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02x08 - Unknown

Posted: 01/21/24 09:16
by bunniefuu
In order to stage a mutiny,
there are a few things you need to know.

One: How much time do you have?

Not much.

As soon as the robot gets that engine
in place,

Hastings will launch and abandon everyone
down on that planet.

Two: Know your target.

The bridge. Can't control
the ship from anywhere else.

- And three: Your obstacles.
- There's too many to count,

but let's start with security.

We're currently operating
with a skeleton crew,

which means we've only got
18 security officers on board.

Only 18. How are we supposed
to neutralize 18 highly trained guards?

We don't need to neutralize 18 of them.
Just one.

This guy.

He'll be armed.
So you have to be prepared.

Wait, I'll have to be prepared?

You know, you can overpower someone

without ever even laying a hand on them.

How's that?

Find their weak spot.

Everyone has one.
You just have to dig a little,

- and find out where it is.
- Samantha...

Her father was a security officer
on the ship.

Maybe her mom knows something
about this guy.

Maybe you could go talk to them.

It's me and my dad.

It's the last one I have of him.



Smith. Will you go find out
if she knows anything?

I, uh, I really shouldn't.

What are you talking about? You're good
at getting into people's minds.

In, like, a nice way, though.

I think it's best if I'm not seen
with all of you.

Now that I'm in on the inside
with Hastings and all.

I'll go do it.

Hey, let's keep going.

Now, Penny, your turn.

I need you to get something important
for your mom.

Me? Okay, what do I need to get?

A crew.

Yeah, keep it up.

In 30,000 years I'll be free.

Is this your card?

Hey, Don.

- Hey. This is a jailbreak, right?
- Uh, yeah.

Yes! Where's the key?

It's not a key exactly.

What am I supposed to do with that?

There goes my security deposit.

Mom, I talked
to Samantha's mother about that guard.

Remember this name.

Don West back in action.


Yeah. Otherwise,
we're not going to have enough.


Ava. Hey, I was just coming to see you.

Just give me a minute.

What are you doing out?


You know I to have to report this.

Listen, how many of your people
are still down on the planet?

A lot. Why?

Where's Scarecrow?

He's not doing so well. So we moved him.

Maybe Robot can help him.

I hope so. One thing at a time.

Permission to enter the bridge.

Permission granted.

What is it?

We can't strand 500 colonists
and crew members down there.

We'll send a relief crew back
to collect them

as soon as the Resolute
reaches Alpha Centauri.

We don't even know where we are.

What if we can't find our way back?

Those are questions it's up to scientists
like you to answer.

Captain, engine number four
just went offline.

You should answer that.

Engine room, you have the bridge.
What's your emergency?

Thrusters 1 through 168 mainline

and reserve units are not responding.

That's all of them.

This is the captain. How long
do you estimate repairs will take?

They're not malfunctioning, Captain.

Then what exactly
is the problem?

It seems they'll only respond to orders
from Maureen Robinson.

You really trust these people?

With my life.

Escort Maureen Robinson and her associates
off the bridge.

Incarcerate her with her husband.

All security to the bridge.

We have a situation.

Let's not make this more difficult
than it needs to be.

Anton Penn is still down there.


You never caught his name,
but he's the one who dragged you to safety

during the last attack.

You had a broken ankle.

You were unarmed,

and you didn't think that there was anyone
who would help you.

But he did.

I gave you an order.

Now, you're Anton's last chance.

Remove her!

One second till...

I'm afraid I can't do that, ma'am.

Go! Move!

Come on!

I think it's ready.

Bridge, we've lost power.

That's not an accident.

Maureen, what are you doing on the bridge?

Giving orders. It should be
obvious by now that we're not leaving

this solar system just yet,

so let's all take a step back,

and let my son and the robot go back
to our Jupiter.

No one's keeping Will here,
or the robot.

I thought we were all working towards
a common goal.

But it's not really all of us, is it?

We're still 500 short.

What's my mom talking about?

Isn't everyone coming back onto the ship?

Did you know about this?

Nobody wanted this to happen.

I'm protecting you.

I have been all along.

Everyone... Everyone back up, back off.

I don't need protection.


No. Let's go.

We're close.

The engine's in place.

I'm not convinced we can...

safely take the robot by force.

We won't need to.

After everything I did
to get in on the inside,

Hastings will know it was me

who turned on him.

You're one of us now.

Well, that's sweet to hear,
and how will that help me?

