Next Goal Wins (2023)

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Next Goal Wins (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »










Oh, hello, there!

Didn't see you creeping up

behind me.

Welcome. Come on, come in here

and listen

to this wonderful tale of woe.

Not woe as in,

"Ah, bummer, man!"

But woe as in,

"Whoa! That's amazing!

"I can't believe that pretty

much actually happened!

"With a couple of embellishments

"along the way."

Our tale is a tale

of two islands.

One is a teeny-weeny beautiful,

little tropical island

in the Pacific Ocean

called American Samoa.

Home to a wonderful people,

who are deeply religious,

hardworking and deeply religious.

But the other island,

that was a man.

The Palagi white man!

And just like

any incredible story,

our tale begins

with utter humiliation.


COMMENTATOR 1: Well, here

they come. American Samoa.

A bit of smiling going on,

but some apprehension as well.

Well, that's the first one.


It's three.

They scored again.

Five for the Socceroos.

Goodness me. Humiliation.

Boys against men.

Oh dear, oh dear.

Hard to keep count.

It's getting embarrassing.

Goal. Goal. Goal.

Just too easy. Goal.



- COMMENTATOR 2: Thirty-one. American Samoa

on the wrong end of the biggest

World Cup hammering ever.

PRIEST: And 10 years later,

they were just as bad.

In fact, I think they had

actually gotten worse.


Come on!



- PLAYER 1: Samoa!

You guys suck!


Oh, we're going to lose.



PLAYER 1: Okay, we can do it.

Come on.

We're going already!


TAVITA: What are you doing?


Oh, my gloves

weren't even on yet.

- Pisa, put your gloves on.

- I'm not even ready!

PLAYER 2: Come on!



- Help, help, help!


Move out. Move out.





- Goal!



That was a terrible first half.

And now I'm forced

to give you a growling.

Are you ready

for the growling? Hmm?

TEAM: Yes.

ACE: Okay, you asked for it.

Get ready.

You were bad. You are bad.

That was bad.

Where's the heart?

Where's the spirit?

You have to play

with heart and spirit.

You're bad. Bad!

Okay, Ace,

I'll take over from here.

Yeah, I think that's best, yeah.

Okay, gentlemen, listen up.

In case you don't know me,

I'm Tavita Taumua.

I'm the President

of the Football Federation

of American Samoa.

But I think you all do know me.

- Hi, son.

- Hey, Dad.

TAVITA: I'm here

to beg something

from you for the second half.

I know we've never ever

scored a goal, ever!

But we have to

because I've made a bet

with the heads

of the football federations

from the other islands

that we could.

And if we don't,

they're going to draw

a lady boobs on my face.

That's some

pretty powerful motivation.


Both teams,

- please return to the field.

- Okay! 45 minutes left!

Let's go, American Samoa!




heads up.

Not all of the goals went in.

So, that's heart and spirit.

Right, Tavita?

Ace, you're a lovely guy,

but you're a terrible coach.

You're sacked.

Okay, cool. That seems fair.

Yeah, take a look.

Count the boobs.

Count them.

Individual boobs or pairs?

I'll save you the trouble.

There's 11 pairs.

- Eleven pairs.


They drew these

with permanent marker.

You know what permanent means?


Aren't you guys sick of losing?

We haven't scored one goal

in the history

of our country trying

to have a soccer team.

Doesn't that strike you as odd?

Mark my words,

things are going to change.

I'm going to get us a new coach.

TEAM: Huh?

New coach.

(SIGHS) Where am I going

to find a new coach?

You have to look off island.

No, that's treason.

Treason is sending

that poor team

to play games they have

no hope of winning.

You have to think

outside the box.

Hmm, well, sometimes the box

is too small to think inside of.

Maybe I will do it.

I've already done it.

I've rung the American

Football Federation

to put an ad up for the job.

Dad, we don't need some Palagi

with his white savior complex

to come teach us

how to play soccer.


But there's so many other

great coaches on the island.

- Like who?

- Like Ace.

I sacked him.

He's no good with pressure.

He hates pressure.

You hate pressure,

don't you, Ace?

Yeah, that's true. I hate it.

There's only four weeks to the

World Cup qualifier, Dad.

We should just get a coach

from the island.


- Don't make me

- hit you with this sandal.


We are getting a real coach.

That's it!

And don't think

I haven't noticed

those big boobs on your face.

Whose boobs are those?

I don't know, they're drawings.

Drawings of boobs are a gateway

to the real thing.

Be careful, my mister.



I know this season

didn't go as planned.

It's known

as the beautiful game,

but let's face it,

it's a complicated game, guys.

Football, soccer,

as you like to call it,

is like life. You know?

You're riding high in April

and shot down in May.

Um, next season, I think,

we have a real shot.

As long as you, uh, trust me

and allow me

to play the system

that I like to play.

ALEX: Uh, I'm sorry, uh,

Thomas, did nobody tell you?

You're... You're fired.

Did honestly nobody tell you?

- Rhys, did you not...

- RHYS: Yeah, of course, I...

I'm fired? Are you joking?

Are you kidding me?

Obviously, you're in shock,

which is understandable.

And it is only natural

that you go through

the five stages of grief,

which Rhys, I think,

you have a...

RHYS: Yes. Thank you, Alex.

We'll just quickly run this...

Thank you, Chris. There we go.

Yep, too far. Release it.

Now, to... You've lost it.

Settle it there.

Just, yep, there we go.

Thanks, Chris. Spin it round.

- No, you got to flip it.

- ALEX: Flip the...

Yep, there we go.

And spin it round.

Stage one, denial.

This is not happening.

There it is. That's it,

that's classic denial.

Good news is,

you got two options. Rhys?

Option one, that's where

you're currently at.

ALEX: Or...

RHYS: Chris?

Pacific Ocean?

Uh, well, yes. Uh, but, no.

Specifically, American Samoa.

THOMAS: American Samoa?

Are you serious?

Is this a joke?

Gail, do you know about this?

Yes, it was my idea.

Can't believe

you'd do this to me!

- I deserve some respect.

- Oh, boy.

I'm the only one in this room

that knows anything

about this game.

Stage two. Anger.

ALEX: That anger is real.

Was he this angry

when you were married?

He was calmer before.

Thomas, you need to stop

thinking about this

as some kind of punishment.

This could be a chance to heal.

Maybe find a new direction.

ALEX: Oh, Gail!

God, I love that, Gail.

That is so good. Excellent.

I played this game

at the top level.

This isn't fair.

ALEX: Fair?

You want to know about fair?

Oh, here we go.

ALEX: Let me tell you

a story, buddy.


a kid, I had this dog.

And I loved this dog.

But then, he got older.

And I guess he had

some anger issues.

Wasn't the same dog.

My dad said that we needed

to put the dog down.

So, we take him outside,

and this dog, he is whimpering.

We're taking him out.

"Oh, no, this isn't fair.

"Remember how good

I was in the past?"

And my dad made me

take that dog outside

- and drown him in the pond.


I'm the dog in this story?

No, of course not.

I'm just telling you the story

about my dog

when I was growing up.

And the fact that my dad

was a bit of an assh*le.

Okay, look.

I can change.

I'm flexible, guys.

Let's not make

any rash decisions here.

ALEX: Really,

really good stuff, Thomas.

You are smoking through these.

RHYS: There's only two left.

ALEX: Oh, that's great.


- 'Cause I got to...

- Wow.

- Chris?

We only got one left.

And it's my favorite one of all.





Mr. Rongen? Mr. Rongen,

hello, Mr. Rongen.

Welcome to American Samoa.

What is this shit?

