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01x08 - The King Is Dead

Posted: 01/20/24 22:26
by bunniefuu
These are my boys, Richard and Thomas Grey. Will you marry me?

Yes! You are not married, Elizabeth!

It was a pretend service. He's done it before and he has a bastard son.

I am not happy about this marriage.

Your daughter could never be royal.

Jane Shore, her name's all around the Court.

Your husband is a king with a king's appetites.

Have you known loss, Lady Margaret?

My only son is forced to live away from me.

He is heir to the House of Lancaster, an enemy to the King.

Jasper, you're the only man I trust to look after him.

Are we to live in Wales?

We won't but our son will.

Then I will appoint his guardian. I am his mother. And if he is to leave me,

I will choose into whose care he will go and who will raise him into a man.

I want you to take my son, Anthony. You are the only one I can trust with him.

We are the three sons of York.

How can we be divided by one woman?

Your Henry is going to have to walk past five coffins to take the crown

and I don't know how he's going to manage that. Do you?

You're too long in Brittany, Henry Tudor.

You do that to a Welsh knight and see if you're still smiling.

I can only beat what you put in front of me, Uncle.

Well, your timing is perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

Hmm. Lovely. The perfect match for gracious King Edward.

Gracious? Truly. Allowing my son to return from exile.

Well, perhaps it shows how secure the King is on the throne.

It seems your boy is not a threat to us any more.

He's a man now.

Of course. He's been away so long, you must hardly know him.

Ah, my prize catch!

From your boasts, Father, I half expected an army to bring it in.

Princess Elizabeth will be having a small portion for that remark.

And I'll be having yours as you've clearly had too many of late.

I am merely eating like a king. Shall we dine alone tonight,

send these little leeches away to eat with the peasantry?

Leeches! He called me a leech, Thomas!

Have as much as you like, Father. You've earned the right to enjoy yourself.

More wine, Father?

Thank you, Richard, Cecily, all my delightful children.

And my queen.

Are you unwell?

You're warm.

It's nothing.

My son is coming home.

I think Jasper Tudor would be glad to come home, too.

Well, he can come home...

to the block.

Don't get your hopes up, Margaret.

Your son is not returning home as a contender to the throne.

He's just... another pretender that Edward's brought to heel.

I still believe God will have my son on the throne of England.

But what are you doing about it? What's your plan?

Pray for a miracle?

Here. Here, sip this. Shhh! Darling, what pains you?

Wife... to bed.

I think Your Grace should save his strength.

Oh! Edward!

Help! Somebody! Oh, the King!

The King!

It's a fever. It'll pass.

Fevers pass.

My brother, Richard, send for him.

Shhh. It's not necessary.

You're strong.

You don't lose.

You are a born warrior.

Fight this for me.

Do as I ask, Elizabeth.

Lady Mother, what is the cause of this? Nobody knows.

Is it something he ate? We all had the same at dinner, there's no sign of food poison.

All we can do is wait for the fever to break.

Send word to Richard, the Privy Councillors.

And find Uncle Anthony, Thomas.

Prepare horses, my clothes. Yes, my lord.

Weapons. We ride to London.

Richard, what's the matter? Are we at w*r?

The King is gravely ill.

But his heir is just a boy, not ready to reign.


She will try to rule through him as she does through Edward.

This is your divine act!

I'm sure the Queen will fish out some potion to restore his...

I must send word to Brittany. Henry must stay put for now.

If the King should die...

We should wait until we know who is Lord Protector.

We must be cautious...

but ready to grasp any opportunity if it comes up.

Let's just see how it plays out.

We thank you, Your Grace, for sending for us.

How is my brother?

You're here just in time.

You saw the look she cut us.

Her fortunes fade with the King.

She's like a wounded beast defending her lair.

And you're a threat.

Be wary.



It is the fate of kings

that we never get to see what kind of ruler our sons will be.

I will never get to know what kind of man my sweet boy will become.

I beg you... be as one now.

Care for Prince Edward.

Keep him safe.

I will work with all of you... to put Prince Edward on the throne.

And I, Your Grace.

And I.


Richard shall be guardian.

As you wish.

Surely you mean Anthony?

Richard is Lord Protector until Prince Edward comes of age.

Do you accept this, Elizabeth?

Now leave us.

I want to say goodbye to my husband.

Look upon your king one last time and remember him in your prayers.

I will honour your wish.

I know this does not please you.

Anthony is his true guardian. He has taught him everything he knows.

