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01x38 - Pinkfoot/Flossie the Mossling

Posted: 01/20/24 08:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!


PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): We're going camping

in Pinkville Green!

♪ ♪

This looks like the pinkaperfect spot to pitch our tent.

Woo-hoo! Then let's get to it, guys.

I can't wait until it's dark

and we get to tell spooky stories

around the campfire.

And toast marshmallows.

PINKALICIOUS: Pink marshmallows!

We've got so many pink snacks.

This is going to be the pinkest camping trip ever.

Okay, everybody grab a corner.

♪ ♪


Wow, looks like a footprint.

One, two, three, four, five, six,

seven toes?

Come look!

It was right there!

The biggest footprint I've ever seen.

This big.

With seven toes.

Seven toes?

That doesn't sound like any footprint I've ever seen.

Hmm, me, neither.


It was Pinkfoot.

BOTH: Pinkfoot?!

You've never heard of Pinkfoot?


Whoa! Then I'll tell you the legend of Pinkfoot

around the campfire tonight.


I thought we were going to tell stories.

A legend is a story

that a lot of people hear about and tell other people--

but no one is sure if it's really true.



(sighs): We've got a tent!

Yay! Thanks, Daddy!


Hey, Peter, look at this!

Pink fur?

(wind blowing)

So, who's ready to hear the legend of Pinkfoot?

I'm ready. I am.

All right.

People say that Pinkfoot

is a big, hairy, pinkerocious beast

that lives in Pinkville Green.

This Pinkville Green?


She's this tall,

with huge, enormous, pink feet.

This big.

BOTH: Whoa!

Pinkfoot loves to come out

whenever there's a pink moon.

And she goes around gobbling up any pink food she sees...

(makes gobbling noises)

...before she disappears into the woods.

No one's ever seen Pinkfoot ever in real life,

but you'll know she's been there

if you see her big footprints with seven toes.

Seven toes?

(gasps): Like the footprint I saw today!

And we saw pink fur.

Was Pinkfoot here?

Well, I don't know.

But if you listen close enough,

you might hear the sound she makes.

(nonsensically): Ooh, goo goo, la la, ooh!

(kids giggling)

(all making Pinkfoot sounds, laughing)

Wouldn't it be funny if Pinkfoot was here right now?

(twig snaps)


It's Pinkfoot! Hide the marshmallows!

What's wrong?

I just went to get more wood for the fire.

(laughing): You scared us.

We thought you were Pinkfoot!

MOM (chuckling): Just my bunny slippers.

And you know Pinkfoot isn't real, right?

It's just a silly story.

But I will gobble up

a few of those pink marshmallows.


All gone-- already?

But I only had a few.

Me, too.


Maybe it's time to go to bed.


KIDS: Good night.

(fire sizzles)

♪ ♪

DAD: Rise and shine, campers.

♪ ♪

Breakfast time.

Who wants strawberry yogurt?

Yes, please! I do!


all gone.

Did somebody have a midnight snack?

I didn't. Not me.

MOM: No, but that's all right.

We can have the watermelon instead.

Hey, what happened to all the watermelon?


I guess we'll have to have breakfast at home.

Come on, let's pack up.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Mommy, Daddy, can Peter and I go play?

Okay, have fun.


Peter, look!

A footprint!

Like the one I saw in the park.

Wow, it's ginormous!

Do you think it belongs to Pinkfoot?

Pinkfoot? Ha!

Please tell me you don't believe in that legend.

Everybody knows that Pinkfoot is just a made-up story.

Some legends are true.

I think there really is a Pinkfoot.

Me, too!

And she's big and furry and she eats pink foods

and she walks like this...

♪ ♪

See, that's her footprint!

It's got seven toes.

Well, it obviously just means

that someone with big feet stepped on seven marbles.

(stammering:) P-P-Pinkfoot.

(stammering): R-right behind you.

Oh, please.

You expect me to believe that?

You can't fool me that easily.

(howls) (gasps)

(shrieks) (screams)

(all screaming)

KENDRA: Pinkfoot is real!

What is Pinkfoot doing in our yard?

I don't know.

PINKALICIOUS: Peter, look.

I think she's scared.

Come on.


(groaning in greeting)

(gasps): I know what to do!

Pink grapefruit?

Go ahead, you can have it.


(eats noisily and happily)

(all giggle)

I'm Pinkalicious.

And this is Peter.

Do you want to play with us?

(makes assenting sound)

Maybe you could sleep over.

(makes excited sound)

We just have to check with our parents.

Be right back.

Mommy, Daddy!

Is it all right if Pinkfoot spends the night?


(chuckles): Yes.

Sure, honey.

Pinkfoot can stay as long as she wants.

BOTH: Yeah!



It's cute how they're pretending Pinkfoot is real.

♪ ♪

Ready or not, here I come!


♪ ♪

(thumping echoes)

What is going on up there?

♪ ♪

There you go.

All tucked in.

I don't mind sharing a room with Pinkalicious,

so you can have mine.

