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02x25 - Dig It Daddy-O/Hilly Nilly

Posted: 01/19/24 19:38
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world

and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

[whistling theme song]

Andy: Dig it Daddy-O!

Wow, that's bright!

Oooooh! I gotta catch this sunrise.

♪ [mellow music]


♪ [magical music]

Wha!? Sun-shadows!

Beauty! Creativity!

Dream world! Glow Colors!

Eyeballs! Two!



Leo: What was all that?

Andy: All what?

Carmen: That stuff you were saying up there?

It was like you were from another planet.

Andy: I don't know. I was just enjoying the sunrise.

I guess, you know, expressing my feelings with words.

Carmen: He was expressing his feelings with words.

Leo: Oh! At first we thought someone was sleepwalking

and just rambling crazy stuff. Carmen: [giggles]

Andy: Oh. Heh-heh.

No. It was me.

Mac Keroujack: Excuse me, fine fellow

early morning-rise appreciators!

Would you happen to know who was layin' down

that incredible string of words just now?

Carmen: You mean all that crazy stuff Andy was saying?

Mac: That was you, daddy-o!?

Andy: Uhhhh...yes? Carmen: [giggles]

Mac: This frog is a genius, baby!

[finger snaps] Carmen: Genius?

Mac: Yeah, man! [finger snaps]

Andy: And who are you exactly?

Mac: The name is Mac Keroujack, Daddy-O!

The beatnik poobah of the beat scene.

The knick-knack paddy-whack, give your daddy-o a bone.

Ya dig? Andy: Uuuuuuh...

Mac: I run the Hip Shack!

It's a small performance cafe,

where cool hip cats slam down raw poetry!

Ooh, and I gotta say, what I just heard

was some of the hippest, flippest,

rawest poetry ever!

Carmen: Wait, let me get this straight.

You think what Andy was saying was poetry?

Leo: And that it was...good?

Mac: Good? Do you know anything about beat poetry?

Carmen/Leo: No! Mac: Hmm--

Trust me when I say his poetry is better than good!

Oh, he is the new Prince of Beatniks!

Andy: But my friends thought it was just crazy talk.

Mac: Oh, you've got a way-gone gift, Andy.

And your friends?

They're living in Squaresville, man.

I would be honored if you would perform some of your

far-out poems at my cafe today!

Those cool cats down there would dig it, you dig?

Andy: Wow, me?!

Sure thing, Mac!

I dig sometimes, with a shovel.

Mac: Pure genius!

Here's the address.

Shuffle by, an hour?

Bring your Squaresville friends too.

Hm, hm! I dig with a shovel...

Oh, that is so deep, baby!

Andy: Wow...Andy, Prince of Beatniks!

Leo: Do you even know what a beatnik is?

Carmen: And what's beat poetry?

Andy: And--where are we!?

Carmen: Let's see if Magic Globe can help.

Magic Globe: Sure thing, kids!

Today we're in the city of San Francisco,

located in the state of California,

in the United States!

San Francisco is an amazing city

with a history of being at the forefront of new thinking.

From the hippie flower-power scene,

to current high-tech innovations,

it even built one of the earliest chocolate factories

in the United States!

Andy: Chocolate! [drooling]

Magic Globe: Thinking differently is what gave birth

to the beatnik scene and beat poetry over years ago.

One way beatniks expressed themselves

was through beat poetry.

It was passionate and wild,

and sounded way different from other poetry.

Beatnik culture isn't as widespread

as it was years ago,

but it still holds an honored place

in the San Francisco scene.

Andy: Wows-ville, man.

Carmen: What about all that strange talking?

Leo: Like "dig it" and "Daddy-O"?

And why are Carmen and I from "Squaresville"?

Magic Globe: [giggles] Well, if beatniks think you're cool,

they call you Daddy-O,

and to see if you understand or appreciate something,

they say "Ya dig?"

