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Gacy: Serial k*ller Next Door (2024)

Posted: 01/19/24 20:20
by bunniefuu
- Come on, mister.

They're, they're too tight.

And it's just not funny anymore.

- Do you wanna know

the trick

to getting the cuffs off?

- No, I'm done with your tricks.

I, I just want to go home.

- Come on. Just answer

the question, all right.

There's a trick. Do you

wanna know the trick?

- No. I don't wanna know the


I, I don't care about your

damn tricks, you sick bastard.

- Do you wanna know the trick?

- All right, already. What's the


- You have to have the key.

- I'm leaving.

- Oh, no.

You only touch me when

I say you can touch me.

- Just let me go.

Ta-Take these cuffs off

of me, you sick f*ck.

- Sick? Is that what you think I


What? I played movies for you.

I gave you some drinks. I

showed you my best trick.

And all you can call me is sick?

You haven't seen sick yet.

- Don't you know who my father


- Don't you think

I know who your father is?

My friends in Chicago

control your father, all right?

Your daddy works for my friends.

So no, no, no, no, no, no.

You won't tell anybody

anything because if you do,

your father will be at the

bottom of Lake Michigan

with concrete blocks on his


- Are you threatening my father?

- You're not really in

a position

to ask any questions.

- Get your hands off of me!

Ah, stop, stop, stop!

- I don't normally like to do it

this way.

- No.

- But in your case,

thought this might be fun.

- Think you'd have air this


- Look at it. It's

f*cking ancient.

This stuff is great.

You sure you don't wanna try


- No, man.

My, ah, pops would k*ll me if

I even went close to dr*gs.

- But you drink. What's the


- Well, to him there's a big


I mean, booze is legal and dr*gs


- Well there was a point

in time where booze

was more illegal than dr*gs.

- Luke, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, what'd you wanna show

me way the hell out here?

- Yeah, the barn.

You won't believe your eyes.

- Okay, then show me.

How did you even hear about this


- Oh, I heard about it from Gary

and Beth.

- Long way from home.

- Oh, it'll be worth it.

Don't you worry.

- Well, I'm gonna trust you,

but this better be good.


- Back there behind the wall.

- What am I looking for?

- Go check it out. I'll be right


- I don't see anything.

- I'm coming.

- Luke, what are you up to?

- That was for Mr. John Wayne


Don't f*ck with Mr. Gacy.

You've been warned.

- Gacy?

You mean that clown?

- Yeah.

- How much?

- $10.

- $10?

And what else? Huh?

- He, he's giving me payment on

my car.

- Not anymore.

Come on, get up, we're going to

the cops

and you're gonna tell 'em


Get up!

Come here.

Get up.

Come on, let's go.

Ah, f*ck me!

- What are you doing?

I, I don't understand.

- You can do that.

- What is happening here?

- You just can't come

in our house and do that.

- Step back, ma'am.

- Stop, stop!

- Johnny, I love you.

- What are you doing?

You can't just come to my house

like this and take my son!

- Mama, don't let them take


- John, John!

- Don't let them take him!

- Johnny, Johnny!

- What's going on?

What's happening? John, John!

Please don't take my son!

- Johnny, I love you!

Come back!

- Wait!

- Mama, don't let them

take Johnny!

- It's okay, baby.

It's okay.

- It's okay.

- John, we're here.

We're gonna get you out.

- Johnny, it's gonna be okay. I


- It's okay, baby, it's okay. We

love you!

We'll take care of you!

- Ah, one in custody.

Heading back to the station.

- John, I love you!


There she is.

- Hold on.

This is it.

- Ah.



- Thanks, Mama.

- Well, thankfully your father


with some money saved away.

He loved you. Don't you forget


- I know it.

- I know he might've been

tough on you, but he loved you.

- I destroyed him, Mama.

- You ain't k*lled your father,


That was cirrhosis of the liver.

The doctors even told us that

alcohol k*lled your daddy.

And I don't want you

thinking nothing different.

- You know I didn't do

anything to that boy, right?

- You're a good boy,

John. With a good heart.

I know you didn't do nothing.

Let's just put all that behind


Now how about you show me

the inside of that house.

- All right. Come on.

Got a lot of work to do.

- Oh.

I cannot wait to see the inside.

- I can't wait for you to see


- This is so exciting.

- Oh, yes, it is.

- Oh, John.

I, I just can't believe this.

- Yep. And you've got your own


- My own room in this beautiful


- Hey, mister.

Um, mister.

- Yeah, son?

- Um, you just moving in?

- Huh. I sure am.

- Ah, okay, um, well I was just


because I do a lot of,

um, odd jobs around here,

and I was just wondering

if you might need help

moving your stuff into the


- What's your name, son?

- Bobby.

Bobby Walker.

- It is very nice to meet you,


My name is John. John Wayne


John Wayne? Never met

anyone named John Wayne.

- Yeah. Mama named me

after a cowboy.

