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05x17 - The Beast

Posted: 01/20/24 14:19
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Hey, you guys
check the desk yet?

No. We're just on
our way out there.

It's no big thing, but your
regular car is out of service tonight.

The day watch dinged it up.

Dinged it up?

Yeah, it's in the body shop now.

It should be back by tomorrow.

Tonight, you got
a different car.

I'll take that.

Hi, Woods. How's it running?


What's he mean by "ah"?

I guess we'll have to
find out for ourselves.

How many miles she got on her?

What's that smell?

You ever been in an old taxi?

Yep, that's the smell.

Ah, terrific.

- That as far as it goes?
- Yep.

Looks like it's going to
be a very interesting night.

Anything new on the D.O. sheet?

I don't know. I
haven't looked yet.

Pete, I'm not going to be able to
read this if you keep lurching forward.

There's a catch in
the accelerator pedal.

No, there's nothing.

Wait a minute. Pull over, Pete.

I don't think it's
anything we can fix now.

No, I saw something back there.

Back up a little.

Right there.

Let's take a look.

One-Adam-12 shows code
six at Hollywood and Harvard.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting wants and DMV

on 133 Paul Charles Edward.

One-Adam-12, stand by.

Anything wrong, miss?

I lost my keys, and I
was trying to hot wire it

like my boyfriend showed me.

May I see your license, please?

Oh, sure.

Here it is.

Casey Marshall. Is this
your current address?


Is the car registered
to you, Miss Marshall?

No, it's registered
to my boyfriend.

Is your boyfriend
named Mrs. Ruth Fowler?


That's who the
car is registered to.

But, uh...

Looks like you
struck out, Casey.

Come on.

I'll lock the car up.

What can I tell you?

Have you tried pressing
down real easy on the pedal?

Sometimes that will...

You've tried that.

All units in the vicinity
of One-Adam-12,

a prowler now.

437 South Greenway.

One-Adam-12, handle code two.

One-Adam-12, roger.

There he is.

Let's go.

Put your hands
on top of your head.

You got him.

Yes, ma'am. Are you
the party that called?

He was peeking in my window.

My husband's in
Toronto on a business trip.

Can I have your name, please?

Mrs. Paul Draper.

Paul keeps saying if you
own an expensive home,

certain types of people are
going to try and steal from you.

Narcotic addicts and the like.

Paul's probably right.

You should get paid
more than you do

for keeping our
neighborhoods clean.

Paul says that menial
jobs don't pay enough.

That's why Paul
started with the bank.


Mrs. Draper, did the man
attempt to enter the house?

That's probably what
he was trying to do.

We have a lot of
very valuable things.

Paul and I have started collecting
paintings since we joined the museum.

I'm not a peeping tom.

What are you doing
on private property?

I used to live in that house.

For 15 years, Madge
and I lived there.

Raised our two
sons in that house.

Then we moved to Oregon.

About a month ago,
Madge died, so I'm...

all alone now.

I just had an urge to come
out and see the old place.

We had our best years there.

The story can be
checked, you know.

Yes, I know.

I'm telling the truth.

Why didn't you call the
people who own the house now

and ask their permission?

I did.

The woman called me a phone
creep and hung up in my ear.

I really didn't mean any harm.

It's just that the old
place has memories.

It just seems that once
you've worked your way up to

a point of respectability, these
sort of things are bound to happen.

People drive by, see expensive
cars parked in the driveway.

All of a sudden,
you're a target.

I guess it comes with
success in anything.

I don't think so, Mrs. Draper.

As a matter of fact, most of
the victims of this kind of crime

are in the lower income levels.

We have more burglaries
per capita in the slums

than we do in the
better neighborhoods.

Really? That surprises me.

I'm sure it does.

If we need anything else,
we'll be in touch with you.

Would you sign
the report, please?

Good night.

Well, let's see if we can
make it back to the garage.

The old guy says
he used to live here.

Should be grateful
he doesn't now.

Let's head for the station.

We can check his story and get
the car fixed all in the same stop.


Hey, Tony.

Just tell us if
it's going to live.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
she'll pull through fine.

Here's your trouble right here.

See that? See
how it's all cracked?

One of them cracks
busted through.

That's why she overheated on you
and sprayed water all over the engine.

