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01x08 - Trajectory

Posted: 01/21/24 09:07
by bunniefuu
You sure you can get us back
without a map?

Hey, come on.

Obviously, I memorized and studied
the topography before we left.

If I didn't know better, I would
think you were trying to impress me.

Maybe I am.

Five bucks says the Dhars' Jupiter
is over that rise. Come on.

Since when have you ever
known me to gamble?

We've had our share of bets
over the years.

Yeah, but it's not gambling
when I know I'm right.

Which is why I'm down 340 bucks.

Wait, you kept track?

I was just waiting for the day
that I win it all back.

Dhars, just over that hill.

That's a Jupiter engine.
Where's my five bucks?

Wait, are they taking off?

I don't know.

Affirmative for pre-check clearance.

Launch will commence
in T-minus three minutes.

Victor? Victor, what's going on?


No idea, have you?

There was an accident.
A colonist was injured.

In an attempt to save his life,

your daughter lost nearly all the fuel
we managed to recover.

What do you mean nearly all the fuel?

Commence pre-launch sequence.


Prisha, it's important.
How much fuel do you have, exactly?

Maureen, I promise we'll send back help.


Shut down the engines. You're too heavy.
You won't make it out of the atmosphere.

Keep 'em talking.

Victor, you have to listen to me.

Listen to me.

You will burn up all the fuel
before you reach escape velocity.

- Maybe we should listen to her.
- The computer says it's fine.

The computer will tell you
it's fine but it's wrong.

It's not calibrated for this planet.

You won't survive. None of you will.

You're full of information now.

But I had to find out this planet is dying
from my son,

who learned it from your daughter.
So forgive me for not trusting you.

Launch will commence
in T-minus 30 seconds.

Damn it, Beckert.

- So you're in charge now?
- No, not me.


Attention, all Jupiters.
This is John Robinson.

Report to Jupiter 4.
We'll explain when you get here.

People are gathering outside.


I brought this from our Jupiter.

Is there any way I can help?

Do you understand the problem?

Yeah. We only have a defined
amount of fuel to provide thrust.

So we need to make the Jupiter
as light as possible.

Right. So, this is a list of everything
we can strip out that isn't essential.

And this is the maximum weight
we need to reach.

- It's still too heavy.
- Yeah.

I wish I could strip out all of this.
The cockpit alone weighs five tons.

Technically, 9,530 pounds, but...

Too bad you can't pilot without it.

Did I spill something on Friendship 7?

There's been a new development
in our situation.

It seems that our planet is on an orbit

that will bring us dangerously close
to the sun.

So, it's gonna get hotter and hotter,
until it's, um...

Well, it's too hot.

Are you saying the planet is dying?

Not dying. Just entering a phase
malignant to human life.

Thank you for that clarification.

Well, it explains why there's
a rapid increase in seismic activity.

Also the spike in median temperature...

Have you seen your sister?

Um, no. Last time I heard,
she was with Evan's family.

...atmospheric anomalies...


Uh, nothing. Just seeing if she's okay.

I don't think any of us are okay
right now.

So how long do we have?

Long enough.

I know everyone by now has heard
that we only have enough fuel

for one Jupiter
to make it to the Resolute.

So, whoever goes will send back help.

But if we're gonna get this one
off the ground,

we're gonna have to lose things
we thought we needed.

Like... Like, the navigation system alone
weighs 1.3 tons and...

- You can't take off without navigation.
- No, of course not,

but there's no reason that we have
to navigate from inside the Jupiter.

In the early days of spaceflight,
NASA capsules were basically tin cans.

Uh, all the instrumentation was handled
from the ground at mission control.


...we are going to launch off this planet
the old-fashioned way.

How can we...

Welcome to 1962.

You want me to do this
because I'm the best pilot here, right?

You are the best pilot here.

Not just because I weigh 110 pounds?

That helps.

You'd be flying blind. Too dangerous.

No radar.

No sensors.

The computer would not be there
to handle any problems.

I was trained for problems.

Think about you daughter!

This'll be just like
the Mercury-Redstone 3,

NASA's first manned mission to space.

The first mission was number three?
As in, the first two blew up?

As in the first two were unmanned.
The Jupiter still needs someone to fly it.

I trust her.

I'm in.

I feel like we should talk.

You promised me you weren't gonna tell.

