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02x15 - Andy King of Scots/Leo the Nessie Hunter

Posted: 01/19/24 19:17
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world

and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

[whistling theme song]

Andy: Andy King of Scots!

Sam: [Humming Scottish tune]

Lang may yer lum reek Lassies and Laddies.

Where we be is pure Barry.

Leo: Why is your dad talking funny?

Andy: And dressing funny?

Hey, Papa, what's up with the skirt?

Sam: Skirt? Andy, this here's a kilt!

Andy: A kilt?

Sam: It's very common for men in Scotland to wear them.

Mostly on special occasions.

Andy: Scotland?

Sam: The country we're in today!

Andy: But, Papa, we're not Scottish, we're American.

Sam: Ah, we were born in America,

but before that your great-great randpa, Douglas MacHopper,

came to America from Scotland!

We've got Scottish blood runnin' through our veins!

Andy: No way! We're Scottish?

Sam: Here, Andy, it's called a tam o'shanter.

It's a Scottish hat.

It was passed down from your old Grandpa MacHopper.

You can wear it if you want.

I'm wearin' his kilt!

Andy: Really? Wow, thanks!

It's like my hat, but bigger!

Guys, look at my new hat!

It was my great-great grandfather's!

He lived here in Scotland before he went to America.

Carmen: That's so cool, Andy!

I had no idea you had a Scottish ancestor!

Sam: Yeah, we have a lot of Scots in our heritage.

Andy: What's a heritage?

Sam: Well, um...

Magic Globe: I think I can be of assistance here!

Welcome to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland.

It's true!

Andy's great-great grandfather came from Scotland,

so Andy has Scottish heritage.

One's heritage is made up of

the relatives who came before us!

Where they came from, their culture,

and what they looked like is always a part of us

no matter where we live.

Long ago, folks from Andy's family lived in Scotland

for many, many years.

Then they decided to move to America, where,

after a while, Andy was born.

Sam: Thanks, Magic Globe-thingy.

Well, there you have it, Andy.

Now, I think I'll put some pants under this kilt.

I'm feeling a draft.

Magic Globe: Well, see you later, kids.

Have have fun in Edin... Andy: Wait, Magic Globe!

I need to know more about my relatives,

the Scottish people!

Magic Globe: Oh...really?

Well, okay, if you insist!

Since you already know about the kilt and tam o'shanter,

how about I tell you about the Caber Toss?

Andy: Yeah, yeah, the caber toss!

Don't know what that is.

Magic Globe: The caber toss is a traditional Scottish sport.

A player competes by throwing a log,

trying to get it to land in just the right spot.

Andy: Right, caber toss...go on!

Magic Globe: And, a very popular food in Scotland

is Rumbledethumps!

A dish made with potatoes, turnips and cheese!

And let's not forget the most famous musical instrument

in Scotland, the bagpipes!

♪ [bagpipe music] Whew. Is that enough, Andy?

Andy: Oh, man, I get to be a part of all that?

Whoa... [smack]

Carmen/Leo: [laughter]

Magic Globe: Whoa! As they say in Scotland,

you fell on your bahoochie!

Andy: [laughing] Bahoochie!

Tell me more about my people here in Scotland.

Magic Globe: Uhh, um, sorry Andy, that,

that's all I got for you today.

Andy: What?! No, I need to know more!

Magic Globe: I-- I, I've got a yoga class to get to.

Bye, kids.

Andy: Waiitttt...

Guys, did you see that?

I fell on my behind!

Or as we Scots say here in Scotland, my bahoochie!

Carmen: We Scots?

You know, just having a great-great grandfather

from Scotland doesn't make you completely--

Andy: And look! I have his Tam O'shanter.

But I really need a--


Kilt! Who's Scottish now?

Leo: Uh--

Andy: C'mon, guys!

I've spent my whole life not knowing I was Scottish!

Let's go check this place out!

Leo/Carmen: Ugh!

Andy: Ah, Old Town Edinburgh.

These buildings go as far back

as my Scottish RRRRRROOTS!

Carmen: Uh-oh.

Now he's talking with a bad Scottish accent.

Leo: Yeah...

but look, he found Luna!

Maybe she can help!

