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Last Night at Terrace Lanes (2024)

Posted: 01/19/24 20:13
by bunniefuu
Good morning, my children.

And it is a good morning.

Can you feel it?

Find him.

For the first time... a long time.

I feel it.

And for the first time

in a long time,

I'm pleased with you.

Because you've been

out on the streets

listening to the whisperings,

hearing the Sacred numbers.


Get the f*ck off of me!

Get the f*ck off of me!

Get off of me!

Get the f*ck off of me!

What the--

You've done it.

Derived the coordinates,

found the location.

Yes, you heard correctly.

The moment of transformation

is upon us.

But it's not time

for celebration.


It's time for preparation.

Working harder.



Listening to me.

Listening to the world

and its numbers.

Closer than you ever have.


Everything we've

trained for.

Set your watches.

Tonight is the night.

The end of ends.

We've always known

what we have to do.

But we didn't know

where to do it...

...until now.

Finally, my children.

The universe has told us...

...exactly where to go.


This place?

You said somewhere special.

This is special.

It's so retro.



I mean, it's cool,

but I thought

we're gonna grab some food.

Maybe we can come back here

another day

when we're less hungry.

They have food.

Voted best bowling alley pizza

in 2005, according to Yelp.


this is our last chance.

Tomorrow, they tearing this

place down.

My dad says they're putting in


It's sad, right?

This place is history.



Are you like a bowler?

Have you been here before?


I mean, I'm not like

a bowling virgin or anything,

but I've never been

to a real bowling alley.

Only like Dave & Buster's

and stuff.

Have you been here?



Can't imagine bowling.


-I'm sorry.

I just thought

you were a type of girl

who's, like, different.

Oh, no, I am.

Look, Tess, whatever

you want to do, I'm down.

It's just nice to get to hang

out with you one on one

outside of school

on an actual date.


My dorks!

Now it's a party!


Friday night! Let's do this.

It's a party?

-Hey, guys.

-Hey Tess.

Oh, my God.

How's it going?

So, so good.

It's been a minute.

It has been a minute.

Thank you so much

for inviting us.

This is Cody.

I hope you don't mind

coming along.


-Right? Yeah.

All right.

Have you guys met before?

- Yeah.

- No, no. I have not.

Yeah, I'm really glad

I got to meet Kennedy.

Pete. Nice to meet you.

Tess is an old friend.

We go way back.


So the Normans completely

overwhelmed the Anglo-Saxons


That my dear,

is the Battle of Hastings.

Fascinating, George.


Where am I going to learn

this stuff after tonight?

Oh, you know, we could always

see each other around town.

Sure, baby.

Probably not, but sure.

Bruce, can I have another...



you're my best friend Bruce.

Okay, Bye.

Go for Bruce.

We got to dead pin on eight--

On it.

Never told me that rule.

Don't be that guy.

Did Ted pay for these?

Does it matter?

I remember this place

back in the day.

Feels like yesterday.

Seems like a lot of yesterdays.

What are we gonna do

after tonight?

I don't think that far

into the future.

One frame at a time, T.

One frame at a time.

Oh, whoa!

Here you go.

Does this smell weird to you?

I'm not doing it.

Try this.

Ten pounds.

Should fit your thumb,

but won't suck at the knuckle.

I think it's a pin reset.

Rolled three balls into it,

hoping I could wake it up

before sending out the S.O.S.

and none came back.

Oh, let's see here.

Should you be doing that?

Probably not.

Sometimes a return gets jammed.

Screws the computer.

All that fancy automated shit,


Lane sixteens open.

Not going to work.

Hug. Just drop the five bagger.

Oh, shit.

Halfway to perfect.

You think tonight's the night?

He's gonna fall apart

if you move him to new lane.

Well, must be something

in the back.

I'm supposed to be packing up

the pro shop,

working the bar

and 12 other things.

You know, he always wanted

his name on that wall,

even if it's just

for one night

Well, then, I guess.

Those 12 other things

are gonna have to wait.

Hey, I didn't know

Kennedy was coming tonight.

Yeah, I begged her to come,

but she's got GREs or SATs

or whatever

all the smart kids are doing

these days.

Yeah, your girl's all grown up.

I bet she still got it.

She still roll?

Not since the seventh grade.

"Dad, I can't make friends

if I smell like stale beer

and bowling farts."

She wouldn't be caught dead

in this...

Whoa, depressing as f*ck.

They don't even have

black lights and lasers.

I might need a Xanax.

