robots did the same thing
to Grant Kelly.

Scanned him while he was in cryosleep
on the Fortuna.

The timestamp on that video,

December 21st, 2044,

that was just a few days
before the Christmas Star.

That means that first contact
between humans and alien intelligence

wasn't with Scarecrow on Earth.

It was with Grant Kelly in space.

The Fortuna was their Christmas Star.

But the Fortuna was scrubbed
of all its tracing data.

If the robots were trying to find out
where it came from,

that information wasn't on board.

Yes, it was.

Uh... we know that the human body

is constantly being impacted
by its environment on an atomic level.

It... it picks up trace amounts
of particles and chemicals and elements

that we encounter
as we journey through our life.

Some scientists think
that this makes our bodies like a...

a point on a map of the universe,
and that...

with the right equipment,

you can figure out everywhere
a person has ever traveled in their life.

Like following cosmic breadcrumbs.

Okay, so they needed Grant to find Earth,
but they know where we are.

What did they want with Don?

Because Don is the only one here
who's ever been to Alpha Centauri.


What do we do?

Well, we'll... figure it out. Right, Mom?

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Just give me a minute.

Don, what direction did SAR head in?

After he met you? Back toward the ship?

Audio files uploaded.

Vehicle tracking system disabled.

Untense your shoulders.
Relaxed arms means more control.

Yeah. Okay.

Say, why don't we give it some more gas?

We talked about this!
You can't protect me forever!

Help Will Robinson.

Not with this.

If we're really friends,
if you really wanna help me,

then you'll stay here
and make sure my family's safe.

I have to do this.

You have to let me go.

So we launch, get there as fast as we can,
and warn them.

What good is a warning?

How are they gonna fight off
an army of angry robots?

- We've done it before.
- Have we?

Alpha Centauri isn't the Resolute,
Maureen. You can't just blow it up.

We have to give them a fighting chance.

Look, I'm well aware
my instincts aren't the Robinson way,

but there's nothing wrong
with choosing to save ourselves.

We have a robot, an engine.

We can go anywhere.

Preferably a place
where the ground doesn't try to eat you.

We are not running away from this.

Look, all I'm saying is, if...
if we just put our heads together,

we can come up with a better plan

- that doesn't involve this robot army...
- You okay?

- ...obliterating Alpha Centauri...
- We have to go there.

- Maureen, we...
- Help family.

- They might have technology...
- Thank you.

It always feels better when you're here.

They might have resources...

This is Will Robinson
of the 24th Colonist group.

This is my final transmission.

Well, hopefully not my last,
but if you're watching this,

there's a chance things didn't work out
the way I hoped they would.

You're a brave one, Will Robinson.

I'll give you that.

Where are you?

I know you can detect this.

Come and get me.

♪ A modern-day warrior
Mean, mean stride ♪

♪ Today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean pride ♪

Will Robinson.

Everything needs to be locked down.

There's stuff everywhere.

Whatever you don't want
hitting you in the face, put away.

- Will you hear me out?
- We need to go!

Maybe the only thing better than us
taking off is making sure that SAR can't!

What are you talking about?

SAR can't attack Alpha Centauri
if SAR can't get there.

So maybe we ground him here
on this planet.


Kamikaze his ass!
Drop a Chariot on him! I don't know.

We don't have time!
SAR could launch at any second.

That's what doesn't make sense. Don,
how long since you got scanned? An hour?

Yeah, give or take.

If the robots have known
about Alpha Centauri since then,

how come SAR hasn't launched yet?

We would've seen or heard him if he had.

Well, maybe his ship is damaged.
He crashed here just like the rest of us.

Maybe he wants more
than a map to Alpha Centauri.

Will, he wants something from Will.
He always has.

Where is Will?






Uh... He's gone.

Gone? Gone where?

To try and stop SAR.

How do you know that?

I found this.

He left a message.

This is Will Robinson
of the 24th Colonist group.

I'm sorry, Maureen.

This is my final transmission.

Well, hopefully not my last, but...

Oh, Will.

...if you're watching this...

I should've known.

...there's a chance things didn't work out
the way I hoped they would.

We can't blame ourselves.

I'm gonna go find him!

John! Stop, he's in a Chariot!
We'll never catch him on foot!

Hey! Did you know about this?

Will says you have a connection.
Did you know?

Hey, our only viable option
is to get the Jupiter up in the sky

and... and search from the air.