We sat by a waterfall,
and, granted, it was mud, but whatever.

We sat there and you gave me your word
that you wouldn't.

And I know that it was a lot
to lay on you,

that we're all gonna die in this place,
but honestly, I was scared,

and I didn't know what to do,

and I trusted you, which is not something
I do on a regular basis.

I'm sorry.

That's it?

- I gotta go.
- Are you serious?

What are you doing?

We shouldn't hang out anymore.

Are you breaking up with me?

Breaking up?

We weren't really together or anything,
were we?

You're a bad kisser. So...

Oh, my God, I hate this planet.

Hey, what you working on?

I'm trying to patch the UHF radio
so this Jupiter can be linked to ours.

Oh, yeah? Scooch over.

How long you gonna need?

Give me an hour.

Yeah? What if I helped you?

Two hours.

You've been hanging out with Penny
too much.

What happened to your face?


Beckert hit me with a crowbar.

Is he okay?

Yeah, he'll be sore in the morning.

Could you show me sometime?

Show you what?

What to do if someone
tries to hit me with a crowbar.

Uh... sure.

I mean, maybe we could start
with something a little less intense. Huh?

Okay, great. Once we're done with those,
let's start stripping the med lab.

Mom, I'm being prompted to plug in
the Dhar's security codes.

Okay, I'll talk to Victor.

And then I just need a ride back
to our Jupiter

to reset the ECLSS and GNC.

- Okay, uh, I'll get you a ride.
- Do you want me to take him?

- Is that all right?
- Yeah, I'm only in the way.

Unless people wanna talk about
how they feel

about taking this ship apart.

Okay, great. Thank you.

I need your security codes.

Why not? You've taken everything else.

You know, I want everyone to survive
as much as you do.

You put my family's lives at risk.

- I was going to get help.
- I'm not talking about today.

I stood up for you.
I told them you didn't have it in you.

- What are you talking about?
- The g*n.

The one you gave Angela.

When your family's lives are at risk,
you don't think clearly, believe me.

And right now,
you're not thinking clearly.

I had nothing to do with that business
with the robot.

I suggest you look somewhere else.


Aw, honey, I heard what happened.

There's something I need to tell you
about Dr. Smith.

- What do you mean?
- Where is she?

Are you gonna help
or you just gonna watch?

The math doesn't add up.

Believe me, Maureen's math always adds up.

The way the Jupiters were built on paper
isn't the same as they are in real life.

There are things
that only a mechanic knows.

Such as?

They were over-engineered.
Redundant systems up the wazoo.

Your wife thinks you can strip away
those redundant systems,

and the ones that are left will work.

She's assuming they're perfect,
but they're not.

They're just like people.
They kinda just chug along...

some missing the mark,
others picking up the slack.

I love a woman
who can reroute a coolant system,

but we need the whole system.
And it's too heavy.

- There must be something else we can lose.
- There's nothing left.

- Well, we do have the life support system.
- We need that.

Yeah, it's fairly important if you wanna,
you know, keep living.


- Stay here.
- Be careful.


Hey, Mom.

We were just bringing supplies back
for everyone.

People work better
on a full stomach, right?


I've got the codes.

They're on my laptop out in the Chariot.
With Judy.

- Judy's back?
- Yeah. Go get them, okay?

Yeah, thanks, Mom.

You seem stressed out.
Do you need to talk?

No, I'm fine.
I mean, plus or minus a few variables.

Do you really wanna help me?

Of course.

Okay, there's some equipment that we need
down in the garage.

What a morning.

It's crazy what people will do
when they're scared.

Fear is a dangerous thing.

Well, at least we caught him
before he did any real damage.

So what is it we're looking for?

Just, uh, anything to help strip the ship,
you know?

Cordless drill packs, miter saws,
or whatever.

You Robinsons are such a little tribe
of fixer-uppers.

I've learned more in the past few weeks
about repairing engines,

rewiring wires and refueling radios...

- Maureen, what are you doing?
- Who are you?

- You know who I am.
- No. The truth.

It's complicated.


When the Resolute was evacuated,
the path to my Jupiter was cut off.


I begged anyone I could find
to take me in, but they...

And that's when I saw him.
The real Dr. Smith.

He was hurt...

he was bleeding, and I...

I tried to save him, but I just thought,
"Why should both of us have to die?"

