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01x08 - Hoopin’ Hopper / A Chopsticky Situation

Posted: 01/19/24 17:56
by bunniefuu
Thanks to PBS stations and viewers like you.

We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(train whistling)

But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(whistling theme song)

Andy: Hoopin' Hopper

Acronauts: Hup hup hup hup!

Acronauts: Hup hup hup hup!

Andy: He dribbles, he sh**t...

he doesn't score!!

Acronauts: Hup hup hup hup hup hup hup hup!

(ding ding ding)

Acronauts: Hup hup hup hup hup hup hup hup!

Andy: Noooo!

Leo: Whoa!

Andy: I lost again!

Leo: What are they doing Carmen?

Carmen: They're playing basketball, Leo!

It's so much fun, haven't you played?

Leo: No...

Andy: Sorry, Leo! I didn't mean to hit you...

I was trying to score a basket!

My Dad gave me his old basketball to play with.

It even has my last name on it.


But it's not helping me win at basketball!

Leo: Ohhh...

sounds like you're having fun Andy...

Leo: It doesn't sound like he's having fun, Carmen!

Carmen: I know, Leo.

I don't get it!

Maybe he's not doing it right.

How do they play ball here?

Andy: Wait, where are we today, anyway?

Carmen: Let's ask the Magic Globe!

Carmen: Hi, Magic Globe!

Magic Globe: Woahhh, I'm dizzy! (laughs)

Magic Globe: Ni hao, everyone!

That's how you say hello in Mandarin Chinese.

Today we are in the city of Beijing in the country of China,

where most people speak Mandarin Chinese.

Beijing is a beautiful, fun place where

games, exercise and sports are celebrated.

Especially Basketball!

Andy: Whaaat?

Basketball is popular in China, Magic Globe?

I did not know that!

Magic Globe: You bet!

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in China.

Magic Globe: Basketball has been in China for a very long time!

The Chinese believe that it isn't so important

if you win or lose,

as long as you play as a team

and have fun with good friends!

Magic Globe: I hope you all get a chance

to play some wonderful games and explore Beijing!

Carmen: Thanks, Magic Globe!

Magic Globe: You're welcome, Carmen!

Leo: Basketball in China sounds like so much fun!

Carmen: (Chuckles) Yeah, friendship and teamwork?

You can count me in!

Leo: Me too!

What do you think Andy?


Andy: I gotta-



Andy: Uh oh.


Andy: My baaall!


Andy: Ahhh!!!

Luna: Andy?

Andy: Ahhhh, my ball!! Luna: Andy watch out!!



Andy: Whoops! I'm sorry...

Carmen/Leo: Ni hao Luna!

Luna: Ni hao friends!

Carmen: <span> ♪ Luna come and play! <span> ♪

Leo: <span> ♪ Luna's here what do ya say! <span> ♪

Andy: <span> ♪ Luna, bright as day... <span> ♪

All: <span> ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! <span> ♪

Carmen: What are you doing here, Luna?

Luna: I was just doing Tai Chi!

A very calming activity that originated here in China.

It's calming and healthy for your body and mind.

Leo/Carmen: Cool!

Andy: Hi Luna...

Luna: Oh! Hi Andy.

Luna: You don't look too happy today.

What's going on?

Andy: I'm having a bad day Luna.

First I lost at basketball, then I lost my basketball,

then I crashed into a bunch of people doing Tai chi! And--

And that's it.

I feel like I can't win Luna!

I just wanna win!

Luna: Awe, don't sweat it Andy!

You know, winning isn't everything!

Andy: It isn't?

Luna: Of course not!

Especially in Beijing!

Luna: You know, I know of a really fun place in Beijing

where you may learn a bit about playing sports and games.

Andy: Is it a place where I can play basketball, and win?

Luna: Well you can play basketball there,

that's for sure!

Carmen: It sounds great Luna!

Can you take us there?

Kids: Please! Please Luna, oh please.

Take us there!

Luna: Well... Okay!

Kids: Yayyy!

Luna: Ready friends? Leeet's...

Luna: Walk.

Andy: Walllk?! Awwwe.

Luna: You're going to have so much fun at this place, friends.

It's called the Dongdan Sports Center.

We're almost there.

Kids: Wowww!

Luna: Hey Shing! Shing!

I'm open!

Kids: Wow!

Carmen: This place is so cool!

Leo: Yeah!

Everyone seems like they're having so much fun!

Andy: But are they winning?

That's the only way to have fun, isn't it?


Luna: Whoa, that's embarrassing.

Luna: How on earth... did this happen?


Leo: Yikes.

Carmen: Are you okay, Luna?

Sure am, Carmen! Heh heh.

Isn't the Dongdan Sports Center wonderful?

We should see more of it!