But you definitely don't want to be from Squaresville,

because that means you really don't get it,

and are a bit uptight. Ya dig?

Carmen: Oh, yeah, we dig.

Magic Globe: [giggles] Well, I hope that helps.

Enjoy San Francisco, kids!

Kids: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Carmen: Well, I don't want to be from "Squaresville".

I wanna learn more about beatniks and beat poetry.

Leo: Yeah, I want to "dig--it"?

Andy: Well, good thing you have the Prince of Beatniks here.

I can't wait to get to the Hip Shack and perform my--

Wait a minute! I don't have any poems!!

I can't even remember one word I said this morning!

[gasps] Wait! Maybe if I concentrate

on the sun rise, I'll get inspired again!

Look, here it comes now!

Carmen: Wait, that's... not the sun!


Kids: Luna!

Luna: Whaaaa!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddya you say! ♪

Luna: Whaaaa!Andy: ♪ Luna! Bright as day

Luna: Whaaaa!Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the wa-- ♪



Luna: Sorry, kids!

How's everyone doing today?

Andy: Luna! We met this guy Mac Keroujack

and he's a beatnik and he says I've got genius talent

for beat poetry, Daddy-o!

And he wants me to perform at his hip shack today!

Luna: That sounds great, Andy.

Andy: No, it doesn't because I don't have any poems, Luna!

I don't know anything about beat poetry!

I don't even remember the stuff I said!

Luna: Calm down there, Daddy-O!

Mac Keroujack is a friend of mine

and an excellent judge of talent!

He must really see some promise in your beat poetry

to invite you to perform.

Andy: But I don't have any poems ready. I mean,

maybe if I was more like a beatnik,

I'd fit into their scene and say some more cool stuff.

Luna: Well, I knew lots of beatniks in the day,

and I also have--this!

Kids: Beatnik for Beginners?

Andy: That's perfect! If I get more beatnik-y,

I'll be able to come up with more genius poetry!

Carmen: We want to learn from it too.

Andy: Well, we better get started!

♪ [smooth jazz music]

♪ Well if I wanna be a beatnik, then I gotta be cool. ♪

♪ Gotta walk the kind of walk

♪ That I never learned in school. ♪

♪ There's poetry inside me, that's all I gotta know. ♪

♪ I think that I think that I can dig it, daddy-o! ♪

♪ You know I gotta wear black, ♪

♪ shades day and night.

♪ Kick off my shoes, don't wanna be uptight. ♪

♪ We're livin' in a world that is really outta sight. ♪

♪ I sense that you sense that I can dig it just right. ♪

♪ If I wanna be a beatnik, gotta pound some bongo drums. ♪

♪ Gotta get the rhythm goin' with my fingers and my thumbs. ♪

♪ You know that San Francisco is the place I gotta go. ♪

♪ I feel that I feel that I can dig it daddy-o! ♪

♪ Squaresville's out, Coolville's in. ♪

♪ Grow a goatee on my chinny-chinhin. ♪

♪ I gotta listen to the beat, beatin' deep down within. ♪

♪ I'm the hippest little froggy that there's ever ever been. ♪

♪ Well, if I wanna be a beatnik, gotta free up my mind. ♪

Carmen/Leo: ♪ Free up your mind!Andy: ♪ Look inside and find a cool ♪

I never thought I'd find ♪

♪ From the top of my beret, to the tappin' of my toe. ♪

Kids: ♪ I know that I know that I can dig it, daddy-o! ♪

[street traffic sounds]

♪ [soft bongo drums beating]

Guy : [gasps] That's him!

The hip cat Mac was talkin' about!

Guy : Is it really him!? Guy : It must be him!

I heard he digs with a shovel! Woman: Prince of Beats!

Guy : Dig how cool he is!

[crowd snapping fingers]

♪ [soft bongo drum beat]

Andy: Goatee,



beaaaaaat niiiiiiiikkkkk...

