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03x03 - The New Guy

Posted: 01/21/24 09:20
by bunniefuu
When... Pssht! The toaster shorted out,
almost burned the entire orphanage down.

Sister Agnes, God rest her soul,

wanted to throw it in the trash,

but I intervened.

Where most people would see
a smoking piece of junk,

I saw a machine that needed understanding.

So I scavenged a new heating element,

and I repaired that little brave toaster
with my own two hands.

Establishing a bond.
Just like with Will, right?


That toaster was just the beginning of
a long line of machines that I've saved.

You see, I'm not just a mechanic.
I'm a machine whisperer.

We wanted a robot. We got one.


If Scarecrow wanted to hurt us,
he could have on the Jupiter.

He could do it now.

Are you telling us...
there's an engine on that ship?

So the coast is clear? No robots?

Not clear.

I count 12.

They're gathering their dead.

You mean salvaging parts.


What's he doing?

Okay, you brought us to an engine.
You got a plan how we get it?

Twelve rocks. Twelve robots.

- Those are long odds.
- You can take 'em, right?

You want us to handle ten,
and you take two?

Clearly a misunderstanding.
Maybe they don't count rocks like we do.

That's a bad deal.

Seems like it's the only deal we've got.

You bring in a new guy,
everything changes.

He all right?

Yeah, he's stable.

You okay?

Yeah. You?


Here's to diving off a two-mile high
canyon wall on an alien planet.

And to being the first people ever
to make that toast.

It would've scared the hell
out of most people.

When we were in freefall,
I had this adrenaline pumping,

and... I felt the landscape
rush toward me so fast.

All I could think about was that...
nothing else mattered.

Nothing that... that I've been
worrying about means anything.

That's why I love flying.

When you're miles in the air,

you get a new perspective
on things on the ground,

and all your problems look real small.


You ready for this?


- I'm so happy you're back.
- Me too.

This is my sister, Penny.

Penny, this is...

is... um...

Commander Grant Kelly. I know.

- It's really good to meet you.
- You too.

Liam Tufeld.
It's an honor to meet you, sir.

- Vijay Dhar. I'm even more honored, sir.
- Well, the honor is mine.

You can meet the rest of my crew
while we load them up.

- Okay.
- Great.

That's crazy.

I know.
It's crazy we ran into him.

Everyone, this is Grant Kelly,

captain of the Fortuna.

He and his team are gonna
hitch a ride with us to Alpha Centauri,

so I suppose they're part of our crew now.

Um, we have 19 hours
until our launch window closes,

- so... tell me about your progress.
- Oh, my gosh!

Okay with these jump seat configurations?



He's just trying to decide
if you're a threat.

- It's kind of his thing.
- Yeah.

Judy told me about him.

He's a whole lot stranger than I imagined.

Dr. Zoe Smith.

It's so nice to have another adult here.

Judy mentioned you too.

Hmm. Was it a brief mention,
or did she go into detail?

- She said you were the French teacher.
- Mmm.

Where did you learn French?


Easy on your wrist, man.
You gotta respect the healing process.

Yeah, I'm good. Thanks.

Any alternate power sources? I'd love
to give these backup cells a break.

Sure. We can patch them into the Jupiter.

All right, thank you.

Come on. Let's take one.

Okay, let's go forward.


Hey, Judy,
what do we do with the empty one?

Just put it with the rest of them.
We'll need it later.

Hey. What's the update with the thruster?

Will fixed it. I'm just running
diagnostics while he's gone.

Gone? Where?

Documenting the alien city.

Sorry. Did you just say "alien city"?

Yeah, so, um... a lot has happened
while you were gone.

This is Will Robinson
of the 24th Colonist Group.

I'm making a record of this because...

we've discovered the most important
archaeological site in history,

and I've only got 19 hours
before we leave.

This chamber appears
to be heavily damaged,

not from the passage of time, but from...

from some cataclysmic event.


Pyroclastic ash.

This room took the brunt
of a volcanic event.

I'll get a sample.

Oh, God!



I've found skeletal remains.


They built the robots in their own image.

I guess wanting to see yourself
in what you make is human nature,

even if you're not human.

It's counterintuitive,

but you're gonna have to disable the BTMS
to moderate acceleration at high speeds.

You've already done it.

I swear I've never jury-rigged a Chariot

to go over 100 miles an hour
in a drag race.

Okay, look, once you're out there,
you need to manually add the coolant

to keep the battery below 40 Celsius.

