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01x30 - Beat the Beat/Rhinoceros or Bust

Posted: 01/19/24 18:53
by bunniefuu
Leo: We live in a big, beautiful world.

Leo: I'm Leo.

Andy: I'm Andy.

Carmen: And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(train whistling)

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(whistling theme song)

Carmen: Beat the beat.

(rain and thunder)

Carmen: Hi, Andy! Hi, Leo!

Andy/Leo Hi, Carmen...

Carmen: Oh... what's wrong, you two?

Andy: Well, for me it all started this morning.

I woke up in the mood for stompin'!

Andy: I was all like stomp-ity this and stomp-ity that...

stomp-ity yeah, yeah, yeah!

But everybody said I was stomping too loud even though

I wasn't stomping loud enough.

So now I'm all sad.

Leo: And I burnt my muffins.

Carmen: Boy, seems like you guys are having a very rough day.

Why don't we go watch the Shrews' performance!

That should cheer you right up!

Leo: That'll work.

Leo/Andy: Okayyyy.

Fabuloso: Shrews, please!

Try that again!


Carmen: What's wrong, Señor Fabuloso?

Fabuloso: Oh, I am so very sad, children.

It seems that something is going around.

Everyone has a case of bad day-itis!

The performances have gone from bad to worse!

And the Shrews are even worse than worse!

Shrew : I cannot perform like this!

See? I have a terrible hangnail!

Shrew : And I have a tiny pebble in my shoe!

Shrew : I'm so unhappy, I'm going to sleep!


Fabuloso: Get it together, Shrews!


Oh, what a terrible day for the Circo!

And in front of the Nairobi

Watchers Club no less!

Leo: The what?

Fabuloso: The Nairobi Watchers Club,

the world's most knowledgeable experts on watching!

If they don't find something

interesting, they just leave!

Courtney: I do believe our watching skills are wasted

on this poor performance...

Richard: Yes, in fact...

(clears throat)

Let's get outta here!

Courtney: Absolutely.

Fabuloso: Ohhh nooo!


This is such a horrible day for everyone!


How could this day get any worse!


Carmen: Everybody's so sad!

We've gotta find a way to cheer them up so they'll perform

better and get that Watchers Club back to the Circo!

Andy: Hey... what about the Magic Globe?

Maybe she can help us out.

Carmen: Hmm...Magic Globe, is there anything

that might make us feel better around here?

Magic Globe: Ooh, you bet, Carmen!

Today we're in the city of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya,

on the continent of Africa.

Magic Globe: Nairobi is the largest city in Kenya and

the birthplace of a style of music that could really

brighten your day!

Magic Globe: It's called Benga, a happy kind of dance music

that's been popular here in Kenya for many years.

Magic Globe: Lots of languages are spoken in Nairobi,

but Swahili and English are the most common.

And speaking of "happy",

the word for "happy" in Swahili is "Furaha"!

Carmen/Andy/Leo: Furaha!

Carmen: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Well, all right then, let's go track down some Benga music!

Andy: Yaay... Leo: Woo-hoo...

Carmen: Nairobi sure is cool, right, guys?

Andy: I guess so.

But it's no foot stomping.

Leo: Oh, look you guys...


It's Luna...

Carmen: (gasp) Luna!

Andy/Leo: Luna...

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here... what do ya say... ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna... bright as... whatever... ♪

Carmen/Leo/Andy: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way. ♪

Luna: Hey, kids...

Carmen: Oh, no, don't tell me

you're having a bad day too, Luna!?

Luna: 'Fraid so...

I get upset when other people get upset.

There must be a lot of sad people nearby.

Carmen: There sure are, Luna.

Everyone at the Circo is having

a terrible day, even Leo and Andy!

And it's come at the worst time.

Señor Fabuloso wants to impress

the Nairobi Watchers Club,

but the Shrews' performance was so bad,

the watchers stopped watching and left!

Luna: Yes, the Watchers Club

does have high watching standards.

Watchers Club: Hmmm...