But first let me fix this basketball hoop I damaged.


Well that didn't exactly go the way I planned it.

Oh well!

Luna: Now, who's ready to see more of Dongdan Sports Center?

This way!

Luna: The Dongdan Sports Center

has more than just basketball friends!

It has badminton...


Luna: And last but not least, Ping pong!

Ping pong is sometimes called table tennis,

and is very important to the people of China.

Luna: Now I need go find an old friend, everyone.

Don't go anywhere!

I'll be right back!

Kids: Okay Luna!

Andy: I just don't get it

everyone here is so happy playing games and sports.

It's like they don't care about winning or losing.

Isn't winning the whole reason we play games?!

Fong: Excuse me!

(Loud stomping)

Fong: I am Fong!

I hear you kids need a lesson in playing sports and games,

the Chinese way...

Kids: N-n-n-ni hao, F-f-f-fong.

Fong: Luna!



Ping pong!


Luna: Okay, sure!

Leo: Careful Luna!

This guy seems serious!

Carmen: Do you even know how to play Ping Pong?!

Luna: I dabble...

I like how the little ball

looks like a teeny tiny version of me!

Fong: And now, tiny children,

you will learn how Fong plays sports!

Fong: ♪ I like playing games, fast games! ♪

♪Fun games! ♪

♪ I like playing sports ♪

♪ With people of all sorts. ♪

♪ I like making friends! ♪

♪ New friends, fun friends! ♪

♪ Friends from far away, ♪

♪ friends who say okay, friends who like to play! ♪

♪ Right from the beginning, Someone's losing ♪

♪ Someone's winning ♪

♪ Whether I might win or lose ♪

♪ It's friendship that I always choose. ♪

♪ In the end we'll still be friends, <span> ♪

♪ whichever way the contest ends ♪

♪ Win or lose we'll always be, ♪

♪ Friend just like we're meant to be. You and me! ♪

Luna: (laughing) Good game! Fong: (laughing) Good game!

Andy: Wow, Fong, what a match!

You were all like-

(sound effects)

And Luna was all like-

(sound effects)

Luna/Fong: (laughing)

Fong: That's right my tiny frog friend.

It's fun to play games with friends!

Andy: Yeah, but you did lose... Isn't that a bummer?

Even just a little bit?

Fong: Ha ha, not at all.

Winning and losing are temporary,

but friends are forever!

That's how we play sports in China.

Andy: Yeah, you're right!

If only I still had my ball... then we could all play together!

Fong: Your ball? Does it say "Hopper" on it?

Andy: Yeah... how did you know?

Fong: It landed in that tree outside before you got here.

Andy: That's it!

Leo: But it's so high up in that tree,

how can you get it back now?

Andy: I think I have an idea...

Luna: Whoa, whoa...

can you reach yet, Andy?

Andy: Almost... almost!

Fong: Maybe I can help... with my teamwooooooork!

Fong: Team work!!

Andy: We got it!

Thanks friends! Fong: Hup!

Andy: Thanks for the help, Fong!

Fong: You're welcome Andy.

How about we take your ball for a spin?

Andy: Yeah! Carmen and Leo are on my team!

Leo: I'm open, I'm open!

Leo: Got it! Hunnnh!

Andy: Great job, Leo!

Leo: But I missed.

Andy: I know, but you still had fun doing it!

Andy: Yaaw!

Luna: Heads up!

Luna: Yay! Andy: Alright!

Fong: Huuh!

Fong: Ho!

All: (laughing) Andy: Nice dunk Fong!

Andy: I'll get the ball!

Andy: There you are, Luna!

Luna: Hi Andy, sorry to have to ditch on the game,

but it was time I went back to the sky.

Andy: That's okay, Luna.

Thanks for helping me enjoy playing sports more.

It really is more fun when you put your friends first.

Luna: That's right Andy. Like Fong says,

'winning and losing are temporary

but friends are forever!'

Andy: Yeah! But I feel like there's still a lot

I could learn about Beijing.

Luna: There's always more to learn about any place we visit,

but remember, there's always tomorrow.

You'd better get back to the game! Have fun!

Andy: Thanks Luna!

I will!

(whistling theme song)

Carmen: Hi, it's Carmen!

Long ago, in China,

a young girl named Pear Blossom was looking for a home.

She thought it might be nice to live in the Empress' palace <span> .

Suddenly she spotted a butterfly

who was cold and struggling to fly.

Pear Blossom caught the poor creature in her cupped hands

and blew warm breath on it until the creature flew.

The grateful Butterfly said, "You saved my life.

Now I will help you reach the Empress' Palace.

You see, there is a Golden Dragon

who lives on the mountain outside her city.


He breathes fire and will not allow you to pass."

"What can I do to get by?" Wondered Pear Blossom.

