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01x21 - Slime Time/Rock Stars

Posted: 01/20/24 18:51
by bunniefuu
That's me, Fred the housecat.

When my family leaves for the day,

I don't just sit inside watching the world go by.

I become...

Nature Cat, backyard explorer extraordinaire!

♪ Oh, go go go ♪


♪ Go go go ♪


♪ We're climbing up the trees now ♪

♪ We're swinging through the breeze now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

♪ We're Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪

♪ So what are we waiting for? ♪

♪ We're so excited to explore ♪

♪ All that nature has in store with Nature Cat ♪

♪ Go go go ♪


♪ Go go go ♪


♪ He's our favourite nature guide ♪

♪ We just can't wait to get-- ♪


♪ We're swinging through the trees now ♪

♪ We're jumping in the leaves now ♪

♪ We're getting muddy knees now ♪

We're Nature Cat!


♪ Nature Cat, Nature Cat, Nature Cat ♪


♪ I'm gonna play with my yarn ♪

♪ I'm gonna play all morn' ♪

♪ La la la la la... ♪


Slime time! Slime time! Slime time!

HAL: Slime time!

Slime time?

Oh yeah, baby!

We're celebrating slime! It's slime time!


It's our friends the snails! Say hi to the snails!

Uh... hi.

Snails make their own slime! How cool is that?

Oh! See how it's sticky.

It helps them crawl straight up stuff and even upside down!

So cool!

And slime is slimy! (Chuckling)

That's why it's called slime! Wink wink!

Oh, well, no thanks. I'm good.

Okay, well anyway, you guys have fun with your slime time.

I have my own fun day in front of me with my yarn ball!

Ha-ha! Onward and yarnward!

Ah! This can't be!

I know it was here. My yarn ball was right here!

DAISY: Nature Cat, what's wrong?

My yarn ball. It disappeared!

It's scientifically impossible for things to just disappear...

Oh yeah, it disappeared! That's weird.


Oh no! Can we get you another yarn ball, Nature Cat?

Thank you, Squeeks, but this was no ordinary,

run-of-the-mill yarn ball.

It was hand-spun, artisanal vicuña yarn

from the Peruvian highlands.

Not even the lowlands!

And it was so soft!


We had so many special times together.

And now it's gone! (Sobbing)

It's okay, Nature Cat, we'll help you find it!

Do you think maybe it was stolen?

Stolen? Ha!

It seems I forgot to mention my impenetrable security system.

Leaf-covered trap door...

grate made of twigs covering the hole...

round the clock surveillance by Lloyd and Floyd...

It just doesn't add up.

This tree is impossible to break into.

(Clearing throat)

Maybe the culprit got in using this other hole.

Another hole?

Who could've done this?


I guess it was someone who likes playing with yarn,

lives close by, and wouldn't feel bad taking something

that didn't belong to them.

Well the answer's obvious.

Oh yes! It sure is obvious!

It's so, so, so obvious! (Chuckling)

Wait, who's the obvious one?

BOTH: Ronald!

Ronald! Obviously!

Clearly! Obviously, Ronald!


Yeah! It's gotta be!

Ronald lives next door, loooves yarn,

and is always taking things that aren't his.

And look!

Cat footprints leading away from the tree!

And they're bigger than mine so they must be Ronald's!

Obviously, you couldn't get more obviously obvious

about who it obviously is now!

Oh, so obvious!


All right, g*ng.

Gather your wits about you;

muster the courage that can be mustered.

For we are about to rescue my yaaaarn!

Onward and yarnward!


Hal, dude, how's the tunnel coming?

(Digging stops)

(Giggling quietly)

You guys, we're in luck!

Today is Ronald's grooming appointment,

so he shouldn't be back for a while.

Okay, let's move!

Made it!

Made it!

Made it!

Made it!

Made it!

Uh. Who are you?

Just a vole.

Mmm! (Smooching)


Okay, Ronald could be back at any minute.

Let's split up to cover the most ground.


All right, you guys.

Let's do a hard target search of every flower bed,

garden gnome, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse,

and doghouse in the area.

Your yarn is blue, ball-shaped,

and responds to the name of...

well, it doesn't respond to anything really.

