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05x24 - Easy Rap

Posted: 01/20/24 14:23
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Well, you've got
to hand it to Lou.

He knows how to
play the game in court.


He's about the smoothest

At least we're keeping
his barber busy.

Any time he shows up,

he looks like he just checked
out of Camp Pendleton

on an overnight pass.

All that high-priced legal
talent his father provides

doesn't hurt him either.

Oh, they were just
trying to interfere.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

I just hate to lose
them like that.

It was a good bust.

It was a nice try, fellas,

but you've got to
do better than that.

You know, there is a
danger in being overconfident.

I'm not overconfident.

I'm just a sucker for a car
with the keys in the ignition,

a psychological hang-up.

You know, like some
people can't resist chocolate?

Well, anyway, the
commissioner understands,

so why should I sweat what a
couple of creeps like you think?

You've got to admit. He
does have a certain style.

Yeah, he does.

They could use your help.

If the air's not too heavy,

you might give
them a little backup.

Give who a little backup?

Eighty-three... their burglary
problem's getting out of hand.

Yeah, I saw it on the crime map.

According to analytical,

the crime in your area's
in pretty good shape,

so I thought you could
drift over to 83's area,

give them a hand.

Maybe Woods can return the favor

when our auto-theft
problem starts to climb again.

- Lou Trask?
- Yep.

I spent all yesterday
in juvenile court.

Our 17-year-old wayward youth
got himself put back on the street.

One-Adam-12 clear.

One-Adam-12, clear.

I keep getting the feeling that there's
something we can do for a guy like Lou.

There is. Keep busting
him till he takes a good fall.

I mean, there's got to be
some way to rehabilitate him.

It's such a waste.

The way he's going now, he's
going to graduate and wind up dead

or in prison in a
couple of years.

Then what have we gained?

What about the guys that
are getting their cars ripped?

All we can do is try and
keep him off the streets

and leave the rehabilitation
to somebody else.

One-Adam-12, unknown trouble.

Woman screaming for help...

Handle code three.

One-Adam-12 Roger.

Please, it's Johnny. Something's
wrong. He won't open the door.

Is he your husband.

No, he's my boyfriend. I got
here about 10 minutes ago.

wrong. I'm sure of it.

Could you force the door
open? I can't find the manager.

Not without more to go
on. Do you live here, too?

No, but I'm sure he's
sick, and he needs help.

You'll have to tell us more.

We need a pretty good reason
before we kick a door down.

I told you he's sick.
Isn't that enough?

Johnny's a heroin user. I
talked to him on the phone.

He's very messed up, and I'm
afraid he's taken an overdose.

Call detectives and the coroner.


Does he have any
relatives we could contact?

Yes, but his folks wrote
him off a long time ago.

How long had he
been using, Sandy?

About three years,
mostly with me.

Both of you fixed?

I've been clean for two months.

He promised just one more
dime bag and he'd take the cure.

But he didn't use enough
out of this bag to O.D.

It was a hot shot.

Who is he, Sandy?

I never turned in a connection,

even when I went
to the hospital.

Maybe if you had, Johnny
would still be around.

His name's Frank Ducas.

Frank Ducas. This the one?

Yeah, he matches
the description.

You handled him before?

Yeah, six, seven months ago.

Strung out?

No way. He wouldn't
touch dope except to sell it.

That's what we had him on,

possession for sale.

Six months ago,
and he's already out?

Oh, he's on the
street all right.

I just don't know where.

Ducas got two
months in the county jail

and five years probation
on a reduced plea.

End of sentence.

One more question.
Can you work him?

Sure. If I find him,
I'll do what I can,

but you know how
these guys blend in.

She said if she heard any
rumbles about where he was staying,

she'd let us know.

How long has she been straight?

Last couple months.

Then let's not hold
our breath, huh?

If she finds him, it'll
probably be for a fix.


The trash just drove by.

Ocean Union Ocean 166, run it.

This is One-Adam-12 requesting
Wants and Warrants and DMV

on Ocean Union Ocean 166.

One-Adam-12, stand by.

One-Adam-12, Ocean Union
Ocean 166 has no warrant.

Malloy, don't tell
me this is a hot car.

I mean, it's so hard for
me to tell these days.

Probably not, or you
would have been going 80.

Car checks out.

It belongs to his father.

Glad to see it that way, Lou.

Oh, yeah, I figured
you might be,

knowing I'm
rehabilitated and all.

Then why did you
split the way you did?

Just to see what you'd do.