It means we'll protect you.

As long as I stay in here.
I don't like being cooped up.

How's the mutiny going?

I don't know.

It's my first one. I'll call you later.

I know you think you're doing
the right thing here, Mrs. Robinson,

but if you bring everyone back up,

none of us will survive.

There's not enough air.

That planet...

is a gas giant.

It's made of hydrogen, helium,
a little methane, and ammonia,

and like most gas giants,
being an extremely stormy place,

ionized ammonia...


Angela already figured out
how to stop the rust virus.

Deoxidize it.

But what I couldn't figure out

was where we'd ever find enough ammonium

to clean 280,000 gallons of water.

Maureen pointed out
what was right in front of my nose.

Do you know how long it would take
the Jupiters to transport all that water

in and out of that planet's atmosphere?

That's why we're not taking the Jupiters.

We're taking the Resolute.

Hey, you, slow down.

I got something for you.



A rugged look. I like it.

Nice to see you, too.

I saw you two days ago.

I fought SAR and almost died.

I flew through space
in a storage container.



Not cool.



Whatever. I have a secret mission
from Mom.

What is it?

It's not for you.

It's for him.

A prison break?

That's a terrible idea.

Come in, why don't you.

I thought you and I could...

talk about a few things.

The complexities of this task are greater
than you can plan in a day.

No, it's pretty simple really. We dive
down into the planet's ammonia belt

suck up enough gas through the intakes
to flush the precipitate

out of the oxygen-generating system.

We get a bunch of clean water

and we'll have enough ammonium gas

to decontaminate all our people
and equipment.

And we go to Alpha Centauri
and start a new life.

The Resolute has never entered
an atmosphere before.

It was built in orbit.

You seem to care more
about the safety of this ship

than the lives of its passengers.

I don't want to leave those people behind,
but this ship,

our ship, is irreplaceable.

It's the last hope of the human race.
All eight billion people.

And one day when this wave of colonists
has made the journey,

there are still parents
and children in Mumbai,

in Paris, in Pasadena,

in every city, and every country
in the world who'll know

that if they pass the test,

if they prove their worth,

they can gain passage.

And what if this ship is destroyed?

What do the children of Earth
dream about then?

We're not going to lose the Resolute.

We're going to spin her, on an X axis,

which will redistribute the gases

and create enough drag so that
we can maintain control of the ship.

That's never been tested.

A lot of things in my line of work

only get one test.

We are good at passing it.

We've sustained significant damage.

The cross supports along F decks
are compromised.

If we do what you propose,

they could tear apart altogether.

If the struts weaken,

we'll be ready.


He's different.

What do you mean?

He just is.

You've spent like five minutes with him.

No, no, no.

He always used to walk behind you
because he wanted to see what was coming,

like all he wanted to do was protect you.

And now

we're following him.

You haven't noticed?

Look, he's been through a lot lately.

I'm sure he'll get back to normal.


What is it?

Yeah, see. In the old days
he used to say, "Danger... Will..."

Just stop!

You don't know him.

Come on. Mom's counting on us.

We need to be ready.


I want to start by saying

I don't want anyone to get hurt.


Neither do we.

You're a military man, John.

You understand
once a situation like this escalates

tension is heightened.

Lines can be crossed.

- I'm well aware.
- Then I need you...

to ask Maureen

to stand down.

I won't do that.

Judy, would you care to join us?

Why don't we keep whatever this is
just between us?


Now we're all settled.

I'd like to offer up
another interpretation

of Maureen Robinson...

as a woman who might
take things too far...

in order to save her family.

There is no taking things too far
when it comes to that.

Even if it means breaking the law
to get them on board?

What is he talking about, Dad?

Honey, it's complicated.

Mm. Not really.

See, your mother arranged
for Will's test scores to be altered...

so that he could qualify for the trip.

I think my son has proven to everybody
that he deserves to be here.

In fact, if it wasn't for him,
we'd have no chance of survival right now.

So why don't you just say thank you
and get the hell off our Jupiter?

You think because
you have control of a robot

you can just do whatever you want

on my ship?

What if I were to tell you that
I have something more powerful

than a robot that takes orders
from a child?

You see,

Maureen couldn't get access
to change Will's scores by herself.

She had to make a deal.

She had to trade something very valuable

in order to complete her end
of the bargain.

I don't believe you.

How would you know that?

Because the person she traded with...

was me.

That's our target.