Luna: You know, I have a very good friend named Andy,

who looks just like you!

Andy: Ah, do ya now, Lass?

Luna: Wait, that is you Andy Hopper!

Andy: Aye, but make that Andy MAC-Hopper!

Carmen/Leo: Luna! Luna: Hi, kids!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Carmen/Leo/: ♪ Show us the world ♪Andy: ♪ Scotland! Lead the way! ♪

Luna: Nice to see you in Edinburgh!

Andy: Aye, doncha just looooov Edinburrrrrrahhhhh?

Luna: Uh, sure.

Leo, what's going on with Andy?

Leo: Andy suddenly thinks he's Scottish

just because his great-great grandpa

was from Scotland.

Luna: He is hitting on this Scottish thing pretty hard.

Carmen: Hey, maybe if we show him

some of his favorite American things,

it'll remind him of how much

he loves being an American!

Leo: Yeah! That's a great idea!

Can you help us, Luna?

Luna: Well...

Andy: I'm a Scot. I'm a Scot. ♪ [bagpipe music]

Luna: Yes!

Leo: Ooooh! I've got an idea that's gotta work!

Boy, I sure am hungry.

I could really go for

some American food like--

Hotdogs? Or...hamburgers?

[ding! ding ding!]

Andy: It's been a while since I tasted a yummy burger

or a hotdog.

Oh, wait!

I wonder what kind of Scottish cuisine they have in there?

Andy: Mmm, Rumbledethumps.

Want some?

Leo: It's worse than I thought.

Luna: Let me give it a try.

Andy can't resist American Football.

Andy, GO LONG!!


Andy: Hey, what's that over there?


Luna: Oooh...!

Andy: It's a caber toss!

Bull: Gguuuyyyaaaahhhhttg!!!!

Huh... [heavy brathing]


Andy: Now, that's my sport!



[bam!] [deflating]

Luna: [sighs] Well, anyone else have any bright ideas?

Carmen: Yeah... my turn.

Luna: Wait, Carmen.

Use this.

Let's go full-USA!



[electric guitar twang]


♪ [U.S. national anthem rock style] ♪

Andy: AHH, wait a minute.

♪ [U.S. national anthem bagpipe style] ♪


♪ [bagpipe music]

Carmen: Annnddddyyy!!!!

Andy: Why'd you stop?

That was shaping up to be a pretty sweet

Scottish jam session...

Carmen: Scottish jam?

Andy, I was playing the American National anthem!

Don't you remember, you used to sing it at baseball games!

Andy: Hmmm, my memory is a wee bit hazy.

Carmen: Oh, it's no use, we've lost him.

He has no recollection of being an American.

He doesn't know what he is.

Andy: That's silly, Carmen.

I know exactly what I am.

Carmen: You do?

Andy: Abso-looot-leh!

♪ Put me in a tam o'shanter

♪ And a kilt of plaid

♪ Roll your R's like I do, I'm a loyal Scottish lad ♪

♪ I'm a Scot I'm a Scot!

♪ I love Scotland a lot

♪ I'm a Scot, I'm a Scot, I'm a Scot! ♪

♪ Take me to the highland, laddies ♪

♪ Climbing 'til we ache

♪ Splash me with the water from ♪

♪ the freezing Scottish lake

♪ Take me to a Scottish castle

♪ Scary, dark and old

♪ Blast me with your bagpipes Like trumpets with a cold ♪

♪ I'm a Scot, I'm a Scot!

I love Scotland a lot! ♪

♪ I'm the proudest Andy Hopper I could be ♪

♪ I'm a Scot, I'm a Scot,

♪ Cause there's no better spot

♪ And there's nowhere on Earth

that I would rather be ♪

♪ Scotland will always be a part of me! ♪

Leo: Nowhere on Earth he'd rather be?

Andy: Aye! That's right!

I'll be plantin' my bahoochie

right here in the land o' my people from now on!

Carmen: Does that mean he's staying-- in Scotland?

Luna: Hey, Andy, we really appreciate

that you love your heritage and all, but

this has gotten a little out of hand.

Andy: Out o' hand?


Carmen: You can't really stay here in Scotland, Andy.

The Circo is leaving for the next city soon!

Andy: No, Lass. Now that I be home,

I'll not be moved from my land.