Carmen: The Magic Globe told us about this

cool style of music in Nirobia.

Luna: Benga music?

Carmen: Yeah! It sounded super great,

and makes you feel...

hmm... what's the word?

Luna: Furaha?

Carmen: Yeah! Furaha means happy!

Luna: Benga is some of the most furaha music around!

And come to think of it...

my friend Akeyo plays Benga music.

Carmen: Let's go find your friend, Luna!

Luna: Akeyo?!


Luna: I can't seem to find Akeyo anywhere...

(festive music)

Andy: Huh?

Carmen: What is it, Andy?

Andy: That noise... it sounds like...


What's that, Right Foot?

Uh huh... Right, it.

That's a foot stompin' noise all right.

Luna: It must be Akeyo!

Sounds like she's close by!


Andy: Hi, there! My foot tells me

you're doing some cool foot stuff over here.

Ayeko: Oh, hello friend. And thank you!

Luna: Hi, Akeyo.

Ayeko: Oh, hi Luna!

Luna: These are my friends Andy, Carmen, and Leo.

Ayeko: You look a little down, new friends.

Carmen: Well, Akeyo,

my friends and everyone at our Circo Fabuloso

are having a bad day.

Andy/Leo: Yeah...

Leo: Muffins...

Carmen: We thought maybe some Benga music might

lift everyone's spirits!

Akeyo: Benga is the most Furaha music of all!

Andy: Hey, what's that thingy?

Akeyo: Oh this?

Why this is my nyatiti.

Carmen/Andy/Leo: Nya-ti-ti.

Akeyo: That's right.. The Nyatiti

is played with eight strings,

and is the heart and soul of Benga music.


Andy: Hello, Andy speaking?

Yeah. Uh-huh. One moment please.

My foot still wants to know about the cool

foot stuff you were doing.

Akeyo: Oh, right! Well, this ring on my toe

is called an oduong'o!

I use it to tap a beat on my Nyatiti,

while these ankle bells, called gara, shake along too!

(bells ringing)

Check it out!

Ayeko: And then, of course, I add the strings!

Andy: (gasp)



Carmen: (laughs)

It sounds fantastic!

Leo! Luna!

Come join us!


Leo: I guess this music is pretty happy,

but I thought there'd be a bit more to it.

Akeyo: Oh, but there is, Leo!

In fact, I have a Benga band of my own.


Now, buckle up friends...

it's about to get real Furaha in here!


Akeyo: ♪ From country to the town ♪

♪ a very simple sound. ♪

♪ A jangling soft and sweet ♪

♪ As one foot stomps out the beat. ♪

All: ♪ Furaha! ♪

Akeyo: ♪ Rhythms from the past ♪

♪ Melody that lasts ♪

♪ A tingling in your toes ♪

♪ as the music grows ♪

♪ Joy erupts inside ♪

All: ♪ Furaha! ♪

Akeyo: ♪ Happiness can't hide ♪

All: ♪ Furaha! ♪

Akeyo: ♪ The legs of every child ♪

♪ Go wiggly wobbly wild! ♪

All: ♪ Furaha! ♪

Akeyo: ♪ Rock, rattle, strum ♪

All: ♪ Furaha! ♪

Akeyo: ♪ Sing and sway and drum ♪

All: ♪ Furaha! ♪

Akeyo: ♪ A million keep a beat ♪

Akeyo: ♪ As we go dancing down the street! ♪


Carmen: Benga music is so much fun!

I don't think I've ever felt more Furaha!

Andy: Me too!

Leo: Me three!

Luna: Me, wait I'm still kinda sad.

Carmen: Oh no!

Benga music hasn't brightened your day, Luna?

Luna: Yes, Carmen. But didn't you say everyone

at the Circo is having a bad day too?

Carmen: I can't believe I forgot

about the unhappy Circo situation!

Leo: Does this mean we failed at being Furaha?

Carmen: We just need to share our Furaha with the Circo!

