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05x06 - The Bumblebee Queen/Tree Love

Posted: 01/20/24 19:55
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the house cat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat! Backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go

♪ Tally-ho

♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for

♪ We're so excited to explore

♪ All that nature has in store

♪ With Nature Cat Go, go, go ♪

♪ Tally-ho

♪ Go, go, go Tally-ho ♪

♪ He's our favourite nature guy ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get...


♪ Swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ With Nature Cat

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat Tally-ho ♪

[Hal]: The Bumblebee Queen.

[Hal snoring]

Fire hydrants...

Pigs in a blanket...

I'm a butterfly, baby!




[trumpeting] Ah!

Oh, it's got to be perfect!

Uh, I wish there were more crocus flowers for her.

But no time!

Hey, Daisy? You okay?




[loud trumpeting]


Oh, hi, everyone!

Daisy, what are you doing?

Yeah, it's hard to sleep with all the carpets

and the trumpets.

Not to mention all the buzzing.

Buzzing?! You heard buzzing, Hal?

Yes! And lots of trumpets.

That means she's here!

- I'm sorry, who's here? - The queen!

The queen?! Here? In the backyard?

Yes! Each year,

a new queen arrives in early spring.

And this year, I'm going to help her!

A queen? Oh, and I'm wearing this?

And Hal, you're wearing that?!

[gasps] Here comes the queen!



This, uh, little bee is, uh... the new queen?

No offense to her majesty...

looks like any other bumblebee to me.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, I am a queen!

And I am not just any bee. I am a bumblebee!

Regal pose.

[all]: Ooh!

We bumblebees are fuzzy

and larger than most other bees... clearly!

[Daisy]: Queen bumblebees are the first bumblebees

you see in spring!

Uh-oh. Something's happening. Brace yourself.

Well, I'll bee! [giggles]

Me! Meeting a queen? Who'd a thunk it?

Oh, dear. If this is what I think it is,

this is not good.

Oh, I didn't realize we'd bee in the presence

of royalty today. [chuckling]

Just smile and nod.

Smile and nod. Giggle if you can.

Say, seems like you know a lot about bumblebees!

I do, your majesty! I'm Daisy.

Daisy? One of my favorite flowers.

Lots of pollen, and a great name for a lover of bumblebees!

And these are my friends,

Nature Cat, Squeeks, and Hal.

Nice to meet you, your bumblebee-ness.

I have a question, your Highness.

Where are your royal bumblebee subjects?

Oh, it's just me for now!

Like Daisy said, bumblebee queens

are one of the first pollinators you'll see in spring!

We're tough!

No other bumblebees?

You mean... you're all alone?!

[somber music]

Oops! Sorry, didn't realize that was going off.


Yes, I'm alone. But I won't be alone for long.

Very soon, I'll make a nest

and lay eggs to start my own colony of bumblebees.

Yeah! She's got a big important job ahead of her!

[chuckling] Oh, pardon me.

This isn't very queenly, but it's been a long winter

hibernating, and I am famished!

Yeah, I've been hibernating too!

Since breakfast, it's horrible.

Once she's eaten enough,

she finds a place to make her nest to lay her eggs!

Oh, that's very good, Daisy!

By the summer, this backyard

will be full of busy, buzzing bumblebees!

Bumblebees that will pollinate the flowers in my garden.

In that case, I guess I'd better get to work.

By yourself?!

All alone?!

Well, that's just how it is for a bumblebee queen

this time of year. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Wait! We can help.

You don't have to be alone this year!

Help me? No, I couldn't...

Oh, I'd bee delighted!

These puns are un-bee-lievable!

Sorry, sorry.

Come on! We can be worker bees!

A worker bee?!

I've always wanted to be a worker bee!

But one question about those worker bees

that I've always wanted to be...

What's a worker bee?

Worker bees are the bees in the colony

that help the queen by finding food

and bringing it back to the nest. And now...

...we're worker bees!

By the pollen on me,

by decree of the bee,

I declare thee bumblebees of the backyard!

I feel bee-eautiful!

No, you guys... Are we really doing this?

