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02x02 - Precipice

Posted: 01/21/24 09:10
by bunniefuu
Okay, so what now?

Nothing's changed. We stick to the plan.

Oh, so getting stuck at the edge
of a massive alien waterfall was...

part of the plan?

The lightning storm should be starting
in 97 minutes, give or take.

We need to be ready
to spark the engines when that happens.

Everybody remember their assignments?

Siphon methane from the air
and fill up our tanks.

Yeah, I got the sails.

We'll break down the mast
and stow the rigging below.

Leave the lines for me. If we're gonna
catch the power from the storm,

I need every inch I can get
for the kite.

- Don!
- Present.

- You know what you're doing?
- Yes. Just sounds cooler when you say it.

Penny, just make sure Don has everything
he needs to clear us for launch.

- Are we not gonna talk about it?
- What?

The giant metal trench
in the middle of the planet.

Something like that doesn't just happen.

Someone built it.

Don't you wanna know who?

Of course I do,

but right now, we need to focus
on the fact that

16 billion joules of energy are about
to strike right where we're standing.

All in favor of finding
a new place to stand!

As long we stay
inside the Jupiter, we'll be fine.

The ship will act as a Faraday cage,
sending the energy around us...

instead of through us.


We'll look into what's down there.
Soon as we're airborne.

Excuse me.

I didn't get a job.

Your job is to do nothing...
and touch nothing.

If we ever need to sail again,
we'll call you.

All right, let's get to it.

She never likes it
when someone else saves the day.

You know,

I was talking to Will yesterday
and he told me that

Ben Franklin wasn't the only one
to try the kite experiment,

that a man named Georg Reichmann
tried it a couple weeks later.

Yeah? History books
never talk about the second guy.

That's because lightning jumped
to his forehead, k*lling him instantly.

Will needs to learn
to keep some things to himself.


Why are you hugging the wall?

Do you hear that?

What, the ticking?

- Yeah.
- Yeah,

it's probably one of the rotators
in the cooling slats.

As it happens, when you turn a spaceship
into a submarine, it ticks!

Hey, Will!
How's it coming with that methane filter?

Give me a sec,
I'm heading to the cockpit now.

What are you doing in here?

Just keeping out of the way.

I've always been fascinated by seaweed.

People treat it like floating garbage,

but what they don't realize
is they use it everyday.

In their toothpastes, lotions, shampoos.

All the stuff that makes 'em pretty.

It's like a lot of things, I guess.

Only appreciated when you learn
how helpful they can be.

Are you honestly looking to be appreciated
for navigating us through that storm?

It was kind of a big deal.

You were doing it to save yourself.

Not my family, not me...

...just you.

Look at him!

Such a big boy now.

I notice you never once visited me
while I was locked up.

We have nothing to talk about.

Ah, of course we do.
You and I...

we're the only ones who know
what it's like

to be connected to the robot.

You were not connected to him.

You were using him.

Is there a difference?

The robot's job is to give the master
what he wants.

I wanted a bodyguard,

you wanted a friend.

Excuse me.

I have work to do.

Oh, you poor girl!

Look what they've done to you,
these Robinsons!

This is an abusive relationship.

Gotta get you a safe word.

Hand it over. Got it.

Do you need any help?

Actually, yes. You got a crowbar in there
or something?

I need to get this kelp-looking stuff
off the ship.

Well, it's a good thing
I was here.

I don't know what you would've done

if I wasn't around to hand you
this piece of metal.

Thank you.

Is it just me or does it feel like
Mom always gives me the dummy jobs?

Just so I understand the question,
helping me is the dummy job?

I didn't mean it that way.

It's just Will always gets the smart jobs,
and Judy always gets the tough jobs,

then I get the jobs
that literally anybody else could do.

Ugh, you're looking
at this all wrong, Penny.

Flying under the radar is a good thing.
It's actually one of my core principles.

It's right up there with
"Never raise your hand,"

"Always sit in the back" and
"Never, ever, be too good at anything."

- And that works for you?
- Perfectly.

Until I met you people.
Bunch of over-achievers.

Should've known you'd get me into trouble.

Don, how's it going?

Speaking of which...

Everything checking out?

Yeah. Few bumps
and scrapes here and there.

She could use a paint job, but she'll fly.

I just gotta get this stuff off
that's clinging to the side of the ship.

Oh yeah, the kelp. We saw some of that
building up on the bow.

It's in there pretty strong.
I think it'll burn in the atmosphere,

but I wanna make sure it doesn't mess
with the thrusters.

