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01x23 - Don't Wake Norman / Pinkasaurus

Posted: 01/20/24 08:44
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ A robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Don't Wake Norman."

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): It's a pinkaperfect morning

for skipping rope!

♪ My name is Pinkalicious and I love to fly ♪

♪ With a pinkatastic jump to the sky, sky, sky ♪


Oh no!


No skipping rope on my flower beds.


I would never do such a thing.

You can never be too careful.

You don't usually worry about me skipping rope, Norman.

Is everything okay?

Well, yes, of course it is.

Why wouldn't it be?

It's just... you seem a little cranky today.

(crankily): I am not cranky!

Hi, Norman.

Hi, Pinkalicious.

Hi, Peter.

Watch it with that ball, Peter!

Don't worry, I've got this.


What's up with Norman?

He seems extra cranky today.

I heard that.

(bird tweets) Shoo! Shoo!


I'm telling you, I am not cranky!


Okay, so you're not cranky.

But maybe you're a little tired?

Maybe a little.

You see, I'm due for my Big Sleep.

Big Sleep?

Wait a minute, I thought gnomes never sleep.

Ah, well, we don't sleep much.

But once every hundred years, gnomes have a Big Sleep.

I'm supposed to be having mine right now.

Then why aren't you?

Sleeping's good for you.

You'll feel much better afterwards.


B-b-but I have to guard the garden.

A rabbit might gobble up the carrots,

o-or a squirrel might dig up the tulip bulbs,

or, or, or... I can't even think about it.

I'll just have to have an extra-long Big Sleep

in another hundred years.

(gasp): Another hundred years?

We need him to have his Big Sleep now

or he'll be super cranky for the next years.

(bird tweeting)

(gasps): I know!

Why don't we guard the garden?

That's a great idea.

Hey, Norman!

We could guard the garden for you.

(laughing): You?

Guard my garden?


You're not gnomes!

Only gnomes guard gardens.


Well, at least we cheered him up.


It won't last.

When he stops laughing, he'll be crankier than ever.

Oh, where are we going to find

another gnome to guard the garden

so he can go for his Big Sleep?


BOTH: Edna!

Please, Edna?

But I've got my own garden to guard.

But we don't know any other gnomes.

(gasps): Maybe you could teach us

how to be gnomes like you and Norman.

I don't know about that.

It's not easy being a gnome, you know.

But Norman needs his sleep.

I suppose I could.

Oh, thank you so much.

Never mind all that.

Let's get to work.

(chuckling): Now, first things first.

You've got to stand like a gnome.

Shoulders nice and straight,

legs together, and arms by your side.

How's this?

Not bad.

But standing is one thing--

you also need to march like a gnome.

One, two, one, two.

ALL: One, two, one, two.

And here's a secret gnome trick.

If you stomp as you march, it scares away the chipmunks.

One, two, one, two. One, two, one, two.


Hmm... not terrible.

But sometimes there are bigger animals,

and stomping isn't enough.

Then you have to do this.



Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

More of a growl in your voice.

Like this.

(growling): Shoo! Shoo!

BOTH: Shoo! Shoo!

Pretty good for non-gnomes.

But there's still something missing.

(snaps fingers)

Now where did I put them?

Nope, not those.

Hey, my back scratcher!

(accordion wheezes, rubber duck squeaks)

Ha ha, I knew I had some spares somewhere.

How do we look?

Like a couple of gnomes.

Just right for garden guarding.

Then we'd better get back to Norman

so he can go for his Big Sleep.

One, two, one, two. One, two, one, two.

W-w-what's the big idea?

This is my garden!

I'm the gnome around here.

Norman, it's us, Pinkalicious and Peter.

Edna showed us how to be gnomes

so we can guard the garden while you go for your big sleep.

(laughing): That's silly!

You're not gnomes!

But now we look like gnomes.


And we sound like gnomes, too.


Shoo! Shoo!

And we march like gnomes.

BOTH: One, two, one, two. (yawns)

You even thought we were gnomes just now!

(clears throat): The sun was in my eyes.

Come on, Norman, give us a try.

Well, I am very tired.

Okay, all right.

You can guard the garden.

I guess that means it's time for my Big Sleep.

Sweet dreams, Norman.

Sleep as snug as a bug in a rug.



Are they eating the leaves?

No, no, no, no, that's just a saying.

(sighs): Never mind.

You've got nothing to worry about, Norman.

Your garden is in good hands.

BOTH: One, two, one, two.

One, two, one, two...

Don't forget to stomp your feet, Peter.

BOTH: One, two, one...


Shoo! Shoo! (squeaking)

We've got to sound more like gnomes.

(growly): Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

(stammering): Wha-wha-who-what?

What's going on?

Don't worry, Norman.

It was just a squirrel.

A squirrel? Where?

It's okay, it's okay.

We did what Edna showed us and scared it away.

