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05x07 - Yo-Yo's Musical Journey/Happy Pinkville Day

Posted: 01/20/24 07:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Pink is the fun of twirling around ♪

♪ And scooting and honking the happiest sound ♪

♪ Or climbing on blocks to the moon up above ♪

♪ Pink is a feeling of joy and love ♪

♪ Pink is imagining what we can be ♪

♪ A dancer ♪ A robot

♪ A pirate at sea

♪ Pink is a giggle that wiggles your toes ♪

♪ Pink is a sparkle that glows and glows ♪

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling

♪ In a pinkamazing way

♪ It's a pinkatastic feeling

♪ On a pinkaperfect day

♪ Anything can happen as we play the day away ♪

♪ It's a Pinkalicious feeling

♪ Peterrific you might say

♪ Pinkalicious and Peterrific

♪ Pinkalicious pink, pink hooray! ♪

Pink, pink hooray!

PINKALICIOUS: "Yo-Yo's Musical Journey."

This is going to be amazing!

I actually practiced all week.

[plays kazoo]

Listen up, everybody!

This meeting of the Kazoo Club

will now come to order!

Let's start with the Kazoo Club salute.

[all playing fanfare]

[Iris ends with a flourish]

[all laugh]

[clears throat]

Today we're going to practice the song we wrote last week.

"The Concerto for Kazoos"!

Kazoos ready?

And on the count of three...

One, two, three!

[all playing differently]

Wait! Hold on, everyone.

I think some of you have forgotten how the song goes.


[plays upbeat tune]

No, no, no!

That's not how it goes, Pinkalicious!

It goes like this.

[plays different tune]

RAFAEL: That's not it at all!

It's much faster!

And the ending is different.


[playing tune quickly]

Whoa, that's <span tts:fontStyle="italic">way</span>too fast, Rafael.

And the beginning goes like this.

[plays slowly]

[all disagreeing]

No way, that's not it at all.

Why don't we just pick one version and try again?

Since I'm the Kazoo Club president,

why don't we try it my way?Okay!



All right. One more time!

And one, two, three!

[all playing differently]

That's not it at all!

No, you're playing the wrong tune!

Way too fast!Gotta go faster

No, no, no, that tune is off!

[plays loudly]

This meeting of the Kazoo Club is over!


But it just started!

I never want to play the kazoo again!

I never want to play music again!

Me either!

I'm starting to hate music!


I liked how it sounded.

See you later, Pinkalicious.

Bye, Iris.


[plays kazoo sadly]

[continues playing]

[plays surprised note]

Who are you?


I, my dear, am Maestro the Music Sprite!

Oh, I came as soon as I heard the arguing!

It sounds like a music emergency!

Did someone say they

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">hated</span>music?


My brother, Peter.


Our Kazoo Club can't agree on how to play

our "Concerto for Five Kazoos."

Now I don't think we'll ever play music together again!

Oh my, oh my, oh my!

What to do, what to do!

This is too big a problem even for me.

[gasps, sighs]

This calls for a musical virtuoso!

[inhales deeply]

[plays melody]

YO-YO MA: Maestro!

I was in the middle of a concert!

My apologies, Yo-Yo,

but you know I only call you

for the most challenging musical emergencies!

Oh! Are you a musician?


This is Yo-Yo Ma!

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">The</span>Yo-Yo Ma!

One of <span tts:fontStyle="italic">the</span>greatest cellists of all time!

Nice to meet you,Mr. Ma.

I'm Pinkalicious.

Please, call me Yo-Yo.

And Maestro, there are many great cellists.

What seems to be the problem, Pinkalicious?

Our Kazoo Club was trying to play

the "Concerto for Five Kazoos,"

but we had a huge argument

and now no one wants to play music together ever again!

My brother even said he was starting to hate music!

That <span tts:fontStyle="italic">is</span>a musical emergency.

Can you help, Yo-Yo?

I'll do my best.

Thank you, Yo-Yo!