So I took his access tag.

I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner.

But you were so kind, so generous.

I wanted you to like me.

- Clearly, you wanted more than that.
- Just to survive.

Then why did you give Angela the g*n?

Maureen, why would I want to
hurt the people...

I don't know, you tell me.

If I'm wrong, I apologize.

But right now,
I need to protect my family,

and I think the best way to do that
is to keep you away from them.

Jessica Harris.

That's my name.

Look it up in the manifest.
I'm a physicist.

You're a physicist?

- Why would you lie about that?
- You're asking the wrong questions.

What you should be asking is,
how long was I on that Jupiter today?

The one you're preparing to launch.

What might a woman of my expertise
have done to it?

- You're lying.
- Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.

That ship is your only means of survival.

Let's just say, for the sake of argument,
that it wasn't.

If you did anything
to sabotage that ship...

Here's what I suggest. You let me out.
I come clean.

We both go our separate ways
and call it happily ever after.

- Go to hell.
- We're already there, Maureen.

It's up to you whether or not

your family makes it out
before they get burned.

So, do you believe her?

There was a Jessica Harris
on the Resolute.

That checks out.

And her vitals match, so...

Victor's Jupiter,
you think she messed with it?

No. I think she'd say anything
to save her ass.

No, we'll be fine.



Don and I went over the plan.
He thinks the Jupiter's still too heavy,

even after stripping out everything
from your list.

- So we strip more.
- Well, there's not much left.

We're down to life support,
pressure systems,

- servo systems.
- Servo systems.

I mean, can it even fly without those?

- Theoretically.
- Theoretically?

The Jupiter will hold together, but...

- But what?
- We might as well strap Naoko to the hood

because that's what it's gonna feel like
when she takes off.

- She will black out.
- Yeah. She will.

There isn't a person alive who wouldn't.

The question is, will she wake up in time
to manually pilot out of the atmosphere?

What if she can't?

Naoko's test results are good.
Full cognitive recovery in 54 seconds.

Is that fast enough?

During liftoff, the Jupiter rises
at one mile per second,

and it's a 70-mile trip
out of this atmosphere

- into the safety of space.
- 70 seconds.

Oh, God, and it's a rough 70 seconds.

The pilot will have to manually
steer around atmospheric hazards,

which is hard enough, but at the same time
vent the engines so they don't overheat.

It's basically like threading a needle

when you've just woken up
from a knock-out punch.

She'll never have enough time.

I doubt any of the other survivors
scored high enough to have a shot.

Of course.
Full cognitive recovery in 19 seconds.

There must be somebody else.

That's 35 seconds faster.

That doesn't mean I'm the right person.

When every second counts,
35 seconds is a lot.

- Check again.
- I don't need to.

- Maureen, listen...
- John...

I am not leaving you and the kids.
Not again.

I made a promise.

Then keep it.


Come back safely.

This decision...

It can't be just ours.

I know this isn't easy, so...

Look, the only way I do this
is if we all talk it through.

Okay, let's do pros and cons.

And pro, he's the only one that can do it.

That's not a pro. He might not make it.

Nobody will if he doesn't go.

That's not a pro either. That's a con.
They're all cons.

You sure you'll be okay?
That you'll come back?

If anyone can do this, it's your dad.

Can you promise me he'll make it back?

If I could,
we wouldn't be having this discussion.

What happens if I say no?

Hey. Hey, Will.



Talk to me.

The robot. I let him die.

I told him it was okay
to walk off the cliff.

And now, you want me
to do the same for you?

Will, I don't wanna do this.

But you have to?

That's what you said three years ago,
when you left.

Not gonna say it's okay for you to go.

Come on now.

Hey, hey. Listen to me.

It's all right.

It's not okay with me either.

If your dad's gonna do this,
he's gonna need our help.

Wait, you said you had two pieces
of information to tell us.

Yeah, what's the second part?


No one goes anywhere near the garage.


I don't know what Maureen told you,
but I think the pressure...

I think it's getting to her.

Her behavior is a clear indication
of clinical anxiety disorder.

You're wasting your breath, Jessica.

Jessica? Who's Jessica?

Is that who Maureen thinks I am?

John, this is absurd.

Let me out, and we can help her together.

Do you know why she locked me in here?
Because I spoke up.

