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Boarding School Murders, The (2024)

Posted: 01/19/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
Is anyone up?

Hey, something bad's

going on in the garden!


(door opening)

(door closing)



Someone help!

Woman in video:

You can travel between worlds.

You can communicate

with human ghosts.


- How'd it go?

- Doesn't matter.

Still haven't heard back

From the swedish

scholarship thing?

Swiss boarding school.

And no, I haven't.

The whole thing was

such a long shot anyway.

- Stop moping.

- I'm not moping.

You're practically

dripping with mope.

Let's go shopping.

You seem to forget

what happened

The last time

we went shopping.

It was cheap plastic!

It's still stealing.

It was the most beautiful

bracelet I had ever seen.

I know you don't

like the accolades,

But have I thanked you

enough for that day?

You can thank me

By behaving yourself

at the mall today, klepto.


So, consider this.

The french revolution helped


Traditional gender roles.

Can anyone share how

It positively impacted gender

equality and women's rights?


Gave them

an ideal platform

To demand access to education,

property rights, divorce rights,

The right to actively

participate in politics.

Also challenged the notion

That women should be

confined to the private sphere

And laid the foundation for

future feminist movements.

That's right.

- Teacher's pet.

- Picture the streets of paris

Buzzing with revolutionary

fervor, the cries of justice

Echoing through the air.

The class of ideology,

yearning in the hearts of men

And women,

wanting a better life.

So, the french revolution

witnessed the birth

Of ground-breaking

ideas that would reverberate...

My girl!

I knew it!

"on behalf of the limoux

boarding school in switzerland,

"we are delighted

to inform you

"that your application in the

"helping hands" program

"has been successful!


"we are pleased to extend our

warmest welcome to you

"as a member of our esteemed

educational community!"

- Everything okay, frankie?

- I'm sorry.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Where'd that smile go?


Limoux is one of the most

prestigious boarding schools

In all of europe.

Great women go there -

heads of state, ceos...

- And?

- And I'm me.

Yeah, you -

the most badass history expert

And the most

intelligent girl I know.

I just feel like I don't belong

in a place like that.

Everyone there is

going to be... Better.



We're survivors, remember?

Life can't possibly give us

anything we can't handle

Because we've already handled

it all,

And we've had each other's

back the whole time.

It's true.

We walked through fire.

Yeah. I guess

we are pretty fireproof.

Damn right we are.

I'm gonna miss you.

It's gonna be hard to miss me

When I'm video chatting

with you every night.

It won't be night for you.

Morning, night, I'll make

the time, and so will you.

- Mm-hmm.

- (both chuckling)

Is this...?


I want you to have it.

You're sending me to a foreign

country with stolen jewelry.

It's cheap plastic, remember?

I went back

to the store to buy it.

You went back?

It's a memento.




Now that you're

officially emancipated,

You're free.

You can finally breathe

and spread your wings.

I'm jelly.

Hey... You belong

at that school

Just as much as

those little rich girls.



Can you carry this?

- Ahh!

- (both laughing)

(jet engine blaring)


I belong here.

(exhaling sharply)

okay, let's go.

Miss ainsworth:

Miss frankie logan...


I'm miss ainsworth.

I'm the headmistress at limoux.


Pleasure to meet you.

I trust you had

a pleasant flight.


Yeah, very pleasant.

And it was my first time

traveling anywhere,

So it was all very exciting.


How nice for you.

Well, follow me.


the first order of business

Is to get you

in your uniform.

(door creaking open)

Frankie: Okay.

Nice chair.

It belonged to

the swiss king alexander I.

It was purchased at auction

By the parents

of one of our students

And donated to the school.


There is a detailed limoux

rules and regulations manual

In your room.

I suggest you

commit it to memory.


Yeah, of course.

This place

is so impressive.

It is.

First and foremost,

you must remember that,

From this day forward,

you are and always will be

A reflection of

the grand tradition

Of this hallowed institution.

You are a reflection of

those who came before you.

Is that clear?


"yes, miss ainsworth"

will do.

Yes, miss ainsworth.

And this will be

your room.

Do you have any other

belongings arriving separately?

You mean like a recently

auctioned van gogh or monet?

No, this is it.



"I suggest you

commit it to memory."


(soft music tinkling)

(music continuing)


Come in.



- Yeah.

- I'm jacqueline,

Your neighbor.

They left these at my door

instead of yours by mistake.

Uh, was it also a mistake

to give me two of these?

Oh, the second outfit is worn

When the other

one's being cleaned.

Of course.

So, you got a

scholarship here, right?

Has word gotten out

that I'm a charity case?

If it's any consolation,

They treat everyone

who's not cool like crap.

Like me, for instance.

I've been here

for two years,

And yet, to the other girls,

I still remain like... Crap.


So, want to be friends?


Of course

we can be friends.

Was that awkward

of me to ask?

No, it was, uh... Sweet.

It's okay.

