03x17 - Log 66: The Vandals

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Adam-12". Aired: September 21, 1968 – May 20, 1975.*
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Set in the Los Angeles Police Department's Central Division, Adam-12 follows police officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed as they patrol Los Angeles.
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03x17 - Log 66: The Vandals

Post by bunniefuu »

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


- Nevada license.
- Clear on the right.

Looks like he's gonna turn.


He's probably sightseeing.

That's what I like.
Lots of cooperation.

Afternoon, Officer.

Afternoon, sir.

Something tells me
I blew it back there.

Signals work a little
faster than ours do.

May I see your
driver's license, please?

Yes, sir. Ready and waiting.

Is this your correct
address, Mr. Berry?

Only one I ever had.

I'll admit it isn't
much of a town,

but you know how
those small towns are.

Malloy, g*n!

Freeze, mister! Don't move!

All right, drop the g*n! I want to
see four hands up on that windshield!

You got that?

Drop the g*n, stupid. Drop it.

I dropped the g*n! Don't sh**t!

All right, mister, reach
out through the window

and open the door from the outside.
Keep your hands in plain sight.

Where'd that other guy
come from? I only saw one.

Come on, man, open the door.
You're gonna talk us to death.

I'm getting tired
of waiting, mister.

Okay, I'm doin' it!

You're doing fine.

Now, out and down, both of you.

This side, driver.

Let's go, mister. Keep goin'.

Flat on your face.

All right, now you,
driver. Let's go.

Hands behind your backs.

Hey, what's to get
so excited about?

Suppose you tell me.

I panicked, man, that's all.

Because your
buddy ran a red light?

I can't help it. No kiddin'.

It's the way I am.

He's not lyin'. He's sick.
You know what I mean?

Come on, give us a break, huh?

Run it.

The g*n surprised me, too.
I didn't even know he had it.

I'll bet you didn't.

One-Adam-12. Request a want

on Nevada license

One-Adam-12, Nevada

no local wants. Stand by.

I'll remember that
about the g*n, old buddy.

One-Adam-12, Nevada
license Ida-Ocean-8152...

NCIC shows a
Reno, Nevada, stolen.

One-Adam-12, Roger. We
have two suspects in custody.

Request a unit and tow truck.

Meet us at the 8000
block Herbs Road.

One-Adam-12, roger.

Car's hot. Belongs up
around Reno somewhere.

Ignition key, but no trunk key.

Makes you kinda
wonder, doesn't it?

Your name's Berry, right?

- William Berry, right.
- You?

Moore. Thomas Moore.

Okay, on your feet.

Hey, look, this whole
thing's just downright silly.

Yeah? I'm sorry you think so.

Where's the key to your trunk?

I wish I knew.

You lost it no doubt, huh?

Yeah, I lost it.

Well, let's see if we
can help you find it.

Now, listen carefully, both
of you. You're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the
right to remain silent,

anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

We were just
coming up to see you.

Don't do me any
favors. What do you got?

Booked for a loaded g*n and
a hot car. You got time to talk?

Not right now. Take 'em up
to the hall. Check with Mac.

- I'll be back with you
soon as I can.
- Right.

I'm tellin' you boys, I've
played patsy for the last time!

- And I mean it!
- Yes, ma'am, but as*ault
with a baseball bat...

as*ault, my foot!

The next deadbeat tries
to beat me out of my rent...

- Excuse me...
- Don't butt in, sonny!

I'll massage him with somethin'
more than a baseball bat!

Oh, draggin' in a couple more

innocent citizens, huh?

- Just fighting crime, ma'am.
- Hmmhh!

Take her to my office, will you?

What did you boys
do, slap some crook

who was tryin' to rob ya?


Well, what do you got here?

Mr. Moore and Mr. Berry.

We stopped 'em
for runnin' a red,

and Mr. Moore pulled this on us.

The car was stolen this
morning, someplace up near Reno.

- Anything in it?
- Not even a trading stamp.

The trunk we don't know about. It
seems Mr. Berry misplaced the key.

We left a backup unit with the
car, and a tow truck's on the way.

- Find any I.D. on 'em?
- Berry had a driver's license
and a couple of credit cards.