Butterfly: "I know a way," "The Dragon loves flowers,

but his fire breath has burned the ground at his cave

so no flowers will grow there.

Take him these flowers and ask for kindness."

Pear Blossom came to the mountain.

She heard the Dragon roar!

"Honorable Dragon," she said,

"I bring you flowers."

"You're the first person kind enough to ever bring me a gift."

When the Empress heard of Pear Blossom's journey

and how she calmed the Golden Dragon,

she invited Pear Blossom to live in her palace.

The end.

Leo: A Chopsticky Situation.

Wolfgang: Mmmm! Your breakfast is comin' right up kids!

Kids: Okay!

Carmen: Mmm!

Whatever your dad's cooking smells delicious!


Andy: My belly is burgling again...

When's the food going to be ready?

Leo: Andy, you have to be

patient and wait just a little bit longer.

Andy: But I don't have time for patience.

Wait... what is patience?

Leo: Patience is being good at waiting for things.

Meals sometimes take time.

My Dad has been cooking up a bunch of different

Chinese dishes today, because we've traveled to China.

Isn't that right, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: You're right Leo!

We are in China!

Magic Globe: We are in the city of Beijing,

the capital of China.

Food and cooking

are a very important part of Chinese culture.

In Beijing, you can find a wide range of food

from all across China!

Magic Globe: Instead of forks and knives,

people in Beijing eat their food with chopsticks.

Two sticks usually made of bamboo or wood.

Have fun in Beijing!

Carmen: Thanks, Magic Globe!

All right everyone, breakfast is served!

Today's menu is a kind of Chinese breakfast

called Dim Sum.

Dim sum is a bunch of bite sized snacks

you eat for breakfast...

Wolfgang: dumplings, noodle rolls

...and something that's enjoyed with almost every meal in China


Andy: Oh boy oh boy! Oh boy oh boy!

Wolfgang: And to eat your dim sum,

here are some chopsticks!

Andy: Wait, what are these?

Leo: These, my friends, are chopsticks!

Used for eating in China for thousands of years.

Wolfgang: That's right!

They're a little tricky to eat with at first,

but I always like to say a little rhyme to help me

remember the proper way to use them.

Wolfgang: Rest stick one right next to your thumb,

pointer and Thumb move stick two, making eating easy for you!

Wolfgang: It seems hard at first,

but it just takes patience and practice.

Why don't you guys try it out?

Carmen: This is hard! It's nothing like a fork!

Andy: Be patient, be patient...

Keep trying, Andy!

You dim sum, you lose some! (Hardy Laugh)

Leo: No! You can't eat with your hands, Andy!

Dumplings require a delicate touch!

Leo: Observe.

Leo: Hehe...he he. Whoops, silly mistake.

Just let me... get this...

Why am I not getting this?

Carmen: Hey, I think I'm getting this.

Andy: It's not that hard, actually.

Leo: But I'm the food lover!

Why are they so good already?

Luna: More tea, Leo?

Leo: Ahhhh!!

Oh! H-hi Luna!

Luna: Ha! Hey, everyone!

Carmen: <span> ♪ Luna come and play! <span> ♪

Leo: <span> ♪ Luna's here, what do ya say? <span> ♪

Andy: ♪ Luna bright as day! ♪

All: <span> ♪ Show us the world, lead the way! <span> ♪

Luna: Welcome to Beijing, China!

What are you guys up to today?

Carmen: Leo's Papa made us a traditional Chinese breakfast,

and showed us how to use chopsticks!

Carmen: Whoa, Whoa --

They are a little tough to get the hang of though.

Luna: Ah, yes...

chopsticks can take a lot of patience.

But it looks like you guys managed to eat most

of your food!

Andy: Sure did!

Leo: Yeah, me too!

And chopsticks aren't that hard.

Luna: If you're looking to try more Chinese food,

my friend Mr. Zhao has a restaurant here in Beijing!

Why don't we visit him?

(gasps) He makes the most mouthwatering meals!

Kids: Yeahh! Andy: Let's go!

Leo: Oh boy!

I just hope I can figure out chopsticks

in time to eat some...

Kids: Wooooowww!

Andy: What a great Chinese market!

Luna: Hey, there's Mr. Zhao.

Zhao: Hm...(sniffs)

You smell fresh...

But how about you? (Sniffs) Hmmm...

Luna! Huh! Oh quickly! Take it, take it! Take my money!

Zhao: Hello Luna!

What brings you here?

Luna: Hi, Mr. Zhao!!

We were just on our way to your restaurant!

My friends here are itching to get the full

Beijing food experience!

Leo: Yeah!

I want to try everything!

Zhao: You've come to the right city and the right person!

(Bell rings)

Zhao: But there is no time for small talk, little chef!

