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01x05 - w*r at First Hand

Posted: 01/20/24 22:23
by bunniefuu
We will never see England again. We are exiles now, like the Bad Queen.

Warwick has stumbled straight into the arms of Margaret of Anjou.

There's nothing in it for her!

Her husband, Henry, back on the throne of England.

Her son and my daughter, Anne, to follow him when he dies.

Anne Neville is to marry Edward of Lancaster.

When you have secured London, I will follow to secure

the rest of the country.

Warwick has sailed? You're sure?

It may only be a matter of days.

I've had word from George.

He will land with Warwick's invading army.

But as soon as we face each other in battle, he will abandon Warwick and fight by my side.

Should he wish to return to England, his brother, King Edward,

will gladly receive him and will restore him to favour.

The King escaped to Flanders with his brother Richard and Uncle Anthony.

Is Edward still king?

I'm no longer queen?

We are in great danger. Where is she?

They've gone to seek sanctuary.

God save the King!

God save King Henry!

Would you like to meet the King?

Edward is still out there. Does that not trouble you, Warwick?

It's a boy!

We'll never reach England!

It's madness, sailing into this wind!

The captain claims it is safe. With a blade held to his neck!

Please, don't leave me!

You know I can't come.

You're a princess, you must sail with the Queen.

I shall be just behind you with the fleet.

What if Isabel was right and this whole campaign is cursed?

Father failed to make her husband king.

What if he can't put mine on the throne?

Your father rests his hopes on you. Think of him.

How proud he'll be, calling his favourite "Princess Anne".

I do want him to know I'm trying to play my part.

Then be brave.

Do as they say.

And do not, whatever you do, cross that woman.

Where is he? Isabel, where's George?

Where is he?

He had a visitor.

One of his mother's ladies.

She offered George a way back to York.

Full pardon, titles returned.

If he fought for them.

I brought you here to keep him close!

And now he's joined forces with Edward?!

I am not your spy!

Nor his keeper.

Your Grace.

We'll take you somewhere quiet,

where you may pray for a happy ending to our worries.

I must...

I shall...

I'm taking the King to the Tower for his protection.

The sons of York have united and mean to take back the throne.

My Lords, we heard Edward perished at sea.

You heard wrong.

My spies in the North claim he's landed and is about to attack.

Go home, raise men and wait my call to arms.

I will await Margaret of Anjou's call to arms!

And a true Lancastrian will protect OUR King.

My Lord, the Duke of Somerset.

God save the King!

Margaret, you should go back to Stafford Manor...

No, I should stay... for my son.

No, London will rise up for Edward. He is much admired here.

I must go back to Wales and raise men to fight.

I need to take Henry with me.

No... Margaret, you know what's about to happen.

He's second to the throne. He's too vulnerable in London.

We will go to Wales, await Margaret's army...

and prepare for w*r.


Margaret, I'm rather engaged.

This is in all of our interests.

You know my husband.

Henry Stafford. Course. Good man.

Mm, he's respected.

And he could, if he wished, raise an army of tenants for our cause.

He is not loyal to our King?

Sir Henry's a "man of peace".

We all want peace. Sometimes a man must defend his own.

Precisely what I've been telling him,

only he somehow won't hear it from me.

But if a man, close to the King, were to raise this with him...

I'm sure I can help him see the light.

Inform Sir Henry I shall be joining him for supper later.

Stay back!


Thank God. You came back to me.

Of course I did. I always do.

How did you get past the guards?

Warwick has no men here, they're gathering for the battle.

Elizabeth, George has been good to his word.

The sons of York are... Listen!

The sons of York are reunited.

But we must face the Lancastrian Army in the coming days.

I can't stay.

I had to see you...

see my son.

He's a fine weight.

Look, he has your chin.

He has your wide feet.

I've been gone too, too long.

I pray this is not the only time we meet.

I will come home,

keep you safe...

make this land better for you.

I love you, little prince.

Edward! Sssh! Edward!


Damn Warwick.

Making me run like a coward...

driving me here to have my son in a dungeon!

We are fine.

Be angry, be vengeful,

but never shamed.

You ran for your life. Nobody blames you.

I've been ambushed, captured,

but I was never afraid.

I was... I was young, fearless, a king.

Knowing that Warwick wants me dead...

Now I have a son

and I know there will be life beyond me... Shhh.

If we win, I will make sure

this never happens again. When.

WHEN you win.

You know Warwick.

You know him. You know his ways.

He taught me everything I know.

He made me king.

I loved him.

Now, I must k*ll him.

You're going now, to fight the York Army?

What about me?

Where do I stand?

You are Lancaster, George is York, Anne is my enemy,

and Mother is with her.

But I am all on my own!

You will be fine, whatever happens.

If I win, you've nothing to fear.

If I lose, you're still married to George,

you're still Duchess of Clarence.