You can go back to your Big Sleep.



Look! A rabbit!

BOTH: Shoo! Shoo!

No nibbling our carrots!

What now?

Just a rabbit, Norman.

He's gone now.

Back to your Big Sleep.

One, two.


PETER: Pinkalicious?

How long do you think a Big Sleep lasts?

I don't know.

It's a Big Sleep.

So we might be here for days.



(Norman's snoring continues)

It's been years.

I didn't know a Big Sleep could take so long.

Look! There's a squirrel!


Shoo him! Shoo him!

BOTH: Shoo! Shoo!



Every single time.


(gasps) No!

I hope it's not years.

Me too.


That squirrel's back!

Quick, Pinkalicious.

Shoo, shoo!

Shhh, we don't want to wake up Norman again.

Let's try and do this quietly.

(slightly lower volume): Shoo, shoo!


It's not working.

(Norman's snoring continues)

(whispering): Oh no!

The rabbit's back, too, and he's brought a friend.


Please, shoo!


Quiet, Peter.

We don't want to wake up Norman.

But the squirrel and the rabbits.

(frogs ribbiting)

And the frogs!

Shoo! Shoo!

Stop! Shoo!

Cut that out!

No, squirrels! Get out of our garden!

I just came by to check up on...


What is going on here?

I thought you two were guarding the garden.

We're trying, Edna.

But every time we scare away the animals,

we make too much noise and wake up Norman.

What are we going to do?

If we're quiet, the animals don't pay any attention to us.

Let a gnome handle this.


How did you do that?

You didn't even say a word.

(laughing): It's called being a gnome.

You can't just pretend to be a gnome,

you have to feel like a gnome.

Gnomes are strong.

Gnomes are determined.

Gnomes never give up.

We don't give up either, right, Peter?



Well then, go out there and show those squirrels

and rabbits and frogs who's the gnome.



Now, that's what I call being a gnome.

We did it!




Oops! Oops!

Oh no!


I'm so sorry we woke you up.

Woke me up?

You didn't wake me up.

My Big Sleep is done, finished.

I feel like a new gnome.

The Big Sleep's more like a little nap.

Does that mean you don't need us to guard the garden anymore?

Nope! I'm ready to guard.

Aww, we were just starting to feel like real gnomes.

Well, Norman might not need you, but I do!


It's time for my Big Sleep.

How about you two gnomes guard my garden for a while?

Yay! All right!

One, two...

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): The most important thing

about being a gnome is never giving up.

Oh, and the hat helps, too.

KIDS: That's pinkatastic!


SARAH NOLEN: This is Kira.

She's actually a hand and rod puppet.

GIRL: Sarah Nolen is a puppeteer.

SARAH: I have my hand

in Kira's body.

(as Kira): Oh! Hello!

And that way, I'm able to manipulate her mouth.


GIRL: Sarah creates puppets and performs all over the world.

This is Hugo, and he is a grumpy fairy.

GIRL: She's the resident artist at the Puppet Showplace Theater.

She's their puppet expert.

Today, we're making a rod puppet.

And this--

he's a very simple rod puppet.

One main control rod, and that turns his head.

And-- crumple!

And then we start making puppet heads.

BOY: We crumbled up newspaper and then put tape over it.

Then we all chose a cloth and a yarn color.

Hold your puppet out in front of you

so the audience can see.

ALL: Ah-ah... achoo!

Is the grandpa voice really high or really low?

So, he's going to be like,

(imitating old man): "Oh, son!

You're back from college!"

Like that. That's great.

I'm so proud to present

"Back from College."

Oof! Oh!

Oh, son!

You're back from college.

Yes, and I've been there for years.

We've got some catching up to do.

SARAH: Bravo!


PINKALICIOUS: "Pinkasaurus."

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): Peter and I are digging to the other side of the world.

I wonder if everything's upside down

on the other side of the world.

(giggling): People might stand on their hands,

like this.

Things look different this way up.

(dog barking)



That tickles!

If Rusty's here,

then Rafael must be around here somewhere, too.


I think he wants you to follow him.

Would that be okay?


Just stay where we can see you.

We will!

Come on, Rusty!

Where's Rafael?


♪ ♪

Hey, Rafael!

Hi, guys.

Oh, I wondered where Rusty was.



(chuckling): He's always finding things

on the beach.

And this time he found us!

ALL: (laughter)

Do you want to help us dig?

We're digging to the other side of the world.

Huh, then we'd better get started.

Let's do it!

ALL: Yeah!


How long do you think it'll take?

Hmm... at least until lunch.

Maybe even longer.

(Rusty yips)

Ooh, Rusty found something.

What have you got, boy?

Told you he's always finding things on the beach.


Aw, it's just an old flip-flop.

You can keep it, Rusty.

To him, it's buried treasure. (giggles)

(gasps): Hey!

