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01x07 - Pressurized

Posted: 01/21/24 09:06
by bunniefuu

I should have known.

She played me even before we crashed here.

I fell for it like a sucker.

I blame my innate sense of compassion.

You tried to profit off of our survival.

Nothing illegal about that.

You also smuggle booze.

How did this become about me?

Look, the point is I use my own name.
I didn't steal it off some guy.

Wonder what happened to him.
The real Dr. Smith.

Anyone else feel that?
It was a tremor, I think.

I'm calling home.

Hold on.

No one's listening to me.

Here's my expert opinion on someone
who's been busted once or twice.

A person like fake Dr. Smith
needs to be confronted face-to-face.

You look her in the eye
and you dare her to lie again.

No. What did I just say?

C-11 to Jupiter 2. Is anybody there?

C-11 to Jupiter 2. Are you there, Mom?

Jupiter 2 to C-11.
Hello, Judy.

It's Dr. Smith.

Yeah, I know who you are.

Is everything all right?

We're great.
Can you put my mom on, please?

Her door's closed.
Would you like me to leave her a message?

No, I'll tell her myself. Thank you.

Could you be more suspicious?

She's been staying in our Jupiter,
eating at our table.

I even loaned her moisturizer.

- Really? You think that's funny?
- Well...

- What if she tries something?
- Relax.

Your mom can handle
any version of Dr. Smith.

I take full responsibility
for what happened.

I should've read the signs.

Angela was in such despair.

She kept reliving the attack
over and over again.

She was so helpless.

Couldn't have known she'd have the means
to act on her feelings.

R-3940. That's our watermark.

This g*n wasn't smuggled here from Earth.
It was made on our printer.

By who?

I told you it wasn't me.

The robot printed the g*n.

What? Why would he do that?

For me.

I was scared, and I guess he thought
it was what I wanted.

You knew about this?

I'm sorry. I... I didn't want it.

So I hid it.


At least now we know where she got it.

Someone found it, but it wasn't her.
She wasn't working on the light tower.

She was still laid up.

That just leaves everyone else.

The whole camp came aboard
at one time or another.

Hey, why don't you go get a snack?

Why would someone give Angela a g*n?
It shows particularly poor judgment.

To give a troubled woman a w*apon,
when it was clear what she would do.

Uh, I...

I thought it was strange that...
that he was lingering around the quarters

when there was so much work
to be done elsewhere.

- Who?
- Victor.

He wasn't exactly a fan of the robot
at the meeting.

I don't know.

Victor Dhar is a lot of things,
but I...

You'd be surprised what a man will do
to protect his family.

If we're gonna find out
who gave Angela the g*n,

we need to go and talk to her.

Just please be gentle with her.

Angela is in a fragile place.

She wasn't too fragile
to put three b*llet holes in my ship.


No sneaking off.

Really? 'Cause it's kind of, like,
my thing.

I'm serious.

I don't need to tell you that
your brother's going through a hard time.

And yet you told me anyway.

- We should switch.
- No, I'm fine.

You probably have a concussion, too.

I've had plenty of concussions.

I'm fine, really.

I'm not arguing.
Would you like me to argue?

What was that?

I don't know.

Look out!

- John!
- Hold on.

Go, go, go!

You remember when I mentioned
increased seismic activity?

I do now.

Okay, let's get out of here.

What's wrong?



Tar pit, actually.

- Think we can walk on this?
- I wouldn't.

We'll be fine.

I mean, this is hardly the worst situation
we've ever been in, right?

Well, we're not going back this way.

There's only one way we can go.

It's remarkably predictable.

It's better than Old Faithful.

So, intervals between eruptions

gives us three minutes and 27 seconds
to get across.

Top speed of the Chariot is...

We can't go at top speed.
We're lugging 3,000 gallons of fuel

which weighs, conservatively,
9,000 pounds.

That'll be what, 35 miles an hour
to go how far?

1.78 miles.

1.78 miles.

We don't have a choice.

It's gonna be tight.

The second they stop, we drive like hell.


Three minutes left.

