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04x19 - Mary Hong Loves Tommy Chen

Posted: 01/20/24 14:05
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


Well, do you want to
hear what she said or not?

I mean, it doesn't make
any difference to me.

Okay, what did she say?

She thinks you're cute.


Yeah, well, that's not as good
as dreaming you're darling,

but it's a lot better than
interesting or sweet.

I see.

You remember the blonde?

You were talking to her
at the party Tuesday night.

She works in SID.

Yeah, I think so.

She's just your type.

She's got knocked knees,

and she's a qualified
expert with a handgun.

Do me a favor, Reed.

Stop worrying
about my love life.


One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

unknown trouble. Clintwood
and Morris. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.


His name's Tommy
Chin. He's a policeman.

He was in the class ahead
of me at the Academy.

How is he?

Looks bad.

I'll get an ambulance.

Don't be afraid. Do
you know who did this?

Down the alley.

This one's a red blanket.

Bring the litter.

Well, it's not very much.

Are you sure the girl
didn't say anything?

No, nothing. It's all there.

Well, if she knows Tommy,

she might know what
he was trying to tell us.

I'd sure like to talk to her.

I'll get a flyer out
with her description,

but I doubt if I'll find her.

Maybe you could
fill us in a little.


For the last six
or eight months,

we've been having some
real trouble in Chinatown.

There's a g*ng of young
toughs running wild down there.

It's given us all
kinds of problems.

Do you mean the Chung-Nings?


The English translation of
Chung-Ning is Chinese youth.

Tommy Chin was
working undercover for us,

and he'd managed
to join the g*ng.

He was a perfect choice.

Speaks fluent Chinese.
Looks younger than he really is.

And he was just beginning to
feed us some good information.

Like what?

The older Chinese of
Chinatown are fed up

with the activities
of the Chung-Nings.

But there's still one group
strong enough to fight them.

That's the Hong-Li Association.

It's just what it sounds like.

An alliance between
two strong families,

the Hongs and the Lis.

Are you saying that
there's going to be a w*r?

No, it's more like a clash

between the older, cultural
element of Chinatown, the Hong-Lis

and the youth of
Chinatown, the Chung-Nings.

Tommy was on to something.

He called me tonight,

but when the call got
through to my office,

there was no one on the line.

According to the timing reports,

that was probably
the call he was making

just before you spotted him
being chased down the alley.

I've been working the g*ng
squad almost two years.

This is the biggest rumble
I've seen building yet.

I just hope it doesn't happen.

- Oh, Sarge?
- Yeah?

If you hear anything
on Tommy's condition,

would you let us know?


I talked to the hospital
right after he was admitted.

He's still undergoing tests.

It'll probably be some time

before they can determine
how extensive the damage is.

The only thing
they would tell me

is that his condition
has stabilized,

but he's still in a coma
in the intensive care wing.

One-Adam-12, p.m. watch clear.

One-Adam-12, p.m. watch clear.

Did you hear about Tommy?

Yeah. He's still in a coma.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,
see the manager.

A 484 just occurred.

Seventh and Wilshire
at the department store.

Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Could I have your name, please?

Juju Perrin. I'm
with the roller derby.

What was stolen, Miss Perrin?

My purse.

Hey, don't you
ever do any talking?

You just let the kid do it all?

We take turns.


How was your purse stolen?

Well, I was at one of
those pay johns, you know.

I'll tell you the truth. I
don't always carry a purse.

I like to keep my
dough and my wallet

right in my pocket, you know?

Yeah, me, too.


Well, anyway, see, I'm
in one of these stalls,

and I hear this
other dame come in.

And she comes to the
one right next to mine.

Next thing I know,

she's reaching
underneath the partition,

heisting my purse.

Boy, if I'd have caught her,
I'd have caved her head in.

But I was a little, uh,
compromised by the situation.

Miss Perrin...

Hey, do you ever go
to the roller games?


Aw, that's too bad.

I thought maybe
you'd seen me skate.

I'm a jammer.

That's nice.


Miss Perrin?


Do you live around here?

Hey, you ain't my type.

Yeah, I sort of gathered that.

Miss Perrin, did you have...

You call me Juju.

Juju, did you have your
house keys in your purse

when it was taken?

Yeah, they were in there.

And my wallet.

And a hanky.