I told her I was worried
that she wasn't thinking clearly,

that she might be sending Naoko
to her death.

Only it's not Naoko anymore, is it?

Don't get on that ship, John.
I'm trying to protect you.

You know, over the years,

a lot of people have put their life
in my hands.

But if I had to trust someone with mine,

I'd choose my wife.

Your wife?

You mean the woman who wanted
to take your kids away

and start a whole new life without you?

And now she suddenly claims, let me guess,

that you're the only one
who can fly this Jupiter.

That's convenient.

If I were you,

I'd spend your time
getting your story straight,

because when we get to the Resolute,
and we will get to the Resolute,

it's gonna have to be
a hell of a lot more convincing.

Fly safe. We're all depending on you.

You ready for a practice run?

- Good to go.
- Okay.

So, remember, the actual Jupiter
that you'll be flying,

all these bells and whistles,
they might as well be

actual bells and actual whistles
for all the good they'll do you.

- They don't exist.
- In fact...

Is that necessary?

You want it to be
as close as possible to reality, right?

You really gonna knock me out?

It's funny you mention that.

So, we'll skip the pre-launch protocols

because you wouldn't be able
to execute them anyway.

You just sit back and let me do the work
until it's time to launch.

But once you're up there,
only you'll be able to steer.

And vent the engines before they explode.

- I know.
- Yes. And vent them

before you get out of the atmosphere.

And always vent them away from the sun.

And always be aware of variables.
Something will go wrong.

It always does.

T- minus 30 seconds to liftoff.

Arms up.

- What's this for?
- To mimic G-force.

- Oh, how's that gonna work?
- T-minus ten seconds.

Nine, eight, seven, six...

...five, four, three, two, one, liftoff.

No, don't touch those.
Let the SRBs carry you up.

Okay. You're approaching 9G,
where you're gonna lose consciousness.

I'm cutting your suit pressure
to simulate.

Your cognitive recovery was 19 seconds.
Feel free to improve on that.

Nineteen seconds.

You're nothing if not consistent.
How's your head?

- Foggy.
- Push through.

You're hitting tropospheric winds
at ten o'clock. Roll left.

Get a handle on those engines.

Pitch 17 degrees.
Correction to climb.

Too late. You're dead.

Oh, God.

That's okay.



Five, four, three,

two, one, liftoff.

You lost a second.

No, you can't vent towards the sun.
Bank left.

The Jupiter just exploded. You're dead.

Oh, God.

Yeah, I need a few more seconds
to recover before venting.

You don't have a few more seconds. Again.

Five, four, three, two, one, liftoff.

Okay, curveball.

Something's wrong.
Your weight distribution's off.

Which means so is your trajectory.

Course correct.

You just hit the boosters way too hard.

Your brain smashed against
the inside of your skull. It's swelling.

Yeah, but I'm not dead, right?

- Correct.
- Huh.

But now you are.

Oh, God.


System malfunction. Engines are hot.
Too hot. What do you do?


Vent early.

No, it's too late. You're dead.


- Too late. You're dead.
- Oh.

You're dead. Again.

You're dead.

- Ahhh!
- You're dead.


- You're dead.
- Oh, God.


You're dead. Again.

You're dead.

Dad, are you okay?

Yeah, I just need, uh...
I just need some more reps.

- No, you need to stop.
- No, he needs to get it right.

As his doctor,
I'm advising that he take a break.

His heart is at serious risk
if he continues like this.

Hey, hey. Maybe we should all
take a break, huh? Huh?

Yeah, okay. I'll get you some water.

Can you help me take...

Hey, why don't you get some air, huh?


Hey, hey, hey, hey...

- You're letting her get to you.
- Who?

- Smith. Whatever her name is.
- It's not that. I...

I would be worried about you making it
even if she hadn't said anything.

Why don't we take a couple of extra days?

Relieve some of the pressure.

I mean, you could run a comb
over the Jupiter, and I can work on this.

- Okay.
- Okay.


You should put on the radio.

- What's happening?
- The Resolute.

Engineers have detected
evidence of Hawking radiation,

which indicates the presence

- of a gravitational singularity.
- The black hole.

To protect the lives onboard,

we'll be forced to vacate
the current orbit 24 hours from now.

This decision was not made lightly.

We are aware that some of you
are still out there,

trying to make it back.
So, it's with a heavy heart

that the surviving members
of the Resolute 24th Colony Group

- send this final broadcast.
- No!