Maybe we can bring Señor Fabuloso's audience back...

with a little help from Akeyo and her Benga band!


Carmen: Do you think you and the Benga Boys could...


Psstt psstt psst...

Akeyo: Oh! We'd be honored, Carmen!

Carmen: Everybody! Let's go give the Watchers Club

something to watch.

Watchers Club: Huh?



Courtney! Wait for me!

Watchers Club: (cheers)


Shrew : Ohh! This music

makes me feel so much better!

Shrew : I love this music!

It cured my hangnail!

Shrews: Furahaaa!

Watchers Club: (cheering)

Richard: Ohhh, what a beautiful performance!

Courtney: Eleven out of ten I'd say!

Fabuloso: Thank you, Carmen!

This Benga music has brightened our day!

Everyone - even the Watchers Club -

is loving it!


Carmen: I'm so glad we're all feeling better, Señor Fabuloso!

But we couldn't have done it without Luna!

Leo: By the way, where is Luna?

Andy: I'm gonna guess she's dancing around here someplace.

Luna: You guessed right! (laughing)

Carmen: Luna?


Carmen: (laughing) Hey, Luna!

Luna: Hi, Carmen.

Thanks for helping us all feel better today!

It's amazing what a little cheerful music can do!

Carmen: But Luna, I still feel like there's a lot more to be

happy about here in Nairobi.

Luna: Of course there is Carmen!

But you know what I always say,

there's always tomorrow.

(whistling theme song) ♪

Leo: Hi, it's Leo. With a folktale from Kenya called

"The Caterpillar's Roar".

Once there was a sleepy caterpillar who accidentally

wandered into a Rabbit's home and fell asleep.

When Rabbit returned,

he saw tiny footprints and said,

"Who's there?"

Leo: This woke the caterpillar,

who got scared and yelled:

"I am your worst nightmare!

The horrible monster with a million eyes!"

The terrified rabbit hopped off

and begged Jackal for help.

Jackal asked, "Who invades my friend's home?"

"I am your worst nightmare!

The horrible monster with a million eyes!"

The jackal turned tail and ran.

"Sorry, Rabbit! Try Leopard!"

Leo: Rabbit asked Leopard for help,

but the same thing happened.

He asked Rhinoceros, and even Elephant.

But every time, when the voice yelled,

the others ran, scared.

Then Frog happened by.

"What's going on?"

Rabbit told his story,

but Frog wondered...

How could this be?

Frog said nicely, "Who's in there?"

Leo: The caterpillar nervously replied:

"I am the horrible monster with a million eyes?"

Frog said, "I am the hopper with a sticky tongue

and I will swallow you whole!"

Caterpillar cried,

"No! It's only me, little Caterpillar!"

and he jumped from the hole and quickly wiggled away.

From then on, Rabbit and all the animals agreed

that frog was the wisest and bravest around.

The end.

Leo: Rhinoceros or Bust.

Leo: Gee, Andy, your photo album is getting really big!

Andy: I always save one amazing picture

from each city we visit.

And we've visited lots of cities!

Andy: Look, here's that time

we saw "Syd and the Sydney's" in Australia.

Andy: Hmm, there's no picture for this city.

It says "Nairobi, Kenya".

Carmen: Andy, Nairobi is where we are right now!

Andy: What?

Leo: And we're leaving tomorrow!

Andy: I've been having so much fun here,

I totally forgot to take any pictures!

So I don't have my special picture for Nairobi!

Andy: (screams)

(heavy breathing)


Leo: Andy, get a hold of yourself!

You've got all day to get one picture!

Andy: You're right, Leo.

And there's gotta be something

nearby that's cool enough to be my special Nairobi picture!

Carmen: Let's ask the Magic Globe!

Andy: Good idea, Carmen!

Magic Globe: Good morning, everyone!

As you know, today we are in the city of Nairobi,

located in the country of Kenya,

on the continent of Africa.

Many different languages are spoken in Nairobi,

but Swahili and English are the most common.