It looks like the license
may have been altered.

Probably stolen, too.
What about the other one?

Just the g*n, period.
His pockets were clean.

Traveling kinda light, isn't he?

- In some respects, yeah.
- Okay, take 'em on up
to the hall.

Let's hope that they...

Oh, man. That's all I need
tonight... a couple more drunks.

I didn't do nothin'!

Okay, straight ahead.

Now, look, Officer, don't you think
this has gone about far enough?

We borrowed the car,
man. We didn't steal it.

Listen, my stupid buddy here,
he just got rattled, that's all.

I'm warnin' you. Knock it off!

You knock it off!

I'll k*ll you! I'll k*ll
you, you miserable...

Now, listen to me, both of you.

I'm gonna say this
once and once only.

If there's any more of that,
you'll both be wearing restraints.

- Is that clear?
- What's goin' on?

Tell him, not me.

Looks like a dissolution
of partnership.

Take him outside. Put
him in the holding t*nk.

Yes, sir, Let's go, Moore.

Take him as far away
as you can get him.

Have your rights
been explained to you?

Yeah, they've been
explained to me.

All right, you took a car.

Now, you're telling
me that your partner

was willing to sh**t a police
officer on a rap like that?

I don't have to tell you,
man. You saw him, didn't you?

What were you doing up in
Reno before you came down here?

It won't take us very
long to find out, you know.

Nothin', I tell you. Look,
if there's somethin' wrong,

I don't know anything
about it. Okay?

What's that supposed to mean?

Forget it, man. Forget it.

Roll up your sleeves.

So that's it.

There. See?

I wouldn't know one end of
a needle from another, man.

I blow a little pot once in
a while. Who doesn't, huh?

A lot of people. We're talkin'
about you. Ever do any pushing?

- I don't have to
answer that.
- No, sir, you don't.

Call the garage and see if
that car's ready to take a look at.

Now, about the
key to that trunk...

Hey, you.

Come here.


I want to ask you something.

Go ahead.

What's that buddy of mine

doin' in there, anyway?

I wouldn't know.

Yeah, well, I do.

Fixin' to put me
away, that's what.

Listen, your turn's coming up.

To do what? Talk or hang?

Hey, man, if you're clean,
you got nothin' to worry about.

If you're dirty, you're
better off coppin' out.


What now?

Take me in there.

I got somethin' to say.

Wonder how long Berry thought
that key'd stay hidden in his shoe.

Must be a million dumping places

between here and Reno.

Berry thought the
ocean was the best place.

Wonder who that girl was.

Well, the suspects' prints are
on the machine now to Reno.

They're booked,
whoever they are.

I guess that about
wraps it up for you two.

I'd sure like to be the
one to get their statements.

You talked Moore into telling us
about the body. Isn't that enough?

Yeah, but that's all he'd say.

Well, we ought to know the whole
story by the time you get off watch.

Let me ask you
something, partner.

What did you do
to Moore out here

to make him loosen
up the way he did?

Yeah, how about
letting us in on that?

Sorry. Um, professional secret.

You still uptight
about that girl?


- Doesn't it bother you?
- Yeah.

I can't help
wondering about her...

what her story was.

Well, Berry and Moore
probably picked her up

on the road somewhere...

robbed her, then k*lled her.

Yeah, probably
somethin' like that.

Things like that scare
you to death, don't they?

One-Adam-12, see the woman.

A malicious mischief
report. 2221 Wismer Avenue.

One-Adam-12. Roger.

- Get a load of that.
- That's somethin', huh?

Please, daddy, let it go, huh?

I didn't call the police,
darling. Remember?

Good evening. I'm John Herman.

I'm Officer Malloy. This is
my partner, Officer Reed.

Officer Reed.

Did you ever see
anything like it?

Yes, sir. You must have a
daughter that's pretty popular.

- Oh, you know
about this sort of thing.
- We're well acquainted.

- Well.
- Hello, John.

Oh, there you are.

I knew it. I knew it.
You're angry with me.

I should say not. Gentlemen, this is
my neighbor from across the street,

Mrs. Jones, who was kind enough to
call you when she heard the window break.

