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01x24 - Castells in the Air/Barcelona Birdy

Posted: 01/19/24 18:52
by bunniefuu
Leo: We live in a big, beautiful world.

Leo: I'm Leo.

Andy: I'm Andy.

Carmen: And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(train whistling)

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(whistling theme song)

Carmen: Castells in the Air.

(alarm ringing)

Carmen: (Yaaaaawn!) Good morning Honey.

Honey: (giggles) Morning, Carmen!

Honey: Let me get that toothpaste for you!

Carmen: (chuckles) I think I can handle

my own toothpaste, thanks.

Honey: Fine.

Honey: Do you want me to pour your cereal for you??

Carmen: No thanks, Honey, I've got it.

Honey: Fine..

(recorder music) ♪

Honey: Can I play my recorder with you, Carmen?

Honey: Doo do, bee doo doo...

Carmen: No, Honey. I like playing by myself.

I'm independent.

Honey: Fine... I just like to help.

Andy: Yeah, like maybe you could help me figure

out where we are today?

Honey: Yeah! Let me get the Magic Globe for you!

Carmen: Honey?! C'mon!

Get out of my pocket!

I can handle that myself!

Magic Globe: Hi, everyone.

Today we're in Barcelona, a city in Catalonia,

which is a region in the country of Spain!

Magic Globe: You're in for a treat today!

There is a special castell competition

in St. James' Square!

Honey: Whoa... Castell!

What's a castell?!

Magic Globe: Castell means castle in the Catalan language,

but it's also a local tradition

where people climb on each other's shoulders

to build human towers!

The towers can be as tall as eight or nine layers of people,

with the tiniest climber at the top, high off the ground.

Magic Globe: With teamwork, these towers of people

can be as tall as...

Ramona: ...buildings. Even taller than buildings.

Leo: Hey, it's Luna!

Carmen: Thanks, Magic Globe. Luna can take it from here.

Honey: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Carmen: Hey...

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddya say! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna, bright as day! ♪

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Hi, friends.

Meet my little buddy here, Ramona.

Carmen/Andy/Leo/Honey: Hi, Ramona!

Ramona: Hello! I need a Carmen...

Luna: That's her, right there.

Ramona Are you a Carmen?

Carmen: (giggles) Yeah Ramona: Can you play this?

Carmen: Uh... sure.

Ramona: Nooooo... Not here... at the thing!

Luna: Ramona was hoping you could play this gralla,

a traditional Catalan reed instrument,

at the castell competition today.

She needs to hear the gralla music to know when

it's her time to climb.

Ramona: Yes. My regular player went away...

Luna: That's right, Ramona.

One of their gralla players is out of town and I told her

you could play it just right!

Carmen: Yeah, I'd love to come see the castells!

Ramona: And play gralla so I know when to climb?!

Carmen: You got it!

Ramona: Yessss!

Luna: Great.

Should we head to Saint James' Square then?

Ramona: Yessss....

Carmen: So, Ramona, are you excited

to see the castellers making human towers?

Ramona: (growls) Urrrrggh!

I'm a casteller!

Check out these cool casteller clothes!

Andy: What?

You're going to be part of that tower of people?!

Ramona: Yeesss.... I go to the... Top!

Luna: That's right.

The smallest person of the team tops off the tower

and then yells out...

Ramona: Fer Pinyaa!

Leo: Fer what?

Luna: That's a casteller saying.

It means something like, "Let's do this together" or "teamwork".

Ramon: Also, we are heee-ere!

Ramona: Ikkerrr... Iker: Ramona, there you are!

Ramona: Iker's the smallest member of the other team!

He's gonna go to the top, just like me.

That's right...

and our tower is going to be taller than ever today!

Ramona: No... ours will.

Iker: Not if you can't climb without your gralla player's

music to tell you when to climb!

Ramona: No problema! I brought a Carmen!

Iker: I'll be looking down at you from the sky, Ramona!