People think I'm awkward,

Especially amidst

all this sophistication.

I don't think

you're awkward.

I think you're just

refreshingly direct.

Is that a good thing?

Where I come from,

no one says what they mean,

So, yeah,

it's a good thing.

Where are you from?

Lyon, France.

Right. That's where you get your

strong french accent from.

I moved around

a lot,

Not always voluntarily.

But that's the price you pay

for having two parents who think

Their job is far more important

than anything else in the world.

How about you?

Where are you from?

Uh... New york.

Is that

where your family lives?

Guess you could say that.

What do you mean?

I'm sorry.

Don't be, it's fine.

We did just become

friends after all.



Well, perhaps I can

fill you in on lyon,

London, and glasgow, and you can

tell me all about new york.


Would you like to come

to lunch with me?

Yes, I'm starving.

You'll want to change

into your uniform, of course,


miss ainsworth will whip you.



That was a joke.

I'm not funny.

No, you're funny,


Yeah, just, um...

Give me a sec to change.

Oh, yeah.

(speaking indistinctly)

Not there.

- Girl: Not ever.

- (girls laughing)

Is that...?

You're not very social?

No, I'm social.

It's just those girls,

They always slide their

dessert towards me,

Even though I'm diabetic.

They think it's funny.

That's messed up.

Really messed up.

So, who are these

fancy young ladies?

That one over there

is annabel volkov.

Her father is vladimir volkov;

he's a russian banking magnate.

And that's maria lewis.

Her parents own lewis tech

solutions, which is worth,

Like, billions.


And that...

Is tinsley wellington.


There's always a tinsley.

Is that a popular

name in new york?

No, not the name;

the girl.

There's always

a queen bee.


Not a queen.


But her family

are minor british royals.

Her mother is all

over the society pages.

Tinsley is a brand ambassador

for a new perfume line.

Thought she smelled funny.

You've met her?

Our paths have crossed.


And it looks like

they're about to again.

Don't let them

intimidate you.


How do I do that?

I don't know.

Just, uh...

Imagine they're naked.

No, that makes them

more intimidating.


I see that you got

A "helping hand" in

the friendship department.

You... Know my name?

I'm frankie.

I know.

My family actually is

responsible for your being here.

They generously

funded your scholarship -

One of

our pet projects. So...

I guess that makes you my pet.

Can you do any tricks?

That's funny.

You sound classy.

But making fun of someone who

doesn't have your privilege?

That's not very classy.

So, you're going to

give me a lesson on class?

Someone should.

Well, this introduction

isn't going very well.


Listen, darling,

You might want to cultivate some

respect for your superiors.


That's right.

There's this

funny thing about respect.

It's earned by people

who deserve it,

Not people

who demand it.

I'm a giver and a leader.

You're a taker.

Do you know

what takers do?

They get on their knees

and wait for my instruction.

You don't belong here.


This is where I meditate.

It's more impressive during the

day, when the birds are here.

You meditate?


It helps me focus

And forget about life

and how much it sucks.

Sounds like you're not in touch

with your inner universe enough.

You know,

life doesn't suck.

Not always, anyway.

You know,

it's not good to dwell.

I'm a dweller, all right.

You probably think

more than you meditate.

You can think about

a problem for a moment or two,

But after that,

it's not very useful.

It just becomes more

worrying than thinking.

You sound

like my therapist.

They made me see one

at the foster home.



Do you want to

hang out here for a bit?

I don't really feel like

Dwelling back

in my room all night.

According to that manual,

we aren't even supposed

To be out here

unless we're supervised.

Um, do you want to

know a big secret?

Like, you can't tell anyone.

I never actually

read the manual.

(both laughing)


Who is that?

Come on.

- There's a basement door!

- Okay!

It shouldn't be locked either.

Are you sure?

I'm pretty freakin'

sure, jacqueline!

(both laughing)


Evening, ladies.

(both laughing)


You didn't get the joke?

No, I think I missed it.

A little cosplay?

I was pretending

to be a thief, you know.

Like you?

Do you want to tell your one and

only weirdo friend or should I?

I was just in the wrong place

at the wrong time.


Isn't that what they all say?

No honor

among thieves, right?

What happened?

Your new friend

frankie has a record.

It took a lot of digging,

but yes,

We have a convicted

criminal among us.

I'm not a criminal.

You committed a crime, so you

are therefore a criminal.

Makes one wonder

how someone like you

Could fall through the cracks

and get accepted here.

And what about your father?

What is he in for again?

Dui, burglary, fraud,

and embezzlement.

The apple doesn't fall

far from the tree, does it?

And plot twist, ladies:

The school knows nothing about

any of this.

But don't worry.

Your many secrets

are safe with us.

Girls, not a word of

this to anyone, right?



I own you...

Helping hands.



Hey, I was just

thinking about you.

I should never

have come here.

I knew I didn't belong.

What's going on?



Frankie? Hello?

I'll call you later.


What are you doing?

Just talking to my friend.


