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01x03 - You Froze My Shorts / What a Matryoshka

Posted: 01/19/24 17:52
by bunniefuu
LEO: We live in a big, beautiful world.

I'm Leo.

I'm Andy.

And I'm Carmen.

Our parents work in a circus

that travels all around the world.

And we travel with them.

So we never know where in the world we will end up next.

(Boat whistle blowing)

But wherever we go

we know that Luna the moon will be there with us.

♪ Travelling the world as a trio ♪

♪ Andy and Carmen and Leo ♪

♪ With Luna the moon and some new friends too ♪

♪ Everyone's different and really they're just like you ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

♪ All around the world ♪

♪ Let's go, Luna, let's go ♪

(Luna Theme music)

Leo: You Froze My Shorts.


Everything looks so cold out there.

Hi Leo! (Leo screams)

Hi, Carmen. Hi, Andy.

Why are you in the laundry tent covered in blankets?

I'm waiting for Mr. Hockbar

to finishing washing our warm clothes.

Have you seen it out there?

It looks so cold.

(Muffled voice speaking)

What's that, Magic Globe?

Magic Globe: I said, "It's supposed to be cold, Leo."

Today, we are in the city of Moscow

which can be very cold.

Moscow is a wonderful city in the country of Russia.

Most of the people in Moscow speak Russian.

Moscow is known to have long, cold winters.

Thanks for your help, Magic Globe.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Let's go out and have winter fun!

Mr. Hockbar has to wash our winter clothes, remember?

How's it coming along, Mr. Hockbar?

Yeah, here we go. Well, they should be done around.

That's strange. Let's see there.

Maybe there's, uh, something stuck in there.

Let me test the--


Alright, there it is! I think I fixed it!

(Popping and whirring)


(Screaming continues)

Ah, kids?

I think it will be a bit longer before the clothes are ready.

I am freezing.



ALL: Luna!

Hi, kids!

♪ Luna, come and play ♪

♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

♪ Luna, bright as day ♪

All: ♪ Show us the world, lead the way ♪

Come on out, everyone, it's great!


Hi, Andy. Hi, Carmen.

Hi, Leo.

Why are you all covered in blankets?


Mr. Hockbar accidentally froze our laundry.

We are very c-c-c...

ALL: Cold!

Oh, well, don't worry, friends,

I know just the person who can help us warm up.

(Whistle blowing)

(Horses whinnying)

Hello, friends!

Welcome to Moscow!

(Teeth chattering)

Everyone, meet my good friend Nikoli.

ALL: H-hi, Nikoli.

I think they need a little help braving the cold.

You kids need to keep warm and cozy?

I know just the thing!

Come with me to my troika!

What's a troika?

Why, a troika is a traditional Russian sleigh

pulled by three horses.

Dmitri. Hello.

Anastasiya. Hi!

And Ivan. (Whinnying)

Where are we going, Nikoli?

My friend Igor has the best tailor shop in all of Moscow.

And he's not far away.

There we can get you some warm Russian clothes.

Alright, friends, let's go!

Or as we say in Russia, Davai!


We're here!

I told you it was not far.

Let's go inside and see my friend Igor.

Yes, yes, this jacket is perfect for you, Mrs. Morozov.

Do you like it, children?

ALL: Mmhmm.

(Door opening, wind blowing)


Nikoli! So good to see you, friend.

And you as well, Luna.

Hi, Igor.

My friends here need your help.

They are a bit chilly and would love some warm Russian clothes.

Well, lucky for them,

warm Russian clothes is my middle name.

(Laughing) Just kidding, it's Vyacheslavovich.


Oh, no, these blankets will not do at all.

I have everything you all need, trust me.

How about this one, and that one, and definitely this.

Here, little one.

A warm Russian jacket perfect for the Russian winter season.

How wonderful.


Frog boy, these boys are traditional Russian Valenki.


These Valenki boots make my toes toasty.

Thank you.

Valenki is a soft felt material that warms your feet so nicely.

And now for my favourite.




The Ushanka is a traditional Russian hat with ear flaps.

The Ushanka will keep your head so warm and toasty.

And don't forget your Valenki boots.

Thank you, Igor, you've really helped us so much.

My pleasure, everyone.

Now you are dressed for Moscow winter!

Well, friends, I'd better get back to work.

Bye, bye for now.

ALL: Goodbye, Igor.

Goodbye, Morozovs!

Thank you!

So, how about it? Do you guys feel warm enough now?

Only one way to find out, Luna. Let's go outside!

