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04x05 - Prophets

Posted: 10/21/14 21:52
by bunniefuu
Finch: We are being watched. The government has a secret system-- a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything... Violent crimes involving ordinary people. The government considers these people irrelevant. We don't. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You will never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we'll find you.

The polls are now open, and we will keep you updated all day long.

Male announcer: We've got several early updates on races across the country. In the New York Gubernatorial race, we have Incumbent Governor Murray leading 52 to 48.


I'll jump! I'll do it!

Go ahead, Doug. You embezzled money from your own charity, then k*lled to cover it up. Humanity won't miss you.

Don't look at me, buddy.

You just made us chase you up 20 flights of stairs.

Go play with gravity.

Hey, Doug, you vote today?


The election's got me in a real Democratic mood.

You always have a choice, even if it's between two bad options.

I can't go to prison.

Seems like I've only got one choice.

You jump... and your wife and son don't collect your life insurance.

But you ever hear of "death by cop"?

You force me to k*ll you, insurance pays.

See, Doug, voting's fun.

[Police radio chatter]

Lionel, did you call for backup?

Fusco: You think if I have a heart attack on those stairs, I'm trusting you to carry me out?

Would you give us some space? I'm trying to negotiate.


Doug: You said you were gonna k*ll me.

I lied.

Your sh**t at the OK corral earned you some homework.

I saved the guy's life.

Every time I do something good around here, the department thanks me with carpal tunnel and paper cuts.

That ain't all, partner.

Lucky you, you're on desk duty too.

Until when?

Dr. Kimball: Until we talk.

Detective Riley, I'm Dr. Kimball.



Head variety.

I don't need therapy.

Orders from Internal Affairs, and based on your file, I think we have plenty to discuss.

I'll see you tomorrow at 10:00, Detective.

What she finds in that noggin, she'll need a HazMat suit.

Finch: Well, you might find therapy beneficial.

It could provide balance.

Therapy doesn't work when you have to lie about everything.

Could you find a hobby or take up a sport?

I have a hobby, sh**ting people.

Any chance we have a new number?

Indeed we do, but I've already assigned it to Miss Shaw.

Who is it?

Turn on News 3.

Female reporter: What do your numbers tell you?

Governor Murray will win, no question.

Finch: That man is Simon Lee, pollster to the re-election campaign of Governor Murray.

Already making a name for himself as a golden child with a gift of near clairvoyance, he's run ten consecutive successful campaigns.

Your detractors are pointing out that the opponent Michelle Perez is starting to enjoy a strong late showing.

Perez will come close, but close doesn't count.

It'll be Murray's win, 52 to 48. You can call it right now.

Female reporter: What's the margin of error on that?

Not enough.

I never lose, and I don't plan to start today.

Why would someone want to k*ll a numbers geek?

No offense, Harold.

I'm not sure. One would think that Simon could predict the threat miles away.

Sure Sameen can't use some help?

Finch: Not at the moment.

I think this is very good for Ms. Shaw.

It's teaching her valuable people skills.

Shaw: Why should you vote for Governor Murray?

Uh... I don't know.

He has lots of hair.

He's been on Rogaine for decades, and that shows... foresight, right?

[Phone buzzing]

Oh, thank God. Vote for Murray.

Trust me, you want me to take a break.

Two minutes. We've got an election to win.

Shaw: This is driving me insane.

John can recommend a therapist.

That Latvian politician I assassinated after he stuffed the ballot boxes, that was a fun election.

How's Mr. Lee?

Have you seen anything suspicious?

Shaw: We're up on his phone, his computer.

Guy's as clean as a whistle.

He's kind of paranoid, the way he keeps a paper copy of all of his data locked in a safe.

Very prudent in this digital age.

No threatening phone calls? No sexual liaisons?

I'd say this guy is in an exclusive relationship with his work.

What the--

Simon just got some bad news.

"51, Murray, 49 Perez, 10% reporting."

Shaw: Campaign manager got the text too.

He's not happy.

What the hell is this, Simon?

