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02x05 - Run

Posted: 01/21/24 09:13
by bunniefuu
My hero is the famous astronaut
Grant Kelly.

He was brave and smart,

and he was also my biological dad.

Grant Kelly was born in Detroit,

He got a scholarship to MIT when he was 17

and graduated top of his class.

Then he went into the space program.

He got to go to the moon and Mars,

which is really far away.

Farther away than Disneyland or France.

He was one of the first people to work
on the Alpha Centauri program.

I never got to meet Grant Kelly.

He died before I was born.

But everyone who knew him
said he was very courageous.

That's why he's my hero.

Thank you, Judy,
that was a wonderful presentation.

I'm not done.

My other hero is my adopted dad,

John Robinson.

He's a Navy SEAL.
He protects us from bad guys.

He also tells funny jokes

and makes me hot chocolate when I'm sick.

And he always read me a bedtime story,
even when he's far away.

I'm very lucky that I have two heroes
to look up to.

How you doing down there, John?


Believe it or not,

I've been worse.

How are things up there?

We've got about four hours
until we can get to you.

You gotta hang on.

Hang on.

Right. Huh.

Possible spine fracture
and head trauma.

He has multiple contusions.

- He likely has internal injuries.
- Yes, his pulse is weak

and irregular oxygenation is compromised.

His temp is dropping.

He's bradycardic.

Okay, we're gonna need a CT image
of his head, thoracic and lumbar spine.

What is it?

I don't know.

But it's turning this metal into
weird pencil shavings.

I've never seen anything rust that fast.

The Chariots are made of a ferrous alloy.

Mostly titanium so it's not rust,
it's some kind of...

chemical infection.

How is that even possible?

The answer to how is that
insert-bad-thing-here even possible,

it's always the same.
We're on an alien planet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

It spreads through contact.


Everyone listen up.

I want all vehicles grounded at base camp
until further notice.

That's Chariots, Jupiters, everything.

Hey Judy, do you copy?

I just dropped off a patient.

- I'm heading back to you now.
- You might wanna hurry.

I fell and I got poked by a damn rod.


Well, more like impaled.

Can you, uh, tell me where
the puncture wound is exactly?

Left hand side,

just below my abdomen.

How much blood have you lost?

It's not gushing, so moderate.

I'm applying pressure now.

Okay, can you read me your vitals?

Heart rate is 100,

blood pressure is 140 over 80.

And, uh, temperature is 98.6.

Your temp and BP are normal.

Heart rate is high
but that's to be expected.

I can't tell if
you punctured a vital organ,

but it sounds like
the rod is holding its position,

that's why you didn't bleed out instantly.

Ah. Lucky me.

Dad, it's important that you don't move.

Further damage could cause
the infected vessels

to bleed more freely,
sending you into hypovolemic shock.

You're gonna need an epinephrine shot ASAP
to keep your blood pressure up,

and antibiotics for the impending sepsis.

Well, you know where I am.

All right. Keep monitoring your vitals.

I'll be there soon.

Judy Robinson to Hapgood.

This is Hapgood.

How soon can you get to my father?

We're looking at three hours
and 40 minutes.

He can't wait that long.

At the drill site,
there was a pile of long tubing.


Can you send that down to him?
I can use it to get him medical supplies.

Judy, no. You can't take the Chariot.

There was an accident at the drill site.

- I know, I heard your father's trapped.
- No, he's hurt.

And I can't reach my mom
to tell her what's going on

so I need to get to him.

If you take the Chariot,
it could break down before you get there.

You'd be stranded
in the middle of nowhere.

Then I have two people to rescue.

Right. Well, he will die
if I don't do this.

I'm very aware of the risks.


Just stay inside the perimeter fence.

Got it.

I saw what the robot saw.

I was looking at a hoodoo rock.

That hoodoo rock.

So he's been here the whole time.

Is he okay?

I don't know.
I only saw a flash for a second.

I'm glad you're going to go get him.
I miss his starry face.

How exactly are you gonna find
this particular hoodoo?

I mean, there must be a million out there.

I cross referenced the data stamp
from that photograph

to the map surveys of the planet.

And it looks like the robot is about
200 kilometers east of base camp.

Your dad'll be done working at the well

and once we pick him up,
we can drive there in about a day.

Are you, um, sure you don't need me?

Honey, are you worried about being up here
all by yourself?

Without parental supervision?

I'll struggle through.

You know you have school today.

I thought that was a joke.

You haven't been to school
in seven months.

You make us study every day.

You should be happy
for the change of pace.

Will's not going to school.

Just stay out of trouble.

Or better yet, just wait until I get back.


Hey, Mr. Adler.

It's just Ben.

Transport shuttle launch will commence.