Nope, still cold.


Well, I feel very warm.

And I love my warm Russian jacket and Valenki boots.

Great to hear, Carmen.

But how are we going to get Andy and Leo warmed up?

Not to worry!

I have another idea to help your friends be warm.

It is fun to eat and to say.


Borscht is a delicious Russian soup, everyone.

It is served hot and made with fresh beets.


Come, children, into my Troika once again.

Did he say borscht?

I love borscht.


Next, we are off to my favourite place in the world, friends.

It is in downtown Moscow, which is not as close.


Let's go!

It is still pretty close however.

Welcome to Borscht Palace, friends!

And look, my favourite table is available!

Can't we eat inside?


ALL: We will all have the borscht, please!

This will definitely warm you up!



Borscht is so yummy, isn't it, Carmen?

It's delicious, Luna.

(Shivering and slurping)!

I finally feel all warm and cozy.

I love borscht too.

But I still feel cold.

You're still cold, Leo?!

How could this be?

We tried Valenki boots, Ushanka hat, even Borscht!

But my little friend is still icy!

Wait a second. Icy.

(Gasping) I've got an idea!


♪ Whirling through the streets of Moscow ♪

♪ On a Russian sleigh ♪

♪ You've been cold all day ♪

♪ Shivering away ♪

♪ Here's a game to make you warmer ♪

♪ When the skies are grey ♪

♪ Let me lead the way ♪

♪ And soon everything'll be OK ♪

♪ Think about the warmest things in Russia ♪

♪ Moscow in July ♪

♪ Freshly toasted rye ♪

♪ Candle's yellow light ♪

♪ Burning through the night ♪

♪ A fire in a fireplace warming the air ♪

♪ A comforting hug from your favourite teddy bear ♪

♪ Thick fur hats and black felt boots ♪

♪ Cozy chats and hot pursuits ♪

♪ Think of the warmest things ♪

♪ Only the warmest things ♪

♪ That's how you beat the cold ♪

Here we are at Red Square.

Thanks to Luna's big idea.

Oh, no! Leo!

Are you OK?

I'm freezing!

Warm Russian clothes didn't help me warm up.

Warm Russian borscht didn't either!

I'm trying to think of warm things but all I feel is frozen.


What's that?


LUNA: That is St. Basil's Cathedral

here in Moscow's famous Red Square.

And it has an ice skating rink!

I thought ice skating might be a good way to warm you up, Leo.

Maybe I should snap some photos.

What do you think, Leo?


So beautiful.

St. Basil's Cathedral.

Hey, Leo, I didn't know you knew how to ice skate.

I don't.

It's just so beautiful.


What am I doing out there?!

I don't know how to ice skate!


ANDY: It looks like you're ice skating.

Yeah, I think I'm getting it!

(Shutter snapping) Whoa!

Pardon me! It's my first time on skates!

Whoa! Whoa!


Oh, sorry, Luna.

That's OK, Leo.

Actually I'm feeling a little safer on the ground right now.

Ice skating is tricky.

Not for Leo.

Look at these sh*ts I took of him skating all over Red Square.


Leo, you really are a natural.

How do you feel now? Still shivering?

Nope! All this moving around on the ice has warmed me up a lot.

Maybe too much.

Now I'm all sweaty.

But I see how Russian winters can be a beautiful thing now.

Maybe it's good that Hockbar froze all your warm clothes.

It gave us a chance to discover Leo's ice skating talent.

I can't wait to add these new clothes to our wardrobe.

Let's see if Mr. Hockbar has finished with the laundry.

Today was so much fun, children!

I hope you enjoyed Moscow!

And now, it is time for me, your new friend Nikoli,

to get in my troika and go home for the night.

Thank you so much for helping us warm up, Nikoli.

My pleasure.

ALL: Bye.


Hello, kids. Your warm clothes are finally ready.

Thank you, Mr. Hockbar.

But fortunately, Luna and our new friends

were able to show us how to warm up the Russian way.

Well, that's, uh, that's great, Leo.

I've got, uh, unfortunately more laundry to do.

But please don't stay outside too long, alright, children?

Where did Luna go?

Sorry, Leo, it was time for me to get back to work.

The night sky isn't going to light itself.


Thank you for showing us

how beautiful the winter can be here in Moscow.

You're welcome, Leo!

It's more beautiful if you can stay warm.

That's right, Luna.

But I still feel like

there's so much more to learn about Moscow, Russia.

There's always more to learn about a new place we visit.

But remember, there is always tomorrow.