Come on, baby.

Please, if anything breaks, I'll fix it,
but get us across the finish line, okay?

This is as fast as we can go.

It's more than enough. We're on pace.

Two minutes, 45 seconds.

What is it?

My brakes are seizing up.

Why are they slowing down?

Hey, your control cable's loose.
I can see it from here.

Two minutes, 30 seconds.

- I can't maintain this speed.
- You have to.

- I'm on it.
- Where are you going?

The roof. Just keep driving.

Good luck.

- Hold it steady.
- Yeah.

- Evan, be careful, please.
- Two minutes.

Dude, I'm a surfer.

Was a surfer.

Come on. Come on, Evan.

- He better make this quick.
- Come on. Come on, Evan.

One minute, 30 seconds.

Evan... Okay.
Careful, careful, careful, please.

Come on, Evan.

Dude's got big marbles,
I'll give him that.

Careful, careful, careful, careful.

One minute. We have to go faster.

Forty-five seconds.

- He did it.
- 30 seconds.

Not out of the woods yet. Come on.


We're almost clear.

Five, four, three, two...

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

No, no! Come on!

Where'd he go? Where'd he go?

Open the door.

Move! Move! Move!


Hey, hey, I'm here
to take care of you, okay? Okay.

His pulse is weak.
Okay, I need something for the pain.

- Hold his head and neck still.
- Okay.

- We need to move the t*nk now.
- Do it.

Grab the sling, attach it to the t*nk.
I'll pull the Chariot into position.

Let's go.

Hey. Hey. Hey, stay with me.
Hang in there.

It's okay.

Wait. Wait. This isn't gonna work.


The t*nk has landed on a rock.
It's stuck in like a plug.

We've got to find another way.

Wait! Stop!

I just need an inch.
We can slide him out.

The t*nk's pressurized.
If we lift it, we're gonna lose the fuel.

Radio the Jupiters.
Have them send a replacement tanker.

- Right away.
- Can siphon off the fuel.

It'll take them hours to get here.

He'll go into renal failure by then.
We need to move the t*nk.

This is a horrible situation.
But we trained for this when we signed up.

Let's not let emotions dictate
what we do next.

This isn't about my emotions.

Judy, how many patients
have you actually treated?

Ones where you weren't supervised
by a real doctor?


- And one of those was your mother, right?
- Yes, but...

I think you're doing the best you can,
and I commend you for that.

I wanna help Evan and I'm gonna help him.

But that fuel could save your family.
Save his family, right?

Send for that replacement tanker.

Let's find a container
to catch the leaking fuel.

We won't waste a drop if we don't have to.

Let's check these hose couplings
haven't been damaged.

Beckert, move the t*nk.

- Judy, calm down.
- Don't touch me.

- I'm not losing that fuel.
- And I'm not losing him.

He stopped breathing! Judy!


One, two, three...
Somebody move the t*nk!

I'm sorry! No!

One, two, three... Don?

One, two, three...

Ah, damn it.

You do it, you can forget that money.

Yeah, well, you're an assh*le.

One, two, three...

Evan? Evan? Evan, it's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.

Look at me. Look at me. It's okay.

Am I gonna die?

Not today.

Jupiter 4 to Jupiter 2.
Do you read? Over.

Vijay, it's me.

You can sound less like mission control,
you know.

Meet at the place?

Hey, how you doing in there?

Great, thank you. Good to hear.
Um, I'm sneaking out now.


'Scuse me, guv'nor,
I seem to have lost me 'ead.

Come on. Nothing?

Maybe, like, a chuckle? A chortle?

I thought you left.


Severed head gag deserves
at least an eye roll.

Haven't you already built,
like, three of these?

Can't you just leave me alone?

Okay. Fine, whatever. I just, um...

I thought maybe
you would like to learn how to fly.



This is so dangerous!



So dangerous!


- Okay, ready? Three, two, one, stop.
- Yeah!

Ooh! Whoa.


Whoa, okay, you okay?

You good?



Hey, hey, what just happened?

I think I'm done.

No, come on. We gotta beat your record.
What are you doing?

