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03x04 - Nothing Left Behind

Posted: 01/21/24 09:21
by bunniefuu
What the hell happened down there?

At first, we thought maybe impact
from one of those meteors, but...

no meteor would be large enough
to create that kind of destruction.


Then what did?

Okay, everyone, I don't wanna stay here
longer than we need to.

- Will, make sure the robot's ready.
- Yeah.

Penny, can you check on the kids, please?

Wait, hold on.

Sorry, Will has one job,
and I have 97 jobs?

- You're better with the kids than he is.
- Hey!

Sorry, it's just
they're a little intimidated by you.

Really? Have they met Will?

Yes, well, Will has a robot.

Uh, well, Penny has a strong boyfriend.

And which one of your boyfriends
is the strong one again?

- Okay, I don't care for either of you.
- Next stop, Alpha Centauri.

It was once the greatest ship ever built.

Never even had a chance
to complete her mission.


Well, she kept you and your crew alive.

Life's not just about survival.
It's about making a difference.

So when you're all done, you can say,

"I did that."

- Look, about what happened earlier...
- Happened. Past tense.

No need to dwell on it.

Let's just move on.


Yeah, that looks good. Okay.

I thought we said
no loose items during flight.

Sorry. It's just... my mom says
if you ever get nervous,

just stay focused on the goal.

Well, then we're just going to have to do
a better job of tucking that in.

When I was in the ruins,
I recorded these sounds.

I think it might be some kind of language,

made by whoever built you.

Do you know what it's saying?

Look, I know you don't remember much
about the way you were before, but...

do you understand what I mean
when I talk about programming?

It's the way we tell a machine,
like a computer, what we want it to do.

Yes, Will Robinson.

So, what if these sounds
are how they controlled the robots?

And if so, maybe one could even stop them.

- Or at least slow them down...
- Hey, lazy butts.

I would like to point out
that my 97 things are done,

and your one thing
still hasn't turned on the map.


Go ahead.

We'll have time to finish working
on this problem on Alpha Centauri.

What's the problem?

Oh, nothing. It's a robot thing.

Don't pull the robot card on me.

I'm not.
Since when did you get to be so nosy?

First of all, I've always been nosy.

- Second of all...
- Hold on.

What? What is he doing?

His lights are... turning on.

Like in the ruins.

Is he connecting to Scarecrow?


Dad, are you there?


Why isn't anybody answering?

Hey. What's taking so long?

That's not Alpha Centauri, is it?

No, it's not.

Robot, what are you doing?

Will, tell the robot to stop.
That's not where we wanna go.

Wait. Those are Jupiters.
That's our parents.



Why would Mom and Dad wanna show us this?

They're not.

SAR is.

Hey. Hey.


Scarecrow's gone,

isn't he?

I'm so sorry.

Can someone please explain to me
what just happened?

Incoming enemy hostiles.

I thought we'd be safe in the suns.
What changed?


The robot that helped our children escape

was trying to help us, too,
when he was captured.

Which means the robots know
everything that Scarecrow knew,

which includes our location.

- Did he know where our kids are?
- We're assuming no.

Why's that?

If he did, those ships
wouldn't be headed for us.

How far out are they?

- Thirty minutes.
- Thirty minutes...

West, how long will it take your crew
to decouple the Jupiters?

I feel like you want me to say
less than 30 minutes.

Even if our Jupiters were
operating at full capacity,

which they're not,
we can't outrun those ships.

They'll pick us off one by one.

- Let's talk alternatives.
- If we can't outrun them,

we find a way to take them out,
like we did on the Resolute.

Problem is we're not on the Resolute.

There are no places to hide here.

No EMFs to slow them down.
No weapons to defend ourselves with.

The last time we faced the robots,
we threw everything we had at them,

including the Resolute,
and they still found us.

- Then we have to think outside the box.
- We can't save ourselves.

The faster we accept that, the faster
we can focus on the people we can save.

Our kids.

