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01x26 - Andy's Big Show/Leo Moves It

Posted: 01/19/24 18:40
by bunniefuu
Leo: We live in a big, beautiful world.

Leo: I'm Leo.

Andy: I'm Andy.

Carmen: And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

Andy: So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(train whistling)

Carmen: But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(whistling theme song) ♪

Andy: Andy's big show.

Fabuloso: This way, Hockbar...

Hockbar: Right away, sir.

What, uh...what is this that you're doing sir?


Hockbar: Aaaaaaaaa!

Fabuloso: We set up here!

The perfect spot.

Thank you, Mr. Hockbar.

Hockbar: Aaaaah... (sigh)

Hockbar: My pleasure.

And now it is time for me to apply your sunscreen, sir.

(squish squish)

Fabuloso: This sunscreen is very good!

It feels almost as if the sun has completely gone away!

Hockbar: Uh, that's strange.

I have not yet applied the sunscreen, sir.

Fabuloso: Huh! What?!

Fabuloso: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...

this is not right!

Andy: (giggles)


My work here is done!


Leo/Carmen: Hey, Andy!

Andy: Hi, Leo! Hi, Carmen!

What do you think of my new artwork?

I made larger-than-life statues

of some larger-than-life Circo performers!

Leo: Oooh! Did you make one of me?

Andy: Nope.

Carmen: What about me?

Andy: Um... no. But I did make...

Salami Strong,

The Acronauts,

And, of course, Señor Fabuloso!

Carmen: Ooh! They're wonderful!

Leo: Yeah, but why'd you make them so big?

Andy: I wanted to create something huge and wonderful...

something I can point to and tell everyone I made it.

Fabuloso: Whooo made theese!

Carmen: Andy made them. Leo: All by himself.

We didn't help at all.

Fabuloso: Mr. Hopper?

As much as I admire any statue of me,

the beach is no place

for giant Fabuloso's or giant anythings!

Take them away!

Andy: But, where can I take them so everyone

can see and appreciate my work?

I don't even know where we are today...

Fabuloso: Gah!

Why don't you ask that magical globe-y thingy

you're always chit-chatting with!

Andy: That's actually a good idea!

Carmen: Okay, let's ask the Magic Globe!

Magic Globe: Hi, kids! Today we're in the city of

Rio De Janeiro in the country of Brazil.

Magic Globe: Rio De Janeiro, or Rio for short,

is full of eye-catching artwork everywhere you go.

Magic Globe: There's street art, sand castle art on the beach,

and an elaborate celebration every year called Carnaval.

Magic Globe: Carnaval is where groups of people from

Samba schools make gigantic floats and parade them

in an area called the "Sambadromo"!

People from all over the world

come to Rio to see the amazing floats

and watch costumed dancers sway to the Samba!

Magic Globe: Here in Rio, most people speak Portuguese.

You say "Good morning" in Portuguese by saying "Bom dia!"

Kids: Bom dia, Magic Globe!

Thank you!

Andy: Ya know, if Rio loves art so much,

I wonder if they have a place for me

to show off my giant statues?

Leo: I bet Luna knows!

Andy: Yeah! Let's go ask her!

Andy: Wow, there's lots of art on the walls

of Rio De Janeiro... it's everywhere!

This is my kind of city!

Leo: And look! There's Luna!

Kids: Yay!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddya say? ♪

Andy: Luna, bright as day!

Kids: Show us the world, lead the way!

Kids: Huh?

Luna: Hmm, it is a pretty good likeness.

Leo: Oh no, there's the real Luna!

Should we sing the song again?

Luna: That's okay, Leo.

Bom dia! Welcome to Rio De Janeiro!

Kids: Bom dia, Luna!

Luna: What are you three up to today?

Andy: Well, I made some giant statues,

but Señor Fabuloso says...

Andy: Huh?

Raquel: Gently, gently... okay gently now...

That's good, keep 'er rolling!

Luna: Hey there, Raquel.

Raquel: Bom Dia, Luna!

Whoops... sorry. Hi, Luna!

Luna: Raquel, meet some friends of mine: Leo, Carmen and Andy.

Andy: Bom Dia, Raquel!

What was that, that just rolled by?

Raquel: Oh, that was part of a float

a group of us are building.

A Carnaval float.

Andy: Cool! We just learned about Carnaval floats!

But I thought something for a float would

be a whole lot bigger than that!

Raquel: That's just a small part of it!

The whole float is so gigantic,

it has to be built in a huge warehouse called...

Raquel: Samba City!

Andy: Huge... like my statues!

That's it!

I'll show off my new work

by making a Carnaval float of my own!

Luna: Now hold on there, Andy.

Maybe Raquel should take you inside

to show you a little more about how floats are made.

Raquel: I'd love to!

