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07x07 - Greensleeves

Posted: 10/22/14 10:59
by bunniefuu
Nero: Previously on Sons of Anarchy...

Tyler: August is spinning out, man. He's afraid that the streets are gonna blow up as he's trying to close this deal in Piedmont. It's a huge government housing project.

Jax: Is that the one where his partner's M.I.A.?

Tyler: Yeah, Haddem. He's a pastor over at Piedmont Grace.

Jax: The pantyhose preacher.

Chibs: Yup.

Jax: So, what do you need from us?

Tyler: The wife Loutreesha...

Loutreesha: He wants me to sign off, making him a partner.

Grant: She can't just hand it over to some gangsters.

Jax: She can if she wants you two alive.

Juice: My club wants me dead. I need to get to Mexico.

Alvarez: What makes you think I'd help you?

Juice: Give you any intel you want on SAMCRO.

Althea: The DA's getting pressure to offer Lin a deal. You think they're trying to get Lin to give up the MC?

Chibs: Shit! I got to go.

Unser: What the hell happened?

Gemma: Juice freaked out.

Unser: That don't make sense. If you ratted him out, Jax would find out you helped him.

Gemma: It, it don't matter why. He couldn't pull the trigger.

Unser: This time. DA knows Henry Lin's been warring with the MC. This is how we tie him to Tara's m*rder.

Gemma: I'm not talking to the cops.

Unser: You tell Jarry or I do.

Oso: Alvarez wants to talk. We got someone you've been looking for.

Juice: Shit! What the hell is this?!

Alvarez: Showed up at the store wanting to trade club secrets for a one-way ticket to Puerto Vallarta.

Jax: Big move. What do you want?

Alvarez: I want the g*n business.

Jax: I'd need more than just Juice.

Alvarez: How much more?

Jax: I'd need you to give the AB a piece of the prison trade. Takes care of a debt to Tully. Let him distribute in Stockton. You split Lin's heroin turf with Tyler 50/50.

Alvarez: How do we handle Marks?

Jax: Take him out together. Lin will most likely start his sentence here. Parole violations. I'm gonna need access to him.

Tully: Why don't we burn that cross when we get to it?

Alvarez: Just for the record, even if we couldn't make a deal, I would've never made one with with a rat.

Jax: Thank you, brother.

(Bird caws)

Juice: I'm sorry.

(Bird caws)

(Engines start)

(Wind blowing)

(Low sigh)

(Door closes)

Wendy: Hey.

Gemma: Hey.

Wendy: Lockdown's over.

Gemma: Yeah. That's good. Did you take Abel to school?

Wendy: Yeah. He didn't want to go. He was okay by the time I dropped him off, but he seems really... I don't know. Something's up. He seems more distant every day.

Gemma: He'll be fine.

Wendy: Hey. What's going on?

Gemma: You see Jax or any of the guys this morning?

Wendy: No, not since last night. Why?

Gemma: They have Juice.

Wendy: Shit! How?

Gemma: Doesn't matter.

Wendy: Do you think he told them about us?

Gemma: I don't know. Look. This shit with Juice... is on me. If you want to split, I get it.

Wendy: No. I'm done running, Gem. I'm here.

Gemma: Yeah. Okay. I know how hard you're trying. So do they. (Quiet laugh) Okay, if you... hear anything, I'll be at TM.

Wendy: If Juice did tell him, what do you think Jax'll do?

Gemma: Honestly... I don't know. That's what scares me.

(Door opens and closes)

CHP Officer: Yeah, so, we arrested this guy, we took him down...

(Motorcycle engine revving)

CHP Officer: Oh! Oh! Officers taking g*nf*re! Request backup!

(Tires screech)

(Sirens wailing)

♪♪ Riding through this world ♪
♪ All alone ♪
♪ God takes your soul ♪
♪ You're on your own ♪
♪ The crow flies straight ♪
♪ A perfect line ♪
♪ On the devil's bed ♪
♪ Until you die ♪
♪ Gotta look this life ♪
♪ In the eye ♪

Unser: Hey. Can I bend your ear for a minute?