Now I have another musical emergency to attend to.

A boy in Pinkville has a flute

that sounds like a duck quacking!


Bye, Maestro!Bye!

What we need to do, Pinkalicious,

is take a musical journey.

Thank you but I don't think now is a good time.

My brother and my friends are <span tts:fontStyle="italic">so</span>angry,

nobody's getting along,

and I'd need to ask my parents and...

The musical journey will help.

And you can stay right where you are.

You wouldn't happen to have a good imagination, would you?


I imagine all kinds of things!

All the time!

Then that's all you'll need.

Now... listen.

[playing Bach's "Cello Suite No."]

The music is so beautiful!

What does it make you think of?

So many things...

[Yo-Yo continues playing]

Oh... beautiful!

[Yo-Yo continues playing]

[gasps] Whoa!

[Yo-Yo continues playing]

[birds tweeting]

[Yo-Yo continues playing]

[song ends]

How do you feel now, Pinkalicious?

Much better!

The music really calmed me down and made me feel happy.

Thank you, Yo-Yo.

Glad to help.

Music can be very powerful.

I just wish it was powerful enough to make everyone

in the Kazoo Club stop arguing.


Maybe a real journey to the park is necessary.

But we'll need to go this minute.

So I can get back to my concert.


Let me just ask my parents.

Mommy! Daddy!

Is it okay if I go to the park with Yo-Yo Ma?

Yo-Yo Ma?

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">The</span>Yo-Yo Ma?


He plays the cello.

[chuckling]: Yes, we know.

Of course!


[baby fussing]

[dogs growling]

This looks like

a good place to set up.

Are you sure?


[playing Saint-Saeëns's "Le Cygne"]

[baby giggling]

[Yo-Yo continues playing]

[song continues]

[song ends]

I didn't know music had that much power!

Everyone's getting along!

Can you please, please play for the Kazoo Club, Yo-Yo?

Then they'll stop arguing!

I'd really like to...[car horn honks]

...but that's my taxi.

I need to get back to my concert!


But I'm not the only one

with the power of music, Pinkalicious.

You can use the power

to solve the Kazoo Club argument yourself.

But I can't play cello the way you can, Yo-Yo!

It's not the cello that holds the power.

Or even being able to play an instrument really well.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">You</span>have the power inside you.

I do?

Just play from your heart.

What I mean is,

think about who you're playing for

and who you want to share the love with,

and the music will sound better.

[car horn honks]Good luck!

What's this about, Pinkalicious?

I really, <span tts:fontStyle="italic">really</span>want us to play the "Concerto for Five Kazoos."

We're all friends.

I know we can do it!

Please, can we just try again?

Okay.I guess it won't hurt to try.

[sighing]: Okay...

[all playing different songs]

[arguing over each other, Iris continues playing]

Not again!

Oh, if only Yo-Yo Ma was here!


He's a musician friend of mine.

The way he plays music is so powerful

he could make us stop arguing.

How would he do that?

He plays from the heart.

ALL: Huh?

I'll just have to try it myself.

[playing soft melody]

[song ends]

[all playing in unison]

[song carries through the town]

[song continues]

[plays tune on cello]

KIDS: That's pinkatastic!

What would this make you feel like?

[low, slow tone]

You're in bed and then you don't want to wake up.

How about this?[fast, upbeat tone]

Something's about to happen that I don't want to miss.

BOY: What's going on is we're playing with Yo-Yo Ma.

He's very good at playing the cello.

[playing melody]

MA: Can you playing something that makes me guess

what you're feeling?

[fast, rhythmic beats]

I can't see,

it's very quiet,

and I feel like is it safe?

Is it dangerous?

GIRL: Each one of us was playing an emotion.

[soft melody]

Different sounds can affect how people feel.

You're making my imagination alive.

[upbeat tune]

You're taking me into the middle of something.

[frenetic playing]

It's kind of scary but exciting

at the same time.

Music brings people together.