All them hoses need replacing.

I'd do it, except we're going to
retire this beast in a couple of days.

When can we get back on watch?

Grab a cup of coffee.
It'll be ready pretty quick.

You're lucky I volunteered
for some overtime tonight.

Hey, what's going on?

You guys running a
stakeout on a coffee pot?

The car's in the shop. Tony's
putting a new radiator hose in there.

Some of those old
cars are pretty well shot.

No kidding.

How bad is it?

We're checking
out Peterson's story.

Trying to find an old neighbor
who might remember him.

I think he's on the level, Mac.

What do you say? Want to give
that old heap another crack at us?

Why not?


That's okay. It's
keeping me awake.

Little fast, isn't it?

Yeah. No taillights.

It's One-Adam-12
requesting wants and warrants

on Robert David Ocean 625.

One-Adam-12, stand by.

May I see your license, please?


What was the problem, officer?

We felt you were
going a little too fast,

and your taillights are out.


Are you sure?

Boy, that really
bugs me. That really...

Would you believe I just
got this car out of the shop?

I know the feeling.

Hey, by the way,

is no taillights a
ticketable offense?

Just a minute, please.

- Anything?
- The car's clean.

Why don't we give him a break?

I don't think he knew
his lights were out.

Mr. Harwood, we're going
to pass writing you a citation

if you'll pull into that gas
station down the street

and get your taillights fixed.

Now you went and you
blew my whole number.


Well, if you had given
me a ticket for no taillights,

I was really going to
come down on you.


When I passed you back there,

I just noticed that...

you don't have
any taillights either.


Open it up.

Open it up!

What did he say?

Sounded like "Open it up."

That's what I thought he said.

That's better.

Fresh air.

Boy, it smells
terrible in there.

I think I found a
bad connection.

I still don't understand why you
had to climb inside and close the lid.

Huh? Oh, well, I had no choice.

You see, when it was
open, the lights worked, right?

So I had to climb inside and see

where the snafu
was when it closed.

Go on and try now, will you?

Go on.


Tony, the trunk's still open.

Oh. Yeah.

There you go.

Tony, you're a genius.


Now say a little
prayer over it, will you,

so we don't have
any more trouble.

I got you fixed
up real good now.

You won't have no more trouble.

Should have had Tony check the
accelerator pedal while we were there.

You don't want to go back.

No. I want to spend
part of this tour

watching something other than
the inside of the police garage.

One-Adam-12, see the man.

Possible 459 suspects.

1121 Magnolia. Code two.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Are you the one
who called us, sir?

Yes. Juan Mendoza.

The whole thing may
turn out to be nothing,

but I thought it was
a little bit suspicious.


You see that
warehouse over there?

refrigerators, and stuff.

They been unloading
for the last half hour.

Why is it suspicious?

I always come home
from work about now.

This is the first time in eight
years anybody's been loading stuff

at this hour.

Thanks. We'll check it out.

Come on, fellas,
let's get it going.

We haven't got all night.

Wait a minute. Let me
get that stock number.

Hi, officers. What
can I do for you?

You always work this late?

No. We got to get this load
up to Bakersfield by morning.

They got a big
sale going on there.

Drive all the way down
from Bakersfield tonight?

Yeah. Just got
in a little bit ago.

- What's your name?
- Gus Osgood.

Excuse me.

Yeah, we got three more
color TV's just like that one.

You got invoices
for all that stuff here?

Got them right on my clipboard.

Some of the neighbors
thought it was a little bit unusual.

Oh, that we're loading so late.

Mr. Peekskill, he thought
that might be the case.

He owns this place.

He gave me his card with his
number printed right on there.

You can call him if you'd like.

That won't be necessary.
We're sorry we bothered you.

Oh, no bother. You
got to earn your pay.

Have a safe trip back.

Thank you. Good night now.

All right, come on,
you guys, get going.

We got to call for some backup.

That guy didn't look right.

Yeah. That invoice was
dated two weeks ago.

This is One-Adam-12. We have a
possible 459 in progress at the warehouse

Request backup
approach from the west.

Any unit in the vicinity,
backup One-Adam-12.

1121 Magnolia.

A 459 in progress.

Osgood! You got no place to go.