So, Bobby Walker, how much do

you charge for your services?

- 50 cents an hour.

- I'd say there's about

four hours worth of work

on the moving the truck.

So tell you what, I'll pay

you $4 if you promise to work

twice as hard as you usually do.

- Um, thank you, Mr. Wayne.

I'm sorry, Mr, Mr. Gacy.

- But I wanna see you sweat.

I'm not paying that kind of

money if you don't work for it.

- Okay. It's a deal then.

- All right.

- Thank you, Mr. Gacy.

- Truck arrives at 1:00 PM.

See you soon, Bobby. All right?

- Well, you

certainly are hungry.

- Now slow down there, big boy.

Ah, he really worked you to

the bone today, didn't he?

- Ah, um, no, not really.

He just offered me double

and I wanted to impress him.

Mm, well, you never know what

other work he throws at me.

- Okay, so let me get this


If I pay you more allowance,

you're gonna do more

around the house, right?

- Sure.

- So who is he, anyway?

- Well, tell us a little bit

about him. Where's he from?

I mean, the two of you must

have talked a lot today.

- Well, he's, ah, from Iowa,

but he grew up in Chicago,

and he wants to start

his own construction

business, so he might need me

on the weekends to help him


- Hmm. Wow.

An entrepreneur, huh?

- Mm-hmm.

- Any kids your age to play


- Um, nah, he just lives

with his mom and his sister.

- Oh, well, sounds like he's a

nice guy.

I mean, if he takes care

of his mom like that.

- Don't get any ideas, honey.

- What?

- Your mother is not moving

into this house with us.

- Very funny, Howard.

- May I be excused?

- Are you actually gonna leave

some food for the rest of us?

- Ah. Okay, Dad, it's all yours.

- Yeah. Get outta here.

- Oh.

- Hey, get back here!

- No!

- Where do you think

you're going?

- Oh, shit!

- You're gonna hurt yourself.

- Ooh!

- Yeah, I got ya.

What are you doing?


- Come on, Anthony. Don't you

wanna play?

Wake up. Ah, pretty please?

Come on.


There we go.

It's not so bad, is it?

Come on.

There we go. That's right.

It's not so bad, is it?

Come on. I'm not done yet.

- No, God!


Bob. Hey, you forget something?

- Oh, yeah.

How can I forget my money?

- You all right?

You look like you've seen a


- Ghost? Well, I'm fine.

- All right.

Goodnight hun.

Thank you, John.

You're gonna love it, Mama.

I got your room made up for you

real nice.

You even got a TV across from

the bed.

Got his picture on the


- You are a good boy, John.

- Bobby, get dressed. We're


Hey, you forget already?

We're going camping this


How could you forget

our camping trip, hun?

- Wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait, wait.

That, that's weekend?

- Yeah, silly. It's this


Now get on up. Pack your bag.

Dad's already got the stuff


He's waiting on you to help.

Come on.

Get up.

- Yeah,

I've been in probably

every state park around here.

- Really?

- Oh yeah.

Lots in Wisconsin too.

- It's gonna be a long drive,


- Oh yeah, but that's the best


with the family.

- That's true.

- Oh.

- Hey, just, yeah, just set

the rest of that stuff there.

- All right.

- That's fine.

- There you go.

- Thanks, John.

- Yeah.

- Really appreciate the help.

- Well, what are neighbors for,


- Yeah.

- Hey, sleepy head.

Mr. Gacy's been doing your job

for you.

- Sorry, Dad.

- Probably a rough night

with the ladies. Right?

So, where's the Walker family


- Ah, well, actually, we're

headed to-

- Ah, we're going to Chain


- No, we're not.

We're going to Pere Marquette

State Park. You know that.

- Well, both places are great,

you know.

Ah, Mount Kissimmee though,

they have the best fishing.

- Really?

- Oh, yeah.

And the hikes at sunset,


- Sounds like you've been there


- Oh yeah. Me and my pop used

to go there every summer.

- Oh.

- It was fantastic.

Oh, man.

You got no fishing poles.

I'm glad to loan your mine.

- Oh no. Come on.

Ah, I wouldn't want to impose.

It's okay.

- Come on, no, no, no.

It's not a problem at all.

- No, I wouldn't wanna impose.

- Come on, neighbor.

- All right. What, what do you

say, Bobby?

Wanna do a little fishing?

- I don't, I don't, um...

- That's a yes right


- Yeah.

- I'll go grab 'em.

I'll be right back.

- What is wrong with you?

I mean, Chain O'Lakes?

I mean, we've never been there


- Dad, that was a diversion

and you didn't play along.

- Play along? What are you

talking about?

- I, I don't want him

knowing where we're going.

- Ah, why?

- I just don't think he should

know our personal business.

- All right, Bobby, look,

he's our new neighbor.

Is that the way we've taught you

to act?

I mean, let's just give Mr.