MA: I got to know all of you and I'm curious to know

whether we could do something together.

[all playing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"]

[ends with a flourish, all cheer]

PINKALICIOUS: "Happy Pinkville Day."

Oh... the storm is getting worse!


[both cry out]

If it's like this tomorrow,

Mayor Martinez will have to cancel Pinkville Day!

[thunderclap, both gasp]

Hey kids, don't worry!

No one is going to cancel Pinkville Day.

The weather forecast for tomorrow says sunshine.

Everything will be okay.


I really hope so!

Pink! Pink! Pink! [alarm ringing]


It's Pinkville Day!

And... the sun is shining!


Happy Pinkville Day!

[birds chirping]

Happy Pinkville Day, Peter![yawning]

Happy Pinkville Day, Pinkalicious!


[both laughing]

Is the storm gone?


Happy Pinkville Day!Happy Pinkville Day!

[parents grunt, laughing]

Happy Pinkville Day!Happy Pinkville Day!

ALL: ♪ Jump up

♪ Spin round

♪ Pinkville is our special town ♪

[all laughing]Whoo! All right!

Oh, I can't wait for the Pinkville Day celebrations!

I can't wait to bang the Pinkville drum!

[loud, booming beats]



And I can't wait to eat one of Mr. Swizzle's special

Pinkville Day raspberry swirl ice creams!


And I want to see all the pink decorations...

And listen to the Pinkville Poem...


And hear the Pinkville band!

And eat even more Pinkville Day ice cream!


How are you feeling about singing

the Pinkville Anthem, huh?

The Pinkville Anthem is the best part, Daddy!

My class, standing up on stage in front of everyone,

singing the town's song!

♪ Pinkville, oh, Pinkville

♪ The pinkest place to be

♪ Living together

♪ With our Pinkville family.

Great job, Pinkalicious!

But... maybe you should practice the whole song?

It's a lot to remember.

My class has been practicing the whole song all month!

I'll be fine, Daddy!

[laughing]: Just because you always forget the words

doesn't mean Pinkalicious will.

I just can't keep the words in my head!

Not even when it was my class up on stage singing the anthem.

We should go or we'll be late for the celebrations!

Today is going to be pink-a-mazing!

[everyone humming anthem]

[humming slows]

Happy Pinkville Day, Jasmine!

What's going on?

[groans] Really?!Oh no!

We put these decorations up last night.

But the bunting got so wet in the storm that it fell down!

And as for the balloons,

we think the wind blew them all away.

[both gasp]

No balloons?

Cheer up you two,

[sing-song]: here comes the Pinkville Drum!


Oh, Daddy! Did you fix it?

"Fix it"?

What's wrong with the Pinkville Drum?

[dull, wet thudding]


What... happened?

The roof of the town hall leaked last night.

A lot of important Pinkville Day stuff got wet.

We don't get to bang the Pinkville Drum on Pinkville Day?

But we always bang the Pinkville Drum on Pinkville Day!

It might be okay when it dries out.

Fingers crossed!

And even without the Pinkville Drum, or the decorations,

it's still Pinkville Day!

One of the best days of the year!

Come on!

Let's go hear the band!


Hey Coach! Hey Rafael!

Hey Pinkalicious!

Happy Pinkville Day!

Oh, happy Pinkville Day!

Will the band be here soon?

Oh dear...

I'm sorry, kids.

We just heard.

The band isn't coming.

They couldn't travel due to the storm last night.

There's... no band?

[all sighing]

I know it's disappointing.

You go with your friends, Rafael, I'll get these chairs

back to the town hall.

Come on, everyone!

Mr. Swizzle's special Pinkville Day ice cream!

That'll cheer us up!

Yeah!Great idea, Pinkalicious!

Come on!Yay!


[kids panting]

Hey Mr. Swizzle!

Happy Pinkville Day!

Happy Pinkville Day!Happy Pinkville Day!

[sadly]: Happy Pinkville Day...