Raquel: Well, here it is, friends.

My team's float for this year's Carnaval!

Kids: Wowwww!

Andy: It's awesome! It's massive!

What great artist created this masterpiece?

Was it you? Or... You? Or... you?

Raquel: No, we all made it, Andy!

Andy: You... all made it?

But how can all of you make one work of art?

Raquel: As a team! We all pitch in and do our part!

Kids: Wowwwww!

Leo: So, it's one float...

Carmen: Made by lots of people!

All: Yay!

Luna: Cool!

Andy: I still don't get it...

Luna: (laugh)

That's because you usually make art all by yourself, Andy.

Great art can be made by one artist,

but also by a team of artists.

When a group puts their head together,

they can create remarkable things!


Luna: ♪ Something big and grand, ♪

♪ everybody lend a hand... ♪

♪ Something really fun... ♪

♪ Well done, everyone! ♪

♪ Something bold and bright, for a special night. ♪

♪ Something above it all... ♪

Luna: ♪ For Carnival! ♪

♪ The paints that you use and the colors you choose... ♪

♪ Shine and dazzle and gleam... ♪

♪ There's joy and there's pride ♪

♪ with your friends by your side... ♪

♪ Working to build your... dreaaaaam! ♪

♪ Look at what you've made So beautifully displayed, ♪

♪ the hit of the parade, Well done, everyone! ♪

♪ There is something great In the things that you create ♪

♪ When you all collaborate, Well done, everyone! ♪

♪ Make something with your friends. ♪

♪ Make something big with your friends! ♪

Kids: (laughs)

Leo: Making something big with your friends feels...

Carmen:...big and friendly!

Andy: Yeah, but there's still something I don't quite get...

Raquel:(screams) Wahh!

Raquel: An eyelash!

Raquel: (blowing)









Raquel: Oh! Noooo!

I can't believe it!

Our beautiful sculptures are ruined!


And Carnaval starts tomorrow!

We'll never be able to rebuild them in time!

(wails) Luna: Hmm... Andy!

Can you think of any huge sculptures that could replace

those squashed Samba dancers?

Andy: Well, there's my Circo Fabuloso sculptures...

but, that was my art project.

Luna: But what if you made them everyone's art project?

Think about it Andy...

your sculptures could be a part of a big

community masterpiece...

...that will be seen by thousands of people at Carnaval!

Plus, you can help our friend Raquel by making something

big with your friends!

Andy: Hmmm... help Raquel...

make something big with my friends...

have my work seen by thousands of people...

You know what, Luna, I think you may have a point.


Don't worry, I think I know the perfect way to fix your float!

But first, we'll need to go get my...

(beep beeep!) Andy: (gasps)

Fabuloso: Ahh, there are you, Mr. Hopper!

We have been searching high and low

to bring you these sculptures.

As I said previously,

the beach is no place for sun-blocking artworks...

even very attractive ones that look like me.

Andy: Yaaaaay! Thanks, Señor Fabuloso!

We know the perfect spot for them!

Fabuloso: Of course, you do! Wait... you do?

Luna: We sure do, Senor Fabuloso!

Fabuloso: But they are so very huge!

Luna: Yes, maybe you and Mr. Hockbar can help us

carry them to the float?

Fabuloso: Yes, of course!

Andy: So, Luna, we have my sculptures,

but where will we ever find a sun?

Luna: Don't you worry about that, Andy.

I have something pretty special in mind!

Raquel: Andy, I think you and your friends

may have saved the day!

Come on, team, let's make this the best float ever!

(fanfare) ♪♪

Raquel: We did it, friends!

Our float looks amazing!

I love these new sculptures!

This muscly man is gorgeous!

And this samba-dancing flamingo is so... so...

Fabuloso: Fabuloso?

(laughing) Raquel: Yes! Fabuloso!

But I have to admit, my favorite part of the whole

float has got to be the sun!

Luna: Who, me?

Luna: Aww shucks, you're too kind!

Who knew I could be the sun and the moon!

Raquel: Thanks for fixing our float

with your wonderful sculptures, Andy.

I think we're finally ready for Carnaval tomorrow!

Everything seems to be just...eek!

(squeak) Raquel: What?

Our wonderful moon-sun!

She's gone!

Luna: I'm not gone, Raquel!

I had to go back into the sky.

But don't worry,

I'll be the sunniest moon ever for Carnaval tomorrow!

Raquel: Oh, phew! Thanks, Luna!

Andy: Luna... Carnaval floats are awesome!

I'll always love making art by myself, but now,

I love making great-big-huge things using teamwork too!

Luna: I know, Andy.

Isn't working and creating with your friends just amazing?

Andy: Yeah. But Luna, I don't want this day to end!

Can't we explore more of Rio De Janeiro?

Luna: There's always more to explore wherever we go.