(makes contented noises)

Good night, Pinkfoot.


(makes contented noises)


All right, Peter, rise and shine!

♪ ♪

(both yelp)

Wha... wha... what?


You said Pinkfoot could stay over.

I gave her my bed so she'd be more comfortable.

How... but...

Pinkfoot is real?

Yeah! And she isn't scary at all!

She's really friendly.

I see.

Well, hello, Pinkfoot.

(Pinkfoot moans greeting)

Can she stay with us forever?


Well, I wish Pinkfoot could stay.

But Pinkville Green is her home.

(moans in agreement)

(makes wistful sounds)


I think that means she misses home.


But we were having so much fun playing together.

Well, you can always go visit Pinkfoot in the park.


Would that be all right?

(moans excitedly, laughs)

(kids cheer)

Now come on, let's take Pinkfoot home.

♪ ♪

Legend has it there's a huge, furry, funny, friendly beast

who can only be found in Pinkville.

She loves twirling,

and playing hide and seek.

And she has the best dance moves.

And even though she's shy at first,

once you get to know her, she makes a really good friend.

And her name is Pinkfoot.

(makes inquisitive noise)

(moans happily)

I think I like this new legend better than the old one.

(chuckles): Me, too.


And the best part is that this legend is totally true.

Okay, who needs more marshmallows?

(gasps): They're all gone.

(makes chewing noises)

Well, one part of the old legend is true:

Pinkfoot loves to gobble up pink food!

(all laughing)

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): I can't wait to tell all my friends

about the real, true story of Pinkfoot.

KIDS: That's pinkatastic!

KEMP HARRIS: There was a little boy

who always watched his mom make it rain

using the rain stick.

Today we met Kemp Harris.

He's a storyteller, a teacher, and a musician.

HARRIS: And she would say, "Rain stick,

make the rain begin."

And the rain would start.

GIRL: Kemp helped us

create our own story.

Well, one day, the little boy found the rain stick

and he said, "Rain stick..."

(kids join in softly): "Make the rain begin."

What happened?

That's when you take over.

You have to be loud and clear and dramatic.

And it rained so much that you had to go surfing on the moon!

He was using the rain stick.

It was kind of like the microphone.

GIRL : He saw leaves sucking up the water

and getting bigger, bigger, and expanding,

until they popped!


The dandelions grew to be so tall,

they grew to be the same size as the Eiffel Tower.

It kept raining day and night.

It's imagination and art.

Combine those two, you get a really fantastic story.

Well, his little sister walked over to him and said,

"Could I have the rain stick, please?"

And she said...

ALL: "Rain stick, time for rain to stop."

BOY: I like storytelling

because you never know what you're going to think of.

And the rain stopped.

Awesome story-- thanks.


PINKALICIOUS: "Flossie the Mossling."

♪ ♪

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): It's so hot outside.

Peter and I can't wait to get home

and have a nice, cold smoothie.

I want a raspberry and strawberry smoothie.

With blueberries and bananas and apples.


And ice.

I want lots and lots of ice.

I'm so hot.

I'm hotter than a volcano.

Well, I'm hotter than a volcano on the sun.

In summer!

(both laugh)


Where did that voice come from?

FLOSSIE: I said, "Shh!"

You're missing it!

Missing what?


(water rushing)

Hello, Miss... uh...

(quietly): Flossie.

I'm Flossie the Mossling.

(whispering): Why do we have to be so quiet?

(whispering): Because if you don't, you won't hear the music.

What music?

Water music.

The best sound in the world!

(water rushing)

♪ The sound of a stream is music to me ♪

♪ I hear the water flow in harmony ♪

♪ It babbles, it burbles as it rushes through ♪


♪ And you'll hear it, too ♪

♪ Babble, babble, burble ♪

♪ Splish, splash, splish ♪

♪ Rushing over rocks and moss, swoosh, swish! ♪

♪ To hear these happy sounds is all I wish ♪

ALL: ♪ Babble, babble, burble, splish, splash, splish! ♪

♪ When I sit beside a waterfall ♪

♪ Underneath the sun or moon ♪

♪ It splashes and sprays and seems to play ♪

♪ A gurgly little tune ♪

BOTH: ♪ Babble, babble, burble, splish, splash, splish ♪

♪ Rushing over rocks and moss, swoosh, swish! ♪

♪ To hear these happy sounds is all I wish ♪

♪ ♪

Babble! Babble!

Burble! Burble!

Babble! Burble!

KIDS: ♪ Burble, babble ♪

♪ That's the music of the stream! ♪

KIDS: Splash, splish!


That stream does sound like music!

It's like a stream song.

Thank you so much for showing us, Flossie.

You're welcome.

(water burbles) Ooh!

Did you hear that babble?

Or was it a burble?

(water rushing)

Mommy, can we walk to school tomorrow?

If you really want to.

But it's going to be hot tomorrow.

Whew! Even hotter than today.

That's okay!

