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05x08 - The Surprise

Posted: 01/20/24 14:13
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Okay, last thing I have here
is a series of crime reports

on an M.O. for business 459's.

Got a yo-yo throwing
wooden milk crates

through plate glass windows.

He's been hitting
jewelry stores mostly,

up north and National,
so keep a look up there.

Only one car has
been spotted so far.

He may be driving a blue sedan.

Okay, that's it.

Oh, don't forget the party for
Sergeant Olsen tomorrow night.

He gets out of the
hospital tomorrow.

If you can't make
it, let me know.

Okay, let's hit the streets.

By the way, Happy Birthday.


It's today, Sunday
the 15th, isn't it?

Yeah, yeah.

Bet you thought I'd forget.

Let's talk about it later, huh?

I'd like to get out of here.

How's the birthday boy?

day mid-watch clear.

One-Adam-12 clear.

What's the matter?

How many guys did you tell?

What are you talking about?

My birthday. Wells
wouldn't have remembered it.

You must have told him.

Yeah, I told him. So?

How many others?

I don't know. There's
Wells, Brinkman.

I think Woods was there.


What's wrong with that?

Did anybody say anything
about giving me a surprise party?

- No.
- Are you sure?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Good. I don't want one.

Pete, why don't you
want a surprise party?

I just never liked
them, that's all.

They're always so forced.

Everybody trying
so hard to have fun.

Besides, I got a date
with Nancy tonight.

I don't want to get
hung up after the watch.

What gave you the idea you
were going to get one, anyway?

Surprise parties
are like the Asian flu.

Once they get started,
everybody gets it.

There have already been
two in the division this month.

If I hear anything, I'll
do my best to stiff it.


One-Adam-23 on the
code 30 at the antique store

3704 Rosevale.

The alarm man and
the owner are in route.

That's just a few
blocks from here.

It's One-Adam-12. We'll
back up One-Adam-23

at 3704 Rosevale.

One-Adam-12, roger.

This one's all yours, partner.

I don't talk to drunks
on my birthday.

This is One-Adam-12.

Shows code six at

We're unable to back up
Adam-23 at 3704 Rosevale.

One-Adam-12, roger.

- Got a problem.
- Oh?

This guy's so ripped, I doubt
if he could turn on the radio

without fouling it up.

So what's the
problem? We bust him.

Yeah, well, it seems that he's
the owner of that antique store

we were headed toward.

The alarm company called him,
and he was going down there,

so it's kind of like we
called him out on the street.

He's still a deuce. Let's
give him a field sobriety test.

I don't think he's
going to pass.


Come on, mister.

That's four.

We're just waiting for
the owner to show up.

Help yourself.

We picked him up on a

Well, maybe it's just
as well he's passed out.

The guy who hit this
place really ransacked it.

He found a bottle
of booze in the desk

and stopped and poured
himself a couple of sh*ts.

You know, sometimes I think

we're not intimidating
them anymore.

We'll hang around and wait for
the alarm company to show up

and re-set and secure.

I've really been stuck for something
to get you for your birthday.

I don't know why.

I always wanted a red Ferrari.


One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

see the manager. A

at the Boutique Shop,
Hill and Broadway.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Another purse snatched. It's
getting to be a national pastime.

Excuse me, sir. The saleslady
said you had a purse stolen.

Yes. It's not a purse.

Please don't call it a purse.

What's your name, sir?

Bert. Bert Stanley.

You want to tell
us what happened?

I came in here
to buy some stuff,

and I set my bag
down on the counter.

I turned around,
and it was gone.

Which counter?

Look, I'm terribly sorry
to have bothered you.

Let's just forget
the whole thing.

Mr. Stanley, why don't you just
relax and tell us what happened?

On that counter.


I'm in here buying a
present for my girlfriend.

I set my briefcase
down on the counter,

I turn around, and it was gone.

I didn't even see who took it.

Can you describe it, sir?

Describe it?

Yeah, you know, size, color,
contents. That sort of thing.

It was sort of big and
made out of a soft leather.



What's with him? Is he
trying to start something?

I just asked you if the thing
was made out of suede.

Soft leather.

Broads carry suede.

Go ahead.

It sort of had a strap on it.

What kind of a strap?

I don't know. Just a strap.

How long was it?

I don't know.

Was it long enough to
put over your shoulder?

He is trying to start
something, isn't he?

Mr. Stanley, all I'm trying to do
is get a description of the bag.

