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01x19 - Missing Squeakykins / The Cloud-O-Matic

Posted: 01/20/24 08:40
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ ♪ a robot ♪

♪ A pirate at sea ♪

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ In a pinkamazing way ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling ♪

♪ On a pinkaperfect day ♪

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a pinkalicious feeling ♪

♪ Peterrific you might say ♪

♪ Pinkalicious and peterrific ♪

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

Pinkalicious: "missing squeakykins."

Pinkalicious (voiceover): playing with squeakykins the squeakster

Is my favorite part of the school day!

Squeak! Squeak!

Aw, she's so cute!

Hi, squeakykins!

Hi, you sweet girl!

Okay, class.

It's time to see who gets to take squeakykins home

For the weekend.


She's so cute!

Now remember, taking care of squeakykins

Is a big responsibility.

Who can tell us some things you need to do

To take good care of a squeakster?

Ooh, jasmine?

Make sure she always has food and water?

Yes, that's very important.

What else?


Make sure she stays in her cage so she doesn't get lost.

That's right!

Squeakykins is small and quick and would be very hard to find

If she got out.

Now, let's see.

Who will it be?

The next person who gets to take squeakykins

Home for the weekend


Please let it be me, please, please, please...

Pinkalicious! Yes!

(Bell rings, children cheering)

♪ ♪

Don't you worry about a thing, squeakykins.

I'm going to take pinkamazing care of you!

Squeak, squeak.

It's very important to make sure squeakykins

Always has fresh food and water.

But the most important thing is that she stays safe.


She sure likes to eat!


I guess all that running made her hungry.

Is that all she does all day?

Pretty much.

I'd get super-bored if I ran on a wheel all day

And never got anywhere.


I guess there's not much else to do

When you're a stuck in a little cage.

I bet she wishes she could do something more fun

Than just run around and around on that wheel.

♪ ♪

A ferris wheel is much more fun!

Or a giant slide!


Tilt-a-whirl, here we come!

♪ ♪

But your teacher said

Squeakykins needs to stay in her cage, right?

Not exactly.

She said she'd be hard to find if she got out.

But maybe we can just let her

Move around a little and have some fun?

She'll be perfectly safe!

Squeakykins: squeak!

(Giggling): hey, you love tunnels, don't you, squeakykins?


Peter, what if we make a tunnel for squeakykins

To run around in?


That way, she'll get to go somewhere

But still stay safe.

That's a great idea!

What could we use to make a squeakster tunnel?


Hey, doesn't mommy have a bunch of paper towel rolls

In her work room?


She saves them for her inventions.

I bet she'd let us use some.

Let's go ask her!

♪ ♪

Be right back, squeakykins!


I knew these might come in handy some day!

Ooh, here, you'll need some tape, too.

Just make sure squeakykins is safe--

We don't want her to get lost.

And have fun!

We will!

Thanks so much, mommy!

I bet we can make the coolest tunnel for squeakykins

With all these tubes!


I have an idea!

What if we use these boxes to make little rooms

That the tubes go in and out of?

That way, the tunnel can turn and go all around the room!

What do you think, squeakykins?


Squeakykins thinks that's a flufferific idea!


♪ ♪


This is a pinkcredible tunnel!

Let's see how squeakykins likes it!

♪ ♪

Squeak, squeak!

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Squeak, squeak!


That was fast!

I think she really likes it!

Squeak, squeak!

You finally got to go somewhere, squeakykins!

Squeak, squeak!

Oh, I think she wants to try again!


Oh, no! The door's open!

(Gasps): that was close!

Whew, I'll say.

You just want to go out and play,

Don't you my little squeakster?

What if... She could go outside?

I don't know.

She might get lost.

She wouldn't get lost!

She'd be in the tunnel!

We could keep building the tunnel

Right out of the house!

She'll be perfectly safe.

♪ ♪

Okay, peter!

Ready, set, let her go!

♪ ♪

(Rustling in tunnel)


What's that, squeakykins?

You want to go even farther?

You wanna go all over pinkville?

I don't know, pinkalicious...

Peter, just think of the pinkatastic tunnel

We could build!

♪ ♪

It won't be long until you get to run

All over town, squeakykins!

♪ ♪

(Wrench ratcheting)

Well, now,

That's an interesting sculpture!

Oh, it's not a sculpture, mr. Plum.

It's a tunnel for squeakykins, our class pet.

Another tube, please.

Uh, oh.

This is the last one!


It can't be the last one!

Oh, no!

But we told squeakykins that she could run

All around pinkville!

And we still need to build the tunnel through the park

And back home.

I've got some extra pipes from my sculpture you can use.

Thanks, mr. Plum!

Thank you so much!

This is pinkaperfect!

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Okay, squeakykins, get ready to be pinkamazed!

Go on!