I am bee-yond honored! [giggling]

Yup, we're doing it.

Well, if you can't bee-eat, join 'em!


Bee puns, they're all the buzz! [chuckling]

Well, what are we waiting for, bumblebees?

Let's help the queen find a place for her nest!

[all]: Buzz, buzz, buzz!

You can use my doghouse, your majesty!

One castle fit for a queen coming up, your majesty!

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

I don't need your homes or something built for me.


[laughing awkwardly]

You don't?

Nope! We can find a place for my nest right here

from something that already exists and isn't being used.

Like an abandoned rodent hole?

Or a rock pile? Or a fallen log?

Exactly! It's not like I need a throne or anything.

What's most important is that my nest is cozy,

warm, and safe.

Let's go find a nesting place, bumblebees!

[all]: Buzz, buzz, buzz!


We claim this log for the bumblebee queen!

Oh!, someone's already home. Sorry, man.


We claim this rock pile for the bumblebee queen!


Oh! That's occupied! Sorry!

We claim this hole for the bumblebee queen!

I hope...

[Squeeks]: It's empty!

The previous tenants even left behind

some of their fur that will keep my bees cozy and warm.

Oh, and I can't wait for you to see what I do with the place.

It'll be very bee-y!

I just hope there will be enough flowers around now

and for the rest of the season for me and my bumblebees.

We can help!


Hmm, hmm, hmm! Oh, dear me!

We are going to need a lot more flowers

when my bumblebees are born!

More flowers?

There are plenty of flowers in Daisy's garden!

Well, actually...

[Daisy]: My garden will have lots of flowers in

a couple of months. But right now,

they're just still seedlings!

A couple of months?!

But that's like months from now!

Chin up! Chin up!

Chins up and listen to queeny!

Daisy, the trumpet!


We need food for the hive throughout the whole season.

But don't fret just yet! We have some time.

My first worker bees won't be out

foraging for another month.

And in the meantime, I'll need to eat and feed

the young bees until they are ready to leave the nest.

Yes, Daisy?

We can help! We can add flowers

that will bloom very soon,

and flowers that will bloom in the fall.

And in the fall, we'll plant more flowers

that will bloom this time of year!

That way, there will always be flowers blooming

and you'll have food all season long!

Get out there and start planting while I start laying eggs!

[all]: Buzz, buzz, buzz!

[bright music]

Very good! Oh well, that looks lovely.

That's just-- Oh, very good.

Oh! Now, why did you stop?


Sure, one backyard full of flowers is great,

but an entire neighborhood is better!

Why don't I explain?

[Queen]: Bumblebee habitats,

the flowers, and our nesting places

are disappearing.

Which means...

fewer and fewer bumblebees.

The backyard and the world needs us!

We can pollinate in the hot or in the cold.

We aren't picky about the flowers we like,

and are really good at getting pollen out of them.

We are super pollinators!

And that's why I wanted to help you!

I love bumblebees and know how important they are

to nature and my garden!

And if we don't help, then you could disappear...


And then we'd be all alone!

[somber music]

Sorry! Me again.

It's new, I don't know how to work it.

Daisy's right! We need to do more

and help all the bumblebees in our community!

We'll need help!

Let's ask our friends to be bumblebee workers, too!

You know, this would bee a lot faster

with a good old-fashioned montage!

I'm the queen of puns!


[bright music]

[inaudible conversation]

Oh, thank you for all your help, my worker bees!

Especially you, Daisy!

Thank you, queen!

Just one more task for you.

My reign is coming to an end.

All of us bumblebees will die

except for the next generation of queens.

[somber music]

[sniffling] Aw...

I mean it this time.

Oh, no please, don't be sad!

I've loved your help.

But now we must make it safe for the future bumblebee queens.

What can we do?

Well, queens hibernate all winter

in small holes underground underneath leaves.

You mean like those?

[Queen]: Why, yes!

So you need us to do what exactly?


[all]: Nothing?!

Leave the leaves!

If you really love bees,

you'll keep that stuff around your yard all year long!

Yes, your majesty!


[lullaby plays]

See you in the spring, future queen.