Come, follow me!

Zhao: Here we are!

Come in, come in!

Welcome to my restaurant!

Have a seat.

Leo: I can't wait to try Mr. Zhao's Chinese food!

Luna: Does anyone need a quick chopstick lesson?

Carmen: That's okay.

Leo's dad taught us a rhyme this morning to help us!

Leo: Heh heh... Yeah. That's right!

No chopstick lesson needed here.

(Ding! Ding!) Zhao: Who's hungry?

All: Meee!!!!

Zhao: Here are some popular dumplings.

Luna: Wow, everything looks so delicious!

Andy: Thanks, Mr. Zhao!

Zhao: My pleasure! Please excuse me...

Luna: Dig in, everyone!

Luna: Mmmm!

Carmen: Hey, these are great!

Andy: Chinese food is awesome!

Andy: Hey Carmen, look what I can do!

Andy: Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha! Carmen: Ha ha ha!

Luna: Andy, It's important to be respectful

when using chopsticks.

Andy: Sorry...

Leo: How come Andy's so good at chopsticks,

and I'm not?

Baby Panda: (burps)

Leo: Alright Leo, if everyone else in here

learned how to use chopsticks, you can too. (sigh)

(dramatic music)

Pekingese Dog: (yapping)

Leo: Errrrg!

Leo: I'm doomed!

I'll never use chopsticks!

Leo: I'll never taste Chinese food!

Leo: In fact, if we stay in China, I may never eat again!

Luna: Leo, is everything okay?

Leo: Luna, I...

I don't know how to use chopsticks!

I'll never get to try Mr. Zhao's delicious Chinese...


Luna: Leo, learning a new skill takes time.

Just because you can't use chopsticks now

doesn't mean you'll never learn.

Leo: But Carmen and Andy just started too,

and they can already eat with chopsticks!

It's not fair!

Luna: I know it can be frustrating not being good

at something, but everyone learns at their own pace.

Sometimes it takes a little longer, than other kids,

but that's okay.

Just try to be patient.

Leo: Yes, patience. (Sniffs)

Leo: Luna, will you help me learn how to use chopsticks?

Luna: Of course!

Let's start with that rhyme your dad taught you.

Leo: Okay.

"Rest stick one right next to your thumb,

Pointer and thumb are for moving stick two,

Making eating easy for you."

Luna: Very good!

But try holding them a bit more like this...

Leo: Hey! I'm doing it!

Leo: Whoops!

Luna: (laughs)

When you mess up, just stay calm and try again!

That's what patience is all about.

Luna: ♪ Patience, patience... ♪

Luna: <span> ♪ When you learn a brand new skill. <span> ♪

♪ It requires patience... ♪

Luna: ♪ Patience, time, and will. ♪

♪ Learning something new... ♪

Luna: ♪ May require a lot of you... ♪

Luna: ♪ If you want to see it through <span> ♪

Luna: ♪ Patience. ♪

♪ Patience. ♪

♪ Mountains aren't climbed in a day. <span> ♪

♪ Chopsticks aren't mastered in an hour. <span> ♪

♪ Each has many many steps along the way. <span> ♪

♪ Practice being patient, patient... ♪

♪ Patience is power. ♪

♪ Patience, patience. ♪

♪ Concentrate and soon you'll know... ♪

♪ Patience, patience... ♪

♪ You're a chopstick pro. ♪

Leo:(chews) That... was...


Crowd: Hooray!!!

Zhao: Who's ready for more food?

All: Me!!!

Carmen: This is so yummy! Leo: This is amazing!

Luna: Oh wow! Andy: Can I have some more?

Luna: Ughhh ho ho. All: (Groaning)

Leo: That's enough Chinese food for one day.

Wolfgang: Oh! Welcome back everyone!

Hope you all had an amazing food venture!

Leo: We did! But what's that giant bucket behind you?

Wolfgang: Well, since you all love Chinese food so much...

Wolfgang: I made you a special...

Wolfgang: Chinese dessert!

Chinese tofu pudding!

Leo: Thanks Dad,

Sounds delicious, but (hiccup) we can't eat another bite!

Wolfgang: Ah, well, maybe Luna would like some!

That is, if she's not a - full moon right now!

(laughs) I crack myself up!

Leo: Luna, do you have room for tofu pudding?

Luna? Luna: Up here!

Luna: Sorry Leo.

Your dad's right!

I'm stuffed too!

Leo: Thanks for today, Luna.

Eating with chopsticks was hard at first...

but with practice and patience, I got the hang of it.

Luna: With enough practice, you can be good at anything.

Leo: You're right.

I hope I'll learn even more things about Beijing!

Luna: Of course!

After all, there's always tomorrow!

(whistling theme song)