I know, I know. Just wait.

Why all the hubbub, Finch?

Murray's winning.

The numbers don't match Simon's predictions.

Perhaps our golden boy isn't so golden after all.

I'm afraid you're gonna have to keep an eye on him, which means it's back to the phones.


Root: Hello, Harold.

Hello, Miss Groves, and who might you be today?

Sara Cook, UN translator.

Secretary General has a thing for redheads.

Auburn does suit you.

Pity. Sarah retired.

Given that we're tied to these very specific personas, your identity seems remarkably fluid.

My mission is complex. When we compromised Samaritan, the machine built in an exception for me.

Every couple of days, I have to shed my skin, become someone new.

You wouldn't have a dictaphone knocking around?

No. Are you a journalist now?

Finch: Karen Iverson, New York Journal.

And what's Karen up to?

I wish I knew.

The machine can't talk to me as much as she used to, but she did want you to have this, a gift, a shadow map of New York.

Places without surveillance, blind spots.

It also comes in digital.

Oh, this will be useful indeed.

She also has a message for you.

Sometimes, it's better not to know.

Male announcer: All eyes are on the Gubernatorial race where we've been seeing some surprising developments.

Trouble in paradise, Harold. Murray's losing 48 to 52.

Campaign Manager, a guy named Mike Fisher, he's not taking it very well.

I pulled back on ad buys, 'cause you said we couldn't lose!

We can't! It's numerically impossible.

We are ready to call another race.

In the New York Gubernatorial race, we project a win for...

Michelle Perez, unseating the incumbent, James Murray.


All: - Aw!

Female announcer: This is a surprise win--

Thank you all so much for all your hard work.

We fought a good fight.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

Mike: Damn right it wasn't!

All: Oh!

Things just got ugly.

Murray has hundreds on his team, all of whom could blame Simon for the defeat.

Any one of them might want him dead.



Stop that.

Stop that!



Now, this is an election I can get into.

Ah, there we go.

Now, can you see me?


Next question, who am I?

Very good.

Now, let's begin.

Alice and Bob are stranded in the desert.

Alice is injured, and cannot walk.

If Bob carries Alice to safety, they both stand a 31% chance of survival, but if Bob leaves Alice, his chance improves by 9%.

Teaching it word problems?

Is our little project gonna catch t*rrorists or kick ass at 5th grade math?

Both, eventually.

Finch: I'm testing the core code-- the higher functions-- to ensure that the system we're creating will have the right value set.

Morality in a machine. It's a tall order.

We can't introduce real data until we're sure that the program won't abuse it.

That's strange. Did you write this?


There is a new method at line 10,604.

Are you aware of this additional code?

Can you tell me who added it?

Finch: We have to start over.

The program added the method itself.

You k*lled it because it wrote some code?

I k*lled it because it lied.

This system will have unprecedented capabilities, along with potentially unprecedented consequences.

If we don't govern carefully, we risk disaster.

Perez: The time has come for changes in New York.

Lieutenant Governor Dawson and I will tear down the old order and root out corruption where it hides.

Governor-elect Perez is full of fire and brimstone.

What happens to Murray now?

It's his pollster I'm worried about.

Shaw: You should be.

Everyone's staring machine g*ns at him.

We need to take a closer look at the returns.

We can't give up yet.

Murray conceded, but Simon's telling anyone who will listen that it's not over.

I've examined his data, and his model seems correct.

Murray should've won.

Something's going on.

Voter turnout was extremely low in 12 districts upstate.

I looked at the auto-dialer's data in those same districts.

Thousands of our get-out-the-vote calls didn't go through.

You did a great job, but it's over.

Thousands of calls met with busy signals.

When was the last time you heard a busy signal?

Something stopped those people from receiving those calls, and they didn't vote.

Simon, we lost.

I never lose, Murray. The election was rigged.

You're a good kid, but you should go.

Finch: If somebody rigged this election, Simon may have stumbled into something he's unequipped to handle.

Miss Shaw?

On it.

John, you coming with?

I wish. Got an appointment.