24 hours.

- No, no! That's not enough time.
- I can be ready.

- That's not enough time.
- I can be ready. I can.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Hey, where are you going?

To the Jupiter 4.

A lot of people have been doing
unsupervised work there.

I wanna check it. Again.

Hey, guys. So why don't you
go get your gear ready?

We're gonna be back
on the Resolute tomorrow. Together.


Come on, let's get going.

Yeah, guys. Come on, let's go.

- It's okay.
- Yeah.


What did you tell my parents?

Will, is that you?

I'm not supposed to talk to you.

Then don't.

I don't want you to get caught up in this.

In what?

It's really not my place.

It's just...

Some people think
that kids aren't mature enough

to handle the truth.

- The truth about what?
- The mission.

Has your mother told you
how dangerous it is?

Yeah, she told us all about it.


You're such a strong kid.

I mean...

I don't think I could let my dad
sacrifice himself,

even if it did get everyone
off this planet.

He's not sacrificing.

He's gonna make it.

He said he'll be fine.

I was about your age
when my dad went into the hospital.

And I remember, everyone was there,
and when I asked what was going on,

they told me not to worry,
that he was going to be fine.

Turns out everyone was just saying that...

because they didn't want me to be sad.

But when he died...

it hurt so much.

Would it have been easier
if I'd been able to prepare for it?


Sometimes parents think they have to lie
to protect their kids.

But friends can be honest with each other.

And right now,
I'm the only one telling the truth.

There's a chance that Jupiter
makes it to the Resolute,

but whoever flies it
won't survive the trip.

- No, but my mom, she said...
- Is a very intelligent woman...

but she doesn't know everything.

She doesn't know there's someone else
who can fly this Jupiter.

It doesn't have to be your dad.

Will, where are you?

I have to go.

- Will, listen to me.
- I can't.

I don't go to your place and triple check
your rocket science stuff.

Sorry, I just need to make sure
there's nothing wrong.

You do know
that's literally my job, right?

To make sure nothing's wrong with these.

1967, Soyuz 1, parachute failure.

1971, Soyuz 11, cabin vent valve.

1986, Challenger, faulty O-ring seal.

2003, Columbia,
damaged thermal protection system.

Everyone died in these accidents
and you know what they all have in common?

A mechanic cleared them for launch.

You know what else they have in common?
Don West wasn't born yet.

Now call me thorough, call me lucky,
but nothing's ever gone wrong on my watch.

Weren't you working on the Resolute?

- We were att*cked by an alien robot.
- On your watch.

Okay. I'm sorry. I'm...

This is our last chance.

And my husband...

My husband's gonna be up there
hurtling through space,

and I don't know if he can...

You're not the only one
who needs this to work, Mrs. Robinson.

Maybe there's something
you can do to help us.

Finally, this guy's reading
the directions.

Yeah. I'm not normally
reduced to this, but, um...

Get the weight down on the Jupiter?

Oh, like any good fighter,
she had to shed the last few pounds.

But we're actually 200 under,
if you can believe it.

Pretty sure the CPDS took us over the top.
All she needs now is a good pilot.

John's recovery time is excellent.
But given the variables,

he can't quite pilot
and vent simultaneously.

- What intervals are you running at?
- 20 seconds.

- You can get away with 30.
- But standard iteration...

Standard iteration's
for standard situations.

With such low fuel pressure to begin with,
vent too soon,

you won't make it into orbit.

Vent every 30. She can take it.

Maybe we should put the CPDS back in.

Mmm. That's over 700 pounds.

We've only got 200 to play with.

- Interesting. How much do you weigh?
- Excuse me?

You're, like, 174-75?

Wait a minute. No. See what you're doing.

You know these ships better than anyone.
Who better to be there

- if something goes wrong...
- Stop. I'm sorry.

I'm the wrong guy, okay?
Good luck with that.

Send me a postcard. Hi. Bye.

Don. Don, stop.

- This is about my dad's life.
- Yeah. It's my life, too.

Look, he can't do it on his own, okay?

And if he doesn't make it,
then it is all of our lives.

Ease off.

Is this about money again?

I thought we were past that.

No one's ever really past money.
But it has nothing to do with that.

Then what is it gonna take for you
to do the right thing?