(Luna theme song)

Andy: The Fly's Castle

Hi, I'm Andy Hopper.

A long, long time ago,

somewhere in the Russian countryside,

Fly built himself a grand castle on a tree branch.

But after he settled in, he thought it wasn't grand enough.

He tried to fly around inside but kept crashing into walls.

Along came a mouse who heard the crashing and called,

"Who? Who is in this grand castle?"

"It is Fly. And who are you?"

"I'm Twitchy Mouse, and I'm moving in."

Along came a fox who called,

"Who, who is in this grand castle?"

"Fly and Twitchy Mouse.

"And who are you?"

"I am Smelly Fox and I am moving in."

Along came a bear who called,

"Who? Who is in this grand castle?"


"Twitchy Mouse."

"And Smelly Fox."

"And who are you?"

"I am Stompy Legs Bear and I am moving in."







"Excuse me, pardon me, coming through."


"I just realized I don't need a castle, I'm Fly."

"I like to fly."


Andy: The End.

Andy: What a Matryoshka.

(Leo humming)

BOTH: Hey, Leo! (Screaming)

You guys gave me a scare!

I almost dropped the Russian tea I'm bringing to Senor Fabuloso.

Why Russian tea?

Well, maybe it's because we're in Russia.

What do you think, Magic Globe?

You guessed right, Carmen.

Today we are in the wonderful city of Moscow

located in Russia, the largest country in the world.

What are those?

They look like candy!

LEO: Andy, I can't see!


MAGIC GLOBE: Well, they may look like candy

but they're actually buildings

painted in all kinds of different colours.

In Moscow, most people speak Russian.

The way you say 'goodbye' in Russian is 'Da Svidania.'

ALL: Da Svidania!

Moscow sounds amazing!

Let's hurry and give Senor Fabuloso the tea

so we can go exploring!


FABULOSO: A nesting what, you say?

A matryoshka nesting doll.

It's a traditional toy in Russia.

And it's, uh, quite... quite collectible.

ALL: Hi, Mr. Hockbar!

Hi, Senor Fabuloso!

Hello, kids.

What's that, Mr. Hockbar?

Oh, this?

I was just showing Senor Fabuloso

my matryoshka nesting doll.

What you do is you just, uh, you pop it off

and the inside is another doll!

FABULOSO: Let me see that.



The little dolls fit into the little bit bigger doll.

Then into a little bit bigger doll.

And then bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger!

It's fabuloso!

The matryoshka nesting doll will be a brilliant addition

to my shelf of precious travel memories.

I must have it!

(Alarm buzzing)

All this matryoshka talk will have to wait.

I must lead a rehearsal for our next performance!

Goodbye, children!

Ha ha ha!

Aw. We couldn't even give Senor Fabuloso his Russian tea.

Instead of the tea,

why don't we get Senor Fabuloso a matryoshka nesting doll?

But where are we going to get one?

MR. HOCKBAR: I know the perfect place.

I got my matryoshka doll

at Petrovski's Nesting Doll Emporium.

I'll order one over the phone.

(Phone ringing)

Petrovski's Nesting Doll Emporium, Petrovski speaking.

Hello, Madame Petrovski.


Yes, it is Hockbar.

I'd like to order another matryoshka nesting doll, please.

And could I have that delivered today?


Let me put you on hold.

Getting calls from many customers.

(Hold music playing)


I guess it must be busy at their store.

Come, the Circo needs us!

But I'm--

(Grunting) I'm on the phone!

What do I do with this?

PETROVSKI: Sorry for the wait.

Hello? Answer the phone.

Uh, hello?

I forgot to ask, what size would you like it in?


Yes, yes, for the matryoshka nesting dolls.

Small, medium or large.

What size?

Small, medium or large?


The biggest one.

I'll have the biggest,

greatest matryoshka nesting doll you have!

Thank you. Your matryoshka will be there shortly.

Uh. Goodbye?

(Beeping, tires screeching)

(Truck honking)

It''s huge!


Senor Fabuloso's going to love it.

No, he won't, Andy.

It won't fit on his shelf.

It won't even fit in his trailer!

I have to return it!

Let's see. Um, uh.

(Phone ringing)

Da? Hi.

Madame Petrovski?

We made a mistake.

The matryoshka doll we got was too big.

We...we need to return it.


Bad news, little child,

our delivery man is already driving to Siberia

and will be gone for two weeks.

If you want to return it, you must bring it to Petrovski.

See you soon, little child.

Goodbye. Yes, ma'am.


She wants us to bring the doll back.


