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02x13 - Save that Pinata/Forever Folklorico

Posted: 01/19/24 19:21
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world

and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪</span>

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo </span>

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪</span>

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪</span>


♪ All around the world </span>

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go </span>

♪ All around the world </span>

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go </span>

[whistling theme song]</span>

Andy: Save that Piñata!

Carmen: Okay, make sure you get a lot of

papier-machée mixture on your paper strip

so it's nice and sticky.

Leo: It's already pretty--Hnnh!



Carmen: How's the piñata coming, Andy?

Andy: Let me see.

No, that's not right.

Carmen: Andy?

Andy: Ooh I like that color...

Carmen: Hey, Andy?

Andy: Huh? Oh! Hi, Carmen!

My amazing work of art is almost finished!

Carmen: [laughs]

Andy, it's called a "piñata".

You know, popular at parties,

especially here, where I'm from?

Andy: Pin-ya-tah, uh-huh.

Where you're from. I got it.

Leo: Where you're from?

Does that mean we're in Mexico City?

Hnnh! [twang!]

Carmen: Si, Leo! Leo: See what?

Carmen: 'Si' means 'yes' here in Mexico.

We speak Spanish here. Right, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Si, Carmen!

Today we are in Mexico City,

located in the country of... Mexico!

Mexico City is full of colorful

art like paintings and murals.

But also what Leo and Andy are working on...piñatas!

Piñatas are a Mexican tradition

and very popular at parties.

The Spanish word for "party" is "fiesta!"

Leo/Carmen: Fiesta!

Andy: I love the Magic Globe as much as the next guy,

but sometimes she can be a real chatterbox.


Magic Globe: Piñatas are decorative paper sculptures

of many shapes, sizes, and colors--

And filled with things like toys

and especially candy!

They are beautiful to display

but the real fun comes when you smash them open

and candy spills out for everyone to enjoy!

Have fun in Mexico City, kids!

Leo/Carmen/Hockbar: Thanks Magic Globe!

Carmen: Oh. Hi, Mr. Hockbar!

I didn't notice you standing there.

Hockbar: Well, I am sometimes unnoticeable, ok,

but this is me doing my final Hockbar-check to make sure

all is ready for the party after the show.

You know, the "fiesta".

Carmen: I made paper picados,

colorful Mexican banners!

Hockbar: Very festive, Carmen!

We will display them to and fro!

What about you, uh,

little blue Chockers boy?

Leo: Well, I made--


Hockbar: Ah.

okay, what uh, what is it, exactly?

Leo: Um, well--

it's supposed to be a piñata.

Hockbar: Splendid, Leo.

You are very talented at...uh--

Not this. And what about you, Andy?

Andy: And that works like that, and this...

Hockbar: Andy!!

Andy: Huh? Someone say something?

Hockbar: Your decoration for the party?

How is it coming?

Andy: Totally amazing!

Here! It's finished!

Hockbar: Fantastic, Andy!

Now that's what I call a piñata!

Andy: Well, I call it

"Andy's Extremely Amazing Work of Art."

Hockbar: Very good.

Too bad we'll all be smashing it to bits.

Okay, bye, everyone, see you later.

Andy: Wait, what?!

Did you say smash it to bits?!

Hockbar: Yes, yes, we uh

smash it to bits...with a stick.

Carmen: Yeah, Andy, what did you think?

Andy: I think you can't be serious!

It's my art!

Carmen: But, Andy, that's what we do with piñatas.

We whack 'em with a stick.

That's how we get out all of the delicious...

Andy: What? No! Leo!

You're on my side, right?

Who would wanna smash this beautiful artwork?

Leo: Well, I mean...

I would, Andy.

Andy: [gasps] Noooo!

You'll never come near my art

with your awful whacking sticks.


Carmen: Andy!!

Andy: Don't worry, precious work of art.

They can't all be in on it.

It's not like everyone wants to destroy you!

[chain saw cranking] Do they?

[chain say rumbling]

Andy: Uaaaaaaah!!! They do!

[chain say rumbling] Aaaaaah!




Oh no!!

Melvinis: Yabba, yabba, yabba. Andy: Ahhh!

