04x15 - The Princess and the Pig

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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04x15 - The Princess and the Pig

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 2-11 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


You don't know what fear
is! You don't know anything!

You all just sit there. Why
doesn't anybody hear me?

The world is full of
death and m*rder.


And I'm trying live
death and m*rder.


Kathy, baby, cool it,
honey. Come off of there.

Oh, he's one of them.

He's one of those vultures.

Well, you look at him,
and you remember him.

Come on, Kathy,
get off the stage.

I'm through playing around.

Don't you come near
me. I'm warning you.

Or I'll k*ll you.

My apologies, folks.

I'll go after her.

We're gonna have music.

Everybody gets a
drink on the house.

My apologies, people.

The voices in the dark.
The voices tell a story.

A hundred times
they brought me here

to play and sing
their funeral song.



Oh, help me.

Oh, please.

I'm losing my mind.

Are you the owner, Mr. Bolanz?

No, I manage it.

Well, yeah, I got a
piece of the place to boot.

Do you want to file a complaint?

No, I don't hold
it against Kathy.

She's just not tracking anymore.

Hey, she could have been on top.

She had a record on
the charts last year.

Maybe you remember it.
"The Princess of the Mind"?


Well, she's not
bad with ballads.

And then she started turning on,

and before you know it

she's the biggest
squirrel in the business.

Goodbye, career.

The fact of the matter

is while she was busy
clearing out this place,

I was down the street
looking at another act.

And I'm replacing her.

Well, thank you. I'm
sorry it had to happen.

I'm sort of getting used to it.

This is the third
time in two weeks

she pulled that vulture routine.

I'm beginning to
think it's part of the act.

Let go of me! No, let go!

I just... No!

Just get him! I
want to talk to him!

Get me out of here!

One-Adam-12, Roger.

- Officer?
- Yeah.

She wants to see you.

I have to get out!

Please, let me out.

Thank God.

Look, you're gonna be all right.

Just relax.


I know you think I'm... I'm
crazy or something, but...

But they're gonna k*ll me.

They want me dead
because I know about them.

About who?

About all of them.

You won't leave me, will you?

- Look...
- Please.

Please, I'm frightened.

I mean I'm really frightened.

Please, they're gonna k*ll me.

All right, listen,

wait a minute and
I'll be right back.

It's okay.

Well, she's kind of paranoid.

You know, it might help
if you could ride with her.

I think she's coming
off a delayed reaction,

but I can't be sure.

And I don't want
to tranquilize her

till we know what she's on.

I'll tell my partner.

I'll follow you to the hospital.

And, Jim, don't become
her psychological guardian.

What brought that up?

A thorough understanding
of what makes you tick.

Okay, see you at the hospital.

When we get there will you stay?

Yeah, for as long as I can.

They're trying to
k*ll me. I know it.

And I can't get
anybody to believe me.

Who is trying to k*ll you?

People. Just people.

People who know me.

Okay, now, just try to relax.

To the voices in the dark.

The voices tell a story.

Hundred times they
brought me here.

Playing, sing their funeral song

What does that mean?

Once you're hooked, you're dead.

They hooked me.

David did, and they're
giving me dr*gs,

and I've got to stop them.

You've got to help me.

We got to get them before...

Before they k*ll me.

How she doing?

Oh, they finally
gave her a sedative.

She was having a delayed
reaction to something,

probably reds.

On the way to the hospital,

she told me she was in a bad
drug scene with some guys.

She wants us to
help put them away.

She'll only do it
if I stick with her.

Oh, brother.

What's this?

She start talking about
grasshoppers and red rainbows

and a couple names
I wrote them down.

Hey, didn't we get a
flyer from narcotics on...


On some new colored capsules

called grasshoppers
and red rainbows.

They've been taking them
off a lot kids up on the Strip.

Only they don't know
who's supplying them.

Arney, Mike, and David?

Bolanz, the owner of the
club. He's her connection.

You think she's
giving it to you straight?

