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02x05 - Muddy Miracle/Fabuloso's New Clothes

Posted: 01/19/24 19:10
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

[train whistling]

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

Chorus: ♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

♪ All around the world

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go

[whistling theme song]

Andy: Muddy Miracle.

Hockbar: Looking good, everyone.

We're making excellent time for tonight's show!

We might even be ahead of schedule!

Fabuloso: [gasps] Did I just hear 'ahead of schedule?'

Hockbar: Ahh, yes Sir, at this rate

we'll be ready way before show time!

Fabuloso: Well, you know what that means!

Hockbar: No idea at all.

Fabuloso: It means we can treat ourselves

to some yummy sobolo juice!

Hockbar: Uh, sobolo juice, yes Sir,

but we don't usually leave during the setup.

Fabuloso: Please, Hockbar!

Hockbar: Oh, o-ok, I guess it wouldn't hurt.

But let me just double-check on our sets.

Fabuloso: Yes, yes, yes!

Hockbar: How are we looking over there, Pippa?

Pippa: The sets will be done in a jiffy!

Fabuloso: A jiffy sounds Fabuloso!

Come, Hockbar, it's sobolo time!

Hockbar: Well...I guess.. I suppose we can go.

Let your hair down, Hockbar, once in a while.

It's not like the Circo will disappear or anything.

Fabuloso: [laughter]

Pippa: All right, Leo.

Watch over Mathilda while I get this set inside.

And keep her out of the mud.

Leo: Mud? What mud?

Pippa: It looks like rain!

Leo: Rain? What rain?

There isn't a cloud in the--

[thunder rumbles]


Oh, that rain.

Okay, that was weird.

Gross! Now everything is a muddy mess.

Andy: Did someone say muddy mess?

Leo: Andy! You're gonna get us all diirtttyyyy.

Carmen: Whoa, what's with the big muddy mess?

Leo: Oh, hi Carmen.

It rained.

Carmen: Hmmm...I can see that.

Leo: And rain plus dirt equals disgusting mud.

Magic Globe: Actually, what you're calling disgusting

is a good thing here in Kumasi!

Leo: It is--?

Magic Globe: Yes! Today we're in the city of Kumasi,

in the country of Ghana,

on the continent of Africa.

And although you might think mud is yucky,

in Ghana it's a useful resource!

Andy: Like I could use it to be the Mad Muddy Hugger!

Hug! Hug! Huuuug!Leo: Ew, Andy please!

Magic Globe: Haha! I guess so, Andy!

But actually, one thing the people of Ghana use mud for

is their long-practiced method of constructing buildings!

Carmen: Oh, like mud huts?

Magic Globe: Yes, but also beautiful houses,

office buildings and a variety of other structures.

Mud is great because there's so much of it

and you can find it anywhere!

Mud buildings keep you cool in summer

and warm in winter!

Have fun in Kumasi, kids!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Leo: Why would anyone want to build with messy old mud?

I like things neat and clean.

Like the way I'm supposed to keep my sister Mathilda.

Wait! Mathilda?

Where is she?

Mathilda, noooooo!

You're getting all muddy!


[impact, splat!]

Mathilda: Uaaaah!

Pippa: Well, that takes care of that! There, now!

Mathilda: [giggling] Pippa: Ah!

Oh, are you okay, muffin?

Oh no, the tent is covered in mud!

Leo, you're supposed to be watching your sister!

She could have been hurt!

And the tent is a mess!

Leo: I'm sorry Mom, it's my fault!

I just looked away for a second!

Pippa: Well, at least it's just the one tent.

I'll call the cleaners to get it all cleaned up

before Señor Fabuloso gets back.

Hello, Kumasi Cleaners, I need a tent cleaned!

When can you get here?

[engine rumbling]


Cleaner: Kumasi Cleaners.

Good thing you called. What a mess!

Pippa: But you just--

Cleaner: Sign here. Pippa: Okay.

Cleaner: And here. Pippa: Okay, but--

Cleaner: Date here. Pippa: But how--

Cleaner: Initial here.

Pippa: But how long will it take?

Cleaner: All right, boys, wrap it up!

Workers: [humming] Cleaner: See ya in two weeks!

