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01x02 - Diamonds in the Sky

Posted: 01/21/24 09:00
by bunniefuu
Any chance you can get that for me?


Tam! Tam, are you there?

It's just me!

Can you move?

I'm stuck.

It's the restraints.
Sand's jammed them up.


Listen to me. I need you
to toss me your knife, okay?

It's the only one we got.
So don't drop it.

What happened to yours?

I dropped it.

Okay, I'm ready.

Reach for your knife. You got this.

Come on.

Okay. Toss it.


Lucky for you, I'm the person
you'd most want to be stranded with

in an emergency situation.

You know what I love about these ships
when they break in half?

They spill oil everywhere.


- It worked! I'm coming to get you.
- Are you okay?

Come on, hurry!

Aah! Hold on!

Come on!

Come on.

Okay. All right. Okay.



Try to climb out of here without moving.

All right. Here.


It's okay, Mom.

I knew we weren't alone.

It's... It's synthetic. It's...

It's built, not born.

We still make the history books
for first contact,

even if it's a robot, right?

"We"? You only get to be famous
for being related to me.

Do you have a name?

Do you know where we are?

- He's not from here.
- How do you know?

I saw his spaceship.

You did?

I think he crashed when we did.

- How many more of you are there?
- I think he's all alone.

Or else he wouldn't have needed me
to help him.

You helped it?

He was hurt.

Now it's helping you.

He's going down to the Jupiter.

I was gonna suggest it do that.

I was just waiting for a break
in the conversation.

Hey... how'd this happen?

Uh, I don't know.
I guess it happened when I fell.

I don't suppose you have a toolbox.

'Cause you can fix this
and get us out of here?

Yeah, I'll let you in on a trade secret.

The answer to the question
"Can you fix this?" is always "Yes."

Even if you can't?

Especially if you can't.

Then you just add
that you gotta find the right tool.

So you're gonna bullshit
our way to safety.

Yep. Just need to find the right tool.


Don't get sentimental.

I'm not carrying your bag
when it gets too heavy.

Oh, hello.

My necklace!

It must have fallen off.

You're welcome.

It's not that heavy.



Doc! Doc, get over here.

I'm not that kind of doctor.

Doesn't matter.

Stealing her boots?
I thought you two were friends.

She would've done the same.

That's why we got along so well.

Somebody ought to show
some basic human decency.

Bury her if you want, Doc.

I'm gonna try to make sure
nobody has to bury us.

Hope someone's having a better day
than we are.

I wish Dad would hurry up
so we can get down there.

It's not so bad up here.

Let's agree that was just wind.

Main deck water level reduced to 1%.

Lower deck water level reduced to 60%.

Oh, come on, you stupid thing.

Main deck water level reduced to 1%.

What the hell are you?

Maybe we should sh**t
off another flare.

We already wasted one.

There's no one out there.


- Looks like someone ejected.
- Maybe they can help us.

Let's ask.

Put those on.

I'm not wearing those.

This sand... is sharp as diamonds.

Might even be diamonds.

It's gonna tear through your soles.


- What?
- You remind me of someone.

Best lover you ever had?

My brother.

Just don't want you slowing me down.
You ready?

Lead the way.

Oh, God.

All right, all right.

Stop staring at me.

Let's go. No chicken left behind.

If we find a cow, you carry it.

I'm gonna go get the leg brace
from the printer.

It's okay to lie down, you know.

No, I'm fine.

Penny, how are we coming along

with those filters?

The starboard side's almost finished.

Pick up the pace, please.

Your robot's creepy.

You'll get used to him.

How long is it staying?

Penny, go up top.

The hose is freezing over again.
You can finish the filters later.

Okay, Dad.

- Oh, hey.
- Hey.

Uh, I heard it ding.


You had a tough day.

How you holding up?

Yeah, I'm... I'm good.

Yeah? Okay.


I... just...

I just wanted to say, um...

thank you.

You have to lift a little bit.


This will do most of the work
until your leg's healed.

Let's try it out.


What is that...

Penny, why haven't you
finished the filters?

I can still smell ozone.

- Dad said I should be cleaning...
- I'd like to breathe.

Penny, we're gonna burn out the motor.

But Mom said that I should
fix the filters right now.

It can wait.

Mom, Dad, you might wanna come
take a look at this.

Hey. So that expl*si*n Penny saw

was definitely a reserve t*nk
of another Jupiter.

Let's hope there are survivors.

Are you coming?

Are you coming?

The girls did excellent work.

Listen, I think it's important

that they all hear us speaking
with one voice.

- Couldn't agree more.
- That voice is mine.


It's been a while.


We're gonna look for survivors.

Get your gear. You're coming along.

Does Mom know?

Just get your gear.

Girls, while your dad and I are gone,

you're gonna help free the Jupiter.

If we don't work our way out gently,

we could make the ice unstable.

Worst case scenario,
the ice could crush our ship.


So, we'll use the maneuvering rockets,

melt the ice to water,
and just float up inch by inch.