The ammonia belt. What's the depth?

5,260 kilometers.

It's about halfway through
the stratosphere.

Polar orbit achieved.

Okay, Radu,
open a ship-wide channel.

Attention, everyone. This is the bridge.

Civilians, strap into your Jupiters.

Crew, take your action stations.

We're expecting high winds
and extreme turbulence.

It will be a bumpy ride.

Initiate spin.

Activating CMGS
and thruster engines now.

Spin stabilization is set.

Then we dive.

Diving in three... two... one... Dive.

Descent initialized.

Correct for orbital perturbations.
Increase Delta-v by 20 percent.

Sustained gas at 600 kilometers.

Pressure increasing. 282 PSI.

Structural declension
detected on F deck, sector four.

Initiate emergency repair protocol.

The Resolute's protocols aren't equipped
to handle this.

It's a good thing we brought our own.

Ring four,
sector seven stabilized.

Leveling off.
We've reached a stable vector.

This is definitely going in the book.

You got lucky.

You know,
I've made my share of mistakes...

as a mother, as a wife,

but one place I don't make mistakes
is my job.

It wasn't luck.

That was math.

You're not the only one
who has to be perfect, Maureen.

For this to work, everyone does.

What are the odds of that?

Maureen, they're prepping
the water tanks.

We're in position to collect the gas.

Open the intake vents.

Time for a nice, deep breath of ammonia.

Double check all the seals.

That's a lot of pressure for these pipes.

West, you and your cart are a hazard.
You wanna sit this one out?

No, I don't want the others to think
I'm not pulling my weight.

- Metaphorically speaking.
- If it makes you feel any better,

whatever we do here isn't going to make up
for you deserting us the last time.

Actually, that does not
make me feel any better.

I'm staying.

We'll be ready to process the water
in ten minutes.


OGS to bridge.

This rust virus spreads like a disease.

One drop spilled,

one bead of condensation,
that's all it would take.

I will not let Maureen

risk this ship

by releasing that contaminated water
into our system.

You have to know that.

What I know is this:

if you had the ability to stop her,
you'd have done it by now.

Judy, do you know which part
of the Resolute's design team

- your mother was a part of?
- Don't answer him, Judy.

- The safety system.
- That's right.

And those systems play a crucial role

in maintaining the stability

of every dynamic function on this ship.

Engineers like your mother,

they perfect these systems

by attacking them,


the Resolute's master controls

to create conditions

that would test the reactions
of their designs.

Now, I'm sure your mother

didn't think there was any harm
in giving me her access codes.

After all, no one person
can run those tests on their own.

It has to be agreed
by at least four people.

Well, fortunately for me, everyone...

Everyone has a weakness.


My mother would never do that.

Tell your wife

to stand down

or I will use those access codes,

which she helped me obtain

to open the OGS airlock.

The atmosphere will flood the room.

The pressure will be so intense,

if anyone releases that water,
it will burst the pipes and vaporize...

which means your plan will fail.

And when we reach Alpha Centauri,
which we will,

thanks to your robot,

Maureen will be sent back to Earth
along with her son,

and you will never see either
of them again.



- Hey Dad!
- You soldiers are so predictable.

The crews down in the OGS...
They'll die if you open the airlock.

And whose fault would that be?



Manual override.

- The door won't open.
- Radio your mother.

- Warn her what's coming.
- The comms are offline.

Hastings must have shut them down.

Hey, breathe, hey, hey, breathe.

How are you going to protect me

if you're hobbling around
on a broken ankle?

Smith, get to the bridge.

Tell Maureen Hastings has some kind
of skeleton key to the ship.


He's gonna open the OGS airlock.

Hurry, or people are gonna die.

Get to the bridge, tell Maureen!

Doctor Smith! Come here,
I want you to meet my mother.

I'm showing all tanks are full,
but I can't raise the OGS.

Communications are down.

That's odd.

Open the valves.

Let's clean this water
and get out of here.

- Permissions declined.
- What?

We're locked out.

That's not possible.

What's going on?


Maureen, let me in.


- My God!
- We've gotta find the override!

The OGS airlock is opening remotely.

Oh, my God.

Everybody out!
The airlock is opening!

This place is about to get
real uncomfortable!

Everybody out!

Go! Go! Everybody get out!

Move, move, move!

We've gotta hurry! Come on!

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

No, take it. Take it, take it.

Let's go! Everybody out!
Let's go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Come on, come on, get out of here!
Go, go, go!

