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Spring Lakes (2023)

Posted: 01/19/24 20:29
by bunniefuu
Father of the night.

I call upon you...

to make me

your vessel.



Yes, Mary.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Why are you calling me?

I need to talk to you

about your sister.

I thought I told you

to never call me.

I need your help.

Shiela's missing.

Whatever Shiela's done

is none of my business.

She's missing, Marcus.

She's been gone

for nearly five days.

And what's that

got to do with me?

She's probably

on another drug binge.

Please help, Marcus.

What, Mary?

I think she's dead.


Come in.

I am afraid

I had to call you, Marcus.

This is serious.

When did you last see her?

She turned up suddenly

after nearly a year.

She looked terrible.

As if she hadn't slept for days.

And what about him?


He was here too.

They said they wanted

to go camping together.

Something about going away

for three days in Spring Lakes.

Spring Lakes?

Isn't that where

you and your weird--

I don't have

weird friends, Marcus.

I prefer the word "enlightened."

Well, whatever they were,

they were far more important

than Shiela and I growing up.


Go and find her.

Why did you let her go

if she was so messed up?

Shiela is her own person.

She's not a child.

You know,

you were always soft with her.

Never with me.

I'm the one who got

all the beatings, not her.

You are a man.

You deserved every beating

you ever got as a child.

I was a boy, Mary.

A boy!

You were wicked.

You were out

getting drunk every night.

Not once did you pick up

the phone to see how she was.

Not even at Christmas.

Not even on her birthday.

She never said a word

that whole time.

She couldn't have called.

You know that.

You were too busy

living in your dream world,

trying to be

the next Steven Spielberg.

I always did the best I could

for you both.

It isn't easy

bringing up children.

Especially when they're not--

- Not?

- Not--

Not what, Mary?

Not one of your own.

Is that what

you were going to say?

-Call the police.

-No, Marcus.

I didn't ask you here

to dig up the past.

If Shiela is up to no good,

I don't want the police

arresting her for dr*gs again.

I need an answer from you,



Give her a chance

when you find her.


Okay, okay, I'll do it.

But for 24 hours only.

And after that, call the police.

And after that, I'm done

playing with these games.

Do you understand me, Mary?

Not yet.

- What's happening, man?

- I saw her.

Who? Mary?

It was weird.

Well, yeah, you ain't seen her

in what, six, seven years?

Something like that?

Yeah, something like that.

Well, it's bound to be weird,

then, mate, innit?

I mean, what'd you expect?

Did you go 'round her house

or what?

No, she called me.

It's about Shiela.

Marcus, don't get caught up

in that shit again, mate.

She's f*cking nuts.


I shouldn't have said that.

Yeah, I know. You're right.

But it's not that, man.

She's missing.


What? As in disappeared,

that kind of missing?

Missing means missing, Cal.


Okay, so what now then?

You ought go,

and find her, I suppose.

Well, it seems that way.

If she's gone off with that

f*cking junkie boyfriend

of hers,

she's gonna be up to no good.

So what do you want me to do?

Nothing, I just need you

to just stay here, hang tight.

Keep an eye out on Mary's house

just in case Shiela turns up.

I'm gonna boot up and head out

to Spring Lakes tomorrow.

-Spring Lakes?


Mate, Spring Lakes

is f*cking huge.

I mean, I've never been,

but surely you ain't

going on your own.

Yeah, I'd ask you to come,

but, um, I need you

to keep an eye out here for me.

I'm gonna send you my GPS

location every now and then,

so you know where I am.

GPS tracking, you got it.

What do you want me to do

if Shiela shows up

while you're gone?

Well, you call me,

and I'll be right back.

All right.

-Oh, Marcus.


Be careful.


I thought you forgot about me.

Never, Dad.

Hey, hey, hey.

I know that tone of your voice.

What's wrong? Talk to me.

I went to see Mary last night.

Oof, wow.

That caught me off guard.

Wow. How is she?