Crowd: [confused murmuring] Woman: ...shovel somethin'...What? Is that genius?

I don't think that's genius.

Heckler: He's no prince!! He's not even a daddy-o.

He's a daddy-NO!

Crowd: [mocking laughter]

Andy: Who am I kidding? Mac made a mistake.

I don't know beat poetry.


Mac/Andy: Ooof... [crash]

Andy: Oh no!

Mac: Whoa, little genius.

Why aren't you on stage?

Andy: Mac, I don't know beat poetry.

I don't have anything cool to say about anything.

Mac: Whoa, whoa, no way, Daddy-O.

It's cool that you took on the look of the beatnik.

But being a beatnik and doing beat poetry

is more than a beret and goatee.

It's about how you feel!

Andy: I guess I'm not feeling anything right now.

Mac: That's because you haven't found

your inspiration yet!

Andy: Inspiration?

Mac: Inspiration is feeling crazy excited

about something! Like you felt this morning!

Then you just let the words

floooooowwwww. Ya dig?

Andy: Yes, I do dig,

but what do I dig that much?


[gasps] Hot Chocolate!

Steamy! Tasty!

Goodness! Yummy!


Mac: Ah, I can dig it.

You're groovin' on the hot chocolate.

Now take that inspiration and flow, Daddy-O.

Andy: I dig it.

Mac: With a shovel, little genius.

Crowd: [confused murmuring]

- This guy again? - What's he doin'?

Andy: [nervous laughter] [Mac snaps fingers]

[slurps and gulps]

[finger snap]

Luna: Oh! ♪ [soft bongo beat]

♪ [soft bongo beat]

Andy: Dig! Ode to Hot Chocolate.

Rich dairy goodness running down my face.

The bean calls to mouth.

Ca-Cao! Ca-Cao!

Open the gates to tasty wonders.

The warmth rockets to my mind.

Sweet chocolate dreamscape,

envelopes my thoughts.


yummy-yum yummy.

Hot chocolate, Daddy-O!

Heckler: Young Prince of Beatniks,

I truly dug that--

--with a shovel. [snapping fingers]

[snapping fingers]

Mac: Oh, Fantastic-cool, my man.

You are not only the Prince of Beatniks,

you are truly a beat poet.

And you two, heh,

definitely caught the train outta Squaresville.

You are officially Daddy-O's too.

Carmen: Thanks, Mac.

Mac: Now, whaddya you say we all get

some hot chocolate!

Carmen/Leo/Mac: Creamy-steamy-dreamy,

yummy-yum yummy.

Andy: We should see if Luna wants some too!


Luna, are you out here?

Want some hot chocolate?

Luna: Up here, Andy!

I already had a big mug of it!

Andy: Wow, I really dig beat poetry and beatniks.

I had no idea about their history

here in San Francisco.

But, I bet there's way more to dig about this city!

Luna: There's more to dig everywhere we visit,

but remember, there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling theme song] [finger snapping]

Andy: Hi! It's Andy with a song called Sacramento,

about people coming to California

years ago,

hoping to find gold and a new life!

♪ [soft guitar music] Yo, boys, yo! ♪

♪ For Califor-ni-o!

♪ There's plenty of gold, So I've been told, ♪

♪ On the banks of the Sacramento ♪

♪ Sing and shout and shout and sing, ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, Hoo-dah.

♪ Bang on a pot or any old thing. ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, hoo-dah day.

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Yo, girls, yo!

♪ For Califor-ni-o!

Andy: ♪ We'll dance and sing 'Til the mountains ring ♪

♪ On the banks of the Sacramento ♪

♪ We sailed right up along the coast ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, Hoo-dah,

♪ Lookin' for the place we love the most ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, hoo-dah day.

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Yo, boys, yo!

♪ For Califor-ni-o!