Are you okay?

You don't look okay.

I thought coming here

would be a fresh start,

A new beginning.

I guess your past

follows you everywhere you go.

It's awful that

tinsley told everyone

About your prison record.

I didn't go to prison.

It was a stupid mistake,

One by my friend

and one by me.

Tell me, please.

I'm all ears.

Trina saw this

bracelet at the mall.

She wanted it,

so she just took it.

She stole it?

Cashier saw her leaving with it,

and security came,

We took off, just ran

through some back hallways.

Almost made it

out of the mall when a...

Security guard

grabbed her real hard.

And we were just

in this isolated area,

It was just us and him.

Did he... Hurt her?

Might have,

if I hadn't stepped in.

What did you do?

- I punched him.

- (laughing)


- Pretty hard.

- Good.

Cops came, I tried

to explain why I did it,

But I'm a misguided

foster kid,

Who was just

an accomplice to stealing,

So who would you believe?

You were trying to

protect your friend.


It's nice.

It's plastic.

I almost got in a lot of

trouble over cheap plastic.

What about your father?

Is he really in jail?

Sort of.

He's, like, in and out of

psychiatric hospitals.

I barely know the man.

I haven't seen him in 12 years.

We have absolutely

nothing in common.

Well, that's

a good thing, right?

Yeah, I like to think so.

(soft music tinkling)

(soft music tinkling)

(soft music tinkling)


(girls speaking indistinctly

in hushed tones)

Miss ainsworth:

Girls, stay on the stairs.

Do not come down.

(girls speaking indistinctly

in hushed tones)

Yes, please,

as quickly as you can.

There's been

a terrible accident.

(girls speaking indistinctly

in hushed tones)


Who found her?

I think maria did.

Did they think she was...?

I mean what did they

think happened to her?

I'm sure it was

an accident, right?

I overheard the detective.

She could have

fallen or...

Been... Pushed.

Hey, who's that?


That's mr. Limoux.

He's the dean and

owner of the school.

It's been in his

family for generations.

He lives off campus

with his wife and children.

Miss ainsworth:


I realize how...

Traumatic this has been.

And as such,

We will begin

mandatory counseling

With the school psychologist

later this morning.

Detective kraus will also--


Detective krause

Will be questioning everyone,

as well as collecting dna

And conducting

a thorough investigation.

We will be reaching out to your

parents as soon as possible.

Rest assured,

Limoux is,

has always been,

And always will be...

A safe

and secure institution.

Miss ainsworth: Now I'd like you

all to return to your rooms.

Class will resume

as normal this afternoon.

Now, please.


You okay?


I feel terrible, but...


You know they're going

to think I did this.

No way.

Maybe there's a perception

That you and tinsley

didn't hit it off.

And I'm the new, poor kid

with a juvenile record.

There's girls here

who've wished tinsley dead

For as long

as I can remember.

I'm actually one of them.

It was frankie.

Did you actually

witness any of this?

Did tinsley wellington

ever tell you

That she felt threatened

by frankie logan?

Given the fact that she admitted

to being a known criminal,

And that tinsley was the one who

called her out, I mean,

You don't need to be

a detective

To know she's the one

who did it.

It's obvious, isn't it?

Krause: Yes, I will have an

update for you in 24 hours.

My team is examining

the phones

And the electronic equipment

Of some of the

students as we speak.

I will...

Get to the bottom of this.

(phone chiming)

Miss logan?

Frankie: I was charged

as an accessory

To shoplifting

at a retail store.

Shoplifting, not m*rder.

And you punched

a security guard in the face.

Tell me about the altercation

with miss wellington.

She was wearing a ski mask.

She was just trying

to scare me.

So, she humiliated you

in front of everyone.

Yeah, she did.

And you think that would be

a reason to k*ll her?

Oh, I don't know.

You tell me.

I did not k*ll tinsley.


And you have an alibi?

Nobody here has an alibi.

We all have separate rooms, and

it was the middle of the night.

Besides, I thought

you said it was an accident.

Well, that could

very well be.

But people,

especially young people,

Rarely just happen to fall down

stairs to their death.

So, I'm a suspect?

Everyone is a suspect,

miss logan.

(bell ringing)


Reporter: Tinsley wellington,

british royal socialite

Was found dead at the bottom of

the stairs at limoux,

A prestigious boarding school

in the swiss alps.

There's no official word

On the circumstances

of her untimely passing,

But we will keep you updated

As more information

becomes available.

The school's administration

has extended

Its full cooperation,

Emphasizing their commitment

to transparency

And the safety of

their students.

Turn that off.

I know this is

your first class

Since the passing

of miss wellington.

And while I know that

You're all going

to be receiving counseling,

I wanted to let you know

that I am here for you,

In case you want to talk.

But for now,

let's take a moment of silence

In honor of miss wellington

before we begin today's lessons.

Let's close our eyes.

It'll be okay.



There's nothing

I can do.

