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02x21 - Lights Out!/The Wrong Clothes

Posted: 01/19/24 19:34
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world

and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

[whistling theme song]

Leo: Lights Out!

[Alarm clock ringing]

Fabuloso: [yawns loudly]

Oh, I am so well rested!

Oh! Why, Señor Fabuloso,

you just woke up,

but you look so fantastic!

How do you do it?

Well, it all starts out

with cozying into bed

at a reasonable time

with my favorite book...

"Counting Fluffy Hats".

But I wouldn't be able to read my book

and doze off into restful slumber

without my rare

"Snoozetastic Reading-Lamp Hat",

handmade for me, one-of-a-kind.

This hat is the real secret!

Now, if you'll excuse me.


Andy: Coming in for the catch!

Gotcha! Heads up Leo!

Leo: I got it!

Oh no! - Aaaah!

[ka-boing] Old Giraffe: Ehh...


Fabuloso: Aaaaaaah... Ahhhh!

[relieved sigh]



Leo: I'm sorry!

Fabuloso: Look what you did to the batteries of my hat!

Leo: Hat?! Fabuloso: Yes!

My rare "Snoozetastic Reading Light Hat"!

Without its light, I cannot read my book,

and without my book, I cannot fall asleep!

Leo: Can't we get more batteries or just plug it in

to something for electricity?

Fabuloso: No! This hat only takes

very rare Z batteries

and who knows what kind of electricity is here?

I don't even know where we are!

Carmen: Well, maybe Magic Globe can help.

Magic Globe: I sure can, Carmen!

Today we are in the city of Dubrovnik,

located in the country of Croatia!

My ears are a-buzz with all this

talk of electricity, because--

--one of the world's greatest inventors

when it comes to electricity was born not too far from here.

Nikola Tesla!

Nikola Tesla's most famous

invention was the Tesla Coil,

designed to bring electricity to all sorts of things

without the use of wires.

Leo: That's just what we need.

Could Nikola Tesla help us

get Señor Fabuloso's hat shining again?

Magic Globe: Sorry, Leo,

Nikola Tesla did most of his work

over a hundred years ago.

He's no longer with us,

but there's still a lot to learn

from his great inventions and ideas.

Have fun in Dubrovnik, Croatia!

Fabuloso: Fun? I'm already tired

just thinking about the sleep

I will lose tonight.

Leo: I'm sorry, Señor Fabuloso.

We'll get your hat working again.

Carmen: Maybe there's an electronics store

here in Dubrovnik that carries Z batteries.

It's worth a try.

Leo: Great idea! Come on!

We'll be back soon, Señor Fabuloso!

Fabuloso: Ok, I'll be in my room...

in the dark.

Andy: Dubrovnik sure is beautiful!

Luna: Whoaa!!


Kids: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and-- Whoa! Luna: Ahhhh!

Luna: Aaaaahhh!Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day! Luna: Woaaaaah!

Kids: Show us the world, lead the way!

Luna: Oh. Hey, friends!

Andy: Hey, Luna! Where'd you get that

sweet electric skateboard?

Luna: Right here at this electronics store.

Leo: We were just looking for

an electronics store to solve our problem!

Luna: Problem?

Leo: I accidentally fried the batteries

in Señor Fabuloso's special reading light hat!

Luna: Hoo boy!

Leo: Excuse me, Mr. Electronics Shopkeeper?

We realllly need some Z batteries.

Would you happen to have some?

Shopkeeper: Z batteries?

[stifled laugh]


Do I have Z batteries?


[hysterical laughter]


[SLAM] [fading laughter]

Luna: Hmmm. I have a sneaking suspicion

he doesn't have any Z batteries.

Leo: What do we do now?

All: Hmmmmm...

Leo: Hey! Do you guys remember

when Hockbar gave us a science class

on generating electricity?

Carmen: That's right!

We learned all sorts of cool stuff!

Andy: Hey, yeah!

We can try some of those experiments!

Leo: C'mon guys, there's more than one way

to power Señor Fabuloso's hat!

Luna: Whoooooaaaaaa!

Fabuloso: What are you doing, young Chockers?

Leo: Wiring up your hat, Señor Fabuloso.

If my calculations are correct,

you'll be drifting off into peaceful slumber in no time.

Fabuloso: I hope you're right.

Leo: Ready out there?

Luna: Ready, Leo!

Thanks for doing this, Mr. Squeaks!

Mr. Squeaks: Squeak!


Fabuloso: [gasp]

I think it's working!

Uh, one fluffy hat...