Pippa: Two weeks?

Leo: But the Circo performance is tonight!

Aaaah! We have no tent!

And Señor Fabuloso's gonna be back soon!

He's gonna be furious!

We gotta find a new tent!

Carmen: Hmmmmm.

Or maybe we could find supplies to make a tent.

Leo: Yeah, yeah, yeah!

We could use colorful fabric like this!

Luna: Leo, that's my dress!

Leo: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here what do you say? ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hey, friends! Welcome to Kumasi, Ghana.

Leo: Luna, thank goodness you're here!

We've gotta make a new circo tent

and we need a lot of fabric!

Where did you get that dress?

Luna: Oh, this is made of kente cloth from my friend Yaw.

Leo: What is Kente cloth?

Luna: Kente is a kind of handwoven fabric

with bright, colorful designs.

Yaw's shop is close by. C'mon, I'll show you the way!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Thanks, Luna!

Luna: Here we are.

My friend Yaw is a merchant of kente cloth.

He might have what you're looking for!

Andy: Wow! This building is amazing!

Luna: Hello, Yaw! I'm back!

Yaw: Oh, Luna, nice to see you again.

Luna: I brought some friends with me.

Kids: Hi, Mr. Yaw!

Yaw: Wait, let me guess.

You need some kente cloth and you're running out of time.

Carmen: Yeah, Mr. Yaw! How did you know?

Yaw: Aaah, I have a sense about these things.

Also, the little blue guy is checking

his watch and sweating.Leo: Eeeeuuuuhhhh.

Yaw: How can I help you, little sweating guy?

Leo: Well, Mr. Yaw,

we need cloth to make a big circo tent

for tonight's performance.

Yaw: A big circo tent! Hmm, that's a lot of kente cloth.

Let me run some calculations.

[register clicking/beeping]

Leo: Can you do it?

Yaw: Well, looks like--


Leo: No? But we're running out of time!

Yaw: Yes, well, I'm sorry I could not be of more help.

It would take much more cloth than I have on hand.

Leo: Well--

Thanks anyway, Mr. Yaw!

Andy: You have an awesome store here, sir.

This building is really a work of art.

Yaw: Why, thank you!

It is amazing what you can do with a little mud!

Leo: Wait! Mud!

This beautiful place is built of mud?

The Magic Globe told us about mud buildings!

But how can you make something so neat and clean

out of yucky mud?

Yaw: Hahaha! Well, it's pretty normal around here.

There are many methods of building with mud in Ghana.

Luna: Yeah, mud is a natural resource.

That means you can find it in nature!

The people of Ghana have been building with mud

as far back as I can remember.

Leo: Hmmm!

I have an idea.

But I'm not gonna like it.

My idea is--

to build a new Circo tent,

out of...mud!

Worker Duck: A mud tent? Preposterous!

That would be, dare I say-- yucky!

Leo: I thought so too, but in Ghana,

mud is used to build houses,

and all kinds of other buildings!

And they're neat and clean and beautiful!

Crowd: [murmuring]

Pippa: Wait a second, guys!

Leo might be onto something.

Mud is a natural building resource

and we've certainly got enough of it around here.

Who's with us?

Luna: Count me in!

Andy: And you can count the Mad Muddy Hugger in too!

Woooo! [splut]

Carmen: Wait! We're making a circo out of mud?

How's that going to work?

I'm confused.

Luna: ♪ Well, if you wanna build a building ♪

♪ And no material's to be found ♪

♪ You don't need to worry

♪ Open your eyes and look around ♪

♪ An idea's sure to hit you

♪ And your heart will skip a beat ♪

♪ Mother Earth provides a breakthrough ♪

♪ And it's there beneath your feet ♪

♪ Mud is the answer

♪ It's so old it's new again

♪ You'll find it almost any place ♪

♪ Right where it's always been All: ♪ We love mud!

Luna: ♪ The solution's right before you ♪

♪ And it's been there all along ♪

♪ It starts out kinda squishy

♪ But ends up straight and strong ♪

♪ An architectural wonder

♪ The coolest place in town

♪ A towering achievement

♪ That will never let you down

♪ Mud is the answer

♪ Dirt and water's all you need ♪

♪ Your big imagination will make every plan succeed. ♪

All: ♪ We love mud!