I'm trapped in a place

where everyone hates me.

They don't just hate me;

they think I m*rder*d someone.

So, yeah,

like I said, I feel trapped.

Tell me about your father.

He's incarcerated.

He's in a nut house;

Pleaded insanity

and got away with it... Twice.

Counselor: He was diagnosed

with schizophrenia.

I'd love to talk

about anything else.


- Frankie: What about her?

- What did you think of her?

Are you trying to play

detective, dr. Garcia?

You were with her just

a few hours before she died.

Along with

five other girls.

If what you're really asking

is if I was resentful of her...

...Then the answer is yeah.

I resented her

because she had everything

And made me feel

completely unwelcome

In the one place

that felt like...

It could be

my first lucky break.

That being said,

Despite all the cards

being stacked against me,

I like to still think that

at least I have a chance

At some sort of future,

Even though it might not

seem like that right now.

You're keeping

a positive attitude.

That's good.

It's the one thing I have on

these girls is I'm a survivor.

So, yeah,

I'll keep a positive attitude

and yeah, I'll survive this,

Like I've survived

everything else in my life.

Can I be honest

with you, frankie?



I don't believe

you had anything to do

With miss wellington's death,

And I do believe you

will make it through this.

(pen scratching on paper)

So, you just write down

that I'm innocent?

I've given my assessment as to

whether or not I believe

You have the

psychological profile

Of someone who

could commit m*rder.

A forensic psychologist

Masquerading as

a grief counselor.


More the other way around.

They say the k*ller

always returns

To the scene of the crime.

We all return

to the scene of this crime.

We all take the stairs.

Everyone knows

you did it.

Well, I guess I'm surrounded

by clueless idiots.

Leader of the club

right in front of me.

You're going to pay for this,

one way or another.

What's that

supposed to mean?

(scoffing) you know exactly

what it means.

I just don't see how this

situation could get any worse.


Well, who do you think did it?

The thing about

girls like tinsley

Is even their

friends can hate them,

Because they feel

just as inferior

As the ones they torment.

The only reason

they aren't tormented

Is because

they go along with it.

Trina: So, you think it

could be one of her friends?

I don't know

what to think right now.

Wait, I have an idea.


Why search maria's room?

Maybe maria got tired of just

being tinsley's sidekick.

Are you sure

this is a good idea?

Everyone's at dinner.

I told them I felt

sick to my stomach,

Which is...

Actually not a lie.

- What are you hoping to find?

- Frankie: I don't know.


First day...

I think I found something.

Someone's coming.

Trina: I told you

this wasn't a good idea.


I'm in trouble.

Miss ainsworth (over p.A.:)


Everyone meet

in the church immediately.

All students and staff,

Come to the church immediately

for a mandatory meeting.

(exhaling sharply)

that was close.

Trina (on phone:)

yes. Now, get out of there!

Nuh-uh. I'm doing this.

It's now or never.

I have

a question for you.

I'm not sure

I want to know what it is.

What if I left

with her tablet?

Do you think your friend

could help me hack into it?

The answer is no.

You're gonna get

caught, frankie.

It's a stupid idea.


you're right.

We apologize for

interrupting your dinner, but...

We have received information

In regards to miss wellington's

untimely demise.

We heard from

detective krause.

Their preliminary

autopsy report shows

That miss wellington

had an extremely high

Blood alcohol level.


Tinsley didn't drink.

Alcohol is

empty calories.

Miss lewis...

Mr. Limoux: Along with an

excessive blood alcohol level,

There were

tranquilizers, as well.

This evidence points

To miss wellington accidentally

falling to her death

Due to extreme intoxication.

I know that,

while this information

Doesn't change the fact that

miss wellington is gone,

It should offer some comfort.


how's that?

If there is

any solace to be had

In this very difficult time,

It is that limoux remains

a safe institution.

So, you and your

parents can rest assured

That there is not a threat

of a m*rder*r in our midst.


Still not at ease.

It just doesn't sound

like tinsley at all.

Miss ainsworth:


Any more of these interruptions

and there will be consequences.

I realize

that you're grieving,

But that's not an excuse

for this kind of behavior.

You're all free to go.

You may take the rest

of the evening to yourselves.


(students murmuring)

Miss brenet,

May I please have a word

with miss logan in private?

Of course.

See you later.


No need to apologize.

Oh, and what on earth would

I need to apologize for?

For accusing me

of being a m*rder*r?

I never accused you

of anything.

But I do have

some words of advice.

- What's that?

- Be careful.

What is it they say about

intimidation again?

Oh yeah, it's a confession

of intellectual impotence.

Your hard life has given you

a rather cutting quick wit.

Survival mechanism, no doubt.

- Good for you.

- Like your life's been easy?

Please, I see it

all over you.

I hope you got that


Out of your system

Because, if you ever

disrespect me like that again,

I will expel you

all the way back

To the black hole you

thought you'd climbed out of.

Have a lovely evening.