Gacy the benefit of the doubt

and assume that he's just as


as everyone else on the block,


- Sure, Dad.

- Hey. Hey.

Don't patronize me, Bobby.

- Hold on.

Come on.

Just, ah, just relax.

I know I have some scotch


Watch your step.

One, two. There we go.

All right.


Come on. Almost there.

And in.

- Okay.

Okay. I'm fine.

I made it out. Not dead.

- Hey Bobby, how you been doing?

- Hey, Mr. Gacy.

I've been good. Yeah.

- I could use your help this

week if you got any time.

- Yeah, no, I'm, I'm, I'm busy

this week.

I'm, I'm sorry.

- All right. Just let me

know when you're available.

- Will do, Mr. Gacy.

- All right. I'll catch you


- Ah, Mom, ah, we should, we


we should really get going.

- Honey, we haven't even found

a gift for Aunt Barbara yet.

And there's a store down there

that I know will be perfect.

- Yeah, Mom. I know, it's just,


Um, ah, yeah, I have a

lot of homework to do

and I really need to

get home and finish it.

- Since when do you

rush home for homework?

Be patient. It'll only take a


Come on.

Hi, Mr. Gacy.

- Hello, Walker family.

- What are you doing downtown?

Get some shopping done?

- Yeah. I actually have

plenty to prepare for.

Me and the wife are

taking a trip this week.

Huh. I actually had

nothing to wear.

So, Bob, how you doing?

- Ah, it's, it's Bobby.

Right? Ah, my dad only calls me


- Oh, sorry about that, Bobby?

Ah, how's school?

Man of few words,


- Bobby, tell Mr. Gacy

about your school project.

- Um, no, I'm, I'm,

I'm sure Mr. Gacy does,

doesn't want to hear about my


- No. Please tell me,

what are you working on?

- Bobby, what in the

world has gotten into you?

Anyway, Bobby's doing a

construction project for school.

He's building a model house.

You, um, you do construction,

don't you?

- Sure do.

In fact, I just started a

company a few months back.

PDM Contractors.

- Bobby, Mr. Gacy could help

you with your model house.

What do you say?

- Sure. What do you say, Bob?

Come on over. I'll help you out.

I got lots of tools. I can do


Whatever you need.

- Yeah, no, no, no.

I'm fine right now.

I, ah, it's, but it's

practically finished.

- What are you gonna do? Huh?

Well anyways, as I


the Mrs. and I are heading out

of town,

so if you do need help,

better let me know right away.

- Thanks, John.

- By the way, tell that husband

of yours,

he's invited to another

Jaycees party next week.

Some way, somehow, I'm

gonna get that man to join.

- You are just taking this

community by storm, aren't you?

You're a busy man.

- I have actually gotta go. So

I will catch you folks later.

- Okay, well listen, if we don't

see you in the neighborhood

before you go, have a wonderful


- Thank you.

- Bobby, why were you so rude?

- He just rubs me the wrong way.

- He's a nice man. What

has he ever done to you?

- There's something about him

- Okay, let's finish shopping.

Come on.

- So, what are you looking for


A blow? Screw?

- Oh, ah, I'm not gay.

- No?

Well what are you then?

- Oh, I'm, I'm a lot of

things, but I'm not gay.

- Why are you talking to me?

- Ah, don't know.

I just wanna talk.

- Well, I'm not really

in the talking business.

You know, I left my psychology

degree in the house.

You got money?

- Yeah, I've got money.

You think I drive downtown

without money?

- I'm not questioning you.

How about I get in the car,

drive around for a bit,

see what happens?

- Sure. Why not?

- So, where you taking me


- Oh, I figured I'd take

you back to my house.

- Your house? What about your


- Oh no, she's not home.

She's in Duluth visiting her


- Huh.

- So you do any other

kind of work,

or is this mainly the only job

you do?

- Couple other things I


- Well, always

looking for big, strong guys.

- No, no. I don't wanna be

locked down.

- Tell me, what do you

like to do?

- Well, I like to do

this kind of stuff in a motel.

- Yeah. This is gonna be so much


Go inside, relax, I got drinks.

- Ooh, I could really

use a drink.

- We don't need to be


all over town for everything.

Just come in here and

make yourself at home.

- Okay. But we're gonna be in

and out.

- Um, have a seat.

You want something to drink?

- What you got?

- Ah, how's a scotch?

- Sounds good.

- Coming right up.

Here you go.

Mm, mm.

- Ooh.

So, what do

you say we get started?

- You in a rush?

- Well, I'd like to get

a few tricks in at night, you


get back on the streets,

start making some more cash.

- I don't like to rush, so just



- You gotta pay up front.

- How much are you charging me


- Well, since I've already

spent all this time

playing psychologist, it's 50

for a blow.

- Huh. You said $25.

- So you do remember?

Anyway, that was before

I knew I was gonna be

spending all this time with you.

Usually, I'm in and out

in like five minutes.

This is really more like a date.