Just be wary.

Commit to nobody until you know there is a clear winner,

and then remind them of your undying loyalty...

until it serves you no more.

John, why are there tenants in the house?

Getting their commissions, My Lady. Sir Henry's taking them into battle.

Oh, God! Oh, God!

Oh, God!

There, My Lord.

Good day, My Lord.

Good man. Make your mark here. My Lord.

Make ready.

Lady Margaret. Sir Reginald.

God bless you. Oh, bless you, Henry, truly!

Margaret, Margaret, please, just... I'm, I'm afraid...

Oh, no, don't be, don't be.

You are doing God's work, for the king he appointed.

I'm afraid I'm fighting for York.

I'm leading the men to serve King Edward,

because I think he'll win, put an end to w*r.

I know this disappoints you.

But my, my cousin, Edmund... you spoke at length...

He spoke, I humoured him.

Don't get others to beg on your behalf, Margaret,

it demeans you and you are far more compelling.

What reason could you possibly have?

The only time we've known peace was during King Edward's reign.

Now he has a son, it's my duty

to ensure that his succession is peaceful.

His success? His, HIS son?

Look, your house does not deserve to rule -

the King's half-mad, his wife's a tyrant.

She hates this country and their son is vile!

You would defy a king appointed by God himself?

Oh, I don't see God in these people. Look, what I'm doing is right,

I believe it's right and it's for the good of all... Not for me, not for my son!

You, you would have me torn - husband one side, family the other?

Margaret, this is not about you, your ambition -

this is for the safety, the future of this land.

You do this and I will not forgive you.

I will not pray for your return.

You will be dead to me.

Do you hear me, Henry Stafford?

You will be dead to me!

God bless you, Margaret.

Even though you will not say it to me.

Go up on deck and take some air.

It stinks of bile and fear in here.

I'm fine, really.

Really? I've seen heads on spikes looking healthier than you.

Just not sure I'd make it.

Oh, don't be pathetic, of course you will.

You want something enough, you can get it, always.

Yes, Your Grace.

You're weaker than I thought.

I see something of Isabel,

but sadly, little of Lord Warwick.

I am not weak, nor like my sister.

Who are you, then? I have no sense of Anne.

And I'm interested to know what kind of queen you will be.

Haven't thought about it.

You're the Kingmaker's daughter.

You think about it.

Your husband will face our enemy at Barnet, north of London.

There is talk that Warwick has three times the troops

and still awaits reinforcements.

So, Margaret of Anjou has landed?

Nobody knows where she is.

But she will have set sail, soon as there was a break in the weather.

She could even be marching to join forces.

Surely Edward would fall back, take the Tower, set a siege?

The King prepares to fight.

Edward must defeat Warwick to keep the crown.

But if the Thames mist were to rise as high as Barnet,

who'd even know the army was there?

Other commanders will ask you to stay and fight till the death.

Whilst readying their horses to flee.

But let this be my pledge to you.

I will not ride off and leave you.

I will stay and fight by your side!

How many of my ships have landed?

All but one, although they are scattered along the south coast.

Forget Warwick, we must rethink our plans.

Your Graces, I come direct... directly from London.

Your husband... the King...

Imprisoned, imprisoned in the Tower, I know.

And how heavy were our losses at Barnet?

Very. Course they were.

Let's assume Edward knows we've landed, that he'll come for us.

Is my father coming here too?

My father! What of Lord Warwick?


obviously, or he would be here.

On the b*ttlefield, Your Grace, the most noble death.

No. No, no, no.

No, he can't be, he's the Kingmaker.

He lives to see my son on the throne... he lives...

He was a great man. Honourable.

He k*lled his own horse to prove that he would not ride-off,

leave his men to die. What?

He fought and fell beside them.

His forces must be depleted too?

They have the taste of victory in their mouths, dear.

Be ready to move out.


I do not run from fights.

You would face Edward of York here, with our numbers?

What would you do?

Head west.

My father always said,

"The south favours York,

"but west countrymen have no such affinity."

Beg them for support.

We are Lancastrians, we beg for nothing. Do not speak again.

It's good, it's good.

You're thinking like me.

Does Sir Henry really think he might die?

He's badly injured.

I will go to him. Reginald, prepare a cart.

You... you can't ride to a b*ttlefield, it's not safe.

Sir Henry would not want it or allow it.

Yes, well, I am your mistress when he's not here.

You will do as I say. Ready my horse. No.

It is hell on Earth.

It is no place for a woman.

Take me, Sir Reginald, or I will go myself.

Where's my liegeman Jasper Tudor? Where is he now?

Pembroke Castle, Your Grace.

Send a messenger, we head to Wales.

We'll cross through Gloucester.

They've a bridge over the Severn.

No. Gloucester's is in York hands. They would fire on us.

All right. Tewkesbury, then.

They've a ford.