Anthony's name goes against him.

The Rivers are esteemed by the people, but not the Court.

I trust Richard to do what I ask.

I did it for peace.

I know. I just...

Please don't make me waste my last words on matters of state.

You are the love of my life.

You are mine.

Thank you, lovely Elizabeth...

for waiting under that oak tree.

For wanting me.

You gave me... another chance.

A better life.

Beautiful children!




No! No! No!


Mother? Mother!

You won't even bow to me!

We're equal now.

Both mothers to a king.

This tension is unbearable.

We must sustain it.

Sister, I am so sorry. Get word to my son, Richard Grey,

and tell him to bring Prince Edward here from Wales.

People are already taking sides and I fear the outcome.

Elizabeth? It will be Richard and the Yorks around my boy's throne

and I'll be sent back to Grafton! You won't. Richard is a decent man.

He loved the King.

Swore to do right by your son. I don't trust any of them!

I...need my son, the King, to protect me.

Send word, Anthony.

I want my son here now, so he can be crowned.

Get that boy.

Mother, please, not now. She's right.

Keep him away from her.

She accepted Edward's decision.

So Edward would die happy. She was lying through gritted teeth.

She had George ex*cuted, poisoned Isabel,

who knows what she'd do to secure the throne for the Rivers.

Your sister died from childbirth!

I know you don't trust her,

I know to be careful and I know what has to be done.

So leave being Lord Protector to me.

Sir Robert.

Mistress Shore. Your Grace, I am truly sorry.

Please. The Queen has just lost her husband.

Show some respect.

You have no place here now. But, Your Graces...

Brackenbury, throw this woman out.

Her kind is not welcome at Court.

Your Grace. Please, I'm no longer... This is my home. I have nowhere to go.

Make sure she leaves, Sir Robert.

Then ready my horse and good men.

This isn't goodbye.

He's not going anywhere just yet.


Word from your mother.

A change of plan.

Come on, out.


The King is dead.

Huh! How?

Fever... apparently.

So what now? We wait and see what happens.

We must be ready to raise an army.

For when you do return... you will be fighting for the throne.

Stay back.


My Lord Grey.

What is this, Brackenbury?

We're to escort the King to the Tower for his protection.

We are grateful for your concern, but I too have orders to take the Prince to Westminster.

I'm going to see my mother. Prepare my horse.

Argh! Stop!

Forgive me. Richard, I demand the right to ride on.

Lower your sword, sir. I won't until you let us pass.

Secure the Prince's safety.

Stop it!

I promised your father I would keep you safe.

Don't touch him!



Bring them home!


What is it?

I'm banished from Court. My family turned me away.

Friends won't give me shelter.

Help me! Come in.

I didn't think my fall from grace would be so swift.

Thank you.

The death of a king always causes disharmony.

People overreact, take sides.

This will all blow over once young Edward is crowned.

You haven't heard? Richard has taken Prince Edward to the tower.

I regret what happened to your guard, but my men were there to protect you.

You outnumbered us.

You are safe here. Until you are the King, you are vulnerable.

What sort of Protector would Uncle Richard be if he put you even in the slightest danger?

I wish to console my mother.

She is suffering, Edward.

Better to go when she's herself again.

I'll visit in the morning.

We have much to discuss.

And I am sorry.

How dare he terrorize my sons?

He claims he's keeping Prince Edward safe, just keeping his promise.

You believe that? Yes.

I knew I should have gone to fetch him myself.

Then you'd be in the Tower too. I've petitioned the Privy Council to demand their release.

Anthony! This is an act of w*r.

We must raise men now. And risk your brother's safety?

You're upset, rightly, but have faith that Richard will do what is right...

He put Edward in the Tower to keep him from me.

And he arrested Richard Grey.

Take everything of value, wake your brother and your sisters, we're going into sanctuary.

Sister! Lizzie. Mother, talk to Uncle Richard.

Or get Anthony to.

Ask him to let my brothers go as a show of consideration.

Only fools wait to see if their enemies might be friends!

Richard's got Edward, what's stopping him from snatching my other son?

Do as I say!

I'll send word to my brother to ready the fleet.

You mustn't do this!

Join us after. I'd serve you all better on the outside as your eyes and ears.

Send word when it's done.

Take care, my dear son Thomas Grey.

Please! You must trust him.

I trust nobody!

Play your politics to secure my sons' release.

If anything happens to them, I will never forgive you!