You can run and run all over pinkville

And you'll wind up right back here.

It's a lot more fun than running on that wheel.


See you when you get back!

We'll be right here waiting for you!

♪ Squeakykins, where are you? ♪

(Sighing): I thought she'd be here by now.

What if she got out somewhere?

That's impossible, peter!

We taped the tubes together nice and tight.

Oh, no.

What if she did get out?

Squeakykins could be anywhere in pinkville!

We have to go find her!

No opening here.

I don't know where she could have gotten out!

Sure wish we had a squeakster detector.

We checked the whole tunnel, and it's sealed up tight!

There's no way she could have gotten out.

She's got to be in here somewhere.

But where?


What are you doing?

I'm listening for squeakykins.

We can't see her, but maybe we can hear her.

Hey, what if we make squeakster sounds?

Then she'll think we're squeaksters

And follow the sound of our voices!

Both: squeak, squeak, squeak...

It's no use.

But I just don't understand how she could have gotten out!

Wait, maybe she didn't get out.

Maybe she's lost inside the tunnel!

I wish I was squeakster-size,

So I could go into the tunnel and find her!

Pinkamagine that!

♪ ♪

(Giggling): wow!



♪ ♪


All of this tunneling's making me hungry!

That's it!

Squeakykins is probably hungry!

Maybe we can get her to come out with some food!

What do we do now?

We wait.

Peter, look!

(Metal clanging)

(Clanging continues)

Yay! Yay!


You came home!

We were worried we lost you.

Ms. Penny was right.

I never should have let you out of your cage.

But I bet you had more fun than you've ever had

In your whole life!


Too bad she'll be stuck in her cage again

When she goes back to school.

Back to running on her wheel, I guess.


How'd everything go, pinkalicious?

We had a great time!

Didn't we, little squeakster?

I know she needs to stay in her cage,

But I wanted to make it

A little more interesting for her.

Pinkalicious, this is really amazing!

I made a tunnel so squeakykins can run around.

But it's small enough so she won't get lost.

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

Good thinking!

(All exclaiming)

Pinkalicious (voiceover): I hope I get to take squeakykins home again

So we can have some more pinkatastic adventures.

And I'm pretty sure squeakykins hopes so, too!


♪ ♪

Kids: that's art-a-licious!

This is our pet hamster wilbur,

And he likes to run around and play,

So today we are going to make him some mazes.

That might make a good tunnel.

Girl: I'm coloring some doors so it looks

Like there's doors in the houses.

I made my first tunnel.

♪ ♪


Girl: here, wilbur, test the ladder!


I'm building a maze for wilbur.

Then he has, like, different options.

Hey, wilbur.

(Talking indistinctly)

Wilbur will love this!

This is hamster street.

♪ ♪

Girl: here you go, wilbur!

Girl: have fun!

(Talking excitedly)


Girl: come on, wilbur, you can do it!


Girl: through the maze and find the tube...

Go through the tunnel!

Welcome to hamster street, wilbur.

Girl: through the tunnel on hamster street...

Up the popsicle stick ladder...


Across the bridge,

Up the candy cane ladder,

Across the drawbridge and into his house.

(Cheering, clapping)

Wilbur made it, congratulations, wilbur!

Pinkalicious: "cloud-o-matic."

Pinkalicious (voiceover): I'm so excited!

Today is the sun festival in the park!

♪ ♪

(Inhales, exhales contentedly)

What a pinkaperfect day for it!

Not a cloud in... My room?

Now, that's strange!

Peter: pinkalicious!


There's a cloud in my...


Yours, too!

Why are there clouds inside?

I don't know.

Where could they be coming from?

I can guess.

Come on!

♪ ♪

(Pinkalicious gasps) peter: wow!

Mommy, are those real clouds?

Not exactly.

I made them with my new invention:

The cloud-o-matic!

The cloud-o-matic?

Aw, I love clouds, don't you?

They're so fluffy and beautiful.

I thought it would be fun if I could make my own!

How does it work?

Well, so far, I've put water right in here...

Oh, because clouds are made from water!


So that's where rain comes from!

(Chuckling): right.

Now, you just draw whatever kind of cloud you want

On this special paper.

I'm going to try to make a flower cloud.


Let's see.

If I draw a circle...

And then add ovals all around...

Then the paper...

Goes into the machine.

Then you pull the lever and the cloud comes out here.

Whoa! Whoa!

Can I try, mommy?


Of course!

Peter: circle, then some ovals...

♪ ♪



It worked!

That is one clouderrific cloud, peter!

My turn!


How about a unicorn?

♪ ♪

Here we go!

Ooh! Ooh, that is so cool!

Hmm... It's getting dark in here.

Inside might not be the best place for cloud-making.


You know what would be the best place for cloud-making?

The sun festival!

Then everyone can make their own clouds!