Could you spare a guard to take me to my mother?

You do not want to come with us, see if your suggestion pays off?

I must tell her about my father.

Oh, but she knows.

She was told first, by the boy who delivered this.

She refused protection and took sanctuary, in Beaulieu Abbey.

I wish to see my mother.

She has abandoned you and lives in disgrace.

Go to her and you will suffer the same fate.

No! We are Nevilles.

One of the greatest families in the land.

Your name means nothing now.

You will be arrested and York courts show no mercy to traitors.

But go, if that's what you want,

we don't need you any more.

Yes, you do.

Your son needs an heir or your line dies out.

I could be carrying a future King of England right now.

I'll ride with you, because there's a hope of victory,

fulfilling my father's wish.

We need each other.


What are you doing here? It's... it's much too dangerous...

I'm quite safe. Sir Reginald and Young John brought me here.

We have your physician.

I brought a wagon to take you back.

Oh, you needn't have...

So, York won.

It is all over?

So I thought.

But the lad who dressed my wounds tells me that Margaret of Anjou has landed and is marching to Wales.

To Jasper?

If Edward can catch Margaret and put her in the Tower too,

then it may finally be over.

If she reaches Wales, allies with Jasper,

they'll go after Edward, finish him.


don't do anything to undermine my efforts or those of my tenants.

Accept the loss, accept King Edward

and he'll look favourably on us.

I'll ask your physician to bring you fresh bandages.

If Jasper goes against Edward and loses,

he will have to go into exile once more, with your son.

Is that what you want?

Give up, Margaret.

For once, for once, please do as I ask.

Promise me?

Say it.

I promise.

'Dearest Jasper, terrible news -

'my husband has turned against me

'and fought for York at Barnet.

'Warwick is dead and they have our King, but there is hope.

'Queen Margaret has landed and rides to Wales

'to join forces with you.

'Invade. Seize this moment and I will do all I can to support you.

'For I will never give up. That I promise.

'God bless you and keep you safe from harm. And keep my Henry safe.

'Guard him with your life.'

His head should be torn off

and skewered on the Tower Gates for all to see.

That's the only way to punish traitors.

Bit rich, George, even for you.

What was that, little brother?

You went against us, down on your knees for Warwick

when you thought that he would make you king. Richard.

You would rather your dear wife saw her father carved up,

sent on a tour of England? No.


We are here to honour one of the finest warriors

this country has ever known.

He fought with our father and we would be nothing without him.

He may have only been an in-law to you,

but he was like a brother to us.

We must remember him for the hero he was

and not the traitor he became.

And we are not savages.

We were just the ones who put him to the sword - a touch excessively, no?

Remember where you are.

We have won this battle, but we have yet to win the w*r.

And I cannot have this!

George is loyal to your husband, it seems.


We may have to forgive him...

leave our vengeance to God.


Leave us.

I have to go again, tonight.

You hope to capture Margaret of Anjou?

She is riding west to join forces with Jasper Tudor.

Just do whatever it takes to end this.

If one battle can bring peace to England, peace of mind,

it's one worth fighting.

And you will be back in no time.

You have more faith in me than I ever had in myself.

I remember meeting a fairly confident boy under an oak tree, some years ago.

Anthony will guard you in the Tower.

But you must stay here out of danger.

And who will keep YOU out of danger?

Elizabeth, if something were to happen... Don't.

There's a man in Flanders who will take you in,

your mother knows where to meet him.

You must hide for a while till the little one is older...

and he will take the throne.

You've said all of this before and you came back to me then.

You will die in my bed.

This is what it is to be Queen militant -

you have to fight for what you own.

Remember these odds, this pain,

for if we win, you will never have to march again.

Don't you ever tire of living like this?

Never. This is what I live for.

Even if it means you're hated?

I've never been liked.

I'm damned twice in most men's eyes -

I'm the woman who dared to rule when her husband could not

and who fought to ensure her only son's position.

Now, how could I do such a thing?


Why "damned twice"?

Because I'm French, of course!


Once we cross the river,

we are midway to victory.

We will join Jasper Tudor's forces,

return to England and hunt Edward down!

May God grant us victory!

Your Grace. Yes. The river...

it's too high from this rain...

And we will all die in the morning if we are caught this side of the border.

Edward is closing fast.

This was your idea.

We have no option other than to camp and cross at first light.

You cannot stay here. You must take refuge in the abbey.

Camp here, then take up the best positions

and get your men into battle lines.


Edward of York has the speed of the devil,

he prepares in darkness, and conquers in mist.

You must use every advantage and be ready,

be ready to fight for your lives!

Keep him safe.

Lady Mother!

All be very brave.

Are we being att*cked?!

They've come out the River Thames for now.

Who are?

Lancastrian soldiers.

Trying to rescue old King Henry. How many?

They have warships. So keep back.


