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02x18 - Mr. Precise/The Case of the Missing Cheese

Posted: 01/19/24 19:29
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world

and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

[whistling theme song]

Carmen: Mr. Precise!

I love this old clock!

Okay, wake up ducky.

It's twelve o'clock!

Time to pop out of your egg!


That's odd.

Is my clock broken?

Maybe it just needs winding.

[clickity clack]


I broke my wake up ducky alarm clock!

Can anybody fix this?

Somebody help me please!

Mr. Precise: --then I said, "But Ludvig,

quantum mechanics regards the flow of time

as universal and absolute!"

All: [laughter]

Fabuloso: I love quantum humor!

[laughter] Leo: You understood that?

Andy: [laughs] No.

Carmen: Hey, you guys...

Fabuloso: Carmen, I would like to introduce you

to our visiting local act.

Mr. Precise: Paavo Persnickety Precise,

or, Mr. Precise, for short.

Fabuloso: Mr. Precise will be gracing us

with his amazing act tonight.

Mr. Precise: Mr. Precise's

Super-Sized Precise Device!

Fabuloso: Yes! The one that's like a clock.

Can't wait to watch it. See you tonight.

Carmen: Like a clock?

Funny. I just broke my favorite clock.

Mr. Precise: Yes, your

Wake Up Ducky Deluxe Alarm Clock

with quadraphonic quacking.

Carmen: How did you know that?

Mr. Precise: I heard the spring break, an easy repair!

Carmen: You can fix it, Mr. Precise?

Mr. Precise: Of course. But I also want to

teach you how to fix it.

When you know how something works,

you can fix it yourself next time.

Carmen: Thanks, Mr. Precise!

Mr. Precise: But first, get ready to sing,

because Luna the Moon is coming.

Carmen: She is?

Leo: I don't see her anywhere...

Mr. Precise: , , , sing.

Carmen: Uhhhh, okay...

♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hey everyone!

Boy, you were right on time with the song!

Andy: Yeah, Mr. Precise

told us to start singing!

Luna: Oh...hi, Mr. Precise!

Mr. Precise: Good to see you again, Luna!

Carmen: Mr. Precise,

how did you get to be so good with time?

Mr. Precise: People take time and precision

very seriously here.

It's part of our culture.

Leo: Wait. Where is here?

Mr. Precise: Your global positioning device

will now answer your question.

Magic Globe: Right you are, Mr. Precise.

Today, we are in the city of Geneva,

located in the country of Switzerland.

And the country is known for precision!

Mr. Precise: Precisely!

Magic Globe: Precision is when something is exactly right.

Like when a Swiss train is exactly on time.

The Swiss take great pride in their precise machinery,

like clocks and watches.

There's even a famous flower clock,

right here in Geneva!

Have fun watching Mr. Precise's

amazing act, everyone!

All: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Carmen: So, what exactly is your act, Mr. Precise?

Mr. Precise: My act involves

an elaborate set of contraptions

working in perfect synchronicity

and ends with my spectacular dive

into a Swiss chocolate dessert

called Schokoladencreme.

Leo: That sounds like chocolate cream!

Mr. Precise: If the machinery is off

by one tiny nanosecond...

Mr. Precise gets flattened

like a Swiss Pancake.

Carmen: Uh, Mr. Precise?

Do we have time to fix my clock before your act?

Mr. Precise: Well, I arrived with precisely enough time

to construct my set.

But, if you promise to help me put it together,

we should have time to walk to

my workshop and fix your clock.

Carmen: I'll help with your set!

Andy: Yeah, me too! Leo: I wanna help!

Luna: I've got the afternoon free.

Carmen: Let's go fix my clock!

Geneva is beautiful, Mr. Precise.

Mr. Precise: Yes, it is.

Carmen: Hey, it's the flower clock

the Magic Globe was talking about!

Mr. Precise: Ah yes, it's :.

So the bus will go

[whoosh/honking horn]

Then the sprinklers come on... [sprinkles hissing]

...and then the bearded Tiger man

heads back from his lunch. [belch!]

