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03x07 - Robotta's Singing Delivery Service/The Rhyme Off

Posted: 01/20/24 09:18
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ A robot

♪ A pirate at sea

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling

♪ In a pinkamazing way

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling

♪ On a pinkaperfect day

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling

♪ Peterrific you might say

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Robotta's Singing Delivery Service!"

Robotta, please bring me my shoes.


Bleep! Bleep!

[sighs] Robotta...

PINKALICIOUS: ♪ If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! ♪

[claps hands]

I love that song!

♪ If you're happy and you know it clap your hands ♪

[claps twice]

♪ Clapping hands

Bleep! Bleep! [beeps]

Did you see that?

Robotta did what you said when you sang it.

Maybe we can tell her what to do by singing it to her.

We can just change the words.

[clears throat] ♪ Robotta, would you please bring me my shoes? ♪

♪ Bringing shoes, bleep, bleep! ♪

♪ Bringing shoes, bleep! Complete! ♪

She did it!

My turn.

♪ Robotta, my tiara, bring to me ♪

♪ Tiara bring to you!

♪ Bleep! Bleep!

Bleep, complete!

Singing the commands to her really works.

And she's not going haywire the way she usually does.

DAD: Hey, I can't find my cookbook.

Have either of you two seen it?

No, Daddy.Uh-uh.

I'm making Mr. Plum a pineapple cake for his birthday

and there's a recipe I need in the cookbook.

If we find it, we'll let you know.

You guys are the best, thank you!

PETER: Oh look, there's Daddy's cookbook!

I'll go give it to him.


Have Robotta do it.


♪ Robotta, take this book to Daddy please! ♪

♪ Book to Daddy please, bleep, bleep! ♪

[Dad humming, Robotta whirring, beeping]

♪ Robotta take this book to Daddy please! ♪

Bleep! Complete!

[laughs]I didn't know we had a delivery service.

Why, thank you, Robotta.



A delivery service...


Bleep, bleep!

Bleep, bleep!


Oh...Bleep, bleep!





[bleeping rapidly]



Bleep, bleep, complete!

Bleep, bleep!


[gasps] Peter.

Let's start a delivery service!

A singing delivery service!

[beeping sounds]

♪ Robotta delivers with a song, bleep, bleep!

What's going on?

We started a singing delivery service with Robotta!

If you need anything delivered, Robotta will do it for you.

[together]: Wow!

She obeys singing commands.

Do you want to see?

I'd like to, but I took Coach Mario's soccer ball by mistake.

I need to get it back to him before practice starts.


Why don't you let Robotta deliver it for you?

Well... I guess I could.


♪ Take the ball to coach at the park! ♪

ROBOTTA: ♪ Take the ball to coach at the park! ♪

Bleep, bleep!


That's amazing.

[Robotta beeping]

But doesn't Robotta sometimes get out of control

and act all...bonkers?

Not really.No.

[together, sheepishly]: Sometimes.

We should probably follow her and make sure she's okay.

Let's go!


What's this?

This is Robotta's Singing Delivery Service.

♪ Take this ball to coach at the park ♪

Bleep, complete!


What a great delivery service!

Thank you!

Bleep, complete!

It worked!

You did it, Robotta!

Our delivery service is going to be a huge success!


Hey, Pinkalicious!


Ooh, that pool looks like fun.

It is!

Do you want to come in?

Wish I could, but, I have to go to town hall.

My mom left her briefcase at home by mistake.

I'm bringing it to her.

You should let Robotta do it for you.

Well, I would rather play in the pool.

Okay, thanks!

I'll go get my swimsuit.


♪ The mayor needs the briefcase at town hall ♪

♪ The mayor needs the briefcase at town hall ♪

Bleep, bleep!


Do you think Robotta can take this bag of marbles

to my dad at the toy store, too?

They were delivered to our house by mistake.

Oh, I'm not sure she can handle

two deliveries at once.

Peter, robots can do many things at the same time.

[giggles] Like Mommy!


Robotta, we need you to make another delivery

♪ Take the marbles to the toy store right away ♪

♪ Take the marbles to the toy store right away ♪

Bleep, bleep!


She's totally got this!

KENDRA: Pinkalicious?

Can Robotta make a delivery for me?

Oh, it looks like her hands are full.

It's okay.

She's like my mom.


[giggles] She can do lots of things at the same time.

Oh, right.

Then can she take Squeakykins back to school?

Ms. Penny's waiting and I completely forgot

I have to go to the dentist.

Of course!

Great, thank you!


♪ Take Squeaky to Miss Penny at the school ♪

♪ Take Squeaky to Miss Penny at the school ♪

Bleep, bleep!

She's got everything under control.

Where are you going first, Robotta?

Coach Briefcase needs his school at the marbles!

Bleep, bleep!

Did she say "Coach Briefcase?"

♪ Mister Squeaky needs the toy store for the mayor ♪

Bleep, bleep!


She's doing too many things at once.

Peter, we have to help her.

Don't worry.

We'll make sure your dad gets his marbles.

Ow, ow!


[giggles] I should be wearing shoes!

♪ Marbles to the mayor!

Bleep, complete!