(CHUCKLES) No naughty words,

pretty please.

This is Who's On The Plane?

American Samoa's top-rated show.

We interview people who travel

to the island on the plane.

Well, I guess what everyone

at home wants to know is

why have you come

halfway across the world

to coach the worst soccer team

in the world?

I have a very particular

set of skills.

Skills I've acquired

over a very long career.

Skills that make me a nightmare

for people like you.

I've come here to impasse

my knowledge and unique insight

into the beautiful game

and turn this team around.

I'm not God,

but I may as well be.

Because I perform

more miracles than him.

Okay, well,

one thing's for sure.

The new coach

is very friendly and outgoing.

We'll see you next time

for another edition

of Who's On The Plane?

Mr. Thomas Rongen!

(SIGHS) It's very nice

to meet you.

I am Tavita, I'm the President

of the Football Federation

of American Samoa.

And also the cameraman

for Who's On The Plane?

It's a small island.

We all have lots of jobs.

Now, as an honored guest,

we have a very special surprise

waiting outside. Okay?

So, Gus will look after you.

Yeah, you'll love this.

This is so exciting!

Guys! Guys!

Dad, why are we here?

It's all part of my exciting

master surprise plan.

Gentlemen, I am proud

to officially announce

our new official national coach

of the American Samoa

soccer team.


He's played with some of

the top players in the world.


And, he's originally

from Europe.


So, let's give him a warm

American Samoan welcome!

ACE: Um, okay, guys, hey...


Your chariot awaits.


Okay, okay.

Yeah, great stuff, guys.

I think he feels really welcome.

We'll see you at training.

Hey. Dad,

how many offshore people

applied for the job?

Oh, the response was incredible!

Yeah? How many

people responded?

TAVITA: Well, there was him.

Yeah, it was just him.

But the fact that he responded,

absolutely incredible.

I really think things

are gonna turn around.

You know, son?

It's like in The Matrix.

I think this man is the Neo.


TAVITA: Welcome

to American Samoa.

With a population

of 57,534 people,

American Samoa is a United

States territory

like Puerto Rico, but much

smaller and further away.

The two main exports

are NFL players and tuna.

It should not be confused

with the independent nation

of Samoa

with their cocky,

stuck-up people

always bragging about

their 24-hour McDonald's.

- Even though we are both Samoan...

- Hey.

There are two Samoas.

Can you drive faster?

Oh, I would never break

the speed limit.

It's 20 miles per hour

across the whole island.

Interesting fact. The bird

on the flag of American Samoa...

Welcome to your new


Oh, that's your car,

so you can move

around the island at will.


And now, the pice de rsidence.

Your castle awaits.

Your landlord is Sione.

He lives in the house next door.

And he is available


to address your every need.


Seven days out

of every twenty-four.

Well, I'll let you

get settled in.

And I will leave this Welcome

to American Samoa video here

for you to peruse

at your leisure.

The qualifiers are only

four weeks away, Mr. Rongen.

All I want from our team

is just one goal.

One goal.

One goal.







Hello? Can I use the phone?


Rongen won the MLS

Coach of the Year award

and coached the US men's

national team.

But his career went mysteriously

off the rails two years ago.

And I think the question

we're all wondering is...

Why have you come halfway

across the world

to coach the worst soccer team

in the world?

REPORTER: Coach Rongen has

- a colorful reputation.

- What, what, what, what?


But the team is hopeful

he can save them

from another

international humiliation.

We caught up with him

as he got off the plane.

Welcome to American Samoa.

What is this (BLEEP)?

Oh, you're from TV.

Famous guy.


to the convenience store.

I see you found our conveniently

located libation station.

And conveniently, we're

the local movie rental place.

And the convenient

dreamcatcher outlet.

You guys have a public phone

that I could use?


THOMAS: Hello?

Excuse me?


What the...




Now, we gonna do the Hollywood.

Ah, and that's where

you grab your leg.

Ah, and it's really sore,

and you fall down. Hollywood.

(EXCLAIMS) Arnold!


Get up! Up, up, up!

Oh, nice. Now, we're gonna

practice pointing and blaming

where you point to someone

and just blame them.

SAMSON: Wait, wait, wait.



Ah. Mr. Rongen. (CHUCKLES)

Nice, little buddy. Okay.

Go into the shop, get me

that bottle we talked about.

Off you go.

Thanks, little buddy.


Well, gentlemen.

I've been watching you.

And it's safe to say,

you're useless.

You have zero talent, skill

or understanding of the game.

That is why we're gonna work

on two very simple things.

Fitness and discipline.

Cacio and the pepe.

Cheese and pepper.

Simple dish

but when made well, exquisite.

So, this is what we're gonna do.

We're gonna get into two lines

and we're gonna do sprints.

Down to the goal and back.

Two lines! Suicides!

Cheese and pepper!

Come on, let's go! Go!

Why are we doing this?

Because I want to see

what you're made of.

You're all a bunch

of Daniel-sans.

And I'm Mr. Miyagi.

I want to see how many of you

can make the full 90 minutes.

Let's go! Cacio pepe!


- Oh, Jaiyah.

- Hi!

Hi, boys.

Hey, hey, guys!

What's going on?

What were we just

talking about? Discipline.

All right. 200 sit-ups down

at the goal.

- Go!


Go, go, 200!

Hey, coach,

I'm so sorry I'm late.

THOMAS: Oh. Ah, ah.

I just came in from Hawaii.

I'm in middle of, uh, talking

to the squad right now.

So, uh...

You must be team masseuse.

Why don't you, uh,

set up in the...

Oh. No, no, no.

I'm not the team masseuse.

I'm one of the players.

Oh, no, I don't know

where the women's team train,

but it isn't here.

Oh, no, no, no.

Jaiyah's placed in the team.

This team.

She's a woman.

Well, (CHUCKLES) not yet.

What the hell's going on? Ace?

ACE: That's Jaiyah.

She's our center forward.


(CHUCKLES) Okay. Good one.

Humor. I get it.

Sure, Jaiyah, go ahead.

Join the squad over there.

Thanks so much, coach.

Joke's on you now.

She's playing.

(CHUCKLING) Very good.

Something not right

about this guy.

Well, he is white. (GRUNTS)

No. Something else.

Let's keep our eye on him.

All right, Ace.

Let's see what they're made of.

Look alive, b*tches!

All right, come on. We're up.

Wow, a ball! Mr. Miyagi is

really shaking things up.


Okay, Ace. Run me

through the team. Who we got?

Okay, uh, that's Smiley.

He's the D'Angelo of soccer.

PLAYER: Hey, Smiley!

Yeah. Oh! And that's Daru.

He's known as the Bad Boy

of soccer.

He's always sliding in

and getting carded. Very bad.

Oh, that is Samson.

What? Because of his hair?

No, Samsung.

He's named after the giant

Korean tech company.

His father's name is Sony.

Oh, and there's Jaiyah,

the Cindy Crawford of soccer.

What's his real name?

- Jaiyah.

- No, registered name.

Oh, it's Johnny. But you never

want to call her that.

Yeah. She's Fa'afafine.

THOMAS: What does that mean?

ACE: It's part of our culture.

They're just one of us.

But different.

But you guys are all cool

with this?

ACE: How can I put this?

It's like

imagine a world without flowers.

Well, Fa'afafine are

our flowers.

Be a pretty dull world

without them.

- Hmm? They're beautiful.


And who's that large body

in goal?

ACE: Oh, that's Pisa.

He's not really a goalkeeper.

He's a midfielder,

but he found the gloves

- when Nicky...

- Wait, wait, wait.

Who's that?