Okay, let me know if you want me
to come down and take a look at anything.


Know what, Penny,
I need something stronger than this. Here.

Go inside, check in to see...

- Ow!
- What? What's wrong?

The kelp, it bit me!
What the hell is this stuff?

- Should I get Judy?
- No, no, no, no... No, It's fine.

My leg though... It, like, feels numb.

- Is it cutting off your circulation?
- I don't know...

Oh, God! I can't move my leg!

- Mom!
- Penny?

- Penny? Are you okay?
- Mom!


John, the kite!

No, no, no, no!


Go, go-go, go-go!
Hold on!

Don! Give me your arm.

- Mom? I'm slipping!
- I got you.

Careful! The kelp...
Don't let it touch you! Don't touch it!

Mom! Mom, I'm losing it!

Use your legs! Fight the current!

- Mom, Mom, it's too strong! Mom!
- I'm coming!

- Hold on, Penny!
- Will, Judy, get down to the airlock!


Penny! Maureen! No!

Maureen, Penny, come in.
Do you copy?


- We're okay.
- What do we do now?

We're okay!

Thank you.

I don't think this is what "okay"
is supposed to feel like.

We're breathing, we're in one piece...

This is exactly what "okay"
is supposed to feel like.

Check your suits for compromise.

Punctures, cracked glass,
damaged filtration.


Good! We're good.

We're good, we're good.


Are we still not talking about this place?
I'm actually kind of okay with that.

That must be why
the lightning was drawn here.

The metal...
It must act like some kind of conductor.

Hey, guys? I don't like you
being down there on your own.

I'm gonna try and find a way
to get down to you.

John, no.

Stay up there, we're fine!

We just gotta...

We just need to find a way back up,

Wow, this is embarrassing.

Hey, don't touch the kelp.

I see it.

Just don't take a picture of me!
Or tell anyone about this...

- I have a reputation to uphold!
- Okay, stop talking.

Okay. There we go.

Mom and Penny, they went over the edge.

- I know, Dad said they're okay.
- Ow!

Hey, why don't you go help them?
I can handle this.

- You sure?
- Yeah, you sure?

'Cause I'm having a hard time
feeling my everything.

Just go. Okay? Hey, radio if you need me.

- Okay?
- Ow!

Yeah, steady.

I have an idea.

The kite.

Take it down, attach it, tie it off,
and then lower the other end down to us.

It should be long enough to reach.

- Already on it!
- Great minds.

We've got, uh...

Sixty-eight? No, 67!

Sixty-seven minutes.

So once we get back up,
we'll just relaunch the kite,

ready before the lightning hits.

Okay, going as fast as I can.

Please be careful.

Stop moving!

- I'm just saying, that's my favorite leg!
- That's why I have to cut the stuff off,

because whatever toxin is affecting
your body is coming from there.

Something's happening. Something's
happening, I can't feel my head.

Good... If I make a mistake,
then it won't hurt.

That's not funny.

Dad... Dad, careful.

Almost there.

Dad! Dad!

John, are you okay?

I'm okay. Come on.

Mom... Mom, look, the kite.

Are we stuck down here?

No. We're... We're okay.

We've got time. John?

Yeah, I'm here.

It's okay, we'll just...
We'll just have to find another way.

I know... I know.

Use Will and Judy,
put your heads together.

And we'll do the same down here.


Hey, I'll see you soon, okay?

See you soon.


We'll figure it out.




We'll figure something out.
What does your mom always say?

Every problem has a solution.

Can you make yourself useful
and help clean this stuff up?

I'd love to, but your mother specifically
ordered me not to tou...

Well, my mother is not here right now!

- Must be nice being in charge for once.
- Yeah, stick to your chores.

Don, I think you're going
into anaphylactic shock.

I need to mitigate the spread of the toxin
before it reaches your brain,

so I'm gonna give you
a blood transfusion, okay?

My hero.

No, not exactly.

There's only one person here
that has the same blood type and...

it's not me.

I'd be honored to donate
to such a worthy cause.

Absolutely not.

This is serious, Don.

It's either her or I send you
into a medically induced coma.

You won't survive any other way.

The surface is too slick
to climb.

There's nowhere to grip.

What about all the rigging
from the sails?

- Can we build some kind of scaffolding?
- That'll give us 30 feet at the most.

Still have 120 feet to go.

I was thinking...
Even if we make it up in time,

without that kite, we will not be able
to jump-start our engine.

I know.

If we can't get up before the lightning
hits, we won't be able to survive.