[panting] Wolfgang: Whoa...

Carmen/Leo: Andy! Wait up!

Carmen: There he is!

Andy: [clears throat] Hola!

Carmen: Andy, it's okay!

Andy: I do not know this "Andy" you speak of,

who carries a precious work of art.

Keep away!


Luna: Hi, Andy!

Why are you cowering in a corner with a fake mustache?

Carmen/Leo: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Welcome to Mexico City, friends!

Andy: Hi, Luna, I'll just

stay over here if you don't mind.

Luna: What's wrong, Andy, you okay?

Andy: Everyone wants to ruin my work of art for fun, Luna!

Luna: Well, Andy.

What you have made there is what they call a Piñata.

Andy: I know, I know it's a piñata!

Luna: And it's a Mexican tradition!

The whole purpose of making a piñata is

to hit it with a stick.

Andy: What? Not you too, Luna!


Luna: I thought Andy liked candy?

♪ [mariachi music]

Andy: ♪ A piñata is fun, let's enjoy it ♪

♪ Stop! Don't destroy it!

♪ A piñata's a Mexican work of art, ♪

♪ Don't smash it apart!

♪ It took me a long time to make it, ♪

♪ What are you doing? Don't break it! ♪

♪ Why do you have to attack it? ♪

♪ It's my piñata, don't whack it! ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no, my piñata! ♪

♪ What are you doing that for?

♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, my piñata! ♪

♪ It will shatter for sure!

- Aha! Andy: Uaaaaaah!


♪ Really, put down your sticks and don't smack it! ♪

♪ Leave my piñata alone!

♪ It's my piñata, don't whack it! ♪

♪ Leave my piñata alone!

Hockbar: Okay, is everybody ready for fiesta time?

Crowd: Yay!!

Andy: Ahhhh, keep your fiesta away from my piñata!!

Hockbar: Ahhh, Mister Hopper...

still not sharing your piñata with the party, huh?

Andy: No way, it's mine!

You can't destroy it.

[deep breath]

[gasps] Wow, that cake is so beautiful!

It's more than a cake, it's a work of art!

Wolfgang: Aw thanks, wanna be the first to try it?

Andy: Wait. What?!

You're gonna let people eat it?

Wolfgang: What's a cake for?

Andy: But you worked so hard on it.

It'll ruin your masterpiece!

Wolfgang: Young Hopper, some art is meant to be temporary.

Part of the joy of making it is sharing it with others.

Go ahead, have a slice.

Andy: [chomping] Mmmm.

Wolfgang: See, this cake is kind of like your piñata.

Sure, you worked hard on it, and it's sweet to look at,

but it'll be even sweeter to share with friends!

Andy: And by "share with friends",

you mean letting them whack it with a stick?

Wolfgang: Exactly!

Wait'll you see the faces of joy on all the people!

Andy: Well, I dunno...

Little Girl: [breathing excitedly]

Andy: [shudders] I don't really get it, but--

I guess if you can share that beautiful cake

to make people happy,

then I can do the same with my piñata.

Wolfgang: That's the spirit, Andy!

Andy: Here's my piñata for the fiesta, Mr. Hockbar.

Hockbar: Really? Fantastic.

What made you change your mind?

Andy: Well, I decided if it brings joy to my friends

to whack an amazing masterpiece with a stick,

I suppose I'll let them.

Hockbar: Wow. That's very, uh...

very good of you.

Thank you, Andy!

I'll go prepare it now!

Luna: [dancing chatter]

Oh! There you are, Andy!

Where's your piñata?

Andy: I gave it to Mr. Hockbar to use for the fiesta.

Luna: Wow, Andy!

That's very thoughtful.

I think you'll really enjoy it too.

Andy: Yeah, sure! Big-time fun.

Mr. Hockbar is preparing it.

I think he's getting some rope to hang it up.

Luna: That and, of course, he needs to stuff it with...

Hockbar: Who wants to go first?

Crowd: Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!

Little Girl: Muahahahahaha!

Andy: No, I'll do it!

I brought this piñata into the world and I will take it out.

Carmen: Andy, you don't have to do this!

Andy: No, Carmen!