Anyway, why, why does

your house smell so funny?

- Doesn't smell funny.

- It sure does.

Guess your wife ain't doing her


- You know what? You sit right


I'm gonna go get that money.

So, where'd you say you were


- I didn't.

- Well, where are you from?

- My dad was in the military.

From all over.

Probably spent most of my time

in Norfolk.

- Where's your daddy now?

- Died in Vietnam.

- Oh, I'm, I'm sorry to hear


- Did you go to Nam?

- Oh, no, no, no, no. They

didn't want me.

I was too sickly.

I had a condition as a kid.

- What you doing?

What you doing in there?

What the f*ck?

Pogo wants to play!

- What the hell are you doing?

- You changed the price!

- That was in the car,

man. Not in the suburbs.

- Oh yes you did.

You said it was $25 for a blow!

- What's with the clown get up?

- Mm. You know what?

Let's forget about the $25.

Start fresh!

- Ah, let me go!

- Tell me, do you like tricks?

'Cause I've got a trick for you!

- Oh no. I don't like tricks.

I'm good.

- Too bad!

- What are you doing to me?


What are you doing to me?

I said I don't like tricks!

- You're doing it anyway!

- You're really disturbed, man!

- There's a trick to

getting outta these cuffs.

Do you wanna know what it is?

Do you give up yet?

- Yes.


I give up!

I give up. What's the trick?

- You have to have the


- You're f*cked up, man.

- No. We've got business to

attend to.

No, no!

No, no!

- This will help you relax.

- What are you doing?

What are you doing?

- There we go.

Just sit back and enjoy


- What is...

What are you giving me?

Here we go. Just relax.

It'll be over in a minute. Yeah.

Hey kids, gather around.

Pogo's here!

Kids of all ages. Come on!

Pogo the Clown is here.

Come on. We'll have some fun,


Come on. Oh, don't be


I'm a clown. There's

nothing to be afraid of.

I bring fun and joy and

laughter to the world.

Come on. We're gonna do

magic and balloon animals.


- Mr. Gacy.

- Oh, I'm not Mr. Gacy.

I am Pogo the Clown!

- Yeah, sure thing, Mr. Gacy.

And, um, I'm Captain Kangaroo.

- Bobby, come on, you'll

spoil it for the kids.

Have some fun.

- Okay, Pogo.

Um, do you know where your

mother is?

Because last I checked, she

was in the back of a car

with a bunch of other clowns.

- How dare you f*ck with me?

After everything I've done for


but you can't control

yourself, you little punk!

Oh, Pogo's getting jumpy!

Pogo's getting jumpy.

You know what happens

when Pogo gets jumpy?

He's getting jumpy.

You know what happens

when Pogo gets jumpy?

He goes....

- Bobby, wait up.

- Where are you going?

- Bobby, wait.

- You know, there is

something seriously wrong

with that guy.

- What do you mean?

- I, I just know.

- What do you mean, you just


Like there's something

you aren't telling us.

- There's been weird things

that have been happening

late at night.

- Like what?

- Well, for starters, one

night a few months back,

I was in my room and I heard him

pull up.

So I opened the blinds and there

he was.

- You stayed up all night?

- Sure did.

- But what does that prove?

- That that guy never left his


- Bobby, he could have left

when you weren't looking.

- What, you mean, he

just, he just walked out

after Gacy left?

Come on. That doesn't make any


- Well, what are you trying to


- Bobby, you've been

watching way too many movies.

- I wasn't convinced either,

so I walked out of my house and

I, um...

- You went across the street?

- I did.

- Did you go inside?

- No,

but I hopped the fence and

I nearly got myself caught.

- So you snuck into his


- If you tell anyone, I will

make sure

that you never talk again.

- So then what happened to the


- That's my point. I don't know.

He just disappeared and

I never saw him again.

- Bobby, I'm sure he left

when you weren't looking.

- Jessica, come on, I watched

the house all night and day.

He never left once.

- You think he k*lled him?

- I didn't say that, I said

that he just never left.

- Why didn't you just ask Mr.


- Guys.

- Let's go.

- Let's walk back up.

- Such a freak.

- He just k*lled him right

there in front of your eyes?

- What's it like to see someone


- It's really, it's not like the


It, it's really sad.

I didn't realize

how much it would affect me.

I think about that man all the


and he haunts my dreams.

- I thought you thought about

girls too?

- I'm being serious here. All


I saw a man being m*rder*d

and I, I did nothing about it.

- How do you know he's dead?

- He might've just passed

out and Gacy took him home.

- Are you going to the police?

- I don't know.

My dad says to always stay

outta other people's business.

- Bobby, going to someone's

house doesn't seem like

staying out of their business.

- Yeah, I know.

- He might already be onto you.

- Yeah. Like remember at the


- He was already onto you then.

- What if I go to the police?

- No, no, no. You, you can't do


Look it, it's too dangerous.

And they won't believe you


I mean, look at Gacy.