Mary, well, she's fine.

Well, as fine as she can be.

It's Shiela, Dad.

She's gone missing.

Did you try checking

those crack houses?

Those places she hangs out at?

No, not yet. But, uh,

Mary said that, um,

Shiela's been missing

for about five days now.

Five days.

Has Mary, um,

got in contact with the police?

No, no, no, no, no.

She-- she doesn't want to.

She doesn't want

to get Shiela into trouble.

Just in case

she's, um, you know,

out on another drug binge again.

She did say that she's

headed out to Spring Lakes.

Well, I don't think it's wise

you heading up there

by yourself, son.

Remember when your mother used

to go up to those lakes, right?

I'll be fine, Dad. I'm not her.

But I need to go

just in case Shiela is missing.

Just promise me one thing.

What's that, Dad?

Take a g*n with you.

Dad, I'm not driving

all the way out to yours

just to pick up your revolver.

So, were you happy

to see your mom?

No, not really.

Not after what happened.

I couldn't care less if

I saw her again, to be honest.

I understand, son.

I understand.

Did you ever

go to, um, Spring Lakes?


f*ck that.

That was Mary's hotspot.

She used to go there

with her friends,

get all dressed up

in those white robes,

dancing around those wildfires,

all that kumbaya,

whatever the hell that was.

Never was my--



Hello, Dad?

Oh, for f*ck's sake!

So, where you headed, stranger?

Just out for a hike.

There's a few nice spots

towards the north.

Me and my dogs go up

a few times a year.

No, I'm headed

the other way, actually.

The other direction?

Spring Lakes.

Yeah, near there.

Spring Lakes

isn't a place to go hiking.

-It's now left--

-What, a national reserve?

Yeah, I know.

Spring Lakes is the home

of the Enlightened People.

Yeah? Well, I'll be fine.

No, you won't.

What's this got to do with you?

You know she's

probably dead, right?

What did you say?

Spring Lakes has a long history

of being a bad place.

A no-go zone, if you like.

It was owned by a family,

you know?

You going for a hike means

there's someone close to you

worth searching for.

So my guess is,

your wife's gone missing.

It's my sister.

Here's hoping she's still alive.

What's your name?


I'll see you soon, Barry.

What the f*ck am I doing here?

This f*cking bullshit

f*cking place.

"Welcome to hell."



Please tell me

you found her.

No, nothing yet.

Any progress your side?

No, nothing.

But your mom did call--


Yeah, I-- I said

your mom called me.


She hasn't called you in years.

Didn't you change your number?

Yeah, about four years ago.

I don't know how she got it,

mate, but she's got it somehow.

What does she want?

She asked me

to come over after work.

She said it was important.

Is it about Shiela?

I don't know.

I'm here for about, uh,

another hour or so,

and then I'll pop around,

and see what she wants.

Be careful, Cal.

Hey, Marcus.

Is it true--

I-- I can't hear you, mate.

You're gonna have to speak up.

Is it true, all the things

your dad used to say about her?

I don't know. It could be

some, just... bedtime story.

Look, just see what she wants.

Just give me a call

when you're done, yeah?

Yeah, I will.

Yo, Joey?


-I need to head off, mate.

I've got something

I need to sort out.

- Need me to lock up?

- Please.

Kids again?

No, it's actually

still Marcus this time.


He's always got shit going on,

and it's never any good.

Yeah, well, it's actually

to do with his mom.

His mom?

Would've thought he left her.

Yeah, uh, Shiela's gone missing.

Spring Lakes.

Spring Lakes? What's that?

Oh, mate, you do not wanna know.

Hey, hey, hang on.

You can't just walk off.

Spring Lakes. What is it?

Trust me, better you don't know.

Whenever you hear Spring Lakes,

mate, just avoid it.

Please yourself.

I'll see you later, yeah?

Yeah, yeah. I'll still be here.

How's your family, Caleb?

Yeah, they're, um--

they're good, thank you.

Little one's

starting school soon.