But remember, Andy,

there's always tomorrow.

Hi, it's Leo, here's a story from Brazil called:

How the Beetle got his coat.

One day, a plain gray rat

saw how the slow brown beetle crawled and said:

" I bet you wish you could run fast like me."

Parrot overheard and said: "Maybe you'd like to race

each other to that tree waaay over there."

"I noticed you both have very dull coats,

and I have bright colors to spare.

I'll offer a prize to the winner,

A bright shiny new coat. Any color you'd like."

Beetle smiled and said he'd love a bright green coat.

Rat laughed at slow beetle and said that no <span> ,

He'll take a yellow coat with purple stripes

when he wins please <span> .

So parrot squawked: "Ready! Set! Go!"

And the race was on.

Rat was soon far ahead, but getting tired.

"Should I rest?" he thought.

"No I'll hurry, hurry to the finish line."

(upbeat racing beat) ♪♪


But when he got there...

What? Beetle was waiting for him.

"Nobody said I couldn't fly," said Beetle.

"So I flew"

Rat didn't even know Beetle could fly.

Parrot said: "You can never tell

where you may find hidden wings."

Since that day, beetle has worn his coat of brilliant green,

and flown happily ever after.

Beetle: Wooo wee! Andy: The End.

Leo: Leo moves it.


(samba music)


Leo: What? What's happening to me?

(door bell)

Leo: That must be Carmen and Andy!

I can't go outside like this!

Leo: Hey guys.. Andy: Leo!

Today's the big day -- Carnaval!

Leo: Actually, I-I think I'm going to stay home today.

Andy: Stay home? And miss Carnaval?

Leo: I'm too embarrassed to go outside!

It's my hips! They have a mind of their own!

Andy: Well, you just bring those hips out here

and we'll see if we can't change their mind.

Leo: Okay...

(salsa music)

Andy: Wow, Leo... your dancing is awesome!

Carmen: Yeah, (laughs) where'd you learn to dance like that?

Leo: I didn't learn anything.

It's that crazy beat in the air.

It's making my hips go crazy.

Where is it coming from?

Carmen: Hmm...I don't know, but I bet the Magic Globe will!

Magic Globe, can you tell us where that beat is coming from?

Magic Globe: Sure!

(chuckles) Hello everyone.

Today we are in Rio de Janeiro,

a marvelous city in the country of Brazil.

Magic Globe: Rio is home to Carnaval,

one of the greatest celebrations in the world,

and it!

Every year, people from all over Rio

join in parades around the city.

The streets are filled with people dancing to samba music!

Leo: Samba music?

That must be what's making my hips go so wacky!

Magic Globe: (chuckles) Could be, Leo.

The biggest event during Carnaval

is the Samba schools parade at the "Sambadromo"!

It features a competition with dancing, costumes and floats!

The Carnaval celebration lasts for four days!

Leo: Four days! I can't take four days of this!

Please, make it stop!

Magic Globe: Oh, well...

Have fun at Carnaval everyone!

(samba music) (beep! beep!)

Leo: Aaahh!

I'm surrounded by samba!

(bongo drumming)

Leo: Aaahhh!

Luna: (slurp) (exhale)

Leo: Ahhh!

Luna: Oh, hi Leo!

Kids: Luna!

Carmen: ♪ Luna, come and play! ♪

Leo: ♪ Luna's here, whaddaya say?♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day! ♪

Kids: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! ♪

Luna: Boy, Leo, you've got a bit of Samba in your step.

Are you heading to the Sambadromo

for the Carnaval celebration?

Leo: No, Luna... I'm trying to get away from Samba!

Look at my hips!

They've gone completely bonkers!

What do I do?

Luna: Well, there's nothing wrong with a little dancing,

but if you want to get it under control, I know a guy.

Luna: His name is Dr. Flavio.

He helped me with my crazy legs.


Flavio: Yes... what is it?

We are no longer open!

Don't you know it's Carnaval today?

(gasps) Luna the moon! How are you?

Are your crazy legs acting up again?

Luna: Hi, Dr. Flavio... no, not more than usual.

I know you're closed for Carnaval,

but it's my friend Leo.

His hips are out of control!

Flavio: Ah yes...

I was just on my way to the Carnaval celebration,

but I suppose I can see one more patient.

Come in! Come in!

Flavio: An interesting case.

Let's have a look at those symptoms, shall we?


advanced hip-swaying,

severe wiggle-waggling...

all exhibiting an unmistakable Brazilian flair...

Leo: Actually Dr. Flavio,

I think this may be Samba-related.

Flavio: Wait a minute! Samba!

Carnaval, of course!

Let me see: Samba-otis...

Aha, here it is: Samba-itis!

The uncontrollable urge of ones hips to dance the Samba

in Rio during Carnaval.