Not just jewels, she's taken the entire Treasury to Westminster

to provide for her children in sanctuary.

How long does she plan to stay?

This truly is a gift.

The boys' abduction gives Elizabeth reason to doubt Richard

and her taking off with the w*r chest gives him cause to fear her.

If this escalates... They fight for the crown.

Well, one or the other could fall, they could destroy each other.

The throne would be empty, my son's to claim.

Is this our chance?

They're all in the abbey, apart from Thomas Grey.

We've intercepted a letter from him to his uncle, Edward Rivers.

The Lord Admiral? They wish to ready the fleet.

Arrest the Lord Admiral and Thomas Grey for treason.

We can't have them plotting against me.

Rally the men, all of them.

Why? Why would Elizabeth do this? Because she's devious.

When will you accept she doesn't want you anywhere near her son?

She could buy an army with those riches.

Perhaps. But what can she achieve from sanctuary?

You've a short memory.

She called up a mist to conceal your advance

upon my father's forces at Barnet the last time she was there.

Guard yourself against her ways, protect yourself and the King's legacy.

That's all I want, to crown his son, like he asked.

Then do it.

And name yourself Lord Protector, before she can do anything about it.

I'll send a message saying that I will not be intimidated.

Soldiers, everywhere. The gates, cloisters.

Then this is w*r.

No. No, no, Mother.

We can't fight Richard, the York Army, from this dungeon!

Do you think that is what your father thought

when he faced the Lancastrian Army four times his number at Barnet?

No. He won the greatest victory in England's history!

And he is in every one of you.

His is the voice charging you to be valiant and brave.

We might be boxed in here, but we have him watching over us.

Forgive me.

It has been a tiring few days.

Well, then, may I offer my services,

as Your Grace is likely to be at Court a while?

The last thing the country needs is a lack of direction.

Forgive me, ladies,

I don't feel up to a fitting for the Prince's coronation just now.

Your Grace.

He will be crowned three days from now.

I bring news from your brother Anthony.

Please let me in.

Your Grace.

Anthony is keeping his distance to appear detached

but he petitions for you.

He's convinced Richard to set a date for Edward's coronation, three days from now.

How do I know this is not a trap, set by Richard, to lure us out?

Richard cast me out, threw me onto the streets the moment the king died.

So Anthony now provides for you?

I admire him greatly.

It's why I risk so much coming here.


Richard plans on crowning my son? Yes.

Anthony thinks you should go to the coronation and show you can work with Richard.

That will never happen.

I have demands of my own - that he releases my sons and that Richard's punished!

Mother. Anthony has brokered a truce, offered us a way out.

Don't undermine his efforts.

Tell him I'd feel better if he removed the soldiers from the abbey.

And tell Anthony I'll consider it.

Tell him I am sorry.

I said things in rage.

Your Graces.

The soldiers, they're gone.

Richard's yielding. Anthony must have conveyed your request.


Can we trust Richard?

Should we now attend Edward's coronation?

All of Richard's soldiers left?

Anthony Rivers requested it and assured an end to hostilities.

They're still wary of each other.

But they're just not k*lling each other.

We must end this truce.

Elizabeth must not be allowed to trust Richard. Agreed.

Edward, a bastard? Our cooks were gossiping about it.

Naturally, I scolded and warned them never to repeat...

And who's telling you these old rumours? Soldiers.

No. Such conduct is shameful.

It would be beneath most soldiers I know.

These were Richard's men.

Why are you telling me this?

Because I worry for you all.

If this is true and Richard were to recall Parliament,

declare Edward illegitimate, you'd lose everything.

Your children would be disinherited.

What if he's not after peace?

There is one other thing.

As you were away from Court, I felt you needed eyes and ears there,

so I offered my services to Anne.

How very kind of you!

This may be trivial, but how do you understand Anne's refusal

to be fitted for your son's coronation?

What? I may be reading too much into it, she may have enough gowns.

Or... Or she's not going, for there may not even be a coronation.

No. No.

Jane Shore, passing messages to Elizabeth?

From your enemies, I'm told.

Told by whom? It's the talk of Court, my Lord.

With respect, it's unlikely that people would concern Your Graces with such a seedy matter. Yet you do.

I raise it only to protect you, your reputation.

I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen to be out-manoeuvred

by the Queen and her growing band of conspirators?

Nor played by you, Stanley.

My Lord, I would never do any... No, but your tone is leading.

I am able to make my own judgments.

It seems banishing Jane Shore has given her cause to defy me.