[reading faster] Hm. Onefluffyhat!

Hm. Onefluffyhat! Onefluffyhat!

Grrrrrrrrr. What is going on?

I cannot even get to two fluffy hats!

Mr. Squeaks: [panting]

Aaaaaaaah! Luna: [gasp]

Mr. Squeaks! Mr. Squeaks: Squeeeek!!

Leo: Back to the drawing board.

Fabuloso: [groaning] Aaaaiiieee...

Leo: Good Morning, Señor Fabuloso!

Sorry our experiment

didn't work yesterday.

But tonight, we have a brilliant

new plan to power up your hat!

Andy: Yeah, this one will work.

Watch! Leo: [giggle]

Fabuloso: I don't get it.

Andy: Well, if one balloon rub

can produce a tiny electric spark,

then a whole bunch of balloon rubs should create

enough energy to power your hat!

[squeaking sounds]

Leo: Ready?


[KA-ZAP!] Fabuloso: Aaaaahhhhh!

[delirious groan] Aaaiii....

Carmen: Good morning, Señor Fabuloso!

We've got a new idea,

and this time, it's going to work.

Hit it, Leo!

Leo: Don't worry, Señor Fabuloso!

Third time is the charm.

[grunting] Hhhnnnn!!!

Fabuloso: [gasps] I think something is happening!

Leo: Hhhnnnn!!! Whoaa!

Fabuloso: I see light... Ahhh!!!

Leo: Ahhhh! Fabuloso: Aaaaahhhhh!


Leo: I feel awful.

None of our ideas are working.

We're really nothing like Nikola Tesla.

Luna: Awww, Nikola Tesla.

I miss that guy.

Leo: Wait, Luna, you knew Nikola Tesla?

Luna: Sure! He was born not too far from here.

Leo: Well, we could sure use someone like him

right about now.

If we had just a little of his genius,

we could power up that hat.

Luna: Hey! I have a friend who runs

the Tesla Birthplace Museum

here in Croatia! Maybe he could help?

Leo: That's a great idea Luna!

Can you take us?

Luna: Sure thing! Come on everybody!

Here we are. The Tesla Birthplace Museum!


Marko: I don't know why that did not work...

Luna: Well, look who we have here!

Long time no...see?

Marko: Maybe if I did the "zzz". Luna: Z?

Marko: Or maybe "zap" and then the "pop"?

Luna: Hey! Marko! Marko: Aaaaagh!

Oh! Luna, hi!

Luna: Marko, I'd like you to meet Leo, Carmen, and Andy.

Kids: Hi, Mr. Marko!

Marko: Hey, kids! What brings you

to the Tesla Birthplace Museum?

Leo: Well, I fried the batteries

of the reading-light hat

of the leader of the Circo,

and it only takes Z batteries and...

Marko: Oy, Z batteries. I can never find those.

Leo: Yeah, so we've been trying

other ways to power the hat,

but nothing seems to work.

Marko: Well, I think if the person using it

is only used to batteries,

the best way to power it is without any wires.

Leo: Without any wires?

Marko: Sure, with a Tesla coil.

Leo: Oh yeah, the Magic Globe talked about those.

Where can we find one?

Marko: There's one right inside the museum.

Here it is...

...The Tesla Coil!

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Wow...

Leo: Can it really power electronics without wires?

Marko: Sure can! See?

All: Cool...

Chorus of Light Bulbs: ♪ Electricity!

♪ Power!

♪ Light!

♪ [playful music]

Marko: ♪ Back in

♪ Electricity was fun

♪ It was new, and it was cracking, ♪

♪ It was rare.

♪ And Tesla, not to be outdone, ♪

♪ Had recently begun

♪ Sending electricity

♪ Through the air!

♪ How did he do it?

♪ Said "Nothing to it!"

♪ He made a Tesla coil

♪ Zip, Zap, Zoom!

♪ Put power through it,

♪ Next thing you knew

♪ It had turned on a light bulb ♪

♪ from across the room

Chorus of Light Bulbs: ♪ Yes, he turned on a light.

♪ From way across the room

Marko: ♪ Tesla's invention

♪ Got some attention,

♪ Thanks to the Tesla coil

♪ Now you're aware

♪ Tesla's a master.

♪ Better and faster,

♪ He made electricity

♪ Traveeeeeel

♪ through the aiiiiiiiir!

Pretty cool, huh?!

Leo: Amazing! This is it!

This Tesla coil will power

Señor Fabuloso's hat no problem!

Can we borrow it?

Marko: Well, I would let you borrow it, but it's too small.