You know, a bunch of stuff.

Do you live near here?

Yeah, I live about a mile away.

A little house by the freeway.

Would you mind taking
a ride over there with us?

Are you kidding?

A date with a real live cop?

Come on, big boy. I'll show you.

You work out, don't you?

Huh? What can you lift?

I'll get it. After you.

You better wait here while
we go in and check it out.

Oh, okay. But listen. If you
need help, I'll be right here.

That's nice to know.

Say, my key is under
that mat by the side door.

You take care.

Police officers.
Stay where you are.

Oh, that's some ugly chick.

Oh, wow.

Let's go, Mister.

You'll have to come
down later and file a report.

Hey, groovy.

You know, that was very smart,

the way you figured that
guy would come here,

pick the keys, and
get into my house.

No, we got a flyer on his MO.

It's been happening in a
lot of department stores.

Oh, you devil,
don't be so modest.

I don't like modest guys.

Okay, he was caught
by a brilliant piece of work

by the L.A. Police
Department. Better?


Also, you know what?

He's a sucker for a right cross.

I'll see you later.

Tough choice.

All right, Reed, I know
what you're going to say.

Who are you going to take
to the Division Steak Fry Up?

A blonde from SID who
sh**t expert with a handgun

or good old Juju the
roller derby jammer queen?

Buzz off.

Oh, come on, Pete.

I'm just trying to help you
with a difficult decision.

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

Meet 1L90 on tact 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

One-Adam-12 to L90, go.

Sergeant Powers said a
nurse at County General called.

She saw his MO bulletin

and thinks the girl
you're looking for

is in one of the waiting rooms.

He asked if you could
take a run out there

and see if it's the same girl.

Roger, Mac. We're on our way.

One-Adam-12, code 6 at
County General Hospital.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Is there anything
new on Tommy Chin?

Excuse me, Miss.

I'd like to talk to you.

I won't hurt you. I'm
a friend of Tommy's.

You speak English?

I speak little English.

What's your name?

Mary Hong.

I have my papers.

I entered the United
States by your permission.

My name is Jim Reed, Mary.

You know that
Tommy's a policeman?

How's he doing?

They think they're
going to have to operate.

He may have a brain hemorrhage.

They want to try and
release some of the pressure.

He's still unconscious.

Tommy get well.

We will have house, children.

You see, it will be good.

Mary, Tommy was
trying to tell us something

about the Chung-Nings
and the Hong-Lis.

If he told you what it
was, why don't you tell us?

It'll keep a lot of
people from getting hurt.

The Chung-Nings
fight with the Hong-Lis.


Oh, just a minute.

We want to talk to her.

What's your name, sir?

Sing Hong.

Mary is my niece.

She entered this
country legally a year ago,

and the police have
no need to question her.

She may have some information
about Tommy Chin that'll help us.

I suppose you have
some grounds to arrest her

or take her in for questioning?

No, but we'd appreciate
her cooperation.

I'm afraid you're out of luck.

Tommy Chin is a hoodlum. A
member of a g*ng of thieves.

I'll not have my niece paying
tribute to him with her sorrow.

You're wrong.
Tommy's a policeman.

He was working undercover.

That's not much better.

The police offer no
solution to our problems.

Mr. Hong, we're trying to avoid a
dangerous situation in Chinatown.

Now, your niece may be
able to give us some help.

The dangerous
situation you speak of

is a way of life for us.

The schools take our children
and put them into classrooms

and do nothing for them because
no teachers speak Chinese.

Without English, the children
are trapped in the ghetto.

Every day, more people
come here from mainland China.

They don't speak English,
and so they add to the problem.

Women and girls like Mary
work in sewing factories

for 14 hours a day
and take home $10.

Rents are rising, and housing
conditions are getting worse.

There are 8,000 people
living in less than a square mile.

So don't tell me

about the dangerous
situation, Officer.

I live there.

Yeah, Mac.

His name is Sing Hong.
He's the girl's uncle.

Yeah, he lives in Chinatown.
He speaks very good English.

Okay, Mac.


What did he say?

Well, he never heard of him,

but he'll run it by
Sergeant Powers.

One-Adam-12, p.m. watch clear.

One-Adam-12, p.m. watch clear

and a call. Meet
the detective unit.

23570 Euclid. Code 2.

One-Adam-12, Roger.