A popular place for taking photographs

is Nairobi National Park.

Many people go on safari there!

A safari is a journey to see animals!

Nairobi National Park is so close to the city

that visitors can take stunning pictures of wild animals

with Nairobi's tall buildings in the background.

Andy: Okay, but what's the most amazing animal

I could see there?

Magic Globe: That depends on who you ask,

but my personal favorite is

the rhinoceros!

It's a big, strong animal

with thick gray skin and two horns on its nose.

Its ancestors date back to prehistoric times.

Andy: That's so cool!

I've made my decision!

My special photograph will be of a rhinoceros!

Carmen: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Magic Globe: Good luck with your photo album, Andy!

Andy: Come on guys, you heard Magic Globe.

Let's go find a rhinoceros

in Nairobi National Park!

(loud earth-shaking rumble)

Leo: There, on the horizon!

It's big!

Carmen: It's strong!

Andy: And I think I see a horn...

just like the Magic Globe said!

It's the amazing...

Andy: Luna?

(honk honk)



Luna: Hey, kids... uh, kids?

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddaya say <span> ! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day! ♪

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hi, everybody.

Enjoying your last day in Nairobi?

Andy: Hi, Luna!

I must take one special photo today

and it must be of a rhinoceros,

'cause they are the coolest!

But I've been looking for three whole minutes

and I still haven't seen one!

Luna: (laughs) Well,

it might take a bit more searching than that,

but you're in luck, because today

I'm working as a safari guide in Nairobi National Park.

Andy: Did you say "safari"?

Magic Globe mentioned safaris!

I love safaris! Wait.

What's a safari, again?

Luna: In the Swahili language,

"Safari" is the word for "journey",

but in English, it means going into the African wilderness

to observe wild animals in their natural habitat.

When you go on safari to take pictures,

it's called a "photo safari"!

Andy: A photo safari sounds like the perfect way

to find a rhinoceros and take my special picture!

Carmen: Count us in!

Leo: Yeah! We'll bring cameras too!

Luna: The more the merrier!

There will be plenty of other animals to take pictures of.

Andy: Other animals?

I only care about the one and only

amazing rhinoceros!

Luna: Um, well I can't promise we'll see one.

But I'll try my best.

Now hop in and let's roll!

(boom) (clang) (thunk) Andy/Carmen/Leo: Whoa!

Luna: All buckled in?

Next stop, Nairobi National Park!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: Yay!

Andy: Rhino, here we come!

Luna: Nairobi National Park here in Kenya,

is home to many kinds of wild animals,

not just rhinos, Andy.

Oh look, we're already here.

(majestic music) ♪♪

Carmen/Leo: Wooww!

(cameras flashing) (clicking)

Andy: What's everyone looking at?

I don't see a rhinoceros anywhere!

Luna: On your right, a herd of zebras!

No two zebras have the same stripe pattern.

(camera clicking)

Andy: Nope. Not a rhinoceros.

Luna: On your left, a pair of ostriches.

The ostrich is the largest bird on Earth!

(camera clicking)

Andy: Rhino? Not a Rhino.

Rhino? Not a Rhino.

Luna: Let's pull over here so we can stand up and look around.

Carmen: Wow, Luna, we're getting some amazing sh*ts!


Andy: Of what?!

We haven't seen anything yet!

Luna: Andy, I know you are really excited,

but we might not even see a rhinoceros.

Andy: Yeah, yeah, sure, okay Luna.

Just as long as we see a rhinoceros.

Andy: I can't see anything!

How am I supposed to find a rhinoceros

with this thing in the way?

Luna: Andy, that thing is a giraffe!

Thanks to that long neck,

he can nibble leaves high up in the trees.

Andy: I wonder if he can see a rhinoceros from up there,

because what good is he if he can't find me a rhinoceros?

Did I mention I'm looking for a rhinoceros?

Carmen: Wow, what a beautiful creature!


Leo: We're so lucky to see one up close!

Giraffe: (sluurp!)

Carmen: Yeeuch! Too close!