20% power, ten minute intervals,
ten second burn.

Twenty, ten, ten.

By this time tomorrow,
our ship should be clear.

And then what?

Feet off the console.

"The print model you've requested"

does not meet colony safety protocol.

For assistance, dial 874628

"to speak with your
district representative."

Yeah, well,
I'm not at the colony, assh*le.

I was hoping you'd
left this thing back on Earth.

Leave my lucky whiteboard?

Okay, see if you can finish these
while we're gone.

So, if the sun rises in the east
and sets to the west...

I don't wanna let it out of my sight.

And you don't get one
without the other.

You see, this is one of the things
we might have discussed.

We can discuss it.

No. It's fine. I'm not
worried about Will.

- Since when?
- The Jupiter's here...

You trust that thing?

It brought Will back safe,

saved Judy from suffocating
under the ice.

It's the kind of behavior
that builds trust.

Come on!

Come on. Let's go.

Just what kind of
doctor are you, anyway?

I'm a psychologist.

I can't believe people
pay people for that.

Actually, they do. A lot.

All you have to do is look at a person

to know what their deal is
within five minutes of meeting them.

You think it's that easy?

Like you, for example.

Take that necklace.
That's a Saint Christopher medal.

He's supposed to watch over you,
keep you safe.

Personally, I look out for myself.
And I've never met no saint.

But you, you're not so different.

You're a Ph.D. or something,

which makes me think
you don't believe in that junk either.

Why do you wear it?

Must be another reason.

Perhaps it has something to do
with that brother I remind you of.

It's none of your business.

So it is your brother.

See, that wasn't that hard.

And hey, I'll charge you half
of what you'd charge me.

I know.

I didn't think we'd be the ones
rescuing people.

We're not.

All due respect, Angela,
this is nothing personal.

Oh! What the...

You didn't check her pulse?

Hey, you're not a real doctor either.

So now what?

- What is that?
- I know, right?

So familiar, but what is it?
It's on the tip of your tongue.

I'm not playing this, Penny.

I'm sorry, Jude.
That's just the way the cookie crumbles.

"That's just the way
the cookie crumbles."

I could not have made it more obvious.

Where did you get those?

So, you are interested
in the only Oreos

in a hundred trillion miles?

You spent 14.3 ounces

of your personal weight
allocation on that?

No. Mom did.

It's the last item on her checklist.

"Retrieve the blue object
from locker 24A."

It was this or another pack
of air filters. I made the call.

What are you doing?

Having it be the last item on the list

indicates it's a reward for finishing.

- No, you have to wait for everyone.
- I'm going in.


Pump's clogged again.

Can we trade off?

This was the Jupiter 17.

- Did you know anyone on it?
- No, honey.

That could have been us.

Well, it wasn't.

Aah, I swear to God,

every time I come up here
it's something worse.

Mom, Dad, come in.
Do you read me? Over.

They're out of range.

They're in the valley, they're
not gonna see that storm

until it's directly above them.

- We have to do something.
- Think it through.

What pace would we need to maintain
to hike down to them

- and get back here in time?
- Why walk when we have a Chariot?

It's in the garage,
buried under a ton of ice.

- We have to get it out!
- How?

I was specifically told
to go easy on the engines

so the ice wouldn't become unstable
and crush our ship!

- Mom, Dad, and Will...
- Can take care of themselves.

Now stop panicking.


- Have you lost your mind?
- Somebody had to do something.


Come on. You don't even
have your license.

That's why you're gonna drive.

You've got to be kidding me.

Let it go, Penny.

This is Maureen Robinson
from the Jupiter 2.

We're at the crash site
of the Jupiter 17.

We've found no survivors.

If there are any other search parties
in the area, please respond.

- No luck?
- No.

This is Maureen...

You heard that before?


It was coming from the crashed ship.
His crashed ship.

- It must be somewhere close.
- It's a long walk back.

Ask if it knows where its ship is.

Do you know where your spaceship is?

I don't think he remembers anything
from before.

Before what?

Before he got hurt.
I told you, he got hurt.

But it remembers you.

So it must remember where it met you.

Let's not push our luck.

There's so much we don't know yet.

We need to take this opportunity
to find out.

When you don't know,
that's when you go home.

We're heading back to the Jupiter.
Come on.

Will, since when do you
not do what I ask?

Can you take us to where we met?

Oh, great.


You know you want to go as much as I do.

Not with an 11-year-old kid
and a gimpy wife.

I'm not!

What? Gimpy?

Or my wife?

That's probably the Jupiter
where she ejected from.

Maybe there's someone there
who's a little more conscious.

We gotta move.

What do you think she weighs?

No, there's no way I can carry her.
She'll just slow us down.

That's it. That's what we're doing.
We leave her.

- Are you sure?
- We have no choice.

I suppose you're right.

Oh, hell.

I'm no humanitarian.

Yeah. Sure.

Think whatever you want.

