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05x22 - Anatomy of a 415

Posted: 01/20/24 14:22
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.



Looks like a real desperado.

Come on out.

It's kind of late for
you to be out, isn't it?

What's your name, son?

Larry Spencer.

Larry. You live around here?

What are you doing here?

I'm running away from home.

Oh. How come
you're running away?

Look, Larry, it's a little late
for you to be running away.

Why don't you let us
give you a ride home, huh?

Then you can get a
fresh start in the morning.

Well, okay.

What's your address?


Apartment 4.

Come on.

Where were you
going to run away to?

Oh, I don't know. Africa maybe.

Africa, huh? That's
a long way away.

I ran away when I was
just about your age, too.

- You did?
- Yeah.

I wanted to be an
engineer on the train.

What happened?

- I got hungry.
- Me, too.

Hop in.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12, 415.

1602 Bellwood
Drive, apartment 4.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Mrs. Spencer?

Larry, what are you doing out?

You should be in bed.

Is he all right?

Yes, ma'am, he's fine.

We found him about
eight blocks from here.

He was on his way to Africa.

Lois, who's at the door?

Come in.

Please excuse the mess.

I didn't have a chance
to clean up today.

Try to run away again?

Yes, sir.

You know how kids are.

We want to thank you
for bringing Larry home.

We really appreciate it.

Yeah. I hope it wasn't
too much trouble.

It was no trouble, but there's something
else we'd like to talk to you about.

Larry, I want you
to go off to bed.

I'll come tuck
you in later, okay?

Oh, hey, say good
night to the officers.

Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night, Larry.

Well, what's the
problem, fellas?

While we were on
the way over here,

we had a complaint about a
disturbance in this apartment.

I guess there's been
some sort of a mistake.

There's been no trouble here.

No, no trouble at all.

Have you and your wife
been home all evening?

Yeah. Tonight was
my bowling night,

but I passed it to
stay with my wife.

We were watching TV.

We just turned it off.

There wasn't really much on.

Now that might have been it.

We might have had
it on a little bit loud.

You know how
these places are built.

Mr. Spencer, all I know
is we got a complaint.

I don't know whether or
not it was the television,

but whatever it was,

see to it it doesn't
happen again, okay?

Sure. Okay.

Officers, I want to
thank you very much

for bringing Larry home.

We really do appreciate it.

Thank you, officers.

- Good night.
- Good night now.

One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear and a call.

See the man regarding
narcotic activity.

2248 South Hendrix. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Boy, oh boy, did you
guys ever get here fast.

I told you it wouldn't
take too long, dear.

Are you the one that called?

My wife didn't want me to call.

Said it was none of my business.

But I said it was
my civic duty to call.

Can I have your name, sir?

Yeah. Arthur C. Cosgrove.

I live at 494 Mason Drive.
I'm not going too fast, am I?

No, sir.

What's the problem,
Mr. Cosgrove?

I was sitting in my
car waiting for my wife

She always does the shopping, what
with all the specials and everything.

Anyway, I was sitting in
my car listening to the radio,

when all of a sudden,
this girl jumps in.

She says she's early, but she
has the money and wants the pills.

I tell you, I didn't
know what to think.

About what time was this?

It was about ten
or 15 minutes ago.

What happened then?

I told her I didn't
know anything

about pills or
money or anything.

She said she was sorry,
jumped out of the car, and left.

That's when I called you guys.

Did you see which way she went?

She went out towards the street.

I couldn't see which
way she went after that.

Can you give us a
description of the girl?

Just a minute, sweetheart.

Yeah, she was about 19 or 20.

Kind of small.

Dressed like a boy with the
blue jeans and the leather jacket.

Oh, yeah, she had
long blonde hair.

I didn't get too good
a look at her face.

- Is there anything else?
- No, that's about it.

I sure hope I've
done the right thing.

I mean, I hope it was important.

Yes, sir, it could
be. We appreciate it.

If anything else develops,
you'll be contacted.

I got to go now.

I hope everything
will be all right.

Yes, sir. Thank you.

Thank you, sir. Thank
you very much, officers.

Good night.

I told you I did
the right thing.

You and that horn.

What you have to keep
blowing that horn for?

Want to stake it out?

Why don't we give it 20 minutes
and see if anything turns up.

One-Adam-12 show as code 5

at 2248 South Hendrix.

One-Adam-12, roger.

All units,
One-Adam-12 is code 5.