Jax: Yeah.

Unser: Eglee's awake.

Jax: Oh, that's great!

Unser: Yeah.

Jax: She say what happened?

Unser: Only to me.

Jax: Which was?

Unser: Told me about who was there when they got ambushed. But what you need to know is what she's not gonna say.

Jax: And are you sure about that?

Unser: Yeah. As long as she's not in anybody's crosshairs. Especially the kind that look like swastikas.

Jax: She's not.

Unser: I need your word.

Jax: Nothing is gonna happen to her.

Unser: And I'll make sure her memory stays vague about the MC.

Jax: Did you push her in that direction?

Unser: No. She went to high school with you, son. She loves this town. Just wants it to stay whole. I want the same for her.

Jax: Well, for the record, we had nothing to do with what happened. I've always liked Eglee.

Unser: Yeah. I get it. Not that it matters. Any, uh, word on Juice?

Jax: No, as far as I know, he's still missing. You should stick around and watch. Cocks and Bagels is gonna be huge.

(Unser clears throat)

(Sirens wailing)

(Tires screech)

(Sirens stop)

CHP Officer: Let me see your hands! Hands on your head now! Do it now! Hands on your head! Take him to the ground.


(Indistinct radio transmission)

(Handcuffs clicking)

Tig: Good boy, Ratty. Yeah. You guys head to Piedmont now. Yeah. CHP's got Juice. One piece.

Jax: I know this is a big risk.

Chibs: But the boy will do what he was told. This is all he wants.

Bobby: Well, he did have a million chances to run.

Jax: If he stays on plan, Tully will set him up to finally k*ll Lin.

Happy: And if he chokes? And we become his leverage?

Jax: Then Tully'll k*ll Juice. Did you find the right spot for the pastor?

Tig: Yeah. They're starting to break ground on Pope's commercial row. Just outside of Montclair. Middle of nowhere.

Quinn: Only a project manager on site. He's gone by noon.

Bobby: We'll put him someplace sacred.

(Jax laughs quietly)

Jax: Good. Did you reach out to Tyler and Alvarez?

Chibs: Aye. Tyler's set. Mayans are in all the way.

(Jax sighs)

Jax: I'd be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. I hoped we could end Lin without severing our ties to August, but... (Quiet laugh) I knew the odds.

Happy: We're gonna find out who ratted us out to Lin.

Bobby: And we should be getting something back from Coletti about the guy Jury knew. Figuring out how he disappeared should shed some light.

Jax: But I knew, even without the rat... we'd end up going head to head with Marks at some point. And he's not Pope... but this is more than just another street beef. He's got money. He can buy protection, intel. His political sway is growing. I'm not sure how deep that goes. That's why we need to handle him with leverage, not blood. That choice puts us all here at risk. Our families, too. I need you to know that.

Chibs: We know that, Jackie Boy.

Bobby: There is an upside. The Niners and the Mayans are right there with us. Those are important relationships.

Jax: Yeah. (Sighs) Your loyalty and faith in me over the last few weeks... I can't express my gratitude. This vengeance was personal. And all of you have allowed me to bring it here. I know I keep asking for way more than the patch requires. And never once have any of you hesitated or had a blink of doubt. I don't think I'm gonna be able to repay that debt. You are my family. I love all of you.

Chibs: Yeah. We love you, Jackie.

(Door opens)

Unser: Hey. I, uh, just heard from Jarry. Juice fired sh*ts at some CHPs. They brought him down on, uh, 580.

Jax: Why'd he sh**t at cops?

Unser: I don't know. He ain't saying shit. He went full mute soon as they put cuffs on him.

Chibs: Probably best he's inside. Maybe the boy will get his head straight in there.

Jax: Thanks, man.

Gemma: Oh. Thanks, sweetheart.

Chuck: Sure. You know you could talk to me, right? I'm aware I'm some kind of mascot. The guys think I'm a joke and stuff, but I'm a good listener, Gem.