They only do Rock-A-Bowl

on Saturdays.

Or I think that's what

they called it on Yelp.

Last night, maybe they'll let us

kamikaze down the alleys.

Let's try not

to get arrested, okay?

Hey, could-- uh, we get

the last night special, please?

Lane rental plus shoes.


You payin' together

or separate?

Uh, let's do this...

Oh-- Me and her together.

Oh, thank you.

Okay, well, $7.50

for Kay, since no shoe rental.

Oh, no,

I definitely need shoes.

I mean, who would own

their own bowling shoes?

Not me.

Maybe some kind of

bowling freak.

I'm a size six.

Assuming the sizes are the same,

I wouldn't know.

I've never worn bowling shoes


Yeah, what kind of f*cking loser

bowls, right?

How about the rest of ya'll?


you're not a bowling freaks?






What do you think?

-Hot! They go with your--

-They go with nothing.

-You okay?


You know Pete, right?


-He plays soccer, er tennis--


He's really good.

Like college scholarship good.

He's very sweet.

He paid for you, too.

What about--

The creep finger blasting

the bowling ball?

That's Cody.

He's not the worst person

in the world.

Did he say something to you?

No, not yet.

Let's do this.

Sorry, Bruce.

I can't see shit in this thing.

Shouldn't you be out

on the corner waving cars in?

Emergency pit stop.

That bowling alley pizza

went right through me.


Have you seen Star?

You think she's drunk enough

to talk to me yet?

Leave that woman alone.

We're both adults.

We both made our own decisions.

I don't know

what he's so pissed about.

I'm the one

in this stupid costume!

Can't see shit in this thing.

Star, Star!

Hey, Star, Star.

Shoes and rental,

closing night discount?

That'll be...

...nice tracksuits.

Y'all in a league

or something?

So embarrassing.

I'm really bad.

No, good try.

At least you're consistent.

Once you get it in the lane,

you'll be a total beast.

You know, at my little cousin's

birthday party,

they had these inflatable



-I'll get the guy.

-No, no.

It's okay.


Gutterball, girl's right.

Bumpers are for cucks.

Watch and learn, cucks.

Just a game man.

It's just a game.

Lane 18 ain't gonna fix itself.

Are you going to get off

your ass and do something?

Yeah, I am gonna do something,

right now.


Oh, great try.

A shot like that it's physically

impossible to get both anyway.

Not impossible.

Seven ten split.

Pretty common, actually.

I used to have a bowling app

on my phone.

It was easy there.

She's right, you know,

it's very possible.

Easy in fact.

I don't bowl a lot,

I'm not a bowler like, per se,

but I have this,

like, uncanny sense.

It's like bowling Spiderman

or something.

Here we go.

I'm serious.

Scoreboard don't lie.

For that shot,

all you gotta do is...

...f*ck your sister.

Oh, God.

Jeez dude.


Why are you this way?

Is there a problem here?

No, sir. Sorry.

It's a little spill, sorry.

We're fine, officer.

Cody, stop.

There's a broom

up at the front desk.

If you guys want to...

Clean it up? Us?

Isn't that your job, sir?


My job is maintenance

and customer service.

Well, from what I hear, Bruce,

your job is about to be

the unemployment line.

Dad stop!

Bruce, to the office.


These are your friends,



Your mom must be so proud.


Hey, she can't leave,

those shoes are rentals.

This f*cking place!

This wasn't how tonight

was supposed to go.

How was it supposed to go?

I don't know, different.

Less people, cooler shoes,

better pizza.

Why would you lie about this?

I thought we were friends.

I'm not great at friends.

I don't have friends.

Well, maybe if you didn't lie

to people.

What about you?

You didn't tell me

about Pete and Cody.


I thought it'd be fun to hang.

They're my friends.

Well, your friends kind of suck.

At least Cody does.

He has good points.

Name one.

Well, I don't have to.

You don't know him.

You don't know me!

But I want to.

That's why I'm here.

And you start off with a lie.

A really weird one

where your dad is--

No, we don't know each other.

But, we should learn.

So let's try this.

I'm Tess.

Kennedy, right?

What do you do for fun?

Bowling, maybe?

You beating up kids now?

Just the assh*le ones.

Those assholes are customers.


Fire me, then.

Tried that, remember?

If I thought this bowling alley

could run without you

for even one night,

you would have been

on your ass years ago.

I saw Kennedy out there.

Thought she wasn't coming?

She wasn't.

I think she's on a date.