- 51, but who's counting?
- Or the plate temperature

will reach thermal runaway.

I will bring
every can of coolant we have. Yeah.

As soon as Scarecrow has the engine,
you'll signal us, right?

Yeah, and I'll pick you up in the Jupiter

as soon as the coast is clear.

It's a decent plan, all things considered.

I just don't like leaving you alone
with that thing.

Well, then I'll go with Don

and lead ten angry robots
on a wild-goose chase.

You can't have it both ways.

Hey, Scarecrow's not the obstacle.

He's the solution.

Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure
he isn't helping us

just to be a Good Samaritan.

Of course he's not.

He's in it for himself. We all are.

Scarecrow wants something from us,
and in return, we get something from him.

That's how the world works,
no matter what planet you're from.


Where is Scarecrow?

Shouldn't he be here to say, "Danger!"
when stuff's about to fall on my head?

It's not Will's robot.

So are spaceships like bikes now?
Every kid on the block has one?


Nope, not yet.
I'm the only one here trained to fly it.

Reaction control,
orbital maneuvering, roll, pitch, yaw.

Jupiter, Fortuna.

Different accent, same language.

Maybe when we get to the colony,
they'll give you one.

I'm looking forward
to seeing you in action.

Oh, well, don't expect
too much action during launch.

It's complicated.
The computer does everything.

The computer?

Yeah, you know,
spaceships have them these days.

I haven't been asleep that long.

I'm just curious
how automated things have gotten.

Eh, fully, especially for
unusual conditions like asteroid fields.

The computer calculates
every possible outcome

and determines the safest course.

The question is,
who programs the computer?

You know, Mom was on the team
that programmed the Jupiter's autopilot.


That's right.

Your mother could always out-think
a problem before it happened.

But even the best computers
have limitations.

They can handle 99% of the problems
until they hit the one they can't.


Sorry. Do you want a progress report?


Are you qualified for this?

I thought Judy was the doctor around here.

- She's busy with captain stuff.
- Ah.

But taking vitals is really easy.
The machine pretty much does the work.

Why am I the only person
getting a physical?

You're not. We're just starting with you.

But we'll get to everyone
before we take off.

To make sure
we're all healthy for the voyage.


And to make sure there's enough air
for everyone to breathe.


Take your arm, please.


Do you think having all one's vital organs
frozen in suspended animation

carries any health risks?

- What?
- You wanna put me in that tube, don't you?


I'm just trying
to take your blood pressure.

It's rising by the minute.

And there is a bridge
that drops into infinity.

Huh. Great.

Just great.

What happened to them?

It looks like some kind of... control panel.

Wait, are those... handprints?

Here goes.

I'm... really sorry about this.

Hey, what's wrong?

Scarecrow was in here.

Hey, was this up before?

Maybe. I don't know.

The navigation computers
run a periodic scan

even when the radar's offline.

It's the location of the Sunshine base.

What if he was spying?

John, look.

It's Ben Adler's personnel file.

Maybe he was remembering.


What if they weren't good memories?

It's a variation on the sound
the robot's spaceship transmitted,

and a lot louder.

We always thought that the...

that the sounds we heard
were just... feedback or interference,

the way their technology
interacted with ours.

But maybe they were more than that.

I think they might all be different.

I don't suppose one of these
is the volume control.

The camp's all packed,
ahead of schedule, thank you very much.

Great. No reason to wait
till last minute. Let's go now.

Judy to Will Robinson.

Will, do you copy?



I should go get him.
Can you show me where it is on the map?


Will was in charge of the map.

I'm done with my physical.

I know the way. I could take you.


All right.

- You ready?
- Yeah.

What about Scarecrow? How do we know
that once he's on the alien ship,

he won't just fly off and leave us?

I don't think he will.

Why not?

Will said to trust him.

He said to help each other.

That's different from trust.

Which means we need to protect ourselves.

That is why you brought this
from the Resolute, right?

Take it.

I don't want it.


Just in case.

Good luck.

You too.

He's not like that at all.

- He's completely like that.
- Liam is not a show-off!

During the climb, he would not shut up

about some cliff in Thailand
that he used to climb every year.

Was this before or after
you broke your wrist?

- Okay, it's not, like, that broken.
- Mmm.

- And I slipped because he distracted me.
- He helped you back to camp.

That's exactly what show-offs do.

You're unbelievable.

Actually, what's unbelievable
is how loud Liam snores.

Yeah, but everybody snores.