Andy: ♪ We'll be there soon A' singin' this tune ♪

♪ On the banks of the Sacramento ♪

♪ We came upon a redwood tree ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, Hoo-dah,

♪ Biggest living thing we ever did see ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, hoo-dah day

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Yo, girls, yo!

♪ For Califor-ni-o!

Andy: ♪ Trees so high They touch the sky ♪

♪ On the banks of the Sacramento ♪

♪ Work all day in the hot, hot sun ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, Hoo-dah,

♪ Dance all night when the workin's done ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, hoo-dah day

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Yo, kids, yo!

♪ For Califor-ni-o!

Andy: ♪ There's plenty of fun In the land of the sun ♪

♪ On the banks of the Sacramento ♪

♪ Well, mining gold is mighty grand ♪

♪ Hoo-dah, Hoo-dah,

♪ But mightier still is our love for the land ♪

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Hoo-dah, hoo-dah day!

Carmen: Hilly Nilly!

[wind whooshing]

I love where the Circo is today!

Just big wide-open flatness.

Yup...flat, flat, flat!

Flat is where it's at!

Honey: Hills!

Carmen: Honey? Hills?

What's going on?

Honey: Wheeeeeee!

The trailer's parked on the steep hill,

isn't it awesome?!

Carmen: No, it is not awesome!

Oh, you're right!

The whole Circo is on a hill!

Hills are the worst!

Honey: Carmen, why are hills the worst?

Carmen: Hills go up and down, Honey.

You're either struggling,

climbing up a hill,

or out of control rolling down a hill.

And when you add fog to it,

you can't see what's at the bottom of the hill.

It could be a...

Andy: Hilly Fog Monster!

Andy/Leo: Wooooooooooo!

Carmen: [shriek] Aaaahhhh!

Andy/Leo: [giggling] Leo: Hi, Carmen.

Andy: What's up?

Carmen: Can't you see what a big mistake this is?

The circo is supposed to be in a city,

not on some crazy, foggy hill.

Magic Globe: Actually, Carmen, we are in a city,

one of the hilliest cities in the world!

The American city of San Francisco,

in Northern California.

Carmen: But it's so impractical to put a city on so many hills.

How does anyone get around?

Magic Globe: Well, in the old days

you mostly got around by boat,

or walking, or riding a horse.

But then, in the 's,

Mr. Andrew Hallidie adapted

a mining car that ran on cables

to carry people up and down the hills

and get people where they wanted to go.

He called it "the cable car"

and you can still ride cable cars in San Francisco today.

Andy/Leo/Honey: Wow, cable cars!

Carmen: But Magic Globe,

San Francisco can't all be hilly...

Magic Globe: Well...uh...

Honey: I love hilly and crooked!

Magic Globe: Well, Honey, if you love hilly and crooked,

then you're in luck because San Francisco is home

to one of the crookedest streets in the world!

It's called Lombard Street!

You should definitely check it out.

Honey: We will, Magic Globe! Can you give us directions?

Magic Globe: What am I? A GPS?

Here's a map!

Honey: Yay! I love maps!

Magic Globe: [giggles] Have fun in the hills

of San Francisco, kids!

Andy/Leo/Honey: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Carmen: We are not going to some hilly street

called Lombard Street.

Honey: I found it! It's right there.

Carmen: Let me see that. Honey: Hey!!

Carmen: There must be flat streets here somewhere.

Here! A flat area and a nice museum to visit.

Looks like we can take mostly flat streets to get there.

Honey: Boooorrrrrinnnng.

I wanna go to Lombard Street. Carmen: Museum!

Honey: Lombard Street! Carmen: Museum!

Andy: Gee, Leo, what would you like to do today?

Leo: Nice of you to ask, Andy.

Honey: I said Lombard Street! Carmen: Nice museum!

[horn honking] [creaking]

Luna: C'mon, Dilly, you can do it!!

Luna: Hi, kids!

All: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddya say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hey, everybody, I want you to meet my good friend Dilly!