That's Jonah. He's the Knight

Rider Car of soccer.



Bring it in.

Whistle, whistle. Bring it in.

Bring it in, team!

Sit down, sit down.

That was terrible.

You're just pissing around

out there.

You need passion

to play this game.

(SCOFFS) It's embarrassing.

I've every right to put

my foot up all your asses.


Oh, that's funny to you?

Well, yeah.

I mean, it's a funny image.


Just trying to have fun.

Football's fun.

Football's fun.

I'll tell you what's not fun.

Watching you prancing

and parading,

fixing your hair

like My Little Pony.

That's not fun.


This young gentleman here

is what I'm talking about.

This is passion personified.

If I had 11 Armani's,

I could conquer the world.

But alas, I only have the one.

I'll take that.

You know what?

I've had it for today.

I'm going to leave Armani

in charge.

He's going to be my eyes

and my ears.

Anything Armani says, you do.


What shall we do today?

Everybody, shoulder exercise up.

Up, down, up, down.

Double time.


to your voice mailbox.

You have 18 saved messages.

First saved message.


Hey, Dad.

I just saw you called.

Where are you?

Seriously. Like, where

in the world is Thomas Rongen?

Okay, call me back.




WOMAN: Old tin cans,

old tin cans!

That's what I'm collecting.

People just throw them away.

They wash up on the shore.

They used to be valuable.

Not so much anymore.

Is she talking to me?

You're feeling alone,

because you are alone.

Like these old metal cans.

This isn't happening.

It's a mirage.

Yes, this is happening.

You're just a skinny

white guy, sitting there

looking out to sea for answers.

But maybe the answers you seek

are right in front of you.

Everybody deserves

a second chance.

Even tin cans.

Not that plastic bottle there, though.

Not that. Not touching that.

Family is what you make it.

Here I come,

the old tin can lady.

- Looking for my tin cans...

- Tin cans.

That's what I do

- all day. Oh!

- TAVITA: Darling!

- RUTH: Oh, Tavita, you idiot!

- Did you speak to him?

Yes, but what was all that

tin can mumbo-jumbo shit

you made me say

and all that "family is what

you make it" crap?

It sounded like

that old lady from The Matrix.

Nah, he's a Palagi.

White people love

all that spiritual stuff.

Can you imagine the world

without yoga?

There'd be all this

unstretchy white people around

- with no ethnic tattoos.

- And no white dreadlocks.

Exactly! They need us.

And I need that coach.

ACE: Hey, guys!

That's great warming-upping.

- Doing really well.

- THOMAS: Ace.

Oh! Mr. Rongen.

- Ace.

- Yeah?

You know, I just had the most

profound conversation.

It was all about tin cans.

Our team, they're like a bunch

of tin cans.

Look at them.

Discarded, crumpled,

sitting in a bunker,

waiting for an apocalypse

that may never come.

But guess what, Ace,

we're gonna give those cans

a purpose.

What's that, boss?

We're going to start

a nuclear w*r.

Gather around, tin cans.

ACE: Come on, tin cans.

THOMAS: We're going

to practice free kicks.

Hustle, double time!

ACE: Double time,

double time, hustle.

The art of taking the free kick

is about distraction.

Here we go.

- Whoa, whoa.

- TEAM: Oh.

And that's how it's done.

ALL: Distraction!

Distraction. Follow my move.

ALL: Hey!

A small game called

the Human Hurdle.

- And jump! And jump!


You go around.

Cheese and pepper,

cheese and pepper!

The object of the game

is to hit the moving target.


ALL: (SINGING) Baa, baa

black sheep

Have you any wool?

Keep the melody, please.


Yes, sir, yes, sir

THOMAS: Everybody wait.

Stop play. Stop play.

Jaiyah, any reason

why you're late?

Everybody else seemed

to turn up on time

for training today.

Why don't you run over there

and do some slaloms.

Off you go. Let's go.

Talk to one another.

Come on! Concentrate.

(9 TO 5


The object is turning speed.

Hustle, hustle.

ACE: Hustle, hustle, bustle.

You know what?

Forget about it.

Forget about it. Hup, hup, hup.

- Guys, head up, head up.

- THOMAS: Get low, get low.

- ACE: Cheese and pepper!

- Get out of the way here.

ACE: Cheese and pepper!

The object is to get the ball

in the net.


Look where you're sh**ting it.

What the hell!


Don't look at me,

look at the ball.



THOMAS: Control it, Daru.

What is that? Is that a pass?

One touch. Pass.

One touch. Pass, pass.

Come on.

Jaiyah, focus.

You're controlling

the back line, let's go!

And how would I say,

"You're all useless.

I'm out of here"?


Forget it.


Trust. Trust, okay. Trust.


That's it, don't touch me.

Trust is broken.

All right.

It's getting serious now.

We're going to play

full 90 minutes with the ball.

Shirts versus bibs.

Three touches only. Go!

- PLAYER: Go, go, go!


THOMAS: That's it, push up,

push up.

Pressure, pressure, pressure.

A little bit of urgency.

Look at him, he's got all

the space in the world.

Jaiyah! Look alive.

Concentrate. Focus, Jaiyah.

What are you waiting for?

Pressure, pressure, pressure.

No, no, no! Squeeze him, Daru.

Stay on your feet, man.


Jaiyah, what are you doing

over there?

Stop playing with your hair.

What the hell's that?

Come here.

Why are you fixing your hair?

This isn't some

voguing competition.

This is international soccer.

Stop that.

Get your shit together.


Johnny, come back here

when I'm talking to you.


My name is not Johnny.

Your registered name is Johnny.

You'll be playing

under the name Johnny.

And that's what I'm going

to be calling you.

So, get used to it, Johnny.

(DEEP VOICE) Call me Johnny,

again, one more time,

and see what happens.



Oh, Jaiyah, no, he's a coach.

Naughty, naughty.


- Yeah, yeah.


It's okay. I'm all right.


Things are getting

pretty intense.

So, it's, uh, time

to take a break, maybe.

Ace, call lunch.

ACE: You heard the man.

Have some lunch.

Cooling down.

Especially, if your name

rhymes with fire.


Sixth saved message.


Okay, so,

you don't actually know

how phones work

is the vibe I'm getting.

When it makes a noise,

you answer it.

I mean, I know

you're probably working

with the team right now but

maybe stop yelling at them

for a second and call me back.

I'm around.


WOMAN: Hey, celebrity guy!

Saw you on Who's On The Plane,

- coach.


Soccer coach, you got the

toughest job on the island.

These guys are

(CHUCKLES) shocking.

- Shocking. (LAUGHS)

- TAVITA: Ah, coach!


to our humble restaurant.

Tavita's Restaurant.

My restaurant.

How many jobs have you got?

Ah, we all have a few jobs.

We have to earn enough money

to keep the team going.

- Garon! Son, Daru.

- What?

Please, escort

our esteemed guest

to our exclusive

al fresco table.

Please. No special treatment.

I'll sit outside.

They look up to you.

They depend on you.

You got to be demanding.

But kind.

JAIYAH: Hello.


Something to drink?

Whiskey, beer, wine?

Yeah, we got all those.

Which one?

Whiskey, beer, and wine.

Mr. Rongen.

Please accept this appetizer

of raw fish marinated

in coconut cream.

It's a real classic

of the islands.

And it's on the house.

How are things going?

I can honestly say it's the

worst bunch of players

I've ever come across

in my life.


THOMAS: I have very particular


And unless I get

the support I need,

I just don't think

it's going to work.

We have our own methods too.


It's like with that appetizer.