Time flies, you know how it is.

I do.

I do.



I spoke to Marcus earlier.

He told me about

Shiela going missing.


That's the first

I've heard of it.

Okay, um...

yeah, you--

you said she's gone camping,

but she hasn't returned.

Actually, Caleb...

Shiela isn't missing.

She's gone to see her therapist.

So what's Marcus doing, then?

Because he's out there

in the middle of Spring Lakes

looking for her,

and she's just

with her therapist.

Oh, Marcus.

That boy has

always been difficult.

I haven't seen him

in seven years.

And this is how he treats me.

I'm sorry, I'm confused.

Why would Marcus lie to me?

There are some things you don't

know about your friend, Caleb.

Things you may find unpleasant.

I don't know,

I mean, me and Marcus,

we know each other pretty well.

We've known each other

most of our lives.

I just don't understand

why he would lie to me.

Especially about

something like this.

When Shiela lost her baby...

there was more to

that little episode

than you might have

been told by Marcus.


I know you've always been

concerned about Marcus.

I mean, he spoke to you

more than he did to us.

He's always been open with you.

Do you know

who the father

of Shiela's baby was?

Yeah, he mentioned that

it was a, uh-- a drug dealer.

There you are. You see?

Lies upon lies.

Actually, Caleb...

the father of Shiela's baby...

is Marcus.

You mean to say

that Marcus had...

sex with his own sister?

In a nutshell, yes.

Marcus had sex with his sister

and got her pregnant.

So you see,

Marcus isn't the tall,

brown-eyed, handsome person

everyone thinks he is.

Apparently not.

I-- I've known Marcus for years.

I thought I knew him.


You know what, I need--

I need to call him.

I wouldn't.

No point in getting involved

in his little games.


I am stunned.


I mean...

we tell each other everything.

I've never kept

anything from him.

I remember

when we were at school,

and, uh, he skived off one day.

He went to meet some girl,

and she just rejected him.

I know that hurt him.

He asked me not to tell anyone.

Ah, shit, listen, I've gotta go.

I've gotta pick my kids up.

I'll, um--

I'll call Marcu--

Mrs. Wright.

It was nice to meet you, Caleb.

But now it's time

to meet the devil!

The baby waits for you, Marcus.

Feeding time is about to begin.

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?


you f*cking had to come here.

Where the f*ck are you?


- Hello?

- Hello, Caleb.

How are you?

I'm okay.

I'm just here. At Mary's house.

Mary's house?

Is Marcus with you?


We were just talking about you.


Would you like

to join us for dinner?

Look, Caleb, do me a favor.

Can you put Marcus

on the phone, please?

Marcus can't--

can't come to

the phone right now.

Why not?

We'll see you soon... Michael.



I must be f*cking tired.

F-- f*ck!

No, no!

Got you, got you, go.


Got you, got you, go.

This baby was born of sin.

Fear not, my brother, Marcus.

The cleansing has begun.

He's been waiting for you.

We've all been waiting for you.

What the f*ck are you doing?

I'm here.

The cleanse...

wash away...

all of the sins

of this evil child.

A child born in impurity

comes to this world in peace.

This child did not.

I even asked his mama

to help me.

I believe

you two are acquainted.

Do you know what

that f*cking whore said to me?

She said no.

All she wanted to do

is get high.

I tried, my brother, Marcus.

I tried so hard

to become

a good man of the cloth.

But the devil...

he keeps dancing

on my shoulders.

And now I'm here with you,

looking down at the flaw,

a child.


unwanted child.

That came before your very eyes.

What the f*ck

do you mean my child?

What the f*ck

you think it means, numbnuts?

It means that this little

spunk bubble right here

came straight

out of your nut sack.

Hickory-dickory dock.

We're all good people here,

you know.


We, the good folks

of Spring Lakes.

We like to get together

every six to seven years or so.

Hang out, drink some beer...

sacrifice a few babies.


It's good to catch up.