In order to power a hat from a safe distance,

you're going to need a much bigger Tesla coil.

Leo: Oh.

Marko: And they take a long time to build.

The big one I built in the garage took me three years.

All: You built one? Marko: Yeah...

All: Whoa!!!

Leo: This thing is huge!

Marko: You guys can borrow it, if you can find a way

to get it to where you're going.

Luna: [out of breath panting]

Fabuloso: I can't believe it's come to this.


Marko: Set it down right there.


Here, Leo. Why don't you do the honors?

Leo: Thanks!

Consider Señor Fabuloso's

Reading light hat...fixed!

[powering up]

[powering down]

Leo: It's not working.

Marko: That's funny?


Mr. Squeaks: Squeak!

Marko: [chuckles] Mr. Squeaks!

You're the one causing the problem.

Mr. Squeaks: Squeak! Squeak!

Marko: Try it again, Leo.

[powering up] [buzzing]

All: Ooooh!

Fabuloso: [sobbing]

Oh, can it be?

My Snoozetastic Reading-light Hat is working!

[toothbrush buzzing]

[vacuum humming]Aaaah!

[chair vibrating]

Leo! You did it!

My hat works! You're a genius!

Leo: Actually, it's Mr. Marko here

and the great Nikola Tesla

who are the geniuses!

Fabuloso: Well, whoever is a genius,

I am grateful! Thank you!

Leo: Goodnight, Señor Fabuloso!

Fabuloso: [giddy excitement] [clears throat]

One fluffy hat...

Two fluffy--


Leo: And thank you, Luna.

Luna: You bet, Leo.

Leo: I'm glad we could fix Señor Fabuloso's hat,

and I wanna learn even more about Nikola Tesla's inventions

and Dubrovnik, Croatia!

Luna: There's more to learn wherever we visit,

but remember, there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling song] Fabuloso: [snoring]

Andy: Hi, it's Andy with some folklore from Croatia

about a flying horse named Orko.

[horse neighs]

It is said that Orko is a fairy horse,

who sometimes transforms

into other animals.

[dog whining]

[mouse squeaking]

Orko has been known to surprise

the occasional traveler.

[wings flapping] [horse neighing]

In this case a man named Ivan,

by swooping down and lifting him

high into the sky.

Ivan: Eeek!


This magical ride will only last until dawn,

but meanwhile, Ivan must hang on tight

as Orko climbs and soars.

Ivan: Ooooooaaaah! [horse neighs]

Andy: If Ivan can control Orko,

legend says, he can ride him anywhere!

Even far away to foreign lands.

Ivan: Oooooh!


Andy: But that rarely happens.

[horse neighs]

Ivan: Eeeeeh!

Andy: Most likely, Orko will fly wherever he wants.

And then simply throw Ivan off,

[breaking sound] Ivan: Uaaaah!


Andy: --to fall to Earth, back where he started.

Ivan: Uaaaah! [thud]

Andy: Stuck high up in a tree,

Ivan: [sobbing]


Andy: --wondering about the ups and downs and mysteries of life.

[birds chirping] Ivan: Uh?! Mmmh!

Andy: At least, that's what some people say.

[horse neighs] ♪ [playful music]

The End.

Andy: The Wrong Clothes.

Carmen/Leo: [giggle]

Carmen: There, that should do it.

Shhhhh! Here comes someone.

Croatian Cat: [humming]

Andy: Hi, wanna be my friend?! Croatian Cat: Aaaaagh!

Andy: Wait! I just wanna be your--


Beach lady: [GASP!]

Andy: Whoops, sorry!

You wouldn't happen to

want to be my friend, would you?

Beach Lady: Grrrrrrr!

Andy: It's no use.

I'm a friend-making failure.

Carmen: Andy, why are you working so hard

to make friends today?

I mean, you have us.

Leo: Yeah, we're your friends.

Andy: I know.

But I always make a point of making new friends

in every new place we go.

I've been trying all morning and nothing.

Maybe I've lost my friend-making touch.

Carmen: Aww, Andy, you haven't lost your touch.

Leo: Yeah, you're just in a minor slump.

But you still have all day to make friends.

Andy: You're right, Leo.

Maybe I can just start the day over.

From this point on, today is officially...

Andy's Brand New Friend-Making

Friendship Day...Version !

Carmen: That's the spirit, Andy!

Just don't get so busy with your new friends

that you miss tonight's Circo performance.

There's a new local act

that's supposed to be amazing!

Leo: You can bring your new friends

and we can all watch it together!

Kids: Yeaaah!