When SAR gets here,
he's gonna tear the Jupiters apart

to try and find the location
of Alpha Centauri,

where our kids are headed with his engine.

Anything that might be a clue,
hardware, software, maps, even photos,

all of it has to be destroyed.

We'll make teams, disconnect
the shredders from the 3D printers,

and disable fire safety systems
so that we can do burns in the garage.

On it.

And wipe the flight data
from the ship's hard drives.

I can help with that.

I've got a few degaussers.

Why would you have those?

Let's just say that in my previous life,
I had to cover my tracks once.

And by once, I mean 24 times.

Which is a good thing,

'cause if we leave any scraps behind,

all the sacrifices that we made,

all the lives that have been lost,
will have been for nothing.

Our children's lives depend on us.

Let's get started.

All this has to go!

- Clear.
- Right.

- You're a teacher, right?
- Yes. Biology.

We need your lesson plans,
lecture notes, all of it.


Information about the natural resources
on Alpha Centauri goes in the bag.

Just don't stop until you get
a solid green light.

- Hurry. Here, go with him.
- Where's that bag?

- Get this shredded.
- I always wondered

how you managed to get your goods
past the allotment system.

I also wondered why the allotment system
was constantly malfunctioning.

Stay focused.
Stop thinking about the past.

Welcome to Alpha Centauri.

Welcome to your new life.

It's been a long journey for you,
almost 26 trillion miles.

But you are home now.

I wish to hell we were.

You've joined a community

of the best and brightest
Earth has to offer,

dedicated to building...

At least we know now.

- What do you mean?
- About the kids.

You said the hardest part
was the not knowing. We know now.

They're okay.

They're gonna make it there.

Even if we aren't.

I think everybody's
pretty spooked.

That's exactly what SAR wants.

We don't know what he wants.

Yes, we do. He wants the engine.

He knows that if he threatens our parents,
then we'll go there and give it to him.

What if he's after more
than just our engine?

He could be after a ham sandwich,
for all I care.

He's gonna k*ll our parents.
We can't let that happen.

Hold on. We have to think things through.

No, Vijay's right.

He is?

Sorry, I think that's
the first time you've ever said that.

Guys, SAR didn't just make a threat.
He just made a mistake.

He just showed us where our parents are.
Their exact coordinates.

- So we can go get them. Use the robot...
- It's not a mistake, Penny. It's a trap.

I was given direct orders to take us
to Alpha Centauri from our parents.

From everyone's parents.

People who put their trust in me
to get us there.

- They would want us to at least try.
- No. They wanted one thing.

For us to get to the colony safely.

What about what we want?

I wanna save my parents.



there is a big difference
between wanting to save our parents

and actually pulling it off.

We lack any element of surprise.

SAR knows that we're coming.
And the second we get there, he's gonna...

he's gonna send
everything he's got after us.

I still want to try.


Me too.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You need anything?

Yeah. Actually, I do.

There's no way that we can outrun SAR.
The Jupiter's not fast enough.

Our technology versus theirs. Our one ship
versus how many of theirs? It...

I just don't see how it's possible.

You're right.

Not even the best pilot or computer
can do what you're asking.


You okay?

But there's one thing
my mother would tell me

when the bullies
would chase me after school.

"If you're not faster than them,
then you damn well better be smarter."

And from what I've seen,

you've got a lot of smart people
on this ship.

I know a part of you thinks
you need to be the one to solve this,

but you don't.

Okay? You're not alone.

You're the captain.


This isn't a democracy.
Votes don't matter.

Who raises their hand, how many...
Doesn't matter.

It's your call.

And whatever that call is, either way...

I believe it will be the right one.

Every problem
has a solution, right?

Look, there's a little bit of Mom
in all of us,

which means, if there is a solution here,

a way to save them,
the three of us can find it.

Who wants to start?


I think I know what to do.

...with everything coming out of...

Okay, is that everything?

Not everything. I...
I know every... every page, every word.

Nothing in here could lead them
to Alpha Centauri.