Luna: Carmen, Iker's right that Ramona won't climb until

she hears the gralla music.

So Ramona's really counting on you.

Ramona: Yes.

Luna: As a musician, you're just as important to the team as any

of the climbers or the people at the bottom of the pinya.

Andy: Fer pinyaaaaa!

Luna: (chuckles) That is where "fer pinya" comes from!

Luna: In this case, pinya refers to the base of the tower that's

made up of many, many people.

Luna: ♪ A towering tower, the tallest around...♪

♪ Needs a foundation, firm on the ground. ♪

♪ Tall as a steeple, stacked up so high. ♪

♪ A tower of people, touching the sky! ♪

♪ All hands on deck! ♪

♪ Every neighbor and friend. ♪

♪ Coming together, True til the end. ♪

♪ Doctors and firefighters, carpenters, cooks. ♪

♪ Farmers and beekeepers, authors of books. ♪

♪ Everyone matters, we'll get it just right. ♪

♪ All of us making our building take flight. ♪

♪ See the foundation, firm and steady <span> . ♪

♪ It took dedication, is everyone ready? ♪

♪ Start at the bottom, taking your time. ♪

♪ Everyone builds it. ♪

♪ And then we climb! ♪

♪ The rhythm is beating deep in my heart. ♪

♪ Hear it repeating. ♪

♪ We're ready to start! ♪

Luna: It looks like both Pinyas are ready, Carmen.

Carmen: I can handle this gralla playing all by myself!

Luna: (chuckles) Okay, Carmen.

I'm gonna go join Andy and Leo.

Good luck!

Carmen: Thanks, Luna!

Andy: How exciting! They're about to climb!

Leo: And Carmen's about to play!

Leo: Uhhh, Luna, what was that?

Luna: Oh, that's Augusti. Just in time.

Luna: He's a big fan of castell towers.

Carmen: There's the first layer!

Carmen: Uh? Wahh!

Carmen: Hey, Mister I can't see the tower!

Ramona won't climb up until she hears her part!

Andy: Oh, no!

Augusti is blocking Carmen's view!

Leo: How will she know when to signal Ramona to climb?

Luna: I think I have an idea... (whispers)

Andy/Leo: (cheer) Yeah! Lets do it!

Carmen: Mister!

Okay, Carmen, you can do this...

You've got to get that big guy out of the way...

all by yourself...

Luna: Psst! Carmen!

Carmen: Wahhh? Wha-?


Luna: Hi, Carmen! Leo: We have a plan for you!

Andy: To get up over Augusti and see the castell!

Carmen: Oh... well thanks guys, but I don't need your help...

I can do it myself.

Maybe I'll... Uhh I'll just uh... Lift him up?

Luna: Carmen, it's okay to ask for help sometimes.

Teamwork is what makes us able to accomplish great things.

Carmen: Hmm... well...

Yeah, I guess I do need a little help.

Luna: Then it's time for some teamwork, castell-style.

Luna: Leo, let's form the pinya.

Andy: And I'll be climber number one!

Andy: Come on up, Carmen, I can almost see over him!

Carmen: All right, here I go...

I won't let you down, Ramona!

Ramona: Carmen better not let me down!

Teammate : You've gotta start climbing, Ramona!

Teammate : We are getting very wobbly!

Ramona: I can't do it yet!

You know I can't climb without my gralla music!

Where's Carmen?!

Iker: (giggling)

Iker: I guess that means our castell will be the

tallest this year!


Ramona: Ohhh... Carmen...

Where's my music!

Carmen: (climbing efforts) Hurrrghh... Grgggllghh...


Carmen: I can see it, guys!

And... it's...

Ramona: Carmen!

Carmen: ...time for Ramona to climb!!


Ramona: There it is!

It's Climb Time!

Ramona/Iker: Fer Pinya!

Crowd: (gasps)

Luna: What's going on up there?

Carmen: It looks like the towers are the same height!

We can't tell who won!

But wait... what's that!