There you go! Diagnosed!

Leo: Samba-itis?

What's the cure, Doc!

Flavio: Cure? For Samba?

Why would anyone even want a cure?

Luna: The doctor's right Leo,

maybe you don't need to be cured.

Samba is amazing!

Maybe you should just go with it.

Luna: ♪ Come dance the rhythm. ♪

♪ In the street... ♪

♪ Pounding drums, and Brazilian heat. ♪

♪ Like a party for your feet... ♪

Luna: ♪ Irresistible Samba beat...♪

♪ Let's dance the Samba right here in Rio. ♪

♪ Feeling the Samba, rhythm so fun. ♪

♪ Dancing together. ♪

♪ Come on Leo! ♪

♪ Let's dance the Samba with everyone <span> . ♪

(upbeat Samba music) ♪♪

Luna: ♪ Welcome to Carnaval, welcome to Rio, ♪

♪ welcome to Samba, here in the sun. ♪

♪ Rhythm and friendship. ♪

♪ Looking good Leo! ♪

♪ Dancing the Samba with everyone! ♪

(fireworks popping)

Leo: Samba sounds great and all, but I'd still rather stop

all this shimmying and shaking.

It's too embarrassing!

Flavio: Well, it's a shame to let all that Samba go to waste,

but if you insist.

These ear plugs should do the trick!

Leo: Hey, it worked! I stopped dancing!

Flavio: Now you're ready for the big parade!

Leo: Sure, I'd love to play charades!

Luna: Thanks, Dr. Flavio. I knew we could count on you.

Come on, kids... to the Carnaval we go!

Andy/Carmen: Hooraaay!

(drums and whistles)

(upbeat Samba drumbeat) ♪♪

Luna: This is it - the Sambadromo!

Home of the Samba Schools Parade!

Luna: Over here, kids.

I saved you a spot in the front row!

Andy: Where's your seat, Luna?

Luna: I've got somewhere I need to be, but I'll see you later!

Andy/Carmen: Bye, Luna!

Carmen: Andy, look!

Here comes the first Samba School!

(Drums and whistles) ♪ (Samba drumbeat) ♪

Kids: (cheering)

Carmen: Lets go!

Andy: Isn't this great, Leo?


Carmen: Andy! He's wearing earplugs, remember?

They must be working.


Leo: Errr...


Leo: (struggling)

Leo: (sigh) It's no use.

I can't see or hear Samba without shaking my hips!

I guess this is my life now...


Andy: Carmen, look!

That's the float I helped design!

Carmen: Wow, your giant Circo sculptures

look amazing up there, Andy!

Andy: And look, there's Luna!

Luna: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Luna: How's everyone doing tonight?

Andy/Carmen: Yeah, go Luna!

Luna: Hi, kids!

Andy/Carmen: Hi, Luna!

Leo: Huh? It can't be!

I can't see or hear,

but my hips still wanna shake!

Can't resist... any longer...

I... I... I... I've still got Samba-itis!

(samba music)

Andy: Uh-oh, Leo's back on the Samba train!

Carmen: What do we do? Wait, I know!

Is there a doctor in the house?

Flavio: I'm a doctor! Ooh, hello children!

Leo: Dr. Flavio, thank goodness, it's you!

Flavio: Hmmm...

Leo: Even with ear plugs and my hat over my eyes,

I'm still dancing Samba!

Flavio: Leo, this Samba-itis of yours

is more serious than I thought!

Leo: Why can't I stop dancing, doc?

Flavio: Leo, Samba isn't just something you hear with your

ears, or see with your eyes.

Samba is something you feel with your heart!

Leo: Oh, no!

Flavio: Oh, yes, Leo.

Your heart is trying to tell you something!

Crowd: (crowd cheer walla) Leo: Hmm....

Leo: I do feel it. My heart is telling me something.

It's saying... it's saying...

I just gotta samba!

(boing! boing!)

(loud rich samba music) ♪♪

Luna: Yeah, Leo!

Luna: Wow, Leo's dancing kinda makes me want to...

Uh-oh. Must... resist..

the urge... to...

Oh, who am I kidding? Let's dance!

(huge cheer from crowd) (samba music)


Leo: (big yawn)

Carnaval was amazing.

But now it's time to hang up my dancing shoes

and get some sleep.

Good night, Luna! Luna: Good night, Leo.

It was fun dancing with you in the Sambadromo tonight.

Leo: Thanks, Luna!

Once I finally embraced my Samba-itis,

I had a good time too.

Can we come back to Rio de Janiero, Brazil

and dance the Samba next year?

Luna: That sounds great!

But in the meantime,

there are more fun dances to learn all over the world.

And remember, there's always tomorrow.

♪ (whistling theme song) (samba drum beat) ♪


(theme song) ♪♪