I believe her, Pete.

Let's go back to the station.

We'll set up a meet
with Mac and narcotics.

I'd like to give Reed an
undercover assignment

if you can cut him
loose for a few days?

What does narcotics
have in mind, Lieutenant?

Well, we can give Reed

the cover of a AWOL
serviceman just back from Vietnam.

Now, your story to Bolanz
is that you have a buddy

who is do back in
the States any day.

And his buddy is smuggling in

maybe six keys of
pure Asian heroin.

Approximant street
value a million dollars.

Now, you're story is that
you're trying to setup a sale

and be rid of the junk by the
time your buddy's ship pulls in.

The reason being

is that you suspect that
the MPs are on to you

and you don't want
to be caught holding.

Sounds good.

What makes you think the pusher

is going to burn his supplier?

These fellas usually
play it pretty cozy.

Well, they usually do, but our
timing couldn't be better, Captain.

I see what you mean.

The Mexican border just about
been closed up in the last few months.

And wasn't there
$40,000,000 worth of raw horse

seized in New York a
couple of weeks ago?

- That's right.
And results is that

I think that the
suppliers in this town

are getting painfully
short on junk.

And it's my guess

that they might take
a chance on Reed

if the girl will back his story

and give him the
proper cover for us.

Well, if it's all right
with Captain Grant,

it's okay with me.

I think it's worth a try.

I think we're all
forgetting one thing.

What's that?

Bolanz was in the club
when Reed and I were there.

What if he remembers Jim?

I've been thinking about that.

Pete was the one who
took the report from Bolanz.

I was out by the ambulance.

First walked in,

Kathy was on stage
blowing her mind.

If Bolanz saw me at all,

I don't think he looked
past the uniform.

I still think it's pretty risky.

Well, I want to try it.

Let's set it up.

- I'd like to work with you
on this one.
- Yep.

Yeah, I'd really
appreciate that.

Gotten kind of used
to looking out for him.

I'd like to say yes,

but Malloy's the only senior
lead officer I got on his shift.

I can't do without the head

of a tin-car plan for two days.

I'm sorry, Pete.

Guess I got pretty lucky, huh?

How's that?

Well, I know this
only temporary,

but two days out of the Academy,

and I got a senior
lead for a partner.

Just relax, you'll be fine.

- And that helmet case
is going in the trunk.
- Check.

All right, Palmer,
you'll be in the van.

As you can see it's been
fitted with a police radio

so be sure and keep
the volume down.

Your designation, 9Y3.

This worried-looking patrolman
over here is Officer Malloy.

Reed's his regular partner,

so let's make double sure we give
the right kind of protection, right?


Okay, if Reed scores and is able
to setup a deal with the supplier,

he's gonna put his jacket on.

If he can get loose,

Palmer will pick
him up in the van

and get the details.

Your partner, huh?


We'll I'm rearing to go. Hope
we get some good action.

Yep. You never know.

9Y6 to CP.

Reed and the girl just
entered the apartment.

All right, we'll keep
the command post here.

From now on, gentlemen,
it's a game of possum.


His name is Poncho.

Brought him with
me from back home.

Well, not him exactly,

but one just like him.

A real dog.

More of a hound than anything.

He followed me home from high
school one day, and I had him ever since.

When I came here

to break in to the record
business, I brought him along.

He used to sit on my bed
in the apartment I had then,

and he'd just look at me.

You can see the
trust in his eyes.

It was really beautiful to have
someone that had that much faith in me.

Even it is an old hound dog.

What happened to him?

Well, the manager
found out I had him,

and he told me I
had to get rid of him.

I tried to hid him in the
closet, the bathroom,

till I could find another place.

But the manager
knew I still had him,

so one day he let him
out while I was gone,

and he got hit by car.

So I bought old Poncho
here at a toy store.

I mean, he's a lot safer,
and he doesn't have fleas.

I probably look
ridiculous to you, don't I?

No, not ridiculous, frightened.

You're married, aren't you?