Ramona: Whaaa-?

Is there something in my helmet??

Carmen: It's Honey!

Honey: Fer Pinya!

Iker: Whoa!


Oh, no!

Their castell is taller than our castell!

Iker: That's okay, friend. castell isn't about winning,

it's about teamwork and community.

Plus, that hamster is adorable!


Iker: (chuckles) I suppose you're right.

Iker/Iker's Teammate: Fer Pinya!

Carmen: Yayy!

Andy: What's happening, Carmen?

Carmen: It was Honey -- She topped the castell!

She was in Ramona's helmet the whole time!

Honey: Carmen!

Did I help?

Carmen: You sure did, Honey.

You're a great little helper!

Now I realize I don't need to do everything myself.

I'm sorry I turned down your help this morning.

Honey: That's okay!

Carmen: But no more running away please, Honey the Helper.

Honey: Fiiinne Ramona: Wowweee!

That was the best castell ever!

Carmen is a great gralla player,

and fuzzy Honey is a great castell climber!

Honey/Carmen: Thanks!

Augusti: Well done, everyone.

That was some great teamwork.

Ramona/Carmen/Honey/Andy: Thank you, Augusti!

Leo: Uhhh, guys...

Leo: Has anyone seen Luna around?

I need a little teamwork myself...

Luna: Oh! I'm sorry, Leo.

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Ramona/Augusti: Luna!

Luna: I wish I didn't have to leave our castell pinya --

but it was time for me to go back to the sky.

Carmen: Thank you so much for everything, Luna.

Castells in Barcelona are wonderful!

They really show what people can accomplish when they

work together as a team.

It's not just about one of us.

It's about all of us.

Luna: I know Carmen!

I just love castells and teamwork.

Carmen: It was such a great day, Luna,

but I still want to learn more about Barcelona.

Honey: And I wanna climb more castells!

Ramona: (giggle)

Luna: Well there's always more to learn and things to climb

in any city around the world.

But lucky for us, there's always tomorrow.

Carmen: Hi, it's Carmen.

Here's a story from Catalonia about a tiny boy named Patufet.

He was small as a grain of rice and his mother made him wear a

big red hat so he'd be easier to see.

Carmen: Patufet loved to try new things.

One day, he decided to show his mother how helpful he could be <span> ,

despite his tiny size.

His mother needed more spice for her spice bread,

so Patufet offered to go to the shop for her.

He took a coin to pay for it.

Outside, Patufet sang a song

to let people know he was there.

♪ Patim patam patum, Men and women don't forget, ♪

♪ Patim patam patum, ♪

♪ Do not tread on Patufet. ♪

Carmen: At the shop, the shopkeeper didn't see

Patufet beneath his coin.

Carmen: So he got the shopkeeper's attention <span> :


The astonished shopkeeper admired the tiny boy

and gave him all the spice he could carry.

Carmen: Patufet's mother had always been afraid

to let him go out alone,

but not anymore.

Patufet saved her spice bread,

had many more adventures,

and lived happily ever after.

The end.

Leo: Barcelona Birdy.

Carmen: Wow, this is perfect beach weather!

Andy: Oh, man!

I can't wait to catch some of those bodacious waves!

Leo: I dunno, isn't the beach kinda far away?

Andy: Sure, if by "far away" you mean "close by!"

Andy: C'mon, the whole Circo's there waiting for us.

Let's go!


Andy: This has gotta be the most beautiful beach I've ever seen!

Carmen: Yeah, I wonder what it's called.

Maybe the Magic Globe knows!

Carmen: Hmm... where is the Magic Globe?

Acronauts: Hup, hup, hup...

Magic Globe: (laughs) Hi, everyone!

Carmen: Oh, there you are!

Magic Globe: Phew!

Sorry about that, Carmen.

I was just getting in on some beach fun!

Magic Globe: On this beautiful sunny day, we are in Barcelona.

A city in Catalonia - a region in the country of Spain.