Tiger: Excuse me!

Mr. Precise: And now we enter my workshop.

Please no ticking, tocking,

and especially no touching!

All: Whoa!!

Andy: Cool!

Mr. Precise: Now let's have a look at your clock.

When fixing a clock,

you need to know that there are

hundreds of pieces working together--

Andy: Ooooh, hey look!Mr. Precise: --in perfect precision.

Andy: Oh no!

[clock parts rattling] [loud clattering]


[clock parts rattling] [loud clattering]

Mr. Precise: Mr. Andy, perhaps you did not hear me

when I said in very precise language...


Andy: Sorry.

Mr. Precise: Now, where was I?

Oh yes! If you fix that one piece that broke,

everything in your clock will move back into sync.



Now, if you look closely,

it appears that your main spring is broken.


I'll simply replace the old mainspring...

there. [quack]

[click click] And...voila!

, , ...wake up ducky!

[quack! quack! quack!]

Carmen: Yayyy! Thanks, Mr. Precise!

Mr. Precise: You see, if you know how something works--

Carmen/Mr. Precise: --you know how to fix it!

Mr. Precise: Here, now you can wear it.

Carmen: Cool!

Mr. Precise: All right, let's go!

Ah, yes.

Precisely enough time to construct my set.

Carmen: That looks... complicated.

Mr. Precise: Not to worry!

Pay very close attention to my lead,

and I will show you every step in the exact order

it is meant to go.

♪ Every single tick and every solitary tock ♪

♪ Marks the passage of time on every watch and every clock ♪

♪ Exactly sixty seconds makes up every single minute ♪

♪ Every hour of the day has sixty minutes in it ♪

♪ Every turning gear and every springy spring, ♪

♪ Every ever-moving part is doing it's thing ♪

♪ Every breath I take

♪ Every gesture of my hand

♪ Is counting out the time like a conductor of a band ♪

♪ Tip-toeing forward from now to then ♪

♪ From morning to night to morning again ♪

From the sunny summer sun to Winter's ice

My whole wide world is perfectly precise.

♪ Every blink of an eye

♪ Every twinkle of my toes

♪ Every wiggle every waggle

♪ Every crinkle of my nose

♪ From the muckiest muck

♪ to sweet Springtime

♪ It's wonderful, beautiful,

♪ nonstop, everlasting time

♪ It's the time of my life

♪ It's tiiiiiiime!!


Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Woooooowwww!

Mr. Precise: Before the show starts,

we must check the consistency

of the schokoladencreme.

It must be thick enough to break my fall

from waaayyyy up on the highest platform.

Luna: We can take care of that, Mr. P!

Mr. Precise: Splendid.

Carmen: How can I help, Mr. Precise?

Mr. Precise: For you I have saved

the most important task of all.

This is the Controller-Clock.

It keeps time for the whole device.

When you hear this bell ding-a-ling-ling,

crank this lever no more than three times.

If you don't crank the correct number of times,

the machine will not be precise,

and there will be no schokoladencreme

to break my fall.

[splat sound]

But you won't let that happen.

Carmen: Heh--course not.

Fabuloso: Welcome, ladies and gentleman of Geneva!

Switzerland's very own--

Mr. Precise!

[crowd cheering] Carmen: Okay, here we go...

♪ [music] [clock clicking, clunking]

Carmen: Okay, bell rings, three cranks.

[clock clicking, clunking]

[bell ringing] Carmen: Aaahhh!!

Okay, three cranks.

, , ...cranks.

That wasn't so bad...

, , ...cranks.

Oh, that's too many cranks!!!

[machine rattles and clanks] Mr. Precise: Hmmm?

[device rumbles] [sproing!]

Carmen: Oh no!

Mr. Precise: What is happening?! The device is--

Not precise!!

Carmen: I broke the device, just like I broke my clock.

Wait a clock!

What was it Mr. Precise said?

Mr. Precise: Oh no!!!

Carmen: Okay, it looks like the mainspring's broken.

If I just take the good mainspring from my clock,

and replace the broken one in the controller-clock...