We want to visit our friend Flossie the Mossling

and listen to her music again.

Oh, I know Flossie.

She lives in the moss by the stream.

Okay, well, you'll have to go a little bit early.

No problem! No problem!

(yawning): I was having this amazing dream about a flying scooter.

Five more minutes and I would have flown all the way to the...


I can't hear anything!

Oh! Sorry!

I still can't hear anything.

Where did the water music go?

(gasps): Oh, no!

(Flossie crying)

Oh, Flossie!

What happened?

Where did your stream go?

(sobbing): It's been so hot lately that...

My stream just dried up.

There's no water!

Which means there's no water music to listen to.

What am I going to do?

Well, maybe we can find you some water to listen to.



Um... well..

Ooh! I just thought of somewhere!

♪ ♪

Oh! The fountain!

Great idea, Pinkalicious!

(water flowing) I... love it!


(water splashing) Splash!


Just like my stream!

But splashing is all it does.

It doesn't babble or burble like my stream.

Oh. Okay.

Well, maybe we can find some different water.

Some babbling, burbling water.

But we'll have to do it at school.

We're going to be late! Come on!

♪ ♪

(breathlessly): And then Flossie's stream dried up, and she was so upset,

so I said we'd find her some water

to listen to.

Well, that was very nice of you, Pinkalicious.

The fountain didn't work,

but I thought maybe our fishbowl would.

Why don't you give it a try?

Thank you so much, Ms. Penny!

(water bubbles)


How lovely!

Hello, little babbling fishy!

Hello! (water bubbles)

MS. PENNY: Okay, class.

Today we're going to work on subtraction.

(Flossie crying)


(quietly): What's wrong?

I'm not sure.

(continues crying)

(quietly): Is everything okay, Flossie?

This water has a babble,

but it doesn't have a splash.

Oh. Well...

The fountain had water splashing into it.

Maybe if I...

(water gurgling)

Oh, yes! Splashing!

(gasps): That's it!

Don't stop!

Wait, Flossie!

Oh, be careful!

(water gushes over)

Oh, no!

Ms. Penny!


It's okay, Finnegan.

I'm sorry!

That's okay.

But, Pinkalicious,

you'll have to find your friend some other water to listen to.


What are we going to do?

Don't worry, I'll just go back to my stream.

Or where my stream used to be.

Oh, you can't do that.

Jasmine's right.

We can find the right sounds.

We found some of them already.

We just need to find them again.


A babble, a burble, and a splish splash.

You need rushing water to make those sounds.


I can hear rushing water. (gasps)


Mr. Crunk! Mr. Crunk!

(water gushing from hose)



The water is rushing almost exactly like my stream.

But there's no babbling or splashing.

(kids groan)

(gasps): Oh! Wait, listen!

(water splashes over) Ooh!



Oh, but there's still no babbling.

(kids groan)

The fish made the babble we had before.

But I don't think Ms. Penny will let us borrow Finnegan again.


The stream babbling over the stones

was my favorite part.


Your stream had lots of stones!

Oh, yeah, and branches, and moss.

What if we found some of those things?

Maybe we could make a babble that way.

Maybe we can make a stream of our own.

Yeah, maybe.

RAFAEL, PETER, AND JASMINE: And we'll help! Great!

♪ ♪

(water rushing)

It's the Pinkville River!

ALL: Cool!


(water burbling) That sounds like babbling to me.

Flossie, what do you think?


It needs more moss.

But we don't have any more moss.

I always carry some extra.

I am a mossling, after all.

(water burbles gently)

That sounds... just like my stream!

(all cheering)

It's the perfect place for me to stay!

(school bell rings)

Oh, no!

What? What does that mean?

That's the end of recess.

Time to turn that hose off.

And I need my washtub back for band practice.

(stammers): You... You have to...

(sadly): Take it away?

I'm sorry, Flossie.

We'll come and find you as soon as school is over.

We can make music with many different instruments.

Who can tell me the name of an instrument?

♪ ♪




(rain pattering)

♪ Pitter, patter, plip, plop ♪

♪ Dibble, dibble, dop, dop ♪

♪ That's the music of the rain! ♪

♪ Plip plop! ♪

MS. PENNY: Yes, Pinkalicious?

Can you name an instrument?

Ms. Penny! Can we please take a class trip?

Now? But we're right in the middle of music.

This is about music, Ms. Penny.

It's about water music.

What do you mean?

Well, the stream is kind of like a musical instrument.

Right, Flossie?


Just listen to the babbles and the burbles it makes.

(water rushing)

It's like it's singing us a song.

You're right, Jasmine.

Yes, it is.

♪ ♪

Babble! Babble!

Burble! Burble!

Babble! Burble!

♪ Burble, babble ♪

♪ That's the music of the stream! ♪

♪ Splash, splish! ♪

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): Now I love listening to water music.

The burbles and babbles of the streams,

the plip plop of the rain, even the roar of the ocean--

it's all beautiful to me!

♪ ♪