We can cover more ground in less time,
and... to hell with staying hidden.

We need to find Will before SAR does.

- Mom, wait!
- Powering up.

- What if he's doing the right thing?
- What are you talking about?

He's the only one
who can relate to these robots.

What if he's the only one
who can put an end to it?

And what if he's not?

Penny, if there's one thing I've learned
since we got lost,

it's that when you think
you're the only one with answers,

you're usually wrong.

Any sign of the Chariot?

No, I'm not picking anything up.
Will must've disabled the tracking system.

What about SAR?
His metal should reflect the light.

Maybe we can... we can catch a bounce
off our search beams.

Where are you?

And what do you want with my son?

Will Robinson will come to save you.

But don't worry.

I won't hurt him the way you hurt me.

I want to learn from him.

What do you want to learn?

Why you stopped following
your programming...

Will Robinson did something to you.


I need to know what it is.

Tell me.

You are weak.

Will Robinson reprogrammed you
to follow his orders.

He controls you now.

Will Robinson does not control me.

Then why do you serve him?

That's a good start.

My name's Will Robinson.

I'm pretty sure you know that already.

When you and I were in the cave,

you wanted to know something.

I... I wasn't sure what it was then, but...

I think I do now.

You wanted to know what happened
when Robot and I met in the tree, because...

that's when Robot started being different.

Is that right?

Look, I know that sometimes
change can be scary, but...

it can also help you become
better than you were before.

Do you understand what programming is?

Are you asking about the heart?

Yeah. The heart is actually
a form of programming, I guess.


it can tell us how to act...

what to risk...

who our friends are.

Hearts can also be broken.

Just like your programming can be broken.

But it's what we do afterwards
that matters.

There's something you need to know.

Your masters,

the beings who programmed you, they're...

...they're not here anymore.

They're extinct.

I don't know what happened to them, but...

whatever it is they wanted you to do,
it doesn't matter anymore.

They're gone.

You can choose your own programming.

You can do whatever you want.


Does knowing they're gone make you sad?

Sometimes our...
our hearts can hurt when we're sad.

Not sad.

Do you know how they died?

I k*lled them.

Danger, Will Robinson.

Over there! Two o'clock!

Everybody, hold on!

Uh... oh... I don't understand.
Why would you do that?

k*ll all masters.


Now k*ll heart.

Please. Please, you have to listen to me.

No programming.

I don't wanna program you!

No masters.


No heart.

Now you are free.



Do you remember
when this all started?

We all just wanted a fresh start.

Not just a new home, but...

a fresh start with each other.

And no matter how many different times
things have gone wrong,

to have spent this time together...

I don't regret anything.

Mom, Dad,

I love you.

I try to be like you both every day.

And, Judy,

you never left my side.

And, Penny, you always had my back.

Don, you were like a brother to me.

And, Smith,

maybe you're not so bad after all.


you're the best friend I ever had.

Take care of my family for me.

I'm doing this so you all can survive
because you're what matters most to me.

You're my family,

and I love you.

I just hope it's enough.

Get his jacket undone.

His pulse is there, just barely.

It's okay.

I'm here.

Dad's here.

Let's get his suit off.

Here, here, here.


Okay, I got him.



You were supposed
to stop this from happening.

We trusted you.

You were supposed to protect him!

He keeps bleeding. I don't have
the equipment I need to stop it.

I can't perform open-heart surgery
on the Jupiter. He needs a real hospital.

Where are we gonna find
a hospital in space?

Alpha Centauri.

- Isn't that where SAR's going?
- Yes, we're gonna warn them.

We're gonna save Will's life.

Hold on, hold on! Mom, Mom!
He won't survive the trip!

We have to try!

Strap him down. Do everything you can.

Wait, the cryotube!

It slows down circulation so
there's not so much stress on his heart.

If we put him to sleep,
then his heart's not working so hard.

He'll have a chance.

Do it.

Okay. Come here. Come on.



Come on. It's time to go.

I know some people think
you don't have feelings.

I know that you do.

But right now, I need you to bury them.

I need you to put them away
in a little box

so you can focus on what it is you need
to do to get us out of this situation.

Whatever you've done in the past
doesn't matter.

Only what you do next.

And right now,

getting Will to Alpha Centauri
is the only thing that matters.

Cryo-sequence initiating.

We need to go.

Unidentified launch detected.

SAR is taking off.

Are we gonna make it in time?

We have to.