I'm sure that little fish

didn't think that one day

it would be chopped up,

covered in spring onions,

a little bit of tomato,

yellow pepper,

lemon zest and a dash of chili.

But if you ask anyone

around here,

it's a better fish

because of it.

You may need

to just marinate, too.

See how you feel.

One goal.

One goal.

One goal.

One goal.

One goal.

One goal.

Wow. That's really good.

It's really good!

(SINGING) I want to swing






Yes, I'm going to need

immediate backup.

I'm engaged in a car chase.

- DISPATCH: Wow, really?

- Looks like a Palagi guy,

he's driving like a maniac.

He's maybe doing 35, 36 MPHs.

- DISPATCH: That's fast!

- Also, um, my, uh,

my siren's not working.

DISPATCH: Oh, jeez!

Okay, stay safe, Rambo.

Oh, and can you get some kava

from Uncle Pese on the way home?

Uh, copy that.

Yeah, okay, I love you, Mom.

- I love you too, baby.

- Okay, love you.



- Shit.

- RAMBO: Yeah,

this is the policeman.

Can you please pull over

to the side? Yes.


You're going to get

out of the car

on the count of three.

Are you ready?


Thank you.

Okay, you punk rocker.

Oh, hey, it's the guy

from the TV! (CHUCKLES)

That's me.

What seems to be the problem?

Oh, I'll tell you what the...


Hey, you okay?

Hey. Let it out, big guy.

I got you.



Oh, thank you.

I'm feeling better now.

Now, listen, normally,

I'd lock you up

and throw away the key.

But right now,

I'm just more angry

at my mango juice can.

You stupid can! (GRUNTS)

Fleetwood Mac!

That's a hell of a right foot

you got there,




Gentlemen, allow me to present

our newest recruit,

Detective Rambo.

We already kicked him out.

He tried to arrest us all.

You were playing

on private property.

Yeah, that property

is my dad's property.

Well, I don't make up

the rules, okay?

- Yeah?

- Yeah.


You've just fallen for the

oldest trick in the book.

Can't you see?

This is exactly what

they want from us.

- Who?

- THOMAS: Them!

The Imperialists.

Divide and conquer.

But we're not going to let them.

We've worked too long

and hard for this.

You've only been here

a few days.

Rome was built in a day, man.

I think we're doing pretty well.

Now, how about this?

As a team, together,

we climb that mountain.

Who's with me?


SAMSON: Coach,

my ankle is hurting me.

I can't hear you.

Who's with me?

No, no, my mom is expecting me.

Come on, guys!

We're all in this together.

Now, who's going to climb

that mountain

with me as a team?

Are you with me?

Are you with me, my team?

- Yeah, okay, then, yeah.

- All right!

ACE: Okay, let's go. Yes.


THOMAS: Let's go!

PLAYER 2: Yeah.

Now, we're making some progress.



Wait, wait, wait.

What's going on?

Don't sit down.

We're not there yet.

We haven't even started.

- Ace, what's going on?

- It's curfew time.


The bell means curfew.

It's time to pray.

The whole island stops.

Same time, every day.

But what am I supposed to do?

I'm not religious.


Okay. I'll pray for you.

THOMAS: When did that

ever work? Tavita!


I've got three weeks left

to the qualifiers.

We got a lot of work to do.

So, tomorrow, I'm going

to start with fitness drills

to see how many of them

can last a full 90 minutes.

Ooh. Ah.

Thomas, ah,

we won't be training tomorrow.

- Why not?

- It's Sunday.

- So?

- The team won't train

on a Sunday.

That would be a sin.

Jesus Christ.

Mr. Rongen,

you are very welcome

to join us on Sunday.

It could be a nice experience.

You can see how we worship God.

This is church.

Football is church.

You've got zero commitment.

We're very committed to church.

This place is a carnival

of crap.

DARU: Hey, look at this,

look at this.

This bit, right here.

Right here.


Off goes the chair.

- Ooh.

- DARU: This guy's been fired

from his last three jobs because

he can't control himself.

PISA: I don't know.

He seems okay, now.

Maybe he's different.

THOMAS: I've coached


better than your players!


I mean, look at this place.

You've got a keyboard

and mouse and no screen!

None of this shit

makes any sense.

You don't even have a full

squad of players out there.

No wonder you're the worst

team in the world.

TAVITA: Mr. Rongen,

you have made your point

and now let me make mine.

Now, we here at FFAS

are honored that you are here.

We want to improve,

we want to learn from you.

But we will not deny

who we are just to win.

These are our customs.

These are our ways.

Your ways are shit.

You're failing.

It's t*rture coaching this team.

Thomas, we were

under the impression

that you wanted to be here.

But if that is the wrong

impression that we are under,

then you are free to go.

Seek your happiness.

Unhappiness is a curse

that I would not wish on anyone.

THOMAS: Okay. I quit.


I told you guys.


THOMAS: Hello?

- Can you hear me?

- GAIL: (ON PHONE) Yeah.

So, uh, here's the news.

Fresh off the press. I quit.

- You can't quit.

- I quit.

Today, officially.

- Well, then go un-quit.

- Once you quit,

you got to commit to the quit.

You know this.

It's like this team,

- they don't even want to win.


For them, it's like

some sort of game.

It is a game, Thomas.

It's a sport.

I can't work with these guys.

I can't help them.

Thomas, we didn't send

you there to help them.

We sent you there to help you.

I don't need help.

I'm coming home.

Home, I'm sorry, Thomas,

but where is home now?


we'll be there in a couple weeks

for the qualifiers, okay?

And we'll get a drink.

- All right?




if you could please

let the coach come back

wherever he is,

to help us score that one goal.

Just one.

Not too much to ask, I think,

given we go to church

every Sunday

and give 10 percent

of our income.

But, uh, hey!

All in your time.


ALL: Amene.


that didn't work.

Ace, looks like

you're coaching today.

ACE: Okay, just go for a run

to warm up your bodies, huh?


Okay, Dad.

I'm sorry I yelled at you.

But I was just pissed because...

because you should be here

for this.

They asked me to lead

the team out on Saturday.

Where are you?



Hi, coach.


I just wanted to come by

and say sorry

about body slamming you

to the ground

and choking you, and

also, just wanted to say

thank you

for keeping me on the team

so far.

Well, uh, I'd like

to apologize too

for not respecting your name,


Here. Peace offering.

- What is it?

- It's from team lunch.

You keep missing out

because you get angry

and run away.

You know, you should eat first.

And, then get angry.

Makes sense.

Will you join me?


JAIYAH: College is cool.

And I do some performing

when I'm not studying.

So, do you think you'll come

back to the island

once you finish your degree?

No. There's really not much

on the island for young people.

The job choices come down

to the tuna cannery or the army.

And I don't really like fish

or g*ns.

So, you think you'll stay

in Hawaii then?

Hmm. Maybe.

I mean, there's not

as many fa'afafine there,

so you do get

a bit more prejudice.

So, I hear you're married?

And you have a daughter.

Yeah, but tell me more about

this, um, fa'afafine thing.

What do you want to know?

I mean, what are you down there?

Does it really matter to you?

Well, it matters

to the officials in the game.

Okay, well, right now I'm legal.

But I have been taking

hormones for a while and...

Right now?

Let's just say that eventually,

I technically won't qualify

for the team.

Can we talk soccer?



- THOMAS: What am I watching here?

Why is everyone bunched up

like old ladies

gathered at a cake convention?

Well, how are we supposed

to know about formation?

No one taught us, including you.

Fair point.

THOMAS: Look at this guy.

Just standing there

in open space

doing nothing.

Reminds me of you.

That is me.


Well, you're a natural born


Not a forward.