(Vehicle approaching)

Gemma: You're not a joke, Chucky. Hey. Thought you went to Diosa?

Nero: I was. You, uh, you hear any more on Juice?

Gemma: No. You see Jax?

Nero: No, not yet. I'm headed over to Red Woody, though. I wanted to talk with you first.

Gemma: About?

Nero: It's time for me to make a decision, Gem. About what's next. What's right.

Gemma: What're you talking about?

Nero: I tried to get back my rhythm hen I running my crew... again. I don't know. I guess it made me feel... vital?

Gemma: You are vital.

Nero: Not on the street, mama, not anymore. This thing that happened with the Chinese, I just made it worse. And almost got myself k*lled. (Sighs) So I was talking to my Tio Benny in Norco, my uncle. He'll give me his farm for an even mil, if I can come up with a 150 cash as a down. I want to sell Jax my piece of Diosa. I'm gonna take Lucius, and, uh, I'm gonna just...

Gemma: Perfect.

Nero: I want you to come with me.

Gemma: I can't leave my family.

Nero: You wouldn't have to. The boys... the boys, they're gonna, they're gonna love it out there.

Gemma: I'm not gonna run away.

Nero: No, no. It-It's not running away. It's us having a place that we can run to. I want you with me. Us. This is about us.

Gemma: Look, I can't. There's... there's just too much shit going on.

Nero: Yeah, I know. I know.

(Vehicle approaching)

I'm sorry I'm just putting more stuff on top of everything else. But after the last few days... Before you say no, just... think about it a little. Okay? (Sighs) Take into consideration all the bad shit that's happened here. (Sniffles) (Sighs) We deserve something better, Gemma.

Gemma: Do we?

Nero: Yes, baby, yes. We do, we do. I got serious love for you.

Gemma: I love you, too. (Sniffles) Okay. I'll think about it.

Nero: Thank you. See you later?

Gemma: Sure.

(Car door opens)

(Engine starts)

You hear anything?

Unser: Uh, yeah. Juice got picked up for, uh, firing sh*ts at highway patrol.

Gemma: What?

Unser: Exactly. They caught him out on 580. He's in County.

Gemma: Did Juice say anything to Jax?

Unser: I'm not sure. But I could tell that they already knew he'd been picked up. They're working Juice, Gemma. Using him for something.

Gemma: Oh, Christ.

Unser: I'm gonna need a few days to find a place to park the sh*thole. If that's okay.

Gemma: Hey, Wayne. Don't go. No, I...

Unser: I thought...

Gemma: I'm sorry. And I-I know I said that. I just... I don't want anyone else leaving me.


(Unser grunts)

(Birds singing)

Grant: Look, I don't know what you want, but my mother's in no condition to talk to anyone.

Jax: She doesn't have a choice.

Grant: We did what you said. She signed the deal for August Marks. Now please, just leave us alone.

Jax: Signing it bought you some time, but for Marks that's just the beginning. He's gonna suck every dime out this place and level it for condos. We can help you. If you help us.

(Grant sighs)

Grant: She's starting to bend. I'm trying to take her down a little every day.

Chibs: Why don't you put her in detox?

Grant: It's too public.

Jax: We can help with that, too.

Chibs: We haven't lied to you yet.

(Grant sighs)

Jax (quietly): Keep an eye out. We know for sure your husband was k*lled. It was August Marks.

Loutreesha: Oh, sweet Lord.

Chibs: Sorry.

Loutreesha: How do you know?

Jax: We've been watching Marks. We saw a couple of his thugs burying a body at a Pope construction site.

Grant: And you dug it up?

(Sighs) Jesus.

Happy: We can show you a picture.

Loutreesha: No. W-What do you want from us?

Jax: I need your help to stop Marks. If we don't act now, he is gonna destroy what's left of both our families.

Loutreesha: Hmm?

Jax: My wife was m*rder*d a few weeks ago.

Loutreesha: Oh, my God.

Grant: What do you want her to do?

(Chibs sighs)

Chibs: Just... tell the truth.