He's got the old town

wrapped around his finger.

And if there's no body,

you can't prove anything.

- I feel like you should

just mind your own business

and leave him alone.

Who says he won't k*ll you too?

- Yeah, I know. I'm just gonna

lay off for a little bit.

- If anything else happens,

you have to go to the police.

- I don't want anything to

happen to you.

- You guys promise you won't

tell anyone?

- Promise.

- Promise.

- All right then. Let's go.

- You guys wanna come over to my


- Yeah, you have a swimming

pool, right?

- I do, we can all go swimming

and I'm actually kind of hungry,


- Yeah, same.

- You guys wanna order food?

- Yeah. That sounds like a good


- You guys see that?

I don't see, what?

Hey, come on.

- Guys, get out of the way,


- Guys, move! Get out of the


- Oh my God, he's not stopping!

- Run!


- That was your neighbor.

Did you see his face?

- Yeah. He looked like

he wanted to k*ll us.

- Guys, we gotta go now.

He's coming back.

- He's coming back!

Guys, hurry up! We have to get

outta here!

- Let's go!

- He's coming back.

- He's coming back!

Guys, hurry up! We gotta go!

Come on!

- He's coming back!

- Hurry!

- Go, go!

- Come on!


- Come on!

- Faster, faster!

- Oh my God. No.

- Bobby.

What in the world are you doing?

- Mom, I need to talk to you and


about something serious.

- What could be so serious?

- It's about Gacy. Okay?

- What?

Bobby, honey.


Oh, you're a little fighter,

aren't you?

You were supposed to dead, you

little ho.

- Please. Please, just let me


- I can't let you leave. Too

late now.

Come here.

Come here.

You were supposed to be

dead. You weren't honest.

Now you have to pay the price.

- What are you talking about?

- You lied about the price!

Liars have to die!

- I was trying to make

some extra money! Please!

- Oh, ah.

- Kevin, what the hell

are you doing in my house

with dirty clothes on?

- Oh, I'm sorry, I-

- Stop!

- I, I was just getting

some water to drink.

- And you thought it would

be all right to drag dirt

and mud in my home?

- Mr. Gacy,

I, I didn't mean any harm.

I would've cleaned up

any mess that I made.

- What is up with the trenches?

- Two are complete and I'm

starting on the third one now.

- You followed my directions


- Sure did, I, I dug the first


east-west of the family room.

- It's east-west

under the living room,

not the family room!

- Isn't the room with

the TV the family room?

- No, that's the living room,

dumb ass!

Show me what you did.

- Okay.

- And so I believe that he's


the bodies under his house.

- Bobby, that's ridiculous.

That's absolutely


- Bobby, Mr. Gacy is not a


Come on. Honey, he's

president of the Jaycees.

He works with the Democratic


I mean, he helps all the

neighbors for goodness sakes.

- He's Pogo the Clown for God's


- That, that's it.

- What? That he's a clown?

- No, Dad, it's all a coverup.

He's, he's playing the

nice guy so no one actually

pays attention to what

he's actually doing.

Please, go to the police with


They won't believe me.

I'm, I'm, I'm just a kid.

- I understand that,

but you can't go to the police

on a hunch.

You have to have proof.

- And sure I do.

I, I saw it with my own eyes.

- What do you mean, you

saw it with your own eyes?

- Well, I, I, I watched him take

the boys

into the house and they never


- But you didn't see anything.

- I, I saw him yelling.

- Well, but you didn't see

anything wrong.

- The man never left.

- How do you know that?

How do you know that they didn't

leave when you fell asleep?

- Or when you were in school?

You don't know.

- You can't just go around

accusing people of m*rder.


It's too serious.

- They never leave.

- How do you know that?

- You've gotta believe me.

- It's not that we don't believe


it's just that we're adults

and adults can't go around

accusing other adults of

serious crimes without evidence.

Sit down.

Sit down.

All right, look.

How about we keep an eye on him?

Your mom and I'll watch him


Keep a close eye on what he's up


He's just leaving.

- No, no, no, no, no.

That's Kevin's car!

- Kevin's car?

- I, yeah, ah, Kevin.

The, the, the guy who's helping


ah, dig the trenches in the


- Okay. Why is he driving

Kevin's car?

- Well, because he k*lled him

and he's dropping his car off


- Or maybe he's dropping

Kevin's body off somewhere.

- That's right, Dad. Now you're


- Or maybe Kevin's body's in the


- How do you think he's

planning on getting home

from that so-called dumping



- Wow, okay.

You guys are not funny.

- Oh, oh, honey, honey.

- Okay.

Come on, buddy.

- Come back.

- You gotta look at this

from our perspective.

- Bobby.

- Teenagers.

- Oh my gosh.

They have such wild


- I need a drink.

- Wait, what are you guys still

doing up?

- Hey, buddy.

We couldn't sleep.

- Gacy?

- Yeah.

Your dad saw him come walking.