Andy: Let's go make some new friends!

Hey, everybody!!

[giggles] [splash!]

Who wants to be my friend?!

Swimmers: Ahhhhh!!!

Andy: Oh no! It's happening again!

[splash] Andy: [gasps!]

Kids: Luna!!!!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here whaddaya say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hey, kids!

I was just collecting Adriatic seashells.

Andy: Ah! Well, I'm trying to collect new friendships,

but not having much luck.

Luna: What do you mean?

You're so good at making friends!

Andy: Not anymore, Luna!

I'm losing my touch!

Luna: Don't panic, Andy.

Sometimes people from other places

have different ways of making friends.

In fact, it looks like there's an event starting over there!

Maybe it's a good friend-making spot.

C'mon, let's get changed and check it out.

Dog: [sniff-sniff]


[pinch!] Yeeeeeeeelp!


Andy: An event?

I wonder what kind of event...

Hey! Where are my clothes?!

I left them right here!

Oh, no.

How am I supposed to make friends without any clothes?

Luna: Andy, what's wrong?

Andy: My clothes are missing!

Carmen: What? Luna: Oh, no!

Carmen/Leo: Are you sure?

Andy: So, I thought, how can I make friends here

if I don't have any clothes?

And then I thought, hey,

I don't even know where here is!

Carmen: Maybe Magic Globe can tell us where "here" is!

Magic Globe: Sure, I'm an expert

on where 'here' is. [giggles]

Today we're in the city of Dubrovnik,

in the country of Croatia!

Dubrovnik is a beautiful place

full of interesting people.

Andy: Yeah, I'd like to make friends

with some of those interesting people

but it's been difficult!

Magic Globe: I can fill you in on some great ways

to make friends here in Dubrovnik!

For instance... [crowd cheering] can attend events in the town square,

like Kolo, a traditional Croatian folk dance!

Dancers wear beautifully embroidered costumes

and the music is fun and lively!

It's a great way to meet new people

because they encourage visitors to join in on the fun!

Have fun in Dubrovnik!

All: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Andy: I'm not going anywhere

until I find my clothes.

Friendship Day is over.

Leo: Don't worry, Andy.

We'll help you find your clothes.

Andy: Thank you.

Luna: I'll go check over near the water.

Carmen: I'll ask some seabirds if they've seen any clothes.

Leo: I'll roll aimlessly in the sand.


Andy: Only a miracle could save

"Andy's New Friend-Making

Friendship Day" now.

Vlado: Quickly everyone! Come get your clothes!

Andy: Get your clothes? Vlado: C'mon, everybody!

Time is wasting!

Come get your clothes, people!

Andy: [gasp] Someone's handing out free clothes?

A miracle!!!

Vlado: I need everyone dressed-- Andy: Yeah!

Vlado: --and ready to go!

Andy: Whoa! These are nice!

Huh?! Vlado: Okay, people,

let's get a move on!

It's-- [belly bump] showtime!

Andy: Aaaaagh!!!

Ooof! Huh?

Ahhhh! What's happening?!

Vlado: Yeeeessss!


I can feel the music, oh-oh-oh, in my belly!

Ha ha!

♪ [Croatian Kolo music]

Andy: Somebody, please help me!


Luna: Wait!

I think I hear Andy calling for help!


Andy: Help! Get me off this thing!

Carmen: Since when does Andy dance the kolo?

Leo: And why is he dressed like that?

Luna: We've gotta help him.


Andy: Wait! Didn't Magic Globe say

Croatian dancing is a good way to make friends?

Hello. Excuse me,

I'm new to Dubrovnik,

and I'm wondering if you'd like to be my--


Hi, my name is Andy...Wanna be my friend?

You look like a nice new friend...


Luna: Hey, Vlado! It's great to see you again!

Can you pause the music?

I think my friend is--

Vlado: Yes! Let's pick up the pace, people!

Let the music take you away!

Luna: Vlado?

♪ [fast Kolo music]

Andy: Ahhhhhhhh!

Luna: Don't worry, Andy, we're coming for ya!

Vlado: Everybody to the bus!

Andy: Wait! Where are we going?

Vlado: Hahaha... thank you everyone!

We are here every Thursday!

Keep dancing!

[bus engine starting]


Andy: Noooooooo!

Luna/Carmen/Leo: Wait, Vlado! Stooooop!


Carmen: Where do you think they're going?

Luna: I don't know, but I know Vlado well,

and as soon as he realizes Andy's on the bus,

I'm sure he'll bring him right back home to the Circo.