Jax: Just having proof that there's a body on one of his properties is not gonna be enough of a threat. But if you sign a statement saying that he threatened you and your husband into signing that housing deal... that's motive for m*rder. That'll ruin him. That's a threat with teeth.

Grant: Then why not just have him arrested?

Chibs: 'Cause then he has nothing to lose and he'll have you both k*lled.

Jax: Look, the leverage of him losing an empire he can almost touch... that's gonna be enough to back Marks off. You keep the death photos of your husband and your statement with an informed third party. That's what keeps you safe. Protects your church... your husband's legacy.

Loutreesha: You need to tell him.

Jax: Tell me what?

Grant: One of my stepfather's... suppliers... has been blackmailing us. He has cell phone footage of Jonathan with... very young men at the lake house. And you can see pictures of my mother and me in the background.

Loutreesha: I don't have any more money to pay him. When that comes out, the church's reputation and my credibility will be ruined. I mean, I-I'm afraid my statement against Mr. Marks won't provide much leverage. I'm sorry.

Jax: You're talking about a pimp?

Grant: He goes by the name Greensleeves. Oakland P.O. box.

Jax: We can handle your blackmail problem. But I need to know you're with us on Marks. We have a cabin a few hours from here. My guys could take you up there. I'll have my mom come out, she can help taper you off the junk. She's done it with a few of my guys. We can get you well.

(Loutreesha sobs)

Loutreesha: Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I brought him into your life.

Grant: No, Mama, Mama, it's not your fault. Okay? It's not your fault. I am still here.

Loutreesha: Okay. I'll... I'll give you your statement.


Jax: All right, this is it. Okay? All right?

(Loutreesha sobs)

All right, have her sign it and then you sign it as a witness. Make me a copy and that's what I'll bring to Marks.

Chibs: This'll keep her even through the night.

Jax: I'll have you follow one of my guys up to the cabin. My mom will be there as soon as she can.

Grant: Okay.

Jax: Look, I'm sorry your family got caught in the middle of this, but you need to trust me. This is the only move.

Grant: Do you believe in God?

Jax: What's important is that you do. All right, go on. You mom needs you. Call Nero. See if he knows our pimp. You're taking a road trip.

Montez: All right.

Jax: They're gonna follow you up to the cabin. Make sure you keep them in your sights, okay?

Montez: Got it, boss.

Jax: All right. All right, call Gemma. Tell her I need her at the cabin.

Rat Boy: What do we tell her?

Jax: That I need her at the cabin.

Rat Boy: Mm-hmm. What if she says "no"? Your mom can, you know, be a little... difficult.

Jax: Are you afraid of my mother?

Happy: We all are.

Jax: She doesn't need details. Just... tell her I got a mother-son issue, a family problem that needs some help. I'll call her when I get there.

Chibs: Nero's going to meet us. Jimmy's on Lancer.

Jax: Let's do it.

(Engines revving)

Nero: And what do you want with Greensleeves? Or shouldn't I ask?

Chibs: Just want to talk to the fella.

Nero: Yeah. Semiautomatic discussion?

Jax: He's trying to blackmail a friend of ours. Innocent people are gonna get hurt. That's the truth.

Nero: Adam Greenblat. He's been in the game for a while.

Jax: You know where he hustles?

Nero: Out on Mission. Near the Blade.

Jax: You think you could ID him?

Nero: Oh, yeah. Yo, when it's done? I need ten minutes. Diosa stuff.

Jax: Okay.

Juice: Why am I being isolated? I should be in G.P.!

(Distant conversations echoing)

(Engine revs)

Nero: Guy by the Hummer. You need me?

Jax: No. I think we got it.

Nero: I'm here, Mano, but I'm gonna hang back.

Jax: All right, cool.

Winsome: That dot-head's batshit crazy, G. He almost broke my arm the last time. Oh!

Greensleeves: Like that? Like this?

Winsome: Shit, G...

Greensleeves: Is that what he did?

Winsome: Ah, yes!

Greensleeves: Tell me, does it hurt?

Winsome: Yes! Ow. Ow...