Luna: ♪ So if you've got a problem ♪

♪ And it's hard to find a way

♪ When the miracle is in the mud ♪

♪ Your work turns into play

All: ♪ We love mud!

♪ We love mud! ♪ We love mud!

Hockbar: You were right, Señor Fabuloso.

This sobolo juice is a--, is pretty delicious.

Fabuloso: I tell you Hockbar, I feel so ready

for the show tonight.

Just like the...

Hockbar: Pffffttt!Fabuloso: ...Circo!

No, no, no, no! Aiii!

Leo: [gasps] Señor Fabuloso! I can explain!

We had an accident with the tent so we built a new one.

Fabuloso: You replaced my Circo Fabuloso with this?

Leo: Well, you were gone,

and since we needed somewhere for the show tonight,

we all pitched in to make a circo out of mud.

Fabuloso: ...with mud?

Leo: Yes?

Fabuloso: I can't believe it!

Leo: We're really sorry--

Fabuloso: This is incredible!


Just look at those pointy towers!

And so many wonderful different colored layers!

And just in time for our performance!

Great job working together, everyone!

Now, on with the show!

Ladies and gentlemen of Kumasi!

Welcome to the Circo Fabuloso! Crowd: [cheering]

Andy: That sure was a close one, Leo.

Leo: Yeah.

It was great how we all pulled together and helped.

Especially Luna.

Mathilda: Luna! Luna! Luna!

Leo: What's that, Mathilda? Where's Luna? I don't know.

Luna? Lunaaaa!

Luna: Here I am!

Leo: Oh, hi Luna!

Luna: Hi, Leo.

Leo: Thanks for helping us build the Mud Circo today, Luna.

Luna: No problem!

Leo: I had no idea that mud could be so useful!

I want to learn more about the way

things are done here in Kumasi, Ghana.

Luna: There are incredible things to see wherever we visit.

But remember, there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling theme song]

Andy: Hi, it's Andy, with a story from Ghana

called "The Tug of w*r."

Anansi the spider was tiny, but smart.

One day, Elephant almost crushed Anansi without even noticing.

Anansi cried, "Watch out!"

But Elephant said, "Oh, please!

You're too tiny to watch out for.

I can barely even see you!"

This made Anansi mad and he challenged Elephant

to a tug of w*r.

Elephant accepted the challenge with a laugh.

Elephant: [laughter]

Andy: Anansi whispered,

"Pull when I say pull!"

Next, Anansi found Rhino,

who had also been kind of mean to him from time to time,

and challenged him to a tug of w*r too.

Rhino laughed even harder,

but also accepted the challenge.

So Anansi tied the other end of the thread to Rhino's tail

and whispered, "Pull when I say pull."

"One, two, three...pull!" he cried,

and the two huge animals pulled with all their might!

"Anansi, you're a lot stronger than I thought!" they groaned.

Soon Elephant and Rhino wore themselves out.

"I give up!"

they moaned.

So, from that day on, Anansi got a whole lot more respect.

The end.

Andy: Fabuloso's New Clothes

Fabuloso: Hockbar?

Have you finished ironing my suit yet?

I don't want to conduct the circo in my underwear.


Hockbar: Yes, fortunately for everyone,

you won't have to do that.

Here. Your suit, Señor.

Fabuloso: Ah, yes! The cut! The color!

The perfect flamingo fit!


Uaaah! Oh no!

My suit! It is ruined!


If only I had resisted that cheese danish this morning.

Here, Hockbar. Please take it to get fixed.

Hockbar: But--, but there's no time, Sir!

And I warned you about the danish.

Fabuloso: Aaaaah! No buts!

I am nothing without my famous flamingo suit!

No suit, no Fabuloso...

No Circo!

Hockbar/Fabuloso: Aaaaahhh!!

Andy: Okay, so what's this stuff called again?

Leo: It's called Fufu! You eat it.

It's a sweet treat from wherever we are today.

Andy: I need to know where we can get some!

Also, I need to know where we are today!

Carmen: Okay, Magic Globe, you're on!

Magic Globe: Hi, everyone!

Today you're in the city of Kumasi,

in the country of Ghana, on the continent of Africa!