I don't need more problems
right now, Penny, I need solutions.

I'm sorry, it's just...

No, it's fine. I get it.

- No, I shouldn't have said it like that.
- It's fine. I'd be frustrated too.

I mean, of all your kids
to get stuck with,

you got stuck with me, so...

- Penny, that has nothing to do with...
- Come on.

You wouldn't rather have Will here
to bounce around geometrical formulas?

Geometry isn't gonna get us out of this.

And if Will was here,
he would know that.

Judy? She would've run 30 miles by now

and found some kind of tree
with space leaves

- strong enough to build a space ladder.
- Stop it.

Each of you have talents
that make you unique.

It's just that some talents
are more useful than others.


Hope your father's having more luck
than we are.

- It's nowhere near enough to reach them!
- Did you get the cargo netting?

I got everything.

There must be another way.

Well, if there is,
I haven't found it yet.

You thinking about the robot?

I wish he was here too.

You know, when I was deployed,
there were some hard days.

But what kept me going
was the thought of seeing you.

I knew I would do whatever it took
to get back to you.

I think the robot feels the same way.

And I also know,

no matter how crazy the world got,
you'd be okay.

Because you, your mom, your sisters,

you keep each other safe.

And that's what we got to do right now.

- We have to.
- Wait!

- That's it.
- What is?

Keep each other safe!

Mom said that we'd be safe in here
when the lightning strikes,

because the Jupiter will act
as a Faraday cage.

I know, but your mom
and your sister aren't in it.

So let's get them one of their own.

We can't build a Faraday cage down here.

It's a good idea, but we don't have
enough time

- to construct anything sound enough...
- We don't have to build it.

We already have one.

In the garage.

- The Chariot!
- We just have to get it down.

Could that work?

We never officially tested it
for the temperature, but yeah, it should!

I know it doesn't exactly solve
our kite problem.

But at least you guys will be safe.

Wait! Wait!

Maybe... Maybe we don't need the kite.

The Chariot's winch cable
is conductive metal.

If we use it to lower the Chariot down,

then maybe we could k*ll two birds
with one stone.

Just to clarify, we are not the two birds
being k*lled, right?

Hot wire the other end of the winch cable
to our engine,

and then when the lightning hits,
it'll act like...

Jumper cables, I get it.

But there's one problem with your plan...

Well, there's more than one,
but the first one...

What's that?

Chariot's on the Jupiter, in the garage.

I know!

Which is underwater.

I guess it's a good thing
I married a Navy Seal.

So what happens when we open up
the ramp?

Besides turning the garage
into a toxic aquarium?

I mean,
are we sure the Chariot won't just sink?

Chariot's no different than the ACVs
Marines would drop off of carriers.

It's all about buoyancy.

Something weighs less than the liquid
it's displacing, it'll float.

Okay, we good? We need to seal the garage
so we don't flood the rest of the ship.

All right, be right there!

Will, come on!

All clear?

Yeah! I think so!

Floodgates open in three, two, one.

That doesn't sound right.

No, it does not.

- Must be stuck.
- On what?

Oh, great.

Okay, I just need the both of you to relax

- and let the transfusion run its course.
- Hey, Jude.

What do you use
to cut that stuff off Don's leg?

Um, a... A plasma torch, why?

- How many do we have?
- Dad!

Kelp's blocking the garage. Can't open it.

Why would you need to open the garage,
it's underwater?

Look, I don't have time to explain.

I just gotta get this done
and I need your help.

Are they gonna be okay for a few minutes?

Yeah, yeah.

Let's go.

Alone at last.

What's taking them so long?

The Chariot should be down by now.

Thirty-six minutes.

I'm sure they're fine. Will and Judy
are up there to help him figure it out.

- You know, you saved us too.
- When?

In the diamond storm.
We were stuck and you rescued us.

I disobeyed you
and basically stole the Chariot.

My point is you saved us.

So, my special skill
is misbehaving?

You must be so proud.

Is there something going on with you
that I'm supposed to know about?


Since when don't we talk to each other?

What'd you think about my book?

- What?
- My book.

Will gave us all copies
and I've heard from everyone else.

Did you read it?

Of course I did.

Did you have a favorite part?

I... I think it... It was, um...

It was just seeing how much you've grown
as a writer.

Well, thank you.

I can't wait to see
what you write about this place!

A few facts wrong here and there, but...

her voice is strong.

And she likes my hair...

which is nice.

It's full of revelations.

For example, Judy dreams
of moving away from home.