Sweet dreams.

[Hal]: Tree Love.

[Nature Cat]: Nature adventure time!

I give you, the Mighty Oak Tree!

[Hal]: Breathtaking.

[Squeeks]: What a marvel! Oh!

It's so beautiful! Say "tree"!

[all]: Tree!

[shutter clicking]

Oh, look at the trunk,

it's so barky and huggable-y

and all at the same time-y!

And look how tall the tree is!

And check out this amazing canopy of leaves!

It protects us from the hot summer sun.

What do you love about the tree, Squeeks?


Ah... Breathe.

Let the thoughts come and go.

Don't attach... [inhaling] any thoughts.

Where'd this tree come from, anyway?!

Good question. In fact,

that's on my Curiosity List!

[Nature Cat]: What did this oak tree look like

back when it was born?

Yeah. Like, how did you get here, tree?

And how did you grow so big, tree?

And how long did it take, tree? Ah, so many questions!

Uh... I don't know anything about it.

Well, if you don't know anything,

maybe this little acorn knows.

[tortoise]: That's it, Hal! You're a genius!

[all]: Huh?!

Okay, one-part question.

Number one: how do you know the, "That's it, Hal,

you're a genius!" line if we've never met?

Have you seen the show before?

I know a lot of things, sonny,

I'm over a hundred years old!

Or, as I prefer to say, over a hundred years young!

Say what?

I'm sorry, I don't believe I got your name, Mr. Tortoise.

The name's Shell Brooks.

I live at the Botanical Gardens nearby.

And I take my walk here every day.

So, uh, what does this itty-bitty acorn

have to do with this tremendously towering tree?

Well, you see, this tree started out as an acorn,

just like this one!

An acorn turned into a tree?

Shah, right! And how, pray tell,

would you know that, Shell Brooks?

Because I was here when it was planted.

In fact, I knew the four friends who planted it.

Yep, I can tell you anything you want to know

about this here tree. Go on, try me.

Okay. What kind of tree is it?

It's a white oak. Yep!

White oaks are the official state trees of Illinois.

Hmm. Not bad.

Uh, interesting. And how tall is the tree?

Got him.

This here tree is feet,

and -quarter inches tall,

on the nose-y.

Whoa! This guy's too legit to quit.

Yep, this tree means so much to me.

Gather around and I'll tell you its story

from the very beginning.

years ago, in this very spot...

four nature-loving animals arrived

jaunty-jolly into the park.

Their names were Lily...

Man, oh man! This place sure is swell.

Say cheese, everyone!


[Shell]: There was Pip...

There was Cal...

Hi, cheese. It's me, Cal!

Bye, cheese! Nice knowing you! Twenty-three skidoo!

[Shell]: And last but not least,

there was Ned, also known as Adventure Cat.

Ha! You know what would be the cat's meow,

so amazingly amazing?

A big, beautiful oak tree right here!


Water... Why'd it have to be water, see?!

[Shell]: Adventure Cat loved the outdoors,

but water, not so much.

And then there's me, Shelton James Brooks.

Cute fella, if I say so myself.

I had just arrived at the Botanical Gardens

from the Arizona desert.

I was lonely and looking for friends.

And friends I found!

That neighborhood crew welcomed me

with open arms and open hearts.

Aw, that's so heartwarming,

which is why my heart feels so warm.

But back to the story of the tree...

We must plant this tree. But how?!

Why, my grandma, Bubbie Bunny, told me

that if you collect acorns when they fall,

you can plant them, and chances are good

that at least one of them will turn into an oak tree!

"An acorn today, an oak tree tomorrow",

is what Bubbie Bunny used to say.

Well, she must mean that tomorrow a ginormous oak tree

will grow right here! Ginger peachy!

Yes, yes! I, Adventure Cat,

shall collect acorns, put them in the ground,

and tomorrow, one shall surely sprout into a giant

and glorious oak tree!


[Shell]: The four nature lovers, with help from yours truly,

collected acorns and put them in the ground.

But planting an oak tree was harder than they thought.

They waited and waited

and waited for an acorn to grow,

but nothing happened.