There are many things to explore and discover in Kumasi.

Like Kejetia Market, which is right in the heart of the city.

It has everything!

Andy: Like sweet Fufu?

Magic Globe: Yep, all kinds of food!

And some of the finest cloths in Kumasi!

But, that's enough from me,

you should see Kejetia Market for yourselves!

Kids: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Hockbar: Help! Hockbar needs help!

Somebody please! Eh? Children!

Andy: What's wrong, Mr. Hock-- Oof!

Hockbar: Andy, take Señor Fabuloso's suit

to your mother for fixing!

It is very badly damaged!

If he does not have a suit, we don't have a show!

Hurry! The Circo depends on you, Andy!

Andy: Aaahhh! Circo depending on me!

Ooof! [splat]

Luna: Oops! You okay, Andy?

Kids: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play!

Leo: ♪ Luna's here what do you say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day!

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hi kids! What's--

Andy: Aaah...the suit!

Luna: -up? Andy: Ahh! Yes!

Guys, I think it's okay!

Melvinis: Yabba, yabba, yabba.

Andy: I'll just take it to my mom and...

[chomp, chomp, chomp!] AAAHH!

The Melvini's pet moths ate Señor Fabuloso's suit!

Carmen: Oh no!

Luna: The Melvinis have got to stop taking them out for walks!

Andy: It's ruined.

Just a few moth-lunch leftovers.

Luna: [sighs]It doesn't look like it can be fixed, Andy.

I think you're going to have to get him a whole new suit.

Andy: Get...him...a, a new suit?

Luna, you're a genius!

We'll go to Kejetia Market!

Magic Globe said they have everything!

They must have suits!

Luna: That's a great idea!

I just so happen to know a guy who owns a shop.

Let's go pay him a visit!

Hmmm, his shop is around here somewhere...

Carmen: Wow, this place is huge!

Luna: Here it is!

Everyone, say hello to Kwaku.

Kwaku: Hello, and welcome to my shop!

"Crazy Kwaku's Kente Clothing"! [chuckles]

Although, I'm not actually crazy,

I just love saying the word crazy.


Andy: Okayyyy...

Luna: Kwaku weaves Kente cloth.

It's a special kind of clothing worn in Ghana

for special occasions.

It's perfect for Fabuloso's new suit!

Carmen: That sounds great!

Andy: It has to be as fabulous as his normal suit.

Kwaku: Wow, this Señor Fabuloso must be a very tiny guy.

Andy: He's actually not.

This is just all that's left of his suit.

Moths ate it.

Kwaku: Cray-zeeee.

Leo: Do you have a suit exactly like yours we could buy?

It's so nice and fancy.

Kwaku: Why, thank you!

But each kente suit is one-of-a-kind.

It says something about the person who wears it.

Leo: The suits talk?

Kwaku: In a way, yes.

The Kente patterns tell a story and describe one's personality.

My whole suit is made of patterns that!

Leo: That is so cool!

I bet Señor Fabuloso would love a suit that's all about him!

Andy: Yeah! I'll take one suit, please!

Kwaku: Well, you can't just buy one...

But I can make one!

Andy: You can? In time for the show tonight?

Kwaku: Sure can! Step into my shop.

I've created a large selection of fabric and woven pieces.

We can pick the ones that best suit your friend

Fabuloso's personality.

Andy: Yeah, it's gotta be perfect.

The Circo depends on it.

Kwaku: Let me just climb into my loom.

And now we can get started.


Why don't you start by telling me a bit about

your Señor Fabuloso?

Luna: Come on, guys, let's put our heads together.

Nobody knows Señor Fabuloso like we do...

Carmen: Hmm...

Well, he's a real showman and he loves his circo!

Leo: He's very happy, but other times very sad!

Andy: Hmm, and he likes hats!

Kwaku: Hmm. Yes!

Now we're getting somewhere!

