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01x05 - Bob the Plant / Aren't We a Pair?

Posted: 01/19/24 17:53
by bunniefuu
We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus that travels

all around the world and we travel with them.

So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(train whistling)

But wherever we go, we know that

Luna the Moon will be there with us.

♪ Traveling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the Moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(whistling theme song)

Andy: Bob the Plant.


Good morning, Carmen and Andy.

Hi, Mr. Chockers.

What are you doing out here?

It's so incredibly hot.

Now you say, "how hot is it?"

Andy and Carmen: How hot is it?

It's so hot out here,

I'm cooking my breakfast on this rock!

It's egg-straordinary!


Wow, Leo's dad sure is funny.

Leo: Guys!

You guys, Bob is sick.

Oh no, that's awful.

Yeah, poor Bob.

That's too bad.

Andy and Carmen: Who's Bob?

My basil plant.

His name is Bob.

You named your plant Bob?

I grew him from a seed.

He's been with us for months,

but I think he's not doing well in this heat.

I agree with Bob.

Why is it so hot?

Yeah, where are we today?

Let's ask the Magic Globe.

Where are we, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Thanks, Carmen, it was getting hot in there.

We're in the country of Egypt, in the city of Cairo.

Cairo is a city that normally has very hot weather.

People have been living in Cairo for a very long time.

There are many ancient statues

and pyramids found in the area.

How have people been here so long if it's this hot?

How does anything grow here?

Magic Globe: The Nile river,

one of the world's largest rivers,

runs right through Cairo.

It has been providing water to

Egyptians for thousands of years.

Long ago, the people of Egypt

figured out a way to get the water from the Nile

to their farms to help their crops grow.

The Nile is also used for transportation

and continues to be very important

to the people of Egypt today.

Carmen: Thanks, Magic Globe.

Bob needs help, what can we do?

Maybe with Luna's help,

we can find something to help Bob in Cairo?

Carmen:She must be trying to beat the heat somewhere.


Luna, you look like you could use something refreshing

to drink on this hot Cairo day.

Would you like a glass of my erk sous,

the Egyptian licorice drink?

I would love a glass of erk sous, Nabeel.

Look! There's Luna!

♪ Luna, come and play ♪

♪ Luna's here, whaddaya say ♪

♪ Luna, bright as day ♪

♪ Show us the world, lead the way ♪


Kids: Hi, Luna!

Hi, kids, welcome to Cairo!

I was just having some delicious erk sous

from my friend Nabeel.

Maybe Bob would feel better if he had some erk sous?

I know I'm really thirsty.


My plant Bob, he's sick.

I think the heat has gotten to him.

Oh, I see. (laughs)

I don't think erk sous is for plants, Leo.

Here, try this water while I pay for my drink.

Thanks, I'm really thirsty.

(water splashing)

Still thirsty.

Bye Nabeel, shukraan!

Shukraan means thank you in Egyptian Arabic.

What else can we try to help poor Bob?

Did you try the water? Yes.

All right, I guess we'll have to try something else.

Music always makes me feel good.

Maybe Bob would perk up if he hears some music?

Let's give it a try!

(Egyptian mizmar music)

Luna: Maybe Bob will enjoy the sound of the musical

instrument the Egyptian mizmar?

Leo, is this music helping Bob at all?

I don't know Carmen.

He's not dancing.

I think I might have an idea.

Hold on.

It's in here somewhere.

Oh, wait.

Do you mind? (bell rings)

There it is.

There's one thing that always makes me feel better.

Maybe it will help Bob!

Sight seeing!

Luna: Welcome to the Pyramids of Giza!

(camera shutter clicking)

Sight seeing doesn't seem to be helping Bob either.

Aww, poor Bob.

Hmm, let's see.

I know! I have a friend who might be able to help Bob.

Let's go find him!

Luna shouting: Ali! Ali!

Is this the Nile River, Luna?

It sure is, Carmen.

I'm thinking the Nile River might help Bob.

My friend Ali has a boat.



Where could he be?


Sorry friends, Ali can be a bit hard to find sometimes.

Uh, Luna, is Ali a cat by any chance?

He is! How did you know that?


Hello, Luna.

Ali, these are my friends, Andy, Leo, and Carmen.

Hello, little friends!

Kids: Hello, Ali!

Welcome to Cairo and to the Nile River.

Thanks, Ali.

We were hoping you could help us.

My friend Leo has a plant named Bob

and Bob isn't feeling very well.