It's a ball of yarn. Let's find it!

Huh? (Straining)

Ha-ha! Gotcha yarn ball!



It slimed me!




What is it?

It's like if you took a banana and mixed it with a snail.

Whoa! You're not far off, Hal!

It's a banana slug.

Well obviously!

SQUEEKS: Whoa! Look at all that slime!

Hey, guys?

Just like with snails, slime helps it move and stick.

And, it also keeps it from drying out.

How cool is that?

Not coming off! It's so thick!

That thick, gooey slime helps protect the slug from harm.

Well he didn't have to slime me!

I had no intention of hurting the thing.

The slug doesn't know that, Nature Cat!

The slug just got frightened, and it covered itself

with more slime to ward off, well, you!

I'd say it worked.

Ugh! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!

Hey look, there are more!


Ugh-- whoa!

(Sighing) At least the slime's off.


Ha-ha! My yarn! I found it!

I found my yarn ball!

Uh, guys?

Whoa, so weird.

The slugs are yellow, but their slime is clear.

Blech! (Chuckling)

Whoa it's weird!

You can stretch it like taffy,

but it's kinda watery at the same time.

I think I love it!

Hey, guys! Whoa! Check this out!

Uh, yeah, I hate to interrupt Slime Time,

but we really should be going.

We don't have long before--

RONALD: Woo-hoo!


My yarn!

I look at least five lives younger!

(Chuckling) Uh, make way! Handsome cat comin' through!

What do I do, what do I do?


Oh, Ronald! Can you get more handsome?



Nature Cat...

I'll never let Ronald get you again, never, ever, ever.

But how can I make sure? He's so sneaky.

What's this?

DAISY: It's a hagfish.

Uh-huh, yeah.

Anyway, I'll leave you all to Slime Time, I'm-- whoa!

DAISY: Crazy, right?

When the hagfish is att*cked,

it releases a super strong slime from its body

that smothers the gills and mouth of any predators.

Now how cool is that?

Wait a second. Let me get this straight.

Slugs, hagfish, aloe plants...

who knew so many plants and animals

use slime for protection?

I gotta admit,

I'm not sure I get this whole slime time obse--ssion

That's it! Slime!

That's how I'll keep Ronald away from my yarn for good!

Oh! That's brilliant, Nature Cat.

ALL: Slime Time! Slime Time! Slime Time!

Okay, we can make our own slime

starting with just two cups of room temperature water.

Squeeks, you have the two teaspoons of fiber powder?

Sure do.


A little green food colouring, Hal.

And a little stir...

Almost slimy enough, just a tab bit watery.

One more teaspoon!


Now that's what I call slimy. (Chuckling)

Oh yeah! Oooh it's so slimy!

Ugh! Hey look...

(Imitating Lincoln): Four score and seven years ago.


I think we're good to go.

(Whispering): Is he there yet?


(Whispering): The shark has taken the bait.

(Whispering): Yes!

Wait, who's the shark?

Ronald. That's his code name.

Ronald. Obviously. Boy, sorry!

Why not just say Ronald?

Because code names sound way cooler.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

Um, I wanna be, um, "The Panther"?

Oh yeah. I'll be "The Panther" too!

Yup, Panther. Me too too also, please!

Copy that.

Panther, Panther and Panther.

Ooh! The shark's moving in!

It's slime time...

They stole it. That yarn belongs to me!

I'm gonna get it back, no matter what it takes!

That yarn will be mine! Mine!

Oh... Oh, it's so slimy!

Get it off me!

Get it off me! Oh man, my hair!

Aww you messed up the "do", Nature Cat!

ALL : Slime Time! Slime Time!

Slime Time!


(Normally): Now I get to finally go and play with my yarn!



Slimes a-okay with me!


SQUEEKS: Whoa! Oh, look at that! Oh! And look at this one!

Oh, this one's cool!

Oh, look at this one! I love this one!

Oh, I love rocks!

That's quite a rock collection you've got there, Squeeks!

Sure is! So many different types of rocks!

Yep! And each rock has a story to tell!

Rocks can tell stories? Whaaaat?

Well sure, if you know what to look for!