Mr. Precise: The schokoladencreme...

it's not coming out!!!

[device rumbles] [clock dings!]

Mr. Precise: Time's up!

Time for precision panicking!


Carmen: There! One!

Mr. Precise: Aaahhh!!!

Carmen: Two! Three!

Mr. Precise: Aaahhh!!!

[spludge!] [crowd gasps]

[squeegee, squeegee]

All/Crowd: [cheering] Yay!! Woooo!!!

Fabuloso: Eh?? Haha!! Andy: Woohoo!

Carmen: Yaayyy!!!

Mr. Precise!

Mr. Precise: Thank you, danke schon!

Carmen: Mr. Precise! I'm so sorry!

I messed up and almost ruined your whole act!!

Mr. Precise: Carmen, only someone with

precise knowledge of how a clock works

could have fixed my device

and saved the day as you did.

Carmen: I--I guess you're right!

Thank you for teaching me about clocks today, Mr. Precise.

Mr. Precise: My pleasure.

Pity, I should have liked to say goodbye to Luna.

Carmen: Oh...where is she?

Mr. Precise: The sun went down . seconds ago,

precisely when Luna goes back to the sky.

Carmen: Oh yeah!

See you later, Mr. Precise!

Mr. Precise: Goodbye, Carmen.

Carmen: Luna!

You're back in the sky, right on time!

Luna: Precisely!

Carmen: I'm glad I got to meet Mr. Precise today.

I had no idea so much precision

goes into how clocks work.

I feel like there's a lot more to learn here

in Geneva, Switzerland!

Luna: There's more to learn wherever we visit, Carmen.

Just remember, there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling theme song]

♪ [whistling theme song] [clock quack-ringing]

Carmen: Hi, it's Carmen with a folktale

told in many countries around the world,

but this version comes from Switzerland,

and it's called The Strange Ride.[deep horn blowing]

A man rode a donkey down the road,

while his young son walked alongside.

A farmer called to the man,

"Now I've seen everything.

What is wrong with you,

making your poor little son walk?

You're so much stronger!"

So, the man got down,

the boy climbed up, and on they went.

♪ [Swiss folk music]

♪ [Swiss folk music] [woman screaming]

Carmen: They walked a bit until

an old woman cried out to the boy,

"You should be ashamed of yourself!

You're young and fit and full of energy!

How come you get to ride?!"

So, down the boy climbed and all three walked on.

Father, son and donkey.


A few more miles down the road,

a small child laughed and said,

"You three are pretty strange.

It seems like someone should ride!"

So, the father and son lifted the donkey

and carried him down the road.


This is how ridiculous things get

when you try to please everybody.

The end.

Leo: The Case of The Missing Cheese

Wow, I just love cheese sandwiches!

Carmen: Yeah, Leo, your dad sure knows how to

put together a cheesy picnic!

Leo: I know! Cheese-o-licious!


Hmm?? Wait a second!

Is this--

Swiss cheese??

Andy: Uh-oh...there he goes again about Swiss cheese.

Leo: I love Swiss cheese so much,

but I never get a full piece!

You know why?

Andy/Carmen: Because it has holes in it.

Leo: Because it has holes in it!

Ever thought about why Swiss cheese has holes?

Carmen: Not really Leo.

Leo: I'll tell you why.

Because someone is stealing the cheese.

At this very moment,

someone is sneaking into

wherever Swiss cheese is stored

and swiping little pieces.

First, it's Swiss...

next it'll be cheddar,

and before you know it,

there will be holes

in every cheese!

Don't you understand?!

Whoever or whatever

is stealing Swiss cheese,

isn't just stealing from me,

it's stealing from the whole world!


Carmen: Speaking of the world,

I wonder where we are today?

Can you tell us Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Sure! Hey, kids!

Today we're in the city of Geneva,

located in the country of Switzerland!

Leo: Ah-ha!! Switzerland!

Tell us about the holes in Swiss cheese, Magic Globe!

Magic Globe: Well, Leo, here in Switzerland,

all kinds of food are enjoyed.