- I came to tell you guys.

See, I, I told you something

was wrong, right, Dad?

- Yeah, well, things did seem

a little out of the ordinary.

I mean, he did leave in Kevin's


- And he came walking home.

- You have to admit.

That is pretty unusual.

- Okay, listen.

We don't want you getting in any


So you stay away from Mr.

Gacy until your dad and I

figure out what's going on here,


- I'm gonna go to the

police in the morning,

let 'em know our situation.

In the meantime, let me handle

this. Okay?

- You got it?

- Yeah, of course.

I'm not going anywhere near that


- Thanks for coming in, Mr.


- Thanks for seeing me. I

appreciate it.

- I, ah, understand, ah,

there's something you wanna


- Um, yeah, well.

I just thought it was my civic


to bring to your attention some

of the really strange things

that my family and I have been


across the street from our


- Strange things across the


- Yeah. It's our neighbor.

- Domestic disturbance?

You know, it's pretty common


90% of all the calls I get are


beating up on their wives and

fathers coming home stressed

from work and taking it

out on their children.

- Yeah, well, this is a little

bit more sinister than that.

- More sinister than that?

I'm all ears. Mr. Walker.

- Ah, must be Dad.

- Bobby, Dad would not be


- Hello, Mrs. Walker. Bobby.

I'm sorry to intrude so

early in the morning.

I somehow managed to cut my

phone line

while digging trenches under my


Do you think I can use your


- Oh, well, I'm, I'm, ah...

Um, are you sure that

your phone is not working?

- Yeah, I'm pretty certain.

I just, I need to call the phone


to get 'em out here to fix it.

Um, I, I just can't take a


on missing any phone calls this


- Right.

- If that's a problem,

I can go to the Donnelley's next


- No, ah, come on in. Our

phone is in the kitchen.

And, ah, let, let me show you

where it is.

- I know where it is. I've

been here many times now.

Of course you have.

Um, so what kind of ditches are

you, ah,

digging in your, under your


- I didn't say ditches actually.

I said trenches. Trenches, Mrs.


Ah, they're for drainage.

- Drainage.

- Yeah, um, you know, maybe I

can dig some

for Howard as well.

You know, with the water

table so high out here,

whenever it rains, it's

like a lake under my house.

- Oh, I see, huh.

- Yeah.

Do, do you mind?

- Oh no, go right ahead.

Um, I'll just be in here.

Oh my gosh.


- Hey, Bobby, Darlene.

The detective said that-

- Shh!

- Yeah, I, ah.

- What, what's going on?

- I cut the phone line into my


Yeah, well. It was an accident.

Look, I just need somebody

- Yes, Howard.

- out here to fix it.

- Mr. Gacy

- I know I've talked to you

- needed to borrow our phone.

about it, all right?

- He accidentally cut

his phone lines.

- Fine, just get him out here

- What was I supposed to do?

- as soon as you can.

- A simple no

would have been just fine.

- Thanks.

Hello, Howard.

- Oh, hey, hey, John.

How are you?

- Huh. I've been better.


The wife said that, ah, I

guess you cut your phone lines,

something like that.

- Yeah, sure did.

Pretty moronic of me, right?

You know, it was just one of

those things.

I realized it right as it was


- Mm.

- You know, the shovel

went into the dirt and it was

too late.

- Yeah. Well, these things


- So, um, are are they coming

to, to fix your phone line?

- Yeah, sometime today.

They said they're backed up.

You know, it's the phone


Damn bureaucracies.

- Yeah, sure.

- Is everything all right?

Ah, I thought I heard you say

something about a detective.

- Yeah, no, um, that's just, ah,

my dad seeing if there's a


who can, ah, speak at my school.

- Oh yeah, sure.

Well, I'd be glad to

come and talk to the kids

about being a contractor, if you


- Oh gosh. That's, that's a

great idea.

You know, I could talk to your


at school about that.

- Great. Well, now I should

really get back to work.

- All right.

- By the way, Bobby,

if you want some cash,

I could really use your help.

- Yeah, no, I'm, I'm sorry, I


- Yeah, Bobby, you could learn

more about

the construction trade.

- Yeah, yeah, I, I sure will do,

Mr. Gacy.

I don't have the time this week,

you know?

- Yeah, he has been so

busy with summer camp

and everything.

- Mm-hmm.

- Oh yeah, sure. I understand.

Well, just let me know. All


I'm gonna go. I'll talk

to you folks later.

- Let me get that for you.

- Thank you.

- Just let me know if you

need to use the phone again.

- Will do.



Okay. So what did the police


- Well, the police said we need

a warrant,

but they can't get a warrant

without reasonable suspicion.

- Isn't burying bodies under

his house suspicious enough?

- Bobby, all we've seen

is strange behavior.

That's not enough for

the police to act on.

- Is there more to the story,


- What else do you know?

- Did Mr. Gacy touch you?

- He didn't, he didn't touch me.