Wait, who is that in goal?

That's Nicky Salapu.

- That's Nicky Salapu?

- Yeah.

The guy that let in

over 30 goals?

Yeah, but he saved another 60.

THOMAS: He looks pretty good.

He's one of the best players

we've ever had.

He's a legend.

A legend of the fallen.

- Shut up.

- You shut up, it's my house.

It's my island.

I don't even know

why we're watching this.

Because most of these players

are retired.

But they only gave up

because everyone else

gave up on them.

But if you came back

to coach us,

I could help you find them.

Because they're still good.

I'll be the judge of that.


Hey, famous guy and Jaiyah!

Thomas Rongen. Nicky Salapu.

THOMAS: Well I'll be

a son of a bitch.

The chickens have come home

to roast.

You're the best goalkeeper

American Samoa ever had.

I let in over 30 goals

at international level.

You're the best goalkeeper

American Samoa ever had.

Isn't there something

about that defeat

that still haunts you?

- That you can't let go of?

- Of course.

I replay that match on Xbox.

American Samoa versus Australia.

But I play alone.

And I get my revenge every day

by beating them 32, nil.

Don't you want revenge

on Australia?

But instead of Australia,

it would be on a bunch

of other Polynesian islands.

Some of them are close

to Australia.

How did you get

this coaching job?

You're terrible at this.

Can you just come back

to the team?

They need work, yeah.

And they need a lot of work,

but I see a bunch of guys

in that team, including her

who all work multiple jobs

just to play.

Who've got more heart

and they're dreaming bigger

than nearly any

of the jaded fools

that mess around

in the pro league

for money they don't deserve.

Don't tell them I said that.


- Is he interested in playing?

No interest, whatsoever.

Who's next?


That's called chutzpah, Armani.

And we like it.

Excuse me, Squire?

- Stretch the muscle.

- Ace?

Mr. Rongen!

I thought you'd abandoned us.

Ace, I'd like to apologize.

- Oh.

- But I won't.

- Oh.

- As a rule, I don't apologize.

I'm not apologizing

for that, either. So, sorry.

Daru? Daru, Daru.

Look, I know you don't like me.

I don't like me.

But we need to work together.

This formation is known

as the Sad Snowman.

This player, interchangeable

with this player.

This can cross here,

switch it around,

works this way too.

So, who we got next?



We got another one.

Nice one, Armani.

ALL: Wax on, wax off.

Wax on, wax off.

THOMAS: We've also got

the three pigs.

The wolf is coming

all the way back here.

He's going to blow

your house down.

This is where we want to go.

All roads lead to Rome.

What is this shit?

f*cking Sharpie.

Get me another board.

Think of it like a fish.

On its own, slimy, smelly,

tasteless somewhat.

But add some coconut cream,

lemon zest, chili,

let that sucker marinate.

Now you've got

something special.

Allow yourself to marinate.

You'll be a better fish for it.

Thank you, coach.


- THOMAS: Ice is your friend.

It will help those muscles.

Oh, got you in the nads there.

Just another 25 minutes.


Three, four.

And then, other side.

Way off! Miss.

- He finds it.


Get up. Not at the top yet.

Keep going.

I know it's hard,

but if we can do this

as a team, we have a chance.


We've got defense sorted.

- But our midfield...

- Mm-hmm.

THOMAS: All right, my man.

- All right.

- There you go.

Thank you, coach.

- See you Monday?

- For sure.

- I won't let you down, coach.

- Amazing.





So, who's next?


Nice, Daru. Good energy.

Good energy. Good, good, good.

Hop, hop, hop. Bunny rabbit.

Push, push, push.


Control that back line.

That's it, Jaiyah, leadership.

That's what I'm talking about.

Pel, Maradona, Rongen. Whoo!

ALL: Wax on, wax off.

Wax on, wax off.

Wax on, wax off.

Look, right here. Maldini.




Keep it up, keep it up.

Keep going, keep going.

I know it's hard,

but keep going.

I know you can make it

to the top.

Come on, guys,

keep going, keep going.

Don't stop, don't stop.





Oh, God!

Oh, God. It's beautiful.


DARU: You okay, coach?

It's beautiful.

Oh, my God.

It looked so easy

from the bottom.

Can't breathe.


This spot here, this place,

tells of how your brave brothers

fought to protect American Samoa

and the rest of the world

against evil.

Well, tomorrow, we set off

for the greatest w*r

of them all!

The w*r for World Cup


TEAM: Yeah!


THOMAS: Oh, my God,

the air is thin up here.

In two days' time,

we face our first enemy, Tonga.

Screw those guys!


There have been so many wars

against those assholes.

But the w*r of 1825,

where they came to take...

they came to take our tuna.

But we handed their asses

to them in a giant tuna can.


Where am I?

TAVITA: Uh, Mr. Rongen,

are you feeling all right?

What was that?

I still have to pack.

I always leave packing

to the last minute.

It's so weird.


ACE: Healing waters.

Yeah, take him down.

Yeah. It's all right, coach.


PRIEST: And so,

we turn to Matthew 17

when a man says to lesu,

"Lord, have mercy on my son.

"For he is a lunatic

"and is very ill.

"For he often falls

into the fire

"and often into the water.

"Very clumsy, my boy."

And lesu said,

"Bring him here to me."

Good old lesu.

And lesu rebuked him.

And the demon came out of him.

And the boy was cured at once.



- PRIEST: What a beautiful day.

We give thanks

for the beauties outside,

all the blessings.

And, uh, before we get further

into the proceedings,

a little housekeeping.

Someone was seen rifling around

in, uh, one

of the dumpsters outside

Sione Malacoco's

Fish and Chip Shop.

Fess up, who was that?

Trying to get

some leftover scraps.

We don't do that.

Okay? Now, what a day.

Our wonderful team

are going across the seas

to do the impossible.

To go and win a game of soccer.



Some would say that

the other teams are too big.

Well, you know

what I say to them?

Read the Bible.

Have you ever heard

of a little guy called David

fighting against a big guy

called the Goliath?


That is a cautionary tale.

Don't mess with the little guy.

And what we have here

is a whole bunch

of little guys, don't we?

Little guys,

who probably can't do it.

Going off across the seas

to fight a whole lot

of Goliaths.

So, go, my little Davids.

Let's take it to Mr. Goliath

out there.

And let's get one

for American Samoa.






So, off they go.

The American Samoan soccer team

hoping not to embarrass

the nation any further.

Cut. That was really good,




Go, go, go, go!

Tavita, let's go! Let's go!

Let's go! Come on, move it!

Let's get this bird in the air!

Wowie, that was some journey!

Yeah, I think I got

the jet lags. I need a nap.

Guys, it was only

a 35 minute flight.

Hey, guys!

We've officially crossed

the date line.

It's now yesterday.


- PLAYER 1: Time travel!


- Look how fast

these crazies are going.

You know, someone's going

to get k*lled.

Slow down. Heaven's full.


DARU: Yo, some pretty sweet


Okay, boys.

Good, you're settling in.

Now, I just have one note here.

- Shh.

- The player reception is

at 5:30 in the PM time.

And it's compulsory feetwear.

So, wear something

on your feet, please.

Like a slippers. Or a sandal.

Okay, yeah.


- Thanks.


- Tonga, Tonga.






Nice of you guys to show up.

That's very kind. Thank you.

It was an insult!

Oh, I should've known you were

going to put a twist on it.

So, this is the competition.

Nothing to worry about.

No. Things have changed.

We got a new coach.

Your coach is shit.

He's a failure.

He's just like you.

Obviously, you're trying

to get under our skin.