I wonder what else we'll find?

Come on, let's dig some more.

♪ ♪

Oh, sorry, Mr. Crab.


I can make this into a necklace later.


Or is it some crazy hair?


Or a beard?

Or a moustache?

(mimicking adult voice): Hello there.

(giggling) (Rusty barks)

(gasps): Rusty found something else!

Maybe the other flip-flop.

They come in pairs, right?


It's way cooler than that.

Come see.

Would you look at that,

It's a little pink bone.

Drop it, Rusty.



Good boy.

It looks like an animal bone.

I wonder what kind of animal it belongs to.

Hmm, a shrimp?

It's too big for a shrimp.


It's pink.

Maybe a flamingo.

They're pink, right?

A pink flamingo!



♪ ♪

♪ ♪

It's hard to tell from just one bone.

We could imagine it's just about anything.

Maybe there are more bones.

If there are, I know just the dog to help us find them.

Sniff, Rusty.


Go find it!

He's hot on the trail.


Come on, let's help him!


Rusty found another pink bone.

And it's even bigger.

Oh, good boy.

I think this bone is too big

for a pink flamingo, don't you?


Um, maybe it belongs to a dolphin.

Or a shark.

Or a pink octopus.

A pink octopus? A pink octopus?



Put me down, please, Mr. Octopus!



I don't want to be juggled.

I'm collecting shells!

Thank you, Mr. Octopus.

Care for a clam?

♪ ♪

Wait, aren't octopuses invertebrates?



That means they have no bones.

So this couldn't be an octopus bone.

Then what kind of bone is it?

(Rusty barking)


Rusty's back on the trail!

ALL: Whoa!

That's huge!


Do you think it's a whale bone?

It could be.

Maybe it's a blue whale.

They're the biggest whales in the world.

If there are blue whales, maybe... (gasps)

there are pink whales, too?

And maybe they're even bigger than blue whales!

Pink whales? Pink whales?

♪ ♪



Watch out for the wave!





Huh, I've never seen a pink whale at the beach.

I've never seen any kind of whale at the beach.

Anything's possible.


What'd you find, Rusty?

(gasps) That's the biggest bone ever!

That's too big to be a whale bone.

RAFAEL: I don't think it's just one bone.

It looks like a whole skeleton.

(gasps) Wow!

It's so big.

Maybe it's an elephant skeleton.

It's even bigger than an elephant.

What kind of animal is bigger than an elephant?

A dinosaur?


A dinosaur!

You really think this is a dinosaur?

It could be.

But not just any dinosaur.

These bones are pink.

I think it's a pinkasaurus.

A pinkasaurus? A pinkasaurus?

What's a pinkasaurus?

The pinkasaurus was a dinosaur from prehistoric Pinkville.

It was the pinkest dinosaur ever known.

BOTH: Whoa.

I wonder what Pinkville was like

when the pinkasauruses were here.

♪ ♪


Hello there, Mr. Pinkasaurus!



Wow! What a friendly dinosaur!

Could I have a ride into Pinkville?

♪ ♪

(Pinkasaurus stomps)


You're fast!

♪ ♪

Hm... are we here?

Of course!

Pinkville didn't even exist way back then.

No wonder I can't see it.

(footsteps thudding)

♪ ♪

You're not really going to eat all those daisies, are you?


Watch out, Pinkasaurus!


Oh, you're hurting my ears!

I think I'd like to go back now.

♪ ♪


Thank you, Pinkasaurus.

The pinkasaurus was the most pinkamazing dinosaur ever.

I wish there were still pinkasauruses.

Me, too.

Then we could ride one to school.


Too bad they lived so long ago.

Wait till Mommy and Daddy see this!

Mommy! Daddy!

Come look!

What is it?

Mom! Over here!

Is everything okay?


(gasps): Wait.

Is that what I think it is?

It looks like a...

Couldn't be.

It's a pinkasaurus!

We found it in the sand.


Well, Rusty did.


And Pinkalicious figured out what it was.

We all did!



Everybody, this is an important discovery!

This pinkasaurus belongs in the Pinkville museum.


It's just the way I imagined it.

Incredible. Oh, amazing.


I can't believe our dinosaur is in the museum.

We've been looking for this pinkasaurus for years!

Thank you for finding it.

(Rusty barks)

Rusty's the one who found it.


You're not supposed to be in here.


I'm afraid dogs aren't allowed in museums.

Even if they've discovered dinosaur bones.

I better take him home.

Come on, Rusty.

(sniffs) Oh!

No, Rusty!

That's a pinkasaurus bone!

It just looks like a bone to him.

Put that down!

Rusty, drop it!

Aw, come back here, Rusty!

Stop that dog!

PINKALICIOUS (voiceover): I can't wait to go back to the beach and dig some more.

Maybe next time we'll find a tri-pinka-tops!

(Rusty barks)

♪ ♪