♪ A brand new suit, now let me see. ♪

♪ From special cloth that's woven just by me. ♪

♪ The cloth must fit the man inside ♪

♪ I'll let his character be my guide ♪

♪ [traditional music]

Luna: ♪ Fabuloso, funny guy

Kwaku: ♪ Brilliant colors I will try ♪

Luna: ♪ He's creative, uncontrolled ♪

Kwaku: ♪ Vibrant patterns, big and bold ♪

Luna: ♪ So much joy and energy ♪

Kwaku: ♪ Glowing like his personality ♪

Luna: ♪ He's dramatic

Kwaku: ♪ Yes, I see

Luna: ♪ And fanatic

Kwaku: ♪ No guarantee

Luna: ♪ He's over the top

Kwaku: Ok stop!

♪ I hope this cloth will suit him right ♪

♪ So he can wear it tonight!


It all came together just right!

This suit will suit your friend!

Andy: It's so...


Señor Fabuloso is going to love it!

Leo: Man, I sure hope so!

Carmen: Yeah, it's really different

from his usual clothes.

Kwaku: Well, here in Ghana,

Kente cloth has been worn by everyone,

with great pride and honor!

Especially by chiefs and kings!

Andy: That's nice, but we gotta hurry

and get this to Señor Fabuloso!

The Circo depends on meeee!

Kwaku: [laughter]

Luna: Thanks for all your help, Kwaku!

Kwaku: Anytime, my friends!

Fabuloso: Hockbaaaaaar!

Where are they with my suit?

The people need me, Hockbar.

I'm going out there!

Hockbar: Whaat! But sir, you are in your tighty whities!

No wait, sir! I'm sure Andy will be back any minute!

Fabuloso: I must, Hockbar!

The show-- must go on!

Oof! Andy: I'm back!

Your new suit is ready!

Fabuloso: Is it fabuloso?

Andy: It's as fabuloso as they come, Señor Fabuloso!

Luna! You spin him while I throw!

Luna: You got it!

Fabuloso: Wooooahhhh!

Whoa there! What's this?

This is no suit?

Hockbar: Andy, what happened to the suit I gave you?

Andy: Well, there was this moth accident you see,

and the suit was, well,

sort of...

eaten. Hockbar: Eaten?

Andy: But we got this Kente-cloth suit to replace it!

Made especially for Señor Fabuloso's personality!

Fabuloso: Well, I'm not sure how to feel about it.

I mean it does keep the belly at bay.

Andy: Actually, it's made to show off your Fabuloso-ness!

We used different patterns that say special things about you!

Carmen: Like this one means you're something extraordinary!

Fabuloso: Really? Well, I am something.

And extraordinary.

Leo: And this one says you get really happy

and then really sad.

Fabuloso: Well...I guess I am an emotional rollercoaster.

Andy: And this one means "hat", 'cause you're a hat guy.

Fabuloso: I, I am a hat guy.

But it's all just so different,

I'm not sure if it suits me.

Luna: Aww, don't be silly, Señor Fabuloso.

Suits made of Kente cloth are a symbol of honor here in Ghana!

Even kings wear them!

Fabuloso: Kings, you say?

Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go out in this.

Hockbar: Well, you'd better get moving,

because the crowd will begin tearing down the circo tent

if you do not get out there soon, sir!

Hurry, hurry! Places everyone!

Fabuloso: Oh boy, oh boy!

Maybe nobody will notice the outfit.

Well, the shrews didn't laugh.

Maybe it's not so bad.

Salami seemed to like it.

I'm feeling a little better about it.

Maria smiled at me!

I must be looking Fabuloso!

I like this suit muy mucho!

Now to put on a show!

Let's give the people what they came for!


Fabuloso: Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to the one and only

Circo Fabuloso!

Crowd: Hoooo! Aaaah!

Carmen: That outfit really was made for him!

Andy: [sniffs] Wait... do you guys smell something?

[sniffs, gasps]

Is that what I think it is?

Luna: [munching]

It's Fufu time!

Sticky yummy Fufu-in-the-sky time!

Andy: Mmmmmm... [splat]


Luna: Looks like that kente cloth suit did the trick

for Señor Fabuloso, huh?

Andy: Oh, yeah. Plus, this fufu is the best!

I want more of Kumasi, Ghana!

Luna: There's always more to enjoy wherever we go Andy.

But remember,

there's always tomorrow.

♪ [whistling theme song]

♪ [whistling theme song] Fabuloso: [laughing]

♪ [theme music]