Someone named Vijay Dhar
is apparently a bad kisser.

And Don West, why...

turns out he's a smuggler.

Whatever happens,
don't touch the kelp... It's toxic.

Twenty-nine minutes!

Don't worry
about checking the time.

I set an alert
so we're all on the same count.

Keep going!

Damn, this stuff is strong.

All this time,
pretending that you're better than me,

when in reality,

we're two peas in a pod.

Both of us outsiders,

rejected from the colony,

no family of our own.

So we... We orbit the Robinsons like two...

Please stop talking.

Your getting your speech back,
that's progress.

You and I are nothing alike.

And there's one big difference.

If we make it to civilization,

I'm going back to work

and you'll go straight to jail.

Is that so?


I wonder how your superiors would feel

if they knew...

that when we first met,
you were trying to steal a Jupiter.

The Resolute was in need of repair,

instead of doing your job,

you were running away.

And they may be able to overlook that...

but the thing is I'm a criminal,

and you aided and abetted my escape.

- That was different. I didn't know...
- Oh, come on, Don.

You saw me squeeze into that space suit
that clearly wasn't my size.

And you can tell yourself
whatever you want,

but deep down, you knew.

And I'm pretty sure they don't let
accomplices have their jobs back.

You're so lucky I can't move right now.

Here's how this is gonna work.

If we make it back to civilization,

I expect there's going to be trouble
headed my way,

so I expect your cooperation, Don.

I expect you to say

that I am whoever they say I am.

I expect loyalty, Don.

After all, we're blood brothers now.

How come you didn't tell me
Mom and Penny were in this much trouble?

You were helping Don.
I didn't wanna pull you away.

If I would've known,
I could've helped you.

Hey, Jude!


You okay?

- You okay?
- Yeah.

- You sure?
- Yeah, it didn't puncture my suit.

Okay, you two, head up top.
I'll finish off.

No, Dad. It'll go much faster
with all of us.

This is too dangerous.

- Dad, don't treat me like a kid!
- I'm not treating you like a kid,

I'm treating you like a doctor...
The only one we have.

If anything happens,
we're going to need you.

You trust me to save people's lives,
but not to help you?

Jude, this is not about trust!
It's about being smart.

Now, go!


Judy, come on.

- Hurry, this way! We gotta go!
- Okay.

Hey, he's gonna be okay.

Judy, no!


No, baby, get up! Go! Move!


- We're not done, come on!
- Will, go!

- Mom, Penny.
- Will?

The Chariot, we got it out.

Okay, we'll be ready!

There it is. There it is!

Great job, you guys. Great job!

- Did you have trouble getting it out?
- Nothing we couldn't handle.

Okay, John, once the lightning hits,
you lift off. Okay?

There's no telling how long the Jupiter
can withstand that kind of strike.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

Okay, come on.


What happened? Why did it stop?


That's the end of the cable.

What? Are you sure?

Yeah! You said there was enough.

There should've been!

Maybe the Jupiter shifted, or...

Or maybe the cable got caught around...

We don't have time to figure it out.
We just need to get up there.

How? It's gotta be
at least 30 feet.

Right, 30 feet.

Thirty feet, 30 feet... Wait!

Penny figured it out.

You figured it out.

- I did?
- The rigging from the sails!

Look, you may have me over a barrel,

but the Robinson's are gonna turn you in
the first chance they get.

It doesn't matter what I say
or who I say it to.

Let me worry about the Robinsons.

I've been living with them
for seven months.

I know exactly what they think about you.

So do I, but I don't need all of them,

just one.

Divide and conquer, that's your plan?


Guess what?

It's not gonna happen, lady.

And you don't need a book
to tell you that.

Because despite their differences...

Come on, Mom.

...or their disagreements...

when the rubber meets the road...

this family sticks together.

So go ahead, blackmail me.

But at the end of the day,
it doesn't matter if I have your back,

because the Robinsons never will.

We'll see about that.

You got it.

Atmospheric event in 90 seconds.

Maureen, talk to me!

We're getting there!

How close?

We'll make it!

Hold on!

Penny, you've got to keep going!

I'm trying.

You can make it, I know you can.

Will, Judy, strap in.

Maureen, I'm gonna be with you
all the way. You hear me?

We're almost there!

Stay with me.

Let me know
when you're in the Chariot.

I'm in! Mom's right behind me.

Oh, my God. Lightning hit...

What happened?

Electricity interfering
with the radio waves.

- I'll go check on them.
- No! Will, strap in.