Greensleeves: Oh, no, baby, see, it don't hurt. What it does is it makes you stronger. See, that Iranian? He is paying for the privilege of making you stronger. See, now, my other girls? See, they can't handle that. They ain't brave like you. They ain't special, are they?

Winsome: No.

Greensleeves: See, that's my champion. My golden girl. My Winsome, lose none. Come on, baby, who put the "O" in "ho"?

Winsome (giggles): I do.

Greensleeves: Who puts the "O" in "ho"?

Winsome: I do.

Greensleeves: That's right. See, that's my girl. My perfect player. Now, I don't want to hear no more talk about you refusing customers. See these limbs? They are way too precious. Right?

Winsome: Yeah. I'm sorry, I...

(Knocking on Hummer)

Jax: Excuse me, kids. Sorry to interrupt, but I'm looking for a guy called Adam Greenblat. Do you know where I can find him?

Greensleeves: Never heard of him.

Chibs: How 'bout a pastor named Haddem? You heard of him?

Greensleeves: Wrong tribe. Why don't you leather boys hop back up on your scooters and get the hell off my block?


(Chibs yells)

Nero: Shit. Hey!

Chibs: Hey! Arsehole!

Jax: Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Winsome: Ah! Help!

Jax: Shh! (Winsome screaming incoherently) Shh, shh! Shut up! I'm not gonna hurt you. Shh.

Nero: Hey, maybe she, uh, maybe she wants to clean up a little bit. You know? Work in a nicer environment?

Jax: What's your name, darling? We got an offer to make you.

Winsome: Winsome.

Chibs: Ah. That's lovely.

Winsome: Don't be mean.

Jax: We need to find Greensleeves. We just want some information.

Winsome: Yeah? If I give it to you, he'll cut my lips off.

Chibs: Guess that'd be bad for business, eh?

(Winsome breathing hard)

Winsome: What's your offer?

Jax: Get you off the street. More money.

Nero: Nicer employer.

Winsome: "Diosa Escorts." (Laughs) I'm not really the girl you take to the opera before I swallow your cock.

Nero: Well, most of our girls work in-house. You get to set your own schedule. Choose the guys you want to work with.

Jax: That's right. And ain't no one cutting your lips off for making a mistake.

Winsome: So...what, you'd be my pimp?

Jax: Your employer. Who'd break anyone's arm, they so much as lay a hand on you.

Winsome: That's kind of sweet.

Jax: Yeah, we're all very sweet.

Chibs: Come on, darlin'. Where can we find the Jew pimp?

Nero: Winsome, we'll get you out of here right now. You will never have to deal with him again.

Winsome: Not to sound anti-semantic, but the whole Jew thing, I think it's kind of bullshit. He's got a foreskin that almost reaches his knees.

(Chibs sniffs)

Jax: We'll be sure to keep an eye out for that. Tell us where we can find him, sweetheart.

Greensleeves: Now! I need it now! What do you mean you can't get here? I'll pick it up. Yeah! It don't matter, all right? I need it.

Greensleeves: Ah-ah!

Hooker: Do you know these guys?

Greensleeves: Look, get the hell out, man, all right? Get the hell out of here!

Jax: We just want the phone with the pastor.

Greensleeves: And all I want you to do is suck my d*ck, all right? How the hell did you guys find me?

Chibs: Don't matter.

Greensleeves: I will slit her throat wide open.

Jax: What? You think I give a shit about one of your strung-out whores?

Hooker: Why is he so mad? Ow. That sucks.

Chibs: Time for a nap, love.

Jax: Get up.

Chibs: Night-night. -

Greensleeves: Aw, shit!

Jax: Get up!

(Greensleeves groaning)

Phone with the preacher... where is it?

Greensleeves: It's on the table, man, it's the Android on the table! Who talked to you, huh? Was it Winsome? That weak, little, crazy skank. She cave on me?

Chibs: Got it.

Greensleeves: I don't know who you guys are, but I'm gonna find you.

Jax: Isn't there some kind of rule in your religion about tattoos and su1c1de? You can't get into heaven or something?