- Bobby, what are you not

telling us?

- Bobby!

- Bobby!

- Howard, are you sure

about this?

- Yeah, I'll be fine.

Okay? We need proof.

- Just remember, Dad, he

tried to knock me off.

- I'll be fine. At least

I'll know where he is.


- What if he doesn't go out


- He goes out every Friday


It's what you said. He's

a creature of habit.

- Creature of habit.


See, just like clockwork.

Be careful, Howard.

- I'll be careful, okay?

I gotta go.

- Okay.

- Okay? All right?

- Okay. Okay.

- Howard?

- Darlene.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm, I'm, I'm fine, I'm fine.

I, but I lost him.

- You lost him?

- Yeah, I lost him in the city.

Too much traffic.

- Are you coming home?

- Yeah.

I'm on my way home now.

How's Bobby? Is he staying put?

- Yeah. Yeah, he's in his room.

- Okay. I'll be home in about an


- Okay. Be careful.

I love you.

- I love you too.

- Do you live alone out


- Ah, no, but they're not


- Yeah, I don't usually

just go to people's houses.

Well, we'll try it.

Much more comfortable.

- I'm more of a motel guy,

I guess.

- I only did it one time.

You know, I just don't

think it would feel right.

Here, I've got drinks.

Comfortable couch.

I think you gonna like it.

You know, I bet you it's gonna


how you do things from now on.

Come on. Come on in, come on in.

Like the new house? Just got set


I searched for years and years

to find this particular bottle.

Finally found it.

So, I think it's incredible.

Oh, you're gonna love this


There we go. Here you go.

- Man, I'm not doing nothing

until I see some cash.

- Come on, boy.

I told you, I got plenty

of money. All right?

First, let's just see what you


- Look, I, I just, I

don't wanna waste any,

I don't wanna waste my time.

- Waste of time?

You didn't just call me

a waste of time, did you?

- You're not a waste of time.

I just don't wanna waste any of

my time.

I, I'm not interested if

there's no money involved.

- I have a nice home.

I offered you liquor.

You are not going anywhere.

- Get your hands off me.

- No. We'll just have some fun.

All right?

- Please, I'm gonna,

I'm gonna get-

- We'll have

some more alcohol.

- Get your f*cking hands

off of me!


You are gonna wake the


- If you cared about the

neighbors, you would never have

had me over in the first place.

Get the f*ck off of me!

- Oh. Ah!

We could have had a real good


if you hadn't been in

such a hurry to leave.

- Bobby, are you, are you crazy?

What are you doing

under that house, Bobby?

- I got evidence. I got


My camera.

I need my...

- Bobby, Bobby, stop.

- I need my camera!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- Dad, no.

- What is going on?

- Let go, no!

- Hey, hey.

Keep it down. Keep it down.

- I need, I need my camera!

- Keep it down.

Keep it, no. Get in the...

- Bobby.

- Get in the house.

- I need my camera.

- Get in, get in the house.

Get in the house.

What is going on?

- Dad, Dad, Dad,.

No, he, he, he's doing it!

He's k*lling all the kids!

And, and he, the, the, the, the


are underneath the basement.

I saw it with my own eyes

and I left the camera.

And that's, and that's

the only proof we have.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You're not going anywhere.

You've caused enough trouble


- What? Dad, what, what

are you talking about?

I did nothing wrong!

- You just can't stop meddling,

can you?

Leave it alone.

I, I've had enough.

- What, what are you doing,


- I'm taking the law into my own


- No. No.

You don't know what you're


Howard, you can't do that.

No! No!

Howard, do not lower

yourself to his level!

You can't do that. We'll call

the police.

Just let us call the police.

- And what about all those kids

he k*lled?

How many other people do you

think are underneath his house?

- That doesn't mean that,

that you can take the

law into your own hands.

We'll call the police. Howard,

we'll just call the police.

Someone's here.

Someone's at the door. Bobby,


- It's him.

Oh my God!

Oh my God! Oh my God!

- Go, go to the bedroom. Both of


Go to the bedroom now! Go now.

- Who is it?

- Ah, John from across the


- Hi, John.

- Hey, Howard.

You okay?

- Ah, sure. Why?

- You don't look so good.

- No, I'm, I'm fine.

How can I help you?

- I'm sorry

to come by so late, I was just


if you might have a spare bottle

of wine?

- Wine?

- Yeah.

I have a date tonight.

You know, it's my first

one since the wife left me.

And I thought it might

be nice to, you know,

bring some wine along.

You know, you're such a classy


I thought you might

have something on hand.

- Um, yeah, yeah.

Hold on a moment.

- Ooh.

- Red, 1968, Sonoma County.

Can't beat that.

- I'm not a professional,

but this sure does look

like a nice blood red.

- Oh, you can't go wrong

with a rouge like that.

- What do I owe you?

- Ah, nothing. Absolutely


It's all yours.

- Thank you, huh.