We're gonna launch
as soon as the lightning hits.

- But what about Mom and Pen...
- They'll be there!

The doors... The doors, like,
why are they taking so long?

Penny, I...
I didn't read your book.

- I know.
- But I will.

I will... First thing, I promise.

Come here.

I love you.

- We got juice!
- Hold on!

- Bring them in.
- All right.

Almost there.



- Ten...
- Penny? Do you hear me?



Penny! Can you hear me?

We have to go check on them.

- No, wait until the ramp's up! Judy?
- All right, oxygen level restored.

Setting auto-pilot. Let's go! Let's go!

Mom! Penny!


Come on!


Mom, Penny, please.





- Hey!
- Penny!

- Are you okay? You okay?
- Oh, oh!

You know, right now that island we left
back there isn't looking so bad.

Really? You got jokes now?


Where's Will?


Hi... Oh!

Hey, Dad, um...

Look, I just wanted to say that, uh...

Look, I'm sorry, but I'm 19

and I can handle a lot more
than you're letting me.

I know.
I know, but here's the thing, Jude.

A part of being an adult

is realizing just because
you can do something

doesn't always mean you should.


Yeah, like, uh, putting a mast
on top of the Jupiter?

Come on, let's get upstairs.

- Does anyone else hear that?
- Hear what?

That sound. I've been hearing it all day.

- Will! Will, look out!
- Will, get down! Will!

What the hell is that thing doing here?

It's from when we were att*cked...
by the SAR.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What's a SAR?

Second Alien Robot.

Okay, in my defense, we have been att*cked
by a lot of things.

All this time...

it's been in here.

It must've been stuck and jarred loose
from when we flooded the garage.

So has it been alive this whole time?

Or did something turn it on?


The metal in the trench...
There were these glyphs

carved into it, and I-I can't be sure,
but they looked like the markings...

On the robot?

And his ship.

What does that mean?

It means whoever made him,
made this place too.

Is that good or bad?

I really cannot
tell the difference anymore.

Maybe if we go back down there

and studied the glyphs,
we can find a clue about...

Only place we are going is as far away
from here as possible.

But you said once we got in...

I know what I said! But right now,
we have bigger problems than the robot.

Like what?

Like how many more of them are out there.

Okay, let's get upstairs.

We need to prep for orbit.

- But, what about...
- Upstairs now.

I'll be right up, I just...

I know.

This is how it normally works...

When you launch, someone announces,

"Hey, we're about to take-off,

so you might wanna strap in."

Or, for example,
"Hey, if you gotta go pee-pee,

you might wanna do it now,
because it's gonna be a while..."

We were fine, don't listen to him.

No, no, no. You were fine!
I couldn't hold on.

Look, it's like I've got flippers.


Welcome back. You're in recovery.

Hey, Penny.

Nice work, by the way.

You read it?

Of course. I mean, didn't everybody?

Did you have a favorite part?

There was a line...

Um, I'm forgetting what it was exactly,

Oh, wait! Now, I remember.

"The irony of all this is

I almost died trying to get somewhere

I never even wanted to go."

Those words...

really stuck with me.

Is it true though,
that you never wanted to leave Earth?

It doesn't really matter anymore.

Of course, it does.

Did you ever consider just staying behind?

On my own?

You always struck me as a girl
who could take care of herself.

My family would never let me...

You also strike me as a girl
who doesn't always need permission.

Anyway, go on, get your rest.

Do you mind if I hold onto this?

It's the only thing onboard
I haven't read three times.

Sure. Yeah, thanks for reading it.

My pleasure.


I brought you something.

I have mine.

It's Mom's.

So why you giving it to me?

She took a couple of pictures
of the symbols we saw in the trench.

Figured you would wanna see it.


Hey, you published my book.

If that isn't worth a little
petty larceny, I don't know what is.


If the robot can't find us,

I'm gonna find him.


Any idea what I'm looking at?

Working on it.

What is that?

I don't know.

It's large.

Could be a meteor.

Sure it is. Let me guess,
it's heading straight towards us.

No, it isn't.

What's wrong?

- Nothing.
- It's not an alarm, it's a...

it's an audio signature.

Every ship has what is essentially
a sonic watermark

so it can be identified in space.

And so who does this one belong to?


It's the Resolute.

- It's the Resolute!
- It's the Resolute!

What? Is it close?

No... I mean, no, not particularly,
but we can get there.

No way!

Okay. Okay, okay.

Come on, everybody. Strap in!

- We're on the move!
- Let's go!