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05x19 - Nightwatch

Posted: 01/20/24 14:20
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Mr. Warren, I've drawn a
chalk line on the concrete.

I want you to start there, walk
heel to toe down to the other end,

turn around, come
back the same way.

Come on, fellas, I told you the
reason why I swerved the way I did.

A cat ran in front of
my car, a black cat.

It didn't take much time
to sour my luck, did it?

Just walk the line, Mr. Warren.

Now suppose I don't want to.

Mr. Warren, we already suspect you
of being under the influence of alcohol.

If you're not, the best thing you
can do to help us is to cooperate.

Just what I need.

Shall I start at this end?

Yes, sir. Heel to toe.

Maybe there was a cat.

Well, did I pass?

One more little test
for you, Mr. Warren.

Stand straight, feet together,

put your arms straight
out from your sides,

close your eyes,
tilt your head back.

Touch the tip of your nose
with your right index finger.

Now the left index finger.


Yes, sir, you did fine.

I told you fellas I
only had one drink,

and that was before dinner.

Yes, sir, but we did find
this open bottle of liquor

on the floorboard of your car.

That's against the law. We
could write you a ticket for it.

I'm telling you, officers, I
didn't know it was there.

My boy used the car last night.

Wait till I get home.

He'll have some
explaining to do.

How old is your son, Mr. Warren?


You're free to go,
but if I were you,

I'd keep the keys to
my car in my pocket

till he learns to obey the law.

You can bet on that, officers.

Thanks a lot.

Mr. Warren.

Don't forget the evidence.

I'd keep it locked in the trunk of
your car till you get home, okay?

I certainly will.

Liable to wrap it around
the fool boy's head

when I get home, too.

One Adam-12, clear.

One Adam-12, Roger.

- So what happened then?
- You mean with the car?

Yeah. You going
to buy it or not?

About 40 minutes ago,
we were 25 bucks apart.

I had to go to work,
so I walked out.

He wants 625.

Why don't you just pay him
the other 25 and close the deal?

Pete, it's not the money,
it's the principle of the thing.

The car's only worth 600 bucks.

I don't want to wind up
on anybody's sucker list.

You're on mine.

That's different. I
have to humor you.

That's a strange place to park.

Somebody was sure in a hurry.

Get out of here!

Get out!

Get out of here!

This is One Adam-12 requesting
backup at 8260 Alvin Street.

One Adam-12, Roger.

Any unit in the vicinity, backup
One Adam-12.8260 Alvin Street.

Code two.

sh*ts fired inside.
Cover the back.

Police officers.

Throw out your g*ns,

and come out with your
hands on top of your head.

You in the back room,
throw out your g*n,

and come out with your
hands on top of your head.

Maybe they got each other.

Both hands on top of your head.

I can't. I'm hurt.

Don't move.

Turn around.

Did I...

Is he...

Is he dead?

Okay, you can turn back.

Oh, my God.

The dead man's
name is Larry Whitley.

He just got out of County
after doing a year for ADW.

He was married to
Johnson's daughter.

She divorced him when he
was convicted and sent up.

According to what Johnson said,

Whitley blamed him for
breaking the marriage up.

Called him, told him
he was going to k*ll him.

Looks like he tried.

Johnson could have
saved himself a lot of grief

with a phone call, couldn't he?

He didn't think he was serious.

He thought he was
just blowing off steam.

Whitley had been drinking.

Found these in his car.


Well, the post-mortem will
tell whether he was high.

Malloy, let's take another
look at that bedroom door.

Officer, could you phone
my daughter for me, please?

No question about it.
Those are exit holes.

The door was closed, Whitley
fired the sh*ts from the hallway.

You sure the sh*ts came
from the handgun first?

Yeah. First the two p*stol
sh*ts, then the shotgun.

Lucky for Johnson you and
your partner were on the scene.

Wonder what's
holding up the lab crew?

Saturday night.


I forgot about that.

I want to run by
that used car lot.


Yeah, again.

It was still there an hour ago.

I just want to have
another look at it.

I thought you were going to
sit back and just play it cool.

I am.

I'm not going to go in.
I just want to cruise by.

If the guy sees you cruising by,

he knows you're on the
hook. He'll never come down.

I told him $600 and not a
penny more, and I walked out.

When we get back to the station,

there'll be a phone message that he
wants me to come back in and talk again.

He wants to sell this thing
as bad as I want to buy it.

- You really think so?
- I know so.

Jim, how many times
have you walked out like that

in the last week?

Pete, I'm not exactly
new to this thing.

He'll call me back, believe me.

I'm sure of it.

And you're sure
you want to roll by?

Pete, I've got this
guy in my pocket.

Now slow down.

- Don't go too slow.
- Will you make up your mind?

That's good.

I don't see it.

It was right out here in front.

Maybe he moved it around back.

Somebody could
be out test driving it.


You're right. He probably
moved it around back.

He knew we'd cruise by, and
he wanted to make me nervous.

Get me to come back in.

I think I know this guy.

He wears a loud, checkered coat,

a big, flashy smile, and
calls everybody "pally."

That's him.

All units in the vicinity
of One Adam-12,

One Adam-12, car
stripper there now.

10849 Wakeman. Code two.

One Adam-12, Roger.


You should have quit when
you were ahead, buddy.


Turn around, put your
hands on top of your head.

- Well?
- Well what?