Barcelona has many great places to visit.

Magic Globe: From the glistening beaches like La Barceloneta...

Magic Globe: majestic mountains like Montserrat.

Magic Globe: And here in Barcelona, many people speak

both Catalan and Spanish.

The way to say hello in Catalan is "Bon Dia" which means

"Good Day"!

Magic Globe: Oh! Looks like it's my serve!

Have a great time in Barcelona, everyone!

Andy: I'm standing on La Barceloneta Beach!?

Bon Dia, La Barceloneta!

Leo: Let's find a place to sit.

Andy: Forget sitting, let's boogie board!

You coming, Leo?

Leo: Actually, I dunno...

I think I'll stay up on the beach.

Those waves look really big.

Wave: More like Bodaciously big!

Cowabunga, dude!!

Andy: Suit yourself, dude.


Wave: Tubular!

Leo: I want to boogie board... but it's too scary.

I always miss out on the fun stuff...

Leo: I wish I was brave...


Eva: Hey! Watch it! I'm flyin' here!

Leo: Flying? On the ground?

Eva: Well... I was trying to fly!

Until your sandstorm hit me!

Leo: Oh. I'm sorry about kicking the sand.

Are you all alone?

Where are your parents, little birdy?

Eva: My parents are at home which is where I'm flying

to right now.

And my name's not "Birdy", it's Eva!

Leo: Bon Dia, Eva.

Do you even know how to fly?

Eva: Of course I do!

Eva: I... just haven't done it yet...

Luna: Moon-a-bunga!

Luna: Woooo!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Luna! ♪

Carmen: ♪ Luna come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here what do you say <span> ! ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day! ♪

Andy/Carmen/Leo: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way!♪


Luna: Bon Dia, kids.

Welcome to Barcelona.

Did you see my wave?

Whoah-pah! So pitted.

Andy: Yeew! Totally gnarly!

Carmen: Oh! A little bird!

Leo: Yeah, everyone. This is Eva... she's lost.

Eva: I'm not lost! I'm just...

very far from home and have no idea where I am.

Luna: Well, where are you from, Eva?

Eva: Up, up, up there!

I live on Montserrat!

Leo: Up, up, up there?

In the mountains?

That looks...

(gulp) ...very high.

Eva: Well, that's where I'm going!

Eva: If you'll excuse me!

(snaps) (boing!)

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: Eva!!

Eva: Ahh... Whoa whoa whoa!

Eva: (impacts) Oof. Whoa!

(splat) Whoa whoa whoa!

Oof. Ahh!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Crowded: (gasps) (cheers) Eva: Whooaaaa!

(impact) Whoa!

Leo: Oh no! Eva!

Eva: Whooaaaa!

Leo: Ahh! What do we do!?

Leo: What am I doing? What am I doing!?

Leo: I've got you Eva!

Whoa, whoa! Wait!

No, no, no, no, no!


Eva/Leo: Woaah!

Ava: (yelling)


Luna: Wow, Leo, nice catch.

Eva: Man, I almost had it that time!

I was about to fly right outta there.

Leo: Eva, you could have been hurt!

Maybe flying is a bad idea!

Eva: I'm a bird!

If I can't fly, then I'm missing out

what being a bird is all about!

Leo: Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out.

I wish I was brave like you.

Luna: The more I think about it, Eva,

we can't let you go all that way home alone,

especially without your parents.

C'mon we'll take you to the mountain.

Eva: (sigh) Oh, all right.

Luna: That is Montserrat!

Carmen/Andy/Leo: Wow!

Leo: It looks even bigger up close!

We don't have to climb that thing, do we?

Eva: Nope, we're gonna fly there!

Leo: Here we go again!

Eva: Fly there -- in this!

Luna: That's a great idea, Eva.

This is a Montserrat aerial cable car.

Andy: What's an aerial cable car?

Luna: Everyone climb aboard and see.

I promise, you're gonna love it.

(bell ringing) Luna: Here we go!