Thanks, Penny.

But... I think I'm done.

This was fun.

Sorry you had to be
broken apart like this,

but, uh, I'll get you back together.

I know you can't hear me. I'm not crazy.

It's just, when you spend so long
pretending to be something you're not,

sometimes you have to say things out loud
to remind yourself of what's true.

My name's not Smith.

It's June Harris.

The truth... I'm no different
from the Robinsons.

I wanna put the past behind me...

and have a fresh start, just like them.

The truth is...

I'm going to be a productive member
of the colony.

Unless Captain Radic, up at the Resolute,
tosses me out of the airlock first.

And the truth...

that Radic can't seem to understand...

is that... is that I'm a good person.

I'm not a violent person.

I'm not a k*ller,

like you.

You were made to k*ll.

The truth is that I'm not going to do
any of the bad things

that are going to happen.

You are.

You sure it's back here?

Check under the HAB.


Please be in here.


Great. Okay. Now...


You fix it?

Sorry. I thought maybe
someone would hear us.

You've given up
on the radio, then?

Well, we've got a problem
with the antenna.

Hmm? What?

It's out there.

On the shore.

You sheared it off
when you off-roaded backwards

through the forest.

Very impressively.

I thought so.

You got some flex?

Of all the times for Penny to agree

to stay in the Jupiter
and not come looking for us.

Yeah. When we get back,
gonna have to have a serious talk

about the importance of knowing
when not to obey your parents.

Pass it up to me, okay?

Well, we're still sinking.




Weren't you a Navy SEAL?

Didn't you guys practice
these sort of things?

Uh, just you watch.

Just warming up.

- Okay.
- John.

You watching?



Got it!

- John, get in.
- What?

It's too late. Get in.

- Damn.
- Come on.

Damn it.


How much fuel did we lose?

I don't know. It doesn't matter.

Is it too soon to ask
if I'll ever walk again?

As soon we get back,
I'll be able to properly examine you.

It's okay.

I know an engineer
who designs prosthetics.

She could print me
a bitchin' pair of legs.

Well, you can teach me to surf.

You saved his life.

All I did was hit the gas pedal.

I'm sorry about your money.

Me, too.

Do we have enough fuel
to get us off the planet?

Not everyone.

So, what can I do to help?

You hate building models.

Yeah, 'cause it's boring and tedious.
I'm willing to give it a try.

Okay. Um, "Release the main L body panel
from parts sheet A.

Fold a crease in each
of the six vertical hinges in the part."

Okay, well, no wonder
it's taking you so long.

You're putting the wrong pieces together.

Wanted to make something
to remember him by.

It's okay to miss him.

He was my friend, too.

So, are we just making this up
as we go along,

or is there a method to this madness?

Yeah. Yeah, um...

Thought we could use these as his hands.

Yes, I like that.
But we need something big.

Maybe this?

Come on, fuse together.

This is exactly what Will did,
so why aren't you working?

What else do you need from me?

- Is this gonna work?
- In principle.

The line you threw to the tree
is conductive.

Oh, God, this heat.

So, it should act as an antenna

if we can make an unbroken connection
for the signal.

I'll admit it's ad hoc.

- You know what this reminds me of?
- What?

That apartment we had in Glendale
with the broken AC.

- That was hotter.
- Yeah.

And somehow smellier.

How many weekends did we spend

wandering around that mall
just trying to keep cool?

I never ate so many
Wetzel's Pretzels in all my life.

Hey, you have a Ph. D in Engineering.
Why did you never fix the AC?

Kids liked the pretzels.
We were having fun.


You know, when...

when everything went sideways and...

and I went and re-upped...

- You don't have to.
- I thought it was the right thing to do.

Yeah, well, you made that clear
at the time.

Well, I was wrong.

I regret it.

You know...

some things you learn over time

and some things,
you have to be kicked in the face.

And when you called and you told me
that you were taking the kids...

to start a new life...

that's when I knew.


Hey, I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?

I wanted to go to space so bad,

and I couldn't imagine us staying on Earth
the way it was.