What am I supposed to do with marbles?

Robotta, the mayor is supposed to get the briefcase!

[bag ripping]


Come back with my briefcase!

Let me help.

Ooh, watch your step, Pinkalicious.

You don't want to-- wah, ahh!



It's okay, I'll be-- ah, ah!




Hey, what are you doing on the ground?

Whoa, ah!



Picking up marbles.

I'll pick up the marbles,

you get my briefcase!

Here you go!


♪ Ice cream for the squeaky, bleep, complete! ♪

Bleep, bleep!

[gasps] Oh, no!

Squeakykins does not belong here!

Squeak, squeak!


Squeak, squeak![gasps]

Bleep, complete!


Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Get Squeakykins!


Squeak, squeak!Got you!

Back in your cage!

Don't worry about this, Pinkalicious.

Go get your robot!

♪ Miss Penny has a briefcase ♪

I was expecting Squeakykins.

Uh... this is not Squeakykins.

Bleep, complete!

[sighs] Sorry, Miss Penny.

That briefcase is for Mayor Martinez.

And that pineapple is for my dad.

And this is for you.

Oh, that's morelike it.

Hello, Squeakykins.

Thank you for this very special delivery.

You're welcome!

Bye!See you later!

And we delivered the briefcase to Mayor Martinez,

and the marbles to the toy store...

And the pineapple to me,

which I need for Mr. Plum's pineapple cake.



And so is Robotta's Singing Delivery Service.

No more deliveries for this robot!

For now, anyways.

We need to figure out how to keep her from getting mixed up.

Guess I'll have to deliver this cake myself.

♪ Daddy-botta delivers with a song! ♪

Bleep, bleep!



♪ Please take this cake to Mr. Plum ♪

♪ Please take this cake to Mr. Plum ♪

Bleep, bleep!

DAD: My cake!

PINKALICIOUS: Wait, stop!PETER: Robotta!

KIDS: That's pinkatastic!

[playing piano]

♪ Make new friends

♪ But keep the old

This is Boston City Singers.

♪ One is silver and the other's gold ♪

Boston City Singers is basically a singing program.

Jane teaches us to sing.

JANE: And what I thought was really, really beautiful

was that top note, because that's really hard to sing.

♪ One is silver and the other's gold ♪

Singing is kind of like talking.

[kids all together] ♪ Do, re, mi, fa, so

SINGER: And changing your voice in a way that

it's in a melody or a tune.

Do, re, mi, re...

SINGER: In a song there's a bunch of different notes.

And they are just sort of combined

into this one piece that just fits together perfectly,

and then you sing it out and it sounds beautiful.

[piano playing]

SINGER: When kids sing, it sounds really amazing.

♪ Make new friends

♪ But keep the old

SINGER: I like to sing because I can hear something

that I'm making.

Like, I am making these beautiful sounds.

♪ That's how long I want to be your friend ♪


Well done!


One, two, three, four...

hop, hop, and hop one more!

[giggles] That rhymed!

"Four" and "more" sound the same.

Oh, yeah!

[giggles] Four and more.

Four, three, two, one...

playing hopscotch is so much fun!

[giggling] One and fun!

You're a poet and you don't know it!

Oh, now you're rhyming!


Uh, what's so funny about hopscotch?

[giggling]: Oh hi, Kendra.

It's not hopscotch that's funny...

[giggles] We keep accidentally speaking in rhyme!


Well, it's easy to rhyme words accidentally.

It's a lot harder to do it on purpose.

Like this...

[clears throat] It's really hard to make words rhyme...

but not for me, I do it all the time.

I'm a super-rhymer, so you see,

speaking in rhyme comes easily to me.

[gasps] Wow!



I could rhyme all day if I wanted to.

[gasps] We should have a rhyme off!

[together]: A rhyme off?


We all have to speak in rhyme.

If you say something that doesn't rhyme, you're out.

Well, I'm in!

So, let's begin!

Sounds fun, me too!

Oh, uh...

or as a cow would say...


[giggling][bell rings]

Good morning, everyone.

I've got some exciting news to share with you all!

Tomorrow a surprise guest is visiting our school.

[excited chatter]

Ms. Penny, can you tell us who?

Or maybe just give us a clue?

Oh well, you'll find out tomorrow

at a special welcome assembly.

Maybe it's a king or a queen.

Uh, and they might arrive in a limousine.

Or a mathematician!

That's what I'm wishin'.


So today you're going to write a speech

to welcome our special guest to school.

Then tomorrow I'll choose one of you

to read your speech in the assembly.

[class cheers]

I love writing!

It's so exciting!


Here's my speech, teach.


Uh, or teach-er, if you prefer.

And here's mine, it's mighty fine.

And mine as well, it's pretty swell.

Oh, well, um, thanks, girls.

See you all tomorrow!


I can't believe we've rhymed the whole day.

This is such a fun game to play!

But now it's time to say goodbye

so I guess we'll call the game a tie.

No way, we can't stop now.

We've got to keep it going someway, somehow.

I've got an idea, don't despair,

we can go to the park and play it there.

I'm climbing and rhyming! [giggles]

I'm sliding and gliding!