Not very well at all.

Oh no!

Poor little Bob.

Well, I'm sure the Nile River will be able

to help your little plant.

Follow me!

(boing) Jump in!


(crashing and splashing)


Are you ready to sail down the Nile River?

Kids: Yeah!

Then into the river we go!

The Nile River is so fun!

I think so, too, Andy!

The Nile River has always been so important to Egypt.

Cairo wouldn't be what it is today

without this very long river.

Some people even say it's the longest river in the world.

Some people like me.

But how can one river be so important

to a whole city, Ali?

Ali: In Egypt, there is almost no rainfall.

So the people of Cairo got all their water from the Nile,

including the water they used to grow plants.

When the Nile flooded each year it also brought rich mud

or soil, which helped the plants grow even more.

The Nile even provides water for crops

and plants to this day.

Plants like Bob!

That's right, Leo.

The Nile is truly amazing.

I feel a song coming on!

(Egyptian music)

(Luna singing) ♪ Nile ♪

♪ Nile ♪

♪ River of our land ♪

♪ Giver of our life ♪

♪ Bringer of water ♪

♪ Most precious water ♪


♪ Shining river in the sand ♪

♪ Bringing water to our hot and thirsty land ♪

♪ Rising once a year ♪

♪ Let your floods appear ♪

♪ Carrying your water ♪

♪ Bring Egypt your water ♪

Come friends, let's take a break here and enjoy the view.

I love the Nile River!

Me too!

Is Bob the plant feeling better, Leo?

I don't think so Carmen.

He looks worse than ever.


I don't think anything will help Bob.

(boing and water splashing)


(Leo gasps) Bob!

The Nile River is helping Bob, everyone!

Ali said that the mud from the Nile

helped the ancient Egyptians grow plants as well.

Quick, gather all the mud and water you can get

and put it into his pot!

Here you go, Bob!

Carmen: Drink up, Bob!

Luna: Special delivery, Bob! (water splashes)

Ali: Get well soon Bob! (water splashes)


Who knew watering a plant could be such hard work?

Hey guys, Bob isn't looking better yet

and I'm not sure why!

We gave him so much water and mud from the Nile River,

he should be feeling great by now.

Oh no, too much mud and water can be bad for plants, Leo.

It's possible that we over-watered Bob.


Do you think we gave Bob too much water and mud?

Bob! Speak to me!

Are you over-watered?

It's okay Leo, maybe we can find you another plant.

Yeah, Leo, we can help you find one.

But I don't want another plant.


I want Bob.


What's happening?

(dramatic music)

I knew you would get better Bob!

Bob looks great, Leo!

I know!

The Nile River helped make him the biggest

and healthiest basil plant ever!

I love the Nile River!

And it loves you, too, Leo.

The Nile River is truly powerful.

(Bob belching)

I think Bob agrees!

Let's head back to the Circo and show everyone

how happy and healthy he is!

That sounds like a great idea

but I think I'll need a bigger boat.

This meal is going to be wonderful.

However, I could use a pinch of fresh basil.

(thundering stomping)

(boing, boing, boing)

Hey, Dad, is that enough Basil for you?

I think so Leo, it's unbe-leafably big!




Ah, I crack myself up.

Thanks for showing us Cairo and the Nile River, Ali.

Of course, Leo.

I was happy to share the wonders

of the Nile with my new friends.

Delicious rock-cooked dinner is almost ready, everyone!

I wonder if Ali and Luna would like

to have dinner with us?

Um, has anyone seen where Ali and Luna went?

They were just here a second ago.

Luna: I'm up here, Leo!

Sorry Leo, I'd love to stay for dinner

but I had to go back up in the sky.

I hope you had fun in Cairo

and enjoyed seeing the wonders of the Nile River.

I feel like there's so much more to learn about it.

There's so much to learn about any place we visit, Leo.

Just remember, there's always tomorrow!

(whistling theme music)

Andy: Hi, it's Andy. Here's a folk tale from Egypt.

The hippo characters are artists just like me.

One morning, two little hippos, a brother and sister,

rescued a baby crocodile from the Nile River.

He was so little, he didn't even know

how to be a crocodile yet.

The kids taught him everything they knew

about being a crocodile,

which wasn't a lot,

but they tried.

Suddenly, a storm came up.

The wind threw them into the river!

(waves crashing)

The kids made it to shore,

but the crocodile vanished beneath the waves.

Years later, brother and sister became artists

who loved making crocodile sculptures.