That's why I can't wait to see more rocks today

at my Rock Stars meeting!

Rock Stars? What's that?

It's a club for rock collectors, like me!

See, once a month we look at all the rocks we've collected.

And whoever brings in the coolest-looking rock

gets to be the Rock Star of the month!

Oooh! Have you ever been the Rock Star?

No, not yet, but I think I've got a good chance,

thanks to this little beauty...


Oh. That's, um-- Exciting, right?!

Oh, yeah! My dad sent it to me.

And see, he painted a little heart on it,

'cause he loves rocks, and he loves me!

That's sweet, and I know that makes this rock very special,

but isn't this a rather ordinary-looking rock, Squeeks?

Yeah, I don't know if you're gonna be picked as Rock Star

with that one.

It just looks like a plain, gray ball.

Ball? Ball! Ball!

Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! (Laughing)

SQUEEKS: My Rock! Hal! NATURE CAT: No, Hal!

SQUEEKS: Bring back my rock! DAISY: Hey, come back!

NATURE CAT: Drop it!

HAL: Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball!

Hal, Stop! That is not a ball!

It's not?

No, it's a rock.

A rock?

Oh! Okay!

Now it makes sense why it was so hard and it tasted like dirt.

Aw. Did my rock break?

No! I'd never ever, ever hurt a rock!

Squeeks! The rock! It's rolling away!

Catch it!


Oh no! It's gone!

That's okay, Squeeks,

we'll just find you another ball-shaped rock.

No, that one's special!

It's from my dad

and it was going to make me the Rock Star of the month!

Oh man...

Squeeks, if it's that important to you,

we'll help you find it!

Yeah! It's got to be somewhere over that hill!

SQUEEKS: Really, you guys? You'll help me look?

We'll leave no stone unturned.

Uh, so to speak. Onward and yonward!

Ha-ha! It went this way!

Should be a snap to find!

Or maybe not!

How about next to impossible!

Man-oh-man, there's so many rocks here!

How will we know which is the one we're looking for?

It's gray and round and rough, and remember,

it's got a little red heart that my dad painted on it.

Oh, oh, oh! And it tastes like dirt. Remember?

Might help? Just saying...


Could this be it?

Oh. No, this one's got some sort of lines in it.

SQUEEKS: Oh yeah!

Those lines are the rock's layers

that were pressed together over a really long time.

Rocks are the oldest thing on Earth!

Now that is amazing!

Oh hey, Squeeks, is this it?

SQUEEKS: No! Oh, it's too smooth.

I'm never going to find my rock!

Oh, this is just so terrible...

and it's probably not that rock over there either.

Which one, Hal?

Oh, that one. With the red heart on it.

SQUEEKS: Hal, that's my rock!

You found it!

Oh, and it's still in one piece!

(Straining) I can't reach it...

Allow me! Tally-ho!

Almost there...

almost... got it!


Oh, no!

Oh, no! Sorry, Squeeks!

My rock!

It went that way!

Come on!

Fear not! We'll get your rock, Squeeks!

By my calculations,

taking into account the rock's speed and wind velocity,

it probably landed somewhere around here.

Or not.

I bet the rock broke after a fall like that!


I bet it's in a million little pieces.


Don't think about that, Squeeks.

Let's just hope we can find it.

And get it back in time for my Rock Stars meeting!

Oh, rock? Where are you?

It's me, Hal! I'm looking for you, rock!

Squeeks, I don't see your rock, but look!

There are lots of other really cool rocks over here.

Oh! Look at this one!

Oh, look at that! That's amazing!

NATURE CAT: Yeah! It's so twisty and squished.

Takes a lot of pressure, a lot of heat

to make it look like that, you guys!

That's the story this rock tells.

Really? Remarkable!

Hey, check out this rock. You can see inside it!

What does this rock tell you?

It says, "Hey, I'm a quartz rock,

and people use me to make glass!"

Glass? From a rock?

I mean have you ever? That's a story!

I'm keeping this one!

And I'm keeping this one!

Whoa-- wha-- no!

Ooh! I'm keeping this rock that I just tripped over!

Hey! Check that one out!

HAL: Oh, it's so sparkly! How can a rock be so sparkly?