He tried so hard,
but he... he couldn't do it.


He failed the test.

I don't understand.

I cheated to get him on the Resolute.

If it wasn't for me,
none of us would be stranded here.


You wanted a better life for our kids.

You did what any mother
would've wanted to do,

but only you could do.

Middle of three boys, huh?
Must've been pretty wild in your house.


Fridge was always bare.

And wrestling matches for the remote.
The usual.

Are you close to your siblings?

Yeah, we're pretty tight.

Phil, he's already at the colony
with his horrible wife.

My big brother Kai
is stuck here with me.

Can you turn down the air?
It's kind of cold in here.

I didn't turn on the air.

All right, he's going into shock.
I need a blanket.


Okay. Okay.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Come on, Evan. Come on, Evan.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Evan.

All right. All right. All right.

Victor, come in.

What is it?

Evan's dead.

We sacrificed the fuel for nothing.

Oh, great.


I'll, uh, just find another power source
to hook the radio up to.




If it can handle space,
it can handle a little tar.

- There's only one of them.
- Yeah.

I am fixing the radio.
Stop distracting me.

Maureen, listen to me.

How long have we been
rebreathing this air?

I mean, soon there's gonna be
too much carbon dioxide,

and then we'll pass out.
And if we pass out, we die.

- John.
- I'll open the hatch and you can get out.

If you open the hatch,
the Chariot will fill with tar.

You won't survive.

But you will.

- I'm not doing it.
- Yeah, you are.

I'm not giving up. Since when are you?

This isn't giving up.
This is saving your life.



You put this suit on.

You go get our kids.

And you get 'em off this planet.

All right?

All right?

Okay. Now, when I open the hatch,

you're gonna be hit by a ton of weight
from the tar.

I'll get underneath you
and do the best I can to help you out.

I don't think I can do it.

Hey. Yes, you can.

Yes, you can.

You are the strongest,
most fearless person I know.

I wish I hadn't spent so much time
being angry at you.

I wish we could walk around that mall
one last time.



I love you.

Let's do it. It's time.

Put this on. Come on.

Here, let me help you.

Okay, listen.

When I open the hatch,
you go like there's fire under your ass.

And you don't look back. Okay?

Come on. Come on.

Wait, stop. Stop.

- What is it?
- Take this off.


The Chariot's airtight.

If we can create enough pressure in here,
we could displace the tar.

- Displace it with what?
- The helium. From the HAB.

I don't understand.
This will get us up to the surface,

but we're still stuck
in the middle of a pit.

You remember when Penny was two

and we bought her that...
that play tunnel...

- Yeah. Uh-huh.
- ...that she could crawl around in?

That's what we're gonna do
with the balloon.

Our body weight will carry us down.

We can crawl along the bottom
until we reach the shore.

Can't believe I didn't think of it before.

Yeah, because it was, like, so obvious.

I love you, too.

I'll take the tanker back to my Jupiter.

We can reconvene in the morning
and go over options.


I really thought I could save him.

You did everything you could,
Dr. Robinson.

I have to go tell his brother
what happened to him.

I'll drive you.

I knew you'd make it back safely.

I'm so glad to see you.


Everything's going to be okay. I promise.

We had it, son.

More than enough.

What happened?

There was an accident. We lost it all.

Almost all.

We're just gonna have to stay here
a little longer now.

How... How much longer?

I don't know.
We're stuck here until we figure it out.

There's something I need to tell you.

Okay. Check it out.

Mini Will.

- Is that supposed to be me?
- Well...


But it's so good.

Would you honestly eat your own brother?

I think if the situation called for it.

I mean,
we're not out of MREs or anything.

This is Will Robinson
of the 24th Colonist Group.

I'm making a record of this
because it seems I'm the first human

to discover evidence
of an alien intelligence.

It appears it crashed when we did.

Why? I don't know why.

It appears it crashed when we did.

Why? I don't know why.

I don't even know why we crashed.

Did she tell you how long we have
before the planet dies?



Get the Jupiter ready.

We're getting off this damn planet.