You know, that's not a bad idea, pinkalicious.

I could use some help testing this out.

Yay! Yay!

This is going to be the best sun festival ever!

♪ ♪

I just need to set up the cloud-o-matic.

Why don't you two go check out the festival?

Okay, mommy!

Pinkalicious: what should we do first?

Ring toss?

Bean bag game?


How about the three-legged race?

Pinkalicious! Peter!

There you are!

Hi, frida!

Hi, rafael! Hi, kendra!


What is that?

Peter: oh, it's a flower cloud,

Just like the one I made!

Wait, you made a cloud?

We both did!

With mommy's cloud-o-matic.

It's her new invention.


Can I make a cloud, too?

Me, too!


Come on.

Mommy, can we make some clouds?

Of course!

Oh, but I promised mayor martinez I would help out

With the three-legged race.

Don't worry, mommy, we know how it works.

Okay-- have fun!

Here you go.

Now just draw any shape you want right here.




Peter: then we pull the lever and...

Frida: wow!

It looks like a dog!

(Chuckles): that's because it is a dog!

Ooh, can I try next?

I want to draw a bunny cloud!

But I don't know how to draw a bunny.

Here, I'll show you.

First draw a big oval, for the bunny's body.

Then add a circle for her head

And two more skinny ovals for her ears!

Oh, and some ovals for her feet.

I did it!

I drew a bunny!

(Whirring and hissing)



How about you, kendra?

Don't you want a turn?

I'm not sure what kind of cloud to make.

Any kind is fine.

♪ ♪





What is that?

A marshmallow?

It's a cloud.


That's, um... Very, um... Cloudy.

Now, how about a star to shine above it?

♪ ♪


And a rocket ship!

♪ ♪





That's a lot of clouds.

(People gasping)

♪ ♪

What on earth is that?


♪ ♪

Is that a bunny cloud?

Looks like it!




(Shivering): is anyone else getting cold?

♪ ♪

How about a shark?

Or a dinosaur!

(Cloud-o-matic whirring and hissing)

Hold on, peter, frida!

I think that's enough clouds!

They're blocking the sun.

(Shivering): that's why it's so cold!

We better stop and let those clouds clear away

Before we make any more.

It's too late!

All the little clouds are turning

Into one giant, humongous, really big cloud.

Oh, I'm sorry, kids, but it looks like rain.

I might have to cancel the festival.

(Children grumbling)

Oh, please don't cancel the festival, mayor martinez!

We made that giant cloud and we can make it go away!

Uh, how, pinkalicious?

Well... Um... We'll think of something!


But if it does start raining, we'll all have to go home.

How are we going to get rid of the cloud, pinkalicious?

♪ ♪

We can be the wind and blow the cloud away!

♪ ♪

(Inhaling, blowing)

(Panting): I think it helped, don't you?


(Breathlessly): actually, no.

It was a good try, though.

If only we had a gigantic fan!

We could fan the clouds away.

Or a cloud-eating monster!


Peter, that's your best idea ever!

We can make a cloud-eating monster cloud!


Pinkalicious: with a huge round head...

Peter: and horns!

Frida: and don't forget a big mouth for eating clouds!

♪ ♪




Peter: time for your cloud snack, cloud-eating monster!

(All groan)

Well, that did it.

Now the cloud's even bigger!

It's going to rain any minute!

But there's got to be some way to make that cloud go away!

♪ ♪

Go away, cloud!

♪ ♪


It can't rain!


Wait a minute.

I'm not afraid of a little rain!

It's just water.

I can play in it!

Go on, cloud!

Rain on me!

I don't mind!

(Cheering and giggling)



Thank you, cloud!


♪ ♪


The cloud is gone!

This should do it!

Rafael: but that looks like a ginormous rain cloud.

It is!

The only way to get rid of the cloud

Is to make it so big that it turns into rain!

Then it'll disappear!


Are you sure you about this, pinkalicious?

If it rains, the festival will be canceled

And we'll all get wet.

I'm sure!


♪ ♪

I'm sorry, everybody,

But I have to cancel the sun festival.

Come on, kids.

Let's pack up the cloud-o-matic and go home.

But we want it to rain!

Then the cloud will disappear!

♪ ♪


(Laughing, cheering)



♪ ♪

(Peter laughing)

(Children cheering, laughing)



Hm, that does look like fun.


(Laughing) whoo!


It stopped raining.

Rafael: no more clouds!

(Pinkalicious gasps)

Pinkalicious: look, everybody!

A rainbow!

(All exclaiming)

Aw, que lindo!

It's pinkamazing!


You didn't make a cloud-o-matic,

You made a rainbow-o-matic!

(Laughs): I guess I did.

Pinkalicious (voiceover): a little rain and a lot of color

Made this year's sun festival into the fun festival!

♪ ♪