Leo: (laughs)

Carmen got kissed by a Giraffe!

Andy: There's not a single rhinoceros around here.

Keep moving, must get a rhino photo!

Luna: Y'know Andy, sometimes,

when you're searching for something,

you find other exciting things along the way.

Andy: Like what?

Nothing is as exciting as a rhinoceros!

Luna: Let's see!

Luna: ♪ On the African plain ♪

♪ Wonderful animals reign ♪

♪ Beasts of all shapes and sizes ♪

♪ Full of surprises ♪

♪ Look around and you'll find ♪

♪ Creatures of every kind ♪

♪ Something quite specific ♪

♪ Makes each one terrific ♪

♪ No one's fast as a Cheetah, ♪

♪ Seventy miles an hour ♪

♪ No one has a Giraffe's long neck ♪

♪ For nibbling leaf and flower ♪

♪ Giant hippos, Bold zebra stripes ♪

♪ Birds of every color taking flight ♪

♪ Their animal cries fill the African skies ♪

♪ It's a photographer's prize ♪

♪ Right before your eyes! ♪


You see what I mean, Andy? Andy?

Andy: Huh? Did you say something?

Luna: Okay, well... hope you've had fun,

'cause it's time to head back to the Circo.

Andy: Head back?

But we haven't seen a rhinoceros yet!

I'm looking for something amazing!

If I don't get a special photo for my album

I'll have nothing for Nairobi!

Please, people

I just need to see a rhinoceros!

Luna: I'm sorry, Andy,

but we did see a lot of other animals.

Leo: It's okay, Andy...

I'll share my photos with you.

Andy: But what did you even take pictures of?

We haven't seen anything amazing yet.

Leo: Here, take a look.

I think they're baboons.

Andy: Yeah, not a rhinoceros.

But this photo is actually pretty neat.

Leo: Wow, that one is really nice, Carmen.

Carmen: Thanks!

Andy: Can I see that?

You got a rhinoceros?

Carmen: No... but it is amazing!

Andy: Wow... this animal has horns sorta like a rhino.

You saw this right here in Nairobi National Park?

Carmen: Yeah, Andy, and there's some right over there.

Luna: Those are Eland Antelopes.

They can grow up to six feet tall

and over two thousand pounds.

Andy: Well... they are kind of amazing.

I guess they'd make a pretty good photo.


(whirr / click)

Andy: Wow! And that bird is so close!

Luna: It looks like he's posing for a very special photo.

Andy: Got it. Okay, Luna, you can drive on now.

What else can we see?

Luna: Ummm, Andy...

Andy: Yeah?

What kind of bird is this?

Carmen: Andy, it's a rhino...

Andy: (chuckles)

Don't be silly Carmen.

A rhino is not a type of bird.

Luna: Uh, hey, try zooming out

to get a wide shot of that bird, Andy.

Andy: Oooh... great idea!

Andy: (gasps) It's...

It's a rhinoceros!

Carmen: That's what I said.

Andy: He's amazing!

He looks almost like a dinosaur!

A rhinocer-asaurus!

Andy: Yeah, woo-hoo! Wow!

Look at those horns! That skin is like armor!

Those little ears are so cute.

He's bigger than your jeep, Luna!

(camera clicking)

(upbeat safari music) ♪

Leo: These photos are fantastic, Andy!

Andy: Thanks! The rhino is cool,

but I couldn't decide on just one photo for Nairobi,

because all the animals are amazing!

Luna: They look great even from way up here!

Andy: Luna! Thank you so much for taking us

on a safari through Nairobi National Park.

I can't believe I almost missed all those other animals!

Luna: I know. Sometimes we don't even notice

what's right in front of our faces.

But if you take your time and pay attention,

you'll see amazing things everywhere.

Andy: I wanna see even more amazing things in Nairobi, Luna!

Luna: There's more to see in any place we visit,

but remember, there's always tomorrow.

(whistling theme song) ♪

(show theme song) ♪♪