- Please stand clear.
- Maureen.

Air pressure stabilized.

I appreciate you letting me tag along.

We both know you'd come
whether I wanted you to or not.

- I woulda thought you wanted the back up.
- We're used to doing things on our own.

So I've noticed.

Look, I know what I'm capable of

and I know what he's capable of.

But you don't know anything about me.


we're all lost out here together

relying on the...

visions of a twelve-year-old boy
to lead us home.

Launch will commence
in T-minus 30 seconds.

I'll admit, I don't understand

Will's connection to the robot.

It's a mystery to me.

I could guess at the science...

but I think it's deeper than that.

Sealing cabin for airlock disengagement.

Something we have to take on faith.

It's not easy for people like us.

Disengage in T-minus ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.

Is that Captain Radic? What happened?

One of the doctors said
he just collapsed out of nowhere.

She had no idea what was wrong with him.

- Which doctor?
- A therapist.

Uh, I think she said her name
was Dr. Smith.

Hope this fits your needs.

Most of the offices were destroyed
during the first attack.

It's perfect.

Thank you.

You're welcome, Dr. Smith.

A clean slate.

You were arrested.

A silly misunderstanding.

What did you do to Radic?

One minute he was fine and...

the next he was on the ground.


It all happened so fast.

And now you have an office?

Well, where else am I going
to see my patients?

Everyone's been dealing
with so much trauma.

I wanna do my part.

Help everyone heal.

And move on.

Now if you'll excuse me,
I have a lot of work to do.

- Unless you want to make an appointment.
- No, thank you.


Come on.


You are currently
24.5 kilometers from your destination.

I can't do it.

It's too hard.

It is hard, kiddo,

but you got to keep trying.

I'll just run. I'm good at running.

You are good at running.

In fact, you're good at most things.

But every once in a while

there's gonna be something
that doesn't come easy.

Now, that doesn't mean you just give up.

All right, what do you say we get back on?

Come on, give it another go.


Don't let go until I say so.

I won't. You ready?

Don't let go! Don't let go!

I'm here. I'm right here.

Hey, you're doing it.

You're doing it! You're doing it!

Okay, let go!


Look at you!

Watch me, Daddy! Watch me!

I'm watching!

I'm watching.

Judy to Dad, do you copy?

Yeah, I'm here.

How you doing? BP, heart rate?

No better, no worse.

All right, that's good. No change.

Uh, so whatever made the drill collapse

is now affecting the Chariots.

The one I have just broke down.

I have to go on foot from here.

How far away are you?

About fifteen miles.

- Judy, that's too far.
- Not for me.

If I run at a pace of

eight minutes per mile,

I can get there in two hours.

Hey... you're talking
to the former state champ

of track and field.

I remember.


- Be careful.
- Yeah.

Reminder, class begins in two minutes.



We weren't sure
that we'd ever see you again.

Yeah, I know.

I thought you would be on the planet
with the other colonists.

Isn't your dad supposed to be there

My dad is, but my mom is up here
with logistical team,

so they're making sure
everything's stocked,

ready for people
to come back here and stuff.


Oh! Do you wanna...?

- No. I sit right... Right there. Yeah.
- Right. Cool.

All right, everyone, welcome back!

Good to see you again, Penny.

Good to be seen, Mr. Jackson.

Since it appears as if our time
on this planet is coming to an end,

I would be remiss...

So I guess I'll see ya around.

Yeah. See ya around.

...of exploration
to study the unique vegetation

that we're leaving behind.

For this project, we will be working
in groups of two.

So, uh, let's go ahead and partner up.

I'm with Vijay.

Are you sure?

I mean, maybe it was just a coincidence?

A coincidence?

That he fell ill an hour
after he arrested her

and now he's in a coma
because his brain won't stop swelling?

Okay. You... You need to tell my dad.

He's not gonna believe us
if we don't have proof.


Um, Mr. Jackson?

Can we go clean up in the bathroom?

- Vijay spilled and...
- Sure.

Ugh. You look tired!

Race you to the trash can.

Sure. If you want.

Sure you're not gonna poop out on me,
old man?

Hey. First, I'm not an old man.

Second of all, Navy SEALs do not poop.

One, two, three. Go!

Yeah! Ha ha!


- Still got it.
- Uh-huh.

Okay. Okay.

I'll race you to the car.

What, already?

Yeah. You'll catch up.


Hey Dad, do you copy?

Yeah, I'm here.

Hey. How you doin'?

Uh... maybe a little warm.

What's your temperature?

Uh, it's, uh...

A hundred and three.

Dad! That's not a little warm!
What's your BP and heart rate?

Eighty-eight over 50.

And 110.

Are you still bleeding?

Maybe a little more.