Well, I guess we make a
pretty stupid couple anyway.

The princess and the pig.

It's almost noon. David usually
gets to the club around this time.

Sooner we get
this over the better.

Kathy, listen, everything
is going to be all right.

We got a lot of
people watching us.

We're not alone.

Yes we are, Jim.
We're always alone.

You say this stuff is
Asian H and it's uncut?


And your buddy is supposed to
be on some ship trying to bring it

into the country while
you setup a seller?

That's right.

What are you,
some kind of a cop?

Let's get out of here.
Your friend's a dingaling.

Move it, pal, or I
break it off at the elbow.

Hey, don't thr*aten me, kid.

I could have you
in white satin by 5

and 6 feet under
by noon tomorrow.

Move it.

So you're AWOL,
that's the story, huh?

Look, are you interested
in dealing with me or not?

Let's see your dog tags.

My dog tags?

You don't take your tags with
you when you go over the hill, pal.

Rule 1 in the survival manual.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, you don't have to like it,

but that's the way it is.

Okay, that makes sense.

Take off your shoes.

What is this?

I want to see if there
government issued.

You satisfied?

Yeah, I'm satisfied.

Normally I'd believe you
if Kathy spoke up for you,

but lately she's been
a little off her tree.

Ain't that right, honey?

David, I'm sorry
about last night.

I mean I'm freaked out. I
didn't know what I was saying.

Who are you? What's your name?

Come on, David, please.

Answer me.

David, please.

You fighting me?
What's your name?

Kathy Royal.


Come on, sounds
like you made it up.


All right, tell me your name.

That's ought to be easy enough.

Ouida Mankey.

Ouida Mankey?

See, you can't believe
anything this chick tells you.

Even her name is a phony.

She lives in some
kind of fantasy world.

She really thinks
she's a princess.

Even had herself named Royal.

Now, that's a bit
much, don't you think?

Naturally I was little
worried about you too at first.

Here, sit down.

How much of this
stuff do you got?

Six keys.

Why it's gonna
take a little time.

I haven't got time.
The MPs are on my tail.

If Kathy hadn't put me up,
I'd be in the stockade by now.

Well, I got to get in
touch with my supplier.

I thought you were a supplier.

You're nothing, but a pusher.

I'm not selling to no
pusher. You'll milk the deal.

Hey, if you think
I'm gonna take you

to my supplier, you're nuts.

Now, you can sell part of the
key to me or you can shove off.

It's all or nothing, pal.

I'm not selling it
off in two-bit slices

to any street pushers.

I know the picture.

Yeah, I bet.

Well, how about it? You
want to kick it upstairs

or do I sell this stuff

to Louie Delvaggio?

All right, all right. Can you
keep cool for about a hour or so?

All right, I got to
make a few calls.

Meet you back here in a
hour. I'll see what I can do.

Look, I'm sorry. I didn't
tell you my real name.

That's okay, Kathy.

Doesn't matter to me
what you call yourself.

Only thing that's
important is who you are.

Reed just walked out
of the pub with the girl.

He's got his jacket on,
so it looks like he scored.

Roger, CP to 9Y3,

tail him for a few
blocks, Palmer,

then give them
a ride in the van.


Sure like to run
into that burglar.

I guess you get the most
action on the night shift.


You forgot to put in an
amount for the adding machine.

Let me see.

Hey, now how'd that happen?

I'll go ask them.

9Y3 to CP,

I just got through giving Reed
and the girl a ride around the park.

Everything's set.
Bolanz went for the bait.

I just let them both
off back at the club.

We'll get both exits
covered front and back.

Roger, 9Y3.

You guys stick to him. I don't
want this thing to blow up on us.

Okay, it's all set.
Come with me.

- You stay here.
- David, I'm not...

Shut up and sit down. We
still have something to discuss.

It's okay, Jim. See
you when you get back.


Stay down on the floor.

David says you got six keys.

Let's just say you do,

and let's just say we can
find a clean spot to check it

and complete our negotiations.