It's the minerals in the rock that make it so sparkly!

Wow! What a cool rock!

I'm gonna keep it and hug it

and I'm gonna name it Mister Sparkles,

and I'm gonna love it forever!

Even though it made me trip. Bad, Mister Sparkles!

I'm just kidding! (Giggling)

I love you Mister Sparkles.

Well, Hal, you have to look where you're going,

instead of up in the air.

But I was looking for Squeeks' rock.

And up in the air is where we last saw last.

Yeah, but it must have fallen down to the ground by now.

Whoa-ho-ho! Or did it?

Look up in that tree!

Ah! There it is! That's my rock!

It's stuck in that tree! How are we gonna get it down?

Never fear, cats are expert tree climbers!



Now to ease my way out there.


Ah! Nature Cat, be careful!


(Snapping) Ah!

No, don't look, Mister Sparkles!

Hang on Nature Cat!

Don't worry! I told you, cats are expert tree climb--

Whoa! The rock-- Uh-oh!


Nature Cat! Are you okay?

Sorry I messed up again, Squeeks.

But I know where your rock landed.

Really? Where?

It's in that bird's nest!

I hate to be focusing on the rock more than you,

but was it broken?

Don't worry, it doesn't have a scratch on it!

Well, it should be easy enough

to get up to that nest if we--


Aww! Look, Mister Sparkles!

That mama bird is sitting on her egg!

Hey! Hey, bird, that's not an egg!

That's my rock!

It's a rock! And I need it back!

She's flying away! With the rock!

ALL: No, come back!

We need that rock! Please! (Yelling over each other)

It's not an egg! It's a rock.

SQUEEKS: Uh-oh. Incoming!


ALL: Whoa!

Ha-ha! Got it!


I was finally able to help you, Squeeks!

I never doubted you, Nature Cat!

'Cept for all of those times I doubted you.

I can't believe it, the rock is still in one piece!

Does that mean that you can still bring it

to your Rock Stars meeting?

Yeah, they're gonna love this rock!

It's got a great story, and a secret!

Secret? Ooh!

Squeeks, can we come to the meeting, too?

Yes! Oh, can we? Can we?

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

Yeah, we never knew rocks were so amazing!

Well of course they're amazing!

Hey, you can all be members of the Rock Stars club!

You can even show everyone some of the rocks you found today!

Yeah, oh boy! Let's go!

Let's do it! Oh yeah, oh yeah.

To the Rock Stars meeting! Onward and yonward!

(All talking over each other)

I adore-- Oh, I like that.

Now that's a rock!

Oh wow! Look at the layers on that one!

DAISY: Whoa! Ooh, how unique.

LIZARD: Simply marvellous! SKUNK: That is a stunning rock.

I call this one Mister Sparkles!

Mister Sparkles, this is everyone!

(All talking over each other)

Wow everyone! Beautiful work.

Really some incredible rocks here today.

But, uh, wait till you see what I've got!


NATURE CAT (Hushed): So what's the story?

What's the secret?

I told you it's a very special rock!

Because your dad gave it to you, right?

And because it's been banged around so much today

and it didn't even break.

Yeah, I know!

Which is why I gotta do this.

Bam! (Crunching)


Squeeks! You broke your rock!

Why'd you do that?

Because this rock has something special inside!

A secret!


It's beautiful!

Whoa, what kind of magic rock is that?

Wait are you a magic rock wizard?

(Chuckling) I wish I was!

No, it's not magic, it's a geode.

It's a kind of rock that has beautiful crystals inside!

Wow! You were right on, Squeeks, rocks are amazing!


The geode crystals are kinda like my quartz crystals!


SKUNK: Oh, Squeeks!

You've definitely brought just the most interesting rock

to our meeting!

I think it's clear who is the Rock Star of the month...


Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Go, Squeeks!

Thanks you for all your help, you guys!

Rock Star of the month!

Rock on, Squeeks!

Rock on! Get it?!


NARRATOR: Nature Cat, Squeeks, Daisy, and Hal,

are cartoon characters, and not real animals.

To keep all of our animal friends safe,

check with a grownup

before you bring a pet on your next nature adventure.