- Ma'am.
- But I did do the right thing,
didn't I, John?

Of course you
did. Yes, of course.

You know, when it happened, I think
those boys were as frightened as I was.

They really left here
in a hurry. I know that.

- Hello, Mrs. Jones.
- Oh, hello there, Vickie.

I didn't see you. Show
me which window, please.

Oh, the broken window
was an accident. I'm sure of it.

Is your daughter in high
school, Mr. Herman?

Yes, sir, and she's
president of everything

from the sophomore class to
the Save the Earth Committee.

You know, according to
Vickie, all this is a signal honor.

- Yes, sir. It happened
to my sister once.
- Oh?

I take it you weren't
home tonight.

No. Vickie and I went to an
opening at the Music Center.

It was a great show, by the way.

We've just been home
about five minutes.

- They couldn't have
been gone too long.
- And I believe it.

Project like this
takes quite a while.

Yes, and those boys must've had

quite an intelligence
apparatus, too.

You know, the neighbors on either
side of us, neither one of 'em are home.

Anyway, when we did get
here, Caroline... Mrs. Jones...

Telephoned us and
told us what happened.

Uh, Vickie.

This is Officer
Malloy, Officer Reed.

How do you do?

Uh... excuse me just a minute.


If you file a
complaint, I'll run away

and join the French
Foreign Legion.

Look, I'll make a deal with you.

You clean up all this mess,

and I'll forget about the
broken window. Hmm?

Oh, wow! Okay!

I think I've been had. Oh?

Mrs. Jones, did you actually
see the boys break the window?

Uh, well, yes and no.

There must've been a dozen boys

on the... on the porch there
when the window broke.

I was watching, and, uh...

and enjoying it immensely, John.

Um, then I heard the glass...

and suddenly it wasn't
funny any longer.

And that's when I ran to the
phone and called you people.

Now, when I look back...

couldn't have been
more than a minute later...

there wasn't a soul in sight.

You checked inside to see if
there's anything missing, Mr. Herman?

No, nothing. Look, it
had to be an accident.

I know my daughter,
and I know her friends.

They good kids,
all of them, really.

Right, tiger?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Now, how about some coffee
for the troops? Have you got time?

- 'Fraid not, sir.
- Thanks, anyway.

Just tell your boss that you
ran into a nervous female.

- All right?
- Correction.

- A good neighbor.
- It was our pleasure.

All right. Thank you very much.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Good night.

- Is it that time already?
- It has been for 30 minutes.

We thought you'd buy us
a beer on the way home.

You know, I smell so
much booze in here tonight,

I'm hung-over already.

- Hey, how'd it go down?
- What's that?

Berry and Moore.
The girl in the trunk.

Well, the girl was a runaway
from a Reno girls' school.

She pinched the car from a
teacher and headed toward L.A.

to strip, I guess.

Berry and Moore are bust-outs
from a Reno mental hospital.

Observation pending
trial for m*rder.

Their real names are
Kenyon and Marshall.

They were hitchhiking. The girl picked
them up about 20 miles outside L.A.

Which one of 'em k*lled her?

That's one thing the suspects
can't seem to agree on.

What was the motive? Robbery?

That girl had 7 dollars
and 40 cents in her purse.

She fought 'em for it.
Ended up taking a b*llet.

Mmm. I think I'll skip
the beer for tonight.

Yeah, me, too. Good night, man.

Sergeant MacDonald.

Oh, yes, ma'am. How've you been?

Yeah, sure, we've got
him. It's Friday night, isn't it?

Well, what brings you here?

Oh. I was afraid you
might already be on duty.

We are, as of right now.

Is there something
wrong, Ms. Herman?

I don't know.

Well, not yet, anyhow.

Is there someplace
we can sit down

and rap a while?

What's wrong with right here?

Yeah, okay.

Don't tell me that the paper
hangers came back last night.

No, but they're making
noises like they intend to.

What's so bad about that?
I thought it was an honor.

- It won't be next time.
- How come?

Because they think my
father called the cops last night.

I kept telling everybody no,
but they wouldn't believe me.

The guys are uptight.

A couple of 'em said they were
gonna teach my old man a lesson.