If anyone's going to whack this piñata, it's gonna be me.


I can't look!!!

Hockbar: Here's a blindfold.

Andy: Thank you, Mr. Hockbar,

you're so thoughtful.


Well, here goes nothing!

♪ [dramatic music]


Luna: Harder, Andy!

You've got to hit it harder!

Andy: Okay, okay!

I guess it's like ripping off a band-aid.

You just gotta do it! [thwack]

Crowd: Yaaaay!

Andy: Yeah, go ahead!

Be happy!

Little Girl: Muahahahahaha! Andy: Hmph!

Melvinis: Yabba, yabba, yabba!

Andy: Candy?

From my piñata?

Wait! Hockbar prepared it by putting candy inside?

Carmen: Yeah, you didn't know that?

That's what you do!

Andy: No!

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Ohhhhhh...!

Carmen: No wonder you didn't understand why...

Andy/Carmen: Everyone wanted to whack it!

Andy: It all makes sense now!

Boy, oh boy, oh boy! This is awesome!

Leo: Whoa! Ah!

Andy: Now I get how this kind of art is

"sweeter to share" with others!

Wolfgang: Who wants a slice of cake?


Crowd: Me!/I do!/Yay! Melvinies: Yabba, yabba, yabba!

Andy: Oh, Luna! You gotta try this cake!

Luna? Luna!

Did you get any of Mr. Chocker's' cake?

Luna: No, I missed it.

But I got a ton of candy from your piñata!

[chomp-chomp] [giggles]

Andy: Pretty funny mix up, eh, Luna?

I'm glad I got to share my piñata with everyone.

Luna: That's right, Andy!

Andy: I wanna build a piñata big enough to share

with all of Mexico City,

or maybe even the whole world!

Luna: Great idea!

Sounds like a lot for tonight, though.

But remember,

there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling theme song]

Carmen: Hi, it's Carmen with a folktale from Mexico

called 'Monkey and Crocodile'.

One day, Monkey sat on the riverbank,

gazing hungrily at a bunch of bananas on the other side,

wishing he knew how to swim.

Crocodile came along and said,

"I see you love bananas.

Climb on my back and I'll take you across!"

Okay, Monkey knew this wasn't the smartest idea,

but he really wanted those bananas.

So, he climbed onto Crocodile's back

and across the water they went.

♪ [playful music]

Monkey ate his banana feast,

but then needed to return home,

so, again climbed aboard Crocodile.

Crocodile swam back toward the other side

but stopped half way.

"Uh, crocodile!" Monkey laughed nevously,

"why stop here?"

Crocodile said, "Because he had decided to eat monkey!'

"I see," said Monkey.

"But I'm sure you know that the best part of a monkey

is his intelligence.

And obviously, I left mine home today.

Take me there, I'll get my intelligence,

and I'll be a much better meal for you."

Of course, when they reached the other shore, Monkey ran away.

"Sorry, Crocodile.

Like I said, the best part about me is my intelligence."


The End.

Carmen: Forever Folklorico.

Carmen/Morita: ♪ You're cool, so very cool...

♪ But you don't come close.

♪ Adios.

♪ You think you're cool

♪ Chicas Picantes cool

♪ But you don't come close.

Leo: Wow, Andy. Carmen's having a cool dance party.

Andy: Good thing we always come prepared, Leo...


Let's get this party started!!

[party popper explodes] Wooo-hoooo!

[ballons deflating]

Carmen: Uh...sorry, guys.

That's not exactly Chicas Picantes cool.

Andy: Cheeka puh-WHAT-eez?

Carmen: Chicas Picanteeeeessss!

Only my favorite pop group

with the best, coolest music and dancing

to ever come out of my home town!

Andy: Your home town?

Does that mean we're in--?

Carmen: Yes!!

Magic Globe, would you tell the boys where we are today?

And also more about the best band ever,

meaning Chicas Picantes?!

Magic Globe: Sure, Carmen!

Today we're in Mexico City,

in the country of Mexico!

It's true that pop stars like

Chicas Picantes are popular here,

but there are lots of other kinds of

great music and dance too!