She's pretending

like she doesn't know me.

I guess I'm an embarrassment

or something.

Imagine that.

It's a 17 year old girl's job

to be embarrassed of her dad.

She knew I wanted her here


This place,

it's important to me.

It was important to her once.

We were a team.

The Lucky Strikers.

She was ten!

Damn it, Bruce!

She's here, tonight.

On the lanes, or she was until

you tried to k*ll her buddy.

And don't you lecture me

about how important

this place is.

Albert and I built it,

and it's gone through a lot of

changes over the years.

Even after we tore out

the old wall carpets.

The people are the same.

It's a community.

You and Kennedy,

the trophies you won,

all part of it.

But don't think you and the kid

are the whole thing.

And don't think those bowling

shirts are what define

your relationship

with that girl.

When we wake up tomorrow,

this place,

this little piece of Albert,

will be gone.

But you.

You'll still have her.


Look, I'll walk your beat.

You stay here. Cool off.

Get your shit together.

It's good that she's here.

Oh, yes!


You f*cking degenerate.

Yes. Yes.

Do the voice.

Do the voice!

-My balls are in the gutter!


My balls are in the gutter!




Seven ten split!

Alright, alright.

Game over.

This is a one for the road



Last night, a t*rror1st lanes

and all that.

Don't get any ideas.

Come on, baby.

I did the voice.

Yeah, and I liked it.

I got to get right with Jesus.

They need to tear

this place down,

and I need to never find another

like it.

Wait 5 minutes,

then come out.


Come on, baby.

Star, I can't see you.

Hello? Hello?




Employees only back here.

Hey, man,

you can't be back here.

I'm going to call the manager.

Man, these fries taste

like ass.

Your attitude tastes

like ass, man.

Why do you always have to be

so you all the time?

Can't you just be

a little less Cody

for a single night.


So this is my fault now?

May I remind you,

I'm the aggrieved party here.

It was me who was

assaulted by that maniac.

Besides, that chick Kennedy.

She was sandbagging us.

She's probably running some

bowling hustle.

Those gutterballs? Please.

That girl's a baller.

And your boy ferreted her out.

Listen to yourself,

who talks like that?


What does that even mean?

She's got designs on your girl.


Oh, God, man.

You need help.

Yeah, probably.

But that girl's got the hot

pants for Tess.

I think Tess's

a little twinkle for her.

Shut the f*ck up.

Fine, be a cuck.

You know what? I'm done.

Whoa, buddy.

I see I pressed some sensitive


All right.

Truth bombs can be painful.

Tell you what, you go up there

and get a strike,

and I won't say

a single thing

about you being a cuck

for the rest of the night.

The rest of the night?

Not a word, on my honor.

You're on.

The ball should be between

your shoulder and your chin.

Elbow on the hip.

-So, Dad on weekends?


No weekends. Dad never.

Loose knees.



My mom has full custody.

He seemed pretty upset.

He's always upset.

Holds on to the old days.

We had this bowling team.

We won a lot.

We were good.

Good? I bet.

How's my grip?

Not great.

The thumb hole should be

slightly looser

than the fingers.

Something bad there?

Oh, no, they're perfect.

Your perfect thumbs.

It's the ball.

I mean, something bad

with your parents.

Oh, no.

My mom just has a good job

and had a much better lawyer.

And Dad.

Well, you met Dad, so.




How do I throw the ball?

Drop it back,

let the ball do the work.

Hand the six wrist firm,

then release.



Perfect thumbs, huh?

So just how good are you?

Pretty f*cking good.


Come on, Mr. Star Athlete.

Put me in my place.

Shut me up.

Eh, Peter, don't choke.

All right,

quit stalling cuck boy.

Bowl or get off the pot.


Last call.



Tess wait.




Oh, f*ck.

What the f*ck?

Oh, shit.

Oh, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no.

Find her.

Find her.



I'm so glad it's you.

I didn't mean to run off

on you earlier.

It's me, it's not you.

I need to grow!

I need to--

What the f*ck?

What happened?

Why are you hurt?

Oh, what the f*ck?

f*ck you, you mother fucker!

Fix your own coke machine,

ya pricks!


So much blood.

We have to go.

But the blood...

Finish them all.

Their blood must run.

They are a divine number.

We derive the sum

through their sacrifice.

Oh, Patty.

Help, Patty.

-Help me!

-Shut up!

-Help me!

-Shut up, shut up!


-Shut up!

Hey, where's your bag?

I need the other sword.