You want to quote it for us?

That they're
coming back tonight.

Only this time, when something
gets broken, it won't be accidental.

And these are the nice kids
your father was talking about.

My poor father.

He's so out of it,
it's unbelievable.

I mean, if a guy says,
"Yes, sir," and "No, sir,"

that's all he needs
to know about them.

But the kids are nice.

Well, most of them are, anyway.

Well, I mean,
they're not really bad.

You dig what I'm trying to say?

I guess so. You
think the kids are okay

and that your father's
still on horseback.


These guys who want to
teach your dad a lesson.

You want to tell us about 'em?

Well, one keeps trying
to make out with me!

The more I ignore him,
the madder he gets.

The other one's an acid head.

You want to tell
us who they are?

I can't! Don't you see?

They haven't really
done anything yet.

Look, all I'm asking you to do is
keep an eye on the house. Okay?

Have you talked this
situation over with your mother?

I'd love to.

Only she died ten months ago.

Your father, then.

Why not?

You met my father.

Since my mother died,
he's been in a fog. Right?

He looks at me and sees
what he wants to see...

Snow white, Sleeping Beauty,
Little Orphan Annie rolled into one.

Have you thought about
trying to restore his vision?

No, not lately, I haven't.

Why not?

Because I don't
want it restored.

How old would you
say Ms. Herman was?

About 16 going on 30.



With all the problems that affect
some girls who are 16 and pretty.

And then some.

No mother.

Hold it, mister!

What's... What's...
What's going on here?

Now, listen to me and
do exactly as you're told.

Sit up straight,

put your hands
against the windshield,

and no more sudden
moves. You got that?

Yeah. Yes, sir. I got that.

My wallet's in there
with my driver's license.

Uh, you... you're...
you're... What'd you think

I was gonna do?
Reachin' for a g*n?

Yesterday, under similar circumstances,
a man pulled a g*n on us, sir.

Uh... is it okay?

Yes, sir.



Boy, you... you scared
me out of ten years' growth.

We're sorry. The next time you
get stopped, it might be a good idea

if you didn't make any
sudden moves like you just did.

You know what I'm talking about?

Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know...

I know what
you're talkin' about.

And, uh...

And I don't like it.

Not... Not even one little bit.

May I see your license, please?

Yeah, yeah. You
can see it when I...

When I get darn good and ready.
But... But first I got somethin' to say.

No wonder you cops
are in trouble all the time.

You... You... You
stop a decent citizen,

and you start treatin' him
like a common criminal.

Now, I don't care
what it was I did.

You had no right
to treat me like that.

I'm... I'm a decent citizen,
I'm mindin' my own business,

and you come up,
you pull a g*n on me,

you scare the wits out of me.
You haven't got a right to do that.

Hey! Hey! Get
away from that tree!

Hey! Look! My wife planted
that tree! You'll ruin it.

You animal!

- Don't move him! I'll call an ambulance.
- I'm sorry!

Oh, Daddy!

requesting an ambulance.

- A knifing victim
at 2221 Wismer.
- Oh, Daddy!


Oh, it was Bob Doran!

I saw him! He had a knife!

He stabbed my father!

Oh, it's my fault!

It's my fault!

How far'd you have to chase him?

Three blocks. Got
him going over a fence.

Where'd the backup
unit get the knife from?

At a gas station
restroom over on Colfax.

How come Mr. Herman did it?

Why'd he attack
the kid that way?

Well, it must've
been the last straw

when the boy
pulled up that tree.

His wife planted it.

"For luck," she said.

You gonna ride the ambulance?

Yeah. Either way it goes,
I'd like to get a statement.

I'll pick you up
at the hospital.

All right, take him
down to the station.

All right, folks,
that's all there is.

No more to see tonight.

I'd like to help, if I may.

Sure. Glad to have you.

Why don't you grab
that hose over there.

Watch yourself. Don't get wet.

He's going to die, isn't he?

Just like that tree.

Well, they both look
pretty tough, if you ask me.

You know, you
may be right, at that.

Let's hope so, anyhow.

John's wife planted that tree
on their wedding anniversary.

When was that?

A year ago tonight.
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