And cheese is an important part of Swiss culture.

But not all Swiss cheese has holes in it.

Leo: It doesn't?! Magic Globe: No, Leo.

There are many different types of cheese made here,

such as Gruyere and Appenzeller,

and technically they're all Swiss cheese,

because they're made in Switzerland.

But the one popularly known as "Swiss Cheese"

is actually called Emmental cheese.

Named after the Emmental Valley here in Switzerland.

Leo: Emmental Cheese?

Carmen: What else can you tell us about cheese here

in Switzerland, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Well, the Swiss enjoy all kinds of cheeses

in all kinds of ways!

One way is by melting it in a pot,

and eating it with bread!

Ah, this delicious dish is called fondue,

and it's perfect for sharing with family and friends!

Enjoy the cheese here in Geneva, Switzerland, kids!

Leo: Enjoy the cheese?

How are we supposed to enjoy the cheese,

when someone is swiping it?

I want cheese, not holes!

I can't eat holes!

I want my fair share!!

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this cheese-swiping mystery,

once and for all.

[bike bell ringing] Luna: Hi, Kids!

Just out for a bike ride in

beautiful Geneva, Switzerland!

Andy/Carmen: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do ya say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day!

Carmen/Andy: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hey, Leo!

That's a nice-looking slice of Emmental cheese you got there.

Leo: What's left of it.

Carmen: Leo thinks

because there are holes in his cheese,

that someone is stealing it.

Leo: And whoever's swiping it

is hiding it somewhere.

And I think it's here in Switzerland!

Can you help solve

the cheese-swiping mystery, Luna?

Luna: Hmmm! Cheese-swiping, eh?

Well, if someone or something

is leaving holes in Emmental cheese,

then I know just the right person to talk to.

She has a small cheese factory

in the Emmental valley.

Leo: Is she suspicious, Luna?

Luna: Suspicious?

Leo: Anyone or anyplace involved

with cheese is suspect, Luna.

Whoever is doing this

could be right under our noses.

Luna: Okay. Let's get going.

Her place is just a bike ride away

through the beautiful Swiss countryside.

Andy: Yeah! Carmen: Awesome!

Leo: [panting]

Luna: Hey, Leo, no need to pedal so fast.

Relax and enjoy the outdoors!

Leo: No time to relax, Luna!

I think this cheese person will solve our mystery.

She might even be the one

stealing the cheese and hiding it.

We've got to get there!

♪ [Swiss accordion music]

♪ Everyone can see

♪ There's a mystery

♪ Why is some cheese full of holes? ♪

♪ Every little scrap

♪ has a giant gap

♪ How it got there no one knows! ♪

♪ Did a thief with a spoon

♪ By the light of the moon

♪ Grab it, steal it?

♪ Could it be...

♪ That a tiny mouse

♪ snuck into the house

♪ Swiped it all from you and me? ♪

♪ On the hunt for missing cheese ♪

♪ Many possibilities

♪ Space invaders lurked about,

♪ Came and scooped it...out!

♪ Maybe a magician

♪ cast a strange condition

♪ An enchanted appetite

♪ Ghostly chomps and bites

♪ Some crafty squirrel

♪ squirreled it all away

♪ Stored it for a rainy day

♪ I really gotta find it

♪ No ifs, ands, or buts

♪ I must crack this cheesy case ♪

♪ Before it drives me nuts!

Luna: Here we are! My friend owns this place.

Mia's 'I Love Cheese Factory.'

Leo: Yeah, I bet she loves cheese.

She loves swiping it.


Mia: Can I help you??

Leo: Yeah! I'm looking for some--cheese?

Mia: Cheese?? I love cheese!!

Luna: Mia! Good to see you!

Mia: Luna!

My favorite cheese in the sky!

Luna: Everyone, meet Mia!

She's a cheese genius!

Mia, these are my friends, Carmen, Andy, and--

Leo: And me, Leo!

So, tell me...

you wouldn't happen to know anything about

missing cheese, would you??

Mia: Missing cheese??