- Maureen...
- What is in here is us.

It's our family, and...

if this is where it ends, I...

It's okay.

Hey, last call.

Hey. Here you are.


Thank you.

No. Thank you. 'Cause of you and Maureen,
my kids are gonna be safe.

No, it's 'cause of all of us.

T-minus ten minutes
until arrival.

Better get moving.

J2, all clear. J6, prepare for pickup.

Jupiter 30,
I'm headed to you with a junk trunk.

- This it?
- Every last one.


This is the rest!

Come on.

Come on! You piece of junk!


Guess we're goin' old school.

Okay. Oh!

Good form! You know,
after your promotion, I was worried

you'd forgotten how to do the work!

Okay! Don! Don, Don, Don!

Hey, hey, hey!
We're doing the right thing!

Those robots aren't gonna find
any trace of Alpha Centauri!

And neither are we!

Everything we've done.
Every crazy plan we tried.

What was the point of giving yourself hope
for a future you're never gonna have?

Hope was the point, Don.

T-minus five minutes until arrival.


Everything's ready.

Okay. Be right there.

Will, it's a good plan.


It is.


This is Will Robinson
of the 24th Colonist Group.


if you're watching this recording...

...this is my final transmission.

Okay, that's 100% burn.

Four Chariots full, top to bottom.
Nothing but ash.

Hardware's ghosted and shredded.

All the Jupiters swept clean.

So... that's everything.

It seems so.

I'm happy our children
are out there together.

Vijay will be a better man because of it.

He's already a good man.

Excuse me.

The first one.

It's here.

It's been an honor.

Wait, we're picking up an energy spike
at the edge of the solar benchmark.

An energy spike?

Incoming spacecraft
bearing three-three-zero.

It's a transport Jupiter.

- It's the kids.
- No.

- What the hell are they doing here?
- No. No!

Will Robinson.

They're gonna get themselves k*lled.

Any ship ready to fly, we need you
to divert SAR away from the transport.

- Now!
- Don West.

- Already on it.
- Get ready to launch on my count.

Belay that order.

- Judy.
- Judy, what the hell are you doing?

Are you crazy?

Maybe, but crazy tends
to run in the family.

Wait, the frequency you're on,
that's not the Jupiter.

If they're not on the Jupiter,
where are they?

That's impossible.

This is Judy Robinson,
on board the Fortuna,

hailing all Jupiters.

We are here to assist you.
I repeat. We are here to assist you.

They came through the Rift together.

The Jupiter was a decoy.

The Fortuna's been gone 19 years.

What the hell is it doing way out here?

Rescuing you.

You're welcome.

Engaging RCS. Beginning deceleration.

Copy. On your mark.

Prepare for docking at Jupiter 2.

Oh, come on.

Ah, come on!

Why does this stupid door
take so long?


- Oh!
- Mom! Dad!


For real this time.

Dad, I know...
Look, I know you gave me an order...

No, no, Judy, I gave you command.
What you did with it was always up to you.


- Mom.
- Oh, baby.


Where's Will?

Who's flying the Jupiter?

All clear. Everyone's off the ship.


- Will!
- Look at you! You've got so big!

Okay, I need everyone
to super-triple pinkie promise

that we are never gonna separate again.

- Okay? I'm serious. Promise.
- Okay.

- Promise.
- I promise.

That decoy's not gonna last for long.
Everybody find their family.

Head back to your Jupiter.
We don't have much time.

Do what your captain says.
And listen carefully.

We've assigned transports to anyone
who doesn't have their own Jupiter.

So A through I, you're with the Azevedos.

J through Q, you're with the Dhars.

The rest of you with the Watanabes.

Wow. Nice suit.

Okay, I leave for a year,
and you're management?

Please. Captain Robinson?

Or is it Dr. Robinson still?

Do I call you Captain Dr. Robinson?
Dr. Captain Robinson?

Just Judy.

I can do that.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

Let's get to work, everybody. Come on.