Everyone hates me.

My pariah vibes have

rubbed off on you.

Sorry about that.

Maybe it just means

we're socially dead, no?

Wouldn't that be nice?

Try calling your parents,

telling them what's going on?

I don't really

talk to my parents.

I just get the feeling

that tinsley's death

Being ruled an accident has made

things far worse, you know?

Like it's ignited

some sort of vigilante justice.

Well, what do we have

for breakfast today?

- Hmm...

- Oatmeal or french toast?

- (spitting)

- (gasping)

- Oatmeal.

- Hmm.

Also oatmeal.

- (both laughing)

- cute!

What's wrong with you?

Maybe I just don't

like psychopaths...

Or freaks.

Trust me, you're gonna want

to stop this right now.

Or what?

You're gonna k*ll us too?

(both laughing)

Leave my friend alone!



Miss ainsworth:



All of you,

in my office immediately.


I would be well within my rights

to expel all four of you.

Maria: Annabel and I

didn't do anything wrong.

You spit in our food.

Oh, and there's

also the death threats.

That wasn't us.

- Yeah right.

- Maria: It wasn't.

You're the thief

who stole my tablet.

Do you realize

where you are?

I love this school.

Miss ainsworth:

This is not just a school.

This is a hallowed place

Where those destined to shape

the future of this world

Are prepared to meet

the challenge of destiny.

And the behavior the four of you

have exhibited is despicable.

My parents pay your salary, so

technically, you work for me.

Oh, do you mean

your very wealthy parents

Who chose to send you

to a boarding school

Hundreds of

kilometers from home?

The accusations

and retaliation

Resulting from

tinsley's untimely

And accidental death

end now.

If this or anything

like it happens again,

I will expel each

and every one of you.

Is that clear?

That's all.

Please leave.

Actually, wait.

I have an idea.

Man: I guess this must

be my lucky day.


you know...

In all my years, I've never--

What's the drill?

Haven't your parents told you

it's rude to interrupt people?

Haven't yours told you

it's rude to k*ll people?

Oh no, they couldn't have.

They're already in jail.

Okay then.

Well, uh, those, uh,

bulbs have just come in.

Beautiful, aren't they?



Avignon tulips -

One of my favorites.

They grow wild

in the northern region.

This is beyond tedious.


There's far worse punishments

Than having to

plant flowers together.

Right. So, let's just

make the most of it.

Those towels in front of you

are for your knees,

So you don't get dirty.

Oh, how thoughtful.

Groundskeeper: Now, it's a

pretty self-explanatory, eh?

You just dig enough

for the bulb

And then you leave

about, oh, three inches...

For this magic stuff -

Fish and feces.

I am not touching that.

Are we getting gloves?

Well, that's the thing,

miss ainsworth was very specific

That, uh, no gloves.

I have a pair in my room

that I can use,

Which I will surely

dispose of after.

Uh, again,

sorry, no gloves.

And I will be staying here

To make sure you use

your bare hands.

This is ridiculous.

Ainsworth is playing

a game with us.

We can sit and complain about it

or we can get it over with.

She's right.

Wait until my parents

hear about this.

Groundskeeper: "out of

the putrid grows the sublime."

That's from

miss ainsworth.

She has a way

with words, doesn't she?

Well, this is unexpected.

I get the impression marie

and annabel want to bond

Over our newfound hatred

of miss ainsworth.

Am I correct?

You're the most literal

person I have ever met.

Not bond. Just...


for spitting in your hood.

Maybe this was

miss ainsworth's plan all along.


I think it was more

punitive, less... Kumbaya.

Let's get

one thing straight:

You're wrong about tinsley.

(exhaling deeply)

(moaning softly)


Is anyone up?

Hey, something bad's

going on in the garden.


Oh my god, maria...


Someone help!

(siren sounding)


Krause: Maria lewis

is in a coma, frankie.

This will be much easier for you

if you are honest with me.

Like I said, I saw someone

Carrying something

near the tulip bulbs

We had just planted.

At 5:30 in the morning?

And then, you saw

that person run away?

Through the basement window?


Do you want to ask me again?

How would you characterize your

relationship with miss lewis?

Not great,

but it was getting friendlier.

But you said

that she believed

You were responsible for

miss wellington's death.



After centuries without

a single incident,

Now limoux has one death

And one attempted m*rder

all in the same week.

What are you implying,

detective krause?

Mr. Limoux:

You've notified her parents.

Miss ainsworth:

Their child is in a coma;

Of course

I notified the parents.

They're taking

the next flight.

I guess you didn't hear.

Miss ainsworth:

Hear what?

The airport is closed.

There was a massive fire.

They just

announced it on the radio.

They had to evacuate everyone

And reroute

all inbound flights.

How terrible.

Several of the parents

I contacted are already

Making arrangements to

bring their daughters home.

Every parent is going to

want to permanently remove

Their daughters from limoux.

Tell me this is

a nightmare, miss ainsworth.