Oh, come on now, brother Marcus.

We're running out of time.



We got to make this quick.



I-- I-- I don't understand.

Let me enlighten you.

When the sun goes down,

and the day breaks

and the shadows flee away...

your blood will spill

on these grounds today.


-Why's the f*cking sky blue?

Your soul

is in the blood, Marcus.

Your soul is in the blood.

Time to move on now.

Time to...

open you up a little bit.


Open up your rib cage.

You dumb f*ck!

Then watch me have myself

a little masturbation time...

as I watch

that dark red plasma juice

drip out of your body

into the grounds of Spring Lakes

where it belongs.

I don't think you want to do


Brother Marcus.

I don't want to do that.

I love you...

but I have to.

It's in my soul contract.

Would you like to

hear the rhyme...

that I said to your child,

moments before I...

chopped that

whining little fucker in half?

I'm going to go.

I think I have to leave.

Oh, didn't no one

tell you on the way in?

You can't leave here.

You're one of us now.

Forever and ever, so...

I said to your baby--

I do not have a f*cking baby.

When you close your eyes,

you'll see fires burn.

When you close your eyes,

priceless lessons you learn.

Sun in the morning...

your soul he will take.

And forever and ever...

become part of Spring Lakes.

I wrote that all down

on my lonesome,

brother Marcus.

Do you like it?

We should have a celebration.

We can have ourselves

a barbecue.

You ever had

fried baby brains before?

Mamma mia!

Tastes like fried chicken.

We can wash that down

with a glass of moonshine

and then send the little fucker

on his way to the afterlife.

Are you ready,

my brother Marcus?

How the f*ck

do you know my name?

Everyone knows your name here.

You shouldn't have come here.

You're a servant now.

You are one of us.

-One of us?

-We are not many.

We are, but one.

We are the absence of light.

The devourers of worms.

f*ck you.

Brother Marcus,

that's not very nice.

I thought you was my friend.

I was going to ask you...

would you mind so much if I...

chopped off your f*cking head

and-- and-- and wore your--

your-- your-- your skull

on the-- on the top of my head,

like a-- like a--

like a crown?

I can be your king!

Come and f*cking get it.




Those little slices of death.

Oh, I'd f*cking love some.

Didn't I saw that

whiny little fucker in half?

Why in the f*ck

are you still crying?

You ain't never going to

leave here.

You m*therf*cker.

Hey, Dad.

Jesus Christ.

The hell have you been?

I've been trying to call you

the past two hours.

Two hours?

What time is it?

f*ck's sake.

What time

did I leave this morning?


I'm here at your mother's.

Parked outside. You inside?

No, Dad. I'm at Spring Lakes.

Wait a minute,

what do you mean Spring Lakes?

Caleb said you two

were together at your mother's,

called me for dinner,

so I came running, literally.

Now come on, open the door.

I hate I have to be out here.

Dad, I'm not there.


Then why did

Caleb say you were here?

I don't know, Dad.

I-- I haven't spoken

to-- to Caleb

since early this morning.

And, in fact,

he's not been getting

any of my messages.

Actually, I don't know

how I managed to call you.

My signal all of a sudden just

seemed to have started working.


let me get this straight.

If you are not in Mary's house,

where the hell is Caleb?

I don't know, Dad.


let me call you back.

Hello, Michael.

Hello, Mary.

Please come in.

This used to be your home,

too, you know.



Where is my boy?

Where are my kids?

I have no clue.

Caleb called me earlier.

Said Marcus was here.

Where is he?

Where is Caleb?

Caleb went out for a minute.

I haven't seen Marcus.

He never liked to spend

any longer here

than he needed to,

you know that.

Mary, where are they?

If you don't know

where your son is, Michael...

that just shows

what kind of a father you were.

I was working hard.

Trying to make money...

so all of us could eat.

You were working that whore

that got your d*ck wet.


if you would've been

a better wife

and let me f*ck you

like I f*cked that whore,

just maybe

I would've stuck around.