Greensleeves: Yeah, you can't be buried with your family. Like I give a shit.

Jax: Yeah, that's cool.

(Greensleeves yells)

(Moans, grunts)

Chibs: That was a very sloppy su1c1de.

Jax: Yeah? It worked. He's dead.

Chibs: Aye. What about his junk mate?

Jax: Ah, she ain't gonna remember shit.

Chibs: Shalom.

Jax: Appreciate you helping out.

Nero: Been a rough month, Mano.

Jax: Yeah.

Nero: I want you to buy me out, Jax.

Jax: Why?

Nero: Why do you think?

Jax: Look, man, I know I haven't dealt with all this stuff very well.

Nero: No, it's not that. I should've listened to my gut. Walked away a few months ago.

Jax: It's all gonna calm down, Nero. Look, Lin's gone. We're good with the Mayans. I'm making shit right with August. It's gonna be business as usual, man. I promise.

Nero: Promise. Sorry, Mano. I've heard that a few times.

Jax: I know.

Nero: Need a lift?

Jax: No. I'll wait for the flatbed.

Nero: Okay. I should get her over to Diosa.

Jax: It's no rush. I don't think Greensleeves is gonna be able to hurt her no more. See you later.

Nero: And you wonder why I want out, huh?

Winsome: Are you a gangster?

Nero: I don't think so.

(Engine starts)

Chibs: Tyler. He can meet us here. Ten minutes.

Jax: All right, good.

(Car door shuts)


(Van doors shut)

Gemma: Where's Jax?

Rat Boy: Oakland.

Happy: He wants you to come with us.

Gemma: Where?

Happy: The cabin. Club business.

Gemma: I need to talk to Jax.

Rat Boy: No, he said he'll call you.

Gemma: I got, I got a lot of shit to do in here and, uh, I just can't...

Rat Boy: It's a mother-son thing. Family problem needs your help. That's all we can tell you.

Happy: He was clear, Gem. You got to come with us.

Gemma: If I say no?

Happy: You can say whatever you want, Mom, just got to do it up at the cabin.

Gemma: For how long?

Rat Boy: Not sure.

Gemma: Just got to pick up a few things at my house.

Happy: Okay.

(Engine starts)

Jax: Here. Give this to August. My guys will text you the photo.

Tyler: Where do you want to do this meet?

Chibs: Crescent Park, near the picnic tables, 6:00.

Jax: If he comes with force or refuses to meet, tell him that goes to the DA.

Tyler: You coming deep?

Jax: Mayans will be there.

Tyler: And us?

Jax: Nah, we need to wait on breaking you away. I still need you close to him.


Tyler: Yeah. All right. Let's just hope he don't k*ll the messenger.

(Thomas cooing)


(Quinn coughing)


Tig: Amateur.

Quinn: Sorry.

(Phone camera clicking)

Tig: Perfect.

Bobby: Fill it in.

Tig: I'll send these pics to Tyler.

Happy: What's up, A-man?

Brooke: Why'd they send him home?

Wendy: He got into a shoving match with a first grader.

Brooke: Jesus.

Wendy: What are they doing here?

Brooke: They came with Gemma. Rat won't tell me anything. He's so different around the club.

Wendy: Hmm. Get used to it.

Gemma: Oh. My precious, Thomas. Here, baby. I love you. I miss you so much.

(Bird cawing)

I have to tell him. But you're the only one, sweetheart. You're the only one who really needs to know. I was trying to be a good grandma. To help my family. I love my family. But accidents... you know, sometimes, sweetheart, accidents just happen. They, they happen for love...

(Thomas fussing)

Yes. They happen for reasons we don't understand. k*lling your mommy was an accident. It was such... an awful accident.

Crying: I didn't want to k*ll her. I didn't mean it. I loved your mommy so much.

(Thomas crying)

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Wendy: Hey. Why are they taking you to the cabin?

Gemma: Jax wants me there.

Wendy: Oh, hey, Gem, Jax isn't gonna hurt you. Come on, you know that. I mean, he'll be pissed, but-but he loves...