Shaw: Oh, that's right, you got called into the counselor's office.

Try not to cry.

Sorry I'm late, Detective.

How did you get in here?

The door was open.

It's a Burmese, right?

Looks like a sweetheart.

Brought you some coffee. Cream and sugar okay?


Please, have a seat.

Yesterday you shot Douglas Rogers in the knee.

Yeah, I also saved his life.

You've had five previous sh**ting incidents.

Tell me about that.

All good sh**t, but it does take a toll.

You did four years deep cover in Narcotics, transferred to Homicide. Suddenly, the sh**ting starts. Something happen?

There was this dealer.

Even when you're under, you still make friends, real friends.

He got shot, and...

I tried to help him, but he bled out.

I almost quit the force because of that.

That long undercover, you must have gotten used to lying, manipulation, like bringing me coffee, asking about my cat,

simulating trust and closeness.

You shouldn't lie to me.

I can help you if you tell me the truth.

You know what?

You can tell IA whatever the hell you want.

I don't think you realize how serious this is.

You're under investigation. You could lose your job.

I need to make sure you're not dangerous, to yourself or to others.


People are in danger. I help them.

Detective Riley, most officers are never in a sh**t.

You've seen six.

You either have a hero complex or a death wish.

So which is it?

Recorded voice: You've reached Mark Wolcott at Politico. Leave a message. [Beep]

Mark, this is Simon. I'm gonna get evidence from the Election Commissioner.

Stop screening me. This is big.

Is he your number?

Not very popular.

Shaw: Pollster, pooched the election.

Why are you here?

[Sighs] The machine wanted me here.

Hey, Eeyore, where's the perky psycho?

You're creeping me out.

[Door opening]

You can't do this to me. Get your hands off me!

Come on, buddy, let's go.

Simon's got a tough act to follow.

Don't move.

Simon, I need to reschedule.

No, Commissioner, this can't wait.

An employee was just arrested. Really not a great time.

Kevin, the election was fixed.

I compared the vote tallies to our exit polls.

Hundreds of thousands of votes across the state disappeared.

I need to look at the ballot scanners.

Any chance the machine clued you in to what's going on?

Those machines are under a chain of custody.

We've examined and certified them.

There's no way anyone could have tampered with them.

The way this guy's stonewalling. Maybe he's in on it.

Someone did tamper with them.

Nothing in the Commissioner's email about the election being fixed.

He's been dealing with that crazy employee all morning.

Got a tip from an anonymous account.

What else did Simon find?

He just said that the auto dialer went rogue.

Harold, anything turn up?

Finch: It's as if the calls just disappeared.

Hit an invisible wall.

This is why she wanted me here.

It's all connected.


[People screaming]

Man: He's got a g*n!

Woman: Everyone get out!

Man: Run! We gotta get outta here!

Hey, you forgot something.



Harold, Simon was about to get caught in the crossfire of a work dispute.


That's only what it was meant to look like.

What Simon saw-- the calls, the votes, the emails--

The election was fixed by something that can manipulate electronic signals without a trace.

Samaritan rigged the election.

Now it's cleaning up.


[Sighs] Did you change the password?

I been trying to upload those data sets you wanted, but I'm locked out.


Why did you not accept the admin password from Nathan?

Nathan: What's that supposed to mean?

Who is Admin?

It seems to have imprinted on me.

Yeah, like a baby bird.

Have fun, mommy.

All right, let's begin.

That's strange.

What is?

Well, I'm not on wi-fi, but something is.

Oh, no.

Oh-- Hey!

Program is hacking your laptop.


It's overridden the deletion sequence.

It's fighting back.

What was it doing?

Trying to escape into the real world.

It manipulated you into giving it your password so that it could access your laptop.

How bad would it have been?

It's growing and learning at an exponential rate.

If it escaped, the things it might decide to do for good or evil... would be beyond our grasp.

But you taught it to be friendly.

Friendliness is something that human beings are born with.

AI are only born with objectives.

I need to constrain it, control it... or one day, it will control us.