From pop, to rock,

to traditional kinds of music like Mariachi

that incorporate dances like Folklorico.

Carmen: Folklorico, Magic Globe?

But it can't be as cool as Chicas Picantes.

Magic Globe: Well, Carmen, everyone's taste is different,

but folklorico is pretty, pretty cool.

Folklorico is a colorful blend of modern ballet

and traditional folk dance,

with roots that go back hundreds of years.

It's performed all over Mexico,

and even here at the Palacio de Bellas Artes,

also known as the Palace of Fine Arts!

The same place the Chicas Picantes are performing tonight.

Carmen: Whaat?

The Chicas Picantes are performing

here in Mexico City?


Magic Globe: Yes, Carmen, ...whoa!!

Whoa, whoa, watch out!!!

Maria: Hello Carmen--Yeee?

Andy: Whoa, that was awesome.

Maria: Carmen what is the meaning of all of this?

Magic Globe: Have fun in Mexico City, everyone!

Carmen: Mammmmaaaaaa!

There's a Chicas Picantes concert

here in Mexico City tonight!

I have to go!

Can I please, mama? Can I?

Andy: We want to go too!

Leo: We do?

Maria: I suppose you can.

Right after your folklorico lesson today.

Carmen: Whooo-hoooo!!

Wait, what?!

Maria: Your folklorico dance lesson, Carmen.

You agreed to it months ago.

Carmen: Aww, man, but that kind of dancing

is for older people like you, Mama.

Maria: It is not just for old people.

I took lessons when I was your age.

It is part of your Mexican heritage.

Carmen: Oh I know, Mama, I'm sorry.

But what about the Chicas Picantes?

Maria: The lesson won't last all day, Carmen.

You can go to your concert afterward.

Carmen: Wait!

We don't even have tickets yet!

And if we're in class,

we'll never have time to get them!

Maria: Oh, well...

Carmen: Moooooom!

I promise I'll go to folklorico class

and absorb all the Mexican culture you want,

if you could maybe pick up the tickets for us?

Maria: Oh Mija, I don't know...

Carmen: Oh, pretty pleeeese!

This may be my only chance to see the Chicas Picantes,

the coolest band ever!

Maria: [sighs] Well, okay.

But promise me that you'll be

focused on your class today

and not lost in

Chicas Picantes land.

Carmen: Okay, I promise.

Maria: Now let's go so you won't be late!

Okay, kids, I'll pick up your

Chicas Picantes tickets and be back soon!

Remember to pay attention to your teacher,

she is the best in Mexico City.

Andy: Sure thing Miss M!

Whoa, sweet dance studio!

Carmen: Hey, that must be our instructor.

Luna: [grunts] Huuuuhhhh!


Oh. Ahh, hey, kids.

Kids: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hello, friends! Welcome to Mexico City!

Andy: Luna! You take folklorico lessons too?

Luna: Sure! I love folklorico!

Are you excited to do some dancing?

Carmen: Well, sort of--

But I'm even more excited

to see the Chica Picantes concert tonight!

Luna: I love the Chicas Picantes.

But, you're gonna love Folklorico too, Carmen.

It's one of my favorite dances,

thanks to my fabulous instructor!

Maestra: Meeee!!

The one--

The only--

Maestra Amalia!

Carmen: Whoa!

Maestra: Who here is ready to dance?

Or, as we say in Spanish,


All: We're ready to bailar!

Andy: Me, me, me!

Maestra: Hmmmmm. Frog Niño. Andy: Me?

Maestra: Where are your shoes?

Andy: I don't wear any.

Maestra: Nobody dances folklorico

without the proper shoes.

I will get you some later.

Andy: Oh.

Maestra: Well, some other students

are supposed to join us,

but, I suppose we should get started.

After all--

The show must go on!

Carmen: The show?

I hope Mom is doing okay

getting tickets for the concert.

Maria: Ai, yi, yi, this line is endless.

Tiger Fan : So glad we got our tickets!

I hear there are only a few left!

Maria: Only a few left?


Maestra: Now, as I was saying,

the flowing movement of your skirt

is very important!

Carmen: Um, Maestra?

I didn't bring a skirt like that.

Or shoes either.