You know what "doing the right thing"
has done for me?

Save a lady in the desert,
get left for dead.

Flip a tanker for you,
lose a very comfortable retirement.

So, from where I'm standing,
doing the right thing kinda sucks.

No. I'm not gonna do it.

Nope. Nope, nope, nope. No.

Son of a...

If anyone asks, I got paid for this.

- A lot.
- Mmm-hmm.

And I want a medal.

- Ten...
- No. A parade.

- No. I want a holiday.
- ...nine, eight...

- Don West Appreciation Day.
-, six...

- Colony Salvation Day for Don West.
- ...five,

- four, three...
- I want my face on a postage stamp.

...two, one, liftoff.

What kind of a t*rture chamber
have you got going on?


I'm swallowing my tongue...

Okay, you woke up a bit slow,
but that's all right.

I need you to roll 15 degrees
to your left.

That's it. Okay, hit thrusters.

23-degree pitch.

Excellent. Now hold steady.

Now, Don, vent the engines.


- What was his recovery time?
- Couldn't find a result.

A- plus. I scored an A-plus.

And... you've hit escape velocity.

Welcome to space!


Nailed it.

Great job, Dad.

I'm also here. Being brave and awesome.
Doing the right thing or whatever.

Yeah, no one cares.

Tonight, we do it for real.

Shouldn't we run the test one more time?

We don't have any more time.

Dr. Robinson, I got something for ya.

- Don.
- No, no, don't get excited.

It's not a present.

Mmm, I don't want your chicken.

And I don't wanna hurl through space
in a Thermos, but here we are.

Listen, I left instructions in there.
What she eats, when she eats.

And if you need to put her to sleep,
all you gotta do,

turn over, stroke her belly
ever so gently...

- Okay, I'll see what I can do.
- ...and she'll purr like a little... Okay.

Bye, Debbie.

He'll be all right.

All right, I'm gonna go inside.

Pre-launch protocols start soon.

- Okay, let's go.
- Yep. Yeah. Let's go.

Do you think we'll be able to see it
from up here?

We should.

Hey, where's Will?

Oh, uh...

I think he's too nervous to watch.

You said someone else
could pilot the Jupiter.

Come closer and I'll show you.

We could bring it back.
You and me. Together.

I can't.

But it was only bad
because you told it to be bad, remember?

What if... What if we start it over

and you told it to be good?

He could fly that ship.

All you have to do is open this door,

and your father can come home.

Upon returning home, Akiyama Toyohiro,
first Japanese citizen in space, said...

What does that mean?

- "I'm hungry."
- Huh.

Fly safe, John Robinson.

Jupiter 4,
this is Jupiter 2. Do you copy?

Jupiter 2, this is Jupiter 4. Copy.

Final pre-launch protocol.

Seals, check.

Internal power, check.

Fuel pre-press, check.

All systems go.

Copy, Jupiter 2. Permission to launch?

Permission granted.

Launch will commence
in T-minus 60 seconds.


- Maureen.
- Yes?

I love you.

I love you, too.

I love you, too.


See you in a bit.

You're set for liftoff in...

T- minus ten,

nine, eight, seven...

...six, five,

four, three, two...



- Go, go, go!
- Looks good.

Come on. You can do it.
Come on. Come on.

John, can you hear me?


John, come back to me.

I'm here.

We're here. Pretty dark in here.

That's okay, I've got you.

Winds at your eight o'clock,
real ones this time.

They're coming in
at just over 500 miles per hour.

Got it. Don?

- Don?
- Whoa.

What? Uh...


Uh, yeah. Yep. Yeah, let's, uh... let's...

Let's nothing. I need a sec here.

Don, engines are getting hot.
We need to vent.

The hull's facing away
from the sun, partner.

- You okay?
- I'm...

John, you need to take over.

No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.

If we do it too soon,
we won't make it out.

Don, you need to vent now.

She can take it.
Just give me five more seconds.


Okay. Okay, well done.

You're almost there.

You're a lucky man.

Yeah, well...
I brought some luck with me.


Noctilucent clouds.

Hold position.


It's getting pretty punchy in here.

Just a few more seconds.
Continue to hold position.


Okay, easy now.

I want you to slow engines to 25%
and roll 48 degrees to...

Maureen? Roll 48 where?

Left or right? Left or right?
48 degrees left or...