What the devil is

going on around here?

I hate to say it,

But this fire at the airport, it

could be a blessing in disguise.

How so?

The airport will be

closed for a few days.


it will give us enough time,

Time to get

some answers about...

What's going on

around here.

We need to find out

who put miss lewis in a coma.

They said blunt force trauma.

I mean,

who would do such a thing?

It's all so sordid.

We need to save

the reputation of this school.

Well, I pray that maria

comes out of this all right.

Who's in there

with detective krause?

Miss logan - the american.

In light of what

happened with miss lewis,

The investigation

into miss wellington's death

Has been reopened

as a possible homicide.

It shouldn't have been

closed in the first place.

A good detective

knows to never assume

Or rush to conclusions.

Even swiss detectives

should know that.


It wasn't me,

Detective krause.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I have read in your file that

you recently were emancipated

And are therefore

without support

Outside the comfortable

confines of limoux.

That's right.

Would you agree

to turn over your phone

And your electronic equipment?

Or did you want

to contact a lawyer first?

Like I said,

I did nothing wrong,

So I have nothing to hide.

We just want to examine a

record of your communications.


They think it's you?


They think I did it.

I'm scared.

Believe me, so am I.

You don't look scared.

I learned to hide

my emotions pretty well...

...But I'm terrified.

(keys tapping)


What's the latest?

Remember how I said

I didn't think things

could get any worse?


You're kidding.

Another girl's been att*cked.

She's alive,

but she's in a coma.

I'm officially a suspect.

They've taken my phone

and my tablet,

So I'll be radio silent

until this is all over.

Trina: Don't you need

a lawyer or something?


You know any?


Are you gonna be okay?

I don't know.

I'm tired of pretending

I fit in here.

I don't. I just don't.

Frankie, listen to me.

We're survivors.

Remember? Fireproof.

You're right.

I need to clear my name,

but I'm going to need your help.

Name it. Let's make it happen.

What's your next move?

There's this woman,

miss ainsworth.

She was appointed

headmistress in 2007.

But there's something

odd about it,

And about the fact that maria

Had a cut out

article of it in her agenda.

I'm gonna look into it.


Be careful.


Who's the new man on campus?

I heard detective krause talking

about him.

His name's friedrich.

He's been hired to

hang around and keep watch.


Until they catch the k*ller.

So, why does he

keep looking at us?


He's not looking at us.

He's looking at me.

Where did he go?

What are you girls doing?

We're going

to frankie's room,

So that she can

m*rder us in private.

What would

miss ainsworth's motive be?

All these years

serving rich children

With little

or no appreciation.

Annabel: While not having

any children of her own.


Not that we know of.

All of these spoiled girls

Getting everything

in life she never had.

After so many years of festering


She's turned into a...

Psychotic popsicle?


So, if we really want to

search miss ainsworth's room,

We have to come up with

a solid plan, right?

We can't just sneak

in there while she's away.

Why not?

She's spending most of

her time in her office.

Still a risk.

- We need a diversion.

- Frankie: You're right.

Two of us could come up

with a way to distract her

While one of us goes

and searches her room.

Okay, let's do it.

So, jacqueline and I can

distract miss ainsworth,

Keep her occupied,

while you sneak into her room.

Why am I the one

sneaking into her room?

Because her room's

going to be locked.

So, because I'm from

the wrong side of the tracks,

It comes with the territory to

somehow learn to pick a lock?

Do you know

how to pick a lock?

(phone vibrating)

I'm waiting for

an important email,

But it's just a text

from my annoying brother.

Good place

to stash your phone.

So, um, what exactly

are we going to say

To keep miss ainsworth busy?


We'll figure it out.

Where are you ladies going?

None of your business.

Be careful.

Maybe you should be careful;

one of us could be the m*rder*r.

Miss ainsworth: I assure you,

your daughter's safe.

We have every confidence

that this issue

Will be resolved soon.

Yes, of course.

We'll be in touch.


Um, can we talk?

Miss ainsworth:

So, let me get this straight.

You believe

the new security guard,


is flirting with you?



And you'd like

to file a complaint

Based on him

doing what exactly?

Uh, because he keeps

winking at me.

It's-- it's very disturbing.

He-he winked at me, too.

- Mm-hmm.

- Miss ainsworth: Uh-huh.

All right.

Is that all?

Are you going to

let us file a complaint?


Can we do it now?

No. I have to prepare

the paperwork.

I would like both of you

To return to your

respective rooms immediately.

There's something else

we need to discuss.

I certainly hope

it's urgent, miss volkov.


It is.

We think...

Everyone should get

straight a's this semester

Because of the

traumatic circumstances.



Straight a's?

Yes, absolutely.



I've had enough.

I have a splitting headache

And it's only getting

worse by the moment.

So, please

go back to your rooms.

(breathing shakily)

What now, miss volkov?

I can't go back

out there.

The security man, friedrich,

he's freaking me out.