Was it what you expected?

Was it ever. Hook,
line, and sucker.

Well, couple of chumps like
us, we'll probably fall for it again,

like every time we
see you in a car.

Hey, Pete, somebody to see
you in the detective's office.

Thanks, Mac.

Auto thefts are
starting to climb again.

Yeah, well, Lou's got one
more case coming up next week.

Maybe after that,
they'll slow down.

It's kind of a
grabber, isn't it?

A one-boy crime wave.

I wanted to give this to you.

Frank Ducas's address.

How did you find him?

I used to be a hype, remember?

I understand he's dealing.

I don't know the whys and hows,

but it's enough to
pick him up, isn't it?

Well, I'll turn this
over to narcotics.

Maybe they can
do something with it.


He k*lled Johnny. He
was selling him dope.

Isn't that enough?

The only reason you know that

is because Johnny told you.

I'll go to court.

Johnny bought the
stuff from Frank Ducas.

He told me so,
and I'll testify to that.

You don't understand, Sandy.

That's hearsay evidence.
It's not admissible in court.

Well, I don't know
why I came to you.

I guess I thought
you'd understand.

I do, Sandy,

but I still have to do
things within the law.

Let me tell you something
that'll hand you a laugh.

You're beginning to
remind me of my father.

He used to talk like that.

He would've made a great cop,

very law-and-order oriented,

you know, the good
guys and the bad guys,

nothing in between,
all black and white.

Does he still feel that way?

He's dead.

Sandy, I wouldn't tell you
anything that isn't straight.

What I think about
things doesn't matter.

It's the way the law
interprets things that counts,

and we'll get this guy,

but we have to get
him on our own terms.

I wish I could believe that.

Maybe sometime. Isn't
that the way it goes?

I don't get that.

My father used
to say that a lot.

"Maybe sometime."

But it's not on the
calendar, and it never was.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
two stolen vehicle reports...

5029 Tremont.

One-Adam-12 Roger.

Two at once. Terrific.

Hey, you buy two $4,000 cars
and don't make the payments.

Then they get repossessed.

Adam-12 clear.


May I help you, Officer?

Yes, ma'am, you can.

May I see your license, please?

What on earth for?

I'll be glad to tell you that,
after you give me your license.


Now, will you please state
your business, young man?

I have a dozen things to do.

Well, we stopped you
because of your driving.

You pulled out of a private
driveway in an unsafe manner

and failed to stop at
a boulevard stop sign.

I did no such thing.

Wait here, please.

She's innocent, right?

How did you guess?

Uh, young man.

You kept my driver's license.

Yes, ma'am, if you'll just wait
in your car, I'll be right with you.

What on earth am I
supposed to wait for?

I'm writing you a citation.

You will do no such thing.

Oh, yes, I will.

- You're wasting your time.
- Why?

Am I supposed to
sign that or something?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Well, I'm not going to.

I beg your pardon?

I am not going to.

This is One-Adam-12 to L-90.

See, when you sign, it's
only a promise to appear.

It's not an admission of guilt.

I told you I won't sign.

If you don't sign the ticket, I'm going
to have to take you to the station.

I won't sign.

You're just making
this hard on yourself.

I won't sign.

Roger, Mac.

Mac says if she won't
sign, to bring her on in.

Would you get out of the
car and lock it, please?

I won't sign.

So I gather.

Man, we've got to quit
going out on work nights.

I didn't get in till

You ought to do
what my father did.

Entertain at home. If
people stay too late,

you just go in your
bedroom and check out.


One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
meet L-90 on tac one.

One-Adam-12 Roger.

One-Adam-12 to L-90, go.

One-Adam-12, Sandy
Rice is here at the station.

She says she wants
to talk to you right away.

Roger that, Lenny.

She's got a line on Ducas.

Yeah, let's hope she's
not in over her head.

Frank Ducas is in his
apartment. I was just there.

Sandy, I told you. We can't make
a move till the narcs have a case.

They don't have to make a case.

I did it for them.

I scored 15 minutes ago.

That was a pretty
stupid thing to do.

Why? You needed a case, and
now you've got one, a dime bag.

Did it ever occur to you that you
might get picked up for holding?

Well, I took that chance.

Are you going to
bust him or not?

I can't. We don't have enough.

I don't believe this.

I hand you Frank
Ducas on a platter,

and you still say no?

Sandy, sit down.

What you did won't
hold up in court.

The law is not going to look
on you as a reliable informant.

Well, I paid ten
bucks for the heroin.