But American Samoan skin

is impenetrable. Okay?

Unless you got a sharp object

like, um, scissors, um,

screwdriver, needle.

Anything that kind of comes

down to a really sharp point.


- See you at the party.


Don't forget to bring

your mascot. (CHUCKLES)





- "See you at the party later."

- "See you at the party later."

"See you at the party later."


It's Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Oh, the glitz, the glamour,

the little flowers on the table!

Thomas, isn't this wonderful?

Look, it's a veritable

who's that of world soccer.

Let's get out of here, T.

Hit the beach.

Six pack. This isn't us.

We just got here.

The night's still young.

- Oh, shit.

- MEN: Hey!

- There he is. There he is.


KEITH: Good day, mate.

ANGUS: Fancy seeing you here.

- What's happening?

- Hey! Hey!

- Hi. All right.

- Hi.

- What's going on, huh?

- Angus.


Hey, give him a bumming.

Give him a bumming.

- Oh, yeah. Bumming!

- Please.

- That's enough! That's enough!

- There you go. Right-oh.

Settle down, mate.

It's good to see you.

Tavita, this is, uh,

Angus, Keith. Socceroos.

Oh, the Socceroos,

our arch nemesises.

Hey? What are you...?


American Samoa. (CHUCKLES)

- We played in that game.

- We played in that game.

Yeah, show him your tattoo.


Show him the tattoo,

show him the tattoo.

- Wait, wait.

- He doesn't show

- anyone this.

- Let me show you the tattoo.


- (SINGING) 31, 31

- (SINGING) 31, 31, 31

Ah, mate, we've moved on.

Put it away.

No, we haven't.

It's part of our heritage.

- I'm putting it away.

- So, hey?

Coaching American Samoa.

Took the job that nobody wanted.

- He hasn't even been...

- Right! Good on ya.

- Fired yet.

- Hey, no, but seriously,

how they going?

You having a few wins?

KEITH: Yeah.

We're, you know, we're...

ANGUS: Oi! A-Train.

- Toot toot! (CHUCKLES)

- KEITH: A-Train!

- Hi.

- Hey. Hey. Hey.

Oh. Oh.

- You look good.

- I missed you.

You look good.

ALEX: Hey, there he is.

- Hey.

- Alex. Hey.

- You're looking kind of tired.

- Yes, I was going to say

he's looking pretty tired,

isn't he?

- Jet lag.

- Thank you.

Um, Tavita, I'd like

to introduce you

to Gail, my wife.

- Separated.

- Oh.

And this is Alex. Uh, my boss

and Gail's manfriend.

Mr. Alex, on behalf of FFAS,

we just want to thank you

for sending us this super coach.

He's really turned things


Great. Hey, can I talk to you

real quick outside?

- Sure.

- He wants to have a word

with you outside.

It won't take a second.




- Jaiyah!


(EXHALES) Man. I got to say,

really proud of you.

We never thought

you'd make it. Congrats.

Thanks, Alex. I mean,

I don't know what to say.

I'm so proud of what

we've done here.

Yeah. That's great.

Not that it really matters


What do you mean?

Don't worry about it.

It's just...

You have shown real improvement

and that's what matters.

I'm going to find you

a real job after this.

Alex, what are you saying?

Look, Thomas,

I once had this dog.

- I know about the dog.

- No, this is a different dog.

You don't know this dog.

This dog was, uh,

this dog was never any good.

He was slow and he couldn't run,

and he never caught a stick

or did anything

and so, the kindest thing

to do was to put him down.

So, we k*lled him. Shot him.

The team is the dog?

Yeah, of course, the team

is the dog. It's a metaphor.

How many dogs

do you think I've k*lled?

Look, the herd is only as fast

as its slowest animal.

That's like circle-of-life shit.

Well, I believe

we can score a goal.

A goal?

Who gives a shit about a goal?

What if we win the match?

(CHUCKLES) Come on.

I don't think they have a word

in their language for win.

Look, man. Soccer is not

in their DNA. They're weak.

No, Alex. They are not weak.

Some of the sacrifices

these players have made,

I mean, I'm talking about

life-altering sacrifices.

Look, I wish there was

something I could say

that would magically make you

feel better about this. Oh...

Hakuna matata.





The biggest battle

of our professional lives

all comes down to today.

Now, either

we heal as a team

- or we're going to crumble...


inch by inch, play by play,

till we're finished.

We're in hell right now.

We can stay here, get the shit

kicked out of us...

- Hi.

- Hey.

- Nightcap?

- Sure.

- Let's go.

- We can fight our way back...

- Oh, right.

- Into the light.

We can climb out of hell...

THOMAS: You know,

I think island life

has had a real effect on me.

I feel like a new man.

Kind of Zen.

You seem the same.

- Really?

- Mm-hmm.

Are you happy?

I feel terrific.

Tomorrow, we're going

to lose the match.

- Oh, come on.

- And get kicked out

- of International Football.

- You don't really think that.

Pretty much the end

of my career.

You're the best.

I'm a laughingstock.

You're a real buzzkill.

- Oh, no.

- Yeah.


This is fun.

This is fun.

I miss you.

I miss you too.

I love you.

You define love as wanting

to be wanted.

You just don't want to be alone.


That's the definition of love.

I'll always have a broken heart,

but I'm moving.

Trying to move on.

It's been two years

and I don't think

you're even talking about it.

What's there to talk about?

All right, let's not talk then.

Come on, old man.

Oh, God.

Are we doing this? Really?

- GAIL: Come on.

- Okay.

GAIL: I bet you can't get it.

THOMAS: Well, you're supposed

to put it on the ground.


- It's called football.



Don't tell me what to do.

TAVITA: You have a very fascinating

family dynamic, Thomas.

You know,

I saw this German film.

And they seemed to have

a similar arrangement.

You know, there was this

one woman and all these guys.

I couldn't figure out

which one was married to her

because they were

all acting like they were

- married to her.

- ACE: Lovely jogging.

Best one I've seen yet.

DARU: Hey, it's Nicky!

Oh, Christmas has come early.

It's Nicky Salapu!

- Nicky Salapu!

- Nicky!



Where did he come from?

Nicky Salapu.

- THOMAS: Okay, okay.

- Yes!

THOMAS: Guys, come on,

come on. Leave him alone.

- Let's go, let's go.

- ACE: Come on,

- do your stretching.

- Let's get some breakfast,

- and, uh, hydrate.

- That way.

In that order.


You made it.

I guess, uh, my speech

actually had some effect?

Well, no.

Actually, I did some research

on you, and it

turns out you're a bigger

loser than I am.

Yeah, I mean, you've failed

so many times or been fired.

It actually makes me feel

better about being

the worst goalkeeper

in the world.









American Samoa,

in a few hours we will see you

on the field with Tonga!

- Tonga!


Tonga, in a few hours,

you meet American Samoa

on the field.




Tonga! Move it out!




All right, guys.

They're scared.



today's World Cup

qualifying match between Tonga

and American Samoa.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Here's your seat, darling.

Here's your seat.

- Hi, fellas.

- Alligator! How are ya?


Don't know what to say, really.

A few minutes

to the biggest battle

of our professional lives.

All comes down to today.

Now, either we heal as a team.

Or we're going to crumble,

inch by inch,

play by play,

till we're finished.

Hang on. That's the Any Given

Sunday speech.


No, Daru.

So, I'd like you to see

this space as a safe space

where you can share

your stories,

your thoughts, hopes and dreams.

So, please. Anyone.

Hey, what's up, everybody?

It's me, Smiley.

PLAYER: Hey, Smiley.

Um, it's funny you guys

call me Smiley.