You've never loved me, Michael.

You never did.

As much as it hurts me

to say this...

I loved you once.

Until your mental health

took a toll on me and the kids.

So, that means

you leave me all alone...

with no one to turn to?

Marcus f*cked his sister.

Now, that is bullshit, Mary.

Come on.

We've talked about this.


I have spent...

our whole entire years

in this relationship,

trying to--

trying to get your help.

Got you the best doctor.

Endless medications,

which you never took.

God, the kids.

They had

so much patience for you.

But you pushed them away

just like you pushed me

and everyone else away.

So don't sit there, Mary...

and say you had

no one to turn to.

Don't sit there saying that...

we never helped you.

'Cause that is a lie.

We were all here for you, Mary.

So, cut the bullshit

and the stories

and the f*cking lies.

Is that why

you f*cked that whore?

Because you were helping me.

I f*cked the living

daylights out of that whore...

because you never

wanted me near you.

You were my wife.

I f*cking loved you,

but you never

wanted me near you.

So I found

someone else that did.

You neglected your children.

Oh, Mary.


That is a strong word.

I think you got it

the other way around, Mary.

'Cause it was you out there

in the f*cking woods,

doing whatever

the f*ck that is--

Kumbaya, some shit like that.

How the f*ck

do you expect those kids

to cope with that shit?

You are f*cking crazy.

-Don't call me crazy.

-You are f*cking crazy.

Look at this place.

Look at this filth.

How the f*ck

do you live like this, Mary?

I did the best I could

with what I had.

With what you gave me.


I left you with nothing,

because you are nothing.

You are a f*cking loser

and no-f*cking-body.

Now f*ck off!

I can't do this.

No, Michael.

Help me. Please.

Help me, Michael.

- No, Mary. Mary. No!

- Please.



My once-loving husband.

I love you.

I have always loved you.

And that is why

I can't let you go.

The devil is coming.

The devil is coming.

Father of the night.

I call upon you...

to make me...

your vessel.

Help me.

It's here.

The devils have come.

Come join us, Marcus.

Come and join all of us.

Is it you?

It's me, Marcus.

It's me.

I've been looking for you.

Why are you here?

Riley brought me here.

I'm going to k*ll him.

Let's go home.




You ain't never

going to leave here.

You belong to the lakes now.

Brother Marcus,

I'm very disappointed in you,

you m*therf*cker!

You didn't let me finish

my bedtime story.

I will not forsake thee!

I will not forsake thee!

I will not forsake thee!

I will not forsake thee!


- Shit.

- Marcus.


- Is that you?

- Yeah, it's me.

What are you doing here, man?

You f*ck!

-Where's my sister?

-I don't know, man.

What do you mean you don't know?

You brought her here!

I don't know, man.

She just vanished.

What do you mean

she just vanished?

She came here with you

and now she's gone.

I swear.

We're only here

because of your mom.

My mom?


s-- she told Shiela a story

about how your grandad

used to come here.

My grandad's been dead

for years.

Well, not according to your mom.

-She is not my mom!

-Okay, Shiela's mom.

According to her,

your grandad still comes here.

I told you my grandad is dead.

He's not.

We spoke to him

and then we came here

to come get him.

My grandad died three years ago.

No, he didn't, Marcus.

I don't know

who the f*ck we spoke to, then.

But he sure sounded

like your grandad.

Even Shiela was convinced

it was him.

Why doesn't it ever

get dark here, man?

W-- why is the weather

like this?

I don't understand this.

I watched his funeral online.

I didn't go to it,

but I live-streamed it.

I just--

According to Shiela...

Shi-- Shiela's mom...

your grandad still comes here.

A-- a-- and he went

on a walk this morning.

He was supposed

to come back at noon.

He didn't come back.

That's why we're here, man.

So, where's Shiela?

Well, like I said

before you so rudely grabbed me,

I-- I don't know.

I-- I told you,

sh-- sh-- she just vanished.