It's locked.

Oh, my God.


This can't be happening.


It's okay.


we'll go for the back door.

No, they would have

locked that, too.

We're going to die.

We're all going to die.

We're not going to die.

-We'll just break the glass.


They'll hear.

I can--

I can call for help.

I can call for help.



Um, we're-- We're at the bowling

alleys right now.

Terrace lanes.

And there's people

k*lling people.

And it's really, really bad.

All right, calm down.

Who's with you right now?

Just me and my friend Tess.

Tess, huh?

And where are you specifically?

Um, we're right by the front


I see you.

- We'll be right there.

-Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Go, go, go, go!

Come on.



Stay back.

What are you gonna do

with that?

There's two of us

and only one of--

You are good.

Come on,

I know a place to hide.

What the f*ck is happening!?

We are supposed to be bowling.

Jesus Christ.

-Did you know?


You didn't wanna be here?

You've been lying all night.

Did you know

what was going to happen?

No, of course not, Tess.

Stay the f*ck away from me!

-Stay away!


Hey, Tess!

You are the most beautiful,

sweet, sensitive human being

I've ever had the honor

to meet and befriend.

But if we're going to survive

this, I'm going to need you

to get your shit together

and shut the f*ck up.

I know your record has been

spotty tonight okay,

but we're getting out of here

alive, okay?

But I need you to stay here.

No, you can't go out there.

They have weapons.

They're f*cking insane.

Yes, but this place

isn't their home turf.

It's not normal.

It's got nooks and crannies.

And I know the one person

who can use all that

to our advantage and get us out

of here alive.

Welcome, my children,

to terrace lanes.

The grand equation resolves

before our eye.

The sacrifices have been made.

Get closer.

You see this?

You see her brains?

Now, we must prepare.

We have 45 earthly minutes

until the time

of transformation.

You, take the sacrifices

to the back,

cleanse the location.

The grand calculus

shall not wait.


It's the bottom of the ninth.

Two minute warning last frame.

The tag team bowling

championship is on the line.

The Lucky Strikers

are back together

after all these years.

All he has to do

is drown out the demons

and win one more time.

- Dad?



Dad, I need you.


I am so glad to hear that.

I've been thinking a lot lately

and, well...

Dad, what are we going to do?

Well, wha?

Uh, let's remain calm.

Take a breath.

A breath?

They're all dead.

All of them up.

Oh, shit!

You don't know

what's going on, do you?

Yeah, of course I do.

Everything's under control.

They locked the doors.

They hacked the phones.

Honey, where are you?

I'm in the pro shop.

Okay, this is good,

the pro shop.

Stay there. I'm coming.

Be careful.

They're K*llers.

It's dangerous.

Well, your old man might

be some loser maintenance guy,

but I still got a few tricks up

my sleeve.

Stay put. Stay quiet.

Radio silence.

Dad, that text,

I shouldn't have sent it.

Whatever happens,

I need you to know--

Radio silence!





Oh, honey, it's okay.

It's okay.

Oh my God!

-Are you drunk?


A little like a couple of drinks

seven at most.

My God. Tess was right.

We are going to die!

You are not dying.

Look, if I'd have known that

we were going to be Waco'd,

I wouldn't have imbibed.

I will get you out of here.

I have a very detailed plan.

We just need to get to the door.

I told you, it's locked.

Luckily, your dad

has a large ring of keys.

No, it's like chains

and padlocks locked.


Tell me that

wasn't your very detailed plan.

No, of course not.

My children,

look at what you have done.

You did this.


We must now prepare

the sacrifices

for the final transformation.


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Good. Good.

Now bring the next sacrifice in.

Yes. Hold the leg.

No, no, no,

no, no.

Please, please.

I'm just a kid.

Have I not been clear?

There can be no survivors.

This is unacceptable!

No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no.

I'm not the only one.

I'm not the only one.

I'm not the only one.

You don't have all of us?

There's more, there's more.

There's more.

Turn it off.

Turn it off!

Speak, little rat.

Okay, okay, okay.

You said-- You said you can't

have any survivors, right?

There's two girls alive.

I swear!

I swear!

I swear!

Their names are Kennedy

and Tess and uh, uh, Bruce.

Bruce, he's the maintenance guy.

Uh, Kennedy's Dad.

He's Kennedy's dad.

Okay, I can help you.

I know them.

I mean, God, please, please,

please, let me help you.



We're good.

No, no, no, no.


Spread out.

Find them.

m*rder them all!