So, go on, pack up yer Circo--

Leave if you must!

For you may take my trailer,

but you'll never take my Scotland!

Sam: Your Scotland?

He he he!

That's great, son!

I'm glad to see you're proud of your Scottish heritage.

We're going to England next, so you'll get to learn

about your English heritage too!

Andy: I think noot! Wait.

Did you say-- English heritage?

Sam: Sure, Andy.

Not all your ancestors are Scottish.

Andy: They're not?

Sam: No! It's true we've got Scottish in our family,

but there's also English,

Scandinavian, and even

some Native American Pawnee Tribe in our history.

Andy: But I...I really

liked being Scottish...

Sam: Well, you do have Scottish in you, Andy,

but remember, you're American too.

Andy: But, which heritage do I choose?

Luna: You don't have to choose, Andy!

You can be proud of all the places your family is from.

Everything about those relatives who came before

has combined to make up one very special you!

Andy: Ohhhh! I get it now.

Scottish is only one part of me.

So that means I can celebrate all my people

and where they came from!

Leo: Does that mean you're back to being good ol' Andy Hopper?

Andy: Yeah...I think it does.

Leo: Andy!

Carmen: We missed you!

Sam: Okay, who's ready to eat?

Andy: We are!

Are you going to join us for dinner, Luna?

Luna: I'm afraid not, Andy.

I had to head back up to where I'm from,

the night sky.

Andy: I loved learning about my family history

in Edinburgh, Scotland!

I can't wait to find out about all the other places I'm from!

Luna: There's always more to learn about the places

we're from and places we're going,

but remember, there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling theme song]

Leo: Hi, it's Leo,

with a folktale from Great Britain

called The King of All Birds.

Wren and Eagle sat side by side

on their favorite rock.

"Eagle," said Wren, "we are so lucky to be birds.

We can just fly up into the sky anytime we want."

"Aye," replied Eagle, "but it's a shame that a wee bird

such as yourself can't fly high like I do.

Alas, you will never see the truly spectacular views."

"Not so," said Wren.

"I bet I can go even higher than you!"

Eagle stifled a laugh.

"Oh, Wren, you wee thing,

perhaps you are up for a competition?"

"Sure as I'm sittin' here I am," said Wren.

So, Eagle gave him a head start

and Wren shot straight up,

flapping frantically and

quickly wearing himself out.

Eagle followed behind effortlessly,

but then lost sight of Wren.

"Wren...where are you, Wren?"

"I'm right up here...just a wee bit higher than you."

Eagle couldn't believe it, but didn't care.

"You, sir," said Eagle, "are the king of all birds."

And then Eagle flew Wren up even higher,

as they admired the view together.

The golden eagle became the national bird of Scotland,

but the wren is still the king of all birds.

The end.

Leo: Leo the Nessie Hunter.

Deep in the waters of Scotland--

...dwells Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster!

Andy: Whatcha doing, Leo?

Leo: Checking out my Nessie pop-up fan-club book!

Andy: Nessie?

Carmen: Nessie. You know,

the Loch Ness Monster!

Andy: Wait..a monster?

I love monsters!

Leo, I didn't know you were into monsters!

Leo: Well, Nessie isn't a regular monster.

She doesn't go around scaring people.

Andy: Doesn't scare people?

Sounds like a fake monster to me.

Leo: She's not fake, she's real!

People have seen her swimming in a lake called Loch Ness!

"Loch" means "lake" in Scotland,

which is where we are today,

right, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: That's right, Leo!

Today we are in the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland,

which is part of the United Kingdom.

In Scotland, people love stories, myths and legends.

One recent legend is that of the Loch Ness Monster--

Or Nessie, for short!

Andy: Not a monster, Magic Globe.

Magic Globe: Well, she's been called many things,

from a prehistoric fish,

to a dragon- like creature.

Leo: See?...Nessie!

I told you she was real.

Magic Globe: Well, I don't know if she's real or not,

but anything's possible!

Have fun in Edinburgh, Scotland, everyone!

Carmen/Andy: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Carmen: See, Leo, Magic Globe doesn't even believe in Nessie.

Leo: Well, I believe!

I'll find Nessie, take her picture,

and you'll see how real she is!