I didn't even

want to come here, man.

Just-- time just

stands still in this place.

You know?

What is this place

your mom sent us to?

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

It's just a lot to take in,

you know.

Shiela's gone missing...

somehow my grandad's alive,

my best friend's not answering

his messages,

and I got dead people

chasing after me.

You know, it's just

a little bit tiring.

Dead people?


Never mind.

Let's just go find Shiela

and my dead grandad.

How your film's been doing?

-You made a milli yet?


Seems like you've been working

on that one for a while.

Oh, Shiela-- Shiela talked about

this, um...

...action movie you did.

Yeah, we started it about...

three years ago.

But, you know,

had its ups and downs.

What happened?

Terrible crew, lost paperwork...

bad producers, you know,

normal shit

that a movie goes through.


when's it out?



Put my heart and soul

into this movie.


didn't like it, though.

Reviewers hated it.

Man, f*ck the critics.

They love to chat shit.

Their opinions

don't make or break you.

You just got to keep going.

Yeah, well...

it wasn't that.

Reviewers att*cked me


Now, it didn't matter

that the consumers wanted to

know more about the movie.

It was this one online reviewer.

A real piece of shit.

Just kept bashing me

and f*cking

cussing me repeatedly.

You know, it hurt.

f*cking threw me right off.

It took me a long time to get

back into the creative mindset.

Um, I'm sorry, mate.

It's what it is, you know.

It's part of this industry.

One minute they love you,

next minute they hate you.

There's nothing

I can do about that.

Look, I like your films.

So, um, Mary...

said something about...

I don't know, about this,

um, lost baby in the woods.

You know she has

a tendency to bullshit, right?

Yeah, just--

just she said

it was Shiela's baby.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

But Shiela never mentioned

anything about a baby.

Listen, she's lying.

She seemed pretty convinced

that Shiela lost that baby

in these woods.

Mary would have you believe

that Shiela was pregnant.

She wasn't.

In fact,

it was Mary who had the baby.

You see, the thing is...

Mary was unable to have kids.

And then all of a sudden,

she was pregnant.

And when the baby was here,

Mary disappeared for a few days.

When she came back empty-handed,

no baby in sight,

her mental health

started to decline

really, really bad.

She started seeing and hearing

things that weren't real.

When she was questioned

about where the baby was,

she denied ever having it.

She put the whole thing

onto Shiela.

My dad thinks

that she k*lled the baby.

Where's the baby now?

I don't know.

Dead somewhere, probably.

-Why didn't you call the police?

-We did.

They came,

they checked the house, nothing.

They went to the hospital

where Mary gave birth,

no medical records

were ever found.

It was almost

as if the baby didn't exist.

When did all this happen?

Oh, uh...

I don't know,

my dad reckons what,

six, seven years ago.

I wasn't around,

so I didn't see the baby.

And my dad,

he wasn't around, either.

Only Shi-- only Shiela saw her.


Shiela moved out

three years ago.

She said Mary was-- was evil.

She said that she'd have

people in white robes come over

and then, uh,

they'd go into the shed.

Shiela said she'd--

she'd seen stuff in the house.

You know

Shiela's a junkie, right?

Yeah, I know, but...

...she seemed pretty convinced

that she'd seen stuff.

And-- and she never mentioned

anything about a baby.

You know,

since I've been here...

...I have seen

some real weird shit.

I saw a baby being mutilated.


What's that?



Ri-- Hey, Riley. I wouldn't.

-It's beautiful.



-It's beautiful.

Riley, what are y--

-Riley, come back here.

-Is it me or is it hot in here?

- It's cold, man. Riley!

- No, no, it's hot. It's hot.

My body's burning up.

You are burning!

You are burning!

You are burning!

You are burning!

You are burning!

Riley, please.

Riley, come back here, man.



Oh, man, now I feel cold.

Where the f*ck am I?

You walked there.


I don't remember.

Riley, what's wrong?