- I mean, Judy snores, my dad snores...
- Yeah, I guess my dad snores too.

I've completely lost track
of what point you're making.

When you talked to your mom and dad,
did they mention my parents?

Um... We didn't really have
a lot of time to talk.

You know, the last year, I've just...

I've been pretending
that we're at summer camp.

You know?

'Cause it's too hard to think
that maybe they didn't...

they didn't make it.


I'm sure your parents are fine.


Oh, crap.

- What do we do?
- Huh...


I can't get ahold of Judy or Will,

and even if I could,
they can't get here in time.

The computer wants us to launch now,
or it'll be too late.

Just calm down.

We're going to talk through this, okay?

- Okay.
- All right.

What's changed?

Our previous calculations
were based on a narrow set of data.

It was the best we could get
in this canyon.

But after Judy found you,
she left her receiver behind.

Up there, its antenna
can see the whole sky.

There are more asteroids than we thought.

They keep crashing
and making baby asteroids.

If we don't launch now,
it'll be so dangerous

the autopilot won't let us
turn on the engines.

- The computer can ground the ship?
- If it thinks we're doing something crazy.

It's not like I'd leave them,

but I don't wanna strand
everybody else either.

That's not a decision
you should have to make.

Well, I'm acting cocaptain.

What are you doing?

Warning, disabling autopilot.

It's done.


We can't launch the Jupiter
without autopilot.

Sure we can.

It's this way.



I have a confession to make.

You don't really know French?

I can fly the Jupiter.

Since when? What's the ADI?

It's the attitude director indicator.

It provides a continuous readout
of the ship's rotational rates.

You know, roll, pitch, and yaw.

I could step in
if something were to happen to you.

This is about the cryotube, right?

Next time, don't send Vijay Dhar to do
your dirty work. He's terrible at it.

We don't have enough air left
on the Jupiter.

The only reason your presence on the ship
didn't suffocate us all before

is because you were the margin of error.

It's used up.

We don't have enough air in the Jupiter
because of Grant Kelly.

He should go in the tube.

It's his tube.

He's a decorated astronaut.

His decorations are 20 years old.

I'm not saying I'm perfect,
but I'm the devil you know.

What do you really know about Grant Kelly?

I know everything that matters.

I'm not going to willingly climb
into a prison I can't escape from.

How do I know you won't shove me
into the police station at Alpha Centauri?

- We'll let you out the minute we're there.
- I can't trust you.

- You have my word.
- No, you don't understand. I...

I can't trust you...

because I can't trust anyone.


Why would I ever get into a cryotube

when there's... there's no one in the world
who would wanna wake me up?

I've... I've done things I regret.

I've done bad things, but...

the only thing that's worse
than being bad is being powerless.

I can't give up control
without some kind of guarantee,

so you're gonna have to give me
something stronger than your word.

It's all I have.

I appreciate your honesty.

You hear that?

It must be Will.


Trust Will Robinson.

Almost done.
Just a few more left to record.

Come on, come on!


- Will, get out of there!
- What do you think I'm doing?

No! The door's closing!

I can't stop it!


- Wait.
- Will!

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I think so.


It's a good thing you had that with you.

I can see you're getting tired.

- Let's just take five.
- Yeah.

These things,
they look so light.



- Hey, are you the jealous type?
- Nope.

What if the other guy is... much bigger,

has a body that won't quit,

four arms with lots of fingers?


Seriously, do you think Maureen's okay
with the new guy?

She knows what she has to do
if things go bad.

What are you gonna do when this is over?

You have a place to go to
after you take us to Alpha Centauri?

Are you looking for a new home,

like we are?

Or are you just gonna keep going,

see what's out there?

What we did to you is wrong.

I can't pretend to imagine

the suffering you went through
on the Resolute.

What happened to you there
will never happen again.

If we're gonna work together,
we need to trust each other,

and I... I haven't been
worthy of your trust.

I wanna give you this.

Did you do this?

All right, everybody.
Pay attention, please.

Please double-check
that everything is tied down.

It's gonna be a bumpy ride,

and I don't want anybody taking
a loose box to the teeth.

Judy, thank God you're back.
You need to talk to Grant.

Okay. Well, where is he?

Hey, uh... I know it was hard for you, but...

you did the right thing
staying with the ship.

And I think I found something
that can help us later.

If our positions were reversed,
you'd have made the same call.

- A captain doesn't leave people behind.
- These kids are my responsibility.

My mission was to get them
to Alpha Centauri.