Andy: Urrrgh! Oof!

[chattering] What just happened?

Uhhhhhh...h-hey, guys!

I'm Andy.

I'm new here in town,

and wondered if-- we could be--friends?


Okay...I give up.


Even in a bus-full of people,

I can't even make one single friend!

And now, I don't even have

Luna, Carmen, and Leo with me!

I'm all alone.


♪ I'm looking for a new friend, ♪

♪ I wanna meet someone new today, ♪

♪ Somebody who gets my jokes,

♪ Somebody who listens to what I say, ♪

♪ And even when I mess up,

♪ Seems to like me anyway,

♪ I dance out of rhythm,

♪ Always stepping on everybody's toes, ♪

♪ Even though I'm with 'em.

♪ I'm the only one who no one knows. ♪

♪ When I'm lost and on my own

♪ Nothing's working out, I'm in a slump ♪

♪ In a crowd but all alone

♪ Falling on my face down in the dumps ♪

♪ Sometimes in a new place

♪ When I'm really just hoping to find my way ♪

♪ I start searching for the signs ♪

♪ of a smile on a friendly face ♪

♪ That says everything will be okay ♪

♪ 'Cause I wanna make a friend today ♪

Vlado: Hey! Andy: Ow! Huh?

Vlado: Who...are you?

And why are you on my bus?

Andy: I'm Andy. Let me explain.

You see, today was supposed to be Friend Making Day,

and suddenly my clothes were missing,

and then I hear you yell

[Imitating Vlado] "Come and get your clothes!"

[Andy's voice] And then all of a sudden

I'm dancing, and swinging around

and saying, "do you want to be my friend?

Do you want to be my friend?" And then--

Vlado: Wait, wait, wait young boy,

all of this happened

because you wanted to make new friends?

Andy: Yes?

Vlado: Why didn't you say so?

Andy! You came to the right place!

Andy: I did?

Vlado: Sure! Croatian dance is

all about making friends!

Andy: But, I tried to dance with you back there

and I was awful!

Vlado: Andy, I can teach you Croatian dance,

but it's not how good you are

that decides whether you make friends or not.

Look! [claps hands]

Attention Everyone!

I want you all to meet Andy!

Andy, this is... Marco, Baldo, Blago, Dinko,

Jozoz, Kreso, Kruno, Slavo, [inhales]

Ana, Lana, Marta, Nika, Jaka, Zlatka, Stella,

Urma, Vesna and, uh... Tim.

Vlado: Heh, heh! Andy!

These are your new friends.

And please!

♪ [fast Kolo music] Andy: Uh...

Vlado: Andy, my new friend,

by the end of this bus ride, will know all of the Croatian Kolo moves!

Andy: Aaaah! Vlado: Ha ha!



Luna: Do you see him anywhere?

Leo: No.

Luna: I'm sure Vlado is taking good care of him.

Carmen: But he's going to miss this new act.

I'm sure he wanted to see it.

Luna: [gasp] It's starting!

[drum roll]

Vlado: Welcome, everybody!! [crowd roars]

Luna: It's Vlado!!

Leo: Vlado's dance troupe is the new special act?

Then where's Andy?

Vlado: Who's ready for some... dancing?!

♪ [fast Kolo music] [audience clapping]

Andy: Ha-ha-ha! Yeah!!

Carmen: There's Andy!!

[stomping/clapping] ♪

Luna: Look at him go!

[crowd cheering]

Carmen/Leo: Yay! Andy: Hey Everyone!

Meet my new friends!

Luna: Hello!

You were all awesome out there!

Andy: Well, I'll catch up with you later!


Andy's Friend Making Friendship Day

was a huge success!

Leo: How did you do it?

And how did you learn that dance so fast?

Andy: Well, Vlado helped me make new friends,

and my friends taught me the dance!

Vlado: Andy! You were fantastic!

Andy: Thank you Vlado!

And thank you for all of your help today!

Vlado: If you ever want to dance again,

you are always welcome in my troupe!

Andy: You bet! [BOING!]

Vlado: Huuh! Andy: Aaaaaaahh!

Oooof! Luna: Boy, Andy,

you really turned things around today!

Andy: Oh, hi, Luna!

Yes! Dancing is a great way to make new friends.

Maybe if I keep dancing,

I'll make even more friends in Dubrovnik, Croatia!

Luna: Well, Andy, there's dancing and friend-making

wherever we visit!

But remember, there's always tomorrow!

♪ [whistling song] Andy: Good night, Luna!

Dog: [humming]

Andy: Hey!

♪ [theme music]