- Yeah, you, you,

you have a good night.

- Oh, I certainly will.

Appreciate it.

He just wanted a bottle of wine,

so I gave him a blood red bottle

of wine.

- And you just let him go?

- Just stop with the nonsense,


- Just stop it.

- Dad, he's a m*rder!

- Bobby, just, just

stop already. All right?

I followed him all night.

There was, there was nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

And then shows up on the front


dressed like a political


- Dad.

- running for office.

There's nothing wrong.

- Mom, can you just-

- Honey, honey, please.

- Are you doing dr*gs with your


- What?

- Yeah, because I know what

hallucinogenics will do to your


- We are all getting

- Mom, can...

- a little bit carried away


You know, I have never

actually seen Mr. Gacy

do anything illegal.

- Yeah.

He might have a pension for

young men,

but it's not illegal.

- Aw, Dad, Dad, I, I, I was...

I went to the crawlspace

on the side of his house,

and there's dead bodies

that are in there right now

as we speak and there's bodies!

- Bobby, just stop it!

I've had enough. I can't take it


- Howard, there is something

going on over there.

- Darlene, now you're

searching for skeletons?

- Okay, now, don't you

talk to me like that.

Don't talk to me like that.

- Let's just all go to bed.


Let's just, let's just

all go to sleep. Okay?

You go take a shower 'cause

you're filthy.

And if you ever go over to Mr.

Gacy's house again uninvited,

I will take away all of your


Look at me. Do you hear me?

- Mom, can you...

Dad, you are wrong about this.

- I hope I'm not.

- Oh.

- Let me go!

- Do you know what the

only thing I like better

than boys is?

Mm. Boys who are all

clean and smell real nice.

Oh, you left your

camera under my house.

Oh, come on.

I've got something real

special to show ya.

- Hello?

- Mr. Walker?

- Yes, this is Howard Walker.

- Hi, how are you? Detective


Yeah, I apologize for calling

you so late.

I just wanted to let you

know that we got a tip

that connects John Wayne Gacy

to a 19-year-old, m*rder.

And, ah, we're pretty sure

he's responsible for that.

Possibly more.

- Bobby's right.

Thanks for calling, detective.

- Sure, and I apologize again

for calling you so late.

- Yeah, it's, it's quite all


- Mr. Walker. Do me a favor,


Stay in until at least sunrise.

- Yeah, thank you, detective.


- Bobby.



Howard, Howard, look at this.

Look at the floor. He was

dragged away!

- Oh God. Bobby!

Bobby! Bobby!

Open the damn door, Bobby!












Okay. Bobby!

Where are you, son? Come on,


I know you can hear me, Bobby.


Oh, God.



Son of a bitch. Bobby!







Bob? Bobby?



Oh, Pogo's bad!

So, you just had to go

and snoop, didn't ya?

Didn't ya?

You couldn't leave well

enough alone.

- I'm a good neighbor.

- Don't you think?

I was always good to

you, wasn't I?

Come on, Bob. You always

have a comeback.

What's the matter now?

Are you afraid of clowns?

You're gonna like this.

- Whoa, there we go.

Get in.

Bobby, son!

- Bobby?

- Bobby?

- Bobby?

- Oh, no.

Are you a sad clown now? Aw!

You know, you're about

as bad as this poor guy.

Well, no something's missing.

- Ooh, yeah, that's better.

Yes! Now you look so good.

- Oh yeah!


Oh, look at that.

There, look at that.

So, what was I saying?

Oh yeah.

Do you like magic tricks?

'Cause I got a good

one. And you know what?

I bet you'll never figure

out how it's done.


Handcuffs. Regular old


Hey, hold on.

You're ruining the setup. Hmm.

Ah. There we go.

Now, do you know how to

get handcuffs off? Hmm?

Oh yeah.

You give up? Well, hmm?

You have to use the key, dumb


Hey, come here.

Don't you just love the suburbs?

The neighbors washing

your car in the driveway.

The cookouts, ooh!

Kids on their bikes. Yeah.

Hot dogs. Balloons!

Puppies. You've gotta

love the puppies.

- Bobby!

- So, you've seen this

before, haven't you?

I knew you were watching.

I could smell you from

a mile away.

You always did smell

particularly good to me.

- Bobby!

- Ah, dammit.

- Bobby!

- That is the one big

problem with the suburbs.

There's always some jackass

knocking on your front door.

- Bobby!

- Go away

and don't come back!

- Dad, Dad!

- We don't want any.

- Dad!

Oh, he's never gonna find us.

This room has no doors.

You can only get in here if

you know the secret.

Oh, I love this part.

Soon enough, you'll just

slip off into unconsciousness

and I'll do with you as I




- Bobby!

- Oh, you are determined,


Thank you all for a

great time. I'll miss ya!


- Bobby!


Are you okay? I got ya, I got


- Come on, come on, Dad.

- Okay, I got ya.

Come on, come on, come on, come