I think I'm going

to have a panic attack.

You're going

to be fine.

I'd like you to breathe

and go back to your room.

Now, now.

Let's go.


(pills clattering)

(pills clattering)

(breathing heavily)

I still can't believe you

let her into the room.

What were we supposed to do?

Tie her to her chair?

I don't know. You could have

come up with a better lie.

I know, we messed up.

Sorry, but if we pushed

it any further,

She would have

gotten suspicious.

Miss ainsworth (over p.A.:)

attention, everyone, please,

Immediately head back

to your respective rooms.

We will be in contact

with everyone of you shortly.


Let's go.

(krause speaking indistinctly)

(krause speaking indistinctly)

(krause speaking indistinctly)

(knocking, door opening)

- What's going on?

- (krause clearing throat)

You were right.

There was indeed someone in the

basement who came in and out

Through the hallway window.

The w*apon,

a shovel from the school barn,

Was hidden away

in the boiler room,

Where miss lewis

was att*cked.

And you're going door to door

to tell everyone in school?

What shoes were you wearing

When you last came

in contact with miss lewis?

The shoes

I'm wearing right now.


You said that you never set foot

out the garden that morning.

Now, I need you

to think for a second.

Are you certain that you did

not make it to the school barn?

I never set foot

anywhere near the barn.

Ah. What size shoes

do you wear?


What does that have

to do with anything?

That would be forty-one

and a half for us,

I think, eh?

Miss logan,

would it be all right

If we had a look

around your room?


I have nothing to hide.


(krause singing in german)

What have we got here?


Yeah... Uh-huh.


(cane tapping)

They're not mine.


The pattern is a match,

And I think it's

the same size, too.


41 and a half,

that's rather large for a woman,

Over here in europa, anyway.

I said, they're not mine.

I have no idea

how they got in here.

Miss logan, you have

the right to remain silent

And, uh, to not participate

with the police.

You have the right to legal

representation by an attorney,

Private or publicly funded,

and you also have the right

To notify next of

kin of your detention.

This is not happening.

You know

that I'm innocent.

So, why don't you try

to do your actual job

And find the real k*ller?



(breathing heavily)

(breathing heavily)

Hey, mom?

I know I've never

done this before, but...

Here goes nothing.

I'm not even sure

if I believe in all this.

But just in case,

I thought I'd reach out.

(door opening)

Like I said,

I thought I'd...


I'd reach out 'cause...

I don't know what else to do.

You know, I've always

tried to make you proud.

I'm starting to think

maybe trina was right.

I don't know

why I try so hard.

So, anyway,

If there's anything

that you can do to help

From up there or...


I'd really appreciate it.

I miss you.

(locks clicking)

What's going on?

You are free to go.

- I am?

- Krause: You are.

You have been exonerated.

Excuse me?

Miss ainsworth had

installed a surveillance camera

Outside your room.


When we looked at the footage,

we saw you come out,

Head to the garden, and

immediately call for help.

You did not have time

to get to the barn

Or carry a body

across the garden.

You are free.

Can I ask for a favor?

Hey, maria.

It's frankie.

You actually look

really good, considering.

Not everyone

can rock a coma.

Listen, I, uh,

read somewhere

That talking to people in your

situation can help, you know,

Help you wake up faster

Because, not to rush your

healing process, but I--


Really need you to

open those beautiful eyes.

Please, wake up.

(phone chiming)


I was going nuts.

You'll never

believe what happened.

I was in detention

and then I got exonerated.

I'll explain it all later,

but one thing is for sure,

I need to put

an end to this.

The only thing you need to do

is stay out of trouble.

I need to know

what they found out.


What who found out?

Tinsley and maria.

I think they were onto someone.


Frankie: And I need to get

to the bottom of this.

Trina: I don't know

what you have in mind,

But I already know

it's a bad idea.

I need you to get your

hacker friend on the line.

I need to get

into maria's tablet.

(trina sighing)

trina: Fine, I'll get her on it.

Okay, it's done.

You should have full access now.

That's a beautiful

photo of your wife and kid.

How old was she back then?

What kind of game do you think

you're playing right now?

I've had you followed

by a pi, mr. Limoux.

Excuse me?

Well, your conduct

was irreproachable.

That being said,

my pi is good,

The best money can buy.

I don't know if

this is some kind of joke,

But this is enough to get you

expelled, miss wellington.

I suggest--

Well, don't you want to

know what he found?

He got a hold of your

monthly bank statements.

He found some recurring payments

made to miss jane ainsworth -

3,000 euros every

month since 2007,

Which coincides with the year

that she was appointed

As your new headmistress.

What are you trying to say?

You had an affair

with miss ainsworth, mr. Limoux,

While you were married.

You paid to have her abandon

her child

And keep quiet about your

extramarital relationship.

3,000 euros per month -

not bad for a teacher

For whom it wasn't easy

to make ends meet.

And that's how you got her to

just give birth to her child

And dump her up in

the foster care system...