-I don't f*cking know!


Help me! Help me, please!

Oh, God! Please!

Come here, Riley.

Come here.




Marcus, don't let me die!

Marcus, don't let me die!

It's done.


don't let me die!



- Marcus?

- Oh.


Jesus Christ.


I have been looking

for you everywhere.

Is it really you?

Okay, come on.

You've gotta get up.

Get up. Let's go. Okay.


I said no!

Marcus, I can't.

Come on, Shiela.

We're nearly out of here.

Come on, let's go.

Marcus, don't you

understand by now?

We can't leave.

Everything you've encountered

along the way to get here.

Everything you faced to get

this far is still out there.

We can't leave this place.

We can. We're just nearly there.

It's over there.

We could go. Come on.

Come on. We can do this.

Come on. Come on.

Shh, Shiela, shh.

Stay here.

I f*cking told you.

I cannot stand the crying.

You m*therf*cker!

You m*therf*cker.

Good night.

Good night, my sweet prince.

I can't stand the crying.

Brother Marcus,

where the f*ck you been?

What kind of daddy is late

for his own child's funeral?

You m*therf*cker!

Oh! Oh!

I'm really going

to punish you now.

Once I'm done with him...

y'all going in next...

buried alive.

Come on.

Come on.


Gimme some more, brother Marcus.

Come on, m*therf*cker!

It doesn't hurt me.

You can't hurt me, you c**t.

You ready? You ready?

One, two, three.

Get down, boy.

Get down, boy.

Well, ain't you

a pretty little thing, huh?

Yeah. Yeah.

I can smell your c**t.

It's time now.

It's time to drip your blood

into the grounds of Spring Lakes

where it belongs.

I, Father Gerald,

do solemnly declare

in the name of Jesus...

that I-- I'm gonna rip

your f*cking heart out...

mm, and feed it to you.

Come on,

you f*cking whore!

Come on, you f*cking whore!

Brother Marcus...

I'm sorry.

I failed you.


Just f*cking die, you bastard!

Just f*cking die!

Crazy f*cking shit!

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil's coming.

The devil is a whore.

Come on, Shiela.

Come on. Wake up.

Wake up. We gotta go.

Please, please, please,

please, please, wake up.

Please, please.

I know

I wasn't the best brother.

I know I wasn't always

there for you, but...

you were the only reason

I ever stayed in that house

as long as I ever did.

Now I need you to wake up

and let's go.

I love you, Shiela.

Let's go. Let's go home.

Come, come, come.

Shiela, I know where we are.

No, Marcus,

you don't understand.

-You can make it out of here.


You were the only one

that ever could.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I came past here earlier.

We go--

No, Marcus.

Mom used to tell us

when we were kids

anyone who entered

Spring Lakes never left.

We nearly made it out.

We can-- we can go home.

Come on, Shiela. Please.


I am home.



Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on, Dad.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up.

Answer the f*cking phone.

For f*ck's sake!

Answer the f*cking phone.

Come on, Cal, come on, come on,

come on, come on, come on.

- Hello, your call--

- Oh, for fucks sake!


Hello, Marcus.


So nice

to hear you call me Mom again.

I found Shiela.

Oh, that's great.

Are you bringing her home?

- No.

- Oh, okay.

She said that, um...

she says that she's--

she's not coming back.


whoever enters Spring Lakes...

never leaves.

That's right, Marcus.

No one ever

really leaves Spring Lakes.

Once you are in,

you stay forever...

and ever and ever.

By the way,

how's your baby, Marcus?


This is Michael.

Please leave a message

and I'll get back to you

as soon as possible.

Yo, you've met Caleb's phone.

Sorry, I can't take it

right now.

Uh, leave a message

and I'll get back to you.

Cheers. Bye-bye.

Why the hell do I bother?

Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.

You're finally home, Marcus.

Your family's been waiting

a long time for you.


Welcome to Spring Lakes.

No one believed me.

And they thought I was crazy.

It's done now.