You know what the bonus is
for a guy like me for saving you two?

A house in Malibu.

Weather's not what it used to be,

but the margaritas are just as good.

Who's gonna pay you out here?

You put on a good show
of being completely self-interested,

but I know you're a good person.

Look how you saved this chicken.

Ask the chicken if I'm a good guy
come dinnertime.

Judy? The Chariot's ready. Let's go.




This is really not too bad.


Mom? Dad? Are you there?

Uh, yeah, this is your daughter.

The one who really
doesn't want to drive

the Chariot off a cliff right now.

So if you're there, please come in.

Engaging winter mode.

Okay. Okay. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Mm-hmm. Just like bumper cars.

Where everybody dies.

Maybe it's time for a flare.

What if we're the only survivors?

There must be someone out there.

We only have one flare left.

I can fix that for you.

No, thanks.

Your brother give it to you?
The one I remind you of?

I put two and two together.

It reminds me of him.

It must have been hard
leaving him back on Earth.

He left first.

Car wreck.


Should have bought two.

Storm's getting closer.

How far can you get with her?

In a day of firsts, this wins.

Will, stay outside.

What the...

You're hovering.

Tough seed to survive that fire.

I'm gonna add it to my collection.

How'd that get in there?



Open your hand. Hold on to it.

Throw it back.



This isn't weird. This
isn't weird at all.

Nice throw.


I always wanted him to come back.

But... now that he's here...

You probably don't know what a dad is.

- Oh!
- John?

Did you touch something?

- No. Did you?
- No.

That's where we are.

It's a map.

Good. We need one.

I thought the Milky Way
looked different from this.

It does.

So what galaxy is this?

Do you want to give it a name?

How the hell did
The Resolute get us here?

It's impossible,
according to every law of physics.


Maybe someone wrote some new ones.

No. No.

Was that you?

Why did you attack us?

Tell me!

You really don't remember?

But you're not like that anymore.

You're not... You're not like that.

Are you?

Raise your left hand.

Now... Now raise your right.

Turn around.

Walk forward.

No. Wait!

Come back.

Come on, hurry up. Get in. Get in.

My necklace.

I had it a minute ago.
It must've fallen off.


You should let me fix that for you.

Fix it while I'm gone.


I know you won't leave her,
because you're a good man.

Even if you wish you weren't.

But someone has to go out there
and bring back help.

Are you sure about this?

You have one flare left.
You'll know when to use it.

That's how I'll find you.

See you soon.

If you die now, I'll be pissed.

- Will?
- Will?


Where are you?

I'm here.

- You okay?
- Hey.

- Why did you run off?
- I didn't run off.

We were just exploring.

Yeah, well...
that's enough exploring for today.

Come on.

Mom... Mom, Dad, Will, do you hear me?
Anybody? Over.


- What is that? Will, come here.
- We need to get cover. Come on!

Quick! Quick! Come on!

Come on.

Go. Go.


Mom... Where are you?

- Do you hear me?
- Penny?

- Mom?
- Penny!

- I'm in the Chariot. Coming to get you.
- What?

- How did you...
- We will discuss this

when you are also in the Chariot.

I can't track you because of the storm.
Where are you?


We're... We're, uh...

Look for the light.

The light?

Here. Put them on.

I see it. I see it. I'm coming!

Oh, that light.

- Look.
- Go! Go, go, go! Go!

Come on!


Not the daughter you expected?

- Please drive.
- Move over.

I don't think he'll fit.

- Tell him to hold on tight.
- Hold on to the back!

- Put your seat belts on.
- Let's go.

Excellent. You finished the list.

Listen, I should have, uh,
been more receptive to you.

You have the experience,
the training, and I...

I was wrong.

I'm glad you were here today.

What about tomorrow?

We'll talk about it tomorrow.

So which one of you
do I need to listen to?

Angela! That's our ride!

It's the last flare we got.
Give it a peck for good luck.

Dad. Dad, look.

There's someone out there.

We can make it.

- Wha...
- Don't do the math.

Just to be clear,

we just got out of the storm
and now you wanna go back in?

There, there. I see them right there.

- Come on!
- Come on!

- Come on!
- Come on!

- Run! Get in!
- Hurry! Come on!

- I've got the bag.
- Come on. Come on.

It's okay.

Is there anyone else with you?


It's just me.


My necklace.

You have one flare left.

You'll know when to use it.
See you soon.

Son of a bitch!

Thank you.

You're so brave. What's your name?

I'm Penny. This is my brother, Will.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I always wanted a brother.

- What's your name?
- I'm Dr. Smith.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

- Come on. Come on.
- Oh, my God!

- Come on, come on!
- Dad, come on!

- Dad! Dad! Go!
- Come on!

You did it.

Yeah. This is really not my thing.

You need to get back to being you,
so I can get back to being me.

- Okay?
- Come here.

- Here.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- Thank you so much.

- You okay?
- I think so.



You're crushing the Oreos.

Don't worry.

He's not dangerous.