Gemma: Who knows what Juice told him?

Wendy: What does that mean?

Happy: We got to go, Gem.

Gemma: Yeah. Here.

Wendy: Come on, baby.

Gemma (whispering): Tell Nero to come to the cabin.

Wendy: Okay. Hey.

Alvarez: Why do you want out, ése?

Nero: Seriously? You had my brown ass locked in a closet two days ago.

Alvarez: I had no choice on that.

Nero: I know... I know. Colette's gone. And Lyla, she's running Red Woody now. It-It's really gonna be too much work, man.

Alvarez: And Teller's okay with you selling your piece to us?

Nero: Business. He gonna have to be okay. Besides, it gives you guys something to bond over.

Alvarez: How much?

Nero: 300K. I gonna need half of that in cash, upfront.

Alvarez: Yeah, seems fair. Anything else I need to know about doing business out here?

Nero: Other than the occasional, uh, Chinese payback, it's a very quiet place.

Alvarez: Come on, Nero. I know you ain't afraid of a few b*ll*ts?

Nero: I'm just getting too old to dodge them, homes. Think about it, hmm? Let me know.

Alvarez: Yeah. I'll bring it to the table.

(Phone ringing)

Nero: Wendy, hey. What? What for? Jesus Christ. They-they say any... Yeah, yeah, I know where it's at, I know.

Jax: Gemma got you running pickups now?

Unser: No. Not yet. About your mom, uh... I got a call from Wendy. Guess Gemma was pretty upset about having to go up to the cabin.

Jax: What're you talking about?

Unser: Said she was crying and kind of freaked out. I mean, something going on?

Jax: No.

Chibs: Shit. Happy.

Bobby: What the hell did he say to her?

Unser: I don't know. I mean, she is gonna be safe up there, right, son? I mean, no grenades or angry outlaws?

Jax: She'll be fine. All that's done.

Unser: Okay.

Jax: Hey. Thanks.

Bobby: Maybe I should head up there and make sure both mothers are okay.

Jax: Yeah, I'd appreciate that. Take Quinn with you.

Bobby: You need him. Tiggy can take the Glide. I'll take the t*nk.

Jax: All right. Thanks, brother.

Bobby: Cool.

Tig: Okay, Tyler just confirmed, boss. August is gonna be there.

Jax: Almost home, boys.

(Engine starts)

(Engine starts)

(Floorboards creaking)

Montez: In the bedroom.

Gemma: I just need some water. (Water shuts off) Who's this?

Rat Boy: The mother and son. The... the family problem. That's why you're here.

(Gemma sighs)

♪ ♪

(Engines roaring)

Bobby: ♪ My one and only prayer ♪
♪ Is that someday you'll care ♪
♪ My hopes, my dreams come true... ♪
♪ Some day you'll care for me ♪
♪ But it's only make ♪

be... ♪

(Tries squealing)


(Engine hissing)


Oh, shit.


Alvarez: He's late.

Jax: Yeah, we know.

Chibs: I'll call Tyler.


♪ ♪
♪ ♪
♪ ♪

Harlan: Relax. I'm a friend of Tully's.

Rat Boy: Nero's car.

Happy: What're you doing here?

Nero: Where's Gemma, guys?

Gemma: I'm here. I asked him to come.

Happy: Does Jax know?

Gemma (chuckles): Hey, you pretty much kidnapped me to help some junkie. I need another junkie to do that. Thanks for coming. Thank you.

Chibs: It's been over an hour, Jackie.

Alvarez: What do you want to do, pres? (Vehicle approaching) Is that him?

Jax: I don't know.

Chibs: Where's the Rolls?

Moses: My name is Moses Cartwright. I'm the head of Mr. Marks' security team.

Jax: And where is he?

Moses: His reply to your request is in the package. I really admire your level of camaraderie. I can see how brotherhood is important to all of you. You guys have a good evening.

(Engine starting)

(Bobby groaning over speakers)



(Jax sighs)

(Jax sighs)