I do believe.


Muddybottom: You keep believing, laddie.

Leo: Uh? [pop!]

Muddybottom: Muddybottom's the name.

So, you wanna prove that Nessie's real, eh?

I've been trying to prove she's real for years!

Leo: You believe in Nessie too,

Mr. Muddybottom?

Muddybottom: Believe in her?

I know her personally!

But no one believes me!

Leo: I know what you mean,

no one believes me either, and...

Muddybottom: Shhhh! You hear that?!!

Leo: What? Hear what?

Muddybottom: Silence.

Leo: Because Nessie is so quiet

gliding through the water?

Muddybottom: No, because she's over a hundred miles away.

Leo: Wait. Loch Ness,

where Nessie lives, is that far?

I thought it was here in Edinburgh.

Muddybottom: No, laddie. It's a long journey to Loch Ness.

But no distance is too great for the true Nessie hunter!

That's what you wanna be, right, laddie??

Leo: Yes, Mr.Muddybottom, sir!

Muddybottom: Then believe, laddie...believe...

Leo: I dooo believe.

Carmen: Leo? Oh, There you are!

Leo: Huh? Andy: Where'd you go?

Carmen: Who were you talking to?

Leo: Oh, I was just chatting with my new

fisherman friend Muddybottom.

He's a true Nessie hunter.

Right, Muddybottom?


He was just here!

Carmen: Really?

Leo: Yes, Carmen, really!

He told me to believe!

And when I find Nessie, you'll believe too!

Andy: Wait! Is that her?

Leo: Where?

[ominous sound]


Luna: Oh, hi kids!

Leo: Oh... Andy/Carmen: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, what do ya say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: So good to see you three!

Leo: Luna, I need a favor.

I really wanna find Nessie...

Luna: Ah...looking for the Loch Ness Monster, are you?

Leo: But, it's so far to Loch Ness.

Luna: Yes, Loch Ness is pretty far.

Carmen: Luna, you're not actually thinking of going

all the way to this lake for a

mythical-creature hunt, are you?

Luna: Some people believe Nessie is real, Carmen.

And Loch Ness is a beautiful spot,

so it's worth the trip anyway.

How about we go for a nice picnic and our Nessie hunter

can do a little Nessie hunting!

Leo: Yay, Nessie! Carmen/Andy: [groans]

[train whistle]

Andy: [groans] Are we there yet?

Leo: I can't believe I'm gonna meet Nessie in real life!

Luna: Well, get your camera ready, Leo.

Because we just arrived!

Welcome to Loch Ness!

Leo: Woooowww!

No time to waste!

The Nessie Hunter is on the hunt!

Here Nessie, Nessie, Nessie.

[gasps] Wait, what's that?

I think I see something.

[camera click]

I got it! I got it!

Hey, guys!

I got a photo of Nessie!

Andy: Let me see!


Carmen: Looks like a log.

Andy: Carmen, that's no log.

That's a very rare, very shy--


Leo: It is not a pickle!

I saw it move in the water!

Hmmm...okay, it might be a pickle.


I know she's out there.

I'm going to find her!

Luna: A perfect spot for a picnic.

And I brought-- Scottish Meat Pies!

Carmen/Andy: Yay!!

Leo: Ok, I've got it all figured out.

We need to get Nessie to come to us.

So, what would Nessie want

that would bring her here?

Andy: Boy, that long trip was worth it.

I'd walk miles for this Scottish meat pie.


Leo: That's it!

Andy: Hmm...Hey!

Leo: [grunts] [splash]

Any time now...

Wait! I got a bite!!

Nessie has the pie!


Carmen/Andy/Luna: [gasp]

[whistling sound]


Andy: Cool! A huge Scottish Meat Pie Fish!

Fish: [belch]

Leo: Surely Nessie can't resist a Scottish jig.

♪ [scottish music] Leo: Wait, I hear something!

♪ [scottish music] [geese quacking]

♪ [scottish music] [water splashing]


Leo: Step right up

and get your Loch Ness Monster Dream Vacation!

Take a break from being mysterious!

[bubbling] Leo: [gasps]

Here she comes!

It's really her this time!

[bubbling] Fish: [happy humming]

Leo: No, no, not you!