Dilly: Pleasure to meet y'all.

They call me Hilly Dilly.

I'm originally from Philly.

Honey: Mr. Hilly Dilly from Philly,

did you just push that car all the way up the hill?

Dilly: Awww, it wasn't hard, little cupcake.

Anything for my friends Luna and Petunia!

Andy: Petunia?

Luna: Petunia's my car I used to drive

around San Francisco in the 's.

Dilly stored her in his garage this whole time

and got her started for me again.

She needs a tune up, and is a little dirty,

but I still love her-- [crack!]

Anyway... Carmen: Luna,

aren't you scared of driving up and down

all these steep San Francisco hills?

They give me the willies.

Dilly: Little butterfly, don't let the hillies

give you the willies. I love the hillies!

Sometimes I get what I call the hilly-sillies!

In fact, I like my mashed potatoes hilly-silly,

I like my hair hilly silly,

and I even like my belly-welly hilly-silly.

Carmen: But, Mr. Dilly,

I don't like the hilly-sillies.

I like the flatty-watties.

Dilly: Flatty-watties?

That's so saddy-waddy-fo-faddy.


Okay, now I must be off to work.

Luna: Can I drop you off anywhere, Dilly?

Dilly: No thanks, Luna. I love walking the hills!

Hooo-heee ha-ha!

All: Bye, Dilly!

Luna: All right, who wants to go for a ride in...


Carmen: Actually, Luna, we were just talking about

taking nice flat streets to a museum.

Andy: We? Honey: WE were not!!

WE were talking about going to Lombard Street.

Luna: Yay, I love Lombard Street.

Carmen: Well, I have the map. I say,

we are going to the museum.

Honey: But Magic Globe gave ME the map,

and I say we are going to Lombard Street.

Luna: Okay, okay, let's figure it out on the way.

Andy: Well, Leo, since Carmen and Honey are making

all the decisions, it looks like today is gonna be...

Andy/Leo: ...Ladies Day.

Luna: Okay...away we...

[car breaks screech!]

Hold on! [motor revving]

Go! Whoaaa!!

Here's one of the rows of beautiful Victorian houses

they call the "Painted Ladies."

Andy/Leo: Oooohhh, Painted Ladies!

Carmen: It looks like if we take the next right,

we can get to the museum by flatter streets.

Honey: That's not the way! Go left!!


Carmen: No! Turn around! [car screeches]

Honey: Go left!

Andy/Leo: Whooaaa!

Carmen: Go right! [car screeches]

Andy/Leo: Whooaaa!

If we go through this tunnel,

we should come out in a flat area.

Honey: This is ridiculous!!

Luna, turn left here!

[car screeching] [cars honking]

Andy/Leo: Whoaaa!

Honey: Gimme! Carmen: You gimme!

Carmen/Honey: The map! [car screeching]

Now you've done it!

Luna: Uhhhhhhh...hey, folks.

Carmen: Don't do it, Luna!

Luna: I can't turn around, it's a one-way street.

Honey: Go for it, Luna!

Luna: C'mon, Petunia. You can do it!

[motor revs!] C'monnnnn, Petuniaaaaa!

Carmen: I don't think she's gonna make it, Luna.

[Petunia panting]

[Petunia hisses]

Luna: Uh-oh. All: Aaaaaaaaah!


[tires squealing]


[Petunia gasps]

Andy: Well, this is my stop.

Leo: Mine too.


[sirens sounding]

Beavers: [humming]


Luna: Bye, Petunia. Get well soon.

Carmen: [sighs] Well, this is just great.

We lost our map, Petunia is in the hospital,

and we're stuck in the middle of all of these hills!

Now I'll never see my museum.

Honey: Yeah and I'll never see Lombard Street.


Dilly: Someone need a lift?

All: Dilly!

Luna: Boy, are we glad to see you!

Andy: You're a cable car driver, Mr. Dilly?

Dilly: Sure am!