- Did he call?
- Did who call?

Oh, didn't call, huh?

Pete, he'll call. He just
wants me to sweat it.

That way, he thinks he'll only
have to split the difference with me.

But you're not
sweating it, right?

Of course not. It's
only the second car.

If I don't get this one,
I'll get another one.

And we're just spending all this
time driving by that used car lot

because it's a
high-crime area, huh?

Pete, remember that
outboard you bought?

Here it comes.

Okay, so lay off.

All I'm saying is the guy isn't
going to wait around like this

for half of $25. He's
not going to call.

- You want to bet?
- Sure.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

I'll bet you the $25
I save on the car.

Why don't we just make it five?

No confidence, huh?

Let's go.

Bring the book.

Step up on the sidewalk, please.

Hey, what's the problem, fellas?

You were speeding. May
I see your license, please?

Oh, sure. Glad to.

How do you like that?

I must've left my
wallet at home.

Do you have any identification?

Uh, no, it's in my wallet.

Does the car belong to you?

No, a friend of mine. He
left town and let me use it.

Is the registration in the car?

Yeah, in the glove
compartment. I'll get it for you.

My partner will get
it, if you don't mind.

Sure. Go ahead.

What's your name, sir?

George Baker.

Your height and weight.

Six-one, 185.

Date of birth.

December 31, 1931.


Car's registered to a
John William Barrows.

- Run them both.
- Right.

Hey, fellas, you
mind hurrying it up?

I've got a dinner date tonight.

Is the lady picking up the tab?

What do you mean by that?

You forgot your wallet.
Who's going to pay the bill?

Ah, come on now.

This is One Adam-12 requesting
clear frequency to run one.

One Adam-12, Roger.

All units on frequency
one, stand by.

One Adam-12, go ahead.

No Cal.

George Baker, male, Caucasian.

Brown, blue, 6'1", 185.

Date of birth: 12-31-31.

Also request wants
and warrants on

Cal 765 Ocean Sam Victor.

One Adam-12, Roger.

Look, uh, I'm in a hurry.

Why don't you give me a
ticket and let me get on my way?

This won't take long.

One Adam-12, Roger.


There's nothing on Baker, but
there are warrants on the car.

Bail's set at $932.

moving violation.

George Baker.

John Barrows.

You thinking what I'm thinking?


Could take him in for
no operator's license.

Maybe we can spook him.

Turn around, put your
hands on top of your head.

Turn around and put your
hands on top of your head.

- He's clean.
- Cuff him.

What's the matter, you
guys crazy or something?

We ran you through C.I.I.

San Francisco P.D. has a warrant
on George Baker for armed robbery.

Come on, that's
got to be a mistake.

Same name, same
physical description.

I doubt if it's a mistake.

If it's a mistake, it'll only
take a couple of days

to clear it up.
Put him in the car.

Come on, look.

My name isn't
Baker. It's Barrows.

I pulled that birth date
and name out of a hat.

What would you want
to do a thing like that for?

Come on, just a little gag.

If your name is Barrows,
can you prove it?

Sure. My wallet
and my identification

are right under the
front seat of the car.

Go look.

Well, how about that?
His name is Barrows.

Afraid we've made a mistake.

You bet your life
you made a mistake.

Wait till my lawyer
hears about this.

Come on, take these things off.

We'll do that, Mr. Barrows, just as
soon as we get you down to the station.

Station? What for?

$932 in traffic
warrants. Let's go.

No, I was just curious.

If he calls, have him get a
hold of me here at the station.


How late is that place open?

Till midnight.

We still have two hours left.

You want to press the bet?

No, it's fine.

Okay. Let's get back out there.

He'll call.

Did I say anything?

Listen, Pete, I got
this guy psyched.

You sure it isn't the
other way around?

One Adam-12, One Adam-12,

attempt 211 just
occurred at the motel.

2937 Vale Boulevard. Code two.

One Adam-12, Roger.

Suspect is armed with an
a*t*matic, possibly a .45.

Suspect vehicle is a
cream-colored convertible

with the top down.

Unknown make or year.


One Adam-12, Roger.

All units, additional
on the attempt 211

from 2937 Vale Boulevard.

Suspect is armed with an
a*t*matic, possibly a .45.

How's he doing?

He's gone into shock.

That's the owner with him.

Here's the loot... $22
and some loose change.

Punk was so busy getting his
kicks beating up the old man,

he ran off and forgot the money.

All units in the vicinity
of One Adam-45,

a 211 in progress at the motel.

3250 Vale Boulevard.

Pete, let's roll!

- What is it?
- Another motel holdup.

This is One Adam-12 on
backup on One Adam-45

at 3250 Vale Boulevard.

One Adam-12, Roger.

Might be the same guy.


I see it.

Freeze, mister. Drop
the g*n! Right now.

Flat on your face. Move!

It's a woman this time.
I'll get an ambulance.

Call an ambulance.

Hey, Reed, a guy
named Wilson called.

Said if you get in before
midnight to call him at that number.

Thanks, Woods.

Mr. Wilson, please.

Yeah, Mr. Wilson,
this is Jim Reed.

I got your message.






First, give me the five dollars.

What did he say? He
come down the whole 25?


He said that he sold the
car to a guy from Sacramento

earlier this evening.

Give me back the five dollars.


That wasn't the bet.

The bet was whether
or not he'd call back.

He called back. You lose.