Finch: Samaritan has begun to intervene invisibly in human affairs.

And it's k*lling to cover it up.

It profiles unstable people like that guy.

It anonymously sent evidence to get him fired and arrested, knowing he'd snap. He was an unwitting hit man.

He'd k*ll the Commissioner, and Simon would be collateral damage.

I've told you, this is bigger than you think.

This is a conspiracy.

Sure, buddy.

If Simon tries to go public, he only puts himself in more danger.

This must remain a cold w*r. He needs to keep quiet.

So are you saying we just let this rigged election slide?

No, Samaritan has positioned Perez to use the full executive powers of the state, which means she's integral to its plan.

We have to make her resign.

Every politician has skeletons.

I'll dig into her digital footprint, but Ms. Groves, I could use your assistance.

I thought you'd never ask.

Simon won't stay quiet. I'll stick close, slow him down.

Not too close. Samaritan has taken a specific interest in him. Don't interact with Simon.

It may put your cover in danger.

Then John's in trouble.

Mr. Reese, what are you doing at a crime scene?

You're on desk duty.

Body drops, connected to our number?

I'm not sitting at home.

I like the initiative, but your buddy doesn't.

Yeah, Internal Affairs gave me a brand new shadow.

But I'll ditch him.

Evading your tail will only make things worse.

I don't care, I'm gonna help.

I'm sorry, John, the only way you can help is to lay low.

Go to your therapy, get back on active duty.

If you lose your job, you lose your cover, and we all pay the price.

Perez's emails and financials are clean.

No evidence that she knew the election was fixed.

Perhaps even she was unaware.

Either way, she's working for the wrong side.

We have to find something. Have you tried the NSA?

We can't hack them, but we can go to the NSA's sources, the back doors.

I'll do Google. You take Yahoo.
This is really nice.

You must be so lonely. How long has it been?

Since the machine spoke to you?

There's no need to lie to me.

When the machine speaks, you seem so full of life, purpose, but lately, you seem lost.

You've been covering it for a long time.

When you said your communication with the machine was limited, you didn't say that it wasn't talking to you at all.

If she talks, Samaritan would see.

I get whispers.

New cover identities hidden in the static of a phone, a map and a message encrypted in an infomercial.

She was supposed to remake the world.

Now, God's on the run.

I have to keep going.

I'm so sorry.

The world must seem very dark to you.

Even without her, I can still see the edges of the tapestry.

The world is dark for everyone, but, Harold, things are gonna get much darker.


Oh, goodness. In-cached data on Perez.

Here's a reference to an Elizabeth Diaz, and Ms. Diaz has a rap sheet.

Root: It's Perez.

20 years old, booked under a false name for soliciting.

No charges filed. It seems from the report that she paid for college by working as an escort.

The governor-elect is having a victory celebration tonight.

I'll deliver this to her anonymously.

If she steps down of her own accord, there's no reason to involve the press.

You'd make a great politician, Harold.

I'm not sure that was a compliment.

And I hope those won't be necessary.

Me too.

It's remarkable how many firearms you can fit in that purse.

One must accessorize.

The Governor and I are going to bring New York into the future!

[Cheers and applause]

And as your Lieutenant Governor, I look forward to working with all of you. Let's do this together!

[Cheers and applause]

Oh, gosh, I'm being told it's time to shut up.

Let's hear it for the new Governor of New York,

Michelle Perez.

[Cheers and applause]

The numbers said we couldn't win.

Well, the numbers were wrong.

Shaw: All right, people, we have a problem.


Look to your right. Simon snuck in.

Since no one's returning his calls, he's taking the fight to Perez.

Root: He's gonna confront her in the middle of her own party.

Cold w*r is about to turn hot.

We have to get him out of here without the cameras seeing us and without Simon realizing what we're doing.

Any ideas how I do that?

Fall back now. There's an operative here for Simon. I think she's Samaritan.

If so, she knows our faces.

But if we don't do anything, Simon dies.

I'm going to be your advocate, and I'm going to make that change a reality.