Fish: Oh, rats! [grumbling]

Leo: Man, nothing is working.

She must be out there!

Well, if Nessie won't come to us,

we need to go to Nessie!

Muddybottom: Ooooh, yessssss.

Leo: Oh, it's you! Hi, Muddybottom!

Muddybottom: I knew you'd make it here, laddie!

Leo: Yeah, but I haven't had much luck as a Nessie Hunter.

Leo: You guys, this is Muddybottom,

the fisherman I saw in the fog.

Luna: Muddybottom!

Muddybottom: Oh Luna! Anyway,

young Leo Laddie, you're right.

You need to go to Nessie.

She's far too shy to come to you.

You guys want to take a spin in a real Nessie-Hunter Boat?

Leo: Yes, yes, yes!

Muddybottom: Hop aboard! Like so!!

Carmen/Andy/Leo/Luna: Yeah!

Muddybottom: Life jackets on?

Cameras and binoculars ready?

And away we go!

♪ [playful music]

Leo: ♪ On the boat, now let's explore ♪

♪ Nessie's what we're looking for ♪

♪ In the deep or close to shore ♪

♪ Where's the Loch Ness Monster? ♪

♪ Hurry, hurry no mistakes

♪ Searching every inch of lake, ♪

♪ Is she real, or is she fake? ♪

♪ Where's the Loch Ness Monster? ♪

♪ Looking for a giant creature

♪ How long will it take to reach her? ♪

♪ I see something in the fog,

♪ Is that her back, or some old log? ♪

♪ Look! What's that shadow?

♪ What is that shape?

♪ How could something so enormous ♪

Manage to escape?


Muddybottom: [laughter]

Leo: ♪ Crashing through the water ♪

♪ And kicking up the spray

♪ I hope this ride is worth it

♪ And she doesn't get away.

♪ Are we right behind her?

♪ Over here or over there?

♪ I really gotta find her!

♪ But we've looked everywhere!

[boat horn sounding]

Leo: Ugh!


I think I'm gonna be sick...

Muddybottom: Aye, but a wee price to pay

for a true Nessie hunter!

But Nessie is a mystery, laddie.

Sometimes you see her, sometimes you don't.

Just like your ol' pal Muddybottom!


Good luck to ya' Leo!

Remember to believe...

Leo: Believe?

How can I keep on believing

when we keep coming up empty?

Maybe Nessie doesn't exist.

I'm having trouble believing anymore.


I still have one more picture left in my camera.

Maybe I should take a photo of something that really exists:

my three good friends.

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Sure!

Leo: Oh looking good!

Now say "cheese"!

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Cheeeeeese...ohhhhhh!

Leo: Hey, you guys.

Can you stop making those funny faces?

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Behind you!

Leo: What is it?

[chomp!] Huh?

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Whaaaaaa!

Leo: What?


[gasps] My hat!

[bubbling] What was that?

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Wow!! Did you see?!

Leo: I only saw that something took my hat

and then a big splash!

What was it?

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Nessieeeeee!

Leo: Nessie?

Wait a minute!

You guys are just joking with me.

You expect me to believe

that Nessie was really here?

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Yessss!

Leo: Are you sure?

Carmen: Well, it was kind of

hard to see in the fog...

Luna: Well, we saw a big shadow of something...

Andy: It was definitely Nessie!

Or that giant pickle.

One of the two.

Leo: Well, okay...I guess...

That's good enough for me!

I'm a Nessie believer again!

Luna/Carmen/Andy: Yayyy!

Leo: Now, come on! We never got that photo.

[camera flash!]

You guys! I'm totally sending

our picture to the Nessie Fan club!

Andy: Well, the club just got times cooler

since we both joined!

Leo: And you too, right Luna?

Luna: Of course, Leo.

Leo: Thanks for taking us to Loch Ness.

I'm glad I got to share my love of Nessie with my friends!

And there's so much to discover here!

I want to learn a wee bit more about Edinburgh, Scotland.

Luna: There's always new mysteries to be unraveled

anyplace we visit, Leo.

But remember, there's always tomorrow.

Muddybottom: Hahaha.

Whoa, Nessie, whoa!Nessie: [roar!]

♪ [theme music]