You're bleeding into
your abdominal compartment.

Are you still there?

Um... I found a faster route.
I'll be there soon.

Warning. Perimeter fence deactivated.

Warning. You are outside
the perimeter fence.

For your safety, please return.

- Stop looking.
- I'm not.

We don't see each other for seven months
and I'm already trespassing for you.

You are the one who insisted on coming.

Yeah, like I'm really just gonna
give you the code

that unlocks everything on the Resolute.

Oh, the one that you secretly stole
from your dad.

That's different, I guess.


Hold on. They program the compactor
to turn on every hour.



I think we're good.

- Oh.
- Oh.

That is a lot of garbage.

Okay. So we're looking
for a blue trash bag.

You can go first.

This was your idea.

Okay. Fine.

I cannot. I can't do this.

Come on. Just, like,
breathe through your mouth, something.

I don't want it in my mouth.

Okay. That's fine.
Can you just help me up then?

Thank you.



I'm going to look over here,

you look over there.

Remember these three rules
when you're in the wild.

Could be the difference
between life and death.

Dad, we're going to a campground
with numbered posts.

And a water park.

Never leave food unattended...
You don't want to attract animals.

Rule number two,
always remember your fire protocols.

What's the main cause of forest fires?


Humans, that's right.

- Which leads me to rule number three...
- Yeah, yeah, I get it.

I'll text you when I get there.

Hey. What's rule number three?

Uh, accept the unexpected.

When things go wrong,

don't stand around and complain.

Assess your options.

And move forward. Love you! Bye.

Love you, too.

Have fun.

Uh, accept the unexpected.

Assess your options.

And move forward. Love you! Bye.

This is taking forever.
Mr. Jackson is gonna go looking for us

when he realizes
we've been gone for so long.

- Oh, my God.
- What... Did you find it?

Somebody else brought Oreos.

What are you doing?

Hm? Nothing.

- You were looking in that package.
- No, I wasn't.

You were checking if there was any left.

I... What kind of a person
do you think I am?

You know, the last time we were together,

we were in a poop cave and now
we're up to our knees in garbage,

so... I wonder if the universe is trying
to tell us something.

Yeah, we stink together.

But we're like friends now, right?

You're the only person I know
on the Resolute, so...

yes. Sure.

Okay, as a friend,
can I ask you something?

As long as you can multitask.

What exactly did you mean
when you said I was a bad kisser?

When we were on that other planet,
you said I was a bad kisser.

We're in a room

that smells like feet

and vomit.

And you want to talk about kissing?

It's just, I've never had
any complaints before so...

- Sorry, I brought your average down.
- Well, was it too much lip?

- Not enough?
- We're really doing this.

Was it my breath?

Because, to be fair, MREs give me
acid reflux and I ran out of gum.

I don't remember...

And also, I tense up
when I'm caught off guard,

which I was that day. I mean...

Usually I can see a kiss coming
from miles away

in which case
I'll do some relaxation tec...

Oh, my God, please stop.

Clearly you've been obsessing over this
for months

and so I'm going to be totally honest
with you.

I may not be the best judge
when it comes to kissing.

But you said that it was...

Yeah, I know what I said.

Just... get a second opinion.

Oh, my God.

I was your first kiss.

And if that were true,

I would like to circle back
to this conversation

when I have something to compare it to.

Now, can we please focus
on stopping a criminal mastermind?

Oh, my God.

I found it.

Empty MRE bag...

a banana peel...

a dirty tissue...

a banana peel.

God, a banana peel.

Smith really loves bananas, I guess.

Wait, hold on.

There's something written on this.

What does it say?


Is that what I think it is?

We gotta get out of here. Come on.

No. No, no, no.

Penny, come on!

I can't... My foot is stuck.

Come on.

Okay, just pull!

I am pulling!

I'm sorry. I got to go!


Wait, wait, where are you going?

No, no, no.


Where are you going?


No, no, no, no!


Thanks, Vijay.

If you weren't here to save me, I'd be...

Wait, did you think I had left you?

Uh, because I had to, you know,
go turn off the machine.

I know. I don't know how else
you would have done it. Nope.

I have a confession to make.

Well, keep it to yourself

'cause I don't want to
have to testify against you.

You were my first kiss too.

Yeah, it's...

it's super obvious in retrospect.


He acts so grown up now,

I forget how young he looks
when he's asleep.

My kids used to fall asleep
whenever we were in the car.

You have children?

Twin boys. A couple years older than Will.

Maybe Penny knows them.

They're already on Alpha Centauri
with my wife.

They were in the fifth colonist group.

You didn't go with them?

My job requires that I travel back
and forth on the Resolute.

Usually three months at a time.

Now you're here.