One stormy day, while delivering a large crocodile

sculpture they were again thrown into the river!

Luckily, they found the sculpture

and held on tight to save their lives!

But unluckily, it wasn't the sculpture,

it was a real crocodile!

But luckiest, it was their old friend

the baby crocodile all grown up!

The kids rode their friend back to shore.

They thanked him, but the crocodile said,

"No, I thank you."

The End.

I love that story, but it's just a story.

Remember, never swim alone, and do not,

I repeat, do not go swimming with crocodiles.

CARMEN: Aren't We a Pair?

Leo: There she is!

Hey Carmen.

Hi, Andy. Hi, Leo.

Can you believe it?

We're in the country of Egypt!

I can't wait to take pictures of the old Egyptian ruins.

And I can't wait to try some traditional Egyptian food!

Come on Carmen, let's go explore this amazing new country.

No thanks, I don't really feel like it.

Andy and Leo: What?!

I already know all about Egypt from the movies.

It's just a bunch of old stuff.

Dusty old pyramids filled with mummies,

stuff like that.

No thanks.

But exploring amazing new countries is what we do.

Besides, you don't even know what part of Egypt we're in.

Don't you at least want to ask Magic Globe where we are?

Please Carmen, I need structure!

(Carmen sighs) Okay.

Where are we Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: Well Carmen, today we are in Cairo,

which is the capital city of Egypt.

Built along the famous Nile River,

many famous ancient Egyptian monuments are

on the edge of Cairo, such as the Great Sphinx

and Great Pyramids of Giza.

Magic Globe, what does ancient mean?

Magic Globe: Ancient means very old.

Some of the ruins were built over five thousand years ago!

Thanks, Magic Globe.

See? I don't think Cairo is for me.

It's just a bunch of old stuff.

Carmen, Cairo sounds amazing!

Ancient is more exciting than old.

Think about what you could be missing.

You might even make a new friend.

What could I possibly have in common

with someone from an old place like Egypt?

Everything in Cairo can't be ancient, Carmen.

Sorry, but I've made up my mind.

You guys have fun in Cairo.

I'm going to stay in my room

and play with my hamster, Honey.

(door slams)

Andy, we're a trio!

We can't go exploring without Carmen.


Ah, back into my room where everything's

just the way I like it with my favorite succulent,

a poster of my favorite guitarist,

and my favorite hamster, Honey.

(dramatic music) (Carmen gasps)

Honey! You're gone, Honey!

She's not in her cage!

Where did she go?

This must be Honey's trail!

And it leads to... outside!

And done!

Sand Carmen looks almost as good as the real thing!

I can hardly tell the difference.

Let's hope she can't either.

You can drop me off right here, Simon, thanks.


Don't forget to rate your camel.

No problem, five stars.

Andy and Leo: Luna!

Hi Andy! Hi Leo!

Hi...uh, Carmen?

(Leo chuckles)

(Andy singing as Carmen) ♪ Luna, come and play ♪

♪ Luna's here, whaddaya say ♪

♪ Luna, bright as day ♪

♪ Show us the world, lead the way ♪



Andy! Leo! Luna!

Andy and Leo: Carmen!

Honey got out of her cage again!

And look, she left little footprints in the sand!

Follow those footprints!

(dramatic music)

We've run out of footprints.

Well that doesn't make any sense.

What did she do, fly away?

Tweet, tweet, tweet,

Honey: Yeehaw!

Hi Carmen! Bye, Carmen!

I'm going to explore Cairo with my new parakeet friend.

Come with us.

Let's go!

Looks like Honey made a friend.

Everybody, follow that parakeet!

Honey, wait for me!


(Carmen and Leyla) Oof!

Sukkar: Chirp, chirp, chirp.

I'm sorry, I was chasing after my pet.

Whoa, you lost a pet too?

Yes, my green parakeet got out of her cage again.

I saw your parakeet.

She was flying around with my hamster, Honey.

But it looks like I've lost them again.

Carmen, I see that you've run into my friend Leyla,


Hi, Luna.

Luna, you know that girl?

I know everyone in the world, Andy.

Leyla lives here in Egypt.

Wait, you're from Egypt?

Does that mean you live in a pyramid?

(Leyla laughs)

No silly, I live right over there in the city of Cairo.

That's Cairo?

But I thought everything in Egypt was old and ancient?

We're known for our ancient history,

but Egypt is more than just pyramids and mummies.