That big thing?

But how?

Maybe Luna has some ideas to help us.

Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!

Excuse me! Whoa!


Oh, I guess I wasn't going as fast as I thought.

ALL: Luna!

♪ Luna, come and play ♪

♪ Luna's here, what do you say? ♪

♪ Luna, bright as day ♪

♪ Show us the world, lead the way ♪

Hey, guys!

Cool Russian nesting doll.

Hockbar taught us that here in Russia

nesting dolls are called matryoshka.


That's a fun word.

This matryoshka was supposed to be a gift for Senor Fabuloso.

But it won't fit on his souvenir shelf.

Now we have to carry it back to the store so we can return it.

Well, let me give it a try.

How heavy could one doll be?


Good golly, what's in this thing?

It seems a little too heavy.

Let's open her up and see what's inside.



is there supposed to be a kid in my matryoshka?

I thought so.

That's Ivan!

That's right.

My mother is Madame Petrovski

of the Petrovski Nesting Doll Emporium.

I climbed inside your doll to inspect it

and next thing you know I'm being boxed up and shipped out.

You bought this marvellous matryoshka from my mom,

did you not?

I did, it's really nice but it's--

Much too big, yes.

Don't worry.

Lucky for you,

Petrovski's has best return policy in all of Russia.

But wait, there's more!

I also know a great way of getting to my mother's shop

without the delivery truck -

the Metro!

Moscow is known for its most dazzling metro stations

where you can take an underground train

to any place in Moscow.

Let's go!

(Russian singing)

Whoo-hoo! We're here!

Not quite.

But we are very, very close.

My mother's shop is just on the other side

of this very steep, gigantic hill.

There's no way we'll get the nesting doll up there.

Don't worry, Carmen, we can all push it up the hill together.

I know traditional Russian song

that will help us push the doll up the hill.


Everyone, get ready to push!

♪ Yo heave ho ♪

♪ Make the doll go ♪


♪ Kukla doll, very heavy ♪

♪ Pushing real slow ♪

♪ Yo heave ho ♪

♪ Up the hill we go ♪


♪ Making progress ♪

♪ Now we're not so slow ♪

(Gasping) We did it!

We're on top of the hill!

And look, there's my mother's store!

Senor Fabuloso is going to love--



(horn honking)



The nesting doll is ruined!

Senor Fabuloso's gift, it's completely destroyed.

Petrovski return policy is generous,

but maybe not this generous.

PETROVSKI: Ivan, there you are.

Where have you been all day?

Hello, Mama.

It's a long story but I'm home now thanks to my new friends.

Leo, Ivan has told me all about your big problem.

Mother says you can pick out a new matryoshka for your friend.

Really? That'd be great!

Thank you so much.

Come on! I'll show you guys around.

LUNA: Thanks, Mrs. Petrovski.


As you can see, matryoshka dolls come painted in many styles.

Ivan: The Russian woman is most popular.

But other favourites include pets, Christmas sets,

even cosmonauts.

These look amazing.

Madame Petrovski, did you make all these dolls yourself?

Yes, handcarved and handpainted.

Same way matryoshka has been made for over years.

So, Leo, see anything you like?

Your matryoshka dolls are really nice.

But seeing all the love that goes into making one

gives me a better idea.

(Tools whirring)

(Tires screeching)



Thanks for all your help, Ivan and Madame Petrovski.

Hm. It's no problem.

Good luck with everything, children.

I hope your friend enjoys his gift.

Da Svidania, everyone!

ALL: Da Svidania!


Now, let's get that gift to Senor Fabuloso.


ALL: Senor Fabuloso.

Kids, what are you doing here?

We all know how hard you worked for the Circo

so we wanted to show you how much we appreciate it

with a gift!

It's a matryoshka doll that Carmen, Andy and I made.


You made this?

This matryoshka doll is me.

And look, inside is a matryoshka doll of you, Hockbar.


You got my eyes just right!

Oh, this one is of Andy, Carmen and Leo.

That's right!

But keep opening it, there's more.

And inside that is...

It's an itty bitty heart.



(Gasping) it.

Oh, thank you!

It fits perfectly on my shelf, Leo.

What a way to remember the Circo's trip to Moscow!

And our date with Luna!

Where is Luna anyway?

LUNA: Over here!

I had so much fun that today has been a gift for me as well.

Me too, Luna!

But it feels like there's so much more to learn.

There's so much to learn about anyplace we visit, Leo.

But remember, there's always tomorrow.

(Luna theme song)

(Luna theme song)