Freeze, mister. Drop the g*n.

Turn around, put your
hands on top of your head.

Nice timing, partner.

Hey, buddy.

I spent an awful lot of
time setting this one up.

What tipped you?

If you guys drove all
the way from Bakersfield,

you got nice, sharp pleats
in your clothes, don't you?

That's all?

You had the wrong
date on the invoice.

You got to watch
the little details.

Let's go, pal.

Hello, officer.

Mr. Peterson, how's it going?

They check your story yet?

Yeah, they're
doing like you said.

It's going to be all right.

I got a bail
bondsman on the way.


Say, how about your car?

Got it running in
good shape again?

Yeah, well, it's running.

- See you around.
- Yeah. Good luck.

Hey, Jim.

You want to drive?

No, I don't want to drive.

You're always
pestering me to drive.


Take this beast off my
hands for a while, will you?

All right.

Hey, slow down,
then speed up again.

The lurch is almost gone. What
are you doing to the accelerator?

Nothing special.

Just have to have
the right touch.

Oh. That's it, huh?

Yeah, part of it. You also have
to let the car know that you like it.

You know, treat
it like a friend.

Treat it like a friend?

Like some people talk to
flowers to make them grow.

I have this friend,
he talks to his car.

He even thinks nice
thoughts about it.

And the car responds
to all this friendship?

Like a pussycat.

You know what your problem is

is you don't like this car.

I bet it can sense
your hostility.

One-Adam-12, a 415 at the bar.

Moorpark and Fillmore. Code two.

One-Adam-12, roger.

What is that?

I don't know.

Try flooring it.

I got it on the floor.

Come on!

One-Adam-12 requests
another unit investigate the 415

at Moorpark and Fillmore.

One-Adam-12, roger.

One-Adam-14, One-Adam-14,
a 415, Moorpark and Fillmore.

Sounds like we lost
at least two cylinders.

Come on, you beast!

Hey, hey, don't
talk to it like that.

The car won't like you.

You see that?

You see that teeny little
crack right there, huh?

That's your trouble.

That's what happened to you.

Remember when that
hose blew on you before?

How could we forget?

Okay. Some of the water
that sprayed on the engine

got under this old cap, and
poppo, she cracked on you

and you lost three cylinders.

If you look real close...

Look, Tony, we're kind
of anxious to get back out.

Oh, yeah, I understand.

I'm going to have to
rob the distributor cap

off that other beast.

Maybe you better grab
another cup of coffee.

Tony, I don't think I can
take another cup of coffee.

Hey, think about me.

This car's getting to be
a full-time job with me.

A couple of things yesterday,
and then, tonight with you guys.

First it was the
radiator hose, right?

Then the taillights.

Then you had me put a new
spring on the accelerator pedal

to get rid of that hitch.

And now the distributor cap.

Couldn't you guys finish
your patrol on foot, huh?


Oh, hi, Mr. Peterson.

Everything okay now?

My bail's been posted,

and they found an old
neighbor who remembered me.

Sorry I caused you the trouble.

That's okay.

That car of yours
doing any better?

It gave us a little
more trouble,

but I think it's going
to run all right now.

We'll see you.

Come on. Please.

See there? A kind
word never hurts.

One more hour, we can
kiss this beast good-bye.

I don't think I can take
that mirror another hour.

See if you can tighten
the bolt or something.

I think a couple of hundred
other guys have already tried this.

The threads are shot.

Do the best you can.

- There you go. How's that?
- Perfect.


All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-18 is in pursuit of

Lincoln Union Ocean 389.

Northbound on Coldwater.

217 suspect, armed.

Too bad they won't let
us set up a roadblock.

We got the perfect car for it.

All units, One-Adam-18
involved in a TA

at Mulholland and Coldwater.

Suspect vehicle last seen
northbound on Coldwater.

There he is.

This is One-Adam-12. We're now
in pursuit of the suspect vehicle.

Northbound on Coldwater
from Hidden Valley.

All units on all
frequencies, stand by.

One-Adam-12 is in pursuit

northbound on Coldwater
passing Hidden Valley.

Now passing De Haven.

He's bailing out.

We're code 6 at the
location in foot pursuit.

What happened?

We retired her for
you a little early.