Sergeant Speer.

Jim Reed. This is Pete Malloy.


We got kind of a strange one.

The fellow sitting in the car
got out of jail this morning,

and he had a felony ready.

He paid his attorney
with counterfeit.

The attorney squawked to us,

and we went out
and picked him up.

He was sitting in his
living room watching TV.

He claims he didn't
know it was bad money.

Where did he get it?

Well, here's where
it gets screwy.

He stole it.

Now, he was already
in jail on a 459 beef,

and apparently he'd rather
cop to another burglary

than take a federal wrap
for passing funny money.

Now, he claims he ripped
off a house last week,

and he found the money
in a dresser drawer.

And where's the house?

It's right around the
corner on Foreman.

Now, if you'll hold down
the back, I'll try the front.

Hey, Jim, take a look.

You're on a real cold
streak, aren't you, buddy?

You know him?

Yeah, we're the ones
who busted him yesterday.

Open up. Police officers.

Open up. This the police.

Freeze, Mister!

Don't try it, cop.

I'll waste this chick.

You'd better believe it.

All right, come on. Let's go.

Turn around. Hands
up against the wall.

Put your hands
on top of your head.

These must be the photo plates.

Looks like a clean bust.

Who tipped you off?

Who told you we was
printing here? Huh?

You were burglarized last week.

Yeah. We didn't report it.

No, but the burglar did.

It's a long story, Mister.

You'll get to hear it in court.

Hey, I got some news
back from Sergeant Powers

on the guy you met at
the hospital, Sing Hong.


Powers is pretty
familiar with him.

It seems he was the head
of the Hong-Li association.

No wonder he was so upset
about Mary being at the hospital.

Well, Powers is
trying to find the girl.

From what you said,

she might know what
Tommy was trying to tell us.

Still no change in
Tommy's condition?

No, they're operating
on him tonight.

Can I see your
license, please, sir?

Yeah, sure.

You were driving a
little erratically, Mr. Allen.

Have you been drinking?

Alcohol is bad for the
liver. I never touch the stuff.

The inside of your car
smells like marijuana.

No kidding.

Oh, well, I just
let off a hitchhiker.

He... He must have
been smoking it.


Listen, fellows,

I don't mean to be a
smart aleck or anything,

but you really don't have
any grounds to search me.

So if you just either
give me a ticket or...

May I?

If I told you I've
never seen that before,

what would you say?

Nice try.

Yeah, well,

you guys snuck up on me.
I had to put it someplace.

Are you about finished?


What's the rush?

Well, there's a bondsman

out in the lobby
tapping his foot.

Mr. Allen in a hurry to get out?

Yeah, and he'll probably
be out of here before we are.

Jim, phone call for you.
You can take it over there.


Yeah, this is Jim Reed.

Wait a minute. Slow
down. Where are you?




She screamed, and we
were cut off. It sounded like

- somebody hit her.
- What did she say?

Something about the Chung-Nings
setting up an ambush with the Hong-Lis.

Did she say where?

Yeah, in the parking lot

behind the Hong-Li's
association meeting hall.

- When?
- Now.

I'll scramble a g*ng squad.

This is Adam-12
to Sergeant Powers.

What's your unit designation?


Adam-12, take the north
end of the parking lot.

We have four other cars rolling.

Let's hope this
hasn't started yet.

Roger, K50.

Kind of short notice.

All right, freeze.

Drop those g*ns.

All right, get your hands
on top of your heads

and interlace your fingers.

Yesterday we told
the Chung-Nings

that we would no
longer pay them money.

Twice a month they
have a lion parade,

and they come to
every shop in Chinatown

and demand we pay or they
will break windows and beat us.

I thought the association
could handle it.

We always did in the past.

I guess I was wrong.

If you'll work
with us, Mr. Hong,

maybe we can
bring an end to this.

Maybe we can stop
the Chung-Nings,

but how can we solve the
problem that caused them?

How can the police
help us with that?

I don't know, Mr. Hong.
I wish I could tell you.

He's the one who
beat Tommy and me.

He laughed at me,

and told me I
never live to tell.

I finally do as you
and Tommy wish.

I tell on the Chung-Nings.

Maybe now Tommy and I be happy.

We go away together
to another city.

And we'll be married.

It will happen.

You will see.