What are you doing?

We're gearing up.

We're going to have to do this

the hard way.

And that includes rosin?

This is serious business

and serious business

does not afford slick hands.

We have to get to the pit.

-The pit behind the alley?


Cheryl keeps Alberts

old shotgun back there.

And there's tools, too.

We can--

we can cut the chains.

Uh, problem?

We'd be on the open

and there's like a million

tracksuited nutjobs out there

between us and those tools.

We're going to need

a distraction.

Something loud,

something flashy,...

...something annoying.



Someone's in there.

I'm gonna break it down.

What the hell is that?

Come on.

What is this trailer trash


No, no!

People, this building,

these sacrifices.

None of it will be here


Our destiny is--

Can you turn this shitty

f*cking music off!?

We don't have time for this!

All of you.

Follow me.

We're clear.

Come on.

Satanists, are not good

for my blood pressure.

They're not Satanists.

No self-respecting Satanist

would wear a baby blue hoodie.

Then what?


More like Mathletes.

It must be the bowling.

The bowling?

Hide, hide, hide!

-Are you okay?

-Yes, let's go.

Bowling goes back

to ancient times.

They found drawings of bowling

in Pyramids, and tombs.

And all of this tonight,

it must be tied in.

To the Egyptians?

To pyramids, Pharaohs.

Ancient aliens and junk.

Bowling has a long, dark past.

The modern game,

it started as an ancient

cleansing ritual in Germany.

Dark shit,

mysticism, the black arts.

Bowling is a lot

bigger deal than you think.

Maybe they just really hate


No, everybody likes bowling.

Oh, c'mon, you loved it.

I was nine.

I thought Santa was real

and blue was a flavor.

That's just

the brainwash talking



All that virtual reality crap

that your kids are into,

the matrix.


Ya got me.

-Who's the guy?

-What guy?

The guy that's so important

that you would lie

to your own father?

-You using protection?


I was your age once.

-I was a boy.

-You're still a boy.

Yeah, but I know what

these little shitheads will try.

Stop, please.

Can we just battle

for our lives

without having to talk

about condoms?

I wasn't here with a boy,


And mom knows that.

-Wait, wait.

-Oh God!

Where's the body?

They're dragging them

to the party room.

Some party.

God damn cult weirdos.

Hey, hey.

Now I know you have

your own life now,

but you practically grew up

in this place.

I just wanted one last game.

Well, we can still have that.

If we survive, there's that

glow in the dark place

down the road.

The putt-n-bowl?

The one with the pins

on the strings?

And hot pink balls?

Oh, no, sir.

That's Skeeball.

That's hot pink Skeeball.

This place is more than bowling.

It's memories.

It's birthday parties.

It's League night,

it's first dates.

We even had a wedding once.

That's sad.

No! It was beautiful.

But, my point is,

you can't knock down memories

and put up condos.

This is the only place that

I felt at home.

Since when?

Since you were a kid.

I know.

We all know.

No, I was going to say.

The only place I felt at home,

since your mother left

when she took you.


Look, I know that I drink too

much sometimes okay?

But it's not because I'm mad at

your mom.

It's because I knew

she was right to do it.


But when I'm here,

this place still sometimes

gets busy enough

that it feels full.

And the way that that carpets

smells the same way

as when things were good.

When you were little.

-When we were--

-The Lucky Strikers.



Rats in the walls.

I hear you skittering.

Stragglers keeping us

from transformation,

keeping the numbers

out of alignment.

I know you're there.

I can hear you...


There's no win here,

no escape.

The infinite is on our side.

And the cosmos as it moves

is making a trillion

calculations a second.

And you, you stragglers

are variables.

Rounding errors.

Have done the math,

and you will be normalized.


Dividing up.

Clever good strategy.

But it also means that you're

alone, scared,


waiting in the dark

for someone to come save you.

Tess, honey,

I need you to open this door.


Tess, your friends

are here with me.

Cody and Kennedy

are waiting for you.

Let me talk to Kennedy!

Oh, you will.

She has lots of things

to say to you,

but you have to open

this door.

We're on a very tight schedule.


I've been very patient,

but patience is finite.

I'm reasonable.

Listen to me.

I can make

your sacrifice painless.

I can do the same

for your friends.

But you have to come out.

f*ck you.

Okay, Tess.

Pain it is.


The persistence of them,

the permutations

and combinations.

Find her.

Where's the g*n?

They must have gotten here

before us.

Great mathletes with shotguns.