I don't really smile much

outside of this place.

As some of you may know,

I had a pretty rough year

this past year

after both my parents

got arrested for...

Let's go, guys, time to play.

Another time, Smiley.

Okay, guys,

we've done the hard work.

Let's do this!

Wait a minute, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Where's Jaiyah?


- Jaiyah, where is she?

Where's Jaiyah?




Jaiyah! What's going on?

(SIGHS) Go away, coach.

- What's wrong?

- I just... (SOBS)

You know what? Pregame nerves.

Totally normal.

Pregame nerves.

Everybody gets them.

Hey, hey, hey,

come on, come on.

Oi, hey, hey.


- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What is it? Hey, talk to me.

I went off my hormones.

I went off my hormones

so I could perform better.

For you and for the boys.

And now I don't feel

like myself.

I feel ugly.

And everyone knows it. And...

I feel crazy.

And I can't do this, coach,

I can't.

- Hey, hey?


Look at me. Keep your head up,

keep your head up.

Come on, keep your head up.

Be proud.

You inspire those players

in there.

I can't inspire them.

I need your help.

They're not going to follow me.

But they will follow you.

Will you do me a favor,

and lead them out

onto the pitch?



Come on. Up you get.

Let's get you ready.

Okay, right.

Let's fix your hair, here.

Yeah. That's nice.

- Yeah, that looks terrible.

- It's kind of nice.

It's the way I used

to do my daughter's hair.

- She liked it.


Well, she was

probably lying to you.

Very possible.

- You okay?

- I'm okay.


I'll see you out there.












I got these made up for us.

For you and me.

- The two Miyagis.

- Yeah. Two Miyagis.

CASHIER: Shh, shh, shh!

Hey, hey, hey. (SPEAKS SAMOAN)

it's starting. Shh.

I'm embarrassed already.



MAN: Let's go, boys.


THOMAS: Excellent.

Yes, Jaiyah.

Open it, give him some space.


- ACE: Go, Jonah!

- Hit it!

- Go, Jonah!

- THOMAS: Kick it!


This close. It was this close.

Here we go again.

Watch, watch, watch.

I got him! I got him!

RUTH: Go, Daru!


stay on your feet!

Stay on your feet!

- Hold that back line.

- ACE: Yeah.

Squeeze him, Jaiyah!

Don't let him roll you.

Come out, Nicky!

Come on, Nicky, you can do it!


- THOMAS: Good, good.

That's it.

Jaiyah! Don't let him

roll you like that.

It's okay.

Guys, guys! Go, go, go!

Pass it off! Pass it off!

Find the player.

Come on, Samson.

ACE: Samson!

THOMAS: Hunt him down.

First try, Jonah. First try!


Not your day, mate.

Shut up!

Don't get fired, mate.

Get back, back, back! Back!

Come on, come on, come on.

Beat him to it.



- THOMAS: Daru, what was that?

- Sorry. I'm sorry.

- Come on!

- THOMAS: Bring it in!

Bring it in. Come on.

Rambo, switch with Vegas.

Daru, be careful.

- Nicole, I need you to...

- Nicole?

Jaiyah, I need you to control

that back line.

You have to communicate!

Now, I made you captain.

Now own it. Let's go!

- Okay, coach.

- Come on, team!

Let's go, team!

Let's go, team!



- Keep going.

Go. Pass, pass. Pass.


Pass it. Support him.

What the...

- REFEREE: Coach.

- Okay.



Jaiyah, hold that back line!

Where are you going?


Ah! Shit.

SPECTATOR: Let's go, Rambo.

Come on.








Oh, shit! f*ck!




And that's halftime.

Tonga takes a one nil lead

into the half.



(YELLING) Shut up!

Sit down!

What the hell is

going on out there?

What about all the training?

This is bullshit.

I would've k*lled

to play international soccer.

But you losers don't seem

to give two shits.

You're losers!

JONAH: I'm sorry, coach.

We're just not feeling it.

(MOCKINGLY) "Sorry, coach.

I'm just not feeling it."

What does that mean,

"not feeling it"? Nothing!

It does mean something, Thomas.

Feeling is very important to us.

It's not that we've forgotten

what you have taught us.

It's... it's just that we've

taken too much to heart.

It's too tense.

We keep thinking we might win.

We've never fought

like that before.

Well, don't worry. Because

that's not gonna happen

the way you're playing.

Trust me.


Yeah. Ah, Samson says

the guys are really

stressed out.

And stress is a silent k*ller.

It's like when the Predator...

THOMAS: Really?

ACE: Yeah.

Great. Perfect. I give up.

Sick of this shit.

Good luck.

Mr. Rongen? Mr. Rongen.

What? What do you want

from me, Tavita?

Look, I like you.

But I'm done.

I got to get off this island.

And you're not going

to change my mind

with any stories

of marinated fish.

I'm not here to talk

about marinated fish.

But I want you to be happy.

I'm not happy.

I'm not a happy person.

And I hate to break it to you,

but you're not going

to get your "one goal."

That's all right.

I'm kind of used to that

by now, Mr. Rongen.

It's not my fault, man.

I tried.

- I know, I know.

- They don't listen to me.

- I know.

- It's over!

- They're shutting you down.

- Oh. That I did not know.

(SIGHS) That will be why

Mr. Alex is here.


Oh, well.

On the bright side,

I got to go

on a tropical island getaway.

Take in the sights

with my friend, Thomas.

What is it with you?

Why are you always so positive?

It's sickening.

You should coach them.

They believe in you.

They believe in you.

But you have to show them

who you are.

They don't know you.

You don't talk to them.

Ever since you got

to our island,

you've been somewhere else.

Even now, you're somewhere else.

Maybe it's in the past,

because you thought

you were happier then.

But I think you could

be happy here, now.

But you actually have

to be here, now.

I can't win.

Then lose.

But don't lose alone.

Lose with us.

And there's always

the second half.

That's another chance.

Second halves everywhere.



THOMAS: Right. Get rid of it.

This is all nonsense.



Mmm. Okay.

Shouldn't have, uh,

called you losers.

Um, it's not true. You're not.

I'm the loser.


two years ago,

I lost my daughter

in a car accident.

Her name was Nicole.

And that's her hat.

She was the greatest, you know.

She was, um, bright and funny,

and, uh,

she loved soccer.

She loved it.

We used to sit up

and talk about the game.

Most nights.

And then, uh,

one day, she was

on her way to practice

and she lost control

and crashed.

That was it.

She was gone.

I lost my baby.

(SNIFFLES) Sorry. Okay.

I guess, I got pretty angry

at the world

but mainly, I was angry

at myself. Maybe...

if I took her to practice,

she'd still be here.

(EXHALES) Maybe if I was there

for her a bit more.

A lot of maybes.

Why'd I take this job?

For the challenge? No.

I couldn't give two shits

about turning this team around.

I was, uh, forced to take it.

It was the only job I could get.

And I didn't want it, guys.

You know, I thought

I was better than you.

And fact of the matter is,

you don't need me at all.

You're already perfect.

So basically, my advice

to you would be,

"Don't listen to me."

Go out there and do what you do.

Or don't do it.

Whatever. You know?

You've reminded me

that I've always loved playing

more than winning.

So, enjoy this match.

I mean, life's short.

Football's a game.

I just want you all to be happy.

But we want to win, coach.

Then be happy.




nice pep talk.




Hey, Chief,

got any spare chicken, there?


THOMAS: No pressure.

Enjoy yourselves.

It's just a game.


Life is good.

ACE: Yes, Jaiyah. Yeah.

Oh, good kicking!