...And keep her

mouth shut, of course.

Why are you doing this?

My parents.

They're very proud

of my brothers -

Straight a students.

One is the captain

of his football team,

The other is in oxford,

and me, well...

I'm the black sheep.

I need better grades,

mr. Limoux, much better grades,

And I was thinking

maybe you could help me.

I don't want

my grades to be too good,

But you know,

good enough -

A couple of a's,

a lot of b's, a b plus or two.

It has to be believable.

I wouldn't want anyone

to raise an eyebrow,

If you know what I mean.


exhaling sharply)

How is your wife,

by the way?

Limoux and ainsworth?

Maria and tinsley were both

aware of their affair.

And now, so are we.

We could be next.

We need to get

maria's tablet to the detective.

Mr. Limoux:

Stop it, jacqueline, please!


You can't send me away again!

Well, look who's

back from jail.


what are you doing?

You're out,

so he's going to send me away.

Stay away.

Everyone just stay away or I'm

going to k*ll her, I swear!


Please, put the knife down.


Did you know?

Miss ainsworth and mr. Limoux

are my birth parents.


I just need a father

And a mother who care

about me just a little bit!

I'm not asking for much!

We do care.

I care.

Right because that's what

caring mothers do, huh?!

They give up their child?!

I was young, and scared,

And terribly stupid,

And I have

regretted it ever since.

You cannot even comprehend

how much I have regretted it.

Oh, please,

just shut up already!

She felt bad for me.

So, a little over

two years ago, after finding out

That I wasn't doing too well,

she came to london to get me.

I thought you said she found out

about us on her own.

Who do you think

the money was for? For me?

It was always for her.

You jeopardized everything.

Yes, and my only regret is

that I didn't do it sooner.

They gave me a new name,


a fake backstory for me.

The only condition was that I

kept their secret to myself.

Jacqueline, please,

put the knife down.

And let the cops

settle this, hmm?

So, I can spend the

rest of my life locked away,

Like your father.

He's getting

the help he needs.


how do you know?

You're ashamed of him.

You don't even talk to him.

I'm not ashamed of him.

I'm angry at him

Because, every time

they let him out,

He let me down,

he didn't take care of himself.

He's crazy!

Your father is crazy! I am not!

You were supposed to

help me, not cause trouble.

You being here is all me,

all my doing.

A girl like you, a criminal,

would have never had the chance

Of walking through the doors

of an institution like this,

Unless someone with

"helping hands" was there.

What are you talking about?

I made them choose you.

I pushed your

application through,

Right to the top

of the pile.

My father asked me

To take care of his

tinsley wellington problem,

So he needed someone

to pin a m*rder on.

Who better than

a straight-a student

With a criminal past?

Well, I haven't hurt anyone.

You have. But it's not too late.

For tinsley, I used one

of my diabetic needles...

...Injected her with a nice

cocktail of meds and vodka.


So simple, quick.

And I did it all for him.

He told me that,

if I handled this,

Then... He would treat me

like his daughter at last.

- Miss ainsworth: How could you?

- He cried.

I had no choice

and I feel terrible,

But he's my father and

there's nothing I wanted more

Than to be reunited

with him.

I didn't even

have to push her.

Well, barely.

Of course, we then

found out that she told maria.

So, same thing, hmm?

I injected her too,

Then slammed

her head with a shovel.


not hard enough.

You tried to frame me

By putting those

hiking shoes under my bed.

At the end of the day, I knew

I could pin it all on you!

I had to wait

until you got here.

Tinsley blackmailed

my father in may last year.

You waited until the start

of the next school year

To make your move.


I can still help you.

How and why?

Because I know what

you're going through,

Because we have a lot

in common, you and me.

Both abandoned

by our parents?

That can mess

someone up real good.

I want you to have this.

You mean it?




Now, please, jacqueline,

put the knife down.

Are you...

Recording this?

You framed me!

Miss ainsworth:

No. No!






No! No!


- (whimpering)

- okay.

Are-- are you all--

We both deserve

whatever comes of this

And I will gladly testify

at your m*rder trial.

You are truly evil to use

our daughter like this.

(breathing shakily)

(girls chattering excitedly)

Maria: So...

What are your plans

For the summer

in the city that never sleeps?

I'll be working at the foster

home, giving them a hand,

Probably hang out

with my friends.

- Maria: Nice.

- What about you?


I just spoke to the new dean.

He's got a job

for me out here.

Probably feels

bad about my coma.

I love this whole

pity thing.

Apparently, I'll be

helping out in the garden.

That whole feces experience

was a game-changer for me,

Loved getting

my hands dirty.

Don't be a stranger.

Text me.

Will do. You, too.

Yo, what's going on?

I thought you'd be here already.

I had to come

say hello to someone

I should have

visited a long time ago.


You sure?

I'm sure.

It's time.


See you soon.




Hi. I'm frankie logan.

I'm here to see my father.