Sister, which way is your chapel?

Light a candle for the living too.

Your fate lies with your husband, not your dead father.

I will pray for both.

And for me.

Edward is my only son.

Pray God spares him, for all our sakes.

How are you? The baby is well?

Now that it has stopped. And you?

Tired, my ears are ringing, but we've withstood all they have.

For now?

They've moored their boats, set up camp not far from here.

We'll come under siege at dawn.

Do we have enough men to resist them?

The apprentice boys have been flocking in all night. They'll help to contain them.

So we just wait for our enemies to recover, and then storm us?!

What do you suggest, sister? Strike back!

Stopping them from coming any closer to my family.

Let's attack them when they least expect it.

Most men would prefer to die in their sleep, would they not?

Spoken like a true Yorkist. We attack before dawn.

Here. Drink this.

Your Grace, The Duke... Duke of Somerset,

he said to tell you if I thought the battle lost...

He fled to a church, but Edward dragged him out.

And my son? The Prince of Wales?

I must fetch Your Graces' horses.

Get a cape, a blanket and bread.

I'll meet you by the stables. Shouldn't we wait for Prince Edward?

Just be ready to leave, will you?

This is not the first time I've fled a b*ttlefield

and it may not be the last.


I'm tired, running and doing what you say, I'm so tired.

Look at me. Look at me, Anne!

They will be here any moment

and men with blood on their hands are no respecters of title or age.

We must go. And we must go now.

When I open the gate, ride hard.

Don't look to the battle, don't look back, just get away from here.


Don't touch me!

No, no, no!

Get off! Don't touch me!

No! No! No!

I am Anne Neville! I am the Kingmaker's daughter!


Lady Anne?


I am Princess Anne.

Dowager Princess.

My husband is dead?

Are you hurt?

It's over. You are safe now.

His mother...

I must tell her.

I've been charged by the King to take you into his care.

His Grace, the Prince of Wales?


in battle.

Your commanders have been captured.

I am to take you to London.

I refuse.

I don't have to go anywhere.

I am Queen.

Now, leave us to grieve.

I said leave us!

Get on your horse or I'll have you bound and gagged

and thrown into a litter.

Be grateful the King wants to show you as a part of his triumph.

You are bold...

you're a fine soldier...

but you're nothing while your brother lives.

Come to me, get me out of here

and I will name you as my heir.

I will make you King of England.

You can even have her.


I am not yours to give now.

My boy.

My boy.

Jasper plans to take Henry into exile again, as you predicted.


I hoped, for you, it wouldn't come to that.

What of Jasper?

He's safe, he didn't reach the Queen.

He worries for my son.

Now Edward has seized power,

what's to stop him k*lling all his enemies at once?

I would see him and his witch burn for what they have done to my family.

Let me to go to Tenby to see them.

No. No, I can't.

I have to say goodbye to my boy.

I know the risks...

but I don't know when I'll see Henry again.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You're a good man.

My son is the most precious thing in my life.

You are the only man I trust to look after him.

We fought hard to try and get to Margaret's army.

I lost men, good men, trying to cross,

and then watched a m*ssacre.

No, No. You tried.

God knows you tried.

Don't talk to me of God, for He was not at Tewkesbury that day.

Forgive me...

And now, here we are again,

running for our lives, not knowing when we might return.

You are safe. My son is safe

and we are closer to God's will.

Prince Edward's death puts us nearer the throne.


Please God you're right.

Look after your uncle.

You have him, he has nobody.

I will.

God bless you and keep you.

We may be beaten, but that is now. Things change.

Never give up.

I won't.

Forget the Bad Queen, she does not deserve your sympathy.

You remember what we called her?

What will happen?

Spend the rest of her days in the Tower, I imagine, like her husband.

Is that my fate too?

I hope not.

Am I not a traitor?

I married your enemy.

I'm sure you only did what you were told.


When we landed here, I had a choice.

I could've gone to my mother, but I didn't.

I chose to stay with the Bad Queen.

You chose to fight on.

You are your father's daughter.

Do you love me, Anne?


Do you love me... and the King?

Let's hope that's enough for Edward.

I'll take you to your sister when the court returns to London.


I would like to see Isabel, very, very much.


I've sent a messenger for the priest.


Glad you're home.



Your boy, Henry, safely away?

You must apply for his return later.

They will not refuse when they hear about me.

I know you never wanted to marry.

And I've disappointed you...

not suited to the times, I suppose.

Stop fighting to be Margaret Regina.

Just be Margaret

or Sister Margaret.

Do whatever makes you happy.

Perhaps you will pick up?

Bless you. And your son.

I wish we could have had our own,

but I am no less fond of him.

A fine young man.

Make peace with the Yorks.

And bring him home safe.

For peace, Margaret...

Girls, girls.


I'm going to get some air.

Clear my head.

I won't be long.