Push up, push up, push up.

THOMAS: Look for it.







- Yeah!

- Yeah!


We scored a goal!

We scored a goal!

We actually scored a goal!



That's my boy! That's my boy!

COMMENTATOR: This is the first

goal ever for American Samoa.

Let's go, Samoa!

My baby!

Rambo did it, you guys.

COMMENTATOR: What a match!





Whoa, no, no, no. Whoa.


Darling! Darling!

Oh, no!

- Help!

- Somebody.

I need medical assistance

over in section...

Hey, Ma. Dad. Dad. Wake up.

Dad, it's me. Dad?

RUTH: No, no, no. Okay, okay.

DARU: Hey, hey.

Calm down. Calm down.

- What happened?


They said I suffered

a massive stroke.

Heat stroke.

Yeah, a massive heat stroke.

It was awful, son.

Scary for everyone involved.

But in time, maybe even an hour,

I think I'll be up

on my feet again.

Okay, you're going to be okay.

How much did we lose by?


- What was the final score?

- Calm down, Dad. Okay?

- Breathe in. (INHALES) Out.


- I'm ready, I'm ready, okay?

- Yeah. Yeah, okay. Calm down.

- Tell me what happened.

- Calm down. You calm?

TAVITA: Okay. Yeah. Go.

Now I'm going to tell you

what happened.

- Tell me what happened.

- All right.

DARU: Possession kept going

back and forth.

And things were tense.

Because we knew the whole

country was watching.

And that people would talk

about this day

for years to come.

And then Tonga broke

with the ball.

- I got him!

- It was a one-on-one

between me and Alishe and I

thought I could take the ball.

But if I dived in and missed,

there was going

to be a certain goal.

But it was different.

I felt different.

I stood up

and I tackled him.



Suddenly, we're on the attack.

I played the ball up to Vegas.

He saw the keeper

out of position and

he shot with his almighty power.

But the keeper

saved and scrambled it

behind for a corner.

Yes! This is it, this is it.


Get up.

DARU: In the box there was

a lot of tussling,

and things were getting serious.

Deph took the corner.

It was a right-footed


It looked like Tonga

would clear.

But then...






That's what

I'm talking about, boy.


COMMENTATOR: And another

historic goal!



American Samoa...



last-ranked team in the world,

might actually win this thing!

- We scored?

- Yeah.

- A goal? An actual goal?

- Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Another one?

- Okay.

- Did you hear that? Two!

Everything was going great.

With only 30 seconds left

on the clock.

We were winning.

But then the referee decided

to add

five minutes to the game.

- What a disgrace.

- Yeah.

TAVITA: Then what happened?

DARU: The match

was almost over.

We were holding up

under the pressure.



Stop, thief!

You can only get away

with one of those a game.

The ball was passed wide

and the Tonga winger

sent over a great cross.

Nicky was catching these

all day,

but under the pressure...


he fumbled it.

It hit his hand and it was

rolling towards the goal.

- Oh, shit.

- DARU: Then,

out of nowhere

came Jaiyah.

She slid in at the last minute

and hooked

the ball off the line,

saving a certain goal.

Yes, Jaiyah! Yes!

But then,

the ball fell to Alishe

and he wasn't going to miss.

I didn't have any option.

As he drew back to sh**t,

I dived in.


Clear penalty.

It was my fault.


- Hit him, darling.

- You idiot!

- Then what happened?

Nicky Salapu had to

face the penalty by himself.

- Oh, Jesus, it gets worse.

- RUTH: Oh, God.



"I had been catching these

all day.

"It was my time."

ACE: Everything was

on the line.

Oh, the pressure!

- Yeah. He was under pressure.

- Oh, pressure.

- Absolutely. Pressure.

- Oh! Pressure cooker.

THOMAS: Come on, Nicky.

PLAYER 3: Go, Nicky.

THOMAS: Let's go, Nicky!

PLAYER 3: Let's go!

- Let's go, Nicky.

- TAVITA: Don't tell me

Nicky Salapu had a meltdown

in goal?

The horror of those

31 goals against

Australia 10 years ago

came back and haunted him.


I suppose he lost his composure

and just stepped aside

and let the ball go in.

Damn everyone watching!

Is that what happened?

He probably was

freaking out a bit.

"But I wasn't freaking out."

ACE: Nicky wasn't freaking out

because he knew

he had the history

of a thousand chiefs

holding him up.

But he just had to

let go of everything.

"The past."

ACE: The present.

NICKY: "The future.

"But I had to let it go.


"All of it."

He just had to become Nicky.

I'm Nicky Salapu. Say it.

I'm Nicky Salapu.







DARU: The whistle blew.

For a second, we didn't know

what was going on.

We never felt like this before.

Until we'd realized...

COMMENTATOR: With a final

score of two-to-one,

American Samoa...

We win! We won!

We won! We won!



COMMENTATOR: American Samoa

wins its

first match ever!


ALEX: We did this!

All right! (CHUCKLES)



- We won?

- We won?

- We won. You won a game, Dad.

- What?

- Yes, Jesus, we won!

- Oh, we won!

- Yes!


- I always knew it.


Oh, son, I knew you could do it.

- Oh, my heart, my heart!

- Okay.

One goal! One goal!



VOICEMAIL: Last saved message.


Okay, seriously,

get Mom to show you

how to check your messages.

Although, I guess

if you're hearing this,

you've figured it out.

Anyway, to answer your question,

school is good.

It's great, actually.

I genuinely like all my classes.

Intro to Psych is really cool,

and so is Anthro.

That professor is just awesome.

And everyone's happy to be here.

I've met so many new people.

And there's just

so much to talk about.

I mean, it's like

anything's possible, you know?

I don't know.

I guess I'm just saying

there's more to life

than soccer.

Okay. Love you.




What more can I say?

Nothing, really.

I had a dream and it came true.

We scored a goal.

And then we scored another goal.

And then we won a game!

And then, we lost the next game.

And we didn't qualify

for the World Cup.

But you know what, Lord?

Despite that loss,

I'm happy.

So, thank you

for sending us Mr. Rongen.

We've become

quite attached to him.

It's like finding a little

lost white kid at the mall

and telling him which way to go.

Thank you, Lord. Amen.

ALL: Amen.

THOMAS: Dear Lord.

I'm praying as a weird way

of letting the team know that

I've been offered a job

with MLS side, LA Galaxy

starting immediately.


But as of today, I've decided

not to take the job. Amen.

GROUP: Amen.

TAVITA: Wow, Lord, that is

a huge gesture and

a real credit to us as a team.

Uh, well, Lord, the thing is

I'm still leaving.


But not for football, Lord.

I want some time for me.

Uh, you know,

so I can remind myself

that there's other

more important things

to life than this game. Amen.

GROUP: Amen.

TAVITA: Dear Lord.

Way to get our hopes up, jeez!

It's a real rollercoaster

ride, this one.

Oh, well, in that case,

please tell Mr. Rongen that

we love him very much.

And that he will always have

a home here in American Samoa.








to get your asses kicked

by Tonga?

Go! Pressure! Fighter!

Ay-ay-ay, Daru.

Yes, yes.




Good job.


THOMAS: Come on, Jaiyah, go!

Push, push, push, push!

Just want to say,

I love you guys.

No matter how different I am.

And how different we all are.







PRIEST: And so ends

our tale of woe.

I guess it just goes to show,

no matter what happens to you,

when the going gets rough,

when the chips are down,

when you feel like

you can't carry on,

when you feel

like there's no hope

or you just can't do it,

anything can happen

and a whole lot of miracles

when you just have

a little bit of faith.

Ah, shit!
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