May we have some Pinkville Day ice cream, please?


That does not sound good.

It isn't.

The power went out last night during the storm.

All my ice cream melted.

No![kids gasp]

I know.

Instead of my special Pinkville Day Raspberry Swirl ice cream,

all I've got to give out are... empty cones.

Would you like one?

They're... a bit soggy.

[chuckling politely] Oh... yes, please, Mr. Swizzle.

[cone sloshing]

Hey everyone! Happy Pinkville Day!

Happy Pinkville Day, Iris!


Is that the Pinkville Book we get to sign!

Come on!

[all gasp]Wait...

PINKALICIOUS: What happened to the Pinkville Book?

I think I can guess.

There was a leak in the town hall roof.

And this was one of the really important things that got wet?

Just like the Pinkville Drum.

[sadly]: And the Pinkville Poem.


I, I think we have a copy somewhere.

Oh, I hope we do.

If we don't,

the Pinkville Poem is gone... forever.

Oh no!Oh no!

Come on, everyone!

It's time to sing our anthem.

All of Pinkville will be at the gazebo, waiting for us.

Let's go!

Where is everyone?

Oh honey, a lot of people left.


I guess today just...

doesn't really feel like Pinkville Day.


Mr. Swizzle, you're leaving, too?

No one really wants my soggy cones.

I feel like I've ruined Pinkville Day!


Okay, everyone.

Thank you very much, but it doesn't look like

there's going to be

any Pinkville Day celebrations this year.

[all gasp]


[sighing]: Time to go.

Really? No Pinkville Day?

Looks like it.

Let's go home.

I could make smoothies.

Oh, that'd be nice, Daddy.

[knock on door]

Are you okay?

Not really.

I keep thinking how we were supposed to be singing

the Pinkville Anthem right now.

How about you sing the anthem anyway?

That might cheer you up.

I'll sing with you.

I guess we could...

Do you know the words?

Everyone knows the words!

Well, except maybe Daddy.

♪ Pinkville, oh, Pinkville ♪

BOTH: ♪ The pinkest place to be

♪ Living together

♪ With our Pinkville family

♪ Pinkville, oh, Pinkville

♪ The pinkest place to be

♪ Living together

♪ With our Pinkville family

[gasps] I can hear someone else singing!

JASMINE: ♪ With our Pinkville family

It's Jasmine!

♪ Here, we dance and draw and sing ♪

Hey you two!

We thought we heard singing!

Do you mind if we sing too?

Of course not, Mommy!

Although I might just hum.

♪ Here we dance and draw and sing ♪

♪ And spend our days imagining

♪ Anything and everything

♪ And feel the joy that pink can bring ♪

More singing?

Who's that?!

[drum beating loudly]


♪ Pinkville, oh, Pinkville

♪ Our hearts are filled with glee ♪

♪ Sharing our dreams

♪ With our pink community


[distantly]: ♪ Sharing our dreams

[humming to tune]♪ With our pink community

♪ Pinkville, oh, Pinkville

♪ It's the town for you and me

♪ Creating and playing

♪ In pinkest harmony

Where are we going?

To the park, of course!

Where we should have been all along!

Okay, I'll give it a try.

♪ We celebrate pinkness

♪ Today and every day

♪ 'Cause pink is love

♪ And as we always say

♪ Yes, pink is love

♪ That's why Pinkville's here to stay! ♪

[holds note]

[song ends]

Yeah! I did it!

I remembered the words! Whoo!


I'm really glad we all came back here.

We forgot the most important thing about Pinkville Day.

It's not the ice cream, or the drum, or the poem.

It's that we all come together, with pink in our hearts,

to celebrate the color pink!

Because pink is love.

And pink is harmony.

Thank you for reminding us, Pinkalicious.

I hope every day is as special as today

and filled with pink!

Happy Pinkville Day!

ALL: Happy Pinkville Day, everyone!


PINKALICIOUS: Happy Pinkville Day!