Hurry! Go, go, go, go!

Hurry! I can't hold it much longer!

Is everyone out?


Come on, we gotta go!

Go, go, go! We've gotta go!

What is it?

- I can't.
- Close your eyes, okay?

You can do this.

It's now or never!

We have to get them out.

On a positive note,

my ankle feels much better.

Pressure's building.

Let's not waste time.

In a few minutes, it's gonna be impossible
to get this door open.

Danger... friend.

What friend?

Maureen, if you can hear me, let me in.


Why isn't anyone answering me?

Airlock malfunction.
Pressure loss in section three.

All emergency personnel
please report to OGS module.

I'm too late.

- Danger... friend.
- What?

It's not gonna budge.
How long can they take in there?

Not long enough.

Hurry! They're back here.

- Who?
- Don and Ava. They're dying.

Oh, my God.

- We can't get the door open.
- He can.

- Danger... friend.
- Where is he going?

Stop! You passed them!

- Danger... friend.
- They're back there.

What are you doing? They need your help.

Danger... friend.

Will, who is he talking about?

I don't know.

The pressure differential is sealing
the bulkhead door shut.

It'll never open
as long as the airlock is open.

Maureen, you helped design
the safety systems.

How could someone remotely hack them
without your knowledge?

They can't.

The bridge is yours.

Do me a favor.

Send anyone looking for me away
from the maintenance pod bay.

Any chance to save them, that airlock
needs to be closed from the outside.

Too dangerous taking a pod out
in this atmosphere.

It's my fault that they're trapped.

You were right.

Math can't account for human error.

Hey, Don.


I think I'm gonna sit down for a second.

Feeling pretty spacey.

We are sitting down.

I think.

That's not good.

Oh, hey, hey, no, no, no. Ava.
Come on. Come on. Up. Up, up, up.

Come on. Open your eyes.

Keep talking to me. Come on. Come on.

You could have made it out.

I don't know about that.

I have serious mobility issues.

There'd be a lot more of us stuck in here
if it wasn't for you.

Well, if you want the job done at 70%,

you call Don West.

You had a choice.

You chose us.

That's good.

Hold on, Don.


Come on, come on.

Come on!



Okay... Okay.

Whoa, what's happening?

Why is everything going back to normal?

We lost.

Override terminated.
Controls restored.

Captain, comms are back online.

We tried.

Mr. Hastings, please.
You don't have to leave my family behind.

You can let them go.

We're not cruel.

Permission to enter.

Not that you need it, apparently.

You have your ship back.

Do I have you to thank?

You give me too much credit.

Let's go to Alpha Centauri.

Not yet.


we need to clean the water,
so we can all go.

The captain I know
wouldn't risk this ship.

It's not a risk.

It's math.

She did it.


Thank you.

John, are you there?

Yeah. I'm here.

Are you okay?

Where are you?

I'm fine.

I'm in a maintenance pod.

They're cleaning the water.

It all worked out, then.

- I told you you could trust her.
- Who? Captain Kamal?

No, Smith.

I told her to come warn you
about Hastings.

What are you talking about?
I never saw her.

The whole reason I'm out here
is to fix what Hastings did.

Where are you now?

I'm headed for bay six.

I'll come and meet you.


- I was coming back to get you out.
- Why didn't you warn Maureen?

I got there as fast as I could.

No, you had plenty of time.

I had to take a detour.

Detour? Why?

I don't know.

You don't know.

Hm? That's it?

You're not even gonna try
and spin some excuse?

I tried to warn her.

You have to believe me.

I did believe you. I did.

But I should have known better

than to actually think
that you could change.

I tried.


You know why
I like to give people second chances?

Because after all the terrible,

terrible things that I've seen people
do to each other,

I have to believe that
there's a road back for all of us.

You found my weakness.

Well done.

Danger... friend.

- Will, we shouldn't be in here...
- Shh.

Increase voltage.
It's trying to get out.

Stay there.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is it?

Wait, no.


Keep your distance. Call for backup.

- What's he doing?
- Will.

What's he doing?

No, Robot!

No! Don't hurt them!

Look at Scarecrow's lights.

I've seen this before.

He's dying.

Will, I think your robot's angry.

Will. Will. Will...

It's okay.


I'm sorry about what happened
to your friend.

I really am.



Where are you going?

Will, is he leaving?

We need you.

You need to help us get home.

No, Will Robinson.