Hey, ya know what's really knocking my noodle?

Why's there nothing growing?

We've been waiting all day. Gee-willikers, what gives?

[Shell]: So they all went home to try and think

of other ideas to get the acorns to grow.

They came back the next day,

but still, bubkes, no luck.

They tried everything they could think of

to get the acorns to turn into trees.

Oak-us pocus!

Ah, not even the great Cal-dini can make this tree go.

It's a scam, I tell ya.

[Shell]: They tried dancing.

I call this number The Oak Tree Trot.

After we dance around the acorn, it'll grow in a jiffy!

[upbeat music]

[Shell]: But nothing worked.

Until one day, they made a big discovery.

Well, ain't this the bee's knees?!

Check it out! This book tells us

how to plant a white oak tree.

[Daisy]: It says to only use acorns that sink in water.

And to plant them in the ground an inch deep,

on their sides, and six inches apart.

It also says to protect the area with chicken wire

to keep out hungry animals who want to eat the acorns.

Whattya say pals? Let's do this!

[energetic music]

Tah-dee! We did it!

Well, we didn't do it.

The acorns still aren't growing!

Aw, shucks! Why is nothing growing?!

These acorns here are making me steamed!

[train whistle blowing]

Stop the presses!

According to this, it takes a little bit of time

for the acorn to sprout, and then it will only grow

a foot or two every year!

So that means, if my math is right,

that the tree could have feet,

which is like , toe-sies! [chuckling]

That's one funny-looking tree.

Well, baked beans, that's not what it means!

It means it's gonna take many, many years

for the tree to reach full size!

Maybe when Bubbie Bunny used to say,

"An acorn today, an oak tree tomorrow,"

she didn't actually mean tomorrow-tomorrow,

but tomorrow as in the future.

Why, I guess we'll just have to wait.

[Shell]: So wait they did.

They came back every now and then to check on the tree.

They were patient.

Oh, boy! It's growing! Well, that's swell!

[Shell]: Within five years, it was just tall enough

for some birds and animals to use it for shelter,


and resting.

Through photosynthesis,

the tree helped clean the air

and produce oxygen for animals to breathe.

All the while, Adventure Cat and his friends

created many memories there.

[all laughing]

Phew! Water. It doesn't have to be water!

Heh-heh. Pulled the old switcheroo on ya there.

[Shell]: Laying in the shade in the summer...


[Shell]: Playing in its leaves in the fall...


[joyful holiday music]

[Shell]: Making snowmen under the trees in the winter...

When the oak tree turned years old,

it began making acorns of its own!

In the fall, those acorns dropped to the ground

and animals showed up to eat them.

The food helped the animals survive

when there wasn't much else to eat.

And the other animals got energy from the acorns too.

In spring, birds nested in its branches.

And the pals would picnic underneath.

It was a happy, thriving place.

And now, all these years later,

you four come along

and made this into your own special place.

That was an amazing story, Shell Brooks.

Amazing 'cause it's true!

But how does this story end?

I think I have an idea how this story ends.

With a new beginning! Da-da-da-da!

And a special way to honor nature

for a long, long time...

Let's plant our very own oak tree!

[soft singing]

We can do it in my yard!

Sah-weet! And even though we may no longer live there

to enjoy the tree when it becomes big and tall,

others will! So we will plant the tree for them!

[all cheering] Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

[Nature Cat]: Hey, uh, Shell Brooks?

We were wondering,

would you plant the tree with us?

I was hoping you'd ask!

Ah, it would be such an honor.

- Yeah! - Yipee!

[all cheering] Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

Alright, it's tree time! Let's collect those acorns!

What he said!

[Shell]: Onward and oak-ward!

[Squeeks]: They planted their very own oak tree that very day.

Found a nice spot too.

Years later... Decades, even,

kids would sit under the tree

licking ice pops,

cooling off in the shade.

And they'd say to themselves,

"I wonder who planted this oak tree?"


It was a bunch of little animals

that lived in a yard and a tortoise.

Just making a TV show about nature.

[upbeat music]

Subtitling: difuze