(dishes crashing)

Can't you read?

No pets!

I can't read!


There they are!

They're heading into the city. Follow me!

(horns honking)

(Luna singing) ♪ Cairo city on the Nile ♪

♪ So much variation ♪

♪ Old and new things side by side ♪

♪ Ancient modern nation ♪

♪ Pyramids and towers of glass ♪

♪ Boulevards and streets so small ♪

♪ It's hard to pass ♪

♪ You can smile in Cairo, too ♪

♪ Open up your eyes ♪

♪ Let the city dazzle you ♪

♪ Make a friend you never knew ♪

♪ Someone who's a lot like you ♪

♪ As you walk this ancient ground ♪

♪ Possibilities abound ♪

♪ Take the time to look around ♪

♪ What was lost may soon be found ♪

Leyla: That's the Sphinx.

Andy and Leo: Wow! The Sphinx!

Andy: Whoa, Sphinx.

(camera clicking)

It sure is amazing.

But now's not the time to be distracted.

Honey's still nowhere to be found!

What if she's gone forever?

Whoa, the photo came out great!

But it's got these weird dots on its head.


Carmen and Leyla: That's...

our pets!

Carmen: But they're all the way up on the Sphinx!

How are we going to get them down?

Leyla: Oh, I've got an idea.

I have the perfect plan to get them down

but I'll need to make a short trip back home.

Carmen, you want to come with me?

Luna: That's a great idea!

Andy, Leo, and I will stay here

and make sure the pets don't leave.

Okay! Let's go!

So, what are we getting from your house, anyway?

I'm getting something called an oud.

An oud? What's that?

C'mon, I'll show you.

Oh, and make sure to take off your shoes coming in.

Leyla: Mama, I'm home!

Welcome home, Leyla!

Oh, who's this new friend of yours?

Mama, this is Carmen.

We met each other in the city

when I was looking for my bird.


Carmen's helping me find her.

Nice to meet you, Carmen.

Here we are, my bedroom.

Carmen: Wow, it looks just like my room.

Hey, are those succulents?

I have one too!

And I have a poster of my favorite guitarist also!

Actually, that musician isn't playing a guitar.

She's playing the oud which is this right here.

The oud is a very popular stringed instrument

that's played all around Egypt.

That's amazing!

It looks so much like my guitar!

You know, I never asked.

What's the name of your parakeet anyway?

Her name is Sukkar which means sugar

in our language, Egyptian Arabic.

Oh! Sugar and Honey.

Guess they have a lot in common, too.

Leyla: With this, I can play the song

that I always play to Sukkar.

When she hears it, she comes flying back to me.

(Egyptian oud music)

(Leyla singing) ♪ Sukkar ♪

♪ Sukkar ♪

♪ Sukkar ♪

♪ Parakeet ♪

♪ Fly back to me ♪

(Leyla and Carmen singing) ♪ Sukkar ♪

♪ Sukkar ♪

♪ Sukkar ♪

♪ Parakeet ♪

♪ Fly back to me ♪

Hey, I know this song.

I like it!

Let's follow it!

Sukkar: Squawk.

(Carmen gasps) Honey!


Oh, Honey, I was so worried about you.

Cairo was great!

I made a friend.

Friends! Tweet.

All right. (laughs)

Let's go back to Luna and everyone else.

All: Ah!

Luna: Where did they go? Where are they?

Hey, guys, we got back Honey and Sukkar.

Ah, thank goodness.

Phew! Woo!

Andy: We thought they flew away for good.

How did you get them back?

They flew back to us thanks to Leyla and her oud.

And thanks to Carmen's singing.

Everything worked out in the end.

And it looks like today worked out for them as well.

And they're already such close friends.

That's right!

And so are we.

Well, all good friends should take a photo together.

Right, Andy? Yeah!

Big smiles, cheese!

(camera shutter clicking)

My first new friend in Egypt.

I'm so happy!

That's great, Carmen.

Isn't Egypt such a wonderful place?

It is, Luna!

At first I thought Egypt would be ancient and old

but the city is filled with new and exciting things!

Sometimes when a place is known for its ancient history,

it can be easy to forget that

new things are still happening there.

And I made a new friend and we have so much in common.

That's right.

We have friends all over the world.

We just have to go out and meet them.

I feel like there's so much more to learn about Cairo, Egypt.

There's more to learn about all the places we visit.

Just remember, there's always tomorrow!

(whistling theme music)

(upbeat theme music)