And I'm swinging and

♪ singing!

Rhyming makes me feel so clever!

I could speak in rhyme forever! [giggles]

♪ I love to rhyme, I rhyme all the time ♪

♪ Mop, top, clippety-clop

♪ Once I start, it's hard to stop! ♪

♪ Hop, bop, drop, pop!

♪ A pie in the sky beside a butterfly ♪

♪ Pie, sky, butterfly

♪ I, spy, tie, sigh, hi, bye, shy, sly, why! ♪

♪ My, oh my!

♪ I love to rhyme, I rhyme all the time ♪

♪ I see a bumblebee and have to rhyme ♪

♪ One, two, three, flea, tea, key-- whee! ♪

♪ Two fluffy poodles with oodles of noodles ♪

♪ Poodle, oodle, noodle and doodle! ♪

♪ Toodle, strudel, kit and caboodle! ♪

♪ I love to rhyme, I rhyme all the time ♪

♪ Mop, top, clippety-clop

♪ Once I start, it's hard to stop ♪

♪ Hop, bop, drop, pop!

♪ When I start rhyming it's hard to stop ♪

♪ Swap, crop, shop, flop, lop, kerplop! ♪

I want to rhyme and rhyme some more!

I want to rhyme even more than before!

Hi, Pinkalicious!

Hi, Jasmine, hi, Kendra!

Hello, Daddy; hello, brother; are you here without my mother?

Hey, Peter!

Nice to, uh, see yer!

Nice to see you out together,

I hope you enjoy the sunny weather.

Hey, did you know you're all speaking in rhyme?

We're in the middle of a rhyming game,

where all our words have to sound the same.

Oh, what fun!

We're going for ice cream, do you girls want one?

[chuckles] Hey, listen to me!

Rhyming is contagious that's, uh...


Okay, forget it, I'm out.

Ice cream?

[gasps] Yeah, ice cream!

Me, please!

Come on, ice cream, let's go!


[gasps] Oh, no!

I forgot to rhyme!

Oh, I'm out!

Oh no, Jasmine, you are out!

But you did well, without a doubt!

That's true, but now there's just two.

Me and you.

Thanks, Mr. Swizzle.

Okay, what does everyone else want?

It all looks delicious.

What are you getting, Pinkalicious?

Oh, can I please have a double raspberry swirl

with a wafer, extra sprinkles

and a cherry on top, Mr. Swizzle?[giggles]

[whispers]: Pinkalicious!

Don't forget to rhyme!

Oh, and, uh...

And, of course, a big chocolate sauce drizzle!

So, what happens now?

Is the game over?

Okay, Pinkalicious, what do you say?

Is it time to call it a day?

Not yet Kendra, let's keep on going

because my rhymes keep on growing.


Goodnight, Pinkalicious.

Night, night!

Oh, and, uh, could you please turn out the light?

[chuckles] You're still rhyming even though Kendra isn't here?

I have to keep rhyming, that's the rule.

And tomorrow I'll rhyme some more at school.

[yawns] But now it's time for me to sleep.

Time for me to...

[yawns] count some sheep.


sleep tight.

[birds chirping]

I can't believe you two are still speaking in rhyme!

This must be a Pinkville record.

I've never rhymed this long before

but I can always rhyme some more.

Maybe we'll go into day three?

'Cause I don't think anything will stop me!

Okay, class!

It's time to reveal who will read their speech

to welcome our surprise guest today.

And the winner is...


[cheering]Go, Pinkalicious!

[squeals in joy]

I'm so excited-- and delighted!


But your speech doesn't rhyme, so for you it's a disaster.

Because then I'll win the game and I'll be rhyme-master.

It doesn't rhyme!

That's true...

now what am I going to do?

Ms. Penny,

our surprise guest has arrived.

It's time for the welcome speech in the auditorium.

Come on, Pinkalicious!

Your big moment!

If I read my speech, I'll lose the game.

After rhyming so long, that's such a shame.

[clears throat]

It's time for us to give a big welcome

to our surprise guest...

Pinkville's most famous poet, Florence Lawrence!

[gasps] Florence Lawrence?

[crowd cheering]Awesome! Welcome!

She's my favorite poet!

It's our honor to have you visit our school today.

And one of our students would like to officially welcome you

with a special speech she has written.


[feedback noise][gulps]

Um, I'm sorry, I can't read my speech today...



I'd like to welcome you in a different way.

[whispering]: Ooh, she's rhyming!

Instead of a speech, I think it's time

to welcome you with my very own rhyme!

Welcome to our amazing school.

We think you'll agree that it's really cool.

We're so excited, we just want to say...

um... we just want to say...


She can't think of a rhyme!

Um... we just want to say...

We hope that you enjoy your day!

[snaps fingers]

That was the best welcome I've ever heard.

I appreciate every word.

It made me jump right out of my chair!

I will come visit again,

I swear.

Thank you.


Pinkalicious, that was amazing!

Thanks to you, Kendra!

You helped me finish my rhyme!


you do realize that you're not speaking in rhyme, right?



I think maybe it's time for the rhyme-off to end.

I couldn't agree more...

my rhyming friend!