Will this help?

The serial number
of the $10 bill?


Did he have any other junk?

Yes, when I left, there
was on the living room table

five or six balloons.

It's something.
It's just not enough.

Maybe sometime.

Sandy, you want to know what
Frank Ducas is going to say in court?

He's going to claim you
asked him for change for $10,

and that's how that bill with those
serial numbers got in his pocket,

and he's going to claim you
bought the junk someplace else

and you're trying to
frame him for the bust.

Sandy, it's not that
we don't want him.

It's more like once we get him,

we want to make
sure it's going to stick.

Please get him.
He k*lled Johnny.

I can't promise,

but I'll do my best.

It's been almost an hour.

Don't get itchy, Malloy.

I had one last month.

We waited three days around
the clock for probable cause.

You narcs can afford the time.

We got a beat to worry about.

I think we're going
to be back on it soon.

Isn't that Sammy Parcell?

As I live and breathe, a
known hype ready to buy.

PC coming up, gentlemen.

Okay, you guys greet
our high friend out front.

I'll clue you when
he's coming out.

And watch him. He's got
moves like a wide receiver.

No problem, I
got a fast partner.

Okay, your pigeon's coming home.

That's a roger.

Hello, Sammy.

Turn around.

Put your hands
on top of your head.

Looks like we got our PC.

Yeah, who is it?

Police, Ducas.
Narcotics investigation.

Open up.

Hold it!

All right, let's go.

Hands on top of your head.

You're under arrest, Ducas.

I want my attorney.

And that's how the case
will have to go down.

Your testimony and Sammy's bust

go together for
our probable cause.


You'll get a subpoena
in a couple weeks or so.

Thanks for the assist.

Those things I said,

I'm sorry.

Forget it.

No, I mean it.

It's not over yet, Sandy.

It's going to be pretty
rough for you in court.

All I have to do is
say what I know.

That can't be that hard.

When Frank's attorney gets
you under cross examination,

he's going to try
and tear you apart.

If he knows you're an ex-hype,

he'll play that for
everything it's worth.

- You going to be there?
- Yeah.

Then I don't have anything
to worry about, do I?

You guys clear?

We were just about
ready to take seven.

Uh-uh. St. Charles
Place and Normandie.

Eighty-three thinks they may have
their 459 suspect under observation.

Guess, then, we're clear.

One-Adam-12 to 83, go.

Adam-12, we have three
possible juvenile 459 suspects

under observation
in the vicinity

of St. Charles Place
and Normandie.

Request you cover
one block east.

Their M.O. is to
run that direction.

Roger, 83.

E.T.A. two minutes.

One-Adam-12 to

That's a Roger.

They're looking
the house over now.

Additional, I spotted
a car in the alley,

one subject sitting inside,

possibly connected.

Can you check him out?

- I'll take a look.
- Roger, 83.

John Frank Ida 164.

This is One-Adam-12 requesting
Warrants on John Frank Ida 164.

One-Adam-12, stand by.

One-Adam-12, John Frank Ida 164

is a Hollywood stolen only,

DR 682 176,

a 1965 Chevrolet
Nova, brown in color.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One-Adam-12 to

That's a Roger. Stand by.

They're building their nerve.

Roger, 83. Engine running?

I hate to tell you who it is.

Lou Trask?

At least we're used to
him. Everything's on file.

He should be back
to work in an hour.

Real efficiency.

Eighty-three to
Adam-12, they've just hit.

We've been spotted,
and the boy is splitting.

One-Adam-12 Roger.

This is One-Adam-12.
We're in pursuit of...

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit.
One-Adam-12, your location?

All units, One-Adam-12 report
vehicle is eastbound on Lincoln,

approaching Cedar.

Speed in excess of 50.

Kid must be crazy.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units, One-Adam-12
is northbound on Cedar,

approaching Gramercy.

One-Adam-12, go ahead.

This is One-Adam-12. Suspect
turning west on Gramercy.

One-Adam-12. Suspect
vehicle is TA'd on Lincoln,

one half block west of
Gramercy. Requesting ambulance.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

All units, One-Adam-12
reports that the suspect vehicle

is TA'd on Lincoln,

one half block west of Gramercy.

Don't forget. The
keys were in it.

Take it easy, Lou.

We'll get you to a hospital.

I guess my Dad's lawyer's
going to have to get to work again.

Now, don't try to talk.

Remember. Keys were in it.

That's all he knew,
how to beat the rap.

- Such a waste.
- Yeah.