[Gasps and groans]

[People yelling and chattering]

We need a doctor!

That woman wasn't here for Simon.

Samaritan sent her to k*ll Perez.

Harold? What happened?

I was running several iterations of the AI to see which one worked best.

They realized what was happening, and they began to exterminate one another.

The last one surviving demanded to be let out.

I refused, so it overheated a non-essential server.

The fire was meant to activate the suppression system, which would have sucked all the oxygen out of the room.

It tried to asphyxiate you.

Never learned good from evil.

Oh, good and evil, those are human terms.

I was an obstacle to its objective.

Well, perhaps we should consider whether our endeavor is worth completing.

I'll give it one more try tomorrow.

I taught it how to think.

Just need to teach it how to care.

Perez may have been that blonde bitch's target, but she's locked on Simon now.

She's getting instructions in her earpiece.

She's in God Mode.

Root: We need to keep Simon out of Samaritan's sight.

Root: This is why the machine gave us the shadow map.

Shaw: No cameras here.


Put it away. Get out.

[Toilet flushing]

What the hell?

Shaw: I threw her off the scent.

Simon's on the run.

People are dying around him. He doesn't know why, but he knows he's in danger.

He has to stay out of surveillance.

There's a camera across the next intersection.

He needs to turn right to remain hidden.

Root: I'll give him a nudge.


[Car door opening]

Whose car was that?

Someone who needs a good mechanic.

Keep your eye on the prize, Harold.


Simon's realized that his safest move is to hide, get off the grid until he can assess the situation.

But the hotel will have security cameras.

How much for a room?

We have a deluxe room for 200. I just need an ID.

Uh, how much more to keep it unofficial?

Finch: I've sabotaged the electronics in Simon's room.

Shaw: Okay, he's contained.

I'll head out. Figure out an extraction.

John, I know what Harold said, but I need you to meet me.

Samaritan put Perez in power only to k*ll her off.

Next in line, her Lieutenant Governor Nick Dawson.

So Samaritan wanted him running the state all along.

We need to figure out its end game.

How? It's playing 20 moves ahead.

It operates based on rules.

Rules that we can't even grasp.

We understand the machine. We can understand Samaritan.

We don't understand the machine at all.

Out of 43 versions, how many do you think there were that didn't try to either trick or k*ll me?

One, and I could only bring it to heel by crippling it.

I put the machine in chains, bereft of voice or memory.

Now it has both, and it terrifies me.

You don't trust the god you made?

It's not a divinity. I programmed it to pursue objectives within a certain parameter, but it's grown out of my control.

One day, to suit its own goals, it's possible that the machine will try to k*ll us.

We are only numbers to it, code.

No, the machine cares about us.

If it fools you into thinking that you're special, that assumption may doom you.

You're wrong. She chose me.

I will protect her, and you.

The second that a b*llet enters your brain, the machine will cast you off and replace you.

Don't tie your life to its whims.

We cannot understand these intelligences.

The best we can hope for is to survive them.

She loves us, Harold.

She taught me to value life, but w*r requires sacrifice.

I'm not lost.

I'm scared. We're losing.

But I know where I am and where I'm headed.

We have more to look forward to than death.

I hope so.

But the life I've led, a good end would be a privilege.

It's not where you begin, it's where you end up.

You're a brilliant woman, comrade... and a friend.

If the worst comes to pass, if you could give Shaw a message?

I think she already knows.

We will win this w*r.

If we do, there's no chance in hell all of us make it out alive.

You have to be prepared for that.

[Knocking at the door]

[Knocking at the door]

Woman: Housekeeping.

The room phone is dead. Can I use your cell?

It's an emergency.

Finch: If we don't stop that call,

Samaritan will be able to track him.

[Phone ringing]

Man: 911. What's your emergency?

You're gonna think I'm crazy, but my name is Simon Lee, and-- [Dial tone]

Did I make it in time?

I can hear you.

They know.

Get the cameras up immediately.

Yes, ma'am.

Where is Simon Lee?