That's hard.

Thanks to your son,

I have a hope of seeing them again.

So it's a good thing
he passed his test then.

Excuse me?

His records,
they say he had some difficulty

with his pre-qualification training.

But obviously he pulled through.

Yes. He did.

They tore down that park
we used to run in.

I think it's part of a strip mall now.

Yeah, no one runs outside anymore.


'Cause of the air.

Your mother told me that
you really stepped up when I was away.

Helped Penny and Will
with their homework...

made meals...

all the while studying
for your medical exams.

It's a lot of pressure
for an eighteen-year-old.

Now I'm back.

You don't have to work so hard.

Being with family isn't work.

I didn't mean...

What I... What I meant was...

That you want things to go back
to how they were before you left Mom?

I didn't...

mean for that to happen.

Now I'm back.

For good.

And we can be a family again.

Look, um...

I get that you feel bad and, uh,
and wanna make it up,

so just make it up to Penny
and Will and Mom, but, um...

Yeah, don't come to Alpha Centauri
on my behalf

'cause I'm doing fine without you.


Can you hear me?

Yeah. Just a mile, I'll be there soon.

I know you will.

You know, when I first saw you... were this...

tiny little thing.

But I knew...

that you were gonna be a force of nature.

And when I married your mom...

I promised her...

that I would do everything I could...

to help you become

the person that you were meant to be.

Why are you telling me this?


all the tools...

all the things I taught you...

you have them.

You know them by heart.

Read me your vitals.

Read me your vitals.

You don't need your old man anymore.

I know that whatever happens to you
in life...

you're gonna do great.


Great, okay.

Let me tell you what life will be like
without you.

Mom... will throw herself into work.

She'll grow cold and distant.

Penny's snark will turn bitter
and she'll act out.

And Will...

will retreat into himself.

All that hope,

that light he carries inside of him,

it'll die the second I tell him
that you didn't make it.

And me, well, I'll just...

I'll just do what I always do;

I'll try and keep the family together

because that is my duty.

That's my job because I love them,

but I will hate you.

I will hate you for giving up.

I will hate you
for taking another father

away from me.

I will hate you

for not loving me enough

to try harder...

because I need you.

I'm always gonna need you.

And I'm not gonna hate you,

and I'm not letting you go.

Don't let go. Don't let go.

I'm here. I'm right here.

I'm coming, Dad. Stay with me!

Dad? You have the sh*ts.

Give yourself the epinephrine first,
then the antibiotics.


Hold the drilling! Hold it!


Do you copy?


I got it.

Now get me out of this damn well.

Start it up!

Easy. Easy.

All right.


All right, Dad.

I'm just gonna give you an IV,
all right?






I am here, Dad.

I'm right here.

I'm right here.


Now, the screen on the left
is a vascular plant.

If we zoom in, we can see the tissues
that are used to transport...

What does it say?

Excuse me.

Yes, may I help you?

I'm here to see Penny Robinson.

Are you her mother?


I'm Dr. Zoe Smith,

the therapist in residence.

I just want to see how Penny's doing
with her life back on the Resolute.

Well, it's perfect timing.

Uh, class, we'll continue this tomorrow.

Hi, you're Vijay, right?

I read all about you in Penny's book.

Ah. What's that smell?

Oh, it's you.

I hope my note you found
in the Dumpster was worth it.

I don't know what you're talking about.


Curiosity may have k*lled the cat,

but at least cats don't make it obvious

when they're following someone.

You wanna talk about obvious?


What did you do to Radic?

Penny, come on.

You mean besides calling for help
and saving his life?


You're not gonna get away this.

You don't understand.
I'm trying to protect you.

Everyone thinks...

No, everyone knows...

that I'm a respected member
of the 24th colonist group.

You need to accept it.

Because if you start making
wild accusations

- that are easily disproven by the facts...
- You made up the facts.

I just don't want people thinking
you're delusional.

Because I'm Dr. Smith now.



It doesn't matter what your name is.
You are who you are.

I know this is a lot to ask,
but can't you just be happy for me?


This metal ring in your report.

Was wondering when that was gonna come up.

What if I was to tell you
that this wasn't the only one?

That the planet we're headed to,
there's one there as well?

It seems to be the same as yours.

The electrical storm hits it
every 23 days.

We've been hesitant to get anywhere close,
but in typical Robinson fashion,

you find yourself right
in the middle of one. So, uh...

Any theories as to what they are?

I assumed it had something to do
with the lightning.

I mean, you don't build something that big
as an art project.

It has to have a purpose.

Now these glyphs on the surface,

our linguists haven't been able to make
heads or tails of what they mean.

When we find my robot down there,

we can ask him.

Let's just hope we like the answer.