Judy, I don't understand.
How did you find the Fortuna?

How did you learn how to...

...gotten so big...


How are you here?

I'm still trying
to figure that out myself.

When we lost communication,
everyone assumed the worst.

And I... I mean,
there was no way to know, but I...

What? How did you find our kids?

They found me.

Attention. The alien ship
has reached the transport.

- I...
- All right.

We need to detach as soon as we're ready.

- See you all on the Alpha Centauri.
- I... I'm sorry. I...

Of course.

Penny? The drives have been scraped,
so we need to boot comms manually.


- Don.
- Yeah.

- We need to uncouple from the base now.
- On it.

- Where's Robot?
- He's still on the Fortuna.

No time to transfer the engine.
Tell him to open the Rift from there.

- And hold it until we get through.
- What?

I... I just missed this.

This one stays with us.

Where do you want it?

You can put it in the med bay. Thanks.

You got it.

Stop. Wait.
I need to tell you what's really going on.

You and I aren't going with everyone else.
We're staying here.

- Family.
- We're not going with our family.

Once everyone gets through,
you need to close the Rift behind them.

Danger, Will Robinson.

I know, but only for us.

When everyone gets to Alpha Centauri,
they won't have an engine.

Or me, which means they'll be safe.

Then SAR will have everything he wants,
right here, waiting for him.

Then you and I...


can try to put an end to this.

Hey! Hey. Hey, wake up.

Are we on Alpha Centauri?

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

We had a chance to save our parents.
We took a vote.

That's funny.
I don't remember getting a vote.

I don't remember you being
a ten to 16-year-old kid,

but you ended up on our Jupiter.

Fair point.

Look, you'll still get to the colony.

Right now, I need your help.

I woke you up.

I held up my end of the deal.
Now it's your turn.


Okay, that's everyone. We're up.

Do we have to sit at the kids' table,
or can we be with the grown-ups this time?

Which seat's mine?

- I thought you were supposed to be dead.
- I was supposed to be a lot of things.

None of those worked out either.

I saw your shattered helmet.

I... How did you get...

She stowed away on our Jupiter.
She's been with us the whole time.

I helped take care of the kids,

It's true.
She's like a less drunk Miss Hannigan.

Okay, buckle up!

- We need...
- Maureen!

I actually owe my survival to you.

If you hadn't built this
nifty little compartment over here,

I... I never would have made it.

Sure, it's a little cramped,
but as Penny can attest...

I'm really good
at squeezing into tight spaces.

I'm surprisingly...


Penny, grab your brother.

I think he's still on the Fortuna
with the robot.

Get him. We're launching now.

What is that?


No. No!

The Rift is still open.
We can't let them through.

Audio connected.

Is that sound coming from them?

Will! Are you okay?

Come on! We gotta go now! Come on!

Robot, let's go.
And close the Rift when we're through.

Hi. It's nice of you to join us.

I think someone's crashing our party.

It's SAR.

John, he can't go to the colony
if we don't.


- Robot, send us somewhere else!
- Wait! What?

Anywhere else! Now!

We've lost power!

Hold on, everyone!

Alpha Centauri.

We made it!

All pilots report in.

As soon as you're accounted for,
head for the colony.

Hail Alpha Centauri.

- Tell 'em we're coming.
- Jupiter 12.

- Jupiter 16. Ready.
- Jupiter 5.

- Jupiter 33.
- Jupiter 9. Ready.

Jupiter 7. We copy.

Sir, it... it looks like we're one short.


The Jupiter 2.

Where are they?

I can't power cycle!

All the systems are dead.
Ignition, navigation, everything.

What do we do?

We're gonna have to eject.

You've got to be kidding!

John, we'll lose the ship.

We could lose more than that.
We're bailing! Now!

- Okay.
- Dad!

You'll all be fine.
Just remember your training.

- Will, you good?
- Yeah!

Okay, on my count. Three...



Okay, Judy?

My ejector's jammed!

Mine too.


I'm here!