Was the strap long enough
to put over your shoulder?

Yeah, maybe.

All right, it's a
shoulder strap.

I'm at the negligee counter
trying to buy a nightgown

and I get my
little pursie stolen.

Okay, are you happy?

Mr. Stanley, why
don't you just relax?

A lot of men are carrying them.

There's nothing wrong with it.

Matter of fact,
they're very practical.

- Hi, Pete.
- Hi.

Hi, Pete.

What's going on?

Nothing, really.

Benson was just telling me
about a 459 he had today.

Yeah. So anyway, he hits
this decorator shop on Melrose

Took some antiques,
some crystals.

Helped himself
to a bottle of booze

in the manager's
desk and splits.

I thought we were
going to have to throw

a butterfly net over the owner.

He was really bugged. Trippy.

Hey, I'm sorry. I got to split.

See you, Pete.

Hey, you know that
fast loader I loaned you?

- Yeah.
- I need it back.

Let me have it after the watch.

Don't leave without
giving it back.

Wait a minute. You
want me not to leave

- right after watch.
- Right.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.

Then how come every time I walk
up to a bunch of brother officers,

they stop talking and grin at me

with stupid expressions
on their faces?

That's easy. Every little
thing seems more important

because you're having
a paranoid reaction.

That's all I need.

Look, Pete,

there is no party.


There's a guy in
the gas station.

Hi. What can I do for you?

Just wondering what
you were doing here.

I'm the owner.

I came in to do some
extra work on Sunday.

On that Chevy?

It's a Ford. Belongs
to old Mr. Freeman.

He drives around at 5
miles an hour in high gear.

I've been trying to get him
to drive at the right RPMs.

But I've cleaned the carburetor
and changed the points and plugs

on that old crate
at least 50 times.

Well, thanks for checking on me.

I appreciate it, fellas.

Take it easy.

This is One-Adam-12.
We have a possible 459

there now at the gas station

at the corner of
Ventura and Fifth.

Request backup and ETA.

Any unit in the vicinity,
backup One-Adam-12

Fifth and Ventura.

Possible 459 there
now, and quote an ETA.

One-Adam-28, roger.

One-Adam-28 will handle

with a one-minute ETA.

One-Adam-12, roger.

You think a guy that smooth
would be sharp enough

to get the right
emblem on his shirt.

Police officers!

Take the side.

You cover the store. I'm
going around the other side.

Freeze, Mister.

Drop the g*n.

Come out this way
and get on your face.

Keep your hands
away from your body.


There's a greenie for you.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting wants and warrants

California plate,

One-Adam-12, stand by.

One-Adam-12, 275
Ocean Ida Victor,

no want, one
misdemeanor traffic warrant.

One-Adam-12, roger.

I'll write him, and you
give him the bad news.


May I see your license, please?

Yeah, man.

Why don't we get
out of the street?

I'm going to give you a
ticket for unsafe passing.

You shuckin' me, man?

Would I do that to
you, Mr. Sinclair?

Sign right here, please.

That all?

Well, no, I'm afraid I got more
bad news for you, Mr. Sinclair.

Look, you got a brake light out.

We won't cite you for it,
but you better get it fixed.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, I'll do that.

Why didn't we bust
him on the warrant?

That matched the M.O. the
old man gave us this morning.

He had a blue sedan and a
milk carton in the back of it.

I wrote my serial number on it.

If it winds up in a
jewelry store window,

we might have Sinclair for a lot
more than just traffic warrants.

I'll go fishing with
you anytime, partner.

Let's have lunch at the
station. You can lay it on Mac.

Nancy, I'll be a little late
getting out there tonight.

The guys in the division are
giving me a surprise party.

Yeah, I know you did, but...

Look, Nancy, calm down.

I'll get there as
early as I can,

but I can't get out of this.
They've gone to a lot of trouble.

Yeah, I know you have, but...

Was that an
accidental discharge?

The downstairs parking lot.

Behind the station
wagon. He hit Snyder.

Give it up, Mister.

Don't sh**t!

Don't sh**t. You're
trying to k*ll me!

Throw the g*n out.

All right, stand up, put your
hands on top of your head.

Come out in the open.

Where's Snyder?

Over here.

How'd it happen?

requesting an ambulance.

I can't believe
it. I'm so stupid.

Officer's been shot.

I dropped my
partner off in court,

was on my way in when I
picked him up on playing drunk.

He was a real friendly drunk.