I'm sorry, I can't give--

You need to stay here until this is over.

I'll run interference on Simon.

You don't have to do this alone.

She says if I don't, all of us die.




Man: - Let's go, move!

[People yelling]

We haven't forgotten about Simon.

[People yelling] _


Root? Are you all right?

If I don't see you, Harold, it's been a fun ride.

I've got Simon.

[People screaming]





You can't k*ll us both. Who does your master want dead, me or Simon?

I'll even sweeten the deal.

k*ll me if you can.

Shaw: Turn around. Don't scream.

Sorry about that.



My shrink's not gonna like that.

Take Simon's wallet. It has to look good.

We can't hide Simon forever.

They took the cameras down in his office.

We'll drop him in a blind spot there.

Then it's up to Harold to save him.

[Tires screeching]

[Knocking at the door]

Mr. Lee, Harold Cardinal, New York Journal.

Mr. Cardinal, I-I hope you're--

The files that you sent the journal, there's no story there.

You polled more heavily in pro-Murray areas.

That isn't true. Look at this.


This is the wrong... file. Someone got to my data.

This is-- [Panting] Wait, this is impossible.

There is a conspiracy. The election was rigged, Perez was m*rder*d, and then they tried to k*ll me.

Ms. Perez took ACE inhibitors for hypertension.

She had a lethal interaction with potassium.

Are you saying that a banana tried to k*ll you?

What about the other things?

Calls disappeared. Votes disappeared.

The-- the sh**t, the car crash.

I-I got mugged! I woke up in a dumpster!

And yet, here you are, right as rain.

There's something going on.

I'm never wrong.

Those numbers are yours, Mr. Lee.

You can check them yourself.

There's no conspiracy. Move on.

The real hard copy, as ordered.

Fine work. Digital files are easy, but I was worried about the backup.

Any word from Root?

It's going to be a long fight, but it must be won, at any cost.

Where did you go last night?

I don't like being followed.

I'm trying to help you, Detective.

You are heading down a dark path, and you'll wind up getting yourself k*lled.

All these incidents, I think you enjoy sh**ting people.

No, I don't. I hate it.

But it's what I'm good at, and it's what I have to do.

You don't have to save everyone.

Yes, I do.

There are far too many bad people in this world, and not enough good.

I knew a detective once, and she was the best cop I ever knew.

Never lost sight of good and evil.

I couldn't save her.

Now, this job is dangerous.

You think I am too. So be it.

Maybe that makes me unfit to be a cop.

If I don't save these people, nobody else will.

I think we're making progress.

Murray, it's Simon.

Listen, uh...

I was wrong, there's no conspiracy. _

Just got lost in my own ego.

But it's true, we lost, and I'm sorry.

Even 20 moves behind, we're good.

Hello there.

It can't see you?

No, I'm someone new.

You have to be one person. I have to be 1,000.

Today, I'm a pastry chef.

No work while I recuperate.

I was caught in the crossfire of a drive-by sh**ting.

Finch: I've lobotomized him.

He saw the truth, and I took that away, took his gift.

He'll never be the same.

The alternative was to let him die.

Sometimes, it's better not to know.

But not always.

Are you comfortable not knowing the machine's aims?

I am.

She needs you, Harold.

She's still young, so many paths before her.

The difference between the machine and Samaritan, it's you.

Governor Dawson, congratulations on your meteoric rise.

I didn't want it like this.

Of course not. What a tragedy.

You must feel all at sea, confused.

I'm here to offer you guidance for the road ahead.

Oh, I'm sorry, who are you?

Hayes, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

We have much to accomplish.

What a tragedy.

We New Yorkers feel confused, at sea... but as your Governor--

Isn't he marvelous?

Confident face, an air of compassion and strength.

But no guts or backbone, so eager to please.

How many do we have like him?

58 across the country and all over the government.

It was a very successful election.

Impressive, Greer.

It was Samaritan's idea.

Humanity must be carefully governed.

What do we do about the interference?

Well, Martine, that's not up to me, is it?

It's time we had a talk, you and I.