2248 South Hendrix.

Come on out. Let's go.

Come on, move!

Face down on the ground.

Arms straight out
from your sides.

What kept you guys? We've
been waiting a half an hour.

Come on, Woods. I can't believe
you'd wait a half hour for anything,

let alone eat.

Well, maybe five minutes.

But let's go. I'm hungry.

That I believe.

Want to try that coffee
shop over on Lakewood?

It's One-Adam-12 requesting
code 7 at 447 Lakewood.

One-Adam-12, continue
patrol and handle this call.

A 415, 1602 Bellwood
Drive, apartment 4.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

That's the Spencers, isn't it?


Yeah, we had a couple
of calls on them last week.

For the last time, Lois,
put that thing down.

That's exactly what
this is... The last time.

Get out of here!

I want him arrested. You
saw it, he tried to as*ault me.

Me as*ault her? She's the
one who should be put away.

We've already seen
enough to arrest both of you.

Now calm down.

What's this all about?

Golf clubs.

I work at two jobs
to make ends meet,

and he goes out and
spends money on golf clubs!

You are crazy,
you're really crazy.

There's no reasoning
with you anymore.

Yeah, I am crazy. I married you.

We're not going to get anywhere

with you two
yelling at each other.

She's the one that's
making all the fuss.

Blame somebody else
when everything goes wrong.

That's just your style.

I give up with you.

Yeah, that's just like you, too.


What are you doing up?

Go back to bed!

Don't yell at my son.

What's the matter, baby?

You woke me up.

I'll put you back to bed.

You'll have to excuse me.

Now the kid.

Look, uh, can we
step into the kitchen?

Yeah, I guess so.

Now what?

That kind of depends
on you, doesn't it?

Why me?

I've had a hard
time finding a job.

That make me a bad guy?

I mean, you can't blame
a guy for having bum luck.

No, but you can't
keep going on like this.

This isn't the first
time that it's happened.

When's it going to stop?

I don't know.

I just don't know.

Her and the boy.

That kid gets more attention
around here than I do.

Don't I count?

Mr. Spencer,
that's not the point.

What you're doing now isn't
going to solve any problems.


I know.

Have you and your wife thought
about seeking professional help?

You mean a marriage counselor?

Yeah. You're not the only two
that have had marital problems.

It's not going to do any good.

How do you know
until you've tried?

Anything would be better
than what you've got going now.

So where are they?

They're in the other room.

Sit down, Mrs. Spencer.
I want to talk to you.

All right. For all
the good it will do.

I suppose he's been
telling you it's all my fault.

We didn't come out here
to find out whose fault it was.

That doesn't matter.

What does matter is that
it doesn't happen again.

Look, I've tried.

After my first husband died,

and I was left with Larry,
I worked day and night

just to keep him.

Now that I'm married
again, you'd at least think

things would be
a little bit easier.

But no.

He can't find a job,

and when he finds
one, he quits...

after two months.

It's not good enough for him.

So when he came home tonight
and told me he'd quit another one,

it was just too much.

I realize you're having problems

but carrying on the way you two
are isn't going to solve anything.

Besides, think what
it's doing to your son.

That's another thing.

He's not much of
a father to Larry.

Maybe not, but we can't keep
coming out here to act as referees.

We want to see
this thing settled.

Have you considered
professional marriage counseling?

I will if he will.

But he won't.

Let's find out about that.

Here's a list of family
counseling agencies.

They're all available on a
sliding scale and no-fee basis,

so there's no way you
can say you can't afford it.


We don't want to have
to come back out here.

Is that understood?

I don't think you got
anything to worry about.

Everything's going to be fine.

And thanks.

That's okay.

Come on, Pete, it
was a smorgasbord.

You shouldn't have been so
shy about going back for seconds.

Seconds? I think I saw the owner
cringe when you went back for thirds.

They were small plates.

Go back around the block.
I think I saw something.

Evening, officers.

This your car?

Yeah. Sure.

Oh, hey, must look pretty funny
with the screwdriver, I mean.

- You know.
- Yeah, a little.

- What's your name?
- Don Simpson.

Do you have any
identification, Mr. Simpson?

Sure. I got a driver's license.

Why don't we step
up on the curb?


This is One-Adam-12 requesting
wants, warrants and DMV on

Ida 78320.

Yeah, I know this
must look kind of funny

with the screwdriver and
breaking into the truck,

but see, I have an
extra key in my jacket.