Laughing, kidding around.

I ran him, he was clean,

so I didn't handcuff him.

Pretty stupid, huh?

Got down here to the station.

I was just getting
him out of the car.

He must have panicked.

Grabbed my g*n,
shot me and took off.

Reed was down here,
and he pinned him down

behind the wagon.

It doesn't look too bad, Bob.

He's from Stockton.

We're from the same hometown.

I guess it proves there
are no friendly drunks.

Let's head up Santa Monica
and hang out for a while.

- What do you got?
- Just a crazy hunch.

I hope it's not like that one you've
been having about the surprise party.

I don't want to talk to you
about the surprise party.

I already got a bone to
pick with you on that one.

Why? What did I do?

All day long,

I been telling you I
was going to have one,

and all day long, you've
been telling me no.

You're my partner, and
I'm supposed to trust you.

But the evidence is
getting too strong to ignore.

You know there's a couple of
cases of beer in the locker room?


- I don't want to talk about it.
- Look, Pete, I...

I called Nancy and
postponed my date.

Pete, you shouldn't
have done that.

You're right. She was upset.

She's probably planning
a surprise party for you.

I guess a surprise
party isn't all that bad.

As long as it's inevitable, I
may as well relax and enjoy it.

Pete, there's no party.

Why don't we change the subject?


Pete, why are we heading up
on Santa Monica Boulevard?

You know that 459
we had this morning

at the antique shop on Rosevale

where the guy got into
the manager's booze?

Benson was telling me
about one he had go down

at a decorator's shop on
Melrose a couple hours later.

Same thing.

You think the guy's
heading south like a swallow?

I admit, it's kind of a
shaky M.O., but it's possible.

The guy could be
getting thirsty again

and head up along Santa Monica.

You want to bet?

You got something better to do?

I was supposed to get
back to the station early

to help them hang crepe paper.

Okay, if you want to go
up and cruise Santa Monica,

we'll do it, but I don't think it's
going to turn into anything, Pete.

Humor me.

Pete, really, I should get
in a couple of minutes early.

Why don't we call it a day?

Let's hang out a
little while longer.

I just got a hunch
this guy's going to hit.

Normally, I'd go along with you,

but I don't think this is
one of your better hunches.

We've both seen a ton of guys

that will bust into a place,

find a bottle of
booze and take a shot.

We probably got
two different guys.

Okay, we'll go on in.

It's the easiest
bust I ever made.

Hey, Woods, here's
your fast loader.

Thanks, Pete. Ed, tell Pete.

Yeah, okay.

Well, me and my
partner get some candy

out of a vending
machine at the gas station,

and we hear a ringer go off.

So we run on up the street,

and we find a clothing
store broken into.

We go on in, and
there's the burglar

sitting there in the
manager's office

with a bottle of booze in
front of him, passed out cold.

Oh, by the way, Pete,

he copped out to a couple
of other burglaries, too.

One of them was that
antiques store this morning.

What street was
this clothing store on?

Santa Monica Boulevard.

Pretty lucky, huh?

Hey, Reed.


I just saw one of the guys
from Burglary out in the hall.

They found that milk carton
you wrote your serial number on.

Where was it?

In a jewelry store
window on Fifth.

They went out and busted
Sinclair and found most of the stuff

from the other
burglaries at his place.

- Good piece of police work.
- Thank you.

Gentlemen, that's an example of
keeping your eye out for an M.O.

Keep looking for M.O.'s,
you'll break cases.

Oh, Pete.

Can I see you in the office?

I hope it's
strawberry pistachio.

What are you talking about?

I'll be there in a minute.

I figured I could get
you to help me with this.

Got a few things out here.

Thought you'd give me a hand

putting them in
the trunk of the car.

They're for the party
for Sergeant Olsen.


Yeah. At the academy
tomorrow night.

He gets out of the
hospital, remember?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, Mac, you need a hand?

No, thanks. We got it.

- Okay. Good night.
- Good night.

- Good night.
- Good night, Jerry.

Thanks, Pete. See you tomorrow.

Hey, Pete, I forgot to
wish you a happy birthday.


I wanted to get back early
because Jean dropped this by.

It's your present.

A purse?

Yeah, well, when
you told that guy

that you thought
they were practical,

I called Jean, and
she picked it out.

If you don't like it,
they have it in black,

and, uh, also in suede.

No, no, this is great.

Broads carry suede.


Happy Birthday, partner.