Honey: Mr. Dilly, can you take us to Lombard Street?

Carmen: Actually, we're trying to get to a museum

in a nice flat area.

And I'm not even sure this cable thingy is safe

on these steep hills.

Dilly: Ah, Miss Flatty-Watty.

These cable cars have been safely shuttling people

up and down these hills for over a hundred years.

I assure you they are safe. Carmen: Hmmmf!

Dilly: Everyone have a seat and let's go!

Coming, little butterfly?

Carmen: I don't like hills, cable cars,

or San Francisco.

Dilly: ♪ Climb aboard,

♪ have a seat,

♪ Take a mighty heavy load off your feet, ♪

♪ Check the view,

♪ It's time,

♪ We've got a hill we're longing to climb, ♪

♪ See the bridge,

♪ See the bay,

♪ Gravity won't get in our way. ♪

Carmen: ♪ I know but I'm wonderin' why, ♪

♪ These hills have to be so high! ♪

Dilly: ♪ San Francisco is in my heart, ♪

♪ The whole city is a work of art, ♪

♪ Trusty tracks take you here to there, ♪

♪ But no matter where you twist and turn, ♪

♪ There's beauty everywhere.

♪ Round and round, up and down, ♪

♪ Through the streets,

♪ my kind of town,

♪ Up we go, hang on tight,

♪ On a breeze, float like a kite. ♪

Dilly/Carmen: ♪ Look at us, we can fly,

♪ We're riding on a cable car to the sky. ♪

♪ Highs and lows,

♪ Who cares, I'd rather be here, ♪

♪ Than any other hilltop anywhere. ♪

♪ [ding-ding]

♪ [ding-ding]

♪ [ding-ding]

Dilly: Well, little butterfly, what will it be?

A nice museum on flat ground, or Lombard Street?

Carmen: Hmmmmmmm, I think I'm feeling--

Lombard Street!

All: Yayyyy! Dilly: Then, this is your stop!

[ding ding ding]

All: Yay!! Bye, Dilly!

Carmen: Thank you for your help!

Dilly: You bet, little butterfly.

♪ Goodbye, willies, hello hilly-sillies! ♪

All: [gasp] Woooooaaaahhhh!

Lombard Street!

Luna: Whoa, it's windy up here!

Carmen: Honey! Luna: The wind has her!

Whoa, whoa! Kids: Luna!!

Luna: Whoaaa! [boing boing]

Carmen: We have to catch her! Quick, grab those bikes!




All: Aaaahhhh!

Honey: Faster, Carmen!

Carmen: I'm trying!

Luna: [boing boing bam] Sorry!

Driver: Hey, who turned off the lights?

Luna: Whoooaaaa!

Uugghh! Andy: Luna! Luna, are you okay?

Luna: I think so.

Carmen: That....was...

...amazing! Wooo-hoooo!! Honey: Yeah!

Carmen: Honey, I'm sorry I got so cross with you.

Honey: I'm sorry too.

Flat or hilly, it was all so silly.

Carmen: [gasps] We're here!

This is the museum I've wanted to go to all day!

Luna: The "Cable Car Museum"?

Carmen: Huh? Aw, it's closed!

Can we come back on another day?

Dilly: Well that would be just silly, when you have ol' Dilly!

All: Dilly!

Andy: Wait, you run the museum too?

Dilly: You betcha! C'mon,

I was just about to lock up, but I can give one more tour.

Carmen: Isn't this the best, Luna?

Luna: It sure is!

Carmen: Luna, thank you for our amazing day.

Guess it turns out I like hills after all.

Luna: And cable cars and San Francisco!

Carmen: Yes, Luna, all of it!

Are there more hilly things

to do here in San Francisco?

Luna: Sure!

But as I like to say, there's always tomorrow!

♪ [whistling theme song]

♪ [whistling theme song] ♪ [streetcar dinging]

♪ [theme music]