It's okay,

we got other options.

Oh, baby.


Hello, Lover.



-Come on.

The second you turn that thing

on, every psychopath

in the building

will be coming our way.

Plus, you probably saw

your face off.

Ooh, my fireworks stash.

That could come in handy.

Hey, get your head in the game

and don't be a child.

These are what we came for.

Yeah, but they're not as fun.

Come on, let's get my friend

and get out of here.

Wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait.

Stay here.

It's just the machines.

It's okay Kennedy!

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

You were right.

You're right.

The old days,

they're the old days.

But the new ones

are going to be great.

You are tough.

You are smart.

We're going to get out

of this, okay?

We're going to get out of this.

We're gonna live to bowl again.

We'll bowl another day

or something.

One last frame, okay?

One last frame.

Come on,

we'll cut across the lanes.

Oh, Shit.



Dad, are you okay?

Dad, are you okay?


I've never seen

a neck do that before.

You still got it hun.

Hey, Pin d*ck,

get out of my f*cking bowling


Deadwood m*therf*cker.

Come on, kids.

That shotgun blast just shook

the psycho tree.

We're gonna be up to our necks

and hooded dumb fucks.

Lucky Strikers!

Together again.

Never thought I'd see it.

I'll lay down cover.

You two get out.

Cheryl, I can't let you do that.

Well see, Bruce,

this is your problem.

You always forget

who's the boss here.

Now get the little girl

out of here

before I get emotional

and mess up my make up.


You are not going to k*ll me!

You periwinkle b*tches!

Get away from me!

No! No!

Oh, God!

Oh, no!


We got to head for the door.


Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Tess, Tess!

It's okay.

Maybe she went

for the door without us.


Without me they'll k*ll her.

We'll get out.

We'll get help.


Come on, come on,

come on.


She found another way.

She's alive.

I promise.

Oh shit, oh shit.

Get behind me!

There it is!

I didn't realize taxes

were that flammable.

Oh, shit!

He's coming this way!

Run, run!

Dad, get inside!

Hold it, hold it!

Let's try the side door.


Help me! Please help!


I'm so sorry about this.

About everything.

I shouldn't have invited Pete.

I was scared, he and I are,

were friends.

I called him maybe 10 minutes

before I picked you up.

I'm sorry, Kay.

I'm sorry!

No, what are you doing?!

Stay away! Stay away!

-Tess! Tess!

-No, no, no, wait!

They have an army out there.

-What's the move?

-I don't know.

I just need to help.

We are a team.

We need a plan.

Teams have matching uniforms.

This is a terrible plan.

Yeah, well,

I didn't think the fireworks

were a good idea either,

but they saved our ass.

Let me do the talking.

I don't think

that's a good idea.


You're supposed

to be out searching.

We only got 3 minutes.

Need to talk to the boss.

We know where the infidels.

The sacrifices.

Yeah, that we uh,

we found them.


We have a problem.

They're gone, sir.

They got away.


No, they wouldn't leave her.

Yeah, the door was open.

They must have cut the chains.

Got tools in the back.

We got to leave, sir.

The authorities

will be here any minute.

We're close.

So close.

But first...

...k*ll the girl.

Why me?

I must keep my hands clean.

Are you questioning?


At this moment

of incalculable glory?

Do it.


He must do this.

It's the only way.

We're running out of time.

k*ll her. Spill her blood.

Do it now!


Kennedy, right.

Nice of you to join us.

You've made quite a mess

of things tonight.

Now it's time to cleanse.

k*ll that girl,

or we'll k*ll yours.

Don't you hurt her.

Do it! Now!


Terrace Lanes is our home,

and you can go f*ck yourself!

These dimwits

might be scared of you

but we are not.


Fear isn't part of the equation.

We're family.

Family, family?

Family's the people that you

k*lled here tonight!

That laughed and bowled

and drink together.

I hope the rest of you morons

rot in f*cking hell!

You-- Wait!

I'll do it,

I'll do it.



I'm sorry kid. I should have

reset my life years ago.

Gotta go. Get behind me!

Get behind me!

Come on,

you crazy son of a bitch!

Come on!

Get behind me!

k*ll them!!


No, you morons!

Not yet.



No. No.

This night was supposed

to be perfect.

All that work,

years of preparation,

recruitment, grooming,...


all to be pushed and rushed

all to be compromised.

This f*cking place!

This tacky, shit hole!

You, gutter trash, assholes.

I always hated math.

You okay?


Let's get the f*ck out of here.