Why would Elizabeth plot with her husband's mistress?

Desperation? Her friends must be few.

You should have men follow the whore,

see who she's in bed with now.

"In remembering th'unsteadfastness

"This world being of such wheeling



Contrary... What may I guess?

It's a first stanza. I need to finish it.

What in God's name?

Arrest the traitor.

Get off me. Leave him alone. Stop it.

Don't touch me. Get out!

Get out! Cover yourself.

Take him away.


He's always been so loyal to me, even these past few days.

He's a Rivers. Her brother.

You must punish him and his whore.

I vowed...

We all swore to be as one, care for the child, see him crowned.

Then you must do what your heart tells you with more authority.

If the soldiers in the abbey didn't scare Elizabeth into submission

then do something that will.

Show them who's the real Lord Protector.

Deus meus, ex toto corde me paenitet.

Ac doleo de omnibus...

They pity her.

Christi super omnia diligaris.

Per merita passionis Salvatoris nostri lesu Christi,

Domine, miserere.

Richard, I plead with you to listen to reason.

I am not your enemy.

It's Buckingham. May I come in?

Hide, hide. Quick, hide.

A private word with Your Grace.

This is from Richard. He handed it to me as I left.

He thought his nieces and nephew might want some fresh food.

Why are you really here?

He would very much like Prince Richard to join his older brother

in preparation for his coronation. No.

For moral support and so he can be fitted with a handsome outfit.

Would Your Grace like his tunic embroidered in gold, rubies?

Perhaps he would just like to see his older brother?

My son has a cold and can't go anywhere.

Ah, Richard won't be happy at all.

But... I will not take a sick child from his mother.

Anthony has been arrested, along with his mistress, Jane Shore. What?

Suspected of conspiring with Thomas Grey and you against the Lord Protector.

My God. What about Thomas? He got away.

Your Grace, it would help Anthony very much

if you complied with Richard's demands.

I will return tomorrow.

Let's hope there is some change in his condition.

Richard, stay down, stay covered.

We must get you out of here, tonight.

You and Thomas Grey.

We must find a boy that's the very image of you.

Mother. To defy Richard now would be to put us all at risk.

Don't you see?

Richard can do whatever he wants, whether we comply or not.

He can keep dishonouring us.

He can keep your brother out of sight and rule through him.

I have a chance of saving my son and I must take it.

"Lady Margaret, I need your help.

"I am grateful for your loyalty, but now we must act."

You are doing a great service for the King.

Let's get you a bed, Geoffrey.

Damn Richard...

Duke of Gloucester.

Damn his sword arm, Lord Protector.

Husband to a frail wife.

Father to a sickly heir.

'He's Lord Protector.'

He shouldn't have to justify himself to Privy Councillors!

They wouldn't have liked the way he hauled Anthony Rivers out of bed

or sent Buckingham to secure the other boy.

Gives the impression he doesn't care for their counsel.

You are the Lord Protector. We must put a stop to this.

I know, Brackenbury. Damned fools, don't they see? Argh!

My Lord! Richard?

Fetch a physician, Brackenbury! No, no. It'll pass...

This is her. I can tell. She's cursed you, your sword arm.

I'm sure it is nothing, Your Grace, it'll pass.

The Council are demanding Anthony's release, almost to a man.

I cannot reason with these people.

I do not even know if I can trust them.

If they support him, they're against you.

They could be plotting in there as we speak.

There are too many men having their say in matters of security

and Prince Edward's future.

Root out the traitors.

'We must free Prince Edward from the Tower.

'I fear Richard will only use my son to further his ambitions.'

Stand aside. Men, follow me. Follow me.

Secure the door. Seek out any evidence of treason.

What is the meaning of this?

Lord Stanley's under house arrest, we're to search his papers.

Chambers. This is absurd! To what end?

With me.

Richard suspects the Council has been plotting with the Queen

and Anthony Rivers.

My husband is an ally of Richard's.

This is, this is how he treats his friends?

These are my possessions. Let them look. We've nothing to hide.

Please. They're sacred items. They're delicate.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

That Bible is consecrated.

The only other person to have held it

is His Holiness himself, the Pope.

Thank you, Sir Robert.

Lord Stanley.

I could find no evidence that you took part in this conspiracy.

Of course you couldn't.

My apologies, Lady Margaret.


Oh, my God!

Were any charges brought?

Thankfully, not against you.

Would you mind helping me?

It's a sensitive matter and Richard's asked for complete discretion.