- Now we can't leave.
- Your mission hasn't failed.

- The computer doesn't...
- It nearly stranded you in space.

That is what happened, isn't it?

You came looking for me on the Fortuna,

and the autopilot tried
to leave you behind.

We had limited options.
We lost a thruster.

Thanks to your brother,
all the thrusters are working now.

- I can fly this ship off the planet.
- Manually?

You put too much faith in computers.

The Fortuna's computer kept me on ice.
because it thought it was keeping me safe.

I had no choice.

If it were up to me,
I would have woken up a long time ago

and turned off the damn signal
that drew you all off course.

And none of you kids would be here.

I was not picked for my mission
because I'm a good sleeper.

I can fly us through that asteroid field.

I don't know.

You do know.

- What are you doing?
- Uh...

You almost lost your arm
because of this camera.

It must be important.

- Well, can I have it back?
- Of course.

It'll be tucked safe
inside the cryotube with me.

Once we get to Alpha Centauri,

you'll just pop open the hatch
and get it back.

This is my insurance policy.


I'm your insurance policy.

Excuse me?

After we all get to the colony,
the robot and I have something to do.

Something my family won't like.

I promise I won't get in your way.

I need you to get in theirs.
Distract them while we sneak off.

It's something you're good at.

In order for you to do that, I have
to let you out of the tube. So, deal?

Finally, I've had some influence on you.

You and the robot are going to do
something foolish and heroic, aren't you?

Not foolish.

Okay. You're gonna feel a slight tingle

followed by a warm flush
through your body.

All right.

Just count backwards from a hundred.

Cryo-sequence initiated.

Vital signs stable.

- She looks peaceful.
- Mm. She should be unconscious more often.

A little late to bring this up,

but why'd you have to fix
the Jupiter's engine if we've got that?

It seems like we'd be on Alpha Centauri
in time for dinner if you switched it on.


That machine rips open a hole
in the fabric of space.

We have to be in orbit to use it safely.

Well, by the sounds of it, getting
into orbit is gonna be dangerous too.

Launch commences
in T-minus ten, nine...

- Seals, check.
- Eight, seven...

- Internal power, check.
- ...six...

- Fuel prepress, check.
- ...five, four...

- All systems go.
- ...three, two, one.


Exterior obstacles detected.

I see them.

Okay, hang on. We're almost out.

Flight path compromised.

The computer recommends
we pitch 13 degrees at nine o'clock.

- I don't think so.
- It says it's the safest way to go.

I'm not flying the ship
directly into an asteroid

to avoid a bunch of asteroids.

I think you should listen to the computer
and pitch 13 degrees at nine o'clock.

- Commander, proceed to recommended course.
- The computer's wrong.

Proceed to recommended course
or stand down.

- Judy.
- Autopilot rebooting.

Unplug that.
You don't know what you're doing.

- Autopilot online.
- Maybe not, but my mom does.

Correcting course.

Course corrected.

Are you sure?

It's too late now.

- Judy.
- Trust me.

Chair's yours, Captain.

You don't have to call me that.

Yes, I do.

Maureen's autopilot worked.

That's why she was top of our class.

What class? Didn't you meet her
when she was an engineer at NASA?


We were in the astronaut training program.

Mom was gonna be an astronaut?

- Okay.
- All set?

All set.

Get ready to burn, baby, burn.

Here we go.

- Do they see us?
- Oh, they sure do.

- All right, then.
- Rock and roll.

♪ Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ She really gets me high, bam-ba-lam ♪

Okay, that's ten. You're up.

♪ She's so rock steady, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ And she's always ready, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ She's from Birmingham, bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Way down in Alabam', bam-ba-lam ♪

♪ Well, she's shakin' that thing
Bam-ba-lam ♪

You want your eggs sunny-side up
or over-easy?

♪ Bam-ba-lam, whoa, Black Betty ♪

Felt that.
It's already hot enough back here.

Hang on.

What is taking you so long?

What are you doing in there?

That's the last of the coolant.
We'll be slowing down pretty quickly.

- Any sign of the flare?
- Nothing yet.

What's taking her so long?

Nice job!

We're losing speed,
and they're not getting any closer.

That's good news, right?


What the hell?

Take a look.

Why'd they stop?

We weren't distracting them.

They were distracting us.


It's a trap!

Find home.

- What happened?
- Where's Scarecrow?

SAR took him.


The engine was bait.


Scarecrow wasn't gonna betray us.

He was gonna take us home.

And he was our last hope.