See, my dog locked me out.

- Your dog?
- Oh, yeah.

See, I thought I had a flat,

and I got out to check it,

and Ferdinand jumped up on
the window and locked the door.

Come here. I'll show you.


He's clean.

Are you a member of the
Auto Club, Mr. Simpson?

Yes, I am.

Why don't I call them and ask them
to come out and give you a hand?

Thanks very much.
I appreciate it.

You know, he's
really not a bad dog.

He's just exuberant.

Looks like a pretty
good watchdog.

Oh, yeah.

So far, he's watched them
steal the truck three times.

Open the door,
Ferdinand. You locked it.

For a minute there, I thought
we had ourselves a car thief.

Me, too.

One-Adam-12, unknown trouble.

1602 Bellwood Drive,
apartment 4. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Spencers again.

That tears it.

You'd think they would
have run out of dishes by now.

If you want this car, you're
going to have to k*ll me to get it.

If that's what it takes...

Get out of the way.

All right, Mr. Spencer, shut off
the engine and get out of the car.

Look, he can just
get out of here,

but he's not going
to take my car.

What do you mean, your car?

I made the
payments. It's my car.

It's not going to be
anybody's car in a minute,

'cause you're both
going to go to jail.

What got it started this time?

It's just all over. I've had it.

You're not the only one,
baby, because I'm leaving.

Yeah, you are leaving,
but you're not taking this car.

Look, I made the
payments on this car.

I need it for work. He
doesn't need it for anything.

You got someplace to
spend the night, Mr. Spencer?

Yeah, I got a sister
that lives nearby.

We'll take you over there.

It would be better if you settled this
thing tomorrow when you both calm down.

Yeah, go over to your sister's.

Just get me out of here
now, will you, please?

I'll pick my stuff
up in the morning.

Good. It will be in the trash.

Mrs. Spencer, it's all over.

Why don't you go back inside?

I thought you two
settle this thing.

Yeah, so did I.

But she started harping
about me quitting my job

and I just couldn't
take anymore.

I guess it's really settled now.

Maybe with things as tough as
they are, you shouldn't have quit.

I didn't quit.

I was fired.

I didn't tell her because

she'd just say it
was all my fault.

Just give her something
else to yell about.

Why don't you get in the car?

You guys didn't really have
to come up here with me.

That's okay, Mr. Spencer.

We wanted to make sure
you had a place to stay.

Lois threw me out, and
I need a place to stay.

Is it okay?

- Again?
- Mm-hm.

You know where the couch is.

- Thanks for the ride.
- You bet.

Hey, fellas.

Thanks for bringing him over.

He and Lois fight all the time,

but they're really
both very nice people.

It's just too bad.

Yes, ma'am. Good night.

Good night, officers.

Do you see what I see?

You all right?

Certainly, officer.

It's a little late to be
bike riding, isn't it?


What's your name?

My name is Oliver Durkson.

Is this your bike, Mr. Durkson?

Well, to tell you
the absolute truth,

I kind of borrowed it.

You see, in case
you didn't know it,

I've been drinking.

I felt, being a good citizen,

that driving home
in my condition

might possibly be dangerous.

When I walked, I
kept falling down.

So I borrowed the bike.

Where do you live, Mr. Durkson?

I live, uh...

It's just around...

You can't get there from here.

You know where you
can get from here?


One-Adam-12, clear.

One-Adam-12, clear and a call.

See the woman at 415 Mann.

3344 East Laurel, apartment 3C.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Oh, you've got to stop him.

John went back home,
and he's going to k*ll her.

What happened?

She called up here saying that

he didn't need to bother
to pick up his things

because she was going to
burn them, and that's all it took.

John blew up, and he went out saying
he was going to fix her once and for all.

Go back inside and calm
down. We'll take care of it.

Please try not to hurt him.

We'll do our best.

This is One-Adam-12,
shows code 6.

Drive, apartment 4.

One-Adam-12, roger.

This is One-Adam-12. We have
sh*ts fired inside that location.

Request a backup.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Any unit in the vicinity,
backup One-Adam-12.

1602 Bellwood
Drive. sh*ts fired.

Drop it!

Now step back.

I k*lled him.

I really k*lled him.

- Malloy.
- In here.

I'll call the ambulance.

He's dead.

Take her in the other room.

I didn't mean to k*ll him.

I mean, I really
didn't mean to k*ll him.