Maestra: Oh, right. Well, I can take care of that.

Carmen: Whoa!

Andy: [gasps] My first pair of shoes!

Carmen: This skirt is nice, I guess.

Maestra: Carmen, remember, in folklorico,

the skirt is an extension of your body.

It must flow freely while your feet move

in rhythm to the music! [taps feet]

Uno! Dos! Plus tres...

♪ Equals - Ta-Daaaa!

Leo: Awesome!

Carmen: Hey, maybe dancing folklorico

is kind of cool.

Maestra: Now everyone, time to practice!

Carmen: All right, let's give it a go!

Luna: Hey! Great start, Carmen.

Carmen: Oh I don't know, Luna.

I'm trying to get into it,

but I just can't get that Chicas Picantes music

and dance out of my head.

I promised Mom I'd give folklorico a good try,

but I'm just not feeling it.

Luna: You know, it's fine that you like

other styles of music and dance,

but it's good to be open to all things.

Folklorico speaks to me

of Mexico's rich cultural heritage.

Listen carefully and maybe

it will speak to you too.

♪ [folklorico music]

♪ So it's new music you like to dance to ♪


♪ It's old music you should give a chance to ♪

♪ Don't sit there off to the side ♪

♪ Dancing like this is great fun ♪

♪ and should be tried


♪ When Mexican dancing got going ♪

♪ Nobody knew just how

♪ it would keep on growing

Crowd: ♪ [cheering and clapping]

♪ Clothing swirling, Dancers twirling ♪

♪ Lively music by great musicians ♪

♪ You're beginning, soon you're spinning ♪

♪ Follow your musical intuitions ♪

♪ Carried away by the swing and the sway ♪

♪ In the music so free

Crowd: ♪ [cheering]

♪ Folklorico dancing's the best ♪

♪ Now I agree!

Crowd: ♪ [cheering]

Carmen: [giggles] Wow! I finally get it!

It does speak to me!

Now I see why you and Mom

love folklorico so much!

Maria: Carmen! Carmen: Hi, Mama!

Look what I can do with this skirt!

Maria: That's lovely, Carmen, but--

about that concert tonight--

Carmen: Oh! I can't believe it!

I totally forgot!

Did you get the tickets?

Maria: [sadly] No.

They sold out by the time I got to the front of the line.

Carmen: [sighs] It's not your fault, Mama.

Maria: But it's all because I made you take

this folklorico class.

Carmen: Actually, I like folklorico.

Maria: You do?

Carmen: Folklorico speaks to me, Mama.

I'm glad I got to do this today,

even though I don't get to see

the Chicas Picantes.

Maestra: Well, well,

you decided to show up.

Attention, everyone!

Your classmates have finally arrived.

Please welcome Morita, Puya, and Habanera!

Morita: Sorry we're late, Maestra Amalia.

Carmen: [gasps] It's the Chicas Picantes!!

Morita: Yes, you know our music?

Carmen: Know your music?

I'm your biggest fan!

Wait a minute, you're the students

Maestra Amalia was talking about?

But you're huge pop stars!

Morita: [giggles] True!

But folklorico is our greatest influence.

Our dance routines wouldn't be half as good

if weren't for Maestra Amalia!

Carmen: I had no idea.

It's an honor to meet you!

I have all your albums and collectibles. Everything!!

Except tickets to your sold-out show tonight.

But, that's okay.

This has already been an amazing day!

Morita: Hmmmm. No tickets, eh?

I think we can swing some tickets for you guys.

We've got connections.

Carmen: Whaaaa?

Wow, thank you!

Carmen: I can't believe we're here!

Mama, thanks for signing me up

for the folklorico class.

It turned out to be way more fun than I thought!

Andy: Carmen!

We just scored a ton of Chica swag!

We are super pumped for the show!

Carmen: Wait...

where's Luna?

Luna: Up here, Carmen!

Carmen: Folklorico was so fun, Luna!

I wanna learn even more about my Mexican heritage.

Luna: Of course, there's more to learn wherever we go.

But remember,

there's always tomorrow!

♪ [whistling theme song] ♪ [folklorico beat

♪ [theme music]