Carmen/Andy/Eva: Woooow!

Carmen: So, the aerial cable car takes us up the mountain?

Leo: The cable car makes me very nervous...

Andy: It really is like flying!

Luna: Sure is, Andy!

♪ High above the trees in the Barcelona breeze ♪

♪ Breathing fresh air without a care in the world ♪

♪ Flapping in the sky is how you learn to fly. ♪

♪ Even if you fall Or crash into a wall ♪

♪ Every small mistake, And every bruise and ache ♪

♪ Every pain and sigh, ♪

♪ Part of learning how to fly ♪

♪ Wishing you could soar ♪

♪ Through the air, and so much more... ♪

♪ Knowing your dream is just a gleam in your eye ♪

♪ The hope you have inside ♪

♪ Means someday you will glide, ♪

♪ Stretch your wings and rise ♪

♪ Through the Barcelona skies ♪

(bell ringing)

Welcome, everybody -- to the top of Montserrat!

Luna: What a beautiful place for a little bird to live.

Leo: Phew! We finally made it!

Andy: We're here, but where is Eva's home?

Eva: That's easy, it's up, up, up there!

Leo: Up, up, up... there?

Carmen: Look, there's a nest at the top of the cliff!

Andy: With a mommy bird and daddy bird!

Eva: Those are my parents!

Leo: That looks pretty dangerous...

Eva: Thanks, everyone.

I'll fly home from here!

Leo: Oh no, not again!

Ava: Whoap! whoap!

Carmen: Wow, she's really going high this time!

She's sort of flying...

except more like wobbling

and about-to-be crashing!

Eva: (struggling and panting)

Leo: Eva!


Leo: Whoa!

Carmen/Andy: Leo!


Eva: Whoooaaaaa!

(beat) Uh oh.

Eva: Whoaaa!


Leo: (catches effort) Gotcha!

Leo: That was a close one!

Eva: No kidding!

I was all like, "whoaaa!"

Leo: Eva!

Andy/Carmen/Luna: (huge gasp)

Leo: Eva, you're flying!

Eva: I'm flying! As in actual, real flying!

Hey, flying is fun!

Leo: I guess all that practice paid off!

You're such a brave little bird!

Eva: Thanks!

You're pretty brave yourself!

Leo: I am?

Eva: Yup!

Bye-bye, now!

Eva: Bon Dia, parents!

Andy/Carmen/Luna: (cheers) Yeah!/Woo!/We did it!

Luna: Great job, Leo!

Leo: Eva just said I was brave!

But I'm not brave... am I?

Andy: Of course you are!

You jumped into that fountain to catch her!

Carmen: And you climbed that big cliff to save her too!

Leo: Yeah, but that wasn't me being brave... was it?

I was scared the whole time!

Luna: Leo, bravery isn't about never being scared.

Being brave is doing something that's important to you,

even though it scares you.

Leo: I guess I am brave!

Maybe even... brave enough to go boogie boarding?

Luna: If that's what you want to do!

Leo: Today's already been so full of excitement...

but are you guys ready for one more adventure?

Carmen/Andy/Luna: (cheers) Yeah!/ Woohoo!

Luna: That was so epic!

Leo: Yeah, when we all rode that party wave-

Andy: But then Luna wiped out--

Carmen: And made an even bigger wave!

Andy/Carmen/Leo/Luna: (laughing)

Wave: Double Awesome!

Andy/Carmen/Leo: (laughing)

Leo: I'm so glad I finally tried boogieboarding.

Thanks for taking us, Luna!



Luna: Up here, Leo!

Sorry, I'm still drying off.

Leo: I had a blast seeing the mountains and beaches

of Barcelona, and it was all thanks to Eva!

If she hadn't shown me how brave I could be,

I would have stayed on the sand and missed out on all the fun.

Now I want to try everything!

Luna: There are exciting new things

to try in every city we visit.

But remember, there's always tomorrow.

(whistling theme song) ♪

(show theme song)