Leo: You know, cheese with--


Mia: Holes?

Leo: Yes, holes.

Mia: Oh! Moo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

Yes, I'm very familiar with cheese holes.

Why don't you come inside

and I'll tell you all about

the wonderful world of cheese!

Welcome to my state-of-the-art cheese lab!

Andy/Carmen/Luna: Whooaaaa.

Mia: As you can see,

we take cheese very seriously!

Leo: Hmm--

no hole-shaped cheese pieces here.

Very, very interesting.

I'm onto you!

Leo: Listen, Mia, I'm looking for a specific cheese.

Cheese with... suspicious holes in it.

Mia: I know exactly what you are talking about!

Emmental cheese.

All: [gasp]

Mia: And this is a special prize-winning wheel!

It's very special to me!

Let's try some, shall we?

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Oooh!

Leo: Wait a sec...holes?

This Emmental Cheese

already has holes in it.

Which means--

that Mia is stealing cheese...

from herself!!

All right, Mia.

I've got you now.

I've got evidence!

Mia: Evidence of what, Leo?

Leo: The holes, Mia!

That someone is stealing the cheese

and leaving all these holes!

And now I know that someone

is you!!

Well, it's going to stop now, Mia!

The rest of the world will finally get

all the cheese it deserves!!


Mia: Leo, I'm not stealing cheese.

There is a perfectly logical explanation

for why Emmental cheese has holes.

Leo: There is?

What is it?

Mia: Simply put, Emmental cheese

is made from the milk of cows with holes in them.

Holey Cow: Mooooo.

Leo: Really?

Mia: No.

I'm just kidding you, Leo.

When I was your age,

I too wondered what was making

the holes in Emmental cheese.

But once I got into the cheese-making business,

I discovered there's nothing suspicious

about the holes at all!

Leo: Well then, what's making the holes?

Mia: Gas. [bloop]

Leo: Gas?

Mia: Well, some say that hay

causes the gas, but here,

look inside this unopened wheel of cheese,

the holes are already in there!

The holes are made by gas bubbles

from the Emmental cheese-making process.

That's all.

Leo: Wait, you mean to tell me

all this time I've been thinking it was someone's sneaky plan,

and it's just gas?!

I owe you a big apology, Mia.

Mia: It's okay, Leo.

It's normal for our imaginations

to come up with reasons for mysteries.

Now what do you say we slice

some more of this cheese

and its wonderful holes!

[clink] Whoops.



Oh! Oh, no!!

My prized wheel of Emmental cheese!!

Luna: Quick, let's grab our bikes and catch it!

Leo: Hurry! It's picking up speed!

Cow: [gasps] Aaahh!

Leo: Excuse us!

Look out, everyone!

Cheese! Incoming!

[bonk] [ker-splut]


[gasps] Oh, Mia,

your prized wheel of Emmental cheese!

It's melting!!

Wait, melted cheese?

Bread? Mmmmm.

It's fondue!

♪ [triumphant music]

Luna: Mia, your cheese is the hit of the town!

Leo: I'm sorry my whole cheese-swiping fiasco

got us into this mess.

Mia: That's okay, Leo.

You thinking of fondue

saved the day!

You know how much I love

sharing my cheese with everyone!

Besides, I can just make another

wheel of Emmental cheese,

and hopefully that one

will turn out as big

as my favorite cheese in the sky!

Luna: Mmmm, [chewing]

Leo: Luna, I know I got a bit carried away

with my ideas today,

thinking somebody was behind the cheese holes.

I never thought it could be just gas!

I guess trying to find out who was stealing it

was a little silly, huh?

Luna: Oh, Leo, it's never silly

to be curious about something.

Especially something as amazing

as cheese from Switzerland!

Leo: I'm curious about everything in Switzerland.

Luna: Well, there's more to learn about anywhere we go!

But remember...

there's always tomorrow!

♪ [whistling theme song]

♪ [whistling theme song] ♪[cheese bubbling]

♪ [whistling theme song] ♪[cheese bubbling][cow moo]

♪ [theme music]