What will this little
bundle cost me?

I was thinking
about half a million.

I was thing a hundred grand.

Looks like we got quite
bit of bargaining room.

Only trouble is you
got no bargain position.

The way I hear it, you're in
some sort of jam with the army.

I'm not that jammed.

I'm a businessman.

Street value is around three
quarters of a mil, maybe a little more.

I've got some
heavy handling cost,

and I get paid for my risk.

I won't go any higher.

Where'd they find
you? Some used car lot.

And that's my last offer
and it's a steal at that price.

How do I know you
really got the stuff?

You might be trying
to knock me over.


I don't like buying blind goods.

When can you deliver?

Tomorrow before noon.

You said you get
paid for your risk.

You'll have a chance to
check it before you buy it.

I don't know. I
handle the pay off.

Yeah, fine. If everything's
cool, I'll go for it.

I got to check out something.

Relax, pal. It will
only take a minute.

For a minute there I thought

we were gonna get in a
pursuit with that speeder.

He really looked like
he was gonna rabbit.

Sometimes it's hard to
tell until they pull over.

9Y6 to CP,

Bolanz just came
running out of the club

and jumped into his car.

He took out of here
like his tail was on fire.

Who's on him?

Palmer in the van.

What about Reed and the girl?

I suppose they're
still in the nightclub.

I don't like it.

You better go in
and take a look.


Sounds like your partner's
running the thick of things.

Yeah, it sounds like to
me like it's breaking apart.

Yeah, how can you tell?

Educated guess.

Boy, I sure like to get
into a caper like that.

Sit tight, you just
might make it.

9Y6 to CP.

Reed's gone. Must
of got by us somehow.

The gate just blew apart.

I found the girl tied
up in Bolanz' office.

He leaned on her after Reed
left, and she burned Reed.

She says Reed's at a
warehouse in Sunland.

Bolanz is on his way there now.

If he makes it, Reed's dead.

CP to 9Y6, Roger.

We'll try and head him off.

Lieutenant, this is
Malloy in Adam-12.

I'd like to help out. Can I
meet you at the warehouse?

Sorry, Malloy, but
we can't take a risk

of showing a black and white.

Don't worry. We'll
take care of him.

Where we going?

To the Cannery. Maybe we
can pick up on something there.

9Y3 to CP.

9Y3, go.

I lost them, Lieutenant.

I was about a block
back, and I got stopped by

a tractor trailer trying
to back out of an alley.

By the time he was out,

of the way there
was no sign of Bolanz.

We'll never find Reed now.

CP to 9Y3, head back to the CP.

Okay, it's set.

I got the dough all lined up.

You said I can check the
junk tomorrow morning?


When you get it...

call me at this number.

I'll give you the
details of the exchange.

Fair enough.

Take him back to Cannery.


Oh, thank God
they didn't get you.

Look, you got to
get out of here.

Please, they are
trying to k*ll you.

What are you talking about?

I told David about you
to him. He made me.

He went to the warehouse
to tell them you're a cop.

Let's get out of here. Come on.

Throw in the g*n, Bolanz!

You're gonna be all right.
You better come with us

so we can get
that fixed up right.

- How's Kathy?
- Yeah, she'll make it I think.

Come on, you can
ride in back with her.

Well, it didn't work out
exactly as we planned.

Instead of getting
him for pushing,

Lieutenant Moore is gonna
tag him for attempted m*rder.

Thanks, Pete.

If you hadn't shown
up when you did,

we both be dead by now.

I'll see you downtown.


We got to find some better
way of leaving this night club.

I'm getting tired of making
the trip in an ambulance.

Oh, Jim, I'm sorry.

If I hadn't lost my nerve.

No, it's okay.

Everything is
gonna work out fine.

Some princess I
turned out to be.

I end up getting you shot.

Well, you were
right about one thing.

They were trying to k*ll you.

I wonder what's gonna
happen to me, Jim.

I really wonder.
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