I'd do anything to help the Duke, not least to prove my loyalty.

Still? You wouldn't?

He's just shown he's willing to act of his own accord.

There's no questioning him. We must all do as he says.

I worry what he might do tomorrow,

after he has crowned the boy and is confirmed as Lord Protector.

Stanley. Lord Buckingham.

Tell your brother I'll be thinking of him.

As we all will, Your Grace.

Come, child.

Do you really think people will believe he is Richard?

At least it will buy some time to get our boy away.

If you didn't think it was safe for Prince Richard to go to the Tower

then you must believe Edward's at risk too.

When he sees Geoffrey, realises what's happened, he'll fear for his life.

He will know I had no choice,

that I'll be trying to get him out of there.

The boy has instructions. Tell Uncle Richard he can be Lord Protector.

That you'll give up wanting your "Rivers King".

Never. We must protect the throne and I don't trust your uncle to do what's right now.

Mother, please, try to see reason. Why did he want both sons?

He knows that if you have the heirs, you hold all the power.

There. Your brother has come to see you crowned.

I would often share with your father.

He would tell me great stories, of battles and great warriors.

But would be ashamed of you if he saw how you were treating his sons.

Richard, how are you? Well, Your Grace.

I'm not yet King, brother, call me Edward.

You'll be crowned in the morning.

How can you crown a boy who'd grow up to be your enemy?

What would you have me do, Anne? Not make him King?

Take the throne for myself?

I have to get the coronation over with.

Swear the boy in so I'm Lord Protector and no other.

As King, he'll always be looking to Anthony Rivers,

the man who raised him. And his mother.

Crown him, and you will be signing your own death warrant,

putting us at risk, too.

Name yourself King, it is the safest option now.


someone who is not afraid of saying what we're all thinking.

I worry how that might look, my Lord.

I can't be seen to be stealing the throne,

the people would not allow it. The people only want peace.

They know how risky it is to have a young king.

You wouldn't be stealing anything. Enough, Mother. They know.

Edward was wed before.

His marriage to Elizabeth was never legitimate.

I never thought there was any truth in those rumours.

I know of at least one ceremony performed in secret

so he could bed a woman.

He has bastards all over England.

Then you must crown yourself,

for those boys in the Tower are not entitled!

Neither am I. And I wouldn't be King in the eyes of God.

God knows you'd only be doing it to stop a commoner from being crowned,

a witch from reigning.

You'd be totally justified and sanctified.

Convene Parliament.

I'll warn Henry he's no longer preparing to face a young king, but Richard.

Is Buckingham with us? As much as he ever will be.

His claim is as strong as your son's.

Well then, Henry must strengthen his claim. Marry well.

Princess Elizabeth.

Her mother stands to lose everything now. She'll be open to the match.

And Henry could call upon her support fighting for the throne.

That's for later. For now we have to convince her

we're working with her to get the princes out of the Tower.

Your Grace.

I'm Doctor Lewis, Lady Margaret Stanley's physician.

Forgive the plague mask, I needed a disguise to bypass the guards.

Grave news, Your Grace.

Richard, Duke of Gloucester plans to make himself King.

Parliament declared your marriage to Edward of York invalid

and your sons as bastards. What? No. He can't. Mother?

Lady Margaret is cutting us too?

On the contrary, she's on your side, as is her husband.

They believe Richard has acted unlawfully

and they fear for the safety of your sons.

You got my letter explaining everything?

That I played no part in any betrayal?

We could've raised Prince Edward together.

I'm no threat.

I know that if I crown him, he'd only take your counsel

and I cannot trust you.

You can. You have no proof of any betrayal!

You can't do this to me! Richard, please.

I've done nothing wrong! Richard, please!

I am Your Grace, King to be.

Though you will never see me crowned.

Spare Richard Grey.

Think about this, what you're doing!

Lizzie? What's wrong? You'll never give up, will you?

Your ambition will be the death of the boys

and when they're all gone, you'll put me on the throne.

You love the crown more than us.

I don't. You can't know such a thing.

Yes, I can. You know that I...

You've had a seeing.

What did you see?

Is it Anthony?

Richard Grey? I'm sorry, Mother. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

'My life was lent me to one intent.

'It is nigh spent.

'Welcome, fortune!'

'We'll stay in sanctuary for now.'

But we'll come out to our true place.

Call it the curse of ambition

